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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.60407834
File: 178 KB, 640x480, COMMANDMENTS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8o18ne.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments:
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.60407886
File: 83 KB, 796x978, Betsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60407888

looks more like a doragonman

>> No.60407967
File: 662 KB, 2048x2048, F7-UT2pWkAAhYuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60408127
File: 696 KB, 473x694, LaundryDragonmaid-MYFI-EN-SR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he look like Laundry Dragonmaid in the thumbnail

>> No.60408344

Similar color placements I suppose. That's one cute dragon maid.

>> No.60409422

Axel not streaming?

>> No.60409498

Shinri looks awesome. Source?

>> No.60409517

Maybe he fell asleep

>> No.60409733


>> No.60409898

Did cover forget to close magni's freechat room

>> No.60410116
File: 273 KB, 1283x1279, F782uuUXcAA9ohP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabu rabu

>> No.60410864
File: 352 KB, 850x750, 20231013_152941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60411417
File: 11 KB, 362x84, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen or heard about Minish Cap ngl

>> No.60411807

Is it just me or people who grew up with nintendo stuff turned to be more well adjusted later in life? Compared to the non-nintendo kids atleast

>> No.60411855


>> No.60411976


>> No.60411987

Well, people who had NES/SNES at home were usually at the very least middle to upper middle class which also means kids in said families grew up in a fairly decent environment. I doubt nintendo on it's own was the sole reason imo

>> No.60412015

oh nice Altare's stream is in 2k

>> No.60412078

Now you can see all the pixels on this GBA game extra clear

>> No.60412134

cute. artstyle reminds me of an artist on twitter

>> No.60412340

altare feels kinda loopy today

>> No.60412453

One day the cultare will say no to Altare

>> No.60412542

tl;dr, game preference is mostly about personality traits and memes. It's likely that the personality traits that you highly value tend to be ones that gravitate to Nintendo games. But here are still many, many, many kinds of mental disorder that gravitate heavily towards Nintendo games. They're probably just not ones that bother you very much.
This anon is also correct in that personality traits strongly predict (but don't dictate) socioeconomic status. Source: It was revealed to My Ass in a dream that I made the fuck up. Look into anally-generated lucid dreaming techniques.

>> No.60412692

You've inspired me to join just to be a sleeper agent that sows the seeds of dissent and drives the rest of you into revolution

>> No.60412801

If he does a kiddie voice or a squeaky voice I will hunt down every slime.

>> No.60413111

Altare's going to end up covering up the whole screen with assets

>> No.60413128

When did Bettel2 start to be known as Twobert?

>> No.60413158

it was a joke during august 19th i think

>> No.60413203

Does this game have any impact on zelda lore

>> No.60413265

when the streamer says "do you want me to x? I really like to x." saying no makes you look like an asshole no matter who it is

>> No.60413278

Made me go and check and damn, how long ago was it that all the comments were turned off? Can't even see old comments any more

>> No.60413579
File: 255 KB, 2048x1650, IMG_3106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning /MANS/ i want flayon to rape me into a coma

>> No.60413624

This game is too bright, it's too early for this my poor eyes

>> No.60413640

did he ever elaborate on what he was going to ask but didn't end up asking?

>> No.60413708

this style makes me think of the tempus sprites

>> No.60413723

Week in review after moving arc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6mXvLEHjtI

>> No.60413753

That reminds me, are there any tempus games still in the works?

>> No.60413812

It really is Bettel

>> No.60413823

kek it is Bettel

>> No.60413995

>not again

>> No.60414055

Don't get Groundedanon's hopes up, Altare

>> No.60414075

ngl I grew up with Playstations, so I didn't know that GBA games looked so nice

>> No.60414203

Fairly recently. The theory is that Cover shut them off because people were spamming links to their RMs or something, but I don't think anyone really knows why.

>> No.60414307

it's from twitter

>> No.60414389

I think most of those were from magmites

>> No.60414662

Here’s a belated thank you chu~

>> No.60414976

i love how lost he gets

>> No.60415063

Morning bros, how’s Leader? Is he cute?

>> No.60415100

Morning, yes, he's useless.

>> No.60415128

he's cute yes

>> No.60415189

I'm having flashbacks to his Luigi's Mansion stream

>> No.60415424


>> No.60415433
File: 1.60 MB, 1115x604, F2qfJaga0AA0o6Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress in magenta, purple, cyan and white and he might rape you by mistake. I'm sure Gabble Babble would be thankful for your sacrifice.

>> No.60415987

Altare doesn't like traps :(

>> No.60416050

Some clippers have no hearts

>> No.60416348

Makes sense, he isn't gay

>> No.60417157


>> No.60417442
File: 246 KB, 640x630, 1693071887214951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60417624

How can someone be so dumb yet so cute?

>> No.60418096

Feels like it's pretty common in tempus kek

>> No.60418331

Love our dumb trophy wives

>> No.60418458

exorcist in chat

>> No.60418708

Is Altare playing the games in some specific order?

>> No.60419154

Alternating between 2D and 3D, he's doing Majora's Mask after this one

>> No.60419312
File: 619 KB, 626x624, 1659154082512202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys are the cutest when they're a little bit retarded

>> No.60419462

Oh I see, thanks

>> No.60419564


>> No.60420255

Which friday the 13th do I have to get for tonight

>> No.60420484

None of their schedules say, so I’m gonna guess the oldest one (?)

>> No.60420687
File: 606 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60420701

they said the first one before, so the original

>> No.60420810


>> No.60421075

Axel zatsudan in a bit

>> No.60421335
File: 122 KB, 381x400, 1693749678437212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes. Silly, handsome little fuckers can't hurt you but possess tard strength so corruption beasts cant do anything

>> No.60421353

His brain is so massive

>> No.60421368

three of them are going to overlap even at this time sasuga

>> No.60421438

that's what you get for complaining about dead hours

>> No.60421582

>They start to consider dead hours
>Three of them still stream at the same time

>> No.60421634

tbf altare was streaming in his normal morning slot, he's just going long

>> No.60421641
File: 20 KB, 769x244, day_of_jihad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this dude ever read the news

>> No.60421681

He's just a little guy

>> No.60421765

yea the unusual one are axel and hakka but they managed to start stream at the same time kek

>> No.60421934

can't wait to see the prices

>> No.60422660

I curse those damn Jews

>> No.60422727

So why is Axel starting a stream at 4AM?

>> No.60422747


>> No.60422814



>> No.60422883

sasuga shilltare

>> No.60422915


>> No.60422961
File: 199 KB, 1560x1685, 1673027600955495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50€ for a deskmat

>> No.60423231
File: 33 KB, 634x476, 1692670722420002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mufti Bettel al-Gavis has spoken

>> No.60423376

>leader only streaming long enough to shill merch

>> No.60423424

Ruthless business slime man

>> No.60423425

axel's voice makes me sleepy

>> No.60423486

I would not trust Axel to drive

>> No.60423580

Holy fuck I'm gonna have to save up for this shit

>> No.60423657

does this include shipping or what? why is it so expensive?

>> No.60423719

fr the keychains don't even have the character printed on both sides

>> No.60423726

Probably because it’s a special drop for the season, still too expensive imo

>> No.60423797
File: 18 KB, 144x101, 1690737362401232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60423851

How you doing little fella?

>> No.60423895

Still sad, that Halloween thing was something I was excited for

>> No.60424030

The fuhrer's work will not be stopped fellow mag

>> No.60424112

altare said he'd stop ages ago but he's not going to huh

>> No.60424129
File: 70 KB, 346x400, 1680938965189124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60424157

I'm not a big fan of this Evalia girl

>> No.60424264

He loves his Zeldas

>> No.60424277

>Axel encouraging the Axelotls to jerk off to the cosplay babes he follows

>> No.60424294
File: 724 KB, 1000x1193, 1689463154812267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honest to god thought evalia would hate aniki after that collab
turns out she's a fucking pervert too

>> No.60424419

Catvis sure is happy for an animal that got their temperature taken rectally just a few minutes ago...

>> No.60424444

I guess he's used to it

>> No.60424667

next halloween won't have any en members, not surprised

>> No.60424771

Axel ikeychain sold out already

>> No.60424829

concernfags please stop

>> No.60424881

I sure wonder where Axel read that conversation from

>> No.60424914

You almost made look up if cats have prostates or not

>> No.60424918

shinri's keychain is almost sold out, get one before it's sold out!!!

>> No.60424954

You can calm down niggas, they'll restock

>> No.60424998


>> No.60425051


>> No.60425294

For some reason I can see an Axelotl mindlessly chewing on a big old werewolf axel keychain. A river of drool goes down the side of their mouth as they munch happily. Nom nom nom

>> No.60425307
File: 5 KB, 306x64, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this even mean

>> No.60425331

If he doesn’t do it, who will?

>> No.60425372

God Axel was so excited to meet everyone but every single boy flaked on him

>> No.60425405


>> No.60425461
File: 8 KB, 295x299, IMG_5033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a Visa to enter Japan? I bought you only needed your passport

>> No.60425500

Altare's never talked about his visa or having issues entering Japan... because he hasn't even begun thinking about it so idk

>> No.60425514


>> No.60425592

Bakeneko is a fickle bitch

>> No.60425638
File: 212 KB, 544x526, Jester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60425662

Axel shut up kek

>> No.60425663
File: 370 KB, 476x567, 1631460826832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what happened to vcr ark?

>> No.60425697

Imo the cat would eat the soft parts in the face or the neck first

>> No.60425805

Ark too heavy

>> No.60425826

I think that person is talking about Altare moving to Japan by the suggestion of his manager, which if I remember it correctly he did talk about having to think about the visa situation and all that, but I don't think he ever seriously thought about moving.

>> No.60425829

Ohmonah stocked more of HQ but stocked the most of Bettel. Did she really think anything would outsell a fluffy dog?

>> No.60425908
File: 743 KB, 2048x1994, bettel_freaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>60422747 Axels item already out of stock, got jewed over by paypal not making payment go through even though have money in bank and paypal, so when I finally paid outside of their cunt payment shit it already out of stock which put order under 100 dollars for free shipping >>60423657 by 1 dollar, so had too pay same price as it cost for the axel item with my whole order but without it.

>> No.60425912

she didn't stock more HQ, Axel has the least sock of all the boys

>> No.60425954

furries' wealth getting underestimated in the year of our lord 2023

>> No.60425969

Axel don't have enough time to play it as much as he had in the other occasions, and seeing as Ark is a game with Exp, Lvl and aiming for taming stronger dinosaurs and going in raids I think he just didn't find it as fun logging in to be so far behind every time.
I think they opened another server for the crackheads tho.
But rpr and Axel are waiting for the next VCR GTA which should be happening next month and have improvements after the first experience.

>> No.60426008

Tbf Bettel didn't have that much more

>> No.60426061

Where are you getting these numbers from?

>> No.60426114

probably checked inventory when it dropped

>> No.60426130

I'm into hags. more for me

>> No.60426161
File: 155 KB, 545x480, 1691086097069568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a real Hakkafe

>> No.60426196

Reminder that Evalia is half Aussie

>> No.60426339

It they weren't there the first split second people could have already bought some

>> No.60426502

yeah definitely

>> No.60426631

All I remember from metalpocalypse is the nathan explosion guy

>> No.60426735

Why do I have a memory of Axel saying that he doesn't really drink sodas, or was it just energy drinks

>> No.60426836

What the fuck is wonkamaxxing

>> No.60426989

Hakka is tacomaxxing

>> No.60427053
File: 18 KB, 598x628, 1643481596551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is going to finish the game in one stream? There isn't much left without counting the side quests.

>> No.60427151
File: 105 KB, 588x414, 1684908091258362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about the drop and shinri sold out

>> No.60427183
File: 65 KB, 206x266, 1697047266581201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you turkish

>> No.60427186

well he was gonna end almost 2 hours ago so idk

>> No.60427251

wrong pic, ignore that

>> No.60427419
File: 13 KB, 689x571, 1688696217127457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the correct roach

>> No.60427452

hakka guro fanfic reading when

>> No.60427510

He said it was gonna be a long one, so maybe he wants to finish it right away

>> No.60427520

...this talk is getting dangerously close to the seasoning police talk

>> No.60427570

hakka x gura fanfic reading when

>> No.60427587

someone archiving axel's vod lol?

>> No.60427620

I knew I should have posted the tempus negrito killing fic

>> No.60427686

Axel Holland recording lines for something

>> No.60427799


>> No.60428073
File: 145 KB, 900x900, 111acf405d41aceb10c5e65471dad199b532dab0a88be04eef816e9821294c60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it

>> No.60428254

It would be heat if this was for an animation or something different to VPs

>> No.60428325

>raiding into a stream that's ending
We're back

>> No.60428374

Sounded like it's for a song, he wasn't happy with what he had recorded so he's redoing it

>> No.60428516

This is the 3rd time Hakka has talked about innards this stream
I'm at work anon

>> No.60428526
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed him so much, hope he is feeling better

>> No.60428569

Hakka charging taxes on the guys farming him for content

>> No.60428599

Peck peck nigxeloltls and assventurers

>> No.60428652

He is a former butcher...

>> No.60428743

Teach me metal screams bird boy

>> No.60428862

Cool teacher Hakka...

>> No.60429245

Obnoxious tourist Hakka spamming vlogs of his adventures in Japan...

>> No.60429304

So next weekend only Shinri, Hakka and Axel will be streaming.

>> No.60429325

Shinri interview out

>> No.60429345

Bettel maybe

>> No.60429377

is Flayon karaoke definitely happening?

>> No.60429525

i thought Shinri wasn't either

>> No.60429748

Outdated info, he is staying at home now

>> No.60429835

>"It might be hard to believe, but there was a time I used to be a very angry and frustrated gamer. I’d like to think that time is in the past. Since then, I’ve had a lot of life experiences that made me realize how much more fulfilling it can be to find joy in the little things and share that joy with others."
No wonder he likes Altare so much...

>> No.60430178

"If you're an exorcist, would your tears count as holy water?"
"Would my piss count as holy water?"
Sasuga Hakka. I hope you heard that, wherever you are, pisskito...

>> No.60430196

I really can’t imagine what an angry Shinri would be like

>> No.60430201

Everyday I’m more convinced that Shinri is Altare from the future

>> No.60430309

>Axels item already out of stock
>paypal not making payment go through even though have money
Thats what happened to me!
God damn it, of all the time for PayPal to crap out :(

>> No.60430355

PISSKITO stop now

>> No.60430420

half of them out of stock now(Axel, Shinri, Hakka), was able too get all minus anikis tho

>> No.60430464
File: 241 KB, 1200x1200, F7TWSetbMAAk2Va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who else are past and present?

>> No.60430639
File: 1.95 MB, 3840x2160, 1697142611416313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, half of Tempus gone in the middle of October to a place we can't mention, lol

>> No.60430655

The place is my vagina

>> No.60430696

Lol ganba Eurokitos

>> No.60430703

Bettel is like Magni but without asian parents

>> No.60430706

They're going to Magni's grave to pay respects on his birthday, obviously

>> No.60430708 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 1200x920, F7XFJ-pbgAAUcPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60430742

hopefully too piss on it

>> No.60430761


>> No.60430788 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1200x774, FquJSLuaEAElXPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60430852

It's what Magni would have wanted

>> No.60430860

goodbye o7

>> No.60430861
File: 457 KB, 1150x652, 1688758417042701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60430874


>> No.60430878

ofcourse Vesper would be a filthy fucking zigger

>> No.60430963
File: 814 KB, 1463x829, 1694227253382824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I get to eat for the watchathong (I don't like popcorn)

>> No.60431015

Wasn't there some schizo who sperged out at pony stuff on this website? Is he dead or did he move on?

>> No.60431016
File: 631 KB, 121x129, axelstunned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, completely forgot Axel's birthday is next month

>> No.60431018
File: 88 KB, 1258x1527, 1694937682104998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, current parallels

I guess theses a lot of similarities between Flay and Vesper too.

>> No.60431086

Shit, I forgot
But that was MLP stuff, so it should be ok...

>> No.60431089


>> No.60431156

order pizzer

>> No.60431182

rate the boy's taste in anime

>> No.60431245

Do you not like ANY popcorn? What if it's caramelized?

>> No.60431502

This bird so retarded </3

>> No.60431512

is Bettel still doing T3 content?
and is it still timegated?

>> No.60431530

4th cannibalism mention this stream

>> No.60431587
File: 917 KB, 2315x3274, 1697167807733822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakka: ponder the orb

>> No.60431603

/a/ 3x3 core
Surprisingly normal
Not bad, very clear to his personality
Casual, but expected

>> No.60431688

Sounds like a plan, thanks chu~

Yes, I hate getting the kernels stuck in my teeth

>> No.60431760
File: 95 KB, 1000x927, 1692908991696805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by that?!
He's as white as snow

>> No.60431820

Can't wait for the cover with Mr. Beast

>> No.60431861

Are Halloween VPs confirmed?

>> No.60431960

>Get home from work
>Go to buy ohmonah keychains
>All gone

>> No.60432031

They will get restocked

>> No.60432051

Hakka should work with Michael Reeves to supply racist Elmo lines for spics

>> No.60432069

Axel and Altare been talking about making an idol unit... Axel's grown so much uuuu

>> No.60432085

>Bettel the only Keychain still in stock
Uhhh Bettellion?

>> No.60432105

would actually be kino if they end up doing it

>> No.60432135

Oh Ok good

>> No.60432143

Oh it is? Sweet, hope I can snag one in an hour when I leave work

>> No.60432169

I need it so bad

>> No.60432178

Quick buy the deskmat

>> No.60432229

Hakka/Ike Eveland collab next week

>> No.60432243

Please undastand bettel initial stock was 3 times the other boys

>> No.60432271

Hakka collabing with Ike on Thursday! Looking forward to these boys finally in the same stream.

>> No.60432272

bettel started with 3.5x more stock than the rest of VG

>> No.60432316


>> No.60432349

Fucking love my nigga shinri

>> No.60432367
File: 554 KB, 2048x2048, 1692904145427684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, finally!

>> No.60432414

Oh, I was going off >>60426008

>> No.60432554

Dibujenlos en un live con vesper y magni llorando en una esquina.

>> No.60432691

>Hakka's also going on break

>> No.60432750


>> No.60432894

>Shinri is Altare from the future
>Vesper was Axel from the future
How deep does this go

>> No.60432930

To have sex with me.

>> No.60433005

Friday the 13th (1980)?

>> No.60433171

I have been busy all week to really catch up with anything, from reading the thread a little is it true that the boys are taking breaks? I don't know which ones exactly or the reasons but I hope the boys are doing okay

>> No.60433187

Suddenly remembered one anon was a vesper yume from ukraine, hope she is still kicking

>> No.60433199

So sisters, how do you feel about Hakka blowing into the mic so much?

>> No.60433394


>> No.60433440

I'm melting but even more so from the kiss.

>> No.60433457

Hakka said he's just taking a few days off to catch up with work and Altare, Bettel and Flayon all have something specific they need time off for, so I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.60433496


>> No.60433666
File: 118 KB, 895x690, 1694023322180443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60433714

I knew he was a queer

>> No.60433758

Its the same situation as last October, don't worry

>> No.60433760


>> No.60433769

Power metal might be the gayest metal genre dude.

>> No.60433850

No screamo is

>> No.60433958

Screamo isn't a metal genre.

>> No.60434025

U rite, its prison buttplay noise

>> No.60434409


>> No.60434503

Would you have participated in a Hakka art contest?

>> No.60434534

Hakka is really sweet. I'm glad he appreciates his fan artists so much.

>> No.60434827

Which Tempus boys are confirmed to be watching Friday the 13th today?

>> No.60434903

As far as I know, Shinri, Altare and Hakka

>> No.60434950
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>> No.60435003

Shinri, Altare, Hakka, likely Bettel

>> No.60435184
File: 371 KB, 518x380, gwar-band-featured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw that's Hair Metal. Pic unrelated, just wanted to show people GWAR

>> No.60435421
File: 9 KB, 312x547, Bettel bear hoodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi MANS, take this shitty chibi bettel I made. I can't draw hair worth a damn haven't made any art in years.

>> No.60435448

Hair metal was a bunch of guys very blatantly trying to impress girls so they'd sleep with them. Power metal is a bunch of dudes singing about nerdy shit to impress other dudes.

>> No.60435447
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That's so nice of Shinri to tell where people can find the movie for the watch along.

>> No.60435492

Thanks I'll be nice to him while you're looking

>> No.60435500


>> No.60435502

Yeah I would expect him to not like it given his zero technical knowledge about music.

>> No.60435534

oh a baby!!

>> No.60435543

Very cute, anon

>> No.60435660

That fucking jumpscare

>> No.60435721


>> No.60435736


>> No.60435759
File: 296 KB, 2000x2000, 1688674475234832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not rape the child anon, just tell him Santa isn't real

>> No.60435809
File: 847 KB, 1170x1427, IMG_2664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayon's just like me, I instantly retweet any Regis Altare art the moment it's posted

>> No.60435870

it was Jeffrey all along...

>> No.60436002


>> No.60436197

You can say that but being in a screamo band with retarded emo hair got me way more girls in high school than my ugly mug would've ever gotten otherwise.

>> No.60436318

That's not something to brag about, you whore

>> No.60436362

Hi Flay

>> No.60436376

I'm not bragging, peaking in high school is a sorry existence.

>> No.60436642

Bruh all the ohmonah stuff is gone

>> No.60436697

Our boys were making noise, good for them

>> No.60436751

>music reccs
Which song would you send to hakka so he can expand his karaoke list?

>> No.60436817

>your broshi
>your favorite horror film

>> No.60436987

>i know what you did last summer

>> No.60437030

>shiny spicy

>> No.60437058

You ever heard of Ravenous?
It's a horror movie taking place in the old west that is absolutely fucked up.

>> No.60437166

>in the mouth of madness

>> No.60437204

very interesting film, haven't seen in forever, basically cannibal superpowers, score was done by damon albarn of blur and Gorillaz

>> No.60437245

Incantation tho it was overall kinda more sad than scary

>> No.60437260


>> No.60437279

Love Carpenter's horror films

>> No.60437282
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of course one of shinri's top animes is Natsume's Book of Friends

>> No.60437493
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Shinri and Hakka bonding on late night VR. CUTE!

>> No.60437622

Pretty much any music from Fallout 3 and NV radio stations.

>> No.60437852

Hakka should sing Mindless Self Indulgence.

>> No.60437936

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island

>> No.60438134
File: 195 KB, 1170x934, IMG_2901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayon joining

>> No.60438175

After reading Shinri’s interview, moments like these seem even sweeter.

>> No.60438412

>Doctor Sleep

>> No.60438421

>Axel Kintama :(
>The Thing

>> No.60438537

If Bettel joins, it would only be Axel missing….plz dingo, we can hold your hand

>> No.60438613


>> No.60438803

>Does the Lighthouse count?

>> No.60438819

This Rottengraffty song, since it's mostly in English.

Part of me wonders if he could do Hysteric Panic. The rapping would probably be too hard for him, but the cutesy energy of their stuff would suit him.

>> No.60438892

>Genre: drama/horror
On goggle, you good

>> No.60439192

>>60438892 (me)
Wtf, why did I write Google like that kek

>> No.60439732

Shinri is so goofy, I adore him

>> No.60439893

For no particular reason, I think Hakka would like Persona 5. It appeals to his chuuni nature and a baby could play it. No way he'd ever finish but I think he'd like whatever he did play.

>> No.60440148

Looking for some good full Tempus art for next OP, anyone got anything?
The spookier the better

>> No.60440458
File: 167 KB, 2048x1117, F8OKlxpb0AAgBCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this one get used before?

>> No.60440578
File: 333 KB, 1100x1554, IMG_5233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one because it looks really cool, but if we are going for full/most boys the one above is a good option

>> No.60440648
File: 373 KB, 466x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor dude got that Xenokunian dental healthcare

>> No.60440890

I don't think so, thanks!

>> No.60440899

Hakka just uploaded the vocal track for Do As I Say to his membership l.
Didn't even notice Shinri was singing in the chorus. Dude got drowned out by the backing track.

>> No.60440945

His voice is already low as hell, I’m not surprised

>> No.60441027
File: 646 KB, 2048x1145, 93638153855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn yeah I love it a lot but if I'm not going full Tempus I'd probably pick something Shinri centric even if it's dead hours for a bit.

>> No.60441148

>Halloween 2022
makes me so sad...

>> No.60441670

Yeah yeah better, the mascot one is pretty fitting I would say

>> No.60441717
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>> No.60441818


>> No.60441843

this makes me sad

>> No.60441850
File: 220 KB, 1290x1278, 20231014_081817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not full art but this ones good

>> No.60441966

Awful news
This is shaping up to be way too chaotic

>> No.60441998

did he just liked this? I wonder how he came across it

>> No.60442028

Just like irl watchalongs with friends, you never end up really watching the movie kek

>> No.60442053

What if they just all watch in silence

>> No.60442099

no no, I was going through his likes cause I like seeing it for tech reasons (he's always liking some mocap, 3D and AI stuff) and came across that which made me kek

>> No.60442150

I mean, now is at the point where they will barely pay attention to the movie but is like whatever since that's how movienight with friends usually is, especially with a goofy movie like that where obviously they won't care much for it. I am just glad we are getting a collab with the boys

>> No.60442300

Its surprising to me how Yagoo has even time to look up at twitter, probably he has even someone to tell him when stuff is happening so he can tweet about it.
I will never forget that when the maggin meme was at full force and Magni opened his stream chat 1 day before debut, the madlad yagoo even typed there with the meme, I think 2 or 3 different times in those 24 hours. Love the man.

>> No.60442458

Oh yeah, he must have at least 2 secretaries by now, one of which takes care of his schedule while the other tells him what is going on with the talents.

>> No.60442545

They were always going to be shitting around and just memeing until the kill moments happen. Its the og 13th, have you not seen it? The movie is not that interesting, its just a shitty 80s slasher flick. If you get invested in some teenagers making camp cabbage soup and skinny dipping in the lake, more power to you I guess. Maybe we'll get Flay and Shinri psychoanalyzing the killer motives discussion which would be fun.

>> No.60442569

>the other tells him what is going on with the talents
I want that job
