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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 320x269, Korone x Mori It Wasn't Me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm2fx7d.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60317472 No.60317472 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for Mori Calliope the Party Animal

>> No.60317812
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Remember love your ShiMori

>> No.60317875
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Fauna's currently listening to Mori's covers of Let Me Stay Here and really enjoying it and confirmed she is, in fact, Kawaiiope

>> No.60318006


>> No.60318454

I heard the goofy version made her laugh pretty hard? I'm watching biboo right now.

>> No.60318606

Dammit, I missed it because I was watching Biboo to detox from Suika

>> No.60319001

Morp waken

>> No.60319303
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>> No.60319329


>> No.60319379


>> No.60319646

The karaokes

>> No.60320717
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RIP Suica-chama

>> No.60320726

remember to love your Mori

>> No.60320799
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>> No.60321223
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>> No.60321234

is mori more of a jelly or a jam kind of person?

>> No.60321271
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>> No.60321336
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Ci post.

>> No.60321676
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>> No.60321692

Can her entire breast fit in one hand?

>> No.60321754

Yeah, mine

>> No.60321931

Sorry, what? I got distracted by hag legs.

>> No.60322184

I bet he replies like a warrior

>> No.60323809

Did she say she was recording before the collab later?

>> No.60323912

My speculation is that she's gonna be in just dance 2024 it comes our later this month so it lines up

>> No.60324114
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Which songs would you put in from Moei?
My three would be:
3. R.I.P.
2. Future Island
Remember, they got to be songs that are danceable and approachable to normies, so no Cursed Night, Internet Brain Rot or EoaL.

>> No.60324224

Mera mera easy top 1 and you've gotta throw rip in because it's her most popular. Then probably something like red/wanted wasted

>> No.60324264

imagine that would be hilarious but also great

>> No.60324318

Maybe a collab song I'd love wicked or Reaper vs sheep. The collab stream would be amazing for them dancing to the song

>> No.60324396

Did mori specify is she's also doing a song specifically for it ? Or is it just the collab

>> No.60324409

Oh yeah, it'd be great to see Wicked or Kira Killer in Just Dance.

>> No.60324593

Are there any upcoming volumes of manga to be released if she's going the same route as before maybe.

>> No.60324807

iirc it's something she's been something in the work for years, it's with someone and there's a song it's also as big as One Piece

>> No.60325039

It's gonna be the OP to Solo Leveling.

>> No.60325124

I looked up upcoming manga releases and other than spy family there's nothing really that big.

>> No.60325190

That's next year though doubt they'd announce that now

>> No.60325194

Fuck me then shitposting would be bad if that's it. There is enough shitposting about Kiara vs Bae when it comes to dancing, if Mori got even a tangently related to dance sponsor the deadbeat falaeflaggers will be insufferable since Mori is obviously not even close to as good dancer as either of them. It will be funny to watch though.

>> No.60325311

I'd love to watch the dumb silhouette of her in game with the fun back grounds and objects flying by. But as others have said being in the works for multiple year and making a song for it doesn't make sense

>> No.60325466

It's set to premier in January and they usually start up marketing hype for new series 2-3 months before they premier.

It has the right edginess to it. She could also have a ton of fun with the theming for the song.

Another option that would have been cool would have been Undead Unluck, but that's not even close to Jump's top 5 right now. It's consistently sat around the 10 spot for most of it's run. Sort of a shame since it's a pretty fun series. It just doesn't have the flash or drama to really pull it higher.

>> No.60325502

OP to Panty and Stocking which will finally get a real trailer.

>> No.60325519

Yeah ep 1 is already out for undead unluck

>> No.60325565

Yeah, most things of noticeable scale are scheduled for "early 2024" right now. So unless they are actually announcing something brand new with a Mori OP spearhead its difficult to get a bead on what the "big thing" is.

>> No.60325568

That would be peak, and I can actually imagine it now, which really speaks to how much Mori has achieved. Fingers crossed.

>> No.60325576

is this an AI version of that Shaggy song featuring Mori and Korone? fucking kek

>> No.60325606

Yes kek.

>> No.60325612

It does kinda make sense with the big as one piece type deal but does seem weird that she'd get that of all things

>> No.60325683

/a/ would fucking burn if a vtuber did the OP for it. I'm not sure if the fact it's one of their own who made it would change their feelings.

>> No.60325715

I mean she has the connections.

>> No.60325793

Would be pretty funny if we got an /a/-scale "Dawn Blue" moment and the OP was universally praised for a little while until it came out that Mori did it.

>> No.60325808

Oh, I'm not saying it is out of the question due to her connections, just that /a/ would go nuts and would be fucking amazing to watch, especially once they realize it's an old /a/ drawfag.

>> No.60325883

I don't think she's got the op or ed just yet it's probably gonna be for a game/dlc imagine she got a fortnite skin kek

>> No.60325974

It's a song

>> No.60326021


From a marketing perspective, it feels like it would make some sense. The original story is Korean so they could go a little more out there with their artist choice on the OP as if anything fails it gets blamed on being a foreign thing instead of bad management, production, or planning.

I'm also just huffing a bit of hopium because Solo Leveling is dumb and edgy and I want my dumb-edgy reaper-rapper to do the song making it way more dumb and edgy so it all circles back into being kakoii.

This man knows the way.

>> No.60326023

What's to say it isn't both

>> No.60326162

There is also the haikyu movie coming out in winter too so could also be that

>> No.60326311

If we list every major game/manga/anime release in the next month or 2, one of us will sure to be right! Kek

>> No.60326355

She said as big as one piece so it's gotta narrow it down to big shounen.

>> No.60326609

PSG2 OP or ED, with a promise to also be a dub VA

>> No.60326610

She's actually gonna be in a car commercial for the new Ford truck and she made a song just for that

>> No.60326739

Mori is a radio DJ host in Cities Skylines 2

>> No.60326767

Wouldn't even be that weird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3dhPddKjxw

>> No.60326790
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would just sayin'

>> No.60326796

The global version of gurren Laggan mobile game just came out. That'd be such a bitter sweet moment for her to get a song for her favourite show.

>> No.60326864

Mori in a carls jr commercial

>> No.60327035

OP and ED are usually announced beforehand so I doubt that will happen

>> No.60327072

>Mori gets to make an actual Canyonero song

My knees would shatter into more pieces than Mori's.

>> No.60327194

A Japanese warship named JS Mori will be commissioned and the horn will play the tune from RIP.

>> No.60327356

it'll probably be a dumb corvette or a littoral ship

>> No.60327493

It’s clearly the OP for Kagura Bachi

>> No.60327532

Japan is making littoral corvettes bigger than destroyers nowadays.

>> No.60327650

did those new F35 light carriers or whatever they designated them ever get built

>> No.60327797
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This woman has gotten me addicted to both a watermelon and cat game in the span of a week

>> No.60327823
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Those are upgrades from helicopter to F-35 carriers actually, slated to be completed in March 2024 apparently. Flight deck upgrades were completed recently.

>> No.60327922

Weak willed.

>> No.60327924
File: 2.63 MB, 1524x1077, Mountain resort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their newest destroyers are pretty damn big, the Maya class is pushing 10,000+ tons.
There's also plans for a pair of cruiser-like ships with something like 200 VLS.

Conversions of the Izumo and Kaga were approved and there's been some VTOL tests done. Putting aircraft onto the deck isn't an issue but the interiors need to be reworked to allow for all the proper maintenance stuff.

>> No.60328076

Ship autism is too far out of my autism range. Ship float on water and big ship hold more people weeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.60328216

I wonder if it is possible Mori got sponsored to promote an onsen or ryokan? She likes to talk about them a lot and goes fairly often.

>> No.60328278

>big as one piece
>multiple years
Think anon

>> No.60328328
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I love ships. Anything that moves is by default cool. Ships, aircraft, tanks, cars, trucks, I guess trains (I don't know much about those but I'm glad they make some people happy.)

>> No.60328331

Not the ship autism anon, but Oceanliner Designs is a good casual way to learn about ships. They do a lot of Titanic and disaster stuff since those are topics that do capture the casual audience better, but their videos have plenty of great information. Definitely makes you appreciate sailors from the age before commercial airlines.

>> No.60328416

Are cruise ships viable warships? Royal Caribbean just made the largest cruise ship.

>> No.60328428

Does anyone have the timestamp where she talked about her collab song ? The comments don't have it.

>> No.60328514
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Holy shit I just learned about sacambambaspis today, what a coincidence.

>> No.60328567

I honestly don't care to speculate what it is, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHEN MORI. You've been talking about this for weeks and have continued to say soon but WHEN IS SOON?

>> No.60328616

Well there's 19 days left of October is there's any horror movies coming out she could be in kek

>> No.60328656

Not as warships, but they could be used to transport troops or be a hospital boats. One thing to remember is that if the ship isn’t made for it, mounting big guns on the side run the risk of tipping the whole thing over from the counter force of the gun.

>> No.60328694

Timestamp please?

>> No.60328707
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That channel is great. Even though Titanic specifically has a ton of coverage, he's done a very good job at explaining how she was laid out and functioned. How she was both typical, and superb, for a ship of that time. There's a lot to discover about famous ships, and other ships waiting to gain the notoriety they deserve.

No because they're mostly lightweight construction and not suited for mounting heavy equipment or for damage control.
The British and Germans tried using ocean liners as auxiliary cruisers in WW1 and it wasn't worth it.
Though there's an interesting story of German liner disguised as a British one, running into the real British ship.

>> No.60328724
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I love this dumb pink woman like you wouldn't believe

>> No.60328867
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>Go on date with Mori
>Listen to her excitedly talk about her weird interests, even if you don't know much about it- you're happy for her
>She listens to you excitedly talk about your weird interests, even if she doesn't know much about it- she's happy for you

>> No.60328952


>> No.60328961


>> No.60329015


>> No.60329082

Yup, already on it, good shit

>> No.60329321

rumao her reaction to the goofy version is so good

>> No.60329353

>I should do a cover like this too
the morification...

>> No.60329469 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.60329477

Im not bothering waking up for the collab purely because Party Animals is boring without a full lobby

>> No.60329495


>> No.60329557
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Absolutely terrifying.

>> No.60329564

me neither, I will just catch it later

>> No.60329589


>> No.60329721

Maybe we can get a whole Holo collection of those things.

>> No.60329872

Please never leave Mori, i feel like shit with Ame and Gura missing

>> No.60330185

>Mori making it seem like she has to go under for her surgery
>says it’s pretty major
>will need a month and half of recovery time
>will have to reduce streaming time for real this time
>”but don’t worry about it though, it’s not that serious guys”
Damn this reaper doesn’t know how to assuage fears at all lmao.

>> No.60330483

>Mori felt like there was a impassable wall when it came to her drawing causing her to give up on it
>she doesn’t feel this way when it comes to music and feels almost compelled to break the rules when it comes to it
Damn Mori was born to be a rock star.

>> No.60330598
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>> No.60330638
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i think deadbeats are the luckiest fanbase

>> No.60330740

I'm a deadbeat and I support this message.

>> No.60330849

Still is silly to feel like that about her art. Even here there is basically no true negative comments about it except from the ken-samas who dislike any art that isn't 100% anime styled.

>> No.60330878
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I think so too. We get to witness a true idol journey. And through stubbornness and determination, she made it.
No one else could have been a better Mori than Mori.

>> No.60330919

>Mori wants to get her nails and hair done before meeting with her mom again back in America
That’s strangely cute. Also streaming every other day this coming week will actually give time to catch up on Vods lmao.

>> No.60331175

>Mori discussing if a dagger is a sword or not
I remember when I watched more sword/medieval content on YT the passed a law in Germany during the era that only nobles could have swords and defined them as doubled bladed weapons at a certain length. But it just spawned a line of “knives” that were just under the length and were single edged. I’d say the difference is that daggers/knives are more multi-purpose than swords, while swords are more specialized for combat only.

>> No.60331445

Holy shit fuck this green monster cunt in lies of p. I haven't had this much trouble on a boss yet

>> No.60331722

I don't know enough about other chuubas to make that claim, but it does feel like that sometimes.

>> No.60331824
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I was also like this but then I touched picrelated and a year later I found myself reading memoirs of nip WW2 commanders and books on ww2 ship design. Also warships are fucking cool though WW2 ones are cooler than modern ones

>> No.60332081

Swords are swung
Daggers go stabby stabby

>> No.60332170

Why do people here hate on IBR so much? I think it's pretty great, one of the best on sinderella

>> No.60332193

I remember reading about that line of "knives" too, that's more of a local legal definition cheating. Keep in mind, a knife and a dagger aren't same either, knives typically are sharpened on one edge while daggers are double-edge . Also the definition is very vague because different countries define shit differently. Roman gladius - literally SWORD - was less than half a meter long and is barely longer than most "daggers". Same goes for wakizashi nips consider a sword.
Gladius was a "stabby" sword. Also there are slashing daggers so this classification doesn't work either.

>> No.60332196

>Mori feels like the upcoming collab is comparable to One Piece but she won’t get the same benefit of the doubt where there will be fans that don’t watch vtubers listening
I definitely think it’s gonna be more of a “cult classic” tier series she’s doing a collab with. Makes it seem like there won’t be enough normies to drown out the potential antis.

>> No.60332269

>“cult classic”
People use that word nowadays wrong.

>> No.60332453

Get Capsule on there.

>> No.60332559
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>> No.60332597

>Cult classic
She's going do the vocals for the new Lupin anime's OP
You heard it here first folks!

>> No.60332648

I hink the wildest thing of 2023 is that a joke suggestion like this is no longer impossible - just unlikely.

>> No.60332726

Yeah, basically anything in the jp music or anime space is a possibility honestly.

>> No.60332751

Perfect example. Lupin isn't cult classic.

>> No.60332783

I've noticed new 3D outfits seem pretty standard with normal ass 3D lives if it isn't their first one.

>> No.60332788

My response to all that:

"Tell me more."

>> No.60332813

Actually you're right lol
"cult classic" would imply it's not very popular (relatively speaking)

>> No.60332822

Respectable, unlike certain other reasons.

>> No.60332827

Yeah, isn't a "cult classic" something that flopped or was unpopular at release, but found success and popularity at a later date. Pulp Fiction is a classic example if I remember right.

>> No.60333056

>Pulp Fiction is a classic example if I remember right
That was popular from the start and started the trend of Tarantino clones. Road House is perfect example of cult classic.

>> No.60333163
File: 319 KB, 1739x1956, 7f50938dc3996aa0beee9bde289cc567 QUASARCAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she have a nice car?

>> No.60333192


Maybe? Production IG retweeted this.

>> No.60333196

is he holding Mori's panties?

>> No.60333259

What was Mori Jump King PB? Milky seems to be going hard on in.

>> No.60333343

So, rapiers are daggers?

>> No.60333363

somewhere around 8 minutes
also Milky threw hard lmao

>> No.60333392
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>> No.60333809

Yeah, a hearse.

Seriously tho, is this a reference I am not getting?

>> No.60333930

not him but i assume this if anything

>> No.60333955

She was on time to beat Mori there but she choked

>> No.60334008

Love that she reacted to the karaoke versions, the one for the goofy version was priceless

>> No.60334144

i need mori...

>> No.60334162

Huh, not expecting it to lead me to singing reapy.

I am trying not to go full ghost rn...

>> No.60334200

Oh I guess some of our hunches were, Bae is moving to Japan

>> No.60334223

did rrat sis confirm it?

>> No.60334315

She like soft confirmed it's happening sometime next year and she's going back in the middle of this November

>> No.60334360

I am surprised her dad lets her move to different country.

>> No.60334381

Bae is also joining Mori tomorrow for Minecraft

>> No.60334452

She said her mom would visit bi-monthly
When you about it I guess Japan isn't really *that* far away from Australia is it?

>> No.60334915
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>> No.60335014

me on the right

>> No.60335055

It's been awhile since I've had my sleep destroyed 2 nights in a row. collab in a couple hours and Towa sololive tomorrow.

>> No.60335153

He was very opposed, she had to basically convince him that it's for the sake of her job

>> No.60335194

I mean Bae is a fully grown adult.

>> No.60335239

There is nothing wrong with Internet Brain Rot, it's just not normie friendly so it shouldn't be in a game like Just Dance. I mean it's about being canceled for having unpopular opinions and offending people.

>> No.60335279

The song was perfect for the time considering what happened with the death sentence guy kek.

>> No.60335333

Yeah but asian parents.

>> No.60335424

Yeah, IBR was both a postmortem to her earlier scandals and prophetic to her future ones.

>> No.60335575

asians are bad for you

>> No.60335940
File: 89 KB, 599x410, deadtired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Twitter
>didn't notice it started me on the For You tab because it has the tweets of people you follow mixed in
>see thread shitting on vtuber rappers
>click on OP's profile
>literally a black middle schooler
>click on some other people's profiles
>all fucking children spewing the most vile and hateful things at each other over the most basic of pop culture takes.
Remember when 4chan was considered the hell site? WTF is wrong with people that they'd throw out slurs and threats of violence over mundane shit using their real names. Kids these days don't know the meaning of Opsec.

>> No.60336101

I got bored once and tracked down the moms of some of these kids since many give more than enough info to find them on facebook and sent links to their tweets to them to see if anything amusing would happen. One actually tweeted asking who showed his mom his twitter because he got his ass whooped. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. I got the idea from some female CC who got some rape threats from some kid so she did the same thing to amusing results

>> No.60336180

I just report them for being underage.

>> No.60336211

I was bored at work so I put a bit more effort in.

>> No.60336297

If it makes you feel better, they are guaranteed to get cancelled by their peers at some point. Their kiddy groups are fun and games until they mess with the wrong person later in life who will find ways to destroy them.

>> No.60336527

morbi soles

>> No.60336551
File: 1.89 MB, 362x531, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk7k1z8.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fuck, I just keep forgetting I had bought a ticket

>> No.60336589

Eh, I don't think "our generation" would've behaved any differently if given today's tech. I mean, listen to how Mori herself talks about her early internet days.

>> No.60336615

is that just a stereotype or is it really just children?
it's sad if it is literal children being hateful but at the same time funny because shit like that can happen

>> No.60336650

I'm more bemoaning the lack of anonymity on the modern internet then their actions desu.

>> No.60336669

In a way maybe you are right, but i feel that newer kids have no basic understanding of opsec and the consequences of making your presence known online. We all had the freedom to blogpost, but people simply didn't do it as much in the past as they are now.

>> No.60336688

She was on 4chan at 14-16 years old. She was probally anonymously calling people niggerfaggot daily. I do wish she would of scrubbed her twitter from back then before debuting, but she probally forgot she talked like that back then kek.

>> No.60336844

No wonder my life is shite. Not only am I Asian, but flip too.

>> No.60336886

Wasn't there some ope/smol myth rubber keychains being made? what happened to those?

>> No.60336897

I'm sorry anon

>> No.60337169
File: 330 KB, 567x623, 1694745593448155[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they shipped out

>> No.60337317

No, they were rubber keychains of smol myth

>> No.60337406
File: 719 KB, 560x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! found them


>> No.60337672


>> No.60337720

Theres no website that pisses of users quite like twitter. IMO That's like 90% of why shit like this happens.

>> No.60338133

>the rapper in the background doesn't sound like C-MAN anymore

>> No.60338142


>> No.60338183


>> No.60338263

Wait, I thought Lotus Juice was still doing the vocals? Did they replace him?

>> No.60338642

Collab started finally

>> No.60338669

Mel's side glance is surprisingly smug

>> No.60338689

It also looks liek she is topless when positioned like that kek.

>> No.60338856

Lotus Juice never did the rapping on Iwatodai Dorm, it was vocals from a sample disc. Can also hear them in SO3.
Now it is him though.

>> No.60338946

Why all the grunting? It's like Wimbledon

>> No.60338968

>open JP collab
>remember I don’t know any Japanese
Every time

>> No.60339128

Ollie deserves rape by me.

>> No.60339145

Whoever organized this collab didn't do much research into the game...
This is like playing Among Us with only 4 people

>> No.60339157

your rape will cause her limbs to fall apart

>> No.60339198

I'm having fun.

>> No.60339218

It would be better with 8, but its still fun since you can actually hear each person rather then a huge jumble of voices.

>> No.60339287

Yeah there's some upside to this with it being more balanced in group chatter.

>> No.60339569

Not a single thought in Meru’s head

>> No.60339769

She’s just standing there!

>> No.60339918

Why’s Ollie gotta make everything sexual?

>> No.60339965

Still a good flight time, about 10-12hrs of travel.

>> No.60340004
File: 66 KB, 670x297, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, Earth is a ball
Australia is almost as far from Japan as States are

>> No.60340029
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>> No.60340056

>Earth is a ball

>> No.60340071

Mori needs to watch out next time they hang out.

>> No.60340076

Oh yeah, then how does it fit on a 2D surface so well??

>> No.60340104

it doesn't

>> No.60340107
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>> No.60340148

how hard would mori cum if she in a room with Ame, Choco, and Mel?

>> No.60340152

This is Chukchi Peninsula erasure

>> No.60340181

It doesn’t, maps are really inaccurate that’s why they make Greenland so huge

>> No.60340732

Same timezone for most of it though (which is why Bae blaming "jetlag" for her being late was funny)

>> No.60341553

Much appreciated lol

No, by me.

>> No.60341576

oliie should rape me

>> No.60341689

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Minecraft next.

>> No.60342004

Poor little pink girl

>> No.60342283

There's a reason why she hasn't actually met Choco yet.

>> No.60342514

weren't they at the studio together for one of the main channel things?

>> No.60342877

Oh, so the major surgery is for fixing her busted nuts then, it all makes sense.

>> No.60343930

Bae is joining tonight

>> No.60344182

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2213120/While_We_Wait_Here/ Mori this might be fun

>> No.60344710
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Previous thread: >>60279044

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoCA8zpbm-0
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfSrcfeC1_A

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Dead On Arrival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwOat0JYPAY

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 on vinyl [Limited]

OUT FOR THE SEASON!—coming SOON to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.60344805

Damn that's a cute image

>> No.60344950
File: 516 KB, 2480x3508, 1648382788967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of KariMel art makes my heart ache

>> No.60345407

I saw someone playing it last night and while my attention was split between that and hockey it did not look that interesting

>> No.60346517
File: 2.45 MB, 1586x2100, 1686285299097821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU, catching up on the stream, holy shit Ollie's crowd noises soundboard is killing me kek.

>> No.60347389

source on this?

>> No.60348215

>Pretending she doesn't notice what her senpai is doing
Stay strong, Mowi.

>> No.60348782 [DELETED] 

Gura should stay missing

>> No.60348816

>new IP
fuck off and die

>> No.60348881 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 1133x641, 1696676316076343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she be trying her hardest to stay relevant

>> No.60348923 [DELETED] 

I woke up and was reading what I missed and I hate gura that's all there is too be said. I'm having a blast with her gone for a year and a half.

>> No.60348972 [DELETED] 

I can tell this is a seething kekbud who got mind broken mori did permanent damage to her and her chumbuds.

>> No.60349021 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 620x957, 20231012_164559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn still better than all of en

>> No.60349027 [DELETED] 

Kek Mori and you lot are forever hated everywhere
Might want to do some soul searching sisters

>> No.60349062 [DELETED] 

And yet she's still getting more opportunities than your pathetic oshi

>> No.60349082
File: 89 KB, 551x653, 2DA5CB0E-6E63-4247-8B37-BF000B1597EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, go do something with your worthless life

>> No.60349130 [DELETED] 

Kek leech meme is real after all
Thanks for acknowledging it

>> No.60349131

It's funny, usually their shitcord sticks to global these hours
They really are afraid of it when Kiara is streaming

>> No.60349140 [DELETED] 

Winner winner chicken dinner I regonize your posting style ahaaahhahaah. Kronii will always be moris bitch

>> No.60349235

That's weird, the Report button doesn't seem to work on Opera GX for me... Works on Firefox though.

>> No.60349249

I like how you know me but I don't even know who the fuck you are
I wonder who's the one deranged?

>> No.60349250

Anyways, I love Mori

>> No.60349279
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>> No.60349317 [DELETED] 

Kronii and more deserve each other
Hope they be together forever unlike how they dump their two tempiss bros that be cold blooded
Guess ugly people at heart are always like this

>> No.60349319
File: 441 KB, 2480x3508, hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta catch up on the Party Animals VOD since I had work this morning, but I'll probably do that during dead hours later since Wawa is on, Ollie's doing her birthday countdown, and Ela is play marika
I'd throw Reine on but I cannot handle anymore suika or I'll become physically ill

>> No.60349324 [DELETED] 

How's the mehera doing nowadays hopefully she offs herself I can Still your fickle beat who can't let go so you went to kronii and now you blame mori for kronii funking her entire career up while mori continues to win. Squirm for me winner winner chicken dinner.

>> No.60349397 [DELETED] 

Keke even you know her sins

>> No.60349409

I have so many vods to catch up on. It’s birthday season in my family so been busy and Mori’s been streaming like crazy.

>> No.60349436
File: 237 KB, 2048x1280, 1697127574432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a slow day

>> No.60349457
File: 410 KB, 726x1160, 1696696563200395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get a qrd on the collab worth the vod watch?

>> No.60349484

The slowest

>> No.60349486

I've had that Takamori suka stream tab open for a couple days, I'm progressing about half an hour every day before another stream or some IRL thing takes me away.

>> No.60349509 [DELETED] 

While your pathetic oshi isn't streaming or doing anything with her career mine is loving life and enjoying herself. Life couldn't be better winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.60349516
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Weirdly enough, all the Holos and others who have interacted with her adore her.
I think I'd take their reactions, as opposed to some Anon with a virtual vendetta driven by rrats and obsession with numbers.

>> No.60349520

Apparently Ollie had fun with a soundboard, so I'm looking forward to it
I like soundboards, wish more holos would use them

>> No.60349554

Need a futa gura fucking mori

>> No.60349564

Kek, the guy who supa'd his college fund to Mori is back with an aka.

>> No.60349577

there's a bit, but not enough

>> No.60349579

You have so many of those already, let some of the rest of us have some futa fucking Mori

>> No.60349601 [DELETED] 

who deleted that? shame?

>> No.60349648
File: 114 KB, 851x1200, 1435b0112c8e055ea8a9d3e6b8175044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Ina (lovingly) violating Mori with tentacles.

>> No.60349670

plungers are dangerous
also Mori really, really sucked at the game in hilarious fashion (she did steal a couple Ws tho)

>> No.60349677

I cant help but think it would be cool if Bae moved in with mori and her apartment became the HoloEN house

>> No.60349678

Go to bed Mori

>> No.60349710
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>> No.60349757

if that's how EN house ends up happening after all this time I'd like it

>> No.60349775


>> No.60349947

i like how their chunni lore reflects them in reality somewhat
a bringer of death
and a zombie of herself.

>> No.60350359

Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.60350598 [DELETED] 

Kronii has been a complete leech recently

>> No.60350672

I don't think her place is big enough

>> No.60350719

For a roommate?

>> No.60350723

She has an entire guest room with there own bathroom yeah she does

>> No.60350746

No, to be the Holohouse

>> No.60350784

I'm sure she could fit a cage for Bae in there.

>> No.60350792

Yeah it sounds like she can fit at most like 3 other members in her current place

>> No.60350805

I kinda just meant that it would be the holohouse by default if two of them lived together.

>> No.60350810

Is Mori over her dislike of living with people yet

>> No.60350956

>part of the drawing stream where Mori’s Frap arrives
>she drinks it too fast and gets a brain freeze
>Mori says she gets brain freezes easily
I would like to know if Mori likes Gelato. It’s technically healthier than normal Ice Cream since it needs a lower milk fat content to qualify despite using the same ingredients.

>> No.60351306

>Mori had to get rehydrated once around 15 years ago because she didn’t drink anything for a whole day
Jesas I feel like Mori has plenty of Ame tier stories like this and the straw one (in terms of physical damage) that she just doesn’t think is all that serious.

>> No.60351342

>Omocat needs surgery
>Mori needs surgery

>> No.60351457


>> No.60351510

>Mori doesn’t have any US insurance ahead of her wanting this surgery done in the US and not Japan
That rules out any cosmetic surgeries unless Mori has some previously or new health issues that haven’t gone mentioned as insurance doesn’t cover it otherwise. Feels a bit odd speculating, but it probably is related to her leg, didn’t she get the surgery in Japan last time for that?

>> No.60351530

>straw one
can you elaborate on that one I'm new to watching mori, any cool lore story?

>> No.60351538


>> No.60351791

bullies shoved straws in her eyes in middle(?) school

>> No.60351843

Jesus, what kinda catholic school did she go to, St. Damien's school for antichrists?

>> No.60351920

>Omo decides to become the shota if she cannot have one

>> No.60351983

Here's the time stamp:
TLDR: Mori's middle school had actual fucking monsters in attendance

>> No.60352037

I fucking hate bullies and that's not just personal experience. They're a big part we have the woke shit now.

>> No.60352090

That's horrifying. Wtf is wrong with that school?

>> No.60352273

Doing Gods work anons.

>> No.60352515

I think it's P3 related.

>> No.60352550
File: 723 KB, 1050x521, 1692748759897239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice theory anon, but do you have a source to back that up?

>> No.60352576

I can see it.

>> No.60352653

Rich kids
You can be a complete fucking psycho if your parents have enough money and status

>> No.60352683

I wanna watch Towa's concert with Mori because I think it would really inspire her...

>> No.60352694

the fuck, doing that shit to any girl in my old middle school would have gotten you jump

>> No.60352699
File: 514 KB, 1610x2048, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjrv00r.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We said that last time

>> No.60352765

We'd have twitter hints by now, so far there's nothing but P3 stuff in there.

>> No.60352850

Weird part is that it can go both ways. The donor families at the Catholic school I went to gave to scholarships and their kids were some of the nicest people in the school

>> No.60352870

It's pointless to guess. One Piece raised the bar so much it's impossible to guess unless she hints at something herself.

>> No.60353062

Isnt something dragon ball related announced at NY comic con?

>> No.60353119

Mori has no connection to Dragon Ball though.

>> No.60353194

Other than her crippling fear of dragons and how she yells a lot.

>> No.60353210


>> No.60353247

Yeah, and I hope Mori has nothing to do with it.

>> No.60353264

She mentioned they approached her after seeing one piece thing, right? Means it's actually more likely to be something unexpected because that sounds like they had no prior connection. She wouldn't use that phrasing if it was something like Gachiakuta or people she's used to working with. Or is it a different project I'm thinking about?

>> No.60353362

speaking of that why are people losing their minds over dragon ball?

>> No.60353419
File: 1.08 MB, 958x701, YT music2 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DB babies
Okay but why tho?

>> No.60353443


>> No.60353473

The next series isn't adapted the unabateded arcs of Super, or following up the Broly plot line from the movies.
Instead the new series is Muppet Babies but Dragon Ball.
So fans are pissed because they wanted to see people punch each other instead of what ever the fuck the new series is going to be.

>> No.60353485

That's kind of Toriyama's preferred artstyle nowadays. Look at Jaco and the U6 Saiyans

>> No.60353572

If it takes a more adventurous and comedic (or even risque) approach like the original DB then it could be fun. But I don't think that's what they're going for, and even if they were they wouldn't be able to get away with what they used to.

>> No.60353622

I just want Cell to come back. Actual cell, not some orange guy with retard strength

>> No.60353715

Listening to someone talk about the behind the scenes stuff they know and they described it as kind of like a JRPG and more melee focused than energy blast focused, so I'm willing to give it a shot.
I'm kind of okay with the main 3 villains not coming back. RoF was bad, and Frieza just being around is weird. I'm all for them retooling movie villains though.

>> No.60353748

he lowkey had that best theme in the show

>> No.60353763
File: 465 KB, 1327x2048, 1690193875364340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Milky Short.

>> No.60353838

I actually watched a video about that recently, turns out that's not his theme. That's a remix everyone just gaslit themselves into thinking was official, the real one is only about 40 seconds.

>> No.60353880

Yeah, it's so sinister.

>> No.60353886

Milky really does have a beautiful voice

>> No.60353902

those 40 sec were still fire

>> No.60353925


>> No.60354097

Also this wonderful piece of history

>> No.60354137

You think Mori could get Stepmania perms?

>> No.60354343

>not much shit on catalog in general.

Kek, DB Daima really got the dramafags, huh.

>> No.60354393

You think that's it?

>> No.60354479

/dbs/ is unironically the most influential thread on nu-4chan and you can see their retarded antics spread everywhere.

>> No.60354487

That video is fanmade though

>> No.60354570

>Instead the new series is Muppet Babies but Dragon Ball.
Ah yeah, the 80s trend of making every popular franchise into babies or little kids.

>> No.60354573

I'm glad that SEED Freedom is guaranteed to not be the worst sequel/spinoff revealed this year

>> No.60354749

They're just doing GT again

>> No.60354804

Then why is begets also a baby? And pilaf isn't an old man who hates goku in this continuity. And frieza isn't dead.

>> No.60354866


>> No.60354902

Because they un-did GT with Super and now they're doing it again but different

>> No.60355214

wait a minute what channel was the first party animals collab on? I thought it was FWMC but I'm not seeing it.

>> No.60355253

Oga from holostars

>> No.60355370

No the one before that

>> No.60355437


>> No.60355462

There were multiple perspectives for that, Dogs, Ina and Fauna had streams of it

>> No.60355753

wasn't this the entire premise of Dragonball GT?

>> No.60355756

I see, more time than I though passed from that stream. Still a little blind not to have seen it though.

>> No.60355826

No one liked GT and people really wanted something else right now

>> No.60355887

>No one liked GT
Me and the entirety of Latin America?
Especially since Super was so fucking garbage that it made GT look better in retrospect.

>> No.60355915

honestly mori sex

>> No.60356142


>> No.60356211

Figuratively no one liked GT

>> No.60356434

the no one?

>> No.60356464
File: 677 KB, 1068x561, pepeloni [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60356489
File: 68 KB, 657x774, 1655585785811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah with me

>> No.60356535

fraudulently mori sex

>> No.60356590
File: 124 KB, 1200x1041, 1696769924927375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting a Morp and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.60356630


>> No.60356637

You've just made an enemy for life

>> No.60356654

American Koro-san makes me uncomfortable

>> No.60356685
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>> No.60356728
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>> No.60356747

elves are for rape

>> No.60356760

Did Ina's tentacles cause this?

>> No.60356824
File: 3.63 MB, 2500x3121, 1696508703623875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60356871
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>> No.60356879

Don't rape your boy

>> No.60356921

or do, i'm not a cop

>> No.60356977
File: 612 KB, 736x862, 1696431632796345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite pink woman

>> No.60356986

That's just what a cop would say

>> No.60357792

Being a deadbeat has being very fulfilling over the past year and I am happy
