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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 122 KB, 225x225, 9768-gawrgurathinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60665742 No.60665742 [Reply] [Original]

Feels like the negative sentiment towards Gura has grown increasingly larger in the past ~2-3 months. Even on non-/vt/ social media, I mostly see her associated with negative comments nowadays.
My question is, do you think Cover (or Gura) will step in and address the whole situation at some point? And if so, how bad will things need to get for them to do so? How long can they realistically keep up this cycle of bizarro ghost shilling before it starts to affect not only Gura's image, but that of the company as a whole?

>> No.60665879

suk me

>> No.60666394
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>> No.60667560

sisters seething again?

>> No.60667812
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When she announces that she's retiring from vtubing to raise our children

>> No.60671421
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>> No.60671480

>My question is, do you think Cover (or Gura) will step in and address the whole situation at some point?
No, if they could easily reach a settlement than it would have happened before Advent's debut. That she is doing the minimum that her contract allows with only mandatory events and merch shilling means her comment "see you next year" was accurate. HoloEN contract negotiations can take a while and in the previous winter there were 5 months worth of radio silent breaks (Ina and Gura) so this could go on for several months.

>> No.60671762


>> No.60672347

I kind of feel like she's just sticking around to make the stock holders happy at this point.

Sub numbers are simple to understand, and she has the most. If she officially leaves, they might panic.

>> No.60672483

Her last shill tweet got over 26k likes already. Which is good for someone who doesn't use Twitter.

When Gura leaves, HoloEN's numbers drop. When she returns, everyone's numbers increase. This pattern has been repeated every time she does this. What's strange is that her fans are used to this and still return. Gura is capable of bringing all of them back and more, without explaining. Soon to hit 4.5 million subscribers.

Most complaints are by antis and Gura has long learned to ignore them.

>> No.60674422

gura is literally the rising tide that lifts all boats and also the quintessential CGDCT in all of hololive

>> No.60674613

High on cope.
Unlike Gura, who is high on coke.

>> No.60674681

The breaking point is you guys harass her into joining VShojo.

>> No.60674757

And then all her fans follow her to VShojo, just like Coco's fans did

>> No.60674797

If management tells her she has to stream more she might just quit like Sana.They won't though, because gura is their golden goose.

>> No.60674802

You are thinking Mori. Gura is a ganja girl.

>> No.60674862

>le numbers

>> No.60674962

The point isn't the numbers, the point is Gura's fans are a fan of the character model, not the streamer

>> No.60675062

They can ask for a recasting then.

>> No.60675116

Sana quit because drawing for chink gacha paid better than vtubing.

>> No.60675226

Sentiments don't mean shit until they affect the bottom line. As soon as memberships drop below a certain threshold or merch sales plummet, then Cover will have to step in.

>> No.60675291

Don't some JP members already go multiple months without streaming?

>> No.60675307

It's frustrating. I've been made numb to her absence by now, but I hate that you can track how much her presence effects the other girls viewership. I want them to do well to.

>> No.60675343


>> No.60675416


>> No.60675452

>Unlike Gura, who is high on coke.
Rich entertainers' choice of drug.

Poor and stupid people get addicted to opiates. From Elvis, Prince, to Whitney Houston...it catches up to them.

>> No.60675532

>yet another cope remark
then why is the catalog bluer than usual?
people just can't stop talking about gura, that's how powerful she is.

>> No.60675673

Copium is counting the days missed every time she does this, and it has no effect when she returns.

>> No.60675762
File: 17 KB, 320x180, mqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good cocaine is cheaper than good alcohol these days. Just make sure you buy it from a white guy, because minorities always cut theirs with fentanyl.

>> No.60675826

I hear opium calms hunger and is also used as painkiller. It makes sense that it's used by marginalized people.

>> No.60676006
File: 1.10 MB, 2480x2480, ahktaully-v0-dzmptqgyrm6a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't associate with anyone doing crack or opiates. There are plenty of responsible cocaine users in society, but crack and opiates consume you, and it's waaaaay too easy to OD on that shit

>> No.60676018

gura is working her ass off doing everything cover wants her to, except stream which unironically is the least profitable thing for cover, she's big in japan and selling her merch, adding her into 3d ect is what she's up to atm, there is plenty of high quality gura stuff and every time she comes back from a break she releases something good, music, art or merch.
seethe faggot gura isn't going anywhere

>> No.60676149

Cocaine is just concentrated coca leafs, which is an ancient medicinal plant from South America. It's like drinking coffee over there.

>> No.60676382

Exactly. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. I can't use it because I get hair follicle drug tests at my job, but I'm not surprised by seeing "ordinary" people do some coke at a get-together every so often.

>> No.60676523

>people actually believe this

>> No.60676622

kek lmao, this post was more entertaining than a Gura stream

>> No.60676715

funny that both of you don't even refute that gura's staying
currently not streaming ofc (lol), but definitely not going anywhere

>> No.60677074

here's her her 6 month publishing schedule
1) 3dlive 2) holofes
shes not working, she's a parttimer.

>> No.60677210

>you have to work like a seanigger in a chinese sweatshop otherwise you're not working
sorry she makes more than you while asleep

>> No.60677264

>gura is a famous parttimer
>john cena is a famous parttimer
>vtubing and wrestling use kayfabe

>> No.60679645

Would pay to watch a gruff old man voice with her model

>> No.60679795

Her most salivating and stitched on the chest fanatics are pedophiles and it checks out given Japan's bizarre lax given it's severity

You ask yourself why even after being ghosted she can literally do fuck all and essentially leash her chat up like caged dogs?

There you have it

>> No.60679838

> character model
Although the character has an excellent design, the model is the one with the worst quality of all Hololive

>> No.60679855

>the quintessential CGDCT in all of hololive
I hate 2020 newfags so much

>> No.60680026

this, it's a Cover thing, not a Gura thing. people were making fun of Ayame and her 2+ month streaks of no streaming all last year, the year before that etc. was there any real reason to believe that that couldn't also happen to ENs?

even so, IIRC from sana's graduation announcement it sounded vaguely like they had maybe asked her to stream more and she just went and quit instead in response. but, sana's situation is different in that she started to crap out on streaming only like 3 months into the gig whereas Gura was pretty consistent for over a year, and I think at the year point you can renegotiate your contract. perhaps, if they were unsatisfied with sana's (lack of) performance they didn't get her the option to do nothing if she felt like and still had to prove herself sooner or later so didn't wanna. clearly, they let gura off the hook to do anything she wants. which I mean does make sense considering her stature, but I mean it is kind of lame that cover considers people active/employed for putting in like 1% the work of their coworkers. yes they still make money hand over fist for doing nothing so have no incentive to change that, but it's pretty anti-unity imo in that it makes it crystal-clear that some talents can do literally anything they want including never stream and still be treated the same as ones who put in full-time-work (like 40+) hours a week.

>> No.60680635

I can't help but wonder what things look like behind the scenes. What do other girls think of Gura? Do workhorses like Mori or Wawa feel a touch of resentment towards the do-nothing shork? Is she good to her coworkers in private? Maybe they've written her off internally already and know to not plan anything new with her? Stuff like that.

>> No.60680729

>What do other girls think of Gura?
>she is so based

>> No.60680793

far as we know gura doesn't ever talk to her coworkers either. she's not a ghost to just us but cover as well.

really kind of a fucking piece of shit if you think about it, shows how much she actually-cares about any of this. but cover seems too chickenshit to get on her ass about it. should be mandatory that anyone must stream at least once a week for 3 hours or something unless they specifically announce a break/hiatus to get around it. anyone can stream 3 hours a week. totalbiscuit streamed literally on his deathbed from literal asscancer. some fucking prima donna bitch being a brat ain't fucking shit and needs management correction.

>> No.60680881

Gura does not want to be like Totalbiscuit. Dead and buried.

>> No.60681036

>3 hours a week
My headcanon is that management did learn a lesson from people like Gura and Ayame. That's why the recent audition rules mention being able to stream 3 times a week. They might not be able to force Gura to work, but they can at least prevent a newcomer acting like her.

>> No.60681271
File: 272 KB, 703x522, Screenshot_20231017-072244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should kill yourself, Gura.

>> No.60681444

Fuck off, Mori. You will never be #1, in EN or anywhere else.

>> No.60681613

reminder that miko, the closest cgdct in JP (most of the better ones in JP are hags) was rejected by the nips and was saved by patrician kaigai nikkis

>> No.60681797

Hololive auditions have had that 3 times a week clause since gen 5. They don't actually care once you're established. Gura has been in lazy mode since early 2021. If Sana had stuck around long enough to get past her first 6 months of streaming she would've been able to coast like Gura for the next 5 years instead of getting fired.

>> No.60683904

>They might not be able to force Gura to work
How the fuck are they not? It's not like firing Gura would lead to any less streams.

>> No.60684022

she got bored of being at the top, needs more dopamine fix than the ones availatable when you're confortable

>> No.60684236

I'll think back to this post when she graduates next year

>> No.60684314

Because keeping Gura is still way more beneficial than dropping her.
Like it or hate it, she is still has thousands of members; Her streams (as few as there might be) still get 10-15k+ concurrent viewers for solo and higher for special / collab / events. Her merchs still sell super well and her original songs / covers still get millions views. Basically, she is still one of their golden gooses - why should they fire her?

>> No.60684726

>makes it crystal-clear that some talents can do literally anything they want including never stream and still be treated the same as ones who put in full-time-work (like 40+) hours a week
hahahahaha suckers

>> No.60684761

The "JP does this too" argument doesn't work because JP is still consistently active on twitter and still puts out covers and original songs all the time, and don't even get me started on their concerts.

Even Ayame's last stream was 2 weeks ago and her last tweet was on the 12th (and it was an actual tweet where she was talking about Precure instead of "beep boop buy my merch shark_emoji") Even though streaming is a tiny tiny part of the JP's job they're still PRESENT. They're still ACTIVE. They feel like they have an actual pulse. If it wasn't for her being confirmed to be in the sports festival you could legit argue that Gura's dead and that Cover is keeping it a secret for a few months to let her family and friends grieve before telling us.

Shit, if she doesn't join vc you could still make that argument and say that manager-san is playing for her.

I've been, and still am, a staunch defender of Gura. I don't think she's lazy, but this is fucking weird even by JP standards. If she doesn't like twitter then she can make a members post (which she loves doing), or even ask her manager to tweet something to her fans on her behalf.

I really think something big is happening on Gura's end behind the scenes that we're just not seeing. When she comes back, she's gonna be met with millions of people wondering what's been going on. She's gonna have to either explain or turn off chat, the latter she is forbidden from doing. I don't know what the breaking point is but I know it's coming sooner or later.

>> No.60684818

The breaking point is when someone hires a private investigator to find out whatever she's hiding.

>> No.60686343

>Gets airlifted to the top of the mountain
>Gets bored
Then she should set a proper example for everyone else and raise the mountain.

>> No.60688105

Rushia and Coco were their top earners anon,
do you think they care if someone who doesn't care leaves?

>> No.60689742

>which she loves doing
apparently not kek

>> No.60689783

You're talking about the company that killed the #1 superchat earner in the world. Twice.

>> No.60689862 [DELETED] 

Either she starts streaming regularly again (won't happen) or she quits (also won't happen)
The new normal is likely to continue for at least few years and then depending on the state of the industry and Hololive one of the above scenarios might occur

>> No.60689951

I'm surprised this hasn't already happened. The doxxfags found out she's been playing games in her free time but that's pretty much it.

>> No.60690008

Is this the Niji thread?

>> No.60690090


>> No.60691581

if she streams or not

>> No.60691610

Ina had 3, and it was for health related reasons. She couldn't manage her priestess duties AND Hololive at the same time. It was breaking her so she had to set on aside for a time and her Priestess Duties had no wiggle room. If you know what she was doing, you'll know she was legally obligated to deliver on something that was taking up most of her time.

>> No.60691708

A chan had said that if cover was a smaller company they would have keep Rushia. Coco wanted out they could not keep her even if they want to.

>> No.60692809

money money money money

>> No.60692939


>> No.60693014

>Feels like the negative sentiment towards Gura has grown increasingly larger in the past ~2-3 months. Even on non-/vt/ social media, I mostly see her associated with negative comments nowadays.
Proof? Like you have any actual proof or is it the usual it came to me in a dream?

>> No.60693741

This. I check on this board periodically like every month or so, and I'm able to better notice changes. Kinda like not seeing a friend for a while and noticing their hair is longer whereas the people who see that person every day don't notice the change. Anyway, I can honestly say the hate for Gura hasn't changed at all and the Gura threads consist of the exact same posters bitching about how she never streams, how she's lazy and hates fans etc. What I have noticed is how many people now seem to hate Ame. She barely had any haters just a few months ago, and now there's quite a lot of them.

>> No.60694011

The antis go and find the few negative comments and make screenshots of them. She is still loved.

>> No.60694583

I'm sure she'll be in someone's 3D live any day now

>> No.60694775

Kaela's is coming...

>> No.60694903

when was the last time they talked?

>> No.60696481


they can't do shit. If they get tough, they'll go to vshojo.
The only solution is contracts for 3 years or more with heavy penalties, but I don't know if they are legally allowed to do that.

>> No.60697153

>What I have noticed is how many people now seem to hate Ame. She barely had any haters just a few months ago, and now there's quite a lot of them.
Ame haters come and go. She gave them something to latch on recently. As for Gura, I've noticed no difference compared to earlier this year. Pretty much the exact same rrats being posted daily. It's in hololive's best interest to keep their golden goose, so chumbuds really need to learn to accept that she won't be open and will stream about once a month. Any more Gura than that is a bonus now.

>> No.60698525

Anon that 4 million sub count is mostly dead subs. And I thought most chumpedos were functioning adults who just enjoy the streams when she streams so I don’t see why they care she takes a month break or more.

>> No.60698566

Call me crazy, but I think she's already joined vshojo and is in a year long plus non compete

>> No.60699227

You're crazy. If she leaves hololive, it'll more likely be to go full indie, where she can dictate everything.

>> No.60699500

She rarely streamed before joining Hololive. If she leaves, she'll probably just retire from the internet.

>> No.60699744

You really want to see Gura flop? It’ll result in breaking /vt/ rule and fucking with her irl. Only then will she quit like Coco or snap like Rushia

>> No.60700035

How is Gura so powerful and relevant she gets at least 3 bait threads daily when she's not even doing anything?

>> No.60700079

easy money.

>> No.60700116

You get PAID to make bait threads!?
