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60480737 No.60480737 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Nijifags hate mysta now?

>> No.60481782

He kson'd them

>> No.60481847

Same reason Holofags hate Kson

>> No.60481865

but we don't hate kson though

>> No.60481884


>> No.60481897 [DELETED] 

yes, we, Zhang

>> No.60482041

We are not chinese
Nijifags made him graduate, Nijisanji have the worst fanbase.

>> No.60482097

nijikeks barely gets 2k CCV while Kuro gets 6k CCV

>> No.60482263

WDYM niji was always at war with mysta

>> No.60482270


>> No.60482392
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the nijisanji fanbase is the worst fanbase

>> No.60482424

I don’t actually hate either of them, mostly just indifferent to their content. Don’t know why you’re doing revisionism right now, Holofags here have never like Vshojo and Kson switching teams just resulted in people acting like she never belonged in Hololive in the first place.

>> No.60482479
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sold out to vshitshow

>> No.60482571

the current members dont like him as well

>> No.60482615

He went from a bad company filled with whores to another bad company filled with whores. Not much of a change honestly.

>> No.60482649

I think most hololive fans are ambivalent towards kson

>> No.60482651
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He made peace (love) with the arch enemy

>> No.60482669

Why did that poster use Henya when she's kept the same model so far and only half of it applies to her?

>> No.60482692

I hated him in Nijisanji too lmao

>> No.60482734

look at the date
the post itself does need an update though since puppeteer finally got thrown out months ago, it only took them nearly two years

>> No.60482770

He talked shit about the oshi(company)

>> No.60482781 [DELETED] 

Sure Zhang, do your revisionism that literally everyone hate her.

>> No.60482919

The difference is I dislike Kson but not Coco. Nijisisters hate both Mysta and Kuro now

>> No.60482975
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Only one of his most recent streams is close to 6k, why lie?

>> No.60483339

you do not like coco

>> No.60483380
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His rules are HIGHLY offensive to sisters.

>> No.60483507

I just said I did

>> No.60483561

We aren't bugmen

>> No.60483583

yes, we, Zhang.

>> No.60483628

i don't believe you since your image of what coco and kson are like and the differences between the two seems to be based in fiction

>> No.60483741

I hate Kson but still respect Coco's contributions to Hololive. Nijiniggers want to erase Mysta from the history books.

>> No.60483773

That's good for you buddy, but I know how I feel

>> No.60483853

This is probably accurate but I think this is probably true for Mysta as well. Your average vtuber fans are at worst indifferent to other vtubers and at best just unityfags who want everyone to get along. Since OP was making a point about how Nijifags suddenly despise Mysta, it's easy to point out all the anons here who treat Kson like a whore who never belonged in a "true pure idol company" like Holo in the first place. /vt/ always fixates on the worst of any community, and the worst of vtuber communities are universally shit across the board regardless of company.

>> No.60484043

Oh a mysta thread? Guess his vshojo numbers are shit huh?

>> No.60484499

I just don't care about her existance anymore, I don't hate her

>> No.60485014

the same reason they also hate nina, zaion and yugo
their oshi is the black company, not the livers

>> No.60485042
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They aren't exactly popping off no

>> No.60485066

This is a reasonable depiction of the situation

>> No.60485208

What did he get shortly before he graduated from Niji?

>> No.60485224

Still way higher than his average niji numbers.

>> No.60485261
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lol no

>> No.60485426

Those are peak viewers, no?

>> No.60486043

Are you implying that a number enjoyer would use bad info to mislead people? Unheard of

>> No.60486974

I wouldn’t be surprised if Vshojo’s revenue split is significantly better than Niji’s anyway even if these numbers were accurate.

>> No.60487159
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kson will never be the same as Coco, 'nuff said.

>> No.60487426

People can like Coco because she did stuff that benefitted Hololive at the end of the day. Kson has been relegated to just an appearance in Yakuza and the occasional "woah, she just referenced her coco days, so funny!"

>> No.60487924

There’s no revenue split
All the money Kuro gets from streaming (ads, subscription/memberships, donos, bits) goes directly into his wallet, obviously after Twitch takes 50/50, although some members have the 70/30. But just to put it in perspective, there’s this one guy that said with 700 loyal viewers, he was making the same as his other job.
Vshojo only takes a split on Merch and Sponsorships.

>> No.60487973

lmao, didn't care about Coco and I don't really about kson

>> No.60488032

that's not being a coco fan
that's being a cover fan

>> No.60488065

if you hate on Henya you should take your meds

>> No.60488085

>thats being a cover fan
>for appreciating what coco did in the long run
You're a genuine retard for this. The entire ARK run got started from Coco.

>> No.60488144

its funny because the dude seems like he's just vibing doing his own things while nijifags are still seething about him

>> No.60488367

Any hate for Coco is from newfags who want to rewrite history for their hate of Vshojo. I get not liking her current IRL/Coomer type content if it's not for you, but denying that Coco wasn't a huge factor in Hololive's success is peak retardation.

>> No.60488428

that is graduation buff views, he gets 3k-4k before that

>> No.60488497

How much did he dump on the lore video?

>> No.60488783

It was also responsible for
>Hololive going the route of degeneracy and sexual promiscuity
>Hololive shutting out the Chinese market ruining their profits forever and artifically keeping Nijisanji afloat, causing them to desperately cling onto the Taipei regime's market (who are less than the amount of people who watch Holostars), receiving in turn less than a 100th of the yuan that they could have gotten from Chinese simps.

>> No.60488819

Not gonna act like I’m super knowledgeable about the situation, but didn’t Vei, Nyan, and Silver leave due to the new contract not making sense financially? I’m not sure if we know exactly how the current contract works, and Kson has implied that talents at least get some cut of the merch revenue in response to posts criticizing her making fun of Niji for the whole 2% situation.

>> No.60488962

Because he milked them dry of all their money during his graduation stream, and then just showed up again in another corpo a month later. If i donated during that graduation, i’d want a fucking refund

>> No.60489041

It’s pretty simple, she was fine when she was being tardwrangled by hololive, but as soon as she was on her own, it became clear that she sucks

>> No.60489048

says the retard who thinks people only watch her for some supposed references to her being coco?

>> No.60489074

Given how people act with Kson, i've seen people care more about the stuff she does to bait with Coco, than an actual witty moment from her.

>> No.60489108

I mean… she was playing on a server with hololive girls right? It seems pretty cut and dry anon, like when mike got a bunch of views for clickbaiting with marine

>> No.60489147

you have no idea what coco was like then and you have no idea what kson is like now, you just parrot whatever you read on here
yes those are the people like you, cover fans, not the people who actually watch her

>> No.60489178

>Hololive going the route of degeneracy and sexual promiscuity
if anything they were doing that MORE before gen 4, check the archive At least what remains of it
>Hololive shutting out the Chinese market ruining their profits forever and artifically keeping Nijisanji afloat, causing them to desperately cling onto the Taipei regime's market (who are less than the amount of people who watch Holostars), receiving in turn less than a 100th of the yuan that they could have gotten from Chinese simps.
Anon do you realize how much the chinese government fucking HATES vtubers? There were laws that took away the right to any privacy for them put into effect DAYS after the taiwan incident. And there have been even worse laws put into play for streamers since. If anything Coco's yab saved them from an inevitable future yab with china, that would have had a much greater impact on them.

>> No.60489191

So I'm a cover fan because I mentioned the obvious?

>> No.60489204

what fucking universe do you live in?

>> No.60489265

you're a cover fan because you reduce her to nothing but her relation to cover

>> No.60489286

>Hololive shutting out the Chinese market

>> No.60489318

I'll bite this threads bait and agree with you on coco but say that in mysta's case it's largely the opposite. Even at his peak people in the main thread didn't like him because of his tendencies to get one-guyed, his tendencies to ship bait and his consistent menhera tendencies.
He also was largely responsible for the harassment Nina got while she was in nijisanji because he had been fujo baiting non stop and then Nina tried to get him and I think vox to kiss on stream during an offcollab and he immediately was like
>wtf I'm not gay I don't wanna kiss another dude
Which caused his fanbase to harass her until the day she graduated. His entire personality for nearly a year straight was
and then when fans latched onto this personality of his, he got mad.

Say what you want about kson but before leaving holo she pushed for positive changes in Holo and was genuinely liked by the community.

Mysta added:
-angry fujos
-constant drama
This is the only thing I'll add but you can find proof of this in the archives, shit you can just look at the archives for his infamous "league of legends is srs bsns" tweet. Even during his graduation the thread was celebrating because holy fuck it felt like a weight was finally lifted from the branch.

>> No.60489475

It wasnt that vshojo was bad, it was just that Mythic was throwing money around at the time.

>> No.60489645

Kson's current fanbase keeps telling itself kson is a legend, the best vtuber ever, it's laughable. On par with the "nijifamily" discourse

>> No.60489691

hi windy

>> No.60489720

Hello discord admin

>> No.60489785


>> No.60489802

Oh I definitely wouldn’t call Vshojo bad, though Vshojo’s generous revenue split probably comes at the cost of less support for projects, which isn’t that big of a deal if your only priority is just being a streamer. There just seemed to be an implication that something changed in the contract that made Vshojo less financially appealing for the ones who left.

>> No.60489833

Based on recent outcomes, VShojo has been more active at doing stuff like the concert and different investments that probably didn’t work with those three, and probably demanded bigger cuts. Mythic basically offer them more money and better cuts due to actual nepotism. Besides, it all came to personal reasons as well, even if you are like in VShojo that doesn’t stop you from having another agency which means you could technically avoid paying the split to VShojo. Geega is in MSM, and Mouse and Zen are on the UTA, hell even Vei was in Mythic and VShojo.
Contracts probably were bad compared to both Mythic and their previous contract, but not bad as Niji or controlling like other companies. The sole fact they left Scott free with their IPs, and projects didn’t get canned (VShojo Smite and Vei’s figure) tells you that it wasn’t that bad. And despite that, after they left they were still negotiating and the talents won

>> No.60489849

-angry fujos
-constant drama

isnt that's just the entire luxiem fanbase

>> No.60489850

This, he was always a huge lolcow and its funny to see catalogniggers try to twist the narrative into " you just hate him because he left!!!!"
Even Nina is being lumped in with that received little to no hate after the chinks left and wasn't dumped on after graduation like Zaion

>> No.60489918

Yeah, thank Mysta and Vox for that but at least the voxsisters mostly stayed behind the great firewall

>> No.60489932

She wasn’t playing on the big e-celeb server that aki and others were also playing on?

>> No.60489963

Pretty much the entire point of the coco post but you are correct. Mysta to me just feels like a very....meh member who benefitted from haha porn jokes more.

>> No.60489966

no retard

>> No.60490092

I'm not a dirty chink so I don't hate Kson

>> No.60490171

Speaking of Vox, when are they going to ship his ass to China?

>> No.60490179

Anon I don't hate Kson, but she does her own thing now, and its not for everyone. She is doing good to my understanding tho, and I have zero hate for her.

Stay seething

>> No.60490246

haven't you heard? He's going down the same path as mysta and trying to cut himself off from china

>> No.60490444

While I agree he's a stupid menhera and fujobaiting during his peak time, he did filter out his fujos when he realizes the damage he did and aware of his own fault. Which is why he stop the bottom, avoid shipping and excessively porn jokes after that. Based on Kuro recent Twitch rules he basically trying to get rid that types of fans too. His reputation as Mysta was definitely bad but Kuro seems pretty okay.

>> No.60490615

Nina was basically the Kiara of NijiEN
got the most hate from debut for her more upfront personality, the whole "honey" shtick, ad a controversial PL. Then over time she went on to be the most beloved in retrospect for being real.

>> No.60490631

And I doubt Nina legit blames him for it, considering...Matara

>> No.60490673

voxsisters literally had the worst type of fujos and chinks

>> No.60490697

The problem is that fujos are literally the only people that watch male vtubers at all. Compare Shoto's viewership to Bettel or Doppio. Totally different worlds. Vox will be making minimum wage now.

>> No.60490725

Because he's overweight?

>> No.60490838 [DELETED] 
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if that's the case explain this

>> No.60490929

This really doesn't hold up when Nina was never particularly well liked even here, so I definitely do not buy the idea that nijifags hate Mysta for causing trouble for Nina

>> No.60490958

I've heard he's trying/tried to cut himself off from the chinks but I know deep down he needs them.

>> No.60491032
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>M-mysta always had antis!1!
True, but the fact of the matter is hate increased for him 100x after he left despite him doing fuck-all as Kuro which paints a picture of it having to do more with him leaving than any of that shit.

>> No.60491069

I believe they're a great friend considering Nina and Mysta had been together for a long time and Mysta would apologize to her directly if needed. I remember him broke down to his viewers and upset how lots of fans attacking his friend including Nina from the previous big off collab, so I doubt he will even have any ill intentions towards Nina in the first place. I've hated Mysta for his shit menhera but some of Kuro stream are tolerable to watch. I think people just need to give him 2nd chance.

>> No.60491158

>HIGHLY offensive to sisters.
new touhou game just dropped
