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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6016906 No.6016906 [Reply] [Original]

Friendo might host Reddit meme review . What say you Anons

>> No.6016951

As much as I bove her, her english is not on that level.

>> No.6016977

How? her english isnt that good

>> No.6017011

obviously they just won't use kaigainiki memes and use true approved cover made ones

>> No.6017021

I doubt this will be a "meme review" copy. No guests or in depth explanations or anything. I imagine she'll just look at some memes on Reddit and make a stream out of it. Rikka did something similar in the past.

>> No.6017038

Big yikes from me
She's be better off holding community contests like haato did

>> No.6017042

If there's going to be Meme Review 2.0 the only person who can actually pull it off is Kiara. She has the required skills (polyglot, Reddit mod, used to meme culture) and the infrastructure (programs that bridge between JP and EN, such as Holotalk).

>> No.6017085

For the sake of continued """Unity""" amongst the hololivers, go for it I guess. Reddit memers may like it because after Coco, FBK is probably next in line in terms of meme culture.

Not gonna hold my breath on this one though. Anything that is dead should stay dead unless it's resurrected by the person that gave it life.

>> No.6017106

This board would implode if that happened autists here already sperg about kiara every sec mix that with reddit and its gonna be a shitshow

>> No.6017107

Why Kiara and not Haato? People actually like Haachama

>> No.6017111
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Orange women...

>> No.6017123

She will unironically get more of them than Haachama did in the meme review pilot. Mostly because Hololive "memes" require the reading comprehension of an 8 year old.

>> No.6017124

Foob might do her homework and research the meme's context so she can explain it to her gues or viewers. I've never watched a full shitpost review, but every time Coco was missing really obvious shit.

>> No.6017139

Haato is going to graduate by the end of this year beside her english is not that good its above fubuki but still not at the level required to do meme review

>> No.6017150

Maybe someone should try and shill that one with Watamelon tanks going through Tiananmen square.

>> No.6017159

People only hate kiara as much as they love her. Haato is MIA

>> No.6017164

It's definitely going to be a different sort of show, since she's not Coco and doesn't have the same skillset. My guess is that it'll be more of a back-and-forth with her audience than it will be a back and forth with a guest.
Honestly, I know >reddit, but she does have a relationship with that community already so why not?

>> No.6017187

Obvious but its not gonna be the same, there's a charm Coco had with how she actually enjoyed shitty reddit tier memes that can't be replicated by any of the other members

>> No.6017190

When will Risu do a 4chan meme review

>> No.6017191

Friend you don't know english.

>> No.6017247

>Anything that is dead should stay dead unless it's resurrected by the person that gave it life.
Agreed, maybe they can find a way to pay respect to Coco's legacy and meme shit without trying to replicate it exactly

>> No.6017275
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>"Here's something an anon posted the other day."
>[posts an MSPaint edited screenshot of a 4chan post with Ayame holding a phone, and the only caption given being ">Koreans".]
>"But he's a faggot so I'm going to make BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR noises for the next minute while it's on screen."
>"What, you wanted me to explain the meme to you? Do your reps and take your meds, I'm not spoonfeeding a newfag."

>> No.6017277

Kiara is the anti-Coco
I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.6017284

"Trying to figure out what the fuck this shitty reddit meme means" would be a funny one off stream.

>> No.6017286

What's the difference anyway? Before Coco announced her graduation, she gets the same kind of shit just like Kiara. Kiara would be the best replacement for Reddit meme review but she needs to craft her own new gimmick for the show

>> No.6017334

Sure, why not? If it sucks, she won't do it again.

>> No.6017335

Nene meme review would be Nene not getting any of the memes and still having a blast. Objectively the best possible choice.

>> No.6017353

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if management just turns down any meme review type stuff and just shuts down the reddit in general

>> No.6017567

Don't care about your feefees faggot, go be obtuse somewhere else.

>> No.6017620

No thanks.
Tell her to post 4chan meme instead.
Link her to this thread.
I don't have a twitter account.

>> No.6017639

And fuck Reddit.
Long live 4chan.

>> No.6017687

Kiara is basically Coco gone wrong. They have a lot of similarities, as "bottom left" bilingual ESL foreigners, who got employed in a Japanese idol company. Both Coco and Kiara serve as bridges between JP and EN. The difference is that while Coco never wanted to be an idol but got pushed into it, Kiara was a massive narcissist who wanted to become an idol at all costs.

>> No.6017688

Temako is a perfect example on why "4chan review" is a bad thing

>> No.6017716

Do you not remember "Do you get the joke Haachama"?
Spoiler: She doesn't get the jokes. She can read them though!

>> No.6017747

>"4chan review" is a bad thing

>> No.6017890

>shows reddit meme
>never explain anything
>ends stream
This would be kino. Add guests to be confused and you resurrected the series.

>> No.6017896

Eh I don’t want something that’s just going to be a rehash of what Coco did. I’ve had my fill of Coco bulldozing her way through Reddit shitpost reviews and I’m sure many people feel the same way. Bringing someone like Haachama on would provide enough variety for bored audiences while retaining enough of the premise that Cover seems to like so much. Kiara would be an absolutely terrible pick. It would be fun only for Kiara and her army of shitposting Twitter refugees. I can’t imagine a single worse pick

>> No.6017898
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>> No.6017935

Why not make a jp meme review? Surely they have something like that?
Although it would be cute to see her trying to figure out memes on stream

>> No.6017955
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>> No.6017963
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>Do your reps and take your meds, I'm not spoonfeeding a newfag."

>> No.6017989

That was what meme review was. The guests were added later. The in-depth explanations never happened, Coco would just say something like "cinnamon roll means cute" not "this is a parody of this clip that went viral or this popular webcomic strip" etc.

>> No.6018000

Why, her endurance stream was a success and anon breaking her pussy was funny and cute.

>> No.6018019

If only she spent the last two years studying English, she'd be fluent right now. Too bad every Hololive member is lazy as hell other than Temma.

>> No.6018026

Apparently sarcasm doesn't work too well in Japanese.

>> No.6018031

Might be why the two collabed so much near the end. They even said they were like sisters cause of their hairstyles. Its a clue.

>> No.6018072

Do you think JP bros spam "Rushia pettan" jokes as much as EN bros do?

>> No.6018074
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Temako didn't do a meme review though, just live streamed her 4chan thread looking for fanart. Browsing 4chan for memes would be a grueling process. And an established vtuber would be cancelled for showing "nigger" or "faggot" on stream consistently.

>> No.6018165

Yes. The meme being so prolific in JP is likely what CAUSED ENfags to spam it.

>> No.6018211

Lol she wouldn't be fluent. She'd need to live in an English country to have a chance in being fluent in two years just for more constant and practical English exposure that isn't some application or tutor.

>> No.6018241

rrat review when

>> No.6018247

Well I'll be damned. I guess a lot of the memes aside from the :^) are derived from JP.

I didn't do my JP meme reps fellow bros please don't hurt me

>> No.6018378

The most explanations we got were during the Haachama ones, because she had to say why Haachama didn't get it.

>> No.6018465
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I WILL inherit Meme Review.
I AM the only one qualified to do so.
I HAVE the infrastructure.
I WILL be the bridge between the Japanese and English worlds.

>> No.6018530

Holy shit. Imagine if they collected a bunch of rrats about one person in particular and then just had the person come on and destroy each of them while calling the person making the rrat retarded. Half this board would be in shambles from the kino.

>> No.6018557

Hopefully leddditors will make good memes instead of making shitty ones intentionally

>> No.6018566

I'd be forced to go through the rest of my life on my knees. I'm not sure I could take it.

>> No.6018593

>ame rrat debunking stream
>rrats getting destroyed left and right with proofs and facts
>get to the discord sex with gura rrat
>"uhhh why don't we skip that one for now"

>> No.6018624

Just let the meme review die. The only thing that made it entertaining were the reactions from and interactions between the holos.

>> No.6018659

All but the first point are true.

>> No.6018711

Reminds me of that scene in joshiraku where Mari misses the joke in a manga but laughs her ass off at the character's striped hakama.

>> No.6018831

absolute kino

>> No.6018835

You could just censor it. Fag => friend => small smug Fubuki icon.

>> No.6018899

Someone actually did tell her.

>> No.6018949

>Breaking containment
Good on that guy that said "How about no"

>> No.6018966

>implying they couldn't just bypass the censor by typing 4ag or n1gger

>> No.6019041

I might actually watch if she's brave enough to not make it as safe as Coco did near the end. I mean really, half an hour on some shitty edits where they put Yagoo's face on a holomem?

>> No.6019045

what a massive faggot.

>> No.6019087

>not even in japanese

>> No.6019189

The "safety" is a product of management bearing down on the girls, and one of the explicit reasons Coco said she was graduating.
As a corporate body, they literally CAN'T have anything but sterile memes that rely exclusively on user-generated OC or Cover-originating content. I'm sure Reddit has a few good creators (that guy that made the comics about Coco and her guest each week, for example), the bulk of posts are going to be recycled memes, copyrighted content, and edits of Hololive screencaps with captions. Coco mentioned at least once even needing to have to pay for a stock photo's rights out of her own pocket just to feature a shitty meme that used one.
If you want meme review to have been less "safe", you should've drawn the memes by hand yourself. And yes, I am fully aware of how stupid that sounds.

>> No.6019211

Welp, there goes whatever chances there were of a 4chan meme being featured on a holomeme stream

>> No.6019291

What're you on about? /vt/ and /jp/ got at least 3 different slots on the last Meme Review. Possibly more.

>> No.6019335

Subaru should do it. She already lurks in the comments section of subbed clips, reddit is basically the same shit. Her English is passable, it's just a question of if she would get the memes. She doesn't even have to do a full meme review if she doesn't want to, just pick a meme or clip that went viral that week and talk about it. She kind of does it already in her streams, just make it more official.

>> No.6019381

That really showed me how much stuff I had missed out from the last time she had aki on as guest.

>> No.6019404

>If you want meme review to have been less "safe", you should've drawn the memes by hand yourself. And yes, I am fully aware of how stupid that sounds.
They've been drawing them to get around the copyright issues but it still got so formulaic that it strangled the fun out of it. If old meme review has no chance of coming back, then maybe it should die.

>> No.6019641

Her English is not that good but knowing how nerdy Friend is I think she'll understand(or research) a lot of the memes.

>> No.6020016

If her eigo isn't good enough to read that how would you expect her to read this site /jp/-kun?

>> No.6020149


>> No.6020223

Iofi and Anya are both able to translate from Jap to EN on the fly. It's not just Kiara.

>> No.6020248

>Konbankitsune, it's time for another 4chan review! Today we have a special guest: from Hololive gen 0, Hoshimachi Suisei!
>As always, I saved some of the best threads about you, so let's read them together.
>OK, this first thread has an image of Suisei drinking ringo juice. You really like ringo juice, don't you, Sui-chan? Let's scroll through and look at the replies.
>Is that a cup of... uhh, let's move on.
>So, this one has a cute picture of Anemachi, Sui-chan's sister. The caption says "You need to take your pills, Suisei. You never had a sister."
>Do you know what this means, Sui-chan?

>> No.6020256

But those were people from /vt/ who posted them on reddit. Coco didn't gather them here. Imagine if they acknowledge 4chan and actually come her,e see all the schizo. More importantly, this will bring in TONS of newfags who are gonna ruin this board.

There is a reason even the biggest shitsposters avoid breaking containment. It fucks up everything.

>> No.6020589

Coco genius
Kiara fucking dumb

>> No.6020899

pretty cringe, imagine being this desperate to try to grab an eop audience off the graduation of your coworker

>> No.6021032

If the boss fox did it I don't think anyone would complain, but she would need to get help from Coco to set it up, tell her what to post on reddit, etc. I doubt it will have the same oomf though. She is somewhat of a memester herself though, the original meme fox.

>> No.6022402

>picture of canadian actor rayn gosling
>asuka wrestling

>> No.6024272

I hear it

>> No.6024296

Chinks, do your job please.

>> No.6024346

as expected of the biggest leech in hololive

>> No.6024368

haachama is literally in a asylum at the moment

>> No.6024394

She finally ODd on peppeloni.

>> No.6024412
File: 1.57 MB, 352x640, tower[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp4nkp9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay friend here you go

>> No.6024445

I only watched reddit review twice and I can say i'm glad FBK is taking over instead of the chicken

>> No.6024467

I thought that title belongs to Kiara

>> No.6024475

>ha ha look they have a funny thread for Suisei-chan, let's see what memes they ha-

>> No.6024881

Haachama says hi. How the fuck is she already forgotten here. You schizos sicken me. Haachama is better than Kiara.

>> No.6024945

The only antis Coco has are Zhangs like You. Shut up Zhang and do your Coco reps.

>> No.6025058

Trying to dunk on the dragon by comparing her to Kiara this early in the morning Zhang? Incomparable. Try again next time. But next time don't hit 'post' Zhang.

>> No.6025210

Coco treat her co-worker with a passionate care. Kiara makes every about herself. That why if she does a meme review, the other girls who already worked with Kiara will feel forced.

>> No.6025628


>> No.6030417

if anyone could pull it off, Friend can.
Other holos haven't actually shows any personal interest in meme culture outside being Coco's guest
and her English is perfectly at conversational level, she just plays dumb so EOP chat doesn't go wild

>> No.6030852
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You don't need to go to another country to be fluent, especially when we are talking about the easiest language in the world.
If Fubuki did half an hour of reps and watched an hour of unsubbed english content every day, she would be fluent in about a year and a half. This is how most ESL become fluent.

>> No.6031184

coco and fubuki have a lovers quarrel

dunno if you guys are aware of tenma maemi she is the new coco avatar, a granny fujo that is Parody of fujobuki

>> No.6031654

Anyone is fine as long as it is not Leechiara

>> No.6031938

Sarcasm works very well in Japanese, just a little more subtly.

>> No.6031977

I still hate reddit niggers. They need to go back to their shithole.

>> No.6032132


>> No.6033838


>> No.6034061


>> No.6034783
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>> No.6043064

>Coco never wanted to become and idol

but she was always proud to call herself as such and had nothing but respect for idol fans stop revriting history newfaggots

>> No.6043358

They couldn't do that becaause some of the rrats are true and they would give them more credibility as a result.

>> No.6051889

Tell her to come to 4chan.

>> No.6051913

Haachama is going to graduate before years end.

>> No.6058246

Coco treated the idol thing as a joke. Kiara is a turboweeb who wanted to be a real Nihonjin idol and did have a failed history.

>> No.6065920

too bad real idolshit got to her

>> No.6066810

if you could pick any vtuber for meme review , hololive or not.
who would you pick?

>> No.6066855

I rather listen to friend's broken engrish than the annoying orange woman

>> No.6066906

I would pick Coco, so I never have to see this shit again.

>> No.6068606

Kiara is everyone gone wrong. One of the reasons why this board hate her so much is that she's not one bit original, literally a mix of popular HoloJp gimmicks.

>> No.6069727

it's cool how she sort of tries to involve her english audience when she can but yeah

her english is virtually non-existent

>> No.6070666


>> No.6071124

Spergs on this board hate to admit that as far as pushing new content like Asacoco or Meme Review, Kiara the closest to Coco in all of hololive.

Besides, why the fuck does anyone care about meme review? It's all cringy memes, bad even for reddit standards.

>> No.6073088
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I'd believe it.

>> No.6073125

Yes, we're all sad Coco is gone but please just let it die...

>> No.6073169

Because tribalism and Le Reddit boogieman. /vt/'s memes have about the same quality and usually are negative memes about Vtubers because /vt/'s got so many schizo rrats running around living in their own reality.
And who wants to do "Oh look it's another one about how Kiara is the antiChrist or NUMBERFAG MEME#33445676"
Do we even have remotely original meme here that could be viewed as neutral or positive towards the talent?

>> No.6073235

This website thrives on the frustrations of NEET weebs who need a scapegoat for never amounting to anything, so no.

>> No.6073672
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>> No.6073746

you need to go back
