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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60321781 No.60321781 [Reply] [Original]

Do women really think tubers are just FOAMING at the mouth to collab with males and the only reason they can't is because of the hekin evill incel menace?

>> No.60321969

When the mere mention of a male sets off vocal schizos to start harassing the talents. It’s justified to think that. Some girls have to walk on eggshells all stream even though they interact with males daily

>> No.60322017

>do women really think

>> No.60322033

Your oshi is also female, so whatever you think women are thinking applies to her in turn.
So, yes.

>> No.60322051
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>women think

>> No.60322268

They unironically think like that, for them it's inhuman a woman not talk with a man for 2 hours daily even though she's earning tens of thousands for that

>> No.60322382

No? Where the hell did you get that idea

>> No.60322505

Is pretty funny how some people don't believe that some girls just want to do their own solo thing, even male normal streamers with gfs don't invite them to their streams

>> No.60322717

Most women streamers in general including vtubers would love to collab with their boyfriends and flirt with them on stream but they know it's a horrible idea.

>> No.60322776

she's not like other girls CHUD

>> No.60326281

fraid so

>> No.60326721

Streamers can stream whatever the fuck they want with whoever the fuck they want and there’s not a goddamn thing any schizo can do about it. The problem is these girls aren’t willing to say “fuck off” to these people because they tend to be to ones who spend the most cash. More streamers need to grow some balls and actually cultivate the audience they want.

And this is coming from someone who thinks male collabs are complete garbage a good 95% of the time.

>> No.60326829


>> No.60327088

>Some girls have to walk on eggshells all stream even though they interact with males daily
You can care about one but not the other. None but the most schizo unicorns will care that they don't get to be their oshi's food delivery guy.
The difference with male vtubers is that they get to chat with and play games with female vtubers, which "elevates" the male vtubers.
Nothing pisses men off more than watching someone they consider unworthy having success with women. It's like they're male cheerleaders.

>> No.60327168

They can't because they're greedy bitches who want to deceive their audience for money.

>> No.60327452

> IRyS needing to surprise karaoke at midnight the overwatch collab fiasco

>> No.60328014

What are you trying to say eslnigger

>> No.60328240

ok sister

>> No.60328252

It's very strange to hear from IRyS her love for hetero schipps and hatred for yuri. But at the same time she never collabs with men and does her best to grope other girls. So I agree, she would love to play with guys on stream everyday but she doesn't do it for fame and money. Hopefully when she retires she can actually do what she wants to do.

>> No.60328862

>she never collabs with men
Doesn’t watch streams or a schizo maybe both

>> No.60329037
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>> No.60329128

based Vei exposing the biz

>> No.60329171

I think you have the logic backwards

>> No.60329215

vtubers think incels are FOAMING at the mouth to collab with women?

>> No.60329275

>FOAMING at the mouth
Probably not, but I imagine some of them wish they could collab with people they want without people gossiping about how “they’re totally fucking fr fr”.

>> No.60329303


>> No.60330333

women think vtubers are FOAMING at the mouth to collab with the hekin evil incels.

>> No.60330532

she's lying, they're all single and saving themselves for me

>> No.60330552

It should be obvious that the majority have boyfriends with limited exceptions.

>> No.60330577

I think that anon has a point, think about it, if you knew you didn't want people to sperg out when you male collab how about setting boundaries at debut? it makes unicorns avoid a potential minefield so they won't spend a single cent on them and the talent can do whatever the fuck she wants.
Yeah everyobody knows that and not saying it is a good course of action, however many women are all about either owning the haterz or telling eveything about their lives on the internet for validation, is it so hard to just go live, stream for like 2-3 hours a day like 4 times a week and then do whatever the fuck you want off-stream? people are basically making you a millionaire here so you don't go back to retail.

>> No.60330639

If a vtuber wants to collab with males they should do it, but advertise themselves as a vtuber that collabs with males. Stop bait and switching my content and stop trying to have the best of both worlds.

>> No.60331030

It would be the exact same thing at any other place of employment, literally any job. If a woman hangs around the male coworker all the time and they are both single, or at least appear to be, yes.

>> No.60331151

Yeah, they're foaming at the mouth to collab with me.

>> No.60333306


>> No.60333463

Where the fuck have you been working at? The workplace is for work

>> No.60333545

whores and trannies do

>> No.60333647

'women' projecting themselves onto better women
tale as old as time

>> No.60333840

>how about setting boundaries at debut
Shiori did that and it's been nothing but schizoposting over her since.

>> No.60334262

>The problem is these girls aren’t willing to say “fuck off” to these people because they tend to be to ones who spend the most cash. More streamers need to grow some balls and actually cultivate the audience they want.
Shit like this need to be established early in your career. If you let corns festers, you'll get a false sense of financial and fandom security that collapsed the moment you talk with males on fucking twitter of all places. Especially someone from the same company.
You don't even need to be anti-unicorn/anti-gachi, you just need to tell them their feelings are not reciprocated as early as possible in your rise to fame.

>> No.60334671

They're projecting what they'd do if they were in the chuuba's situation onto them. Which is why most women are not vtubers and simply shouldn't become one if they have no care to try to keep up an act.

>> No.60334928

Except that never happens and unicorns will literally obsess over them, and shirt on them at any given chance

>> No.60334968
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Skill issue

>> No.60335035

>there’s not a goddamn thing any schizo can do about it
>they tend to be to ones who spend the most cash
So there IS something the fans can do about it, stop paying. Accept the restrictions required for their support or embrace poverty.

>> No.60335088

>embrace poverty

>> No.60335991


>> No.60336121

>"never collabs with men"
>literally collabed with towa

>> No.60336238
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>shirt on them
Oh no! Not the shirts!

>> No.60336326

Mumei is not like other girls

>> No.60336346

Not women. Males think that women tubers are foaming to collab with males. The reason they can't is because of the hekin evill incel menace.

>> No.60336376

Really sad that people think you need to be some sort of committed actor to behave respectfully when your career depends on unpersoning hundreds or thousands of people.

>> No.60336567

They think their oshi has the same value to other women as he has to them. It's fucking ridiculous. They somehow just can't accept their fagchuuba has no value to the rest of the community. It's like the whole "one man's trash, is another man's treasure," except for everyone else it's trash and only treasure to them.

>> No.60337082

Poverty is overstatement. 30% of your fanbase pay 50% of your income. Statistically, these 30% are more likely to be majority unicorns. However, there are always few oddball. The biggest homobeggar are paypigs as well.
This is why ccv numberfagging end up not matching superchat/dono numberfagging. Using just one metric to gauge stream success is stupid.

>> No.60337156

>Paypigs are the most mentally ill
No surprise

>> No.60337380

Most chuubas who don't do male collabs probably would do at least a few over the course of their careers if they thought it would be good for their business. It's ultimately a question of supply and demand - and while you can choose to sink for the sake of ideals, personal preferences etc, most would rather swim.

>> No.60337796

>In this thread
People who dislike others coming into their hobby and shitting it up before they leave for the next new thing, and the shitters who jump from hobby to hobby "empowering" people who never asked for it.

>> No.60338020

idkwym, but there's no obligation to interact with male streamers, they are strangers lower than viewers.

>> No.60338916

>we need to save those millionaire women
Do homobeggars really?

>> No.60339655

It's more like "man, I wish I could collab with my male friends, but since that would end my career (or cut my revenue by 70%) I can't." Like Porcelain Maid and Sykkuno. They're hilarious male streamers and have great vtuber collabs. Yet there's always a handful of losers that see them show up and go "what!? I can't jack off for this whole stream now that there's a MAN here! What am I, GaY!?!?!"

>> No.60339695

>They're hilarious male streamers
smug anime face

>> No.60339915

>hilarious male streamers
>What am I, GaY!?!?!
You answered yourself, anon

>> No.60339990

>I wish I could collab with my male friends
They don't even collab with their female friends, why should they collab with male friends?
Holos barely collab outside of hololive and when they do is with niji(mostly JPs)

>> No.60339993

>Porcelain Maid
*motorboats your oshi on stream*

>> No.60340191

>Porcelain Maid and Sykkuno
if you said Joel or Vinny maybe but you're just a faggot

>> No.60340570

>hilarious male streamer
>What am I, GaY!?!?!
Yes, you are. You actual fucking homo. Only women or homos can tolerate watching that faggot. He's literally more feminine than most of the female streamers on Twitch.

>> No.60341231

Sykunno laughs as if his teeth were british.

>> No.60341401

The Party Animals stream yesterday was fucking kino

>> No.60341527

based sexpest shill

>> No.60341730

no but you unicorns schizos do because you keep thinking about it

>> No.60341864
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>my content
they feel entitled to be the only male (other viewers don't count apparently) the chuuba "cares" about
it's utterly deranged

>> No.60341888

Seeing how extremely difficult it seems for them to not do it, like a matter of life or death even for those claiming to be GFE, that only some Holos and other strict corpos are capable of this... I can see their point.

>> No.60341970

did you know you can watch a streamer without the implicit desire to immediately have sex with them?
explains a lot actually

>> No.60342117

Yeah but they have to be entertaining and these are vtubers

>> No.60342228
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do you spend hours watching a female streamer you don't find entertaining just because you want to have sex with her?

>> No.60342490

Essentially, Vtubers are locked in our house. Albeit be it on a screen, technically they are not supposed to travel further than the screen they are on. That would be equivalent to them leaving your house.

>> No.60342508

Yes, if I want entertainment I would read the 80 books I have saved or the 100 mangas I have downloaded, and I don't even watch movies and tv shows, if we include that I can be occupied for 50 years without watching one second of a chuuba's stream

>> No.60342883

Have you seen Twitch? It's the only reason anyone even watches female streamers.

>> No.60343608

Welcome to Hololive

>> No.60345059
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I spend hours working on shit while having soothing woman noises I don't have to pay attention to in the background. I enjoy these noises because I want to have sex with women. And before you ask, yes, I do find women screaming to be soothing.

>> No.60345349

only some retarded bitches feel the need to collab with males, i'm sure most don't care either way

>> No.60345762

how entitled do you have to be to not do what unicorns want yet ask for their money and audience? just stick to you niche and stop targetting unicorns then turning around and dumping them when you get numbers, its manipulative and pathetic

>> No.60346394


>> No.60347073

So true, sister! We need to own those unichuds! We however are allowed to have our boys to ourselves!

>> No.60347423

A secret terrorist organization of ultra-powerfull men that oppress and controll society from the shadows. Women have never been in more danger.

>> No.60347597

Vtubers are horrible entertainment. Duh.

>> No.60351009

>VT: we unicucks have all the money, you will do what we tell you
>This thread: Do women really think tubers are just FOAMING at the mouth to collab with males and the only reason they can't is because of the hekin evill incel menace?

Pick one.

>> No.60354224


>> No.60358328


>> No.60361759

>establishes boundaries and expectations right at the beginning
>schizos still sperg out about anything male related

Just stop lying. It's a mental disability manifesting through your one way love to them and nothing more.

Imagine being so intimidated by males while also craving this much attention.

>> No.60364103
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Total Whore Death

>> No.60364363

Perhaps. But Death doesn't equal justice per se.

>> No.60364548
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It's all about money. They know unicorns/incels won't shed a penny if they interact with a male. At the end of the day it doesn't matter because they can just play with males off stream like most likely do. They are woman after all.

>> No.60364865

Qrd on this woman? I only know anime girls

>> No.60365878

Holy shit, what successful plan

>> No.60365997

Shiori hasn't even done anything wrong, it just goes to show how unicorn LARPers are. Real unicorns just find someone new when a male collab happens, not sperg out about it for years.
There is nothing out there that proves that shiori is planning male collabs

>> No.60366466

Some women are shit at interacting with other women and are more "comfortable with the boys", or in other words a NLOG. Mori and Ame fall into this category and would probably be collabing more with guys if they could. Some women (even if they're straight) prefer sticking with female friends and don't care to collab with men. I would maybe put Mumei in this category. I find the NLOG type of woman pretty easy to identify since you can just feel her autism when she interacts with other women. Sometimes it's actually autism, anecdotally my aspie female friends have trouble forming deep female friendships because other women are subtly offput by their inability to reciprocate the emotional responses that women expect out of each other.

>> No.60366706

Shiori made it as vague as possible, she just said respect my collab choices and hasn't homo collabed since and then she starts doing pretty heavy GFE, when I say direct it means doing it like bae where she admitted being a homofan from the start, shiori just gave one of the most vague statements about it.

>> No.60366906

holy shit Fuwamoco is really putting these homobeggers on suicide watch

>> No.60367014

You're the person they gossip about, if you believe this.

>> No.60367409


>> No.60368265

Why would anyone want to watch their oshi flirt with other men for hours at a time in front of thousands of viewers

Literal cuck behaviour

>> No.60368543

She's still alive btw and Hamas actually gave her medical assistance so she'll survive even if this experience will fuck her up for life. Maybe she'll even become a vtuber

>> No.60368585

Idol HE gen 2 lets gooooo

>> No.60368722

most female streamers don't want to deal with dudes being horny at them in a voice call
I watch indies that don't go for the unicorn audience, and in fact most of them would drive unicorns off by being honest about having previous sexual experience, and they still don't collab with men

>> No.60368888

You're already behaving like a cuck by sharing an e-"""""girlfriend"""" with 2000 orher men

>> No.60368972

In hololive is different because it's "forbidden", if they're indies I doubt they even would want to do those collabs
Women have a thing for "forbidden" things

>> No.60369021

That's not cuck, all viewers are the same.
It's when another male gets put ahead of the viewers that it becomes cuckish

>> No.60369041

Okay, go be a third wheel or whatever

>> No.60369123

See you made your post out to be some girl power thing, but all I see is a seething 2view female telling other more successful women to nuke their income because you hate them.

>> No.60369130

So when she responds to a superchat, got it. After all, she's interacting with a male that isn't you :^)

>> No.60369211

Interestingly, people who work actual jobs don't seem to have these kinds of problems.

>> No.60369250

Any viewer can send a super chat. Stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.60369559

You have to do mental gymnastics to justify why it doesn't count. I only point out the objective fact, random guy she talks to in response to a supa isn't you. She's interacting with a male.

>> No.60369571

When the mere lack of mention of a male sets off vocal schizos to start harassing the talents. It’s justified to think that. Some girls have to walk on eggshells all stream

>> No.60369670

The issue with vei is that she's a complete cunt and a whore and part of whoreclan.
All of her friends are whoreclan or whoreclan adjacent. She does not know ANY regular or idol chuubas. So when she says this it's correct. But it's not all vtubers, it's all of her whorechuuba friends.

>> No.60369678

>says the 5,139th wheel

>> No.60370064

Again, you're pretending to be retarded.
Stop it.

>> No.60370208

Before Hololive, most have collabed with males with no problems. Even showing off their boyfriends.

So it may have something to do with Hololive idol culture. Yet, it is very successful.

>> No.60373839

lol nice

>> No.60379843


>> No.60381380

Irrelevant 2 views regularly hangout with their boyfriends/husbands. Decide to join Hololive and become a 4 or 5 view. Suddenly, you stop talking about your boyfriend/husband. I wonder if there is a correlation.

>> No.60382202


>> No.60385692

