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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 83 KB, 292x312, 1681341385929357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60493189 No.60493189 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30): https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>60451545

>> No.60493278

>verification not required

>> No.60493293

Too many cute /asp/s

>> No.60493357
File: 2.60 MB, 720x404, vnyanPropsTest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to love me right chatsu? You will watch my streams forever and ever and ever and ever right? Cross your heart and hope to die, stick a needle in your eye.

>> No.60493546
File: 1.78 MB, 2508x888, eeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collection is growing..

>> No.60493711

go 2d

>> No.60493749

Who has that one clip of Daiya moaning?

>> No.60493807

I'm GOING to yank Rinna's butt plug tail

>> No.60493870

I want /asp/chan to tell me I'm GMI while sexpesting me!

>> No.60493929

wonder what happened to that one guy that was rigging crab-chan

>> No.60493997

where's the uncensored version though

>> No.60494135


>> No.60494199

I'm going to start anti-ing Rinna for blackface because of that picture

>> No.60494326

Why would I purposely nerf myself to have no hands?

>> No.60494340

I said it in the last bread (>>60480816) I can't make the catbox correctly. It's uncensored on my twitter tho.

>> No.60494428

What's your twitta my dude?

>> No.60494458


>> No.60494468

Intense bottom energy

>> No.60494674

(You will be disappointed)

>> No.60494740

Thank you

>> No.60494910

do you like Camui?

>> No.60494963

i want to FUCK skinwalker

>> No.60495010

well at least she's legal, Camui's safe, ahahah...
oh non, un baguette
also opera gx has a built-in ad-blocker
>depressed nousagi fan
speaks for itself

>> No.60495099

I will defend LCOLONQ with my life.

>> No.60495193

Told you its pure of disappointment, no need to tell it to everyone

>> No.60495223

the art is good though, at least

>> No.60495293

Layla also came from depressed nousagi.
What's this pipeline from depressed nousagi fan to getting into Camui's pants?

>> No.60495345 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse, at least you're not french

Camui is Depressed Nousagi

>> No.60495447

That's a rrat but I ogey it

>> No.60495719

I regret self posting I'M NOT FRENCH IM BELARUS GOD-DAMN IT (even if, funny enaugh, in belarusia i'd be seen as french and in france i'm seen as belarus). Please do not spread the miss information that i'm french THANK YOU.

>> No.60496027
File: 2.67 MB, 720x404, vnyanHeadpats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of having hands.

>> No.60496053

He's married

>> No.60496123

I got tingles, thank you, I needed that

>> No.60496131

what is the problem with married people?

>> No.60496364
File: 1.18 MB, 691x1017, PerformapalMissDirector-GFP2-EN-UR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss information

>> No.60496384

hasn't stopped chuubas before

>> No.60496409

Based frog-hating chuuba

>> No.60496497

It's called an affair and it is very frowned upon by society

>> No.60496516

Yeah to me

>> No.60496635

Don't hate on frogs :(

>> No.60496644
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, Silent_Hill_2_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60496807

Piss off judas

>> No.60496836

I mean, he is very sweet and nice and gentle and carring, I like his humor too even if it's a little silly and half of them are from movies I didnt watch. We Vc'd a few times and it'll all been fun..
Id consider him as a good friend that's for sure (not that i'm denying that I like him)

(Oh he's here too, GO WATCH HIS LIVE)

>> No.60497241

You did nothing wrong

>> No.60497283

You did everything wrong

>> No.60497320

Sorry I meant nothing.

>> No.60497421

I love denpafish!

>> No.60497471
File: 100 KB, 500x461, 1697213729966264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people here who don't understand ice cream

>> No.60497876

keep your ERP in DMs and don't bring it to the thread like he and Layla did

>> No.60498182

>simping for a homewrecker

>> No.60498198

^This, and don't manipulate him to white knight you.

>> No.60498238

So that was a lie

>> No.60498479
File: 175 KB, 512x512, KENNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenny is playing rune factory 3, watch him!


>> No.60498501

This one i never got btw, he kept going on about getting manipulated but never named a single example of what she actually did.

>> No.60498543

i’m anti-ing you back because you think lighter skinned black people don’t exist >:P i’m an islander you idiot

>> No.60498581

>Camui awake
>comfy bread
pick one

>> No.60498614

please no more timeloops!

>> No.60498728

Still better than when Gumpai's awake

>> No.60498935

Not him or the creepy simp, but did you not see the DMs he posted? Layla was being emotionally manipulative, she would attack herself in order to make him feel bad and feel the need to defend her. I've seen BPD bitches like her before fuck with my friends before, it's manipulative and disgusting.
They are both terrible people, so I'm not defending Camui, he did shitty things too.

>> No.60499002

He's not a terrible person, he's just retarded

>> No.60499050

Ignore the drama, focus on the cute psychopathic dancer!!!!!

>> No.60499073


>> No.60499185

>ERP with girl
>find out she has boyfriend who doesn't know
Simping like this should be illegal

>> No.60499322
File: 108 KB, 499x498, 1696486022219518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60499369

Yes i saw it, all i saw was her playing the weak girl to make him soft for her, he made it sound like she sent him to attack people etc. Not my issue if he got turned into a dumb simp that easily.

>> No.60499374

He didn't betray anyone, the only one who betrayed anyone was Layla, why does that make him a bad person?

>> No.60499406
File: 441 KB, 496x602, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60499407


>> No.60499431

>emotionally manipulative
every time someone uses this phrase it's fucking meaningless. yeah sure, she's calculating every word she says to manipulate people and isn't just some autistic loser with low self-esteem.

>> No.60499443
File: 111 KB, 500x500, marioland2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai G Nikki playing Super Mario Land 2


>> No.60499541

Imagine if he had a viewer for every post about him every time he streams.

>> No.60499564

I thought he was going to hold 2 guns

>> No.60499710

he posted all the dms but without any of his words which is incredibly sketchy
it seems manipulative for him to post those conversations without showing what he said in response

>> No.60499734

You think this is organic? Astroturfing. Quit biting the bait and giving him what he wants.

>> No.60499790

I'm going to bite every dramaposter and vagueposter >:^(

>> No.60499859

Well the thread was almost usable for a while. Maybe next time.

>> No.60499858

i will vague post about my self and my upcoming plans

>> No.60499960

Are you interested in mahjong?

>> No.60500040

I love my bf

>> No.60500064

>the nyaggers are back

>> No.60500182
File: 649 B, 69x23, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These newfags wouldn't recognize pic related even if he made himself 1000 times more obvious.
They're too oblivious of astroturfing.

>> No.60500229
File: 169 KB, 1402x757, ArtFriendDrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream starting now! Doing some reading & maybe some asmr afterwards!
Also, to the drawfriend who did this, may I post it on socials? (And if you have a twitter to credit please get in touch <3)

>> No.60500236

what does astroturfing mean

>> No.60500259

You got mad at the wrong post.

>> No.60500285

i do like majong but im bad at it

>> No.60500340


>> No.60500426
File: 1.98 MB, 2551x2551, nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't a jongger groom in peace?

>> No.60500539 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 512x544, hanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

53195 is not the number for a jong lobby made while watching CXW.

>> No.60500768

camui wanted to pretend like I was peanut butter between two slices of bread and he was fucking me in the erps. I think he has some issues.

>> No.60500879

ok, this made me laugh

>> No.60500896

I can see your stink lines from here, Alto

>> No.60500915

I love him like a brother.

>> No.60500929
File: 253 KB, 589x405, 1688046759108942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to stream but I keep ruining my sleep, my eating, my general state of mind, I'm literally losing to air why am I so bad at living

>> No.60500971

It's a compliment, you can't do that with cheap bread

>> No.60500984

You can do it anon I believe in you

>> No.60501209

What Camui and Kuku do

>> No.60501256

because we don't know what he wrote back because he deleted it. It's shady. I dont believe a word he is saying.

ýou seem like the kind of retard who believes someone he has candy in his van and gets fucking in the ass afterwards

>> No.60501394


>> No.60501456

Try making a schedule and sticking to it. Maybe that'll help.

>> No.60501500

Layla saw the whole thread and was crying and talking about the thread for hours on aspcord, but she didn't rebut anything he said, why should I believe her?

>> No.60501567

I bet you get a lot of (You)s with this one.

>> No.60501698

Life is tough but I believe in you, anon 8)

>> No.60501709
File: 30 KB, 1024x576, 55f015dc8716de5cd8568e9ec585b324fdd350a6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough about those two retards already. We got other ships that are sailing. We need to ship a new blood.

>> No.60501750

You can GMI, anon.

>> No.60501966
File: 294 KB, 1960x1435, IMG_2998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ship mond and rinna and rura

>> No.60502042

Mond x Hanbun
Rinna x Keitaro
Rura x Hyde

>> No.60502085

>someone was upset that their personal conversations were leaked
>those conversations were edited to remove the leaker's part in the conversation, removing much needed context
>this is not grounds for being upset
You're retarded.

If Cam was so confident in his accusations, he would have zero issues showing his part in the conversations but I guess he just decided his part in all of this was irrelevant (hint: it's not) and just to blame Layla. Like, Layla is emotionally childish but that's not a sin. She doesn't have an ounce of malice in her. She's just immature.

What Cam did, by picking out her messages, editing out his part and then posting them here for all to see, that is absolutely malice. It was calculated and meant to harm Layla. If he had simply kept it private and just blocked Layla he could have got what he wanted which was apparently to be left alone but he chose to option which caused harm. He just comes off as a narcissistic shithead which is way worse than Layla's emotional immaturity.

>> No.60502091

Nope. And keep this away from her. Thank you

>> No.60502108

Keitaro belongs to Daiya

>> No.60502113

Alto hates Ichihime, don't insult him

>> No.60502148

It's Hyde x Layla now. Get with the times.

>> No.60502194
File: 322 KB, 1080x1080, aslkdhlhdalskdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, depends on what it is tho! i've only ever drawn mild/wholesome nsfw before, im not very confident in my ability to draw hardcore stuff (yet)

>> No.60502254

Are you open atm? I'd love to comm a loading screen from you :0

>> No.60502271

Get a grip on your ESL then.

>> No.60502553
File: 729 KB, 300x344, bruh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every ESL is Olga

Did you ever heard about a false flagging thing?
NGL, I'm weak for it too, few times I was confused too.
After some time I just stopped trying to guess.
But for the love of the god at least do not engage random people into stirring same shitty stuff for days.

>> No.60502562

You still haven't told me why she hasn't posted the full logs, and please stop treating her like a baby, she's a hag

>> No.60502563

unfortunately my queue's full at the moment! if you're willing to wait 5-6 weeks, my waitlist is open!

>> No.60502604

Lava x Cheen
Camui x Chriichrii
Rura x Iriya

>> No.60502630

Why would she? What onus is on her? She hasn't made any accusations here. She doesn't need to prove anything. Cam needs to prove absolutely everything because he's the one who made all the claims.

Logic 101

>> No.60502633

time to masturbate, brb

>> No.60502642


>> No.60502647

i ship myself with the potatoe

>> No.60502699

>Nobody ships me with my aspie oshi

>> No.60502736

Please practice by making lewds of yourself. Your design is too good to be allowed to remain wholesome

>> No.60502748

>Lava x Cheen
Yes. I think they would be very cute together.
>Camui x Chriichrii
Good. They're fit for each other.
>Rura x Iriya
No. Rura is a sweetiepie and Iriya is a fucking master manipulator, dude gives off extreme groomer vibes and Rura is just too innocent to see it

>> No.60502772

okay but imagining olga saying this is fucking hilarious

>> No.60502780

I finished a clip and a short, wanted to get some opinions before publishing them. I believe they are basically done but I'll take whatever I can get.
Clip: https://streamable.com/fhdsql
During the Freddy Krueger bit, is more camera work needed? Like rumbling? Or tinging the screen red?
Short: https://streamable.com/ci8h53

>> No.60502781
File: 147 KB, 300x300, 054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am constantly forgotten

>> No.60502848

Out of context messages or not, they BOTH are in the wrong in their way.
What Camui did was bad but Layla isn't innocent at all, since the cherry picked messaged still aligned with what she did on the threads and in aspcord.

>> No.60502869

Because if she had time to cry for hours on the aspcord, it's in her interest that everyone knows the truth, isn't it? Camui is retarded, Hyde is a retard who thinks he has a psychology degree just because he lived with a dysfunctional family and Layla is retarded and will remain so forever because people treat her like a baby

>> No.60502875

Your editing skills are always very impressive. You know better than most here.

>> No.60502904

Rinna x Ryuuta (even though I'm thirsty for Rinna, but not that thirsty)

>> No.60502918

camui deleted the logs?

>> No.60502923

I'll never forget you, anon

>> No.60502945

It's something she could have said too, 6 months ago, back when she was inexperienced

>> No.60502968

I wrote this.

>> No.60502977

Camui, Layla, Hyde and maybe Merlie are all probably sitting in a groupchat and laughing their ass off about this stupid nondrama and the reaction they get from it.
They already admitted to having shit up the thread with ERP shit before and Camui had this great excuse of them having pre-agreed to deleting messages which of course Layla forgot that day when it was convenient.
This "drama" is an absolute nothingburger that means jack shit to anyone and has no impact on anyone.
Hyde seem to want to larp as his character going all "ohh, if you have to attack anyone do it to me instead, but beware to not awaken by bad side."
Camui just wanted to play a villain.
Layla wants to be saviorfagged and the attention of a victim.
And Merlie also seemed quite eager to say his piece at the first chance given about how he will always be their friend and loves everyone even when they leak DMs.

>> No.60502979

Can we start shipping Slushy and Ace? their twitter interesting today was cute

>> No.60503009

Weird that you keep adding names randomly to this rrat

>> No.60503043

The cuteness killed me

>> No.60503064

It's crazy how long these threads survive, and how much quality content is in here, when we actually talk about vtubers and not about e-drama. Fuck off.

>> No.60503076

Dunno who else also posted this, i can't be here 24/7 but glad to know i am not the only one who thinks that this is probably what actually is happening.

>> No.60503089
File: 785 KB, 1170x2135, IMG_3054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean not that thirsty?? take a sip babes

>> No.60503092

I never said Layla was not in the wrong. She needs to work on her maturity.

It's in her best interest to ignore accusations that have almost no real evidence other than some heavily edited DMs with almost zero context. Engaging with them only serves as validation to their accuracy. She's doing the right thing by stepping away for a while and not talking about it.
People will still like Layla when she comes back. Nobody feels threatened by her. Cam on the other hand fucked himself hard because he has shown himself as someone who is vindictive, willing to engage in knowingly malicious behaviour and narcisistic enough to leak DMs. Even Layla being an emotional baby was smart enough to know you should never leak private conversations. You can mature out of of Layla's emotional outbursts. What Cam has is much harder to fix.

>> No.60503093

The fuck did Merlie do?

>> No.60503120

today I have no idea who to draw

>> No.60503217

>more drama
>yet again
Who's streaming????

>> No.60503223

Draw the chuuba featured in the OP I guess

>> No.60503224

You're such talented detectives, bros... Look:
>letter "ý"

Open your eyes, it's not y it's ý.
Idk at what language setter with it would exist.
I needed to copy-paste it cuz was unable to make input of it.
Russian don't even have such letter.

And yeah, false flagging is kinda LE BAD.
As stirring the same shit. If you want to continue - just discuss it person-to-person.
I mean, you all are adults be mindful.
First of all you're creating more negativity even you're trying to defend someone, second - you are feeding future crabs. And now even trying to engage randoms.
As also just wasting your time on gossips about a conflict about which one we don't even have a full info.


>> No.60503235

I wanted more streams from Ace, he's got good zatsu :c

>> No.60503247

Draw bunkumm being too shy to steal someone's wallet.

>> No.60503284

do vent art
draw what you love

>> No.60503313

Draw sexy tiny vermin. PLEASE, I need more sexy tiny vermin

>> No.60503318

https://www.twitch.tv/bluewhistle with art
https://www.twitch.tv/shvahvt with SCP: 5K
https://www.twitch.tv/ruadhuacailte with reading and asmr
https://www.twitch.tv/coyote_knight with software and game development
manasongwriting should be starting soon too.

>> No.60503387

>You can mature out of of Layla's emotional outbursts

my guy, she is almost 30 years old, the only way to solve this is the meds

>> No.60503532

Thank you, Rinna. I love you.

>> No.60503553

When no one was talking about it anymore he made a huge deal out of staying friends with both and he also tried to bring this into the aspcord when no one cared there.

>> No.60503616
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, asp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humble request we go back to tradition and don't use specific aspies for new OPs but rather just these sort of images.

>> No.60503662


>> No.60503666

Probably because Layla tried to make people go against Camui. Merlie just made it public (Maybe).

>> No.60503669

Why? It's nice to see different aspies being OP'd.

>> No.60503680

The biggest culprit is Hyde desu, even though he was the only "sane" one among the 30-year-old adults with the mind of a teenager group, he forced them to rekindle the friendship. Grade A retard

>> No.60503688

Keitaro and Daiya

>> No.60503704

>every /wvt/ thread uses a chuuba
>every /lig/ thread uses a chuuba

>> No.60503716

momo is always a fun choice

>> No.60503753


>> No.60503770

I want everyone involved in this petty drama bullshit to die. Not the chuubas, the ones who keep timelooping it every thread.

>> No.60503777

Last time someone tried that we also regressed back to thread/discord drama. I feel like these are cursed somehow.

>> No.60503816

>every OP post thread in all 4chan uses content/character/memes who only the thread users know

>> No.60503824

Does kuku seriously have a feet cam?

>> No.60503832

Merlie is the one i am least sure about but at this point i don't trust anyone that is part of that clique.

>> No.60503844


>> No.60503861

>unsanctified bread

it was only a matter of time before things collapsed

>> No.60503868 [SPOILER] 

I'm not the person you requested but here you go

>> No.60503869


>> No.60503884

I agree, it's not about /asp/ies, it's not called the small vtuber general
This mindset is why we have so much drama and so little advice for making it

>> No.60503897

why you don't want to help new /asp/ies in the name of "tradition"?
do you even know what tradition means?

>> No.60503908


>> No.60503931 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 479x574, tinysecsee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the picture like a dumb fuck

>> No.60503946

This is a thread for aspies to learn the ropes. It’s not a viewer thread. It’s as simple as that. There will be drama and fights over who’s the OP it’s so pointless.

>> No.60503959

yes, he's even done something to improve the lights on his feet so you can appreciate them more, anon

>> No.60504026

anon I just came, stop

>> No.60504039

Just don't trust Layla, Hyde, Camui and the schizo viewer. The rest of Gen5 is getting dragged in but shouldn't be part of the drama.

>> No.60504074

i haven’t really seen people fight over that? maybe when rura was op three times in a row but every thread has that happen from time to time

>> No.60504117

How has no one lewded Rinna yet?

>> No.60504116

What a slut

>> No.60504157

she's too funny to be lewded

>> No.60504247

I finally found an idea for a pngtuber basis that fits well into what I want to do, and best part is while I suck at drawing I may still be able to draw something passable... Now if only I weren't so lazy, working retail post covid sucks minus the extra pay.

>> No.60504300

I just came to that picture, I think it's only a matter of time until she gets lewd art

>> No.60504334

she’s like the funny childhood best friend i end up crushing on but respect her and keep my distance, but sad we aren’t together.

>> No.60504589


>> No.60504635

I'm not a drawfag or else I'd have lewded her from her first stream

>> No.60504645

I like Hyde but yeah can't really defend that. Baka old man.

>> No.60504847
File: 91 KB, 1282x1331, LIFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would my phone be good enough for face tracking? or should i buy a webcam to get more accurate tracking?

>> No.60504889

Depends on the phone

>> No.60504942

iphone>webcam>android if you're going the vtuber studio route

>> No.60504951

clonk is my liege lord

>> No.60505011
File: 261 KB, 799x799, 1686343156921451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS RULES! Do you have a twitter? I dunno if this is final or a near done WIP bc of the reference in the image hehe, but I'd love to retweet it if so!

>> No.60505027

Any iphone with LiDAR is sufficient.

>> No.60505029

iphone > android > webcam
for the face thing that new androids have, I don't remember the name

>> No.60505088

Android has new stuff? Oh, I gotta look into that, I was just going over what I remembered from vtube studio's site

>> No.60505092

Does anyone have any videos on how to set up iPhone for vtube studio?

>> No.60505146

People are learning, anon.
That's why things like this happens when many new people itt.
No one is perfect. Best that people can do - analyze things, use this experience and do better next time.

>> No.60505156

If you're talking about Android ARcore its not really worth it over RTX until it actually integrates with software.

>> No.60505183

You install vbridger.

>> No.60505211

I love you olga

>> No.60505517
File: 132 KB, 1400x1050, the_matrix_4_morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Gen is cool and all.
But I'm waiting for the coming of the Puppet savior, to bring salvation to all the Puppettubers.
I'll be their Morpheus.

>> No.60505577


>> No.60505596

I know what you did

>> No.60505649
File: 564 KB, 2560x1440, clive barkers undying 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We return to Clive Barker's Undying today, and we shall resume our attempt at removing the curse that affects this very happy family.
Moral of this game: don't let your kids near books of the occult.


>> No.60505751
File: 2.79 MB, 3125x2139, Illustration11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you love this hamster? :D

>> No.60505817

I like the other one more sorry...

>> No.60505861

both are good

>> No.60505880
File: 94 KB, 905x695, Seto_Kaiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you?

>> No.60505907

Who is he?

>> No.60506002

Didn't expect Ainslie had such cute hands

>> No.60506089

I'm a woman! My name is Arisu, hiii.

>> No.60506218

How come I've never heard of you until now?

>> No.60506292

>recent broadcast 22 days ago
Do you not save vods or do you not stream often? I follow you on Xitter but never see announcements. Your art is nice though.

>> No.60506306
File: 136 KB, 500x500, SillyDerp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I've been posting on and off for a few months, just not super often.

>> No.60506375

Try to network a bit with the people here if you have time.
We're looking to pad out the time slots, love to expand our circle!

>> No.60506385

I've been attending class full time this month I have barely streamed! I plan to release a schedule on Sunday when I finish commissions so I can get back in the swing of streaming.
Thanks so much though!! <3

>> No.60506393

Then we are brothers.

>> No.60506583
File: 188 KB, 500x500, SillyThumbsUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I super appreciate the advice! That's the plan currently, but I'm a tad bit shy despite befriending a lot of super cool people from this board. Once I solidify my schedule I'll start asking around for collabs.

>> No.60506619

We need a titty monster to cover for Coco, do try to stick around if you can!

>> No.60506725

Someone described me as a really creative streamer and it made me want to try new things to live up to that, but I don't know where to start...

>> No.60506916

I refuse to watch Rinna because I know I will like her and it just hurts too much that I'll never have a deep-voiced choco cunny wife

>> No.60507014
File: 37 KB, 512x96, didmybest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60507087
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1508316-2.output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out Foundry tonight. No idea if its good but hopefully the early access version doesn't just explode entirely.

>> No.60507137
File: 62 KB, 1152x648, suraya_script.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60507376

She said she was gonna be less cunny starting from her next stream because she'll be using her new model.

>> No.60507645
File: 94 KB, 1170x180, IMG_3065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toe reveal

>> No.60507781

It doesn't matter, I'm weak to cat girls so I will be at most Rinna streams (I already am anyway)

>> No.60507813

that doesnt look less cunny at all, and that's a good thing

>> No.60508067

We're entering a golden age of cunny

>> No.60508245

you're such a fucking loser dude

>> No.60508534

not cunny per say, really just a chibi model while i save for a real model.

>> No.60508644

>doing investigation into how other aspies monetise themselves
>go to rura's Kofi
>90% of the donations are you know who

What do I have to do to get a schizo oiler?

>> No.60508777

Is this a real RRAT?
Man wtf, we were lucky with the previous generation but this wave has been 4chan core.

>> No.60508797

Be cute girl.
Though the aspie who's the most profitable is probably cheen because he does comms

>> No.60508988

>insults oiler
>complains no oiler
Pottery. Fix yourself and maybe it will happen.

>> No.60508986

Yes, just like gachas games small streamers are maintained by one or two whales

>> No.60509005

Denpa still gets more comms for lower quality art just because she's a girl
Earlier today I was thinking, damn, that frog guy has a foot cam, he would incline like crazy if he was a girl...
It can be demotivating sometimes

>> No.60509053

she doesn't have a kofi

>> No.60509182


>> No.60509310

I'm just a viewer so I can't really relate, but I won't deny that the girl buff is real.
Still, as long as you're having fun and putting the work in, the incline will happen either way. Ganbare, anon!

>> No.60509348

Olga please for the love of god learn to make your posts less identifying

>> No.60509355

Tiny is probably up with cheen.

>> No.60509479

42 donations jesus

>> No.60509883

kill yourself you fucking frog

>> No.60509968

That's why Olgaposting is a very rare thing.
Probably I wouldn't even reply to posts if not a random assumption that every ESL itt is Olga.
Decided to clarify this, cuz many stuff can happen while I am not checking this thread

>> No.60510007

Frogs are a cancer on the world and this website

>> No.60510602

He's going to kill himself when he finds out she has a boyfriend who dumps cum into her dino holes every night

>> No.60510699

That boyfriend? Me

>> No.60510951

Yeah, me.

>> No.60510967

He probably knows at this point, all the females here have boyfriends

>> No.60511026

Never forget what the frogs did

I think she's cheating on one of you

>> No.60511096

Yeah, with me.

>> No.60511105

Yeah, with me

>> No.60511226
File: 1.29 MB, 2002x1118, 1685198332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60511460

>can’t even get a waifu with all her fingers
Kek. NGMI.

>> No.60511522

Which aspie girl should I plap tonight

>> No.60511653

Yeah me

>> No.60511658

I used to actually read this thread but now its like im unironically reading tumblr

Asp fell off

>> No.60511830

It’s a cycle. All it takes is one dramafag for it to restart. Only gen 6 will save us now.

>> No.60512008

You know, I'm here for the first time in a while and I was literally thinking "huh, this place is less schizophrenic and retarded than I remember".

>> No.60512033

>gen 6
we're barely like two months into gen 5 don't get too excited

>> No.60512102

So you're saying it's all timeloops?
Lets gooooo

>> No.60512192

Nah, gen 3 wasn't THAT bad

>> No.60512213
File: 31 KB, 678x350, e5bab1ebfa13911f12fb42780fd52614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60512234

What's your good thread standard? 700 schizoposts like in gen 3?

>> No.60512359
File: 182 KB, 851x900, 1696992199760599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean these? These are aspcord messages, not dms. If you're going to dramafag, at least do it right.

>> No.60512381
File: 79 KB, 760x438, racing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna stream Ridge Racer R4 tonight, im planning to play through all the difficulties!

>> No.60512454
File: 325 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2023-10-15-03-23-16-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>60512359 (me)
And here's the proof. You can go to aspcord and look for them yourself.

>> No.60512523

That's another anon. Camui posted dms straight up which caused this cord spill in the first place. If you're gonna archive dive do it right.

>> No.60512540

Cam you really can't let this nothingburger die can you?

>> No.60512553

>stupid whore abusing a mentally vulnerable person for financial gain

whats new?

>> No.60512573

>chat is female
kek, you know who your actual target audience is

>> No.60512592

These are the only messages I've seen posted. Care to point me in the right direction?

>> No.60512704

Camui doesn't have a phone. Fake fan.

>> No.60512723


>> No.60512849

This is the only camui thing I refuse to believe, honestly

>> No.60512921

Appreciate it. I'll try to get a full picture from everyone involved.

>> No.60512946

That's very schizo, the most disturbing thing about Camu

>> No.60513509

Alright then, I've decided upon PLAPPING mond for the night

>> No.60513538


>> No.60513617
File: 34 KB, 635x576, 39846846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mere mention of Youtube /asp/s fucking ruins these threads. Anyone that streams on Youtube now or in the future is lost.

>> No.60513672

where the kick aspies at

>> No.60513676


>> No.60513731

Anon Ainslie is a guy

>> No.60513779

fuck off with shilling that worthless bitch

>> No.60514012

fuck the drama, post clips

>> No.60514208

Fuck the clips, post drama

>> No.60514254

this but unironically

>> No.60514365

based on what Nimimouto told me, she had to threaten denpa with a charge back, after waiting months with no update on her model art that she paid up front for, for denpa to then not even finish the art herself, and denpa never paid the other artist that basically did her work for her. how shit do you have to be at art to do this?

>> No.60514399

> he just can't get the fuck over it

You're only driving your own reputation into the ground, retard

>> No.60514524

He's trying to butter her up and leech off her goodwill when he starts streaming.

>> No.60514700

I will be the first Facebook Gaming /asp/

>> No.60514750

big if true

>> No.60515330

damn wished you streamed more. I really love your vtuber model.

>> No.60515545

I'm a man and I look like the drawing he used, I think he wanted to make it ambiguous

>> No.60515552

this is so cute. what brush was used for this

>> No.60515735

Why is this pic so funny? I just get happy every time I see it

>> No.60515804

Do you shave your legs anon? How tall are you?

>> No.60515836


>> No.60515870
File: 7 KB, 299x168, 1676667148563395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60515967

No matter how much you want to push it, 3d doesn't look as good as you think it does.

>> No.60516054

Does that mean my dreams of skipping live2d and jumping into this with 3D only are dead?

>> No.60516137

That's literally the best option with the content he's going for. What, you want him to dance with a live2d? Ridiculous.

>> No.60516160

He's a dancer. It's literally impossible for him to do anything in 2d.

>> No.60516259

is this a schizo? This is one of the better looking 3D chuuba models I've seen.

>> No.60516310

holy fucking post cooldown cab

>> No.60516462

>people don't agree with me
>must be samefag
kill yourself

>> No.60516523

I still have no idea where Koko is from that she talks like this. I don't dislike it, I've just never heard anything like it before. It's like she came from uwuland or something.

>> No.60516688

>rura: 177 subs
>iriya: 291 subs

If anything, she's leeching off him at this point.

>> No.60516708

I love her, she's so cute.

>> No.60516799

he's streaming rn anon

>> No.60516983

Hyde, stfu

>> No.60517012

She is. I could fall asleep to her really easily.

>> No.60517083

>6.6k views on his latest video from 2 days ago
My man is inclining hard

>> No.60517118

ironic you posted this

>> No.60517468

old man love

>> No.60517472

That's all me (i'm a guy btw)

>> No.60517765

>he's a viewer
>he clips her
>he makes animations for her
>he donates to her
>he's even another content creator

>> No.60518065

me and who

>> No.60518291


>> No.60518513

BFE buff
Anons here could learn something

>> No.60518792
File: 62 KB, 220x272, laugh-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. Why do you only attract losers?

>> No.60518979

Iriya love

>> No.60519062

Some of her last posts are retweeting Denpas commissions. Stop making up bullshit

>> No.60519513

>liked a tweet in early september
I don't know, could be true, I don't see no denpa-made model and she wouldn't have gone back to unlike denpa's tweets

>> No.60520081

You know you can DM on twitter if you want something, right?

>> No.60520204

the same way lava found cheen

>> No.60520271

on top of screenshots and the vc call i can have the artist that literally had to finish her work weight in if you give a shit about the truth,tho i doubt you do. how about you ask them how many months they went with literally no communication, sketch, or update and see their response? only excuse she ever gave for literally doing zero work in multiple months time, is that she is too depressed to draw, while still having the time to drawing art for other people

>> No.60520277

Do guys ever have girls that do as much for them as this?

>> No.60520389 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 548x811, F0J6hl6agAA7-PP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60520409
File: 19 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-10-15T130543.502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he donated again and it's 52 now
Can't make this shit up. I don't know whether to laugh at the fact of how random the universe is or cry that I'm doing something wrong

>> No.60520422

I should draw myself in a megadeth shirt...

>> No.60520431

lmao even

>> No.60520510

Draw your vtuber in classic rock shirts it's kino, I wanna do iron maiden next

>> No.60520550

Girls are fucking cheap scum. Even gays are more generous in total and they make up like 1% of the population.

>> No.60520671

all I'm seeing is ESL seeth
if you have proof then post it

>> No.60520711

nta but he intimidates me

>> No.60520714

this is good

>> No.60520826

Do you think Fuza knows Gumpai is fucking other guys behind his back?

>> No.60520939

You shouldn't be too hung up about it if you're not a girl. If you are in fact a girl, you'll get a paypig eventually.

>> No.60521014
File: 91 KB, 447x447, 1679629570154638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, he's not a new vtuber anymore

>> No.60521438

But Daiya and Keitaro float around high 40 low 50 subs every month...

>> No.60521520

>Hasn't streamed in about a week
Man, I really fell off...
...Is what I'd say, but you can't fall off if you were never on lmao

>> No.60521525

Goddamn Camui stop venting on twitter about shit that happens on a 4chan thread it makes you look thinskinned as fuck

>> No.60521689

40 SUBS?
you gonna be kidding me

>> No.60521717 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 800x856, mr9SF0cT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you I try to commission only good art

>> No.60521845

Come back anon, I've missed you

>> No.60521885
File: 531 KB, 609x722, KokoMelipan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my wife and her new model. Say something nice about her.

>> No.60521959

show legs

>> No.60521992

wait, this >>60520389 is not a fanart?
don't get me wrong, is good

>> No.60522084

Tomorrow, hopefully. I'll probably be satisfying my need for speed during the usual heavy overlap hours.

>> No.60522159

40 twitch subscribers is probably higher end for aspie males, I don't exactly track this

>> No.60522190

I don't remember posting this but yes, say something about my beautiful wife.

>> No.60522222

Her voice is very cute, even if she still has worries about being understood, and I respect and appreciate that she wants to improve her speaking abilities.

>> No.60522223

>during the usual heavy overlap hours

>> No.60522308

You can say something like that without proof, denpa is unemployed and relies on commissions to pay for bills and condom money

>> No.60522359

Sir there's a misunderstanding here, that's my wife.
But man she's cute af

>> No.60522373

Because I'm a fucking idiot, anon, I don't know what to tell you

>> No.60522387


>> No.60522508

Yes, but the crabs here have never met them.

>> No.60522538

He's proving how much an emotional little girl he his. I expect this shit from the more unstable ones here (you know who I mean) but not from him. Like who cares cam? Leave 4chan in 4chan.

>> No.60522626 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 658x603, IMG_0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad crop i'm lazy to clean it up lol
Nah it's from an artist where this is their whole art gimmick. I payed 20$ lol

This is fan-art tho

>> No.60522818

don't suck off my boy slushy like that you hag

>> No.60522896

I told him my worst fear was having people make vore art and he made this to torment me

>> No.60522983

Why does @Bensmom7 follow every aspie on Twitter but me!!!!!

>> No.60522992

kek based

>> No.60522994

Its really weird that there are people who actually log on here every day to just repeat the same 2-3 bits of gossip over and over again like they think they're revealing hidden knowledge to people who haven't heard that same rumor a million times already.

>> No.60523120

Sheesh anon, you don't need to call out ppl that hard...

>> No.60523242

you definitely weren't live when the things you're getting accused of were happening you scumbag.
this (>>60512723) is the discord leak you're getting accused of, not the aspcord leak that was posted prior to you being banned from there. the fact that the aspcord leak was in light mode leads me to believe that wasn't you but you're schizo enough to change things up to try and throw people off with things like that

>> No.60523411 [SPOILER] 
File: 386 KB, 781x664, feel free to lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for the reference sheet

>> No.60523471

I love my oshi like you wouldn't believe. He should stop sleeping. Forever. That way, he has more time to give us content. I need more I need more I need more. Get to work

>> No.60523581


you're as retarded as Camui, why don't you post this to his twitter if you care so much? mongoloid

>> No.60523641

I hope denpafish kills herself.

>> No.60523715
File: 10 KB, 92x92, 1686337094331895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sort of invested but it's getting so tiring...
Enough with all this highschool drama man...

>> No.60523728

omg this is so cute

>> No.60523754

What did she do to you?

>> No.60523799

can you explain the drama clearly instead of just alluding to it, I'm morbidly curious and have no intention to help in any way.

>> No.60523806

im sorry she never gave you love bro

>> No.60523809
File: 38 KB, 700x600, menhera chan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 527 time I'm not gay
let me have my cope anon

>> No.60523844

I hope denpafish marries me

>> No.60523899

Hell no

>> No.60523932

Dear oshi,
Get to work. Right now.

>> No.60523984

vidya strimm if anyone wants to come by!

>> No.60524058
File: 589 KB, 1200x900, 12q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>60502113 said, I actually hate Ichihime

>> No.60524061

you should stream kings field next

>> No.60524178
File: 195 KB, 400x400, image_2023-10-14_205310794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60524398

I will stream Kings Field in December

>> No.60524925


>> No.60525026


>> No.60525028

I've been feeling a bit down, gomen. I'll try streaming next week
