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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 111 KB, 900x716, F8wN8Q-W4AAkYxV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60804203 No.60804203 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever the fuck this is Edition

Previous Thread >>60791110

>Upcoming Stream
Guerilla Holo Suika stream 1 hour before FWMC morning
>Previous Stream


>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space 09-14-23
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Packs
>Voice Drama

>/baubau/ sings LTST
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list

>Thread Template

>> No.60804248

Hey what the fuck is this

>> No.60804313

good question

>> No.60804316
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 1697518280588628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this one

>> No.60804452

>Upcoming Stream
>Guerilla Holo Suika stream 1 hour before FWMC morning
Oh shit I didn't know this because I didn't watch the stream, thank you for the reminder

>> No.60804564

What in Peroccinos name is that image OP I mean wtf is that

>> No.60804859
File: 904 KB, 1230x1660, R (1).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Ball fan here

FuwaMoco Fusion dance on the left
FuwaMoco Potara earing Fusion on the right

>> No.60804897

We're people really complaining about their long streams? I dont really use twitter or read yt comments

>> No.60804947

No one complained, just concerned for them because they love to talk about how little sleep they're getting.

>> No.60804970

use your brain

>> No.60805004

Cookies and cream did a number on my iq...

>> No.60805032

>Dragon Ball fan here

>> No.60805039

Where'd soundpost anon go it's been a full day

>> No.60805684

Yes, especially in SCs

>> No.60805745

Stop lying

>> No.60805880

This unironically makes me tear up

>> No.60806080

>This unironically makes me tear up

>> No.60806157

but enough about you

>> No.60806267

i'm a big dumb idiot and get no results

>> No.60806274

Didn't they say they bookmarked selected FWMC morning entries? Looks like they haven't done it for a while. Is it because people were using it to troll?

>> No.60806417

I only joked with the bookmarks for a couple days then stopped

>> No.60806448

I can't remember if anyone complained but I thought about this randomly some days ago and I arrived at the conclusion that it's hard to watch VODs of long streams because you're kinda by yourself compared to if you're watching them live and seeing live interactions as things happen. Additionally if you read up on what happened in the stream and nothing really exceptional happened, then unless you want to watch the events of the game, then it's pretty much an easy skip.

>> No.60806501

But why did they stop bookmarking them?

>> No.60806554

That doesn't even makes sense you retarded npc

>> No.60806556

i don't know, but some people will gamify everything
you've probably noticed already that some guys here seize on any piece of information fuwamoco share on their inner workings to attentionmaxx

>> No.60806742

what do you mean by they bookmarked them?

>> No.60806803



>> No.60806805

>retarded NPC
Nah, that's you.

>> No.60806959

I didn't know imgur could host videos

>> No.60807005


>> No.60807145

I could watch this because it isn't on catbox

>> No.60807256

A couple weeks ago an SC asked how they picked submissions and while they didn't say anything about the process they did hint at "if you notice a bookmark on your tweet". But at some point after that the ones they selected stopped having bookmarks

>> No.60807344

Oh? Didn't know Twitter has that kind of feature. Interesting that you can see if someone else bookmarked your tweet...

>> No.60807385

You can see the number of bookmarks but not who did it

>> No.60807553

They put way too much effort in FWMC Morning and I love them for it

>> No.60807661

I see. Must be pretty obvious if there's only one bookmark.

>> No.60807799

what the actual fuck is thread img

>> No.60807891

low effort coomer art

>> No.60808127

Tomorrow will be the 7th day since watching the Ring
Any last words Ruffians?

>> No.60808230

i wish i had the chance to touch moco-chan's tummy

>> No.60808250

I love Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.60808253

I've got a trap set up in front of my computer monitors to catch myself an asian goth gf.

>> No.60808278


>> No.60808321

>I've got a trap set up in front of my computer

>> No.60808336

dont, she's rotten

>> No.60808365

based fujoshi

>> No.60808554

will they get 10k score in new-suika

>> No.60808635

they will get exactly 3000 and we will all clap

>> No.60808691

what's the order for new suika anyway
I only managed to get senchou and I'm already at 6k, and I'm not even sure whether she's the biggest
10k gonna be easy

>> No.60808808

Noel is the next and last one iirc

>> No.60808820

noel is after, you can see the order by pausing
10k feels easier than 3k in the original game

>> No.60808851

they probably do, they don't like the tweets until after fwmcmorning to avoid spoilers

>> No.60808964
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>> No.60809037

is noel really the biggest
also okayu and aqua being that small kinda feels wrong

>> No.60809168

JAV doko

>> No.60809183

free thousen

>> No.60809310


>> No.60809374

Does that mean it's not til Friday? Wouldn't the next upcoming stream be the Bijou collab, then?

>> No.60809394

That’s actually very cute, thanks

>> No.60809403

it's in 6.5 hours

>> No.60809476

I agree with all that but that doesn't mean I want shorter streams. Anything longer than a FWMCMorning that I miss (that isn't something I was super hyped for) is probably getting a skip from me anyway, so I'm fine with them streaming however long they want.

>> No.60809512

Time to sleep until the stream.

>> No.60810088

fuwawa's long saggy torpedo tits...

>> No.60810129

Yea, those are just my thoughts on why it can be hard for people to watch VODs of longer streams.
What I wrote was not aimed at trying to persuade people that all streams should be short, nor do I want all streams to be short.

After all, there are reasons why longer streams exist and can't really be avoided either.
1. Perms for a particular game need require it be finished within a certain time period or a number of streams
2. Collabs where the group is trying to achieve something in a game or some other activity
3. The streamer begins to really have fun with the game and doesn't want to drop it for today and goes into overtime.
4. Marathon or endurance stream to celebrate or achieve something or other.
5. Others if there's something I wasn't able to think of.

>> No.60810167
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Good night /baubau/

>> No.60810229
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60810741

/baubau/ I've been having a really terrible night, life is ruff. Rn I'm going through the backlog of VODs passively. I'm on Donkey Kong Country rn and their cute stream makes me happy. A great distraction from my shitty life lmao. No regrets on them being my Kami-oshi, my other oshis never give me this amount of happiness before on a consistent basis.

>> No.60810743
File: 217 KB, 500x340, 1665799268386273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you thought the other day would take you down, didn't you? But guess what? It didn't! And that's because you're super duper strong! You're amazing! You're doing it! You can do it! We can all do it together!"

>> No.60810827


>> No.60810891


>> No.60810897

>the movie everyone's already seen is going to win

>> No.60810913

I almost got attacked by a homeless person that i tried to give food to yesterday, so that pup talk was definitely helpful.

>> No.60810933

I'm always choosing the one with the longer run time

>> No.60810949

whaat? i wanna hear the story why'd he do it?

>> No.60810962

Never watched it. Is it any good?

>> No.60810987

Their DKC streams are always a ton of fun. Hopefully things work out for you.

>> No.60810999


>> No.60811033

Not that anon, but most homeless people have mental issues or personality issues that keep them from being able to function in normal society. Also food doesn't pay for drugs/alcohol.

>> No.60811043

Never watched it, looks meh but i said that because i've seen the shining a thousand times

>> No.60811074

I dunno. He was asking for money, i didn't have any at hand, so I offered food I had on me instead and then when i gave him some, he freaked out and started following me. So definitely a meth head.

>> No.60811096

I've never watched The Shining before but I voted Cujo anyway

>> No.60811175

>>60811043 (me)
also a dog horror movie could be very funny no matter how shit it could be

>> No.60811183

I'm sorry ruffians, I'm a massive faggot and I didn't like Cujo because it made me feel bad for the doggy. I voted for the shining.

>> No.60811195
File: 1.88 MB, 1704x3256, 1697551694609153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa's meaty cheek-shaking bassy beanbolstered humid wet reeking natto braps in my mouth, nose and down my throat!

>> No.60811209

fuuuuuck thats creepy. happy ur safe though

>> No.60811217

Voted Cujo because it's a demon dog
and I'm watching the shining tomorrow with Rissa

>> No.60811252

Sorry bros but the popular opinion is right for once. Cujo sucked ass

>> No.60811271

I'm still watching Nerissa's stream right now and I think it'd be fun to see FuwaMoco play whatever this campaign is to unlock the stuff in Smash.

>> No.60811326

please masturbate prior to posting. Thanks.

>> No.60811361

isn't that campaign like, 50 hours to finish
there's like lots of fluff, especially if you're bad at game and need to grind for spirits level or smt

>> No.60811402

>normies voting for The Shining because "I recognise that name more!"
We're going to miss out on dogs watching dog movie kino and I'm pissed

>> No.60811434

Ruffian, one thing that can be said I guess is the homeless are fairly seldom starving here. Offering them your leftovers is rarely going to go great and if they look emaciated 90% of the time meth is involved

>> No.60811473

Unfortunately I have to call you a normie now

>> No.60811495

Not interested in watching either, hope you guys enjoy whichever wins though

>> No.60811497

Dunno how long it is
If it's really lengthy then it'll naturally be a multiple stream thing.

>> No.60811509

>Dog movie kino
Sometimes being a contrarian doesn't help and makes you look like the normie newfag. This is one of those times.

>> No.60811547

Fuwamoco Shining is gonna be so kino

>> No.60811554

Fuwamoco are too pure for The Shining, it'll be awkward. Isn't "nigger" said in the film a few times? Not to mention the blowjob scene

>> No.60811603

>Too pure
Anon, they play eroges.

>> No.60811622

I have offered them food before and most of the time, they have been thankful. This is one of the rare times that they reacted as if I just spat on them. But like we said, it's definitely drug related.

It was on a public street, so I was never worried. But I appreciate the concern. I'm more worried about what I would do to defend myself than what they would do.

>> No.60811642

>Too pure
Anon, they read futa loli doujins

>> No.60811655

I would've liked to get an actual scary horror movie watchalong but oh well. I just hope they keep doing them with some amount of frequency after October is over.

>> No.60811656

>too pure
he doesn't know

>> No.60811665

I haven't watched either of them but I voted for Cujo. Though The shining does have a longer runtime so that's good

>> No.60811670

i just remembered that, im gonna die fucking laughing at their reaction lol

>> No.60811672

The Shining is the only Hollywood Kubrick movie I haven't seen and I feel like I've seen it anyway because every scene has been referenced 100 million times

>> No.60811678

Just get buffed, no homeless idiot is gonna follow you and try to fight f you look big.

>> No.60811730

I am already relatively big. When you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they won't care.

>> No.60811750

no you don't understand
donkey kong supposedly a 5 hour game, but fuwamoco already clocked in at 15 hours-ish and the last boss still ain't in sight

if we apply the same multiplier, we gonna see smash bros for years

>> No.60811797

Is Cujo good? haven't watched it yet

>> No.60811799

Holy KEK changing my vote

>> No.60811818
File: 69 KB, 264x282, lowreswawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the shining a part of some extended cinemaverse with IT and other stephen king adaptations

>> No.60811838

What happened to all the comments on the member post

>> No.60811848

probably, that little geek would do something like that

>> No.60811847

Something fucky with YouTube? All the comments on the membership post disappeared for me

>> No.60811872

Youtube is bugged right now, check again in the morning

>> No.60811878

Just refresh, it's youtube.

>> No.60811895

If you're 4-7 and want to develop a fear of big dogs yeah

>> No.60811910

The Shining stands completely on its own as one of the best horror movies ever made

>> No.60811914

This describes me well, so I will vote for that.

>> No.60811924

I remembered it, it sucks as a "horror" film since I don't fear dogs but it would be funny to see them react

>> No.60811936


>> No.60811955

answer the question, stephen

>> No.60811984

Well from what I've seen here, it's just straight up fights and no platforming stuff. I don't think there'll be times where they get stuck on a fight for half a stream like how they got stuck on the mine cart level.
Plus it's better if they stream it anyway than doing it off stream if they're gonna play Smash against others in the future.

>> No.60812028

They probably wouldn't play it on easy like Nerissa is. Even while she's playing it on Easy, it still takes long to do all the individual fights.

>> No.60812060

the Kubrick movie has little to do with King’s book and is much better than it as a result

>> No.60812076

Smash bros is baby piss easy, go play DKC without save states right now

>> No.60812099

can they coop it?

>> No.60812123

Doesn't the Dark Tower link all his works somehow?

>> No.60812151

>still skirting question

>> No.60812159

awkwardkino is amazing
reminds me of Korone and Lamy's collab watchalong of Tusk

>> No.60812167

Oh, I think I know who drew this.
The redditor that drew Shiori x Flayon NTR art

>> No.60812181

Really the only difference I remember in the book is the house burns down, and the dumb scene with the hedge animals coming to life

>> No.60812189

Mane-chan will warn them

>> No.60812218

KEK that sounds amazing

>> No.60812270

He has not read any book

>> No.60812304

stinky fuwawa

>> No.60812326

what they do this time?

>> No.60812336

That's something I want to see if they do it
Them taking turns doing fights if one of them fails an attempt, since Smash is simple enough that they can both play it.
Because like you said it's a long campaign, not because the fights are particularly hard.
We'll need to see what the difficulty setting actually does.

>> No.60812351

> isn't the shining a part of some extended cinemaverse with IT and other stephen king adaptations
I answered you twice. Stephen King hated and denounced Kubrick’s The Shining.

>> No.60812368
File: 83 KB, 268x230, 1686920726399842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got Ringu!

>> No.60812374


>> No.60812422

Yeah! It was enjoyable!

>> No.60812438

I just remember catching the IRyS/Mumei watchalong of Scary Movie near the end when the "female" coach that's clearly a guy says some shit and they just kinda watched the whole scene play out in silence since that sort of humor will obviously get them shat on if they laugh at it.

>> No.60812468

If we do get more watch-alongs what would you like to watch? Not restricted to but for christmas specifically

>> No.60812475

As a kid, one of the scariest movies I watched was Candy Man, the original version.

>> No.60812515 [DELETED] 

Has Nerissa seen The Shining before?

>> No.60812550
File: 2.85 MB, 1760x1150, 1676438389960524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home Alone

>> No.60812549

oops wrong thread

>> No.60812564

They want to, but worry about doing long series, so they should do book club style. We watch a few episodes together, then are told to watch like 4-7 episodes over the next week, then watch a few together after discussing what we watched solo.
But what I personally want is just more movies. Anime movies, Japanese movies, Western movies, whatever. I like watching movies but don't like to do it alone and have nobody to watch them with.

>> No.60812565


>> No.60812573

I don't like either of the movie choices...

>> No.60812609

Magic Mike
definitely Magic Mike just to see how they'd react to it

>> No.60812634

Yeah, I really wish the choice was between the ones that didn't win last vote instead, and maybe take ju-on out of the options for good measure.

>> No.60812653

Ju-on is the actual scariest one out of the remaining options

>> No.60812660

In general, Eraserhead.
For Christmas, Tokyo Godfathers

>> No.60812665

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

>> No.60812668

Die Hard, it would be kino and you know it.

>> No.60812709

Chibi Maruko-chan: My Favorite Song

>> No.60812710

yeah but the point is to force these retards to vote between lesser known movies that they haven't watched instead of "ooo i recognize that name i vote that ook ook!"

>> No.60812725

I'll never understand this "The Shining isn't scary it just has horror themes" shit I see everywhere now. Movie's fucking terrifying. Who's out there thinking that Annabelle or whatever is horror and the fucking Shining isn't? Do zoomers just get thrown by the older film look or what?

>> No.60812750

I watched The Shining with my family and fell asleep twice mid movie cause it was very boring and not scary at all

>> No.60812754

It's horrifying but not scary

>> No.60812780

You want to skip an actual good movie just to satisfy your desire to see people choose between bad choice 1 and bad choice 2

>> No.60812793

What counts as scary to you then? How is "horrifying" distinct?

>> No.60812817

have you seen the original ju-on? it's just like original ringu, it's not the scary american remake everyone remembers

>> No.60812871

The Shining has full frontal nudity in it but it's a very good movie

>> No.60812884

The original Pink Panther with Claudia Cardinale

>> No.60812888

uh anon you do know that horrifying describes something much more intense than scary right?

>> No.60812890

Horrifying is being made aware of the hopelessness of a situation, making it despairing.
Scary is being thrown jumpscares and gore that may or may not linger with you afterwards

>> No.60812897

Yes I have seen the original and it's fucking scary, especially the you know what parts that I am not going to spoil by even mentioning how many there are.

>> No.60812951

King is still to this day assblasted about Kubrick

>> No.60812965

Fuck off faggot

>> No.60812997

Based. Die Hard is always great.

>> No.60813030

Poojeet coding, please understand

>> No.60813034

when will you let it go? nobody wants to watch one cut or tag.

>> No.60813079

IT would be a great horror movie to watch but I legitimately think they couldn't handle it

>> No.60813085

This will always be funny to me. Kubrick's version is so much better for maintaining the tension and removing the protagonists' heroics at the end and King can't comprehend this. The book feels like Goosebumps in comparison

>> No.60813093

I think the old IT would be fine? old stuff isn't scary.

>> No.60813101


>> No.60813107

They should watch Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Pulse (Cure is a million times better)

>> No.60813151

Ruffians do you think they know that the more well known movie is always gonna get picked? is this the illusion of choice? especially since it's only 2 choices vs the 4 we had before...

>> No.60813154

Hilariously enough, that movie isn't actually for gay people. You wouldn't get it. You watch it and get invested in the characters. It's why despite what you reduce the movie to in your mind and in your dismissive post, it got a sequel that continues the story.

>> No.60813179
File: 227 KB, 1163x917, are you a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60813183

>You WILL be there when Fuwamoco hears "a NIGGER." on stream
What a time

>> No.60813218

You are the gayest lala sissy homo faggot to ever live, faggot

>> No.60813236

>Horrifying is being made aware of the hopelessness of a situation, making it despairing.
Does jigsaw 1 count as horrifying ?

>> No.60813248

>fully naked woman
RIP seisoness

>> No.60813250

>old stuff isn't scary
Zoomers, man.

>> No.60813264

It should have been during a Tarantino film watchalong, then there'd have been so many more firsts too.

>> No.60813271

I can't take seriously that old fart so not really, for me at least. But I suppose it can be

>> No.60813283

I am not gay. I downloaded that movie as a joke at the time expecting a memefest like Boku no Pico and got surprised that the story of this movie was surprisingly good.

>> No.60813289

Nta but new stuff isn't scary either. I've watched a ton of horror movies and only a few have legitimately scared me.

>> No.60813294

I believe this rrat

>> No.60813406

Next week for the watchalong? If it's the shining I will finally member, since jewtube won't give me a free one for some fucking reason

>> No.60813457

it's tomorrow so you should probably member now

>> No.60813461

Thanks, I think I prefer horrifying movies over jumpscares.

>> No.60813464

counterpoint your gay

>> No.60813473

rrat: they were in vc with advent then when the the topic about movies came up, advent recommended they try cujo or the shining because dogs and twins.

>> No.60813521

pretty sturdy rrat

>> No.60813580

Probably will be next week.

>> No.60813581

You can troll me all you want, but it will never change the fact that it's an actual good movie and it's so good it ended up getting a sequel where the main character reprised his role despite the subject matter.

>> No.60813593

>I can't take seriously that old fart
strokechama? why is your english out of order?

>> No.60813630

nta but you mentioned downloading boku no pico & magic mike
go to twitter and start your hrt anon it's your destiny

>> No.60813636

I can't see how it is wrong, probably because ESL. Enlighten me please

>> No.60813660

You're speaking like Yoda

>> No.60813682


>> No.60813686

nta but you can write it as
>I can't take that old fart seriously
>I can't take him seriously, that old fart

>> No.60813687

it should be
>I can't take that old fart seriously
seriously was in the wrong place, i'm not a english teacher so i can't tell you why it's wrong i just know it is.

>> No.60813698

Watching boku no pico confirmed 100% that I'm heterosexual because I didn't get hard watching any of the scenes.

>> No.60813727

Guess I'll go do my reps

>> No.60813768
File: 36 KB, 149x162, 1697383025363882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that's so heterosexual of you
but no, it's not that convincing
you should make out with another man and have anal sex with him
if you come out of that not wanting to do it again then you're definitely straight

>> No.60813776
File: 3.14 MB, 463x453, 1629959770719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rrat is pretty ogey

>> No.60813785

They'd hate it

>> No.60813817

>other EN girls are corrupting them
Every time...

>> No.60813819

You never really go verb-adverb-subject in English, you'll either sound wrong or archaic. In this case you want to "take X seriously", that is, verb-subject-adverb

>> No.60813838

anon, no straight male is ever willingly gonna watch either of those
sorry you had to find out on 4chan of all places

>> No.60813847

If they judge it by its cover and don't give it a fair watch.

>> No.60813870

Go be gay somewhere else

>> No.60813893

>no cute girls
>a bunch of homosexual looking men
It's obvious

>> No.60813921
File: 41 KB, 369x369, 1696230511979280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an even better language
one where you dont have to worry about word arrangements at all

>> No.60813937


>> No.60813962

They expected us to pick the less known movie but we failed them

>> No.60813982


>> No.60813987

Speaking of, I think what makes learning Japanese so hard as an EOP has a lot to do with where the subject is placed in a sentence

>> No.60813999
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, FuwaGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna skin you alive and splash lemon juice on your exposed flesh

>> No.60814011

They are too busy implementing anti ublock measures

>> No.60814032

They aren't that dumb

>> No.60814068 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 614x309, fuwawatermelon and mococonut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¡Ay, caramba!

>> No.60814104

I'm pretty sure they dont know either movie at all. I bet their knowledge only goes as far as the synopsis

>> No.60814108

They are watching a western movie!?!? Weebbros...they are supposed to be ultraweebs...

>> No.60814123

Spanish and learning japanese is the thing that is making my english break though

>> No.60814130

It has a cute girl and a sexy girl. The cute girl is actually very important to the story and why Mike goes through the events that happen in the story. It's like a VN story, in a way.
Anyway, I think I've talked about the movie enough. Watch it or not, won't really make a difference to me. But I'm glad I watched it cuz I got to experience a good movie that not many people have.

>> No.60814141
File: 98 KB, 1280x905, tuskkorolamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60814140

HoloEN is deweebifying them

>> No.60814146


>> No.60814170

Every time the ruffians fail to understand their references and fail to meet expectations I can feel the crushing weight of their disappointment in my soul...

>> No.60814181

Wolf of wall street

>> No.60814183

>will always be circumvented
>break a bunch of stuff in the process
Enhancer for youtube no longer works now...

>> No.60814207

"Empire of the sun" cause the protagonist in the film is just as naive and cringe as them.

>> No.60814208

HoloEN is corrupting them

>> No.60814240
File: 337 KB, 581x720, 1522675826246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to ask, wtf?

>> No.60814255

thanks for the input homoanon

>> No.60814279

you asshats are gonna complain no matter what movie they watch

>> No.60814286

I'm living in a cave, so I don't know those two movies either, sorry

>> No.60814284

They are reluctantly doing this shit for views and money

>> No.60814306

Welcome to 4chan, newfag

>> No.60814378

Thats very not poggers of you, downvoted

>> No.60814392

Futa loli on male doujins

>> No.60814417

*complain and somehow manage to blame advent/the rest of EN

>> No.60814422

As long as they stick to movies made before 2000 we should be alright

>> No.60814454

>somehow manage to blame advent/the rest of EN
It's really not hard considering they talk in discord a bunch

>> No.60814483
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>> No.60814641

>I'm gonna skin you alive
Sounds spanish to me

>> No.60814664

I am eagerly awaiting the day they do a western

>> No.60814712

No they don't

>> No.60814818


>> No.60814840

>he lacks information of the utmost importance

>> No.60814874


>> No.60814880

nice pl bait

>> No.60815118

I actually watched Ju-on today. What the fuck was that ending? It acted like the peeking through your hands thing was a big revelation

>> No.60815163

Oh shit I forgot about the naked granny, kek

>> No.60815212

I can see FUWAMOCOC googling "The Shining" and seeing an image of the twins, and that being the basis of their pick

>> No.60815350

Bros what if they say the line?!
Come play with us, ruffians. Forever and ever

>> No.60815488
File: 338 KB, 800x800, moco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching vtubers is more expensive than spending on gacha

>> No.60815543

I have spent $0 on both, it's a matter of self-control.

>> No.60815569

>Going to watch The Shining tomorrow with Nerissa
>Now I'm going to watch it again later with Fuwamoco

>> No.60815574

self-control is for pussies

>> No.60815608

based AdventrixCHAD

>> No.60815618

Purityschizo please fucking leave because eventually you're going to realize shit about Fuwamoco that makes you anti them because you're too retarded.

>> No.60815658

Why do we even have a purity schizo here, fuwamoco are basically ojisans

>> No.60815717 [DELETED] 

Probably some SEA ESL who grew up super religious and is an unironic unicorn instead of a CGDCTfag. He was also saying they don't masturbate and other ridiculous shit. Either that or just a troll or AI.

>> No.60815748

They don't masturbate. They have each other.

>> No.60815758

they don't
they canonically satisfy each other's lust

>> No.60815767

I'd just like to say I think it is based of Mama puppy that she insists they read the LOTR books first before they watch the movies. I hope they do so we can do a LOTR watchalong someday.

>> No.60815798

That's why I haven't watched Hairy Potter or LOTR, I told myself I can't watch either those movies until I read the books first.

>> No.60815838

Can't be indogs at least because the last time our local celebs got her porn leaked, it actually boost her movies sale

>> No.60815927

Fuwamoco didn't know who Jun Togawa is. They are just as capable of ignorance

>> No.60815996

What's this talk about a gorilla stream. Where?

>> No.60815998

Counterpoint, they know nothing about western pop culture and are just happy to experience new things with the Ruffians. Both of those movies are classics but The Shining will definitely give them a leg up on relateability reps with everyone who isn't a giant weeb. And they since they might not have any interest in a western movie to begin with or even an aversion to it if they've gone full Wapanese, they will definitely have an interest in watching it with their beloved Ruffians.

>> No.60816089
File: 381 KB, 631x686, 5803ed5eafa3e527c9add39d77b34a50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the anime effectively captured the panel.
I wonder if Fuwamoco enjoy yuri.

>> No.60816090

Frame isn't up yet. Which is strange but I'm sure their working on it. 7am PST, so like 4 hours

>> No.60816182

Ah, since I didn't see the frame the frame thought it might be on a different channel. Thanks.

>> No.60816413

become paypig for Goddesses Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.60816470

If you SC, you'll never know if they're reading you because they actually enjoy your comments or if they just want to keep another stream of revenue open.

>> No.60816514

Then why wonder?

>> No.60816560

Their RMs do. Not the characters Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.60816568

>brings something unrelated to FWMC up and expects no one to question it
Eat shit futanigger

>> No.60816668

They've played yuri vns before, so...

>> No.60816792

I want to download their karaoke streams to listen to while on walks but when trying to use one of those video to mp3 sites the thing comes out at like 600mb, is that normal or am I just being fucked over by shit formatting from the sites?

>> No.60816909

>the shining is winning by a landslide
Uhhhh do they know that movie says nigger? Twice?

>> No.60816995

Which ones?

>> No.60817010

nothing to worry about, Fuwawa will be in charge of the censor again

>> No.60817140

three times

>> No.60817259

it's not like they played the audio on stream anyway

>> No.60817300

shit choice there are much more fun horror movies to watch with cute wife

>> No.60817535
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 1696860587965143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I voted for the Shining. What are you gonna do about it, ojisan?

>> No.60817707

I'm like Fuwamoco and have seen neither, if Shining is good then I'll vote that.

>> No.60817733

>everyone in comments saying they’re voting cujo
>the shining polling 74%

>> No.60817811

Still no frame…

>> No.60817901

anti out

>> No.60818018
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>> No.60818033

>3.2k votes
>previously 24% cujo, now 27%
>approx 300 comment
Yeah, I say all of them do vote for cujo

>> No.60818046

t. nigger

>> No.60818075

>all the comments are faggots

>> No.60818083
File: 64 KB, 365x410, 1558904754922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cujo is actually a dogshit movie no pun intended while The Shining in among Kubrick's best

>> No.60818100

which one we voting

>> No.60818104

Are you retarded?

>> No.60818219

>had a FWMC dream
>chat was making them so uncomfortable they apologized and ended the stream
I don't think I need a FWMC dream anymore

>> No.60818659

Citizen Kane is a better movie than Gremlins 2, but I know which one I'd rather watch for fun with thousands of people and 2 anime dog girls

>> No.60818738

it's your subconscious trying to tell you that you are cringe and to not comment lest they find out and abandon you.
t. armchair psychology schizo

>> No.60818826

Of course people are going to pick the shininig, there's a lot of meme material with the twins in the movie and I bet fuwamoco picked this movie for this reason as well

>> No.60818860

I will be the most cringe white knighter

>> No.60818911

>Citizen Kane is a better movie than Gremlins 2

>> No.60818939

Not to mention it's just a much better movie

>> No.60818983

natto braps

>> No.60819011
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It works for me considering I've already watched Cujo but not the Shining

>> No.60819061
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1500, 1674161267110382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched the Shining and thought it was weirdly boring yet somehow enjoyable schizo cinema.
Haven't seen Cujo yet so considering giving it a vote but what I've heard is that it's actually trash and just about some chick safely stuck in her car having a woman moment mental breakdown because some dog is barking at her from outside the whole movie
Is it different from what I've been led to believe? Or even exactly as I said but somehow actually done really well?

>> No.60819095

Yes, on top of new writing system and very different pronunciation, the grammar is basically the opposite.

>> No.60819244

Why didn't they choose one of three movies from first poll?

>> No.60819315

I don't them they were bad and they wouldn't like them

>> No.60819431

The Shining is a good film for people who aren't film students as well
it's just a good suspense movie
though it's not really a horror movie

>> No.60819444

Dog has rabies. Woman and her child (or little brother i don't fucking remember) are stuck in hot car as the dogs blocks them from leaving. Only scene I really remember is she collects her spit in a cup for the kid to drink.

>> No.60819511

Rrat: FWMC actually thinks we're terrified of kanji and won't show any more Japanese movies

>> No.60819540

Teamup is saying the Holo Melon game is in about 2 hours, yet there is no stream up
Is the time right?

>> No.60819575

They got confused and said 36 hours a couple of times during the SC segment of RE4. No idea when it'll actually happen.

>> No.60819582


>> No.60819612

Gorilla is tomorrow

>> No.60819645

>start 1 hour before FWMC Morning
>they get addicted and do their morning skits while still playing the game
unrivaled cinema

>> No.60819701

Fucking kek I now want them to watch it

>> No.60819843
File: 178 KB, 420x420, 1669455462842816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite waking up in the middle of the night multiple times I did not get a notification for the member post until just now

>> No.60819893

Ok Gray

>> No.60819922

>blowjob scene
Ahhh, the oldest trick in the book
Convince a girl to watch a movie assuming it's just innocent fun, but secretly you know it's filled with sexual things so she's forced into an awkward situation in the hope she'll let something slip, like maybe her slippery pussy (you have sex)

>> No.60819932
File: 3.70 MB, 2048x945, C.C._(Mystical_Summer_Outfit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it on Gacha Mococo would want that

>> No.60820015

we will never have fuwawa asking mococo asking if she would drink her spit cup...

>> No.60820121

As someone who's starting out on my reps I'm terrified of kanji

>> No.60820171
File: 240 KB, 2048x1146, Lelouche's children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code Geass watchalong when

>> No.60820183

Guys, I think their actual goal behind the Holo Suika guerilla stream is that we see how shit and unsatisfying it is that we actually start asking for them to just go back and play the damn normal Suika game again even if we didn't like that before.

>> No.60820258

>even if we didn't like that before
speak for yourself, gaylord

>> No.60820261

they're hololive's biggest fans and just want to play more watermelon game

>> No.60820356

yea but it's not watermelon game at all

>> No.60820450

Nah, blame the publisher for (temporarily) banning streaming their game

>> No.60820577


>> No.60820579

they're up

>> No.60820606

is there any holo that played the game after this?

>> No.60820609

>they just woke up
>I just woke up
Yep they were sleeping with me

>> No.60820692

Reine is playing it right now and I think Moona was playing it earlier

>> No.60820811

They never banned streaming the game. They banned clipping of the game. They they got shit on and just restricted it:
>If you create or post a re-edited version of a video that you have distributed yourself, secondary use is permitted. Additionally, we will allow third parties to do so with the permission of the person posting the video, but please comply with the following before posting the video.
>Please clearly state the URL of the video that was cut or edited and the title of the original video.
>If the original video is no longer available, please delete the post.
>If we deem it inappropriate, we may request deletion

>> No.60820825

Frame's up

>> No.60820869


>> No.60820951


>> No.60821027

If you use wayback machine, you can see that they banned everything before
jk i cant into moonrune

>> No.60821201
File: 60 KB, 624x624, 1666116170001315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls und Panzer: Der Film

>> No.60821357

How long is this stream going to be? I need sleep before the collab.

>> No.60821403
File: 242 KB, 852x810, 1694445794109556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 hours
