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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60396461 No.60396461 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Champy Creative Corner
/pyon/ Worms game: https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Mahjong Champion: https://youtu.be/RTzk7KDWU9s
Kikiholes: https://youtu.be/jiJZpnaCzSc
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Kikikore albums by Anon:
https://files.catbox.moe/p2e08j.zip – volume 1
https://files.catbox.moe/z8fzho.rar – volume 2
https://files.catbox.moe/7r6bz1.zip – volume 3
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library:
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Last thread

>> No.60396479
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>> No.60396517
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>> No.60396584

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.60396650

yes ToT

>> No.60396689

kiki glove

>> No.60396785
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>> No.60397168

gravygigi my beloved

>> No.60397207

I wish I could go trick or treating with Kiki. My old ass wouldn't feel as out of place with a tiny rabbit beside me. How come it gets harder to enjoy simple things with age if you aren't a family man?

>> No.60397210
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kiki GLOVE

>> No.60397264

Imagine licking gravy off Kiki's naked body

>> No.60397285

do you think she would try and dress up as something scary or be a rabbit princess?

>> No.60397359

>your daughter has such a cute costume
>uhhhh yeah....

>> No.60397517

love this little lego drawing
i want you to know you stole this post directly from my mind, i expect a cut of the royalties by the end of the month

>> No.60397538
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she'd be a succubus

>> No.60397952

Rabba vampire. Seeing her as a werewolf with rabbit ears would be cute also

>> No.60399095
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>> No.60399950
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yes is maccies, what can i get ya cunt?

>> No.60400737

just pretend like you are a really tall kid

>> No.60401531


>> No.60401579


>> No.60401796

good job gigi, proud of you
can I get a quick good luck since I am going to the dogdor?

>> No.60401856
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daily reviews seem pretty cool, good job on the excursion rabbahead

>> No.60401869

Sorry im with mummapyon and little man right now so I cant voca but good luck at the dogtor pooface mcgee

>> No.60401972

thanks... hey!

>> No.60402071


>> No.60402108

mwah, good job today honeybun. nothing left to do now but relax and be humble as i know you can be. i'd love nothing more than to hear about what you did at the animal facility each visit. please go in depth even if its just disinfecting cages, cleaning habitats, shoveling shit, etc. i wanna know the whole process. just blayed gaem and enjoyed the nice weather in the garden today. ate some humble tacos earlier and the strong iced tea i had with it is starting to wear off. getting real sleepy now so i think ill nini for a bit. love you bunches.

>> No.60402109
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hello kiki, glad i stayed up latee to catch this, ur a brave rabb good job on going out, feed little man some apple slices and remind him he's a little man for me, hope your getting excited for your trip!!
zuzu time for me

>> No.60402205

>what did we get up to today
champs watched a spooky (nod really) movie together in the cy, i spent a few hours trying to do upgrades on the booru made some progress but lots of stuff broke that i gotta fix so i'll pick it back up tomorrow

>> No.60402391

what if Kiki was actually a lolibaba not a rabbit?

>> No.60402468

Hi Kiki! Nice to hear from you! Good job getting out there even though it was spooky, I knew you could do it! Miss you a lot too rabbahead, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

It's great seeing you continue to improve, I have faith things will only get better from here. I'm super proud of you and hope you give Little Man and Little Lady lots of love and pats and get lots back from them in return.

Excited to hear about you working with Skippy again too, be sure to let us all know how it goes! I think that all will be a great experience for you as well getting back out there.

It's been nice hearing your voice and hearing about your day rabbahead, I love you so much and I'm so proud of you!

>> No.60402554

You were right you know, if you were thinking about how proud you were gonna make me by getting through that, because I am proud! I can't wait to hear about how your days go when you start volunteering too, it's unbelievably indresting to me.

Your vocaroo is also gonna give me some courage today. I have to go do an escape room event thing with people from work today and I've been kind of nervous about it all week long, so I'm gonna think about how Kiki went out and was brave.

I'm lying here in bed too early to be awake because I had a bad dream from watching Evil Dead II LOL. Some crazy stalker person in the dream was trying to break into my house and I had to find a shotgun and scare them away. Hearing your voice is relaxing and I think I'm gonna hug Kikidaki and go back to snooze now.

I love you!

>> No.60402666
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day #227 of waking up next to my kiki daki, i love this woman with all of my heart, and I start the day off well when the first thing I see is her cute little head and it makes me smile. i love gigi.

>> No.60402898

>Kiki is refreshing /pyon/ on her phone
>I am refreshing /pyon/ on my phone

>> No.60402923

Kiki should hold her phone against her cunny while /pyon/ is up so that it's like we're having sex

>> No.60402925

I was having a bad day but I can't stop smiling now. Good job Kiki, I'm proud of you!

>> No.60403001
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>> No.60403101

NO >:(

>> No.60403173

She thinks this is all fun and games but the verbal abuse is really starting to hurt me deeply.

>> No.60403262

this. I can handle insults like poohead and fool but pumpkin head is just too much

>> No.60403316

toof removed
during the operation dogdor pulled his hand out of my mouth after rummaging in it for a bit, far enough for me to see his glove and it was covered in dark blood, did a little swallow and I tasted blood, was a little scary. But other than that it was mostly fine

>> No.60403324

I want to drink milk squeezed from Kiki's flat chest. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.60403351

rape correction needed

>> No.60403411

Kiki OWES me a sloppy blowjob for breaking my heart

>> No.60403540

Good Job!

>> No.60403680

Last time I was at the dentist was nerve wracking. Glad you came out alive, champy

>> No.60403945

Hi, Kiki. Hearing from you always alleviates a lot of the emotional pressure and makes me feel so much humbler. Incredibly proud of you and glad you're coming so far!
Would love to hear about your experience helping animals again and don't worry, it's always curious and humble listening to you talk about things that you care about.
Lots of love and hope the rest of your day is very cozy, rabbahead

>> No.60403988
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>> No.60404063

I like to imagine this champ is especially skinny and didn't have a bag to put over his head so he just nabbed a pumpkin and ate some bits on it

>> No.60404089

stop rrat, he's pumkin ogey

>> No.60404526
File: 79 KB, 850x637, fridaymorning?[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fid51zm.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time

>> No.60404822
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good job getting out there and getting better, proud of you, I know what you mean when there is a lot going on around you in public with lots of noise and you kind of feel like you aren't real and not there physically like an observer, I get that too. You have really inspired me to get out and do stuff too. (looking at getting a job) Happy that you are going back into volunteering and will be excited to hear about you and skippy in the future. I just had a big chicken sandwich for dinner (it was good) after coming but from the shops, it was crazy, a woman was taken hostage and got stabbed in the neck by a crackhead woman trying to run away with a cart full of chibs and toilet paper (she got away). There were around 10-15 cops at the shop, I came and got my shopping after it happened (there was a massive pool of blood on the floor getting mobbed up) it was really awkward paying at the register.
Love you lots rabbahead can't wait to see you tomorrow. mwah

>> No.60405109
File: 2.39 MB, 462x484, frdy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1rote7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it is

>> No.60405213

What's the deal with Kiki and flashing lights

>> No.60405809

my 4chan is intermittently giving me a connection error

>> No.60406174
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whats for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

>> No.60406440
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a bun with kwaf
not that kind of bun, this kind of bun

>> No.60406790

Kiki is my autistic hoe

>> No.60406950

For Halloween, kiki should just eat a bunch of different candy on stream and give her thoughts/review and say she went trick or treating in rabbitville. I know I would give her a whole chocolate bar if she rang my doorbell.

>> No.60406994

I would give her more than than if you catch my drift

>> No.60407063

2 chocolate bars? Hubba hubba

>> No.60407066
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>> No.60407143

>for some reason all the chocolate bars are white chocolate

>> No.60407175

Bleaching Kiki with my average sized white dick!

>> No.60407197

Closing my gym membership and making Kiki into my all-in-one home gym exercise device!!!

>> No.60407483

>dancing with kiki!
>lifting kiki above your head!
>benchpressing kiki!
>post workout coitus!

>> No.60407817

>throwing Kiki onto the bed from increasingly greater distances

>> No.60408386
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gnight pyon, cya tomorrow

>> No.60408411

morning pyon
hey kiki. glad to hear the little trip went well, you're a very brave rab. as much as i will miss you i think it's wise to touch grass (or animals) just a tiddly wink and to find meaning in life in many places like helping animols as well as champs. i don't know if a formal review is necessary but you will certainly have more stuff to talk about with more new experiences and i look forward to hearing about it. enjoy the rest of your day.
jesus christ what the fuck. good luck on the job thing

>> No.60408549
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>> No.60408657

Same as every day
>4 egg
>2 toast with butter and vegemite
>handful of vitamins and supplements

>> No.60408951

I want to nini but it's wagie time now ;(

>> No.60408958
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>> No.60409342
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>> No.60409372

me and my wagie bros

>> No.60409635

I need Kiki girlfriend-daughter-sister-wife-cumslut on my lap right now

>> No.60409714

right now right now right now right now?

>> No.60409721

yes, right now

>> No.60409744

humble morn

>> No.60409763

what is Elon trying to do? every second post on my twitter is from some random indie vtuber

>> No.60409889
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basic stupid AI
"you like [insert term here] have some more [insert term here] so you keep looking at me"
smart enough to know that people who like things usually like more of that thing but not smart enough to know why

>> No.60410154
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you're a big guy

>> No.60410210

Nini everybunny

>> No.60410238

nini onebunny

>> No.60410312 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.60410712

Boo morning

>> No.60410718

do you guys take a while to fall asleep? a skill i've honed over the years is my ability to fall asleep quickly, if my head hits the pillow im out cold within a few minutes

>> No.60410830

on my end it's half "lmao fuck Israel" and half "I need cunny". You gotta take your timeline under control, champa

>> No.60410856

the trick is to train yourself to fall asleep fast and perhaps more importantly to NOT train yourself wrong. just try to fall asleep and if it's taking more than 5min give up and try again later

or so i've heard

>> No.60410965
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goodnight kiki n champs, im glad kiki went out today but i totally forgot she wasn't even going to stream today maybe i have holes in my brain or something but at least i had maccies for dinner.
nini honk shuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.60410990

I'm nod good at going to sleep, I always have thoughts running through my head and feel like I need to get up and write them down. I'm great at waking up though, shitshowershave and brushteef and I'm out the door to wagie in 10 mins.

>> No.60411005

she said MAYBE gorilla

>> No.60411151


>> No.60411209

It's mostly habit. Ever since I was a kid I've gone to bed at 10pm and woken up at 6am. Even if I'm exhausted and I don't want to, my body wakes up at 6am. I also never use my bed for anything except sleep. If I'm lying around all day being a lazy bum and not getting dressed and wasting my life on 4chan, it's happening on the couch or at my desk and not in my bed.

I got into a bad habit of lying in bed and reading isekai manga on my phone, so I got a phone that was so small I couldn't actually use it for manga reading, which successfully curbed the habit.

>> No.60411811

so i'm watching bg3 clips of people talking to animals now, youtube decided after i watched the first one, and i think kiki would have fun with it. look at this humble cat

>> No.60412074

Off to the wagecage

>> No.60412129

with the new tightening grip on adblocks i've resolved myself to not give up. i will absolutely not be forced to watch ads. either i will find a loophole or i will not use that site anymore, even if it's youtube

>> No.60412149

Everything I've seen about BG3 seems peak normalfagcore to me, in the sense that the game is primarily about gay sex with as many party members as possible.

>> No.60412187

just update ublock you fool
or use VLC to stream vidoes
or terminal with yt-dlp

>> No.60412258

from people who played it, everyone is horny, everything is cringe, gameplay is trash and might as well not exist, companions are boring and stupid, "love" interests are whores who got miles of dick ran through them

>> No.60412271

Larian can't make good games

>> No.60412294

from a purely game theory perspective it's better to have the choice of gay sex with party members than not, just don't choose it

>> No.60412320

oh i don't have any issues yet, i didn't even get the popup, but just for the long term i will not bend the knee out of pure spite

>> No.60412386

it's not immersive or roleplay friendly to have every single character be gay and horny for the player
RPGs shouldn't even have romance choices, they've completely ruined the genre

>> No.60412400

the only actual criticism i saw of it is that act 2 and 3 have progressively (kek) less depth and content, so the game seems better than it is because it's frontloaded with content

>> No.60412483

From what I understand Act 1 was in development and beta testing for like 3 years and all the other acts were tacked on at the end, which is also why a ton of the bugs are in Acts >1.

>> No.60412499

yeah i agree, characters should act organic, i misspoke. i disagree it shouldn't have romance choices but to be able to romance anyone with any character sex or type isn't immersive. it seems like there is too much focus on it but i don't know since i haven't played it and i do see plenty of other stuff to do as well, like talk to animals

>> No.60412585

the problem with these romance options are, either you want to have sex with a character or the character hates you
there is no bros being bros or comradery, sex or gtfo

>> No.60412629

to add, ironically starfield made it better, in my experience, if you don't [flirt] they are just your friends and become better friends

>> No.60412666

I just assume this is just what normalfag's lives are actually like. Far be it from me to say what's normal or not about everybody wanting to fuck you, since nobody has ever wanted to fuck me, but I know that I'm not normal in this.

>> No.60412682

>>60412499 (me)
basically a lot of the online conversations about bg3 is about the sex stuff, and usually among people who have never played it themselves (myself included) so i'm not sure if this is reflective of the game or just reflective of people talking shit online.
yeah that does sound like it sucks.

>> No.60412841

checked satan. i thought you get lots of bitches
i hope it's not supposed to be reflective of normalfag lives, it's supposed to be reflective of the lives of forgotten realms characters. sadly a lot of game developers lately want to make games to cure their own traumas and self-insert rather than making something more generally immersive. speaking of which, it may have been made by fellow unfuckables as a power fantasy.

>> No.60412869

it's the same shit as the witcher, cyberpunk or any new popular game. the game itself is extremely boring and mediocre so they put in "controversial" nudity and sex scenes to get people to talk about the game
also from what I've seen the target audience is women who don't play RPGs so they focused on the sex aspect while marketing the game. Larian was whining about most of their players being white males even though 50% of "gamers" are women before this came out

>> No.60413575
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>> No.60413630

kinda funny desu

>> No.60413845

good morning pyon, happy friday

>> No.60414045


>> No.60414366
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no rab makes the rab rabby

>> No.60414369

I don't think it's as bad as all that. I like the gameplay, but combat was better in earlier Larian games. They definitely give you tons of options for dealing with different things, and depending on what abilities your party has the game can feel really different. Being able to talk to animals or the dead feels really cool. Especially talking with dead, since every corpse has a tiny little cutscene. I really really enjoyed the game. It was much better than its marketing would have you believe.

There are two major criticisms I do have though:
1) Like all Larian RPGs, you are just FLOODED with stuff to click on that has useless trash in it, and no good inventory management system. Maybe there are mods for it, but I played through without mods the first time. If you're like me and trained to click on everything, you will wind up with HUNDREDS of inventory items, many of which are so similar that taking up multiple inventory slots is kind of a pain (do I really need separate stacks for onions, apples, carrots, potatoes, turnips, lettuce, berries, and a hundred other food types, plus rotten or otherwise miscellaneous versions of all those same food items?)

2) Their concessions to modernity. We don't need a penis type selector on the character creation screen, but there it is. Every party member is open to having sex with both sexes and all races. It takes away their individual character and turns them into fucktoys and that sucks in an RPG. I don't even mind romances in RPGs but everybody being receptive to everybody just hollows out the characters and feels cheap.

>> No.60415046

nah don't believe the hype, you can actively not pursue gay relations with everybody and it becomes a pretty decent game, the combat is fun

>> No.60415285
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what about this one

>> No.60415540
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guys...its friday the 13th during the spooky month...

>> No.60415559

it's so over, this is the final pyon

>> No.60415747
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why did he do it bros?

>> No.60416064

hopped too hard, very easy mistake to make for a rabbit

>> No.60416094
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>we don't know if it's male or female
they dont know about the dewlap

>> No.60417112
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Do you think sispyon ever forgave her?

>> No.60417483
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>> No.60417493

What did gigi do...

>> No.60417625

she didn't flush

>> No.60417669

If it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down.

>> No.60418416
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>> No.60418474
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>> No.60418481

cute rabit

>> No.60418549
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>> No.60418572

one day /pyon/ will conquer the island from Japan to ensure the well being of the natives

>> No.60418577

it's like rabbitville but we would have infinite food with Kiki's Kiki and Kiki's broth

>> No.60418648
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>> No.60418656

that's sad, you'd think there'd be people regularly giving them food to take better care of them

>> No.60418827
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>if it's brown flush it down.
im so sorry kiki

>> No.60418923


>> No.60418994

Im on the island

>> No.60419103
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>> No.60419185

i hope they invest the food money back into the rabbits and they aren't just making a profit

>> No.60419329

Sorry Kiki but I don't give a shit about the island

>> No.60419535

im trans btw

>> No.60419561

it is sad but it's also an indresding subject, I'd love to learn more about it
though I hope it gets turned into something like a shelter, it's not nice to make profit off of starving animals

>> No.60419570

very interesting, what would be the butterfly effect of me filling your womb daily, no, hourly

>> No.60419636

i beleb in the japanese locals to take care of them to the best of their abilities. indresding how a kid started it all. sure more education/animol content is good

>> No.60419663
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he's a stone cold, , too cool to care but desperate for you to notice

>> No.60419773

i am interested in learning more about the island

>> No.60420022

so what you're saying is if i starve you then you'll be all over me?

>> No.60420340

i wont be talked to like this, im going to need to see your manager. i'll have your carrot and your badge by the end of the day for this

>> No.60420857

lol shut up homo

>> No.60420897

I just really like d&d vidya and forgotten realms in particular so I really want the game to be good. I watched a starfield video that made sense to me, it was about looking for things you like rather than dislike in the game, because you'll find what you look for. It is especially true in games with a lot of options.

>> No.60420985

there are countless d&d games you can play anon, you don't have to play a bad one just because it's new and popular

>> No.60421175

Such as? I've played a lot of them, all the old isometric ones like baldurs gate, icewind dale, planescape torment, all the neverwinter nights... Spent several years playing the NWN MMO too.

>> No.60421257

And none of those games were perfect either.

>> No.60421506

try dark sun or eye of the beholder

>> No.60421786

First one isn't set in the forgotten realms and that's the world's lore I'm interested in, and both are fucking old as fuck. I read a bit about them and saw screenshots and it doesn't seem indresding. I don't have to play a bad game just because it's old and obscure

>> No.60422218


>> No.60422511
File: 3.46 MB, 380x410, 1647735837697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this happen in real life

>> No.60422514
File: 3.90 MB, 2019x1150, 1679512095136412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so under-slept this week, i can't wait to sleep in tomorrow

>> No.60422767


>> No.60422808

damn sounds like somebody got culturally enriched

>> No.60422861
File: 100 KB, 1283x1149, 1693646602069665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>champs reaction when kiki informs us that "actually.......... my name gigi...."

>> No.60422911

get in the womb

>> No.60422969

sewer boy...

>> No.60422995

Wait that's her name?

>> No.60423027


>> No.60423036

i can't remember

>> No.60423038
File: 401 KB, 384x384, koogi rollin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta my way chumpyons

>> No.60423067


>> No.60423398
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>> No.60423446

i'd return that

>> No.60423520
File: 65 KB, 700x658, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hardest Chapter yet...
Thinking in terms of Kikidifficulty, Maps 17 and 19 moight be hard because they're big and mazey but overall I don't think she's going to have harder time than Doom E3.

>> No.60423891

Let him ooout! He's just a little fellow and he's scaied!

>> No.60424048

I would love to hear more during a stream too. Nothing better than Kiki talking about something she's passionate about.

>> No.60424596

they payed good money for that

>> No.60424925
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>> No.60426040
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>> No.60426075


>> No.60426266

it's gonna be a bumpy ride these days

>> No.60426530
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>> No.60427830
File: 1.27 MB, 1003x854, q tip kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60428900

lets lewd this rabbit

>> No.60429086

I do it every day

>> No.60429406
File: 2.44 MB, 2336x1888, 1687416504112678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a long hair in my coffee... much longer than my hair... i live alone

>> No.60429438

maybe it was actually a parasitic worm

>> No.60429816

Kiki was at your place, be glad

>> No.60430087


>> No.60430090
File: 459 KB, 524x640, 1693541190932827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rab all dressed up for Autumn

>> No.60431417
File: 112 KB, 1331x932, boids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did we get the birds in rabbitville to be so friendly

>> No.60431734

>open tech how-to video on youtube
>"hello sirs"
>close video
every fucking time

>> No.60431884

i love indians in regards to tech education. these mfs have videos on the most obscure IT fixes

>> No.60433081

They've helped me a few times
Most recently, how to get a virtual machine running

>> No.60433652
File: 179 KB, 1104x1248, 1694178147513967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potent stuff

>> No.60434309
File: 48 KB, 1000x806, 1683278462904802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the food

>> No.60434451

destroy them all

>> No.60435474
File: 173 KB, 626x608, hare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60435811

were so cool

>> No.60435909
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>> No.60435938

wtf i hate hareggers now

>> No.60436136

man I look so cool

>> No.60436251
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang Bang!

>> No.60436607
File: 3.49 MB, 1899x1089, 1675267393610030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one do you like more?

>> No.60436645

that reminds me, i should maybe get started on next steps for the /hfz/ thing, didn't get very much feedback on my last post so i think we can probably wrap it up and just get the submission in whenever sign ups open

>> No.60436657
File: 3.57 MB, 1873x1088, 1677627610670513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60436690

i see kiki therefore i like

>> No.60436732

I was surprised there was only one song suggestion
the second one would be preferable if it was a bit more coherent but I have to go with the first one if no changes are being made

>> No.60436760

this one

>> No.60436784

this one is better

>> No.60436893

the second does flowers a bit better but still some artifacting . i like the 2nd one a bit more

>> No.60436926
File: 3.51 MB, 1907x1087, 1677800925365948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've decided to re-do it

>> No.60437003

would a design contest for the /hfz/ sign boards be fun to do?

>> No.60437157

DESU I like all three of them they make great wallpapers.

>> No.60437265

i want cup noodles bad

>> No.60437291

How many signboards can you have?

>> No.60437311

went with this final design https://litter.catbox.moe/dy8ous.png

>> No.60437326

last time we could have 2

>> No.60437460
File: 1.36 MB, 500x281, 1667804764237240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you smell that? kiki approaches

>> No.60437498
File: 44 KB, 700x525, hamhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see

>> No.60437714
File: 93 KB, 585x690, 1691152951439935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of some ideas for Pyon events/activities that could be fun and maybe give Kiki something fun to do as well if she was interested.
For example, one idea would be a Pyon-themed jack-o-lantern carving contest. Champs could post/submit their pumpkins and then Kiki could judge them and pick winners on a stream.
For prizes, I could pitch in some game keys or something like that and other Champs would be more than welcome to add to the prize pool if they desired.
Not sure how many Champs would want to participate in something like that but if it went well I'd be happy to try to organize more stuff in the future.

>> No.60437790

i would participate, and maybe throw in a free 4chan pass

>> No.60437820
File: 14 KB, 196x224, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60437984

indresding. count me in if it happens

>> No.60438247

this is one cool guy

>> No.60438926

that sounds super fun! i would love to do a humble submission

>> No.60439252

Nodreally an event but something we can chew on on the side is the updated littlewargame tower defence map. The problem with the previous version is that we pretty much solved the meta (money trees, destroyers). The balancing seemed quite different but the basics are familiar enough so it's easy to get back into. And I urge Champoos to not practice the shit out of it by themselves so it has a bit more longevity.

>> No.60439389

if somebody made a new tower defence map im sure plenty would be interested in playing and we could get some good replay out of that for a little while like last time

>> No.60439466
File: 52 KB, 344x209, 1692224857951091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60440200
File: 181 KB, 438x366, dont think.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60440408
File: 219 KB, 600x600, 1686286285176859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool socks

>> No.60440559
File: 25 KB, 155x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of that koiby game kiki played

>> No.60440703

Being in an anti Halloween family is kinda suffering when it comes to things like this.

>> No.60440715
File: 540 KB, 3501x1800, 1676942037392159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a turkey bacon club for dinner. what are you all having today?

>> No.60440758

Oh shnappy shnoo

>> No.60440769

I was thinking about how Champs that might not be able to carve a pumpkin could join in, and figured maybe there could be a second category for drawing them instead.

>> No.60440807

i had some onion rings... maybe ill cook something else

>> No.60440826

if i can't draw can i just repost champ-pumpkin.png instead?

>> No.60440875

>anti-Halloween family
Jehovahs witness champ?

>> No.60441109
File: 2.90 MB, 430x360, Sturday Mornin[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fz0rivs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60441300
File: 2 KB, 144x144, Pumpkin Punk ChampyT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just asked
"It's more an American thing and we're not American, plus, when you were kids, it didn't feel right when, while also teaching you stranger-danger, to say one day every year, lets go around the neighborhood to ask for candy from strangers"
I didn't ask about pumpkin carving though. Pretty sure its because a pumpkin to carve would be stupidly expensive in the current recession the world is going through.
It is what it is, I guess.

>> No.60441421
File: 612 KB, 717x587, 1691274418626703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60441446

Same pretty much. Most of the customs are just American but moight see a spooky movie on TV or something around that time.

>> No.60442019

what pumpkins are cheap

>> No.60442092

I just assumed. I haven't checked

>> No.60442162

you can use the innards for the pumpkin for various dishes and use the outside for a jack-o-lantern

>> No.60442191

how expensive are pumpkins where you guys live? Do they have those little gourds where you live that are also carveable?

>> No.60442365

I don't even know where to look

>> No.60442400

i think like less than $10 USD

>> No.60442550

I havent been pumpkin picking in awhile, but the cost is dependent on the weight. Also, the patches in my local area have them in all shapes in sizes ranging from tiny guys to goliath ones. As a kid it was so fun trying to find the perfect pumpkin

>> No.60442619

Don't think she'll be able to finish it, there's a lot of maps to go and FPS games seem to exhaust Gigi out quickly, and the fact that she probably wasn't feeling for Doom anyways.

Kind of sidenote and maybe I'm just pampered by all the Cacoawards gems but the Doom 2 iwad really is nod that fun; Sandy's ugly gimmick maps, Romero's damaging floor mazes, McGee's dark and blocky rooms... The maps are just iconic but don't really spark much more than that for me. So if you were to play through only a single Doom 2 wad to get the best experience out there, it wouldn't be even close to a top pick when it comes to the maps.

>> No.60442644

i tried to grow pumpkins once, but the damn pelicans got to it

>> No.60442694

pelicans are scary.... they try to eat everything and I mean everything

>> No.60442898

pelican ate my baby

>> No.60443001

I grew a nice pumpkin once but then a fucking grasshopper chewed a hole in it so I caught the bastard and fed him to a gigantic garden spider living in my carport

>> No.60443094

Sorry for responding so late, I was gone most of the day getting chores done and a physical for my new job at the wage cage. I'm >>60414369 with the blogpost. I think you should play it, it's a really fun game and I respect other champ's opinion, but disagree strongly with it. It does have some current year stuff, most games will, but it's still really good overall. There are few games in the genre that can measure up to it. I will say though, that if you've ever played Divinity: Original Sin 1 or 2, this is very nearly the exact same game, and you will know exactly what to expect. I loved both of those games too, though.

>> No.60443303

i like bouldermancy telekinesis in DOS2, chucking heavy things at fools was fun

>> No.60443522

I just liked how those games did their own thing and had so much spell interactivity and natural ability combos. I feel like it was some of the best turn based combat ever in that style of game.

>> No.60443545
File: 217 KB, 494x510, 1687019906564692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much tawk can i buy with all this money?

>> No.60443548
File: 6 KB, 185x61, 77e98b2b497dd73b9c9432b87dea9d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me Irl

>> No.60443623
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>> No.60443749
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>> No.60443789

Since tawk is choip, perhaps three fiddy

>> No.60444070
File: 379 KB, 505x563, 1984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom ain't free, tawk ain't choip

>> No.60444746

this news is a lot to process kiki, i might need a moment

>> No.60445017


>> No.60445055

>he doesn't know

>> No.60445128

Her name is gigi

>> No.60445141

her name gigi, or so ive heard

>> No.60445278
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>> No.60445431

aww that's swe- why is he black

>> No.60445500

>>I love bunnies
>>Touch and Feel

...is that...

>> No.60445625

giggles is dead, long live gigi

>> No.60445669

Probably won't be there for the first part of stream,comforting a depressed bro

>> No.60445700


>> No.60445739

cool cover

>> No.60445780

why are there 2 retro threads

>> No.60445828

`!Intro animation

>> No.60445841

because the users are mentally unstable

>> No.60445846

Just use the one that was made first anon

>> No.60445871

i think they had some schizo meltdown, i stopped going there

>> No.60445870

some fool jumped the gun

>> No.60445905

`!Gigi on the telly!|Zatsu

>> No.60445930
File: 63 KB, 500x500, vtdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to kill

>> No.60446006
File: 472 KB, 759x692, 1685760769401461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she lost her vision

>> No.60446110

it had a boy band sound

>> No.60446187

the only thing they love is (you)

>> No.60446240
File: 314 KB, 1920x1888, 1677447544837791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, can you put up this sign when you pee?

>> No.60446255
File: 756 KB, 1747x647, 1670513767781173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60446336

oh! I've been meaning to ask for like two weeks! I know you like mushrooms but do you like to eat mushrooms?

>> No.60446337

>turn left here gigi, turn leeeeft

>> No.60446399
File: 341 KB, 536x553, 1666832100668898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone else wants him

>> No.60446461

`"I don't hate hares or anything, but..."

>> No.60446478

>allen texas
wtf planning to visit there in a couple weeks and at the moment im currently going over maps to plan my drive there.

>> No.60446500

>I swear some of my best friends are hares, but...

>> No.60446530
File: 639 KB, 1536x2048, 1686936845898808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Kiki is a fooligan and can't even sniff her knee pits"
it's not me saying it, it's the rabbit

>> No.60446573
File: 16 KB, 224x224, 1685826777108616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60446607

`!Game start

>> No.60446639
File: 12 KB, 400x400, champy chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf that road is really close to where ill be staying. stop following me

>> No.60446643

I was actually expecting DOS to be suggested and I was prepared to say I was planning to play that as well. I'm in no rush to play either that or BG3 but I do believe both are worth playing, or so I've heard.

>> No.60446666

`!Level 13 - Downtown (-35)

>> No.60446667
File: 749 KB, 1079x894, 1693916693345646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60446701

It's okay to be frustrated, we'll support you through it

>> No.60446723
File: 122 KB, 416x536, 1694929985895280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60446732
File: 416 KB, 722x435, 1677706237476632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cumming on you from all directions

>> No.60446773
File: 93 KB, 840x1024, IMG_6694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we finally expose the rab that lives on Bossy Boots Drive?

>> No.60446788

sorry I was late to the stream btw, one of my cats had surgery today and I was giving her her meds

>> No.60446879

I'm sorry for apologizing

>> No.60446882

>calls shotgun a rifle
>thinks it's being held left-handed


>> No.60446903

Um excuse me being your husband is my full time job

>> No.60446922

sorry kiki im on time today

>> No.60446940

sorry Kiki, I stopped watching for a second to make this post

>> No.60446956
File: 50 KB, 448x492, 1691236070062464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sorry at all.

>> No.60446992

I'm sorry for hornyposting

>> No.60447187

`Getting soooooooo mad (-20)

>> No.60447222

I apologise for not creampieing you sooner so you could be a happy little moma rab raising a humble family with me

>> No.60447394

the kiki death noise is so funny to me

>> No.60447442

Where can I get this wad?

>> No.60447466

Is kiki a rabbit? This has been bothering me lately

>> No.60447473

its in op

>> No.60447547

i read the OP in full every bread like a responsible champ

>> No.60447551

op? never heard of em

>> No.60447601

i just assume op is a fag and move on

>> No.60447656

Kiki can you say sneed's feed and seed

>> No.60447666
File: 202 KB, 938x900, 1668646562067681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like this thing some champ made?

>> No.60447692

uuuuuuhhh can you dance monkey dance

>> No.60447697

kiki you are the best demon killer ever! cleanse these wastelands

>> No.60447711

we can use the one kiki makes and this one temporarily

>> No.60447737

I wanted to ask, could I het one sniff of your puff?

>> No.60447774

Still the worst level in Doom 2. Fucking hate this shit

>> No.60447772

imo your time is spent better doing other stuff, the other pyonboru icons are good

>> No.60447799

The city levels are pretty polarizing.

>> No.60447816
File: 88 KB, 736x774, 1689323477408040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no THIS is grumples

>> No.60447859

I was referring to the rifle Kiki is holding, not Doomguy.

>> No.60447911

`"You're not very pretty" (Kiki feels bad immediately for saying this.) (-10)

>> No.60447935

just for fun, i can also make them alternate between all the ones people make if more people wanna send some in

>> No.60447937
File: 25 KB, 598x248, wifesretribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give em hell gigi

>> No.60447954
File: 10 KB, 204x136, 1676666527840763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the fool all along

>> No.60447966
File: 1018 KB, 1024x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor caco...

>> No.60448014

What do you call a man who married his house?...A homownersexual.

(I made that one up myself.

>> No.60448049

I like it when gigi says "ahh ahh ahh champy go deeper"

>> No.60448062 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 1391x1001, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need helb, check pic

>> No.60448179

jokes on you, I have nothing useful to say

>> No.60448242

not at all? i noticed nothing wrong.

>> No.60448327

Much like Hitler you did nothing wrong. Sometimes you're not feeling it and that's okay.

>> No.60448400

well this specific game is a bit niche since its a mod specifically for you, in regards to a tourist seeing it maybe it wouldnt hold their attention. although i dont worry about numbers so im no expert

>> No.60448505

it was at around 35 viewers, I think it's normal

>> No.60448630

its hard for someone thats not already into streaming on YouTube to find you/any other streamer. the site should incentivise streaming more

>> No.60448637

collabs and general interacting with other chuubas will help big time

>> No.60448649

idk I also noticed the low numbers but the chat feels normal and the streams have been great so I have no idea why. I just assumed it's a youtube problem since processing the vods also took a really long time this week

>> No.60448710

you didn't do anything wrong Rab, tourist overlap with other chuubas is real and a lot of the popular ones are streaming right now

>> No.60448735

you are bashing yourself over something you have no real control over
I know it's frustrating, be humble and do whatever you like doing
thinking about it too hard will only spiral you into dooming

>> No.60448752

100 You did nothing wrong
200 >yeah but..
300 but
400 Go to 100

>> No.60448774
File: 99 KB, 960x960, snow rab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom itself is pretty niche. Beloved perhaps but not popular. Also the title is listed as Doom II which is correct, the mod is just few aesthetic things.

>> No.60448813

i cant articulate things great but im here for you through whatever you are feeling. i understand where you are coming from and its not bad to be wanting more.

>> No.60448915

maybe you would like to game a game like text rpg where you write your actions?

>> No.60449005

it's not

>> No.60449036

movie maker time

>> No.60449049

oh sorry, i don't know where it is, if you search for DOOM Wad in the pyondex you will probably find it tho

>> No.60449157

generally most of my commissions go like this: pay artist, they ghost me for 3 months, and eventually when stars align they finish

>> No.60449183


>> No.60449221

Holy shit im half tempted to learn video editing myself.

>> No.60449311

bros is twitter not fitting the full horizontal space anymore? i get this dumb scrollbar now and its throwing me off

>> No.60449333

Oy vey

>> No.60449479

flaky ass motherfuckers

>> No.60449555

its time to learn japanese or chinese

>> No.60449576

you just aren't entertaining unfortunately, I'm not trying to be rude but the massive drop off post-redebut says it

>> No.60449607

thanks for your input, new IP

>> No.60449666

I was thinking about trying to go to some online courses to learn after effects and photoshop and other stuff but I don't think you'd like champy "working" for you

>> No.60449697

I will shit your pants

>> No.60449712

any bakers already prepping?

>> No.60449714

having sensibility to condense important things down is a rarer skillset than zoomer schizo edit per second

>> No.60449741

I would do it if I was a neet but I don't have much free time to do that

>> No.60449826


>> No.60449853

kiki i hate hearing you upset and i keep hearing you say "its been 2 years with no real change" and i dont really know how to help or talk you through it. if you dont mind, could you think critically and specify what you arent satisfied with? i think in entertainment you can only dictate how many people see you or interact with your content so much without actively advertising or trying to tap into different things that are in the public interest. its im rambling sorry but i love you too much to not talk about this if you really feel so strongly about it.

>> No.60449942

zoomers can't into tank controls

>> No.60449952

ogey guess I'm baking

>> No.60449967

"more of x" is not a real goal because you have no control of it
raise realistic goals you can achieve yourself

>> No.60449970

kiki I don't want to be off topic, but you said to remind you if we see it, even during serious times, so I'm going to remind you your microphone is in front of your mouth and your mouth isn't moving.
<3 kiki love

>> No.60450037

I'm guessing "I'm not like that anymore" isn't gonna cut it?

>> No.60450117

as much as self-righteous back-patters go on about it, they tend to be incredibly unforgiving even if people do change

>> No.60450125

>awful people
get a pass
>genuine kind rabbit
banned for life for saying less than ok stuff

>> No.60450183
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I regret posting the "I think niggers suck" meme during og debut
Sorry Kiki

>> No.60450250
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>> No.60450274

Kiki can be /pol/ review vtuber

>> No.60450314

Kiki doesn't even like /pol/ that much

>> No.60450318

Kiki wants to get away from that, not deeper in it

>> No.60450341

it was a joke, /pol/ is shit anyway

>> No.60450395

its fine to complain kiki you have genuine stuff to be upset aboout

>> No.60450432

it is fine to complain but i've said all i had long time ago

>> No.60450433

i might be racist but i have zero interest in 'based' tubers

>> No.60450461

Tourist here, on the subject of growth you also have to manipulate the algorithm, people don't play "flavor of the month" games for fun, i've been recommended a niji vtuber streaming the watermelon game for no other apparent reasons other than i watched other vtubers play it.

>> No.60450485

none of them a real

>> No.60450502

same it's actually cringe when i see women doing it

>> No.60450537

i told her to play the suikagame on stream

>> No.60450543

Yeah we've talked about this before, but you may be seriously underestimating how powerful game choice is for algorithm stuff. Even the super successful million views vtubers chase trendy FOTM games.

>> No.60450553

that's the one point I've always made in the past when this conversation comes up. wanting to increase numbers practically requires playing current popular games

>> No.60450585

They're all grifters. Muh "Classical Liberals."
How about classical Conservatives?
Nope. Can't think of any.

>> No.60450614

you should also use hastags for your stream

>> No.60450646

they might not come back, but the next popular game you play will bring in another batch of tourists wanting to watch that particular game, meaning your numbers will still go up overall.

>> No.60450655

Kiki. I came here because you played Warhammer. And I kept coming back. Sure maybe Im just one guy but there could definitely be others.

>> No.60450719

Maybe try reaction content? Like reacting to viral videos/meme compilations?
Could boost the algorithm

>> No.60450733

I found you off of algorithm for a game that I like and that got me back into 4ch.

>> No.60450734

I came when you played Half Life and stuck around since then

>> No.60450764

Yeah Watermelon is kind of past it's FOTM status, but it's just the most recent one in memory which is why we bring it up.

>> No.60450778

kiki does have a very polarizing personality at times, some people can't handle the banter

>> No.60450852

Next time Holocure gets a big update try getting on?

>> No.60450853

if I were to give advice maybe be a little more normie friendly, sometimes you and us can scare away normies most of the time for good reason but maybe we just have to bite the bullet a bit and let them learn the culture without immediately bringing down the hammer.

>> No.60450860

im not sure but do you think the dynamic of you and the champs filters possible viewers? im sure some see your channel as "oh shes mainly streaming for her core fanbase"

>> No.60450871

i came when you played mega man because it was nostalgic to me and it was nice to see you trying it out. I also just like the idea of a 4chan chuuba. I want to see you succeed but I don't know how I can help, so I just try to show up when I can. I think you have really come into your own within the last year, it's been more consistent quality.

>> No.60450913
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>> No.60450919


>> No.60450925

not really
others do it too

>> No.60450979
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come here raba, shower me in affections, mwah mwah mwah, i'll bring the olive oil

>> No.60451067
File: 57 KB, 392x495, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what brought up this discussion?
i have been digging dirt for the past half hour

>> No.60451110

who are you burying?

>> No.60451111

woman moment

>> No.60451196

kiki you can do better by being less toxic when you get upset

>> No.60451826

Busy timeslot they could be watching other girls
