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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60652493 No.60652493 [Reply] [Original]

The return of /otis/

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>60583087

>> No.60652751
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my son is so handsome

>> No.60652779

shondo in my arms after giving her my seed

>> No.60652813
File: 148 KB, 1408x706, shodo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my virgin wife

>> No.60652919

Getting a little chonky

>> No.60652955

Passionate love making with Shondo

>> No.60652987

no he is skinny

>> No.60653144

great bait mate
what game is this

>> No.60653597

built for sunday roast dinner

>> No.60653617

degrees of lewdity

>> No.60653773
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cope all you want but this is the peak male body that all females are attracted towards

>> No.60654104

I wonder if she still plays Barbies with Baby Bunny on days like this

>> No.60654294

why is he lazing

>> No.60654309

I miss her. I don't think I'll survive shadow weekend this time.

>> No.60654322

he is working very hard

>> No.60654782

Me neither. Not while I know what she's doing.

>> No.60654859


>> No.60654998

BA can be dangerous

>> No.60655013

I love my wife, even if she's a child eating monster!

>> No.60655091

same she's just like me

>> No.60655304

his stomach over his spine

>> No.60656213


>> No.60658773

One, a single tweet. PLEASE.

>> No.60658940

she hasn't used twitter at all today aside from that one tweet
0 new likes on any of her accounts
its actually shover...

>> No.60659228

she sick please be patient with her

>> No.60659559

its over

>> No.60659998

alt stream is live

>> No.60660042

you lied to me

>> No.60660059

Told you fags she was doing a partay

>> No.60660073

FT stream is love

>> No.60660329

Playing A&L no doubt?

>> No.60660609

I'm live right now come watch

>> No.60660705

what is she up to

>> No.60660749

link your stream otis

>> No.60660765


>> No.60660802

You guys have weird antis in here.

>> No.60660978

probably having fun with her weekend

>> No.60661626

Isn’t she sick?

>> No.60661814

nah, her family just had a fight and it made her mood go critical

>> No.60661948

Shondophrenia is a very real thing and its symptoms are not entirely known, it's a more recent development in the case of Shadow Derangement Syndrome.

>> No.60662167

maybe her period made her mood even more sensitive than usual. no wonder theyd want to make it up to her

>> No.60662307

are they always so reachy with their rrats?

>> No.60662361
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>> No.60662974

i hope its not too discouraging. i assume shondophrenics aren;t in the thread when there's no stream or anything; hopefully it doesn't get too unruly in here
cute shondo!

>> No.60663063
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Honestly I'm entirely used to it so it doesn't really phase me, it also helps that it's probably the same dude that has spent years seething about Shondo

>> No.60663716

oh, damn. that makes it a lot less intimidating then. keep ignoring him; wishing you the best, shondophrenics!

>> No.60664251

I understand that you haven't been here for the last few days of discussion, but this is based on all the facts that we can deduce. She's been canceling and being relatively inactive with weird excuses for a while..

>> No.60664438
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pomf plap plap plap

>> No.60664545
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>> No.60664867

not doing good today, woke up to bad news and my mood has been off all day. I miss her a lot too and shes been really distant lately outside of streams

>> No.60664890
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>> No.60664910
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>> No.60665003


>> No.60665121
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>> No.60666556


>> No.60668108
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>> No.60668156

We have done it
Maybe now Schnidoo will return

>> No.60668304

When was Shondo going to the hospital again

>> No.60668442

if she wasnt better she told us shadowmama would force her this week. doubt it will happen though

>> No.60668615
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Well, she's still alive.

>> No.60668680

In 15min after im done beating the fuck out of here

>> No.60668793

Oh, she's online on discord.

>> No.60668913

her*, sorry I got too excited as you would imagine

>> No.60668917


>> No.60668988

She logged off a minute after. She was on mobile. Should have taken a screenshot.

>> No.60669152
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I dreamed she died and FT only got into discord/twitter to tell us about it
It felt really real I woke up crying

>> No.60669219

i have bad news

>> No.60670220

haha I'm sure she's fine, just the silly vertigo, don't call her sick sillies

>> No.60670527

my wife is dying and theres nothing I can do other than syadouHappynod when she tells us

>> No.60670668

This whore is making me slightly annoyed

>> No.60670775

ok im gonna do reps, what about you guys

>> No.60670996

thanks for the dm the other day, I really needed that

>> No.60671339

shes absolutely not lmao. offline all day+ revealed on mobile = out having fun.

>> No.60671450

yeah, with me

>> No.60671479

your favorite words

>> No.60671600

gonna sleep I think

>> No.60671729

which channel?

>> No.60671796

her main channel

>> No.60671803

Her own

>> No.60671828


>> No.60671993

well at least she's working on schedule for we

>> No.60672821
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I will not schizo

>> No.60673062
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I will schizo

>> No.60673082

No more syadouHappynod's from me. Start calling me a faggot. I will become THAT guy

>> No.60673261

I never schizo, fight me weaklings

>> No.60673393

alt stream is live

>> No.60673447

I always schizo, fight me cowards

>> No.60673565

I am strong, feeble mortals

>> No.60673593

Send a tweet right now you whore

>> No.60673597

I will schizo sometimes, don't fight me

>> No.60673672

i only schizo rarely

>> No.60673750

I don't want her to tweet. I actually want her to go radio silence for a whole month just to see the total shogger meltdown.

>> No.60673811

She talked about that before to see who will still be around. I want it to happen too

>> No.60673867

I need this badly

>> No.60674024

as long as forest tree posts saying she died when she does

>> No.60674291

How many people kill themselves if this happens?

>> No.60674332

the culling

>> No.60674456

im not doing that for at least a year just in case, and to find her grave

>> No.60674592
File: 4 KB, 408x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's done it again

>> No.60674600

this is the concern thread

>> No.60674689

its my fault

>> No.60675139

Going to sleep, good night shoggers.

>> No.60675231

gn shogga

>> No.60677311

I will be okay even if that happens. Ive accepted reality.

>> No.60677326

don't get mad but the idea of having a first time with shondo and causing a perineum tear and seeing her get flustered and surprised but also clearly getting a kick out of seeing her own blood while staring at it like an animal sounds really intimate

>> No.60677401

I have a feeling shes just feeling mentally ill recently and instead of confiding in us she has gone radio silent instead in her attempt to not promote brainworms

>> No.60677460

maybe, the ambiguity still makes me worry but less so honestly

>> No.60677655

She's not taking this serious...

>> No.60677776

I hope things get better for her someday

>> No.60677792
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quit the vagueposts shitposter

>> No.60677923

its over...

>> No.60677962

we're back

>> No.60677966

we're so back

>> No.60677991

Hold on... we might be back

>> No.60678034

we cannot be more back

>> No.60678050

nope, nevermind
its over....

>> No.60678100

I cant believe she would do this.....

>> No.60678125

its literally so over

>> No.60678136

Tweet anything... lie to me please...

>> No.60678223


>> No.60678241

we back

>> No.60678248

nope, no tweet and tomorrow shes going to act like nothing was off

>> No.60678312 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.60678374

i can't fucking believe this

>> No.60678489

>I actually want shit tests from my wife
I would still be around after the shit test but I would never be able to truly forgive this Houdini act unless she literally sent me an apology letter. Not a generic one either, I'm talking about a hand-written apology letter for me and every one of the 300+ husbands that would wait for her. No letter = I'd openly call her Shonshia in her own chat.

>> No.60678838

More than 24 hours of silence when she's terminally online... It's all my fault

>> No.60678868

I did this

>> No.60678940

She is silent because she hates me specifically

>> No.60678985

We know Fleece. Your concernfaggotry got to her to the point where she's willing to compromise, she's not going to a doctor but she's no longer terminally online. Now stop whining, this is what you wanted right?

>> No.60679004

She hates me more

>> No.60679067


>> No.60679081


>> No.60679214

Ok shes done this before, but not 28 hours without an update (the fumo post doesnt count)
Did something happen for her to be like this? I feel like this week of streams went really well.
the only thing I can think of is that maybe she did go to the doctors today without telling us and it didnt go well

>> No.60679277

ok shondo, you win. i admit it
im the one who shit on the floor in the bathroom

>> No.60679301

It's probably nothing serious but she doesn't feel like interacting with us right now. Let's just behave and wait patiently for her to update us.

>> No.60679326

she's pregnant

>> No.60679344

it was me and im also the baby

>> No.60679371

yes, with me.

>> No.60679381

>It's probably nothing serious
shoggers would say this even if she tried to hang herself again

>> No.60679417

Today was not better I couldnt do anything. I need to fix my brain

>> No.60679432

she's only inactive shogga, the fuck.

>> No.60679506

drink water and put on some sick beats

>> No.60679536

>only inactive
only inactive after vertigo after a mysterious new health issue after a chest tumor

>> No.60679624

no they fucking wouldn't

>> No.60679708


>> No.60679712

Is it in character for her to be randomly inactive all day?

>> No.60679785

you fucks would attach shit to anything for the sake of bait, get out

>> No.60679882

Who has connections to any of the barbie girls?

>> No.60679900

guys... i think we're back

>> No.60679975


>> No.60680002

Uh guys?

>> No.60680036


>> No.60680117
File: 171 KB, 729x703, 1696467766060636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point anymore

>> No.60680152

you might want to take a look at this...

>> No.60680183

shes right behind me isnt she?

>> No.60680205

Uh, in English Doc?

>> No.60680213

now you gay nigga

>> No.60680269

so that just happened

>> No.60680287

why, is it contagious

>> No.60680380

well this is awkward....

>> No.60680399

record scratch, freeze frame
>baba oreily starts playing
yup that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation

>> No.60680411


>> No.60680473

now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down....

>> No.60680501

Crazy? I was crazy once

>> No.60680873

alt stream is not live and will never be live again

>> No.60680956

alt stream is live

>> No.60681168

alt stream is over

>> No.60681263

alt stream

>> No.60681461
File: 474 KB, 581x673, 1684970702826204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last alt stream is was her trying to tell us to get alone with concerning health issues she can't talk about
>tells us its why she's interacting less
>last ditch efforts to reel in money from sponsorship
>talks about list of things to look forward to
>our behavior never changed
>health issues got worse
>interacting even less than before
>this is how it actually just ends for us
>complete failure to make her happy while she finally deteriorates and we await the Tweet from one of her family members

>> No.60681623

she better stream it, that whorewife, so i can masturbate and then do the same myself

>> No.60681624

he posted it

>> No.60681798

stop I'm schizoing too hard already I don't need more brainworms

>> No.60681808

>our behavior never changed
categorically wrong. Shoggers are being nicer than ever, ever if they dont like each other. No more fighting in offline chat or on twitter.
I do think shes really unhappy with how things are though, and she doesnt know who to blame so blames herself and resents her husbands

>> No.60681889

Thanks for clarifying Shondo, but please send a fucking tweet already. Even if it's just the word 'The".

>> No.60681936

Stop doing that, she has only ever posted in these threads once

>> No.60681996

Thanks for clarifying this Otis.

>> No.60682212

>our behavior never changed
Right. I'm sure she expected shondophrenics to kiss and make out in < 1 week.
>she doesnt know who to blame so blames herself
Good. It's her fault. Why did she think it's a good idea to mommy the behavior of her husbands in such a condescending way? Men will always talk shit and bully each other, it's how we subconsciously create hierarchies. It sounds to me like she desperately wants an audience of passive women but what she does doesn't appeal to females, she won't be able to milk donos out of them.

>> No.60682259

guys? um

>> No.60682299

um uhh

>> No.60682364

hold on guys just got a dm from forest tree

>> No.60682367


>> No.60682391 [DELETED] 

wait... who's this otis guy in my dms?

>> No.60682424

Fuck it if shes not going to try to be better neither am I. I am derek once again

>> No.60682454

shut up derek

>> No.60682464

no bad shogger >:(

>> No.60682483

Please give her another 24 hours starting from now.

>> No.60682496 [DELETED] 

Forest Tree follows both Tates and Jake Paul, is he really incelmaxxing instead of fucking his sister? Kinda weird ngl

>> No.60682544

we don't need to be keeping track of any cheaters that talk to shitty clown vtubers or vague posters right now

>> No.60682572 [DELETED] 

>when he sucks and fucks weekly for his weed
He just likes how they look

>> No.60682606

The husband tier list might be released

>> No.60682613

I refuse to believe that he is a faggot

>> No.60682636
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>> No.60682681

OKAY but why isn't she liking anything???? What the fuck actually.

>> No.60682685

im unironically losing it why is she punishing me what did i do

>> No.60682703

its simple, you

>> No.60682776

She ghosted the one I talk to

>> No.60682865


>> No.60683030

24 hours or im dropping the derek nuke

>> No.60683060

it'll be fine
until it isn't

>> No.60683120


>> No.60683170

I'm going to bed, you guys behave okay?

>> No.60683186

ok ok, ill try

>> No.60683211

there is nothing to concern over, she is already gone
its over, you just gotta move forward now

>> No.60683246

she's right here in front of me though?

>> No.60683360
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>Forest Tree
Speaking of my brother in law, am I the only one who was thinking that there's nothing off about the way wifey described his behavior? I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt by assuming that he's not doing something retarded like selling drugs in Britbong land. If he's not doing anything criminal then I think he's just at that age when zoomer men realize that the next 50 years of their life will be pain and there's no reason to work hard. He can't escape his lower class status by becoming someone's tradwife, if he wants to get out of that country bumpkin shithole he was born in he needs to go to college and pray that he has what it takes to become a surgeon, engineer, lawyer...etc.
>uuuu he doesn't open up about his feelings to women
>muh toxic masculinity
Not wanting to beg your onee-chan for college money while your mother has cancer is very toxic, yes. Chat trannies should be lobotomized.

>> No.60683359

the silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse and its one of shondos favorites

>> No.60683471

Go to bed, Zephyrin.

>> No.60683683

pls DM me I am lonely

>> No.60683694

Forest tree obviously has some issues, growing up in the same abusive household that shondo did. He just chooses not to talk about it and keep quiet mostly

>> No.60683726

your dms are closed

>> No.60683815

made me check, they are open everywhere
please DM me

>> No.60683880

Some issues that women can't fix, he needs the warmth of a homie.

>> No.60683905


>> No.60683921

Can a homie kiss me goodnight? Shondo giving us the silent treatment has fucked me up bad

>> No.60683931

Have any of you received a shondofriendic dm yet?

>> No.60683959

good night

>> No.60683980

Yeah from Grackle, i wanted to DM Khaal but i cant :(

>> No.60684059

I have. I want to pay their kindness forward but I'm way too shy to take initiative like that, as dumb as it sounds

>> No.60684094

I get where you're coming from but I have no inclination to be posting my own art here

>> No.60684154

>He just chooses not to talk about it
Gee, I wonder why! Didn't wifey herself refer to him as a crybaby on @shadowchama for showing signs of depression? All it takes is getting shamed once by your sisters in your time of need to learn to keep your guard up around them and fake being a stoic. I can take a man calling me a bitch but when a woman does it I never show my weakness to her a second time.

>> No.60684224

>am I the only one who was thinking that there's nothing off about the way wifey described his behavior
No you're right, but the last she talked about it she seemed a lot more understanding. I think it's similar to how she laughs off a lot of things that are pathological for her as well. She acknowledged he has a ton of pressure on him and this sort of response is kind of understandable.
She has to at some level sympathize with putting off uncomfortable things when she does that about her health and the house situation.

>> No.60684561

no :(
shoggers hate me

>> No.60686007

I want to lick her shunny
I miss her ;-;

>> No.60686638

It's time to go alt hunting.

>> No.60687241
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>> No.60687327

I don't miss her at all desu. I don't care about her anymore.

>> No.60687437

You never cared.

>> No.60687528 [DELETED] 

You don't know me, nigger.

>> No.60687755

I've accepted her death and moved on.

>> No.60687982

you never cared no meter how much you pretend.

>> No.60688134

I hope you will remember that when you stop caring about her too. That day absolutely will come.

>> No.60688200

My bullshit detector is going off the charts, post your name if you've already moved on from Shadow. Are you reNPC?

>> No.60688971
File: 2.02 MB, 2892x4096, 1688899732580227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will B here long after all of you are gone.

>> No.60688984

You guys are such needy bitches
Get a fucking hobby

>> No.60689208

Good morning shon, you are our everything.

>> No.60689240

Ok Roli. I’m sure she’s very sorry she betrayed you over energy powder.

>> No.60689269

Speak for yourself. I hate her.

>> No.60689297

She's still your everything even if you hate her.

>> No.60689301

Do your not replying to bait reps, retards.

>> No.60689456

Enjoy having a meltdown every time she takes a day or to for herself then

>> No.60689490

The bipolar gf experience.

>> No.60689519

Where Shondo is the man in the relationship

>> No.60689558

Yeah? She's a lesbian anyway so she probably enjoys being the man.

>> No.60689681

All we want is an "I'm alive" tweet or at least for her to like some cute cat videos once a day.

>> No.60689738

wrinkly pussy

>> No.60689751
File: 324 KB, 598x586, 1689053525885329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your "I'm alive" tweet retard

>> No.60690092

>18 hours ago
>possibly scheduled tweet

>> No.60690482

>Get a fucking hobby
My hobby is to follow her around until she dies.

>> No.60690745

this is why i've been telling you guys to get a side ho. treat her as your wife, but be prepared to jump ship at any moment

>> No.60690813

I'm not a vtuber fan, if Shadow graduates I'll go back to playing CoD for 3-4 hours every night. This is what I used to do before her.

>> No.60691021

just admit that you love her solely because of her mental illnesses, her disgust for real life interactions with men, and her trauma of sex that forces her to be a virgin
without those traits that guarantee that she's sexless, there are a ton of other girls who are more affectionate, doting, and reassuring than her.
those that don't just say i love you when the stream ends, and kisses you when you give her 5 dollars.

>> No.60691148

God you people are horrible

>> No.60691261

Like who?

>> No.60691303

I didn't expect this place to actually go melty mode because she only tweeted once yesterday. Calm down shoggers, she's probably going to post schedule today and everything will be fine.

>> No.60691387

NTA but I'd never subject a girl to the mercy of /shon/, you should hear how much hate marshmallows rimaeri got after that one incident

>> No.60691409

She did? Nice.

>> No.60691433

>trauma of sex that forces her to be a virgin
Obviously that's part of it, I don't want to support financially a sex haver if I can avoid it. If I were to give money to a sex haver then why not pick an actual OF whore over a vtuber? I love Shadow because she's funny, playful, cute, fairly open with us and mentally ill.
>there are a ton of other girls
I'm sure there are but I feel nothing for them.
Why would you say that?

>> No.60691524

And she's not going to miss Nina's stream

>> No.60691576

Rimaeri acts like a shogger.

>> No.60691603

Rimaeri did nothing wrong

>> No.60691602

i thought you guys wanted to kiss shoggas?

>> No.60691682

Male shoggas.

>> No.60691771

Rimaeri should have sex with Shondo on stream.

>> No.60691787

Shut up Rimaeri you whore

>> No.60691864

I'm not Rimaeri. I'm just your average shogga, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that Rimaeri should get free access to her cunny.

>> No.60691902

Fetish friends get the bullet.

>> No.60691915

Agreed. Also, her bro has no business incelmaxxing when he can do the same.

>> No.60691930

You couldn't even lift a gun, little man.

>> No.60691933

Now we're talking.

>> No.60691934

Rimaeri and shondo should have sex with me on stream

>> No.60691972

Fetish friends run this shit shogga

>> No.60691986

They should fuck each other's brains out and let me watch.

>> No.60692060

>run this shit
True. Everywhere else they have to hide like the vermin they are or get banned.

>> No.60692125

Only place FFs dont run is offline

>> No.60692164

for a second i thought you were taking a shot at forest fires

>> No.60692180

idk why she even bothers trying to deny the brocon thing. its so obvious

>> No.60692261
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>> No.60692272

because it would mean acknowledging that the only man in her life right now is one that she would cuck us for

>> No.60692280

That Fuyo looks weird

>> No.60692294
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Because it's weird. It's not that deep.

>> No.60692358

>calling shondo your imoutowife means you want to fuck your sister irl

>> No.60692399

False equivalency, I call her imouto wife because she calls herself imouto wife. In my head I only think of her as wife.

>> No.60692515

Thats a given? Why else would she be imouto wife if not to fulfill our incest urges

>> No.60692523

for you maybe. some people are siscons and thst doesnt mean they want to commit incest. the real false equivalency is thinking she cant be a brocon without wanting to fuck FT.

>> No.60692554

incest is always sexual, you are just coping.

>> No.60692686
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have we calmed down a little? I promise things will go back to normal very very soon
Fight the fuckhead brainworms shoggas and keep being nise to each other. Ganbatte!

>> No.60692695

Proof? It’s not on her Twitter.

>> No.60692719

she let slip she wants to marry him during ck3

>> No.60692780

>the real false equivalency is thinking she cant be a brocon without wanting to fuck FT
Agreed, if you're hyposexual you can desire physical affection without getting turned on.

>> No.60692825

god I wish my sister and I did sibling sex wrestling like that

>> No.60692956

Reminder that NTRfags are your fellow fetish friends.

>> No.60693030

Her latest asmr stream, she was reading out maros, and read some of the hate ones too

>> No.60693046

Shondo loves NTRfriends. That's why she only chooses movies that have to do with NTR for watchalongs.

>> No.60693230

Yeah, me.

>> No.60693239

go larp your kill all fetish friends shit in her chat and let's see who gets banned

>> No.60693277

my fetish is having friends

>> No.60693321

Lemme be your friend bby, we can sing the campfire song and roast marshmallows all night long

>> No.60693568

you say this but you have yet to DM me, curious

>> No.60693644

guys now that shes gone all i have is you

>> No.60693679

This really enforces my rrat that she thinks we enjoy ntr secretly just like her and ryona because chat keeps shouting it whenever there's a whiff of it, so she's coyly trying to appeal to what she thinks our fetish is by including slight ntr whenever she can

>> No.60693716

You have to pick up the torch, you'll have to become the next fallenshadow.

>> No.60694271

Fucking bitch didn’t save the vod goddammit I wanted to see her ass get cooked

>> No.60694531

hey, what program do (you) use to archive streams?
and does anyone have the sex house and carrot death streams archived?

>> No.60694533

shoggers really this collectively assmad over their wife having a wife

>> No.60694553

that wife?

>> No.60694567

kys rima
you too

>> No.60694881

I unironically hope she just had a really fun weekend and was too busy to tell us

>> No.60694908

Streamlink + python script to monitor whenever streams go live. You can also use TwitchLink for that.
>carrot death stream

>> No.60694953

the stream where she slurped down FT's carrot and caused total shogger death

>> No.60695029

she's trying to get rid of her "husband" fans just like she did her edgy discord fans.
she'll start anew one day and call us the creepy ones and that she was young and was just playing into it just like she played into being edgy to get accepted.

>> No.60695088

women try to take accountability for your actions challenge impossible difficulty (bonus: cant say "I was groomed")

>> No.60695149

>5 years later
>I was groomed and raped by them, I had no choice and no agency, I was mentally ill

>> No.60695292

>they said i had to post feet pics or theyd leave me and my family to starve uuu

>> No.60695327

>just admit that you only love Shondo because she's not a whore
Even if you were 100% right this isn't the "gotcha" moment you think it is. Do you have any idea how rare not-whores are? Faithfulness is a good reason to love and cherish a woman.

>> No.60695386

the only person she's faithful to is jason

>yeah, me
go kill 5 teenagers first then get back to me

>> No.60695475

not true. she cucked him for doomguy and hell knight/demon daddy

>> No.60695487

>go kill 5 teenagers first

>> No.60695596

she almost choked to death on a carrot during the youtube watchalong

>> No.60695600

I'd rather love a girl that loves me back rather than one that does it to stay out of the poorhouse. At least then she wouldn't just leave me when the next richest guy rolls around.

>> No.60695649


>> No.60695839

Oh yeah, I remember that now. And yes, I have them all.

>> No.60695871

I don't care if the current health issue is related or not, she's clearly consuming too much caffeine and that likely contributes to her severe headaches that she then takes painkillers for. Just cut back on the caffeine, one cup of coffee or one shaker of gamer juice, there's no need for more during the day.

>> No.60695913

Thanks Dr Chat but she'll be just fine without your unsolicited medical advice

>> No.60696003


>> No.60696044

A girl will never love you back, that’s why you are here.

>> No.60696049

Concernfags are her milkiest lolcows

>> No.60696094

You never miss your mark, sherlock

>> No.60696123
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>I'd rather
Good luck with that, reality doesn't give a shit though. The two genders love differently and you essentially want to be loved by a man. Women love you for what you can do for them (provide, make them feel safe...etc), while men love you for what you are (hot, loyal, status symbol...etc). This is the general rule, exceptions are few and far between. If you didn't find your unicorn in high school then chances are you're dying alone.

>> No.60696198

Is this why FT took the gaypill

>> No.60696213

Hi forest fires

>> No.60696258

another incel take

>> No.60696322
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It'll be awhile, but I'll quote your post again once the upload is done.

>> No.60696375

oh no no no, dont bother uploading if your internet is that slow
i'll feel bad if you have to sit through that shit

>> No.60696409
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I really hope she took her own advice and doesn't come /here/ when she's sick/has brainworms.

>> No.60696458
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My internet is fine. Gofile is shit for me due to server location and it doesn't doxx where I am.

>> No.60696499

Of course she doesn't. If she doesn't stalk on twitch/twitter anymore, why would she ever come /here/?

>> No.60696577

ah thats fine then, thank you for uploading

>> No.60696608
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based based based based based

>> No.60696634

She's been busy at her book club, reading britain's biggest books

>> No.60696659

Because this is her home and she wants to see people talk about her? A reason for not stalking on twitter anymore could be the death of syadouchama, maybe she doesn't feel like remaking the list or maybe she got tired of replyniggers leaving filler comments under everything she writes.

>> No.60696732

>this is her home
lol, lmao even
/here/fags really wanna feel important

>> No.60696785

Dm me

>> No.60696810

>lol, lmao even
You're right, she's a /lig/ anon.

>> No.60696843

She teased him the same way she does us when she wants to get a reaction out of us to correct her. She wants to be fucked by him so badly

>> No.60696878

and the way she gently teases his hair while hugging him close to her chest

>> No.60696967

FT is 17
Does this make her a shotacon?

>> No.60697030

He's older than 12 so no

>> No.60697037

She already was for Killua, until FT got big. But no, 16 is legal in Britain.

>> No.60697146

He's 18 this year

>> No.60697382

>says the only way we could be intimate with her is by beating her
>Does this with FT
It's not fair

>> No.60697450

Does she? She says she wants to bite us and scratch our backs while we wrestle and suck our blood. Still wish we could do it for real though like him.

>> No.60697464

When did this happen?

>> No.60697538

She autistically pulls his hair and guilt trips him into letting her do it by saying "you know how many husbands would love to be in your place right now?" It reminds me of the eat your food because starving Africans argument.

>> No.60697557

I was going through old maros and she said that when she gets in one of her moods where she asks to be beaten that's her form of intimacy. You don't have to believe it, but I think shes pandering when she says stuff like what you mentioned

>> No.60697663

But she was right though

>> No.60697789

There's no need for her to pander this way considering that ryona friends are a small minority and most of us got into it BECAUSE of her. For me intimacy with Shadow would be in-person ASMR.

>> No.60697841

I meant this was her pandering
>She says she wants to bite us and scratch our backs while we wrestle and suck our blood

>> No.60697874

Nah, I think she's actually into that.

>> No.60697910

>38 hours without an update
>22 hours since the "I'm alive" tweet
I hate to concernfag but I'm going crazy with bad thoughts

>> No.60697959

Shonsoles on my face

>> No.60697971

If theres no schedule by wednesday then you can start concerfagging

>> No.60698016

>entire lore going back before husband's were even a thing built on her wanting to eat and bite people
>"she must be pandering to us"

>> No.60698068

This. She became more comfortable with saying this kind of stuff to us.

>> No.60698086
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As the last poster in this thread
