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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60369882 No.60369882 [Reply] [Original]

Vshojo... only grows stronger >:3

>> No.60370036

You got a girl that struggled to get 1k before
She’s gonna be a 3view in Vshojo after a month, especially if she actually has a fucking bug model

>> No.60370844

damn that's gonna be a nice grudgepost, saved.

>> No.60371178
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(this is an edit but will be passed off as real by other anons)

>> No.60371234

Just like pikamee lol

>> No.60371439

grow faster, I want to see the seething here

>> No.60371504
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>> No.60371636

bro, you do know you can just press F12 and alter any real post to say whatever you want, right?
You don't have to make a shit photoshop

>> No.60371704

... that's what this is retard-kun

>> No.60371811

>I'm actually going to have to watch Vshojo now
an acceptable sacrifice, but still, never thought I'd see the day

>> No.60371982

you're going to go through the same "wait, they're not nearly as bad as I was told" process that 4 other fanbases have already gone through

>> No.60372995

You're gonna be shocked to learn that catalogfags lied to you

>> No.60373167

>nooooooo you can't enjoy vtubers, the viewer count is the only thing that matters!!!!!!
lmaoing @ numberniggers

>> No.60374983

So glad the kettle is getting the love she deserves

>> No.60375458

Nta but what the hell is this thread about if not numbers?

>> No.60376378

more male collabs

>> No.60377428

Any guesses as to who's gonna be the new girl?

>> No.60377601

No guessing needed, people checked her Steam profile and her previous name showed it's Nina

>> No.60377626

More members, more friends, their bonds grow stronger, the group is more respected (IM and Gunrun got big reputation boost after Kuro told his story), etc.
Not everything has to be about numbers, numberfag

>> No.60377651

Vshojo getting new blood

>> No.60377711

holy shit, you are just poor! gomenasai homeless-kun.

>> No.60377742

Nah, her graduation brought in a lot of viewers who never gave her the time of day before.

/vt/ is full of drama-hungry turbo casuals. If there aren't tons of threads about something, people don't know it exists.

>> No.60378006
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niggers here are being meta AF. kys. Its over, dudes.

>> No.60378037

poor bait

>> No.60378123

im scared of the name vshojo so i will not be watching

>> No.60378220

Isnt ~7.000 way the fuck more than she was getting previously? OP was right Vshojo really does only get stronger.

>> No.60378495

it's a better and better name with every hire
don't be scared, come, we have backpacks

>> No.60382051

She was 2-3k on a really good day previously. Geega has upped her numbers after joining and Kuro is averaging 5k, but i'm not sure what his numbers were like before as i wasn't really a viewer.

>> No.60383407
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You're all obnoxious faggots who have their roots in the /trash/ board, not pure /jp/ blood.

Yet I am ready to treat you as smart ass neutral banter bros since the nyawhore backstabber is gone.

>> No.60383598

Vshojo is where people run off to when they get tired of other companies then ditch Vshojo once they gain a big enough audience because the company makes absolutely piss poor contracts.

>> No.60383792
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Grow stronger by taking the rest of Tempus with you. Give Kuro some male friends. Just please.. please, take them.

>> No.60383951

I always knew this threads were filled with Vshojo cucks running defense. Vshojo is as bad as they say mostly because almost every member is a terrible person and it eventually leaks into their content. For some people it's more blatant, but I don't think there's a single person outside of Henya that isn't a shitty person.

>> No.60384054


Also, doesn't help that the "indie" company ended up just being a retirement home for rejected Vtubers.

>> No.60384211

Please take Mika while you're at it. Thanks

>> No.60384286

You need to use less stale bait from this year at least to get a bite anon

>> No.60384854

what did you watch before? nijien because nina? LMAO
imagine thinking vsj is worse than niji

>> No.60388301

>especially if she actually has a fucking bug model
could be cute

>> No.60389107

>nijien because nina?
After she left I stopped watching any Niji except for Mika
I'm mostly an indie enjoyer these days

>> No.60392169

Why would a bug motif become a detriment? There's a rock vtuber and it still works

>> No.60398634

cute mouse

>> No.60402472

As a holochad I'm all for NijiEN talents moving to vshojo where they will have it better. Not everyone is made for the JP corpo life and especially not for one where you get fuckall in terms of support. It's okay to just want to be a streamer without higher ambitions.

>> No.60402663

take all the tempiss shitters next

>> No.60402890

>home to niji and the original /hlg/ which is full with doxxposts and falseflagging even more than globul or even /veetee/ in general
Sure sure

>> No.60403036

Isn't kuro already a 3k shitter?

>> No.60403133

>Kuro is averaging 5k
that is a fucking lie he is literally at 4k and dropping still.

>> No.60403135
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Phase 1 Nina:
>lackluster performance
>tries to leech off Lazulight but mostly gets ignored
>develops a relationship with Pomu
Phase 2 Nina:
>Luxiem debuts, leaps right into the pool
>constant Luxiem colllabs, even attends their offcollabs
>huge number of subscribers, more than any other girl
>but fails to get many viewers on her solo streams or any donations
Phase 3 Nina:
>as the branch starts declining, Nina realizes she needs male fans
>does the best job of pandering to males of any woman in the history of vtubing
>playing kickass games, making positive comments about men
>actually really intelligent capable of playing complex farming simulator games
>actually gets a solid fanbase, develops a huge cult-following on 4chan and lots of holofans are interested
Phase 4 Nina:
>realizes NijiEN has zero ability to maintain a male audience
>switches to Vshojo since the potential is much higher for a female vtuber

Nina is very intelligent, arguably the most intelligent woman in NijiEN.
She is also very deceptive and willing to do practically anything for money and popularity. She'll lie, she'll leech, reinvent new personalities, whatever it takes. She is kind of a "villain" character in that sense. But she also gave us some really good content for a couple months at least.

Her journey in VShojo will be interesting. Will she be able to make it work? Even if not, the Vshojo contract is very enticing. She will probably do well for herself financially no matter what.
Mysta is not doing super hot in Vshojo, but then again, his content now is kind of shit -- mostly aimless rambles, no plan, not very fun to watch honestly. Nina is a lot smarter than Mysta and might come to the table with some good stuff.

>> No.60403178

hate this fake lying scamming cunt so much

>> No.60403254

Because rocks aren't nasty bugs. And she's more gem than rock anyways.

>> No.60403352

>muh noombers

>> No.60403384

success breeds jealousy

>> No.60403415

>t. jealous tranny

>> No.60403417

Thank you for examplifying anons point.

>> No.60403460

Kson said the contracts became better, losing three big popular streamers in a row made the management do something I guess.

>> No.60403472

legitimately what are you talking about
(please dont spout brainwashed rethoric that has zero relation with observable reality)

>> No.60403490

Twitch doesn't work the same way as YouTube though.
Twitch allows an infinite amount of windows counting one viewer per stream even if these windows are do not produce any sound, so Vshitshow cucks will gladly leave the bug woman's stream open while muting the stream itself, and it will merely boost her viewers immensely compared to what she used to get on Jewtube.

>> No.60403589

unhinged. fucking no one cares about enough noombers to do any of what you're describing and certainly not a statistically relevant amount if anyone.

>> No.60403636

>surely everyone I dont like does this
Noomberfaggots are deranged

>> No.60403651

>Poach Selen
>Poach Pomu
>Poach Ame or Mumei
>Take Kronii on accident but whatever, at least it isn't Snuffy
Vshojo meta leaks

>> No.60403661

Juniper and Lyra Calyptra are pretty good.
It's just cockroach is not the best bug design choice.

You really think lots of people will bother with that?

>> No.60403665

Holofags really live in tight little cages dont they?

>> No.60403693

Selen is gonna end up in some esports group. Vshojo has nothing to offer her

Zero chance of ame since silver left

>> No.60403699

Not really their fault, the forbearers of Holofags rioted over Vei/Kiara collab to the point that management had to step in, permanently altering how Vshojo and Hololive interact with one another

>> No.60403704

Thats a very nice fan fiction mr schizo I enjoyed it

>> No.60403734

You can spot ennacliqueschizos a mile away they always make these long elaborate posts nobody would read

>> No.60403755

>Zero chance of ame since silver left
You really overplay the history they have. Silver was a mod for Not-Ame, and Ame spoke of Silver approximately 0 times up to this point in time. For comparison, Ame spoke about Uto maybe twice

>> No.60403795

In terms of stench, maybe

>> No.60403834

>vshojo only hires based on how much number the person can bring them
>shitters rally in triumph every time it happens, also love to say that small streamers dont deserve a chance
youre the biggest numberfaggots around you fucking hypocrites

>> No.60403881

Is there a non-zero chance Not-Gura could join Vshojo? Or is Cover throwing every dollar they have down Gura's gullet to keep her happy?

>> No.60403921

why are you this obsessed about begging more Holos to join VShojo?

>> No.60403920

If she joined, she'd have to work. Too lazy for that

>> No.60403969

The first to bend the knee to Shitshow were the HoloJPs anon...

>> No.60404011

Not me but if it makes holofags seethe im all for it

Honestly tho we would get zero benefit for this not like she fucking streams at all even with how anal your management is even more if she is given full #TALENTFREEDOM

>> No.60404047

Oh ok then we want her lmao bring that bitch over here so she can be raped by kson

>> No.60404076

Tell that to hime

>> No.60404080

Hime and Not-Gura can have a competition of who streams less

>> No.60404100

all tribalfags are cancer
wishing any Holo to jump ship to 'own the Holofags!!!' is cringy as fuck

>> No.60404154

I never said i wanted u faggots to jump ship and die dont confuse me for that nijinig
I just want you slightly irritated and peeved that we keep stealing your talents lol

>> No.60404229

Vshojo getting stronger by absorbing nijiEN fans?

>> No.60404277

man thats some ugly model

>> No.60404292

/vsj/ already had the most powerful schizos. No amount of hate the entire vtuber world can ever pull together will compare to one ounce of what /v/ feels about nyanners.

>> No.60404347

>twitch numbers
cut it by half to compare it with culled youtube. Except those views basically dont get any adrev on twitch

>> No.60404508

don't confuse me for a tribal Holofag either faggot
i'm saying if they didn't express interest then they're not joining

>> No.60404591

QRD? What does /v/ have against that bitch?

>> No.60407630

>>Take Kronii on accident but whatever, at least it isn't Snuffy
Why do they hate snuffy?

>> No.60407952

Only the /vsj/ petschizo hates Snuffy.

>> No.60408342
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what even is vshojo though? now their main talents are unslutty pika and uncle TTS. thought i was supposed to nut? but now mouse and mel seem like ojous and I'm watching all this loli ass.

>> No.60409314

Source: it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.60409499

It's one dude who believes Snuffy is a moderator here and deletes all his posts, while also believing that the Supreme Court of New York (?) and Snuffy are conspiring to get 4chan and Vshojo shut down.

>> No.60410963

And you're a homosexual crybaby twitchbrained zoomer. I can see where we clash.

>> No.60411515

I guess Twitch wants to enter the Vtuber market.
Younger generations don't watch streamers anymore, and the average age of viewers is getting older every year.

>> No.60414524

cute mouse

>> No.60415618

We never really talked about vshoujo when we were on /trash/ though. It was focused on 2views and /here/chuubas.

>> No.60415799

Kek cry moar. YWNBJ

>> No.60415949

mfs inventing preconceptions then being confused when they don't fit

>> No.60416085

He's a newfag. Nyanners history was with /a/ not /v/

>> No.60416494

Two males in vshojo

>> No.60417461

>Nijisanji is so shit they're losing talents left and right
Never change sisters.

>> No.60417560

they really should update whatever encyclopedia dramatica article you got this from before more 2021 friends embarrass themselved

>> No.60418767

even in character considering her design and lore is based on the various iterations of Tamamo no Mae, that popped up all over Asia being a seductress and ruiner of dynasties XD

but jokes aside business is business and considering what kind of shithole can NijiEN be as a workplace no wonder she was showing desperate attempts to make appealing content then just quit for a company that doesn't rail her ass about numbersfaggotry while actively punishing and shutting down innovation, because of American "lower the expectations to the bottom and barely reach it while telling higherups it's physically impossible to do better" work culture.

>> No.60419263

I disagree she's a villain, but I agree she's very smart and will make this work.

>> No.60421014

Get rid of froot and I may actually make a twitch account.

>> No.60421160

>She'll lie, she'll leech, reinvent new personalities
So she's an online personality, just like the other streamers. Gotcha.

>> No.60421605
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When do we call out Yagoo for being a bum ass fraud? This is the third time this year he's been outbid by a backpack merchant!
