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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.30 MB, 1605x6774, Overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60164220 No.60164220 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this then

>> No.60164322

Austism awareness.

>> No.60164467

The fact that she literally had all these streams scheduled to start at the same time of at least 2 members of Advent each time, is extremely telling. No wonder there has been 0 mention of her by any Advent members, even they know what Gura was trying to do

>> No.60164566

wtf is her problem?

>> No.60164613

oh no, did something happen nijisis?

>> No.60164627

>d-don't forget about me guys! stop looking at these new girls! SHAAAAARK
>disappears after the hype dies down
I hope Advent never collabs with this cunt and it looks like that's an actual possibility. They completely ignored her in the gmod collab and never mentions her on streams while praising all their other senpais.

>> No.60164648

Kek what a cunt

>> No.60164664

>Everyone who points out how shitty Gura's work ethic is, is a nijisister

>> No.60164686

>"i can also protect your smile!"

>> No.60164750

God that collab was so awkward, chumbuds coping with "oh Gura is just shy" when in reality nobody wanted to fuckin talk to her because of this. It was obviously a mandated collab as well

>> No.60164993


>> No.60165047
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You mad?

>> No.60165077
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>wake up
>see biboo scheduled a stream
>throw together your own in half an hour

unironically purposely overlapping bijou

>> No.60165118

I doubt Gura even thought Advent would show up and was expecting Council to show up in an open VC instead. She sounded incredibly awkward once they came in.

>> No.60165204

>after the 18th, owari da

>> No.60165280
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>> No.60165446

>oh haha that stuff earlier was just a big prank
It's not just that she's a cunt, she's self-aware she's being a cunt and does it anyway.

>> No.60165479
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>N-no not my paypi-I mean chumbuds

>> No.60165517

they've always put up with her because she's the most popular, that's the only reason why they pretend to give a fuck about her, kudos to Kiara and 3/5 councils to try but eventually they all give up

>> No.60165667

Did Gura really end her stream a just few minutes after Bijou ended hers?
What a fucking cunt, she wasn't even hiding.

>> No.60165746

i mean her streams are always scheduled a few hours after bijou schedules hers and they almost start at the same time

>> No.60165969
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>No wonder there has been 0 mention of her by any Advent members,
The dogs literally mentioned her and vice-versa. Watch streams or kill yourself.

>> No.60166085

hats off to whoever made this chart, it clearly illustrates how Gura's streams seem to be motivated by spite and jealousy

>> No.60166138

so like every white woman?

>> No.60166152

i didn't use to believe she was being malicious, but after she just fucked right off as soon the hype died down, i just put her on the cunt list in my head from now on

>> No.60166166

antis are mentally ill

>> No.60166820

Seems most vtuber fans are unaware of how cutthroat women are, I don't even want to imagine the internal drama of a workplace like this that is literally filled with women

>> No.60166884

Based Gura sabotaging advent

>> No.60166890

least schizophrenic incel

>> No.60166917

Its basically irrefutable at this point, she only came back and streamed during Advent hype debut then fucked off after like 2 weeks. How anyone can cope defend this is absurd "oh its her usual streaming time", yeah her usual time that just so happens to both start and end during several of Advent steams as well

>> No.60166975

incel for telling the truth? Women enjoy gossip, drama, and forming cliques between each other. You are delusional if you think that Hololive behind the scenes is just some happy-go-lucky environment. Theres a reason why certain members only interact with certain members, because its just all cliques.

>> No.60166988

>t*mpus shits itself with drama and has graduations within a year
>but women are the self-sabotaging dramafags
kek, femcels and incels are pathetic

>> No.60167046

>Explain this then
New gen hype is the most fun time to stream. It wasn't malicious overlap, she just wanted to have fun and relive her debut days.

>> No.60167098

>pure unadulterated cope

>> No.60167105

>disappears completely
>still lives in your head rent free

Y'all are pathetic lol

>> No.60167149

I've worked at companies where middle management was made up almost entirely of beta women. Brutal. less mature than children

>> No.60167213

>Gura thread
>Brings up homos
Mindbroken by cock, you are.

>> No.60167218

Nobody but /vt/ cares. Unless there's a company-defined "major event" stream they have zero obligation to care about anyone else's schedule. Cope, copepod.

>> No.60167229

Same, was literally just gossip central and I was tired of it. Cannot imagine what its like in Hololive

>> No.60167264

homobeggar, it's already obvious you're the one who loves shitting on the girls
if only you watched holo and enjoyed the hobby like normal people do

>> No.60167268

>ignoring all the comments on other websites calling her out
You just don't see it as much because most other website do not allow these types of comments

>> No.60167328

Yeah the fact that she was able to stream consistently nonstop during advents debut period and then fucked right off is a slap in the face. Glad I'm not a fan

>> No.60167422

Very nice, now let's see all the other members who "overlapped" with Advent. I swear this narrative is retarded, there are so many members in Hololive now that occasional overlap is gonna happen. Not to mention Gura was streaming at her regular times

>> No.60167425

retard lol

>> No.60167434

All this really proves is that Gura has no concept of hard work and is really lazy. She couldn't even stream half a month before giving up.

>> No.60167456

fatherless, therefore maidenless

>> No.60167471

I don’t watch Gura because she doesn’t stream, you’re right. I do watch other girls and none of them have this “problem”. Not sure how homos or me “begging” for them factors into it unless you just wanted to bring up the cock you’re desperately slurping on right now.

>> No.60167505

>gura was streaming
that's what makes it so suspicious...

>> No.60167516

I hope she sees this bro

>> No.60167561

the incels squad latched onto gura because they hate successful women
other holos overlapped more "critical" streams like their collabs/karaokes and they were silent about it
this bijou shit is retarded in the first place since she literally has an hour of stream time before gura, it has never made an ounce of sense to anyone above 90 IQ

>> No.60167580

ok but here's why its so obvious with Gura: she was extremely inconsistent about streaming for the entirety of 2023 up to Advent's debut, but once Advent debuted, she all of a sudden streamed almost as much within a 2 week time-frame compared to the amount of time she streamed in 2023. About 50 hours prior to Advent, about 40 hours during that 2 week period. It really cannot be more blatant than that, Gura wanted to stop any of her fans from leaving her to switch to the new EN gen, that's not a rrat its just facts

>> No.60167585
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Chumbuds are working overtime in this thread, time to drop the bomb.

>> No.60167601

All women are betas next you’ll say you went to a zoo where all the tigers were carnivores schizo

>> No.60167654

incels will always be pathetic scum, it has nothing to do with some eceleb lmao

>> No.60167658

They literally shit up every one of these threads every time lol, it always just ends up with the thread derailing cause they cannot stand people rightfully calling out Gura on her shit

>> No.60167670

This retard thinks beta = estrogen.

>> No.60167720

This is some major white knight shit, it has nothing to do with her being a women. Nobody cares that Pekora is the most successful member of Hololive despite being a woman, cause she actually cares about streaming and her fans

>> No.60167829

Because he's a beta and has no idea what sigma or alpha even means. Incels/misogynists are all betas because they've succumbed to their loser mindset. Anyone that blames others isn't a sigma or alpha.
>calling out subhuman behavior = white knight
keep seething at women, it'll be less pathetic someday

>> No.60167870

But it’s been a couple weeks since Gura overlapped anyone, though…

>> No.60167918

>subhuman behavior is when you call out Gura's shitty behavior

>> No.60167943

She knew regloss was shit so she didn't bother. Otherwise, wait for next id gen.

>> No.60167969

reminder that gura did this to bae too
their fault for trying to take her lolicon audience

>> No.60167976

Because Gura already accomplished what she wanted to do, Advent's fanbases are now established so no fear of her chumkeks leaving for a better streamer

>> No.60168024

Thinking about alpha/beta and that other shit is literal beta crap.

>> No.60168052

At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if her next stream wasn't until Halloween and then the final stream for 2023 being a Christmas one. We're basically guaranteed 2 streams for the rest of this year, 3 max

>> No.60168226
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>stop noticing things! other girls have done this too!
Name one.

>> No.60168267

>shitty behavior
Yeah, being a seething anti is subhuman
r*ddit post
regardless of whatever terminology you want to use, there are clingy seething orbiters and those that aren't

>> No.60168339

all this cope because gura wont stream kek

>> No.60168394

>We're basically guaranteed 2 streams for the rest of this year
Considering she went no-contact into an event into no-contact again, I'd say that's pretty optimistic.

>> No.60168425

I refuse to believe it because I want a double cunny collab with biboo and gura

>> No.60168443

as usual, keep seething, someday it won't be pathetic

>> No.60168596

Correct, I gave Gura the benefit of the doubt at first, ok she's back and streaming but AGAIN doing the disappearance act only after a month?, when Advent's momentum starts to cooldown?, yeah, nah, only the most sordid and menhera chumbds can defend this awful attitude.

>> No.60168656

That will probably happen during EN4 debut just to overlap the new cunny

>> No.60168763

>adventfags STILL mindbroken because none of them can go past 10k anymore even without Gura

>> No.60168786

as usual, keep seething, someday it won't be pathetic

>> No.60168881
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*Causes schizos to seethe and shit their pants without having to do anything*

>> No.60169018

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60169028

are we really still having this thread every day with the exact same charts

>> No.60169084

I can cone back and laugh at you retards timelooping the same shit from your schizo rage anytime because you tards keep at it like the npcs you are
be honored I decided to grace you with my presence today, ape

>> No.60169273

Does it really matter? They are "all gonna make it" it is Hololive. As long as they don't fuck up.

>> No.60169350 [DELETED] 

I can cone back and laugh at you retards timelooping the same shit from your schizo rage anytime because you tards keep at it like the npcs you are
be honored I decided to grace you with my presence today, ape

>> No.60169513
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>when your best argument is being a bot
sad npc life

>> No.60169646
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>when your best argument is being a bot
sad npc life

>> No.60169692

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60169744

deflection vs deflection
its just a game of tennis at this point

>> No.60169763

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60169790

sorry I was just laughing at the NPC antis, but I'm good now. later fags lmao

>> No.60169834

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60169845
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An entire horde of chumbuds mindbroken by a single thread.

>> No.60169886

lol they are so mindblown, that's right go ahead and leave

>> No.60169935

I mean... No? I've worked in environments where women are in management positions, it's fucking ridiculous. They will go to unimaginable extents for the pettiest shit and try to drag down other people when they don't get things their way, it's like highschool 2.0, except we all pay fucking taxes.

>> No.60169981
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>> No.60170041

Did something happen in nijisanji for sisters to seethe this much about Gura today?

>> No.60170051

what's wrong holosisters, still sad gura graduated?

>> No.60170131

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60170145

You guys unironically watch EN vtubers

>> No.60170157

They seethe about Gura every day

>> No.60170184

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60170217
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>Chumbuds deflecting to nijinogs as usual

>> No.60170264

Who the fuck is Luca, I was talking about how much I hate petty women at work.

>> No.60170312
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>> No.60170567

Unironically a massive nasty bitch.
Just like her audience.

>> No.60170683

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60170759
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>> No.60170766

>Who the fuck is Luca
I'm glad you asked!
Luca Kaneshiro (ルカ・カネシロ) is a male English Virtual YouTuber affiliated with NIJISANJI EN's fourth wave "Luxiem," alongside Shu Yamino, Ike Eveland, Mysta Rias, and Vox Akuma. He has flowing blonde hair with a side ponytail underneath a white hat with a black band. His eyes are a light purple and he wears a a pinstripe suit.
Despite claiming to be an "evil and mean" mafia boss, Luca is a sweet and energetic person who is sometimes compared to a golden retriever. Although he has a mischievous streak that often leads to him teasing others or causing mayhem in games, Luca's trollish antics are noted by his peers to be completely devoid of malice.
He is known for his love of using the word "POG" and frequent use of the phrase "deez nuts". He can also be surprisingly innocent and dense from time to time; notably, he often parrots things without thinking too much about them, sometimes even saying innuendos or double entendres without realizing their meaning.
He has said on one of his streams that he has no problems making friends with people, and can immediately walk up to a stranger and start small talk. According to Nina Kosaka, Luca is the most extroverted member of NIJISANJI EN.

>> No.60170838

literally what eve. is the accusation. she streamed at her normal time when a new gen arrived to keep her fans..and? so did the others

how is this sabotage. why are these hypothetical chumbuds she prevent from joining advent (judging by numbers she was completely successful) only at risk of leaving her within the first 4 days

like I get if she had moved her stream hour to start at the same time as bijou who infringes at her niche,but she didn't , bijou always had a clear 1 hour as waiting room which is an advantage not vice versa

>> No.60170864

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60170932

nice reddit spacing faggot

>> No.60171109

It's my belief that Gura doesn't have any real defenders left on /vt/. You never see anyone make good faith arguments on her behalf anymore, just trolls taking advantage of the drama for a laugh.

>> No.60171222


>> No.60171303

Yeah, sometimes I pretend to be a chumbud to farm (You)s.

>> No.60171334

Why would you defend a bad person

>> No.60171366 [DELETED] 

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60171379

my personal rrats(facts) is managament mandated (bribed) gura to do the infamous overlapping stream manouvre not to gimp advent but to boosting them. one of the staff, the computer-man, apparently have some kind of profound understanding of algorithm and statistics from his experience as a certified java progammer (for 40 years, ongoing) and desperately push other staff to go with his plan by spamming so much programmer lingos to the work group chat (line) until they agree to sign the MOU to get gura to stream (they needed it so they can sue gura if she didnt do her part of the agreement, gura allegedly run away with the bribe money at least 3 times, she 'apologized' for the 1st and 2nd times, for the 3rd times gura copy pasted 3 crying uohh emoji as a formal apology and it allegedly causing at last 2 of the staff to have a full blown mental breakdown and costing cover some therapy money)

how i know all of this? shitzu abe, one of the 5 primordial gods, visits me in my dream and telepathically send all of this information to my brain.

>> No.60171422

Its almost as if chumbuds stay in /ggg/ or something and catalogfags are arguing with themselves

>> No.60171423

nice bait nijisis

>> No.60171514

Yeah pretty much what it is exactly. I just wish there were more trolls pretending to be upset chumbuds though, the nijisis thing is boring.

>> No.60171532 [DELETED] 

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60171540
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>frequent use of the phrase "deez nuts"

>> No.60171612

The worst part is that she fucked off right after promising that she would be more active.

>> No.60172207

It may suck, but rather than specifically being malicious, it could also be possible that gura was just excited to see the new generation and streamed more because of that excitement. But I think still very fucked up that if that was the case, she didn't bother to check the times of the new girls' streams.

>> No.60172284

Shitting on Gura won't make Vesper come back, nijisister.
Gura has always streamed at the same hour, you didn't prove shit.

>> No.60172340

the starting times of her streams are a red herring. what you should be looking at are the times she ends them. it's pretty damning when you see how closely she tracks bijou.

>> No.60172464 [DELETED] 

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60172555

how was your 3 year membership stream anon, was it fun?

>> No.60172596

how is your foreskin?

>> No.60172623
File: 575 KB, 2345x920, 1691969137511216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No way Gura overlaped with Advent"
No way you just noticed this.

Gura streaming with Advent raised the Holobox. .ie more total viewers watching HoloEN. Notice the two days that Gura didn't stream. We learned that Gura has a separate audience, that didn't affect each other much on overlap. Adding Gura didn't take from others, but increased the Holobox more.

>> No.60172648

You are randomly replying to people without even reading posts?

>> No.60172682 [DELETED] 

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60173108
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This is what 15 months of ghosting does to a chumnigga.

>> No.60173260

You Gura antis are fucking dishonest retards. Gura's streaming time has been 8pm eastern for 3 years. The new advent whores chose to stream around that time.

>> No.60173530

The real proof is the fact that she bothered to stream at all

>> No.60173644

I'm convinced sh's got some sort of crippling medical condition that she doesn't want the public to know about.
It's what caused ame to get depressed and not stream at all too.
Everyone else meanwhile is working hard to maintain the illusion everything is fine

>> No.60173686

Why are chumbuds deflecting to some male NijiEN member? Is that their new boogeyman?

>> No.60173790

Why not consider it as a support? What if she wanted the chumbuds to check them instead by gathering them first cause without Gura the chances for chumbuds to watch other Holo members is pretty low

>> No.60173809

That person is massively autistic and posting the same thing in literally every thread that Gura comes up in.

>> No.60173880

Doesn't Gura always start her stream at the same time slot though? If you accuse her of overlapping, isn't it just Advent vying for that time?

I will agree it's fucking weird that she only streamed when Advent debuted and then went back to ghosting.

>> No.60174005

>I will agree it's fucking weird that she only streamed when Advent debuted and then went back to ghosting.
How will you agree when she stuck around for weeks after. What should have been the cutoff point? 1 month? 2 months? Had she streamed for only a few days like she usually does wouldn't that have been worse since people would argue it overlapped the most critical days?

>> No.60174068

I think we should make /ghg/ - Gura Hate General

>> No.60174224

what's wrong nijisisters, still sad luca graduated?

>> No.60174625

She was scared of biboo and decided to go for the kill

>> No.60174657

who cares

>> No.60174669

You already made a dozen of those today
These are threads just made today

>> No.60174753

/ggg/ has never been more dispirited. They have gone full zetsubou

>> No.60174997

I... I know it was a myth relay. But I have ZERO memory of her saying a single thing in gmod. What the fuck?

>> No.60175204

Advent and Gura literally said nothing to each other during the gmod collab. They didn't even acknowledge Gura.

>> No.60176634

Vesper is not coming back

>> No.60176696


>> No.60178244

What don't you understand about a general retard? It would be a thread that runs 24/7 with concentrated hateposts contained within 1 thread. Then, people wouldn't NEED to make all those threads you listed. I think it's brilliant, desu.

>> No.60178519

There's a difference between shitposts for fun and targeted hate anti threads.
If you think every single one of those threads are hate threads, then chumbuds are the softest, weakest fanbase in all of vtubing.

>> No.60178780

yeah, it's called being a woman
unfortunately, holo all have their woman moments from time to time, some are chronically

>> No.60178787

Did gura overlap the debuts? I remember when even the JPs couldn't stream when tempiss debuted.

>> No.60179341
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I believe this because of this post from last month. >>58542821
Normally Kiara would just say whatever without a filter, but her showing genuine concern over Gura being stressed out and uncharacteristically not elaborating further as Kiara usually does is very very telling.

>> No.60179865

Fuck off, she's just lazy and doesn't care. If she cared she would at least say she's dealing with health issues, which she hasn't.

>> No.60180465

What a fucken brazen cunt, can't wait for her graduation

>> No.60180767
File: 805 KB, 1289x907, 1679503232589955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this weird chart makes it to the normie fans so they can twist it out of proportion

>> No.60180909


>> No.60183692

well I wouldn't say there was any strategy but she certainly saw the new girls and took action to keep a tight leash on her fans and those who give him money, remind them she's still here and they have to supporto Her First.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the new girls almost never mentioned Gura (the most popular of hololive en) and Gura barely mentioned Advent.

>> No.60184893

I still find it funny when chumbuds said that fuwamoco made gura inspired to stream again kek, funny how that didn't last

>> No.60185939

>luca graduated?
Actual Nijikek here.
In fact, all Niji should graduate so they can get a better streaming circumstances. Fuck Ricuck and fuck the yatch he sails on.

>> No.60186267

Seems the baubau had more shared time but bijou was probably her target

>> No.60186412

>What the fuck?
She did literally say that at one point, though. I hadn't watched Gura in a long time and was surprised she no longer held back on cursing, guess she's just that jaded now?

>> No.60186672
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>kudos to Kiara
I find it both hilarious and infuriating that Kiara's stubborn unitykek nature always end up screwing someone. First it was Shiori then it was Gura.
People don't always fit in, the fact that she tried to cram everyone together every chance she got is unintentional bullying.
(No I'm not a Chumbud, I literally never watched her stream or VODs)

>> No.60186695
File: 2.28 MB, 676x3375, 1694359767264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Gura mean by this? does she hate Biboo that much for threatening her loli niche in holoEN?

>> No.60186899

chumbuds, saplings and even hoomans for some reason are huge /#/fag thread schizos where the M.O. is to blame any and all negative discussion to nijisanji. They(chumbuds) can't live with their own misery and have to pretend they're being persecuted for it to make sense.

>> No.60190579

won't happen
