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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 354 KB, 1080x730, 4204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60153733 No.60153733 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like yuri-baiting because I can't imagine them having "fun" with me if they are dykes. Only trannies and lesbians enjoy yuri baiting.

>> No.60153855

lol so a double wedding
also what's with the ESL thumbnail

>> No.60153888

Only autists are unable to understand how people can enjoy things outside their own narrow preferences.

>> No.60153914
File: 277 KB, 621x568, 1696158655223069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to assume your penis is not bigger than an average female finger then?

>> No.60153922

Anon, they won't have "fun" with you anyways, and you know that every time you try to imagine it there is this voice in the back of your head telling you that this is not real and nobody would ever love you.

At least with yuri you don't have to face the truth.

>> No.60154185

Dykes hate penis no matter the size

If they're homo I don't even have a chance at them even in my imagination.

>> No.60154232

>can't imagine a threesome with you
Testosterone too low

>> No.60154288

Why is it so hard for you to understand that dykes don’t like men

>> No.60154296

You prefer them to have sex with males that aren't you so you can self insert?
What a cuckold

>> No.60154359
File: 134 KB, 1064x872, 516165165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but lesbians like penetration and lesbians having fun with me is about them being bored with fingers with no dildos around so my cock is the next best thing and turning them back into proper straight protestant/lutheran girls.

>> No.60154361

>anon is either unable to concieve of a threesome or an extremely closeted tranny

>> No.60154362

They need to just show interest in males. Don't have collab with males or bring their bf on stream. It can be as Trivial as lusting over male anime/game characters. Just any hint to show that they are heterosexual. I'm more afraid of getting pink triangle'd by a bunch of dykes

>> No.60154401

How can I imagine a 3p with them when they only show their homosexual tendencies and don't seem to like men in general

>> No.60154492

At least it's realistic, because there is no way in heaven that they would ever have interest in an ugly faggot like you, anon. Now go back to the favelas.

>> No.60154496
File: 801 KB, 1200x998, aer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also when they have a nice sloppy wet kiss it would be nice to put my penis inbetween them

>> No.60154559

>with me
kek keep hoping anon

>> No.60154561

OP, you are a closet homosexual if you don't enjoy yuri baiting. Heterosexual men have loved that shit for thousands of years. Repeat: You are a faggot.

>> No.60154578

>Heterosexual men
With tranny tendencies that self-insert as one of the girls

>> No.60154604

Bissexuals exist, bro. Just imagine they are kissing, but u dick in the middle

>> No.60154611

rape fixes all your problems

>> No.60154667

The so called bi girls are more into cocks than pussies. But these girls are only into pussies.

>> No.60154673

>since ancients times men believed those women can be cured taking a good dick
Again, low testosterone, you can be the biggest raging carpet muncher of this world that you'd turn straight as an arrow after you stay one night with me

>> No.60154711
File: 336 KB, 2129x1408, 1689118732379705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats disgusting

>> No.60154762

Yall enjoy getting cucked by women which is worse than getting cucked by men

>> No.60154799

>Only trannies and lesbians enjoy yuri baiting.
Please don't discriminate actual faggots, thank you.

>> No.60154807

ESLchama, two people getting married isn't a double wedding.
English reps, now

>> No.60154832

>it never worked, and you just created menhera rape victim
You're a literal tribalistic chimp

>> No.60155056
File: 937 KB, 1053x803, COCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe on stream they only flirt with girls, but u don't know what they do when the camera is off, maybe it is like:

>> No.60155152

>u don't know what they do when the camera is off
yeah no shit thats how you insecure fuck go all fucking menhera about them taking cocks all fucking day
also that cock? mine

>> No.60155186

two women flirting is the opposite of gay. its insanely straight

>> No.60155190

>he thinks he has a chance with internet celebrities in the first place
please stop watching porn for at least a year, you'll get better

>> No.60155234

why the fuck do threads like this even get made
how hopeless do you have to be to click "start a thread", write something like this and go "yeah this is fire"

>> No.60155259

go back. kys

>> No.60155311

They don't even show interest in fictional male characters on stream

>> No.60155336

fucking ESL. I can half understand fucking up the title for SEO, but that's in the fucking thumbnail.

>> No.60155390

Maybe it is because their audience would sperg out to death

>> No.60155501


>> No.60155508

>people who bitch about yuri being more mentally ill than yurifags
Many such cases!

>> No.60155510

>we getting marry
I can smell the pagpag from here

>> No.60155533
File: 1.36 MB, 3084x3287, 1693362001690290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lesbian is one of the most watched tags by men around the world
Having two or more women in your bed kissing and waiting for your cock is one of the ultimate male fantasies

>> No.60155538

They don't even go "yeah I like these kind of men. Men with these characteristics are my type" or whatever. They are obsessed with pussy pussy pussy
It's almost like you have to be a dyke to enter hololive

>> No.60155561

Literally me

>> No.60155699

You're supposed to self-insert as the dildo, gaiboi

>> No.60155780

That's dehumanizing

>> No.60157324

>retarded take
>ESL clickbait thumbnail for the OP image

>> No.60158558


>> No.60158619

>Didnt self insert as an ojisan that will NTR their relationship....
Anon ngmi.....

>> No.60159749

How is it retarded

>> No.60160581

I don't get self-inserting. I really don't and I never will. For me there's just as sense of overwhelming peace that comes from watching someone that I like get on with someone that I also like. The fullest expression of that is romance. It's just how it is. It just does it for me.

>> No.60160619

Dykes and trannies are also the biggest unicorns because they hate males more than straight men.

>> No.60162330


>> No.60163509

Yeah we know you're a troon

>> No.60168385

They'd never have "fun" with (you) anyway, fuckboi.

>> No.60168724

They do in my imagination

>> No.60169815

Not beating the homosexual allegations, homobeggar

>> No.60170077
File: 710 KB, 1107x2181, 1694982594596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally coombrain rot. They're so far gone they can only see the world and everything in it through the lens of the porn they consume.

>> No.60170127

ohhhh suitowa sex

>> No.60170146

fags like you turn into homobeggars for "self-inserts" through faggy pests.

>> No.60170150

Fucking weirdos

>> No.60170240

>We Getting Marry!
God I fucking hate ESL clippers so much. As soon as I see obvious bad English in the thumbnail, I immediately
>Don't recommend channel

>> No.60170440
File: 1.36 MB, 1027x1183, cljmennuj3tb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wish you were into men? No? Because that would be gross right? Then don't wish this ill fate upon any holos.

>> No.60170486
File: 379 KB, 1240x2279, 1691113728958289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most watched tags by men

>> No.60170537

Why are women so gay
I am damn sure they aren't attracted to men

>> No.60170598

cant wait to have sex with my wife and my wife's wife

>> No.60170634

No one likes men other than gays because the male gender is ugly and barbaric. That's why a lot of men want to be women these days.

>> No.60172833

Wtf is wrong with femoids

>> No.60174226

>above anal and tied with fucking MILF
I said one of the top ones, not the number one

>> No.60174354

>why are women so gay
The funny thing is that a lot of lesbians watch yaoi and man on man stuff routinely

>> No.60174623

It's not that they are gay, it's just that the women that watch porn are mostly lesbian since they came to terms with their actual sexual preference compared to closeted lesbians

>> No.60174969
File: 354 KB, 1447x2047, Fsdp_2LaYAAZH0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody has sexual desires and watches porn, chud

>> No.60177067

I want to marry two bisexual women.

>> No.60181227

You need to work on your imagination bro

>> No.60181371
File: 209 KB, 437x383, 1655257770701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a heterosexual CIS white male imbued with privileged and everything and I love Yuri

>> No.60181460

I have also been on /a/

>> No.60181639

You are on too many layers of unicorn.

>> No.60182361

I don't like Yuri either, if someone is going to force this into their show, then make it GFE. Just as I don't like watching a streamer I've grown to like flirt with a guy, I don't like watching her flirt with a girl. If she's doing the whole streaming thing to make money from my entertainment, then do it professionally.

>> No.60182729

>I hate yuri-baiting vtubers because they'll never fuck me
>I hate straight vtubers because they're whores and sleep with a bunch of other guys
Holy shit, no wonder fags like you will never get laid

>> No.60184727


>> No.60185136

my mother says i'm very handsome and some young woman will be lucky to have me.

>> No.60185458

Your mom is trying to fuck you. You should fuck your mom and make her feel like a young woman again.

>> No.60185515 [DELETED] 

>He who lacks the critical information
oh no no no no

>> No.60188292

What do you think this hobby is all about? A gathering place for lonely, rejected, socially awkward guys and girls, easy prey, where the predators are the artificially exalted, pure and desirable anime waifus. For your money, for your time, for your adoration, they provide mediocre content, always just enough to keep you happy for a few minutes, but not enough to keep you satisfied or bored. Girls can suck your blood as long as they want, unless they fuck it all up like Rushia. The whole process is disgustingly efficient, but that's not the bottom of it all, anyone lower than that is a cuck. A cuck is a degenerate who has secretly a fetish for being cheated on. The one sub-species of this is the one who allows the Yuri because he explains to himself that there is a difference.

>> No.60189447


>> No.60190523 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 720x720, ITALIAN [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fghvepe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will wait for a more detailed reply. 20 words minimum.

>> No.60190661

>also what's with the ESL thumbnail
Wtf do you think? Only brown ESLs give a shit about shipping and yuri trash

>> No.60190734
File: 327 KB, 490x424, 1641148425781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60191170

>A gathering place for lonely, rejected, socially awkward guys
>Girls can suck your blood as long as they want, unless they fuck it all up like Rushia.
Rushia's fans are all socially well adjusted and they have had several relationships which is why they are still faithful to her. She might have fucked up her job at hololive but she cheated on her fans.

>> No.60191882

>Rushia's fans are all socially well adjusted and they have had several relationships which is why they are still faithful to her.
Are there such people among them? Certainly. Were all Fandeads like that? No way. You can argue about rates, but I don't think the majority belonged to the well-off, well-balanced oil barons with large families.

>> No.60192492

>The one sub-species of this is the one who allows the Yuri because he explains to himself that there is a difference.
you might have a point if it weren't for the fact that lesbianism just doesn't exist as an analog of an actual romantic relationship. the ones that try to pretend otherwise end up in a hellish feedback loop and/or murder suicide.

>> No.60192872

Most of them are. How else do you think they can afford donating to her?

>> No.60193111
File: 179 KB, 664x1200, 15141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's crazy how these super straight anons who feel the need to tell you how straight they are every single time they post are the same anons who bring up trannies constantly and out of nowhere.

>> No.60193212

It's crazy that you sound like a troon and the image you used really shows why

>> No.60193749

if looking at shiori makes you think about trannies you're probably just deranged, anon.

>> No.60193852

Absolute brainrot. You can't go 2 seconds without thinking of trannies please go bang one already.

>> No.60194038

This shows Rushia's professionalism rather than her fans background. Gura or Kiara also get a lot of donates, but I don't think the Chumbuds or the KFP are made up of a large number of married and successful businessmen.

>> No.60194081

I thought it was an off collab you bastard. *zips dick*

>> No.60194121

Gura has thousands of donors, Rushia only has a few hundred and the few that come to this board make up most of the top 10.

>> No.60194174

vpolnigger brainrot

>> No.60195019

Not her, but her fans for sure

>> No.60195169

I'm trans and it's not like they're about to have fun with me either.

>> No.60195837
File: 97 KB, 1045x749, 1680822789398477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FauMei hits different...

>> No.60196111

OK, Gura was a bad example, but what about Kiara? She has very low viewership, yet she is at the top of EN. Based on EN stats she is very successful. Anyway, my main point is the same. Rushia would still be one of the most successful if she doesn't mess up.

>> No.60196319

It's literally under men you retard. What women watch has nothing to do with what OP said.

>> No.60196421

The thing is women love it more than men. So either you're a women or tranny. Which is it

>> No.60196606

>lesbianism just doesn't exist
You're a fucking retard lmao

>> No.60196632

Kiara still has thousands of donors.

>> No.60196943

so true sister

>> No.60197690

we all know what was implied, cuckling

>> No.60198530

>I don't like yuri-baiting because I can't imagine them having "fun" with me if they are dykes. Only trannies and lesbians enjoy yuri baiting.
They are probably bi. Regardless they wpuld not date vt users, they would date chads.

>> No.60198647

>you just created menhera rape victim
anon is doing gods work

>> No.60198753

Yeah i dont think people understand that just because they like anime and shit they are gonna have lower understand. I think the mentality is "i like anime, she likes anime, i like videogames, she likes videogames, we would get along". Yeah you get along in the small talk at the cash register kind of way, not dating. You really think Mumei is gonna date some fucking 4chan weeb, come on man.

>> No.60198960

>They are probably bi.
It doesn't matter what they are in reality. If they only show their Homosexual side on their streams I'm gonna assume they are dykes and that affects my imagination. They don't even oogle at fictional male characters so it's safe to assume they ain't bi.

>> No.60199118


>> No.60199296

anti yuri schizos are consistently the most retarded posters in any sphere they operate

>> No.60199446

Tell me why you enjoy getting cucked by women

>> No.60199525
File: 409 KB, 1200x675, 1687748954831193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60199763

Oh no. How horrible. Like, share the link so I can totally thumbs down this totally horrible collab concept. Please?

>> No.60200968

>you're gay if you don't like getting cucked or pink triangle'd

>> No.60201413
File: 1.08 MB, 1316x930, 105918626_p1 🌙⚓.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather your oshi scissor with another girl or get stained by another male's filthy genital?
Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.60201572

It's not an either or situation
I want them to show that they are attracted to men without collabing with men or mentioning any real men. I don't want them to flirt with women even if they collab with them.

>> No.60201695

I hate yuri because I hate all homos and homo activity. Simple as

>> No.60201752

are you retarded?

>> No.60201854

If not wanting to get cucked makes me retarded then so be it. You're probably from a region without lgbt rights if you don't feel threatened by lesbianism.

>> No.60201948

I don't get people that watch Hololive.

>> No.60201949

Have you ever thought that I don't want to watch my oshi lusting with others? This shows that you don't understand the concept. There is no lesser or greater evil.

>> No.60207863

American thread
