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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 907 KB, 1760x2300, The_church_in_the_catacombs_-_a_description_of_the_primitive_church_of_Rome_-_illustrated_by_its_sepulchral_remains_(1846)_(14759048816).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60180161 No.60180161 [Reply] [Original]

the tunnel glitch happened again on Kiara's stream. around 4-5 seconds this time. anyone else catch it? screenshots?

>> No.60180315


>> No.60180384

I wasn't looking but I think I caught a glimpse of catacombs.

>> No.60181820

k keep me posted

>> No.60181898


>> No.60181967

Wait what?

>> No.60182279

Noticed the amount of rubble had increased since the last occurrence. Lantern light was flickering more aggressively and i thought i could maybe see some movement in the dark but unsure. It's gone from the vod.

>> No.60184305

ARG going on or is she being haunted?

>> No.60185065

i think it happened to kronii last time. it showed her walking through the tunnels crying.

>> No.60185210

Anon it doesn't show up in screenshots or recordings, I think its less a computer thing and more of a "your brain recognizes some shit and has a mini stroke" type thing.

>> No.60185347

"she never said that anon"

>> No.60185557

Wait you guys are still getting the tunnels? Ohhhh boy, you might wanna move your asses... Just look for a field, and look fast.

>> No.60185710

MommyRissa said something about getting lost in the catacombs I think. Yagoo is covering it up hard

>> No.60185874

No screenshots, but I caught it too. Anyone else notice how they’re becoming more and more common? What’s at the end of the tunnel?

>> No.60185913
File: 405 KB, 770x776, 1691353795754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"quotations are negligible" the point is that the tunnel is just a visual thing that happens when you're looking at a stream for too long. It's like a visual version of hearing someone speak jibberish or seeing those illusions on the road side.
It's why you only notice it for a few seconds and then it goes away, that's how visual hallucinations work most of the time.

>> No.60186084

Found Yagoo's burner. Something's up.

>> No.60186293

You're actually retarded. Sure if you just look at the screen and see a tunnel then you saw a tunnel but literally nobody is asking why its a tunnel? Your eyes are processing something and sending a signal to your brain so you had to see something that started that process, if you can't find it again in the same vod than your just brain resolved the inconsistency.

>> No.60186373

Is this thread made by ai

>> No.60186515
File: 695 KB, 1808x840, tunnelcrawler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60186700

So an actual stock image of a tunnel? Is it a youtube thing or some kind of fuck up that got fixed im the vod?

>> No.60186739

Nice tunnel edit, retard. It doesn’t look like this.

>> No.60186747

this is it. this is the tunnel kronii was walking through in her 3d stream. she was crying and walking through tunnels. i remember this.

>> No.60186782

This thread really got lost in the catacombs

>> No.60186800
File: 70 KB, 645x595, 1692094814630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stock image of a tunnel

>> No.60186847

Nice photoshop, faggot. It didn't look like this. There was a different angle and it looked like shitty CCTV footage. Is this supposed to be a mockup?

>> No.60186914

You'd think she'd have gotten over the homo graduation by now...

>> No.60187007

y are we not talking about the scratching sound that happened during it? shit blasted my eardrums out

>> No.60187111

I didnt hear scratching. It was just Kiara talking through it and then the screen switched back to her

>> No.60187214

His photo is retarded but where would a CCTV of a tunnel like that even be unless you're implying /x/ shit in which case I was never here.

>> No.60187512

not this shit again. fuck off whatever discord this is. we hated your ai EN member also.

>> No.60187653

I noticed it too, thought I was the only one. I missed the scratching the other Anon talked about though.

>> No.60187694

That's just what chickem sounds like, why do you think she's the least subbed EN?

>> No.60187744

unifaggots are too busy seething over kronii's tits and thats why they missed the tunnel glitch on her 3d

>> No.60187853

That's how I know you're misinfo, the tunnel glitch that stream was in her cleavage faggot

>> No.60187855

>Be me
>Stare at the exposed side flesh on her thigh while thanking wada mama
>Screen cuts to tunnels for a moment
>Get the intense feeling that something is staring right back, at the exact spot my eyes were resting.
Nobody else I’ve asked has seen that part, even if they noticed the tunnels. Worst part was that I got the feeling both Kronii and I were being watched at the same time, like some kind of observation triangle.

>> No.60187926

Has this happened to non-HoloLive streamers? I haven't seen it as a Nijifag.

>> No.60188002

Funnily enough, the guy who made that is trying to peddle some arg chuuba thing over in /asp/

>> No.60188465

>be me
>in call with 2 other normiefriends during kiara stream
>one guy is doing homework while me and the other are watching and talking
>kiara acting braindead as usual when suddenly her model defaults to its default pose
>like this for a few seconds, me and friends are laughing
>suddenly for a split second the tunnel flashes on screen
>earraped by slurping/scratching noise
>suddenly goes back, kiara's model back to normal

my friends can attest to this. dont ask why we're watching vtubers on call. also i got really bad diarrhea afterwards but idk if thats related

>> No.60188485
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, 1645566199289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm of the opinion that you niggas are having some fucked up visual thing, a stroke, or are just bullshitting which evidently some of you are.
I'm not convinced but I've had that kind of visual fuckery happen without any chemical input when I've spent more than a day up and I've seen other people mention it AS visual/auditory hallucinations

>> No.60188730
File: 287 KB, 667x836, 619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, the desperate attempts at convincing us that we're just schizoing is pretty suspect

>> No.60189118
File: 3.53 MB, 1896x7067, 1688835330170127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair /vt/ is incredibly schizophrenic and some of this sounds alot like the pekora tulpa guy that went dead silent and presumably fucking od'ed on whatever the hell he was taking.
It is at least clear that SOMEONE saw something and someone else is just repeating it for dramatic effect while someone else is actually saw the same thing.

>> No.60189241

Can you tell me more? Sounds interesting.

>> No.60190199

Have there been any other posts about this arg? I'm curious.

>> No.60190592
File: 14 KB, 227x222, 1683414869044834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread

>> No.60192056

no one saw anything. this is just a few anons trying to start something.

>> No.60192922


>> No.60193129

feels like a discord raid

>> No.60193260

Did you guys see the tronsboppiter appear on Aki's last stream? It wasn't just me, right?

>> No.60193265

I saw it too OP. No screenshots, I went back to the time I thought it happened and all was as normal. Pretty fucked up, I'm relieved someone else saw it though.

>> No.60193387

>or are just bullshitting
Obviously the correct answer considering they can't even agree on what it looks like. Just a bunch of tards acting like something's going on so they can be a part of board history, just like that time with Araki's donut.

>> No.60194291
File: 265 KB, 692x720, 1656677980384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, well that's cool then I guess, a bit of a let down since I'm pretty sure there are a few anons that actually do have some hallucinatory experiences while watching streams and a tunnel is a pretty modest one at that. I can get disoriented if I see a mirror's reflection of itself and that pretty obviously feels like a tunnel so I thought that anon's might have been talking about something like that somehow. I've had some weird fucked up experiences like dreaming about being murdered and waking up in a cold sweat to a stream or dreaming about a stream and waking up only to find that the stream didn't actually exist, or some actual lost hololive clips I can't find anymore of Matsuri getting genuinely pissed at Shion in a really uncomfortable way on stream.
Also, Araki's donut wasn't a real thing?
I guess for future reference something like this might be better off with an OP that isn't directly connected to the thing, I'm interested in a hallucinations and false memory and trying to make an arg in a thread about hallucinatory experiences would probably go over better than making a whole thread to support itself. Also maybe be a bit more organic, most of the posters aren't even skeptical of OP and there would be more natural

>> No.60194387

Chimkin isnt la creatividad enough to come up with something good

>> No.60194792

Eh, just go to asp and ask around, they should have more details.

>> No.60195913

I wouldn't recommend starting an ARG here, little anon. We channers take ourselves incredibly seriously, and, as a result, are completely immune to fun.

>> No.60196008

it's not that, the people that try are normally just really bad at it.

>> No.60196162

what ai EN member?

>> No.60196347

Search the archives for Liliane or something like that. Reverse Irys or some shit

>> No.60197291

we need more arg chuubas. Tsugu and AI sama was fun

>> No.60197523

notably this, try again OP but wait a while
this too, its october so spooky is in the now
