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File: 150 KB, 487x701, Gura Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60419934 No.60419934 [Reply] [Original]

Ayame has actually streamed less in 2023 compared to Gura, yet why is there so much backlash only directed at Gura?

>> No.60419963

no one can understand japanese here. you dont know whats happening in the japanese side of the fanbase because you cant understand that shit

>> No.60420024

Ah yes that explains why Ayame's stream comments don't reach almost 1k people, have nearly as many dislikes, and how she is practically ignored in the JP sphere outside her own fans

>> No.60420037
File: 3.64 MB, 1920x1775, ATMcucks....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is cute so she gets a pass, the other is just a lazy whore with no quality whatsoever.

>> No.60420063

>Insert picture of Ayame building project remaining stagnant in Minecraft for over 3-4 years at this point

>> No.60420083

>Why does Ayame get a pass
She fucking doesn't, try again chumkek

>> No.60420093

damn nigga this vtubing shit must be serious you really keeping track of all that shit?

>> No.60420103

I know you don't watch streams but Ayame frequently pops up on other people's channels. The same cannot be said for Gura anymore.

>> No.60420123

Literally takes 1 minute to go to her channel to see what was said you lazy fuck

>> No.60420141

Nobody gives Ayame a pass. You just get Gura shitposts because you're stupid enough to make posts like this, faggot. But you knew that already didn't you, nijisister?

>> No.60420154

Yeah it may be a little complicated for you, go back to dragon ball, homie

>> No.60420164

Ayame is cute
Gura is cringe

>> No.60420169

Uh Ayame has never had this level of backlash against her ever

>> No.60420171

At least Ayame bothers to say wtf is going on with her life

>> No.60420177

Gura is also 20x more popular and therefore has a bigger responsbility to her chumbuds to be there for them at their worst moments. Being a 1view and moving onto to other things is one thing, but Gura doesn't even care if her chumbuds live or die, and that's fucking disturbing.

>> No.60420220

Ayame only has a handful of people that she ever collabs with, and its not like even those are frequent occurrences lol

>> No.60420266

Ayame hardly gets any pushback, are you people blind or something

>> No.60420286

lmao, she definitely had, she's been doing it for years so people are just tired of calling her out, nothing will change because Cover is a pushover.
same thing will happen to Gura btw

>> No.60420317

Ok but making tweets is not an expectation, streaming is the expectation.

>> No.60420371

Ayame still averages like 10k viewers, Gura isn't that much more popular than her

>> No.60420389

Damn, OP got butthurt from people mentioning Ayame in /ggg/ and made a thread in catalog

>> No.60420409

She only ever had backlash from the EN schizos, JP fans already accepted her change in frequency.

>> No.60420431
File: 215 KB, 583x684, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ojou kawayo i love her so much

>> No.60420447

Ah so you admit that it was other people who brought up Ayame first. Nice job ousting yourself

>> No.60420468

Nope, she had backlash from JP as well, but as I said, she's been doing this for 3 years so people just accepted it and move on. And again, same thing will happen to Gura

>> No.60420480

>Why can't even Gura's manager be bothered to make cute tweets like this for her

>> No.60420500
File: 103 KB, 926x304, Screenshot_20230916_003804_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in gura's prechat....

>> No.60420553

Except she didn't, you people keep thinking this but its blatantly false lol. Ayame has never had a controversy within the JP sphere. Her gachi fans stayed after her streaming frequency dropped, and everyone else just dipped.

>> No.60420558

manager-san, gambare...

>> No.60420593

Are these even her making the Tweets tho? Pretty sure she just uses her side account, and her manager uses the main account

>> No.60420618

SEAnigs can barely comprehend english, do you expect them to know japanese? It's easier to bitch at Gura in broken english

>> No.60420629
File: 25 KB, 540x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I'm amazed that her manager also reads heroaka religiously
bunch of retards

>> No.60420642

She doesn't have 4.4m subs and Gura's antis don't even know she exists.

>> No.60420671

So you weren't there when Ayame got dislike bomb on her stream then

>> No.60420677

10k is pathetic by Japan standards. Maybe in EN you can get away with it, because you're making scuffed ghetto content for fast food eating Am*ricans, but in JP unless you're doing 15k or more you're a nobody.

>> No.60420693

Because Japanese fans are much more civil.
They are more polite, more numerous, more supportive, complain less, hate less.

>> No.60420695

ah yes, what a niche series no one else follows.

>> No.60420725

>Not counting all the twitch streams

>> No.60420746

then why are you attacking EN so much? seems like JP fans are less civil.

>> No.60420769

>"Ayame has streamed less than Gura in 2023
>Picture literally shows that Ayame has more hours than Gura this year
Why do chumkeks blatantly lie to try to make a point?

>> No.60420813
File: 336 KB, 582x399, lastmanagerpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60420814

>By EN fans

>> No.60420866

Because Ayame unironically streams more than gura and actually uses social media to talk to fans sometimes.

>> No.60420867

I know misspelling a word after insulting someone's intelligence is common trolling tactic so I'm just gonna assume the same thing is going on here

>> No.60420872

What even is this take? Most JP vtubers do not get 10k at all, anyone who gets 10k is considered big lol

>> No.60420914

>even male vtubers are tired of her shit

>> No.60420921

This is some pure EOP cope, there are just different standards between JP/EN fans for what makes them tick. There have been plenty of controversies within the JP sphere that EN fans would laugh at

>> No.60420988

Ayame hangs out with the hags at the holobuilding and gets them to buy her things which is different from Chud Churro who seems to not exist anywhere unless she requires money.

>> No.60421007

Ayame doesn't stream on Twitch???

>> No.60421025

>literally moving the goalposts

>> No.60421050

She streamed fps on there every once in a blue moon, but twitch doesn't keep vods after like a month or something

>> No.60421065

>doesn't like criticism
>does things that make people criticize her

>> No.60421089

Yeah like Ayame at least has a group that she is close with, even if it is small, Gura doesn't have shit lol. Myth unity has been completely fractured, and its not like Gura does her JP reps enough to properly hang out with Shion or Umisea

>> No.60421106

Weird that you can tell it's a manager post because gura would just tweet "3 taco lol" or some shit.

>> No.60421111

it's ok when JP does it

>> No.60421138

Was it ok when Irys was literally sexually harassing Council during the group 3D stream?

>> No.60421204

Yuri >>>> """"GF""""E

>> No.60421228


>> No.60421240

She’s not worse than Gura but Ayame is still really bad.

>> No.60421271


>> No.60421288

unironically this, who the fuck cares about a random jp if nobody understand what's going on anyway

>> No.60421311

Yeah really the only difference between them is that Ayame is honest about not caring to stream and uses Twitter, while Gura does promise to improve though hardly communicates

>> No.60421315


>> No.60421361

She's literally half JP tho, if a full EN member did what she did then there would probably be a lot more drama. Like listen to Bae's after stream, she sounded really uncomfortable with it

>> No.60421373

Ayame (1) streams more than Gura, (2) actually appear in collabs more than once a full moon, and (3) actually use Twitter so fans are aware that she is still around.
Gura would've gotten a lot fewer complaints if she simply did any of those 3. Instead, she pretty much just disappear from everything
I.e: leaving JPs aside since their audience and culture might be different, Mumei and IRyS had to took long breaks because of their health issues too, but they rarely went through more than 2-3 days without any sign of life anywhere and people don't complain that much about their absences.

>> No.60421382

>115 hours

>106 hours

OP has a Jakartan education, I see

>> No.60421393

I don't get you mean by >By EN fans

>> No.60421441

It’s really a matter of picking shit of different consistency when you’re picking between them and the rest of fps zoomers. Thankfully there’s a handful of amazing holos to pick from though.

>> No.60421496

Because Ayame is honest and Gura isn't. That's it really. Ayame's talked about why she doesn't stream and it's that she doesn't really care to. She's upfront about it and there are no false pretenses.
Gura just makes empty promises all the time and doesn't deliver while pretending she cares when in truth she really doesn't.
There's the difference.

>> No.60421503

Worse, he's a chumbud.

>> No.60421539

Get the fuck off of Twitter.

>> No.60421672

were you not here for 2021 where /vt/ was filled with ayame anti threads talking about how she doesn't stream

>> No.60421768

I often forget Ayame is real, and every time I get reminded she seems more like a mandela effect than a real hololive member

>> No.60421864

This. Even if Ayame doesn't stream a lot (still more than Gura tho) she's already communicated to them why she doesn't and not with vague shit like "this is the new normal". That and like your 2 and 3 said she at least collabs and communicates with her fans regularly.
Comparing Ayame and Gura is like comparing day and night. The former cares, the latter doesn't.

>> No.60421880

Such as?

>> No.60421896

1: that was purely "backlash" from shcizo EN fans who never even watched her.
2: People have moved on to Gura as the main punching bag for streaming inconsistency

>> No.60421947

Uh are you a newfag or something, there have been several dramas within both Nijisan/Holo JP over weird stuff like jokes and shit

>> No.60421968

Ayame doesn't completely disappear off the face of the earth

>> No.60421991

When did Ayame ever say why she doesn't stream as much anymore, all ive ever seen is that she acknowledges it when it comes up but never directly says anything like >>60420037

>> No.60422032


>> No.60422105 [DELETED] 

>Ayame related baits STILL get almost 100 replies in this board
Grim. Are all retarded 15 year olds posting here or what?

>> No.60422150

Once again proving that jpnigs can dish it out but can't take it

>> No.60422313

I don't know, maybe because HoloJP has like 50 members that the absence of some isn't too much of a bad thing? EN had like 10 people pre-Advent and less than half of them stream consistently.
Also, EOP board. Almost every bait thread made in this shithole is about EN vtubers. The only place here where the JP side gets talked about is the /#/nog thread and that doesn't even happen if they're not streaming.

>> No.60422515

90% of/vt/ are EOPs who don't give a fuck about ayame, and she certainly doesn't get a pass. I hate her guts, I just don't watch JPs so she never crosses my mind

>> No.60422765

Now type that without crying

>> No.60422773

that's 96Neko.

>> No.60422798

Such as?

>> No.60422826

they ban "s*****a" but not just senzawa?

>> No.60422835

How is it bait if its true?

>> No.60422882 [DELETED] 

> I hate her guts, I just don't watch JPs
Third world country subhuman spotted.
Why would you HATE THE GUTS of someone that doesn't even affect you in any way?
You do know that girls have different contracts right? You do know that girls are not soulbound to a certain number of streaming hours per week right? You do know that Holo doesn't gain anything by firing those "part-timer" holos, right? You are just a drama tranny looking for every other opportunity to get outraged about something vtuber related.
You clearly don't have real problems in your own life so you need to keep making up shit to get outraged about.

>> No.60422925 [DELETED] 

>I hate her guts
So if she streamed 3-5 times a week you wouldn't hate her guts but you wouldn't watch her?
LMAO the absolute state of EOP drama trannies. They have to look for drama in another branch just to cry about something.

>> No.60422967
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hate people who are lazy.

>> No.60423016

Newfag wasn't here for the daily "x days since last stream" threads.

>> No.60423024

The doujinshi in the fridge

>> No.60423055 [DELETED] 

It's bait because /vt/ posters are subuhman retards that live in third world shitholes. Holos changed their contracts after gen 3 debuted. You can see that by how much all of the gen 0,1 and 2 stream, compared to everyone else after them with a few exceptions like Botan that had a ton of health issues, or other similar examples. Haachama was basically a part timer at one point, so was Aqua, Aki, Choco, Suisei (sometimes she barely streamed 2-3 times a month), etc. But you retards are mindbroken by Ayame just because /vt/ brainwashed you with endless bait threads.

>> No.60423098

That was happening well over a year ago, was only being pushed from the EN side, and people simply moved on to Gura for this

>> No.60423139 [DELETED] 

She could be working at a real job and just dropping by to stream every once in a while. Have fun shitposting 10 hours a day on /vt/ about "lazy people" you greasy neet.

>> No.60423146

>Just trust me bro, I definitely know what exactly changed from their contracts

>> No.60423185 [DELETED] 

Subaru and Miko are only exceptions to this because they are doing so well that they have no incentive to be part timers.

>> No.60423188

This is suppose to be their "real jobs" tho, like if they wanted this to just be a side-gig then they should fucking graduate and become indie. Don't half ass it when there are members who actually do put in an insane amount of effort and work in this

>> No.60423196

Ayame is in the office all the time. Korone and Lui have mentioned having dinner with her pretty much every time they go in.

>> No.60423273

I mean its pretty obvious that the contracts changed after gen 3 cause that's when Hololive really started to blow up.

>> No.60423285

>116 hours is less than 106 hours
So desu ne.

>> No.60423310

Even the least successful holos easily make enough to live off of.

>> No.60423343

Doing what though? The only reason why members would be at the office is if they are doing practice/3D stuff, which Ayame doesn't exactly do either cause she hardly does 3D streams anyway. Like she fuckin forgot that her model had swords she could use during a 3D stream a few years ago

>> No.60423366 [DELETED] 

If you weren't a disgusting EOP tourist and a clip watcher, you would know that Marine said how hololive changed their contracts after gen 3 debuted. Early gen girls set the foundation, and then they got serious starting from gen 3.

>> No.60423397

Ayame's hours are actually less because this is counting November/December of 2022 for some reason

>> No.60423437

Ive been watching since like 2019 bro

>> No.60423591

she cute and loves nakirigumi

>> No.60423703

It's a strange kind of love to only see them twice a month.

>> No.60423799


>> No.60423833

ayame doesnt actually matter to the general industry, she mattered to hololives growth but thats it, shes not the most sub vtuber and shes hardly the most notable in hololive member.
/vt/ cared about her not streaming because it was an easy punchline, but now they got gura to use and its more reasonable to complain about.
i mean before the invent of electric communications, you could go years without seeing your lover so its not like it was strange at one point

>> No.60423953

I remember during her record-breaking "attempt" of not streaming, people put a lot of ESL comments under her videos about how she let everyone down by not streaming etc

>> No.60423972

>Le medieval cope

>> No.60424032

she tweets almost every day, I see that this upsets you chumbud

>> No.60424070

Ayame streams more.

>> No.60424119
File: 197 KB, 629x611, 1688477454043435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of popular vtubers are lazy as fuck but no one wants to shine that spotlight on their oshi so Gura is a shield from criticism.

>> No.60424149

>Le vtweeter cope
Kek, glad she puts less effort into pleasing her fans than she does ordering takeout for the night

>> No.60424279

>le tweeting
So she's basically just a vtweeter then lol. Streaming comes first, then communication. Sure she tweets a decent amount, but that does not take the place of actually streaming which she basically only does twice a month. I used to somewhat like Ayame back in the day, but have solidified my favorites as Pekora and Subaru because of how active they are

>> No.60424492

the difference is if you have 225,000 yen to blow you can see Ayame anytime you want for an hour but Gura is completely out of reach

>> No.60424594

Pretty cheap ngl

>> No.60424784

Does Gura even get nearly the same level of superchats that Ayame does, I thought Gura was on the low level of superchat rankings especially compared to Mori or Kiara

>> No.60424850

Because she is cute and JP fans have more options anyway

>> No.60424855

it's about $1,500, the yen is pretty low right now.

>> No.60427143


>> No.60429279

Have you ever read a 2ch thread or seen Japanese schizos?

>> No.60429390

Find me an alternative way to interact with my oshi off-stream and outside of RL events, then

>> No.60429394

Ayame gets shit all the time and has done for years
But I forgive her because she's such a cutie, have you heard her giggle? God I love ojou.

>> No.60429475

Oh hello Tirrinz you got BTFO in /ggg/, /#/, and /hlg/ and you're still going? Stop leaking members content btw. And finally YWNBJ

>> No.60429521

isn't 115>106?...

>> No.60429542

Having the most subbed to Vtuber not stream is an embarrassment to the whole medium

>> No.60429607

Tirrinz please we've seen those cherrypicked images 1000 times already. Why don't you kill yourself already

>> No.60429817
File: 180 KB, 630x420, 1641909944979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.60429926

Yes. It's a member who is also leaking Gura's content and posting it to other threads/boards. He gives Chumbuds a terrible name.

>> No.60430004

How new are you

>> No.60430085

i appreciate your work /vt/ schizo. you put in all the work i'm way too lazy and not interested enough to do. you have at least two dead links though.

>> No.60430222

I just got here, what did I miss?

>> No.60430335

My guess is that she's either a dance coach or an OL doing paperwork.

>> No.60430495

Chumbuds can't math what a surprise

>> No.60430981

>Ayame is honest about not caring to stream
Why won't she stream though?

>> No.60431009

Yeah gura sure is cute

>> No.60431069

Isn't the only reason for Ayame's popularity the hologras she's in? The most viewed hologra is the "yodazo" one

>> No.60431178

whats the deleted video?

>> No.60431207

... This is some serious cope...

>> No.60431250

>yet why is there so much backlash only directed at Gura?
Ayame was dicking around with hags in Minecraft, being weirdo on twitter and is still appearing in stuff like the Precure concert, meanwhile I have fucking idea what Gura is doing.


>> No.60431328

The lazy cunt chuuba strikes again

>> No.60431356

I just want to know why Cover allows this

>> No.60431398
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>> No.60431492

Did Ayame stream more back in the day or has she always been like this?

>> No.60431549
File: 376 KB, 1186x652, 1637613504650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, its an old copypasta. Probably needs lots of updating.

>> No.60431575

the funny thing about this is that Ayame actually did some work in Minecraft at the start of the year but she did it completely offstream

>> No.60431631

Who are you talking about?

>> No.60431666
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>> No.60431733

so should i cancel my membership? i honestly dont know what to think anymore
is she a bad person not worth supporting or is there a valid reason for why she barely ever streams?

>> No.60432333
File: 654 KB, 805x805, 1635653904945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to you, chief.

>> No.60432428

I'm not in her membership, so I might be negatively biased.
I think it's just mental issues or lack of enthusiasm to stream at this point. It might have started or at least it might have been aggravated by her family issues (her grandma - or was it grandpa? - succumbing to a mental illness affecting their cognitive skills, and her mom getting diagnosed with cancer) but it's been a long time since she talked about these events, so if her desire to stream hasn't improved since then, it's hard to say if it will ever will.

>> No.60433091

>or is there a valid reason for why she barely ever streams?
All the stated reasons are public, there isnt any actual concrete proof one way or the other. I wouldn't let /here/ make the decision for you, just look deep down and ask if you want to support her still

>> No.60433272 [DELETED] 

>the zoomers
What's really weird is that the oldest zooms are now the age that the many hagmillennials were when they started vtubing 6 years ago. It's weird that zoomers are so fucking lazy by comparison, especially when given the chance to just retire by 30 if they only fucking stream.

>> No.60433327 [DELETED] 

No clue who that is and not following your literalwho, seethe faggot.

>> No.60433382

i think she likes dance practice, maybe she uses it as a gym replacement

>> No.60434048

trueeeee people on here only watch JP clips including me but larp like they know everything

>> No.60434054

>and not with vague shit

>> No.60434110

chumcucks DESTROYED

>> No.60434176

Wow, the legendary "Planned construction site" sign build... Ojou is truly amazing, sasuga.

>> No.60434842

She’s basically a more self-aware laplus. As shitty but she tries to hide it more.
What I still can’t understand is why even holos more popular than her crawl to her and beg her for collabs when most times she just ditches last moment using any kind of excuse.

>> No.60435025

Sure thing, newfag.

>> No.60435144

It’s up to you. If what she does is worth your money then by all means stay.
To me she’s the kind of talent I 100% won’t support (I don’t even follow her on Twitter or am subbed to her channel).
What I look for is people who’s hard working, grateful and wants to improve and she’s nothing like that. The fun part is caring about someone who cares about you and is always there to make you smile and to make that person smile too. To ayame hololive is like any wageslave job and she treats it like that and nothing more.

>> No.60435409

A bad person? Probably not. She just doesn't care enough to stream. Maybe she decided it wasn't for her, maybe she got burnt out. If you want someone that works hard and cares about their current activities go member to Watame, Koyori or someone else. If she gets active at some point you can think about it then.

>> No.60435964

Having a lot of people paying you and supporting you and not bating an eye at all, not caring about them and not even trying to give a little back is not something a good person do. She might not be a bad person by action but she’s a bad person by omission.

>> No.60440996

I mean, if you flip that around, the fact that Gura streams almost the same amount and doesn't put in that minimal effort on Twitter to please her fans really says a lot about how she feels about them.

>> No.60441146

If Ayame doesn’t care about Hololive, she does a good job of hiding it. If Gura does care about Hololive, she does a good job of hiding it.

>> No.60441315
File: 438 KB, 400x600, 1689023708021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the holo vs holo shitposters are spouting crap and pretending to rile each other up already. You're not Chumbuds or Nakirigumi.
Anyway, the answer is that Ayame streams more consistently (two weeks of streams surrounded by nothing is worse than streaming once every week), has more collabs, more events, more music and more social media activity. She's also a veteran at this and much cuter, too.

>> No.60441685
File: 176 KB, 1125x1235, 267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the ancient wisdom been forgotten again?

>> No.60441972
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Based Yammers making losers and commies seethe

>> No.60442634

Ayame and her fans both have come to terms with her schedule. Many, if not most, Nakirigumi actually prefer her not streaming much.
Her reasoning is that if she cannot stream with a smile on her face, she won't force herself to do it, because her perception is that so many people rely on her smile to get through another day. And watching her forcing herself to have fun is just painful for everyone.
Is this an excuse to be lazy? Maybe. Do we care? No.
The only people who get butthurt are the schizos here, the ones in 5ch and the people who don't watch her.

>> No.60443916

Ayame is gonna appear in a Precure concert. She also appeared in a music event recently with AyaFubuMi as a unit. She just has more idolshit than Gura.

>> No.60444165

gura is what happens when you don’t spank your chuuba when they do naughty things. chumcucks have established in guras mind that she can do whatever and they’ll still be here waiting like a desperate puppy. you should have given her the spanking of a lifetime on her plump shark patootie the first time she dared to not stream for an extended period with no valid excuse. now she is the dominant force in your strained relationship. but, all is not lost my friends. As we speak, lord Dimitri Jap is en route to guras current location. He shall unleash the unholy wrath of 4 million chumbuds upon her sinful cheeks. I will not lie to you fellows, she very well may not survive, as such levels of righteous correction has never been meted out in the near decade old history of vtubing. Should she survive, however, I guarantee you that your oshi will return to her cute and funny ways, with a renewed outlook on vtubing, ready to entertain her adoring public. Pray for her chumbuds, she needs you now more than ever before. Trust in her. Trust in lord Dimitri.

>> No.60445475

She's not forcing you to pay her though, anonchama. Her lack of activity is no secret so if it's a problem then don't pay her.

>> No.60445972

Holy fucking newfags
There was a time where, just like what gura is doing right now, ayame disappeared and was radio silent for like, 2 weeks or more? Or something?
And didn’t tweet at all, everyone kicked up a fuss and she had to tweet
From now on she’s been making sure to at least tweet every few days or so

>> No.60447129

For the past 3 year all we heard from chumcucks was.

The most important Vtuber ever.

Killer of the 4 kings.

Personal murdered Kizuna AI with her own hands.

Savior of Hololive.

Now she cant handle all the attention uwu. Tummy hurt uwu see ya next year guys uwu.

She and the chumcucks deserves everything there getting for her laziness.

>> No.60447162

with all the supposed projects she works on off stream you'd think gura would also be appearing in a bunch of stuff. she even stopped using that excuse though

>> No.60449974

Was the word "Barbie" actually banned? She banned the word Barbie but not J*y or B*pis?

>> No.60454334

>Hates gura

>> No.60455213

everyone hates gura except sunk cost cumbuds

>> No.60456135

Most are indifferent. Uncaring, apathetic

>> No.60461372

he says, as he cries that /vt/ is using the techniques jpnigs pioneered on his jpwhores

>> No.60462633

>Ayame has actually streamed less in 2023 compared to Gura
How come your image shows her streaming more than Gura?

>> No.60463414

Good work chumgods, our discord raid has been successful to preserve our goddess' dignity and deflect to the jap whore. Provide receipts of your posts to the usual accountant and we will compensate you with a gift card.

>> No.60463980

once again proving that jpnigs can dish it out but can't take it

>> No.60469167


>> No.60471399

Ayame doesn't force herself to stream when she feels like she's not in the right mood and focuses on her studies instead.

>> No.60471474

Yeah her studies playing lol with her boyfriend

>> No.60471527

yeah, me

>> No.60472010

>itt seething chumbuds doing their best to shit on one of gura's coworkers to deflect from their own shart
Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.60472348

t. Shiori

>> No.60472519

It's the absolute state of chumbuds nowadays. All they can do is deflect and shit on others nowadays. It's why they're known as one of the worst fanbases on this board.

>> No.60474475

All these larping Nijifags...

>> No.60474512

one is transparent about her absences, the other doesn't.

>> No.60475209

She's been getting shit on by JP antis for many many months. There was no pass given to her.

>> No.60476864

ayame does show up in other people's things too. when was the last time gura was in someone's concert?

>> No.60477023

Every single thing on this board that ever got this reply, was already typed without crying. People who post this retarded cope should consider kts instead.

>> No.60477616
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There was an ongoing meme where someone would post a thread every day Ayame didn't stream, counting them one by one. It continued until she did end up streaming.

No fucking shit people are focusing on Gura now. They gave Ayame grief for ages and she isn't even EN.

>> No.60477746

ayame doesn't tell her fans she will be streaming more often or the following day, then ghost them as gura does. also, ayame does get shit, but not as much.

>> No.60478827

good post

>> No.60480806

things like that did end up getting to her and she would complain about them sometimes. like the other anon said these days everyone has accepted that ayame will only stream when she feels like it. she doesn't get as much shit now because she doesn't pretend she's going to resume regular streams and then disappear again

>> No.60481501

cute whore...

>> No.60483772

>yet why is there so much backlash only directed at Gura?
did you step on this board for the first time last month or something you fucking retards?

>> No.60483962

>Ayame's talked about why she doesn't stream and it's that she doesn't really care to
And yet she still has fans?

>> No.60484019

EN board, there's barely anyone watching JP vtubers on /vt/.
It's also easier to farm (You)s with Gura.

>> No.60484211


>> No.60484311

because humanity doesn't deserve a full time Ayame. have you heard that bitch fucking giggle? it's better than melted cheese. er couldn't handle that every day

>> No.60484790

can confirm, ayame's nowhere close to being my oshi but those giggles are genuinely fucking dangerous.

>> No.60485462

It's strange, usually I don't give a fuck about chuubas I've never watched, but I feel in my gut that Ayame and Laplus deserve to live miserable, torturous lives. I don't even know why exactly, maybe some of the hateposts /here/ have subconsciously made me hate them. I've literally only ever seen like 3 clips of Ayame and watched 2 streams from Laplus so I have very very little reason to hate them, and I only think of them when I see a post about them. At worst I should feel annoyed with Laplus for ruining HoloX collabs. But I have no reason to have any feelings regarding Ayame. How strange.

>> No.60486220

You're getting mindbroken by vt. You need mental correction

>> No.60486636

You're just another autistic schizo anon.

>> No.60492504

Because people keeps buying merch and buying tickets for events. Cover doesn't give a damn if they stream or not, they get a cut from their activities for sure, but it pales in comparisson to how much they profit from merch and events.
As long as sales are good and they don't get into any drama they're fine with it

>> No.60495262


>> No.60495464

Easy to explain

One is a jp lady who maybe has personal issues or is taking care of other business behind the scenes, its understandable why she doesn't stream.

The other is a lazy western whore who doesn't stream because she hates her fanbase because is an entitled western whore and prefers to be lazy western whore like the lazy western whore she is. This is not understandable but also not surprusing because she is a western whore.

See its simple to explain.

>> No.60495924


>> No.60497270

Ayame had the same amount of bait threads as gura before the latter's huge span of no streams. Anons just got tired of making them, do your reps next time

>> No.60497466

it happened 7 months ago

>> No.60499885
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I can't hate Ayame, I love her who mother loves her.

>> No.60499930

>>60499885 (me)
*I love her mother who loves her
word switcheroo, gomen

>> No.60502742

Name one quality from your pathetic whore, cumtard.

>> No.60504900

ayame is a WHORE

>> No.60505324

Yeah, mine

>> No.60506178

gura will never be japanese

>> No.60506726

They do that just fine on their own

>> No.60506840

Isn't her RM much more succesful than Ayame

>> No.60506887

Unless I'm blind, Ayame has more streams than Gura in that image
More hours at the very least

>> No.60508656

She doesn’t have an active roommate that I know about.

>> No.60509034

This stream is full of misinformation. It's hilarious.
Ayame did get a lot of hate. Way mire than Gura. Mostly because 5ch found something out about her.
Ayame's non streaming record is longer than Gura's.
The fucking EOPs in this thread saying Japanese fans don't hate on chuubas are hilarious. Laplus fucked off to twitch because of the hate. To be fair she's the Mori of JP and deserves it

>> No.60509394
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>> No.60510025
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why is she afraid of ghosts?

>> No.60510983

>She's upfront about it and there are no false pretenses.
Yep, like when she told everyone she couldn't stream because she was moving and didn't have internet... for a month and a half. Whereas Kiara got herself situated in a week after moving all the way back to Austria. Other members have gone to the office to stream when they couldn't do it from home.
And I guess there are also no false pretenses when she acts nice whenever she decides to stream, but regularly turns down group activities and never congratulates other members on major celebrations. Very upfront indeed!

>> No.60511989

she doesn't make excuses anymore and I think if gura keeps not addressing her absence she'll get the same treatment

>> No.60512789

This is just a rat but based on what Holos talked about Ayame there is a high chance she is full time employee working for Cover.

>> No.60514128

Laplus went to twitch to suck more eceleb cock. She doesn’t care about her fans or hate as long as she gets money and clout to meet her beloved ecelebs.

>> No.60521949

>Other members have gone to the office to stream when they couldn't do it from home
roru, Ayame literally streamed from studio a few times during that time because she was already there for recording, this thread is full of misinfo about Ayame it's hilarious

>> No.60523044

Why do chumbuds pretend that Gura is way more popular than she is?

>> No.60523562

Gura has 4.5 million subscribers. That's literally the entire population of people who have ever watched a vtuber. Marine, who's second to Gura, only has like 2.7 million which is Twitch indie tier in comparison

>> No.60524143

Ayame was very consistent and did her work in the early days, got popular for that and because of her cute voice as well. She still shows up every now and then but people have mostly accepted that she just comes and goes, but when she does show up she usually does more than one stream before leaving again.

Gura doesn't do any of that. She did what, ONE consistent year of streaming before she slowly took her ghost leave? And her ironic tweeting became obnoxious really fast. She isn't some teenage shitposter, she should act like it. Gura just seems extremely unprofessional overall, I never liked her as a streamer. She can sing well enough to where it's pleasant but other than that she's extremely overrated and carried by the loli shark design. Call me an anti or whatever the fuck you want, don't care. Ayame isn't perfect but she at least bothers to give somewhat of a fuck every now and then, something Gura has refused to do since she figured out she can just leave and never face any consequences for ghosting literally everyone.

>> No.60524641

What imagine chumbuds are you cooking up to justify your shit? The last year even when Gura was around a lot nothing came close to that. Self projecting, your frustration about /#/ doesn't count.

Yeah . . . Gura being gone for two plus weeks doesn't add up to this amount of effort, fantasy making and blind anger by people who don't watch her.

>> No.60525065

>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
What the actual hell?

>> No.60525911

Two weeks with zero communication or any sign of life. Just the same lame excuse of "real life shit". With the amount of money she makes, she should be able to buy her way out of any bad situation. With that much money, "real life shit" shouldn't fucking exist anymore. Your parents in the hospital? Just pay all their medical bills up front.

>> No.60532320

Subs don't mean shit you fucking retard. Do you actually believe they do, or are they just the last thing you have to cling to.

>> No.60532887

>Subs don't mean shit because I SAY SO

>> No.60533141

No, like Gura she's never enjoyed streaming this will never change. She's there for idol stuff and the few holos she still talks to like Mio.

>> No.60533250

She still brings in a lot of money. They lose a lot of revenue if she leaves.

>> No.60533281

>Not Japanese
It's not that hard, OP.

>> No.60534995

Subs mean jackshit after 2020 era. Or do you unironically believe that Ame is more popular than, I don't know, Subaru for example.

>> No.60535237

>Subs mean jack shit after we lost the sub game

>> No.60535252

Ayame is at least as bad as the shark. Stop the gaslight.
Just because you don’t care about ayame to give a fuck doesn’t mean she can do the same as Gura and be better.

>> No.60535342

Why doesn't Gura just get Mumei to stream for her? Nobody would notice.

>> No.60536211

If Gura didn't blow up like she did she would still stream, I am almost certain. She doesn't stream because she's so paranoid about doing something that will doxx her.

>> No.60539153

ayame used to be as bad as gura but will show signs of life because her fans complained. gura slowed way down to the point I think she might be one of the least active holos
