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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 360x360, 1649786018752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60339181 No.60339181 [Reply] [Original]

>"im not like other girls"
>has very few female friends
Is Mumei a pickme? Any other examples of vtubers like this?

>> No.60339257 [DELETED] 

she has few female friends because she's too busy getting railed by guys

>> No.60339284
File: 65 KB, 855x467, 1681075394267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Hololive girls are pickmes by definition. The dyke act they put on is the best example of this.

>> No.60339288 [DELETED] 

literally any girl that avoids males is trying to hide that they're always hanging out with men irl

>> No.60339312

*By me

>> No.60339343

You kinda have to be a pickme to be a vtuber OP, the two just go hand in hand

>> No.60339380

What's wrong with beeing a pickme?

>> No.60339402
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>> No.60339427
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>> No.60339430

Being fake as shit just like a golddigger.

>> No.60339460

Yes, ACTING to bait male fujoshits like yourself .

>> No.60339682

>saying "pickme" unironically
seething femanon detected
opinion rejected

>> No.60340374

You're coping hard if you think it's all an act

>> No.60340794

With how many hololive girls there are it's statistically likely that at least one is a dyke.

>> No.60340833

we found the seething indie, sorry that hololive didn't accept your application

>> No.60340834
File: 205 KB, 909x648, 1696919144276999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STREAM mumei

>> No.60340843

I think she is just retarded

>> No.60340870

cope more

>> No.60341072
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, the moom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra based. FUCK these seething 2view femanons. This is now a Mumei appreciation thread.

>> No.60341099

These places will gladly validate your nonsense. Go.
That is not how statistics work. And even if there is one who really a dyke, that still leaves everyone else as an actor.

>> No.60341122

more male friends than female. she hangs out with boys when she grew up.

>> No.60341154

Go back to pcg, seething femanon

>> No.60341551

>act gay
did I miss something?

>> No.60341763
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>> No.60341816

no mumei is just very autistic. also the new song is a banger.

>> No.60341974 [DELETED] 

mumei no longer has the virginal-membrane

>> No.60342087

>male fujoshits
What did he mean by this?

>> No.60342212

>That is not how statistics work.
Of course it is; given a likelihood of a result and how often you "roll" for it, you can calculate how likely it is that you get at least one of that result. Given the amount of homosexual and bisexual women in Japan as well as the kind of woman that would become a hololive member, the individual likelihood should clearly be above 5% - where one dyke is already the most likely result. That it leaves everyone else as an actor is also incorrect because not every hololive member puts on a dyke act.
I think that most hololive members are indeed putting on a "dyke act" as part of their job - entertainers pandering to their audience shouldn't be a big deal, really. If you watch streamers for their authenticity vtubers probably aren't for you.

>> No.60342311

Shiraken more like Dykes' Den

>> No.60342496

I made this post.
Only because I penetrated it last night.
There’s also the possibility that the criteria that Cover looks for or the type of person who applies will skew the results as well. I don’t think the proportion of JPs who went to Catholic school or studied abroad is an accurate reflection of how many Japanese people do those things, for example.

>> No.60342686

Did you miss the fact that a majority of dudes think women kissing each other is hot? No one cares so long as they get with a guy when they're ready to settle down.

>> No.60342778

I don't think being a broken lonely autist is "pick me" behavior. It's certainly something but i don't think it's pick me. Maybe "i can fix her" behavior?

>> No.60343396

You gotta be a really good actor if you can pretend to be gay multiple times a day for multiple years without a script. Impressive amount of talent right here.

>> No.60344093

You really don't

>> No.60344705

Gaming and anime are male hobbies
They are all pickmes

>> No.60345552

>anime is a male hobby

>> No.60345701

not only were you coping, but now you are also seething lmao

>> No.60346202


Verification not required

>> No.60346260
File: 181 KB, 1080x1920, 2F894F39-95E5-428F-A867-F51D9B3975E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is mumei a pick me
Well I pick HER so I guess

>> No.60346739

This is an unpopular thing to say on this board but usually men don't pick the girl who spergs out randomly and thinks seriously about eating bugs and cannibalism.

>> No.60346993

They do if she is hot. If they are hot then that makes them "quirky" rather than a "sperg"

>> No.60347141

This picture, the power....

Mumei did grow into her feathers !

>> No.60348618
File: 139 KB, 1744x327, archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something, why are we recycling bait threads from 2022? >>22308434
I remember when that was the peak of "pickme" bait threads, we had a bunch made about finana selen and pippa too at that time

>> No.60348859
File: 447 KB, 3000x3000, 1696974061371387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked her

>> No.60349538 [DELETED] 

Why would she want to be a pick me, doesn't she literally have a boyfriend

>> No.60349848

>has very few female friends
anon she swept the entirety of advent off their feet before anyone else could even consider a collab, if she has few female friends is because everyone is sick with GfM

>> No.60349920
File: 278 KB, 466x590, 1695527727952909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TAKE A KNEE peasant

>> No.60349986
File: 194 KB, 505x431, 1694518666860077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when she mumei antis went for "boring and annoying voice, also autistic"
She just doubled down on those traits and now suddenly she's a pickme
I bet 5 mooms this thread was baked by a kronii

>> No.60349993

>>"im not like other girls"
When did she say this?

>> No.60350049


>> No.60350108

Holy fucking seething females.

>> No.60350128 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1125x739, AASDASDFASDFASASDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do consider the attached image.

>> No.60350161

She has very few friends period, male or otherwise

>> No.60350257

>paranoia doxbaiting with Mumei of all people
You literally tried this yesterday with Fauna. This is equally as retarded and again just outs you, sister.

>> No.60350375

>I think [headcanon]
>[headcanon] I think
I don't get what I'm supposed to take away from this.

>> No.60350450
File: 660 KB, 1000x1288, 1697124925533985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters are not ogey today

>> No.60350636
File: 528 KB, 586x502, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRY MORE. Even Chris Chan has a boyfriend free girl. LMAOOO

>> No.60350863

>have internet bf in school
>never met him
>Shes straight, its totally not the perfect cover up for her gay

Are Japs stupid or are 2chans just way more autistic than 4chan?

>> No.60350961

Mikoantis are retards, nothing new. You should see the new rrats they came up with.

>> No.60350962

Kek. Was just about to post this. Mumei is one of the most popular HoloENs, so it makes sense that seething 2views and roasties will be jealous.

>> No.60350982

"Pickme" is just a buzzword that Twitter troons and other leftists use to define women who think for themselves and reject the left's narratives about women being perpetual victims who can only save themselves by shitting on men constantly.

>> No.60351772

Is it legal to be this based in public?

>> No.60351947
File: 453 KB, 667x1000, F7ftK5WbAAAS8jf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry lesbians just can't be pickme girls.

>> No.60352029

she has chronical depression

>> No.60352062

99% of women like this are spergs not hot.

>> No.60352120

What does that mean. But I agree the moom jumped at the chance to hang out with the Advent girls since Promisecouncil and Myth are so collab shy.

>> No.60352936
File: 166 KB, 597x512, 1651775922316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly be above 5%
Try 95%?

>> No.60353345
File: 68 KB, 582x589, F0hHC4TXsAI6KfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a better / more recent one.

>> No.60353384
File: 1.36 MB, 2184x2497, FdRECFAacAgSY7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the best one

>> No.60353393

shoujo is a myth

>> No.60353519

Every single one of you, EVERY one, is a huge retard in this thread

>> No.60353563

i think its about art that she retweeted

>> No.60353716
File: 96 KB, 323x389, ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60353781

You’ve clearly never been in the military.

>> No.60353841

rent free

>> No.60353878

No one has to pretend Mumei has an annoying voice when she does, in fact, have an annoying voice. It’s like a painful high-pitched squeal from a teacup dog when you roll your chair over its tail.

>> No.60353909

I don’t think the navy is pretending.

>> No.60353995

This is 100% true. The girls with nothing to hide are the least nervous about male interactions on stream.

>> No.60354232

Why do women hate other women?

>> No.60354277

Sexually starved men that experience prolonged isolation from sexually available women develop intimate homosocial relationships as a coping mechanism.
Or they kill themselves, as evidenced by extremely high suicide rates in the Navy.

>> No.60354296

Nah this theory makes no sense. Explain Fuwamoco vs Shiori

>> No.60354332


>> No.60354688 [DELETED] 

Not answering that question, as it’ll just get me banned. Do some research.

>> No.60354808
File: 185 KB, 520x512, 1694259254350925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do women get mad at other women the second they have like
interests in their life?

>> No.60354947 [DELETED] 

Doxsister... you retard... we already know that Shiori had 5 boyfriends and several male best friends and FWMC are freak incestual relationshipless hags who cockblock each other. This is barely private info. That's the whole point of that post. The one who has no problem talking about or to males in character is the one who is constantly doing it out of character. And guess what. It doesn't matter anyways because literally no EN fan cares as long as they KEEP IT OFF STREAMS.

>> No.60354985

>Making shit up
Nah, Fuwamoco are spotless and also completely avoid males to the point of unfollowing the Holostars account when every other Advent didn't bother.
Your theory is dumb as fuck

>> No.60355070 [DELETED] 

> 5 boyfriends
Literal nuns have had more relationships. You’re extremely unintelligent.

>> No.60355182 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 1920x2348, Mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not like other girls
She was stating a fact

>> No.60355272 [DELETED] 

>post girl who took a hiatus for pregnancy

>> No.60355805

He meant yurifags

>> No.60355835
File: 789 KB, 604x704, 1696956922048227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Mumei a pick-me?
No, actually, she's a catty schizo bitch who pretends to be family-friendly on stream in order to clout chase and farm money. We call this type of person a hypocrite or phony

>> No.60356169

most of hololive is infected with the GfM (gay for mei) virus, and therefore cannot be friends, only possible mating partners (this aura only works on female characters)

>> No.60356424

Her career is to shill and e-beg, of course she's a pickme they all are.

>> No.60356509

Mumei is too much of the average American white girl that tries too hard to be quirky. I just don’t like that.

>> No.60356699

>two pure idols protecting each other’s integrity

That’s why i love them

This is why i love them

>> No.60357037

Either competition or them seeing other women ‘conform’ from what I’ve heard

>> No.60357547

This is recycled bait:
but Mumei isn't even a pickme. She basically never acknowledges Stars (post that one 8 person collab from like a year and a half ago if youre a faggot). and she explicitly said that the reason she joined Hololive is to be in a group of girls

>> No.60357591

Didn't you hear? Not simping or shilling for male streamers makes you a pick me.

>> No.60357903

This. She has no personality, and tries very hard to seem interesting as a way to cope.

>> No.60358408

>thinks seriously about eating bugs and cannibalism.
That's Shiori, not Mumei

>> No.60359562

It's both if you actually watch streams.

>> No.60359600

Do you have a card of that image?

>> No.60359802

so gigachads

>> No.60360200
File: 315 KB, 502x652, 1695697885491070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of angry sea people itt

>> No.60360779

The SEA Peoples were always enemies of Civilization.

>> No.60360790

Just the nature of the game. Explains why dykes have the highest DV rates.

>> No.60360806

Picka Pickme is the best example

>> No.60360870

Yes? Shoujo manga aren't even close in sales to shonenshit.

>> No.60360885 [DELETED] 

irrelevant thread. R m reps you fucking dipshits

>> No.60361124

there's not a single anime-related community that's not 90% male unless you're talking about BL, which is still a very mall niche outside of Japan.

>> No.60361218

All people, man or woman, are pickmes

>> No.60361637


>> No.60362231

God can you imagine an image of Mumei same-size voring Bae?

>> No.60362385

Not schizoids.

>> No.60362693

Bitter femcel detected.

>> No.60363378

But Mumei, Yagoo already kicked the nigger bitch off Council, why do you kee-
Oh no, she's coming for the nigger elf now!

>> No.60364206

"Pickme" is a turn of phrase I have never heard a straight man say in earnest. It always comes from women jealous of other women getting male attention.

>> No.60368426

Bitter incel detected.

>> No.60368821

*picks her cloaca*
