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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60746361 No.60746361 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.60746451

Already a thread about this >>60738171
Also, holy kek

>> No.60746738

Funny how you are allowed to say she is anti-niji for this but kson fans will sperg out if you call kson anti-holo for all the things she said.

>> No.60746999
File: 542 KB, 587x899, powerstance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost like kson still say a lot of positive things about her time in holo. And it's more fun to shit on niji as they have a new drama every 25min

>> No.60747267

Kson was the one who betrayed the fandom after promising she would stay indie forever. Also, she blatantly lied about Vshojo not being a corpo. Kson lost all the credibility she had at that point.

>> No.60747461

>kson still say a lot of positive things about her time in holo
Such as? Recalling fun yimes with another hololive memver who she would love to bring to vshojo is not pro-hololive.

>> No.60747554

More easy jabs for views. Nijis can only be relevant through drama and controversy.

>> No.60747672

Not that anon, but didn't Kson say (after she returned to being just Kson) that she spent a lot of her own money and time to sue people to defend Cover and Hololive? Doesn't sound like she has anything against them

>> No.60747804

She didn't say that. She was suing people defaming her.

>> No.60748078

can't find clips for you, but I do remember her talking about it from time to time during the earlier days.

>> No.60749064

chimp delusions presented as facts with 0 proof as usual

>> No.60749187

west Taiwan will never stop being faggots...

>> No.60749456

I never asked for clips. If she just talked about other holos that's not her veing pro-holilive.

>> No.60749480

Ah nice another bait thread

>> No.60749657
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>> No.60749735

>I'm not used to that
lmao holy shit

and it's even funnier because VShojo takes a much smaller cut than Nijisanji, in fact the talents are thought of as "contracted indies" they have so much freedom. But even in THAT situation the managers are STILL more helpful and more proactive than Nijisanji

>> No.60749772

>badly translated holofag clip

>> No.60749775

It really says more about Niji that any news of an ex-Niji experiencing basic management implies they're getting shit on

>> No.60749821

Seethe harder, nijidrone.

>> No.60749850
File: 915 KB, 798x1083, sasson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be badly translated, but it get's the point across

>> No.60749912

But I don't give a shit about niji?

She is talking about the holos who again she would rather just bring on over to vshojo.

>> No.60750038
File: 39 KB, 582x587, 1685538591533808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti holo
>anti kson
>no guys im totally not a nijizhang bros trust me

>> No.60750146

Whatever happened to those chinese hololive moments channel spurgs. Isnt youtube now banned in china? How are they even watching non chink vtubers now?

>> No.60750521
File: 45 KB, 168x158, robopump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with her saying: "A place and people that I hold very dear!" She accualy means: "One or 2 persons that's in a place I want them to leave, as I don't want them to be there"
I have heard of gymnastics, but damn this got the be a new world record or something.

>> No.60751727 [DELETED] 

Nijinigging brainrot.

I'll gouge your eyes with a fork, Nijinigger.

>> No.60754289

>badly translated holofag clip
as if you understand any japanese you delusional nigger

>> No.60754679
File: 3.14 MB, 364x286, 1668442140676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One post, ah-hah-hah...
Two posts, ah-hah-hah!
Two posts until a mindbroken anon brought up hololive out of nowhere! Two!

>> No.60755890

"Just because I say I love pancakes doesn't mean I hate waffles"

>> No.60755996

kson is forever able to ride off of "she was attacked by the chinese" she will be able to use this for any issue and people will defend anything she does

>> No.60756114

she has never brought this up and she has never said anything bad about hololive
you're just a numberredditor chimp who hates her for being in the wrong company

>> No.60756252

She doesn't have to when you will do it for her.
If hololive is so good why did she leave it?

>> No.60756516

you and the person you replied to claimed that she has said anti holo things and used the chinese harassment as a cover for that
what people on this board might say is not relevant

>> No.60756554

So you hate hololive but will claim she hasn't said anything bad about it.

>> No.60756578

NTA and why do you move the goal anon? Where is the evidence?
If it is so bad, why do you lie so much?

>> No.60756634

We need more

>> No.60756638

Evidence of what? I haven't claimed anything so there's no goal here. I just find your retarded responses amusing. You will accusing anyone saying anything about kson of being chinese.

>> No.60756689

She left because she doesnt want the chinks hatred aimed at her to be aimed also on her colleagues. Haachama once blamed herself for what happened to Coco which Coco assured her it wasnt and took responsibility for a thing that was never even a mistake just because a certain group of smol dick race have sensitive feelings.
But don't worry fellow nijisis, we know that all of the nijihate threads made every nijisisters so desperate to deflect the attention of haters to others. Riku will pay us with an increase 3% for our counter propaganda effort! We don't want our livers to eat DEEZ NUTS and Nissin noodles for breakfast daily.
For the Golden Yacht!!

>> No.60756702

i don't hate hololive, i just have 0 faith or trust in their management ever since they suspended her
she has still never said anything bad about them, my distrust comes from my own observations
>kson is forever able to ride off of "she was attacked by the chinese" she will be able to use this for any issue
when has she done this?

>> No.60756759

So you do hate hololive.
>when has she done this?
You quoted a post that's not mine so I don't need to answer shit.

>> No.60756844

>She has spoken ill of Holo
2 years waiting for a time stamp

>> No.60756882

Why are you making up quotes now?

>> No.60756911

i think the people who make the decisions at cover are not trustworthy or competent at all even though i like many of the members and watch them sometimes
this apparently counts as hating hololive

>> No.60756934

Niji livers don't realize how bad they have it

>> No.60756983

You do hate the company But don't have the balls to say it. You also hate people that like hololive and constantly shit on them.
If you had a button to erase all of hololive's fans which would bankrupt the company and put the hololive members out of a job, you would press it.

>> No.60757022

damn i didn't know that

>> No.60757206

You know exactly you've posted in the past. Your spergouts are the most easy thing to spot on this board. You will defend anything vshojo does and shit on hololive.

>> No.60757255

nta this nijizhang is having a mental breakdown lmao

>> No.60757284

i'm sure you've gotten into a lot of arguments with that dastardly guy Anonymous

>> No.60757310

I give her 2 months max until she throws ethyria under the bus again and say some passive aggressive shit about enna reimu and millie.
>they talk everyday
>They're friends offline
heh you're going to learn the hard way

>> No.60757423

This is getting embarrassing, nijisister.

>> No.60757570

Why even pretend like you're not easy to spot?
But yeah you definitely don't hate hololive.
Why are you kshits such massive pussies? At least "holoredditors" can admit that they hate vshojo and would remove it from existence if they could. You on the other hand will eternally pretend that you don't hate hololive and actually totally still watch some of them (you don't).

>> No.60757751

/#/ =/= holo

>> No.60757760

And after she left they started targeting Fubuki until chinks got bored.

>> No.60757765

you caught me, bigolaf

>> No.60757846

4/5 of those posts are exclusively shitting on hololive fans whiel calling them "numberredditors"

Oh, is that who you argue with on twitter? Just admit that you hate hololive and put on a tripcode so I don't need to deal with you pretending to be 5 different people.

>> No.60757898

Nah, kson is just a dumbass who thought she can be something big while being an indie.

>> No.60757932

sorry i used a mean word after you called her a whore and a traitor
i won't use the R word anymore if it hurts your fee-fees so much

>> No.60757946

Why do all these conversations/threads start with someone shitting on coco/kson?
Whose Antis are we talking about?

>> No.60757972

All you can do is deflect lmao.
Will you kshitters ever grow any balls? Just say you hate hololive.
I hate vshojo.
See? It's THAT easy. Just do it.

>> No.60757998

why cant you be big and be an indie?

>> No.60758014

Of the ethyra members she'd be probably passive aggressive to, it's more likely to be Enna since she's a clique baiting little shit. Reimu and Millie, while costic aren't outright bitches like Enna.

>> No.60758054

i do not hate hololive because i am not a third world schizoid like you
literally all of those posts were about people like you who use /#/ and bvtm and shit on kson for imaginary reasons

>> No.60758065

Why is the same """person""" always taking part in all of those discussions and why is he always blaming hololive fans for them if he doesn't hate hololive? He's literally calling someone a holoredditor in the vwhore thread.

>> No.60758154

>literally all of those posts were about people like you who use /#/ and bvtm and shit on kson for imaginary reasons
No they weren't. You literally started seething about "holoredditors" in the vwhorejo thread out of fucking nowhere because you ARE a schizophrenic hololive anti.
>Nah i fully expect vshojo to commit to the "retirement house" bit
Then you posted
>it's funny how holoredditors pretend that kson is "retired" despite her doing way more things now
>just because she doesn't look at their stupid fucking memes anymore
This is schizoprenia. You're literally imagining that someone is shitting on kson and that they're a "holoredditor".

>> No.60758192

i'm "imagining" something i've experienced 1000 times?

>> No.60758226

Yes you're imagining it because you started seething about hololive out of nowhere. Just admit that you hate hololive and hololive fans. You don't even watch any streams. You're a vshojoredditorchimp.

>> No.60758236

Holy retard.

>> No.60758271

>go into thread about nina talking about how she has helpful managers now
>somehow this means bringing up hololive
niggas might just be retarded

>> No.60758314

How is she calling out niji management? She didn't say anything bad about them.

>> No.60758363

i'm sorry no holo fan has ever said anything bad about kson it was all in my schizo head
sorry holochad you were right all along please let me fellate you
your knowledge of numbers is very impressive and i bow before your mighty intellect

>> No.60758371

The retard shows up everywhere to start fights. Honestly I've only seen a few other faggots that were more transparent.

>> No.60758403

Why were youy schizoing out about "holoredditors" out of nowhere in a thread that has nothing to do with them?
Because you're a schizo who's obsessed with hating hololive.

>> No.60758423

NTA, but are you perhaps off your meds?

>> No.60758439

But he totally doesn't hate hololive. Not one bit.

>> No.60758459

why are you sperging out about "kekson" every day in /#/ when your tracking sites don't even include her?

>> No.60758505

I don't even post there, schizo. This is yet another piece of proof how fucking mentally ill you are.

>> No.60758512

>clickbait clip thumbnail thread

>> No.60758537

lol sure
just like how >>60746738 totally wasn't you but some unrelated guy

>> No.60758595

You're seriously mentally ill and need help. It's very fitting that you're now "allied" with schizos like mikeneko fans.

>> No.60758604

Once again this yabai must be Hololive fault.

>> No.60758727

hello nijishill

>> No.60758753

you're the one upset that you got the mildest insult possible as reply to your constant sperging about someone who left your favorite anime girls company 2 years ago

>> No.60758790

>Aaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee you have to let me shit on your oshi and if you say anything against ME, you and your whole fanbase is an Anti holo hating all talents and company.
>Waaa waaaa * pees on himself*.

>> No.60758809

But you're the one that's mad that someone called kson a holoanti which shouldn't be a problem to you since you're also a holoanti.

>> No.60758812

The implication is she did not receive this type of help in nijisanji.

>> No.60758879

we've gone over this quite a few times already but i understand you have some type of learning disability
talking shit about YOU and YOUR FRIENDS does not make someone a holo anti
you are not hololive

>> No.60758917

You constantly specifically shit on hololive and hololive fans, so yes, you are a holo anti.

>> No.60758954

sorry i called you a redditor dude, i didn't know it was such a sore point

>> No.60758977

The fact she was astonished to *tears* over a manager willing to help her on her projects and actually getting other managers to help with logistics is the take away.

>> No.60758988

Here's another episode of you seething at someone for using a hololive image and completely failing at "exposing" them
Why do you hate hololive and Marine so much?

>> No.60759086

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Even the vshojo thread questions your sanity and doesn't like you.

>> No.60759108

i hate windy because he's a faggot who constantly whines about kson on here and twitter
you still don't seem to grasp the concept that hating a section of the fans does not mean i hate hololive

>> No.60759175

You do hate hololive through. You randomly seethe about hololive fans for literally no reason in the vshojo thread as I showed earlier. You are a schizo holo anti and don't watch hololive despite claiming that you do.

>> No.60759269

So true lmao

>> No.60759291

Who's shitting on kson?

>> No.60759353

...like i said i was talking about people like you (and windy who is possibly you or your friend)
you make and participate in these threads every single day, which is the only reason you recognize me
i guess i gotta be more specific with my insults so they can't be interpreted to encompass every single holofan or else i'm an anti

>> No.60759446

You were talking about "holoredditors" and you did it for literally no reason out of nowhere in a thread where you have no reason to post that. You're just mentally ill and obsessed with these "holoredditors".
Which hololive members do you still watch? The answer is none because you hate all of them.

>> No.60759508

It describes you perfectly lol

>> No.60759533

>you have to let me shit on your oshi
When have I done this? Where's the shitting on kson?

>> No.60759558

i was replying to a post about the "vshojo is a retirement home" meme
kson is a vshojo member supposedly "retired" from hololive and gets insulted for that repeatedly by you and your pals
how is that not relevant?

>> No.60759861

Is she not "retired" form hololive now?

>> No.60759933

retirement means you quit working, not that you changed jobs

>> No.60759966

You two are such huge faggots it's crazy.
Try taking the baddragon dildos out of your asses.

>> No.60760005

Coco retired, kson didn't.
So who in hololive do you still watch? Kanata doesn't count.

>> No.60760102

Expect no less (or more) from the Tatsunocucks.

>> No.60760258

That's still not her saying anything about Nijisanji.

>> No.60760473

Why are you in /#/ every day complaining about schizos that bait you because you always show up?
Fucking retard.

>> No.60760669

You shouldn't forget how many women are on this board using women logic. They'll ask "how do I look in this dress?" and you say they look nice, then they go on with "so I do look bad in the other dress? Why do you hate how I look in the other dress?"

>> No.60760837

>But I don't give a shit about niji?
then why are you in this thread?

>> No.60761139

i wonder which Niji will be the next vshojo adoptee

>> No.60761203
File: 3.26 MB, 340x498, 1654489891766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she gets in a good company some day

>> No.60761525

The sorta obvious ones are Mika (because she vibes with Kuro and Matara and is annoyed with management), Pomu (because she vibes with Henya and Matara and is annoyed with management) and Rosemi (I think she vibes with Mouse? Not too sure about her, probably annoyed with management too)

>> No.60761552
File: 222 KB, 1921x1081, 1684320979442231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very related

>> No.60761884

He doesn't like answering questions that expose his agenda or intelligence.

>> No.60766482

>but what about

>> No.60766766

>You do hate hololive
>You randomly seethe about hololive fans
I just want to step in here to point out that what you're doing is literally what the CCP does to avoid criticisms. They equate their fascist dictatorship with Chinese people and China itself, enabling them to call any critic a bigot who hates all of China. They also like to bring up random statistics like their rapidly growing GDP to deflect from their human rights abuses and other crimes. I just thought that was a funny coincidence.

That said, you are a retard. Hating you and your number cancer does not make one a Hololive anti. Pekora doesn't get on stream and scream out her viewer count and use it to bludgeon other content creators. That's you. The Hololive talents are nice girls who just want to have fun and make entertaining content for their fans. You are a miserable worthless piece of shit who does nothing but make other vtuber fans sad. Everyone hates you, and for good reason. You're not Hololive. You don't have the Hololive spirit. You never will. You're a disease.

>> No.60766889

When the fuck have I brought up viewer counts even once? Did you kshart friend call you up on discord?
Just say that you hate hololive. You don't watch them and you can't actually say a single genuine good thing about hololive.

>> No.60767120

I watch Hololive all the time which is why I know that you're not a fan. Real fans follow the example that their oshi sets.

>> No.60767180

>I too am obsessed with kekson and will bring her up anytime Vshojo is mentioned

>> No.60767244

Why can't you point out where I brought up viewer counts? It can't be because you're a fucking liar who pretends to like hololive. You can't even say who do you watch and why. You are a faker who only likes vshojo.

>> No.60767424

Why do you keep pretending when everyone can see that you're a worthless shitstirrer who does not care about any vtubers at all? You add zero value to this community. Nobody wants you here. Your oshi hates you.

>> No.60767443

What the Chinese did to Kson is unforgivable. Nijisanji corp and fans acting just like them is no coincidence.

>> No.60767574

I dont recall her saying anything really bad about hololive besides money related and that was during the niji 2% drama where kson said something about thinking 50% cut on her end was too little, implying it was during her Hololive days

>> No.60767593

How long will you keep deflecting? You're not a hololive fan until you can name a holo you actually watch. You can't name any because you don't watch anybody.

>> No.60767599
File: 162 KB, 900x1083, F6tahF3bQAAy378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By comparison, Henya hasn't said a bad word about her old job, has GYARI on her friend list, and even recalled an old story with Tomoshika (though she didn't use her name)

>> No.60767659

You could be a force of good in this community. You could make your oshi smile. There's still time to change. If you're not capable then you can always just leave.

>> No.60767663

The entire Vshojo Q&A was a list of things that hololive won't do for their talents much in the same way that the clip in the OP is about Niji.

>> No.60767701

Deflection post number 3. Why are you so afraid of naming anyone? Could it be that you know so little about hololive that you don't even know their names?

>> No.60767738

Pointing out the strengths of Vshojo is not "dissing" Hololive just like the same wouldn't be true for the reverse and Hololive sure has a lot of strengths too.

>> No.60767739

You are my favorite Hololive member.

>> No.60767808

>Pointing out the strengths of Vshojo
So the same thing that's being done in the OP clip?
>Hololive sure has a lot of strengths too.
Such as? Vshojo can do everything hololive can.

>> No.60767951

Without the right context, yeah she's not dissing Niji directly.

>Such as? Vshojo can do everything hololive can.
Can they?

>> No.60767962

The entire Vshojo Q&A was specifically questions that Kson's mostly Hololive-brained fanbase asked her the night before. Hololive is the only vtuber company they know and they wanted to understand how Vshojo is different.

>> No.60768060

What haven't they done that hololive has done?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Everything that she points out as a pro is something hololive doesn't do and then she says there's no cons which is a pretty big blow to hololive which obviously has a lot of cons.

>> No.60768262

>What haven't they done that hololive has done?
Show up on mainstream TV.

>> No.60768342

The fact of the matter is that Vshojo is a very good deal for established vtubers. The only people who have ever left Vshojo went straight to another company that basically operates identically to Vshojo but pays better. Telling people that a good thing for you is good for you is not putting down other things.

>> No.60768350

They have done that and not just as part of a deal mixed with gazillion other vtubers but because the TV channel wanted to talk to them specifically.

>> No.60768415

How is implying that vshojo has no cons compared to hololive not putting down hololive? Only a holobrony or a fake holobrony would say that.

>> No.60768444

Yeah, and hololive also had sora and mori in specific interviewed in a variety show and not with a trillion other chuubas. What's your point?

>> No.60768453

yeah, because voms was practically an indie doujin group with a grand total of 5 guys including gyari. There was no expectations that they would provide much help beyond the model and marketing, and there's no ill feelings when she graduated to pursue a bigger career because voms literally can't give her what she wanted

>> No.60768475

Which show?

>> No.60768604

You're not gonna bait me, tribalfag falseflagger.

>> No.60768639

How is explaining to your friends that finding ten million dollars in a suitcase is awesome not putting down hardworking blue-collar middle class Americans? Only a lunatic or fake lunatic would say that.

>> No.60768804

That's not what she's explaining though and not how you or someone else described the stream at first. She is merely explaining how Vshojo compares to hololive.
Even if you describe vshojo as getting a stack of cash with no drawbacks that's still implying that hololive is worse because in hololive you need to work under horrible management to get any money.

>> No.60768822

The fuck are you talking about, you really think she personally sued people for shit talking a company she doesnt even work for anymore? Are you retarded?

>> No.60768930

None of the "ex-holos still love hololive!!" people never made any sense. If you ask them about management they will tell you that Cover (not hololive!!!) is the worst company ever.

>> No.60768964

>badly translated
Then give a better one retard, but you dont speak Japanese just like everyone else here faggot.

>> No.60768999

That did sort of happen. A matome site twisted her words and used them to insult Hololive, she found out and threatened to sue them. I think they just retracted it and there was no actual lawsuit though.

>> No.60769024

She used to eat pancakes every day, then switches to waffles and says wow this is way better im not used to this. Its pretty easy to figure out what they mean, go take an autism test.

>> No.60769036

she did not compare anything to hololive
she went after some japanese dramafags for twisting her words to slander hololive and she also hit hololive historian with a copystrike which led to his channel being deleted
they can like the girls and staff without liking the company policies and leadership

>> No.60769070

>she did not compare anything to hololive
>The entire Vshojo Q&A was specifically questions that Kson's mostly Hololive-brained fanbase asked her the night before. Hololive is the only vtuber company they know and they wanted to understand how Vshojo is different.

>> No.60769094

The stockholm syndome is real, they are scared to leave thinking their audience will abandon them or something.

>> No.60769140

yes, she was explaining how vshojo is a different thing than japanese jimusho
no mention of hololive

>> No.60769239

Of course there's no mention of hololive just like how there's no mention of nijisanji in the clip in the OP.
She just said "vshojo does all of these things so well and there's no cons" That means hololive isn't good at those things and that hololive has cons.
Are you going to dispute that claim? If you are then explain what hololive does better than vshojo.

>> No.60769344

I don't want to like just call you a schizo and move on, but I don't really see how you could think that unless you're one of those people who's entire life revolves around Hololive. She never mentioned Hololive and her comments apply equally to Nijisanji, Phase Connect, Vspo, literally every other vtuber company. They are basically all extremely similar in a business-sense, for JP (and a lot of EN) vtuber fans that's all they know. Vshojo is the odd one out that requires some explanation.

>> No.60769460

Funny enough this was before joining vshojo the bestest company in the world.

>> No.60769480

>no cons
you keep repeating this like a broken record, she said she saw no cons at the moment for HER joining vshojo vs being fully alone
she did not say "there's no cons to being in vshojo compared to hololive", that's the schizo interpenetration from a few screenshots of the stream

>> No.60769479

She left hololive and took another member with her. No matter how much you cope there is a comparison to hololive being made.

>> No.60769608

She did not take a single member from Hololive. And no matter how you try to spin it, explaining Vshojo's differences vs. the standard model of corporate vtuber business is not a comparison with Hololive.

>> No.60769693

Even you fags don't agree with what you're arguing for lmao

>> No.60769749

yes we do, i think you're just dumb and still haven't watched the stream you've been seething about for over a year

>> No.60769756

These two posts don't conflict with each other.

>> No.60769847

>she said she saw no cons at the moment for HER joining vshojo vs being fully alone
>explaining Vshojo's differences vs. the standard model of corporate vtuber business
You are not in agreement with the alleged content of the stream. so it is in comparison to being a lone indie or a corpo vtuber?

>> No.60769881

she covered both those things, you would know this if you watched the stream

>> No.60769949

She both explained why she joined Vshojo and how Vshojo is different from other vtuber groups. I know how crazy this sounds but she actually managed to talk about more than one thing in an hour long stream. Maybe you should watch it before arguing about its contents.

>> No.60770010

The indie was was brought to claim that she actually did not make any comparisons to other corpos.
So are you guys unironically now trying to claim that hololive management is good?

>> No.60770061

Have you been diagnosed with any mental illnesses?

>> No.60770104
File: 21 KB, 1253x300, 5311531513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco did say she doesn't think she will join another company. This is the translated text from a members stream she did right before she announced her graduation.

>> No.60770123

i would recommend watching the stream before asking any further questions

>> No.60770175

Vshojo is not a company.

>> No.60770181

I usually do not engage in the usual catalog tribalfaggotry but this could unironically kickstart another wave of NijiEN graduations. Now you have multiple ex NijiEN livers confirm that there is such a thing as a greener grass, that are still in contact with NijiEN livers who almost straight up say they are not happy with their current situation.

>> No.60770268

that's not a promise, she was also talking specifically about joining another jimusho (like noripro) and that last part was an untranslated sex joke because taishi is dt
bad falseflag

>> No.60770276

What is it then?

>> No.60770325

This was a sex joke that Taishi didn't translate. Watch the stream.

>> No.60770335

KEK, ok bro, whatever

>> No.60770429

numbermonkeys and kek, name a more iconic duo

>> No.60770487

Why am i a numbermonkey? When did i bring up numbers?

>> No.60770514

You know what I meant retard. Nobody else uses your hyper specific weeaboo term. Japanese people call vshojo a "jimusho"

>> No.60770555

You kekked

>> No.60770558
File: 125 KB, 1269x1012, 45895be7045390bf54e9f4c666087918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how a thread about Nina clearly stating she was surprised vshojo management was so helpful devolved into debating kson? Is this a weird deflection attempt when everywhere else it's blatantly known what she's saying?

>> No.60770560

Anyone that posts things he doesn't like is windy bigolaf numberchimp holoredditor while he is a hololive fan and doesn't hate hololive.

>> No.60770569

Only your kind talk like a cretin

>> No.60770628

this is the first true thing you've written in this thread

>> No.60770630

Chinks and there was one manager that was killing all her ideas/projects towards the end, so she got the hint and left.

>> No.60770718

But you're not a hololive fan. You can't name a single holo that you watch.

>> No.60770765


>> No.60770767

Wrong Anon

>> No.60770774

kiryu coco

>> No.60770809

You got me, now what?

>> No.60770844

So you don't watch hololive. At least you finally admit it.

>> No.60770920

Oh no, i kekked. On 4chan of all things.
Because i typed KEK?

>> No.60770945

i named a hololive member that i watch

>> No.60770965

There's only one thread that does that

>> No.60771011

It kind of marks you as a shitposter / SEA creature

>> No.60771057

A "hololive member" that hasn't done anything for 2 years. Again, you hate hololive.

>> No.60771113

i watch the pictures where she is dressed in revealing ways or perhaps even undressed

>> No.60771163

These joke answers only solidify your status as a hololive anti.

>> No.60771168

You didn't even watch the stream did you?

>> No.60771198

You must be retarded to actually believe that.
I guess 4chan filled with them...

>> No.60771220

perhaps you should watch the stream if you want me to take you seriously instead of going in circles like this

>> No.60771334

Kson thoughts about Hololive can be summed up as "It's a good corpo, but at the end of the day it's still a corpo".
Nina's (and many other ex-Niji) instead is more like "Nijisanji is a black company and you should never, ever work for them".
There is a difference.

>> No.60771354

I'm a DD who browses like 6 generals. It's just one who all caps keks.

>> No.60771651

Just went to the active numbers thread and i can't find a single uppercase kek. But i browsed the FWMC general and found two.

>> No.60771665

>it's the same picture

>> No.60771666

Another deflection. You have hated hololive since Coco graduated and you made that perfectly clear today with your statements. You don't watch anyone in hololive.

>> No.60771727

Am I arguing with bots now, what even?

>> No.60771848

Yes, you are
Sometimes the bots argue with themselves.

>> No.60772253

there's 15 keks in that thread and 22 in the previous

>> No.60772258


>> No.60772287
File: 21 KB, 139x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy faggotry

>> No.60772397

>It's just one who all caps keks.
What are we even arguing about?

>> No.60772458

Those guys need to get a room

>> No.60772894

Nice try framing FWMC for shittalking other vtubers anti fuck off

>> No.60773025

How am i framing them? Are you braindead? That guy, or it was you, said that only the numbers thread uses uppercase KEK, and I randomly used a different thread as an example to show that's not the case.

>> No.60773107

More like an agency

>> No.60773217

OK, what did Coco say in that pic?
We're arguing semantics at this point.

>> No.60773406
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 01_KSON_HEART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny picking the dogs when they are based Kson enjoyers.
What Coco said during the stream and what Taishi's translation says are two different things.

>> No.60773440


>> No.60773478

But coco is not in vshojo

>> No.60773577


>> No.60773986
File: 1.05 MB, 1325x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was never the same after they broke up...
I don't think she's mentioned her for over a year and a half at least

>> No.60774253


>> No.60774304
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1656, talent freedom sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"no cons" btw

>> No.60774394

sorry anon, majority of VTuber fans actually have a frontal cortex to help with inference, you should get that looked at

>> No.60774413

They're literally always talking on discord.

>> No.60774444

> Niji thread
> half the posts are about KSon
truly the most influential VTuber of our time

>> No.60774635
File: 246 KB, 472x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there's no cons

>> No.60774659


>> No.60774675
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, dyrbi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fh8rn5r.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60774696

Kson talked about her a couple days ago.

>> No.60774737
File: 3.35 MB, 350x350, kys-artia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60774801

It's a vshojo thread, not a niji thread. Niji is not mentioned by the person in question nor is she comparing her current company to her old one.

>> No.60775035
File: 519 KB, 773x607, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60775045

Not an issue with VShojo, as evidenced by Mouse, Geega and Kuro having Youtube streams

>> No.60775425

for which they needed perms
very different from hololive, where they let you stream on twitch if you want without much fuss

>> No.60775476

Not from Vshojo

>> No.60775708

She said they still talk, but it sounds like they keep it secret. Kanata's manager (if it's still the same as a year ago) is also alot stricter in this regard than all other managers.

There's another holo she is currently really close with though.

>> No.60775838

>>60775708 (me)
Secret as in: Not mention unless they are asked about it.

>> No.60776228

Because people want to shit on Niji, not acknowledge that Holo has many of the same issues because Kson's also talked positively about VShojo's management. Therefore Kson MUST be a liar and the blue dorito must be defended at all costs.

>> No.60776286

Kanata shares a manager with Marine which means the manager is one of the worst in the company.

>> No.60776434

>Holo has many of the same issues
Feel free to enlighten the class.

>> No.60776492

How often do you want to repeat this obvious lie?
This is a Nazuna only thing, which was already demonstrated to be a 3rd party problem, not Vshojo's.

>> No.60776683

Restrictions due to signing an aggressive non-compete agreement with cover corp is a con of vshojo actually

>> No.60779175

NOBODY believes your nonsense, no matter how much you cry and lie.

>> No.60781534


>> No.60786541

not my problem

>> No.60787934

does marine still have that dumbass she covers for because she thinks their ineptitude is cute?

>> No.60789186

most people do not want to hold kson to any real responsibility for her actions

>> No.60794246

as long as China hates her she can do no wrong around here.

>> No.60794303

Name one wrong thing she has done.

>> No.60795028
File: 82 KB, 524x720, 1695723361600244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter Niji thread
>Discussion about Coco/Kson
This bitch still commands so much attention on /vt/ it's astounding.

>> No.60795416

Smart managers hire smart people and asks them what they want to do, dumb managers hires smart people and tell them what to do
