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60103194 No.60103194 [Reply] [Original]

in hindsight, was kicking Rushia out an overreaction by cover?

>> No.60103234

underreaction, should have kicked her irl too

>> No.60103238

Doxing your coworkers is pretty bad, anon.

>> No.60103299


>> No.60103304

Totally. She didn't even do anything wrong.

>> No.60103318

Not even a matter of a reaction, it's not a subjective thing. Breach of contract dictates exactly what happens, that's how it works

>> No.60103354

idk but I have a woman neighbor who keeps sperging out at everyone so I can kinda see wanting someone like that gone if rushia behaved similarly.

>> No.60103361

Nope. Should have kicked harder

>> No.60103368

Contract is not a joke anon, doesn't even have to be vtuber.

>> No.60103438

This has been discussed to death. Hit the archives and read up on it
> was kicking Rushia out an overreaction by cover?
No. Cover was 100% justified and made the right decision

>> No.60103486

>works with Japan's FalseEyeD to rrat on her coworkers

>> No.60103540

Yeah contracts are legally binding, it's not a decision at that point.

>> No.60103563

cover bootlickers comin outta the woodworks, bet all of you were defending holostars too

>> No.60103606
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They fumbled hard with containing the situation like a bunch of retards, but breaching the contract is Rushia's fault. The only fault I see here is not giving her a tardhandler of highest degree - then, maybe she wouldn't provoke such situation and wouldn't breach the contract. They should know better their talents aren't exactly neurotypical and some of them need special attention.

>> No.60103653

She was justifiably kicked for breaking a legally binding contract
This is why she didn’t receive any fanfare. No graduation stream. Nothing. And rightfully so

>> No.60103671

Would Cover ever take her back?

>> No.60103714

which is an overaction from cover
could've just suspended her for few weeks

>> No.60103724


>> No.60103739

if she got her shit together I could see it happening, but every new drama involving her they must feel relief for dodging that bullet.

>> No.60103751

>cover bootlickers comin out
Anon has never had a job in their life

>> No.60103760

That's the most disgusting thing about this situation. Always thought viewers of dramatubers were the worst kind of scum, but she turns out to be not just his viewer, but a fucking close friend who is no stranger to sharing information in private messages.

>> No.60103796

She's already proven herself to be a massive liability by breaching contract in such a severe manner, so no.

>> No.60103797
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All me baby.

>> No.60103811

>unprompted homos mention
rent free

>> No.60103814

kson is the ultimate tard wrangler and even she couldn't keep Michael Cat's weaponised menhera under control

>> No.60103837
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All she had to do was stay quiet

>> No.60103861


It's an obvious false flag anyway. Anyone that cares about idol culture would understand why Rushia had to go. Hell, part of what prompted her meltie was people discovering she had a boyfriend.

>> No.60103862

What the fuck is her problem anyway?

>> No.60103896

Not legally

>> No.60103935

Cover© ≠ hololive™
stupid homobeggar, rushia deserved to be reunited with hologirls, but cover don't allow that

>> No.60103940

>never worked before in his life
>resort to think about cocks
classic retard anon.

>> No.60103946

If only the 3rd gen just rape her every day until the drama die by itself.

>> No.60103950

> could've just suspended her for few weeks
If you breach contract, you’re past the point of mere suspensions
If we’re talking about what “could’ve just” been done, Rushia could’ve just waited patiently for things to blow over instead of running to some gossip YouTuber

>> No.60103973

To think that cover was even taking her side with the whole mafumafu issue, but she just HAD to leak info to jp keemstar because "muh menhera". She literally just had to sit tight for two weeks to give her gachis time to settle down, but noooo

>> No.60104006

Actual retard. You need to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.60104011
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No. It was a perfectly reasonable action and in hindsight it became even more justified.

>> No.60104038

>all her other former gen mates have to try to excuse and apologise for Rushia's behaviour after she is fired
>Flare: "Fuck that stupid whore."
based elf

>> No.60104152

>Keeping the time bomb which not only has shown clear hostility against the company and wish the management (and perhaps, certain members too) to suffer, but also acted on it
Yeah, no. If she was more stable, they probably would've given her a pass with some strict punishments. Alas, acting against the organization is a big no-no most of the time

>> No.60104160

I remember how many gigachad yagoo meme after that "our talent relationship yada yada yada" is posted only to die later when the termination is announced.
And everyone is like "what the fuck?"

>> No.60104206

They had to, I mean if they didn't that would create a... How should I say it "If you're at the top, the rule does not apply to you" kind of situation.
Imo she's basically a head on a pike.

>> No.60104244

Well, Flare said that she really hates lying and being lied to, so maybe that's why

>> No.60104321

anymore than what they did would've been literal assault, then she would've had ammo to sue them. girl is just that crazy

>> No.60104428

Literal unironic menhera.

>> No.60104480

Keeping her would have kept its own complications as well since it would put pretty much the biggest egg on Cover's face possible and make them look like total jokes when any of their JPs talk about idol stuff or especially doing GFE next to Rushia still being there. Not to mention it'd say "you can take a shit on your NDGA and leak extremely sensitive info to third parties but it's all hugs and good vibes you won't get in trouble :P" which would have made leaking probably become way more common.

They very much IMO simply said one thing ("we support her!") and did another because even though they didn't admit it keeping her could have been bad for business overall.

>> No.60104693

>could've just suspended her for few weeks
And give any future bad actors legal standing ground in any dispute with cover? Are you retarded?
>I broke the rules but so did she and you made an exception for her!
Never give legal cause to lawyers to find wriggle room. No exceptions, otherwise you end up fucking yourself over. Contracts that are not actually enforced are worthless and make your position weaker legally.

>> No.60104886

>They very much IMO simply said one thing ("we support her!") and did another because even though they didn't admit it keeping her could have been bad for business overall.
Breach of contract is a legal matter. When they said they supported her that was prior to the confirmation that she was leaking information. They supported her on one thing, the relationship, it was the second issue that arose later which resulted in termination. Not a matter of your opinion on this one.

>> No.60104945

Flare (saint) hates Rushia and traitors/liars in general. That's enough for me to say no. This 30yo woman is retarded beyond fixing. Just look at her current state and tell me that this woman is good at controlling herself.

>> No.60104968

Enforcing contracts also shows the girls that they're worth more than the paper they are on. NDA includes protecting talent's information? It WILL be enforced.

>> No.60105017

Rushia learned her lesson, she should be able to return. Everyone deserves a fourth chance.

>> No.60105061

>Rushia learned her lesson
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.60105211

The "we support her" announcement included a "we are still investigating" part. Termination announcement is assume to be after investigation concluded with enough evidences to fire her.

>> No.60105240


>> No.60105315

>>Flare: "Fuck that stupid whore."

>> No.60106387

I kneel if true

>> No.60106421

stop thinking about cocks you damn unicorn KWAB

>> No.60106849

>cover bootlickers
>defending holostars

is this peak retard?
also yes i would defend homo under the correct circumstance, im not a closeted homosexual unlike the rest of the board

>> No.60106941

rumao no, if they did I dont think the other talent would

>> No.60107382

>Would Cover ever take her back?
They're Japanese, they would rather cut their own nuts off even if it was extremely painful for them

>> No.60107434

If you knowingly and willfully commit a financial crime, you pretty much can't get a job working with money anymore. Not even cashier at a fast food place. You can't be trusted with money.

Same thing when it comes to confidentiality. If you knowingly and willfully leak information, you can't be in a position where you have access to that information. And at the scale of hololive, there is no place to go if you can't be trusted.

>> No.60107517

If you can't handle GFE (the only reason to ever vtube) you should never be a vtuber. She was my gf too, but she deserved it for betraying me.

>> No.60107606

Cover is always retarded in everything they do. At least everyone they kicked out continued kicking ass so Covers dumbfuckery didn't matter in the long run.
Still waiting on that EN HQ so that EN members can sing more than 3 songs every karaoke. It's been THREE YEARS and now there are FIFTEEN of them. I think they earned it. Maybe Gura wouldn't have graduated if they cared more about EN.

>> No.60107748

Can someone do a qrd on what happened? Apparently she had a boyfriend yab and then blabbed about it to Japanese keemstar?

>> No.60107770

I thought it was an overreaction when it happened and that it was endearing that Rushia was so obsessed in dispelling allegations that she broke NDA rather than sitting it out.
But now with hindsight and seeing Michael, yeah I am honestly surprised they managed to tardwrangle her for so long

>> No.60107868


>> No.60108180

>GTA collab with Miko, get discord notification from ayylmao Mafumafu saying "Mike-chan I'm coming home"
>There was some prior rumors of them going out but this was the first flash in the pan moment on stream
>Some gachis sperg, others decide to wait for Rushia. Most Mafumafus sisters sperg, shitstirrers join in
>Le reddit reaction comes in and starts begins counter screaming about how Rushia should be allowed to have a relationship and le toxic parasocial
>Trends on twitter alongside the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. We love Russia become top trend kek
>Cover officially puts out statement backing Rushia, saying holomem can live their personal life however they please and to stop harassment
>Rushia meanwhile goes to jap dramatuber korekore and leaks info, mostly in order to disprove she has a relationship with mafumafu
>Korekore feels like the leak is way too hot and blabs to cover, while streaming some of it of course
>Rushia is terminate

>> No.60108314

>Korekore feels like the leak is way too hot and blabs to cover
He didn't do anything, whore defender.

>> No.60108656

I think he said he did that himself, it's been nearly 2 years so my memory is hazy and I can't be assed to go back and check for you faggots

>> No.60108706

He didn't. You're completely wrong about the timeline of events.

>> No.60108828

>make them look like total jokes when any of their JPs talk about idol stuff or especially doing GFE next to Rushia still being there
while i agree with the other parts, youre forgetting coco existed and made the joke that yagoos idol dream was dead and the rest of the girls had always joked about idol shit while doing non-idol shit.
rushia being there after doing what she did wouldnt have mattered to the rest of them doing idol shit or gfe, since the joke about them being not being idols already existed.
korekore did self report as far as i remember and he wouldnt have reason to self report unless it was dangerous enough where hed prefer reporting to the company rather then give it out publically like dramafags are to do.

>> No.60108945

He didn't do anything that resulted in her getting fired. She NEVER had to talk to him.

>> No.60108946

I thought that it might have been, until I learned about everything that she did as Mike and Nazuna. Now it feels like a bigger disaster was avoided.

>> No.60108970

>suddenly cocks

>> No.60109024
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>> No.60109130

Only Coco has a chance. Maybe Sana too, but she'd probably never ask so moot point.

>> No.60109263
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>question asked where there are multiple points of view
>not every opinion agrees with (You)
>shit pants

>> No.60109286

>Trends on twitter alongside the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. We love Russia become top trend kek
>Cover officially puts out statement backing Rushia, saying holomem can live their personal life however they please and to stop harassment
Ayy.... she got it easy-
>Rushia meanwhile goes to jap dramatuber korekore and leaks info, mostly in order to disprove she has a relationship with mafumafu
Is she retarded?

I'm impressed considering how much of a narcissist menhera she is, yet she didn't even bother to check Twitter. She trusted a dramatuber more than her own fanbase

>> No.60109347

meant for >>60103563

>> No.60109364
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x2160, Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she retarded?
Why yes

>> No.60109465

diagnosed bipolar

>> No.60109588

at work a guy got fired for driving with his feet out the car window. when an employee does something so stupid the company has literally no choice but to fire them, it wasn't an overreaction, just a necessary action

>> No.60109643

I like how even the likes of korekore thought what she did was over the top
>"I need you to help me clean my name!"
>No problemo!
>"Here's my entire contract, contact, and papers for you!"

>> No.60109645

Yes, it doesn't matter if Rushia stayed but:
Coco: Joke for fun, idol doing un-idol shit is funny.
Rushia: GFE queen, got exposed, not a joke nor funny.
Are you retarded?

>> No.60109809

joking about the idol dream != shitting on the NDA, they're not in the same galaxy let alone the same ballpark

>> No.60110232

my point is that it joking about being idols would lessen the effects of it since more people didnt hold them to a idol standard like they do these days and if theres one thing we can see is that unicorns are willing to follow any woman who doesnt interact with guys even after being burned by gfe 100s of times.
i think you misunderstood the context of what i was replying to and saying.
i was replying to anon saying rushia staying would make everyone else in the company being idols or gfe look bad and my reply was saying to how it really wouldnt.

>> No.60110358

careful anons, do you want to get sued?
she went after cover's statement, then she went after some JP neet, then she had her lawyers talk to aloe
you don't want to be next, do you anon?

>> No.60110489

Pretty sure the Ukraine stuff happened on almost (if not exactly) the same day they finally said she was terminated, but then again it's been a while and I'm foggy on the details

>> No.60110565

Parallel reality-chama...

>> No.60110667

You know you're fucking up when even dramatubers who live for this shit has to take a moment

>> No.60110799

>Trends on twitter alongside the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. We love Russia become top trend kek
This shit still baffles me to this day, like it was meant to happen or some shit. What kind of 1 in a billion digit checks made that the day Rushia got arguably the biggest drama in Hololive's history was the same day Russia started a fucking war, making the 2 trending at the same time. Considering the only reason of this occurence in Rushia's part was playing gta with discord notification not muted is telling me this was an even of pure FATE. In an universe where Rushia tummy hort when Miko invited her for the collabs we would be doing daily Sankisei generals.

>> No.60110830

Shut the fuck up with the revisionist bullshit, they were literally ignoring her and were on a "vacation" for 4 days after it happened
No it was not justified to get rid of Rushia. A-chan said herself it was from the pressure of rich companies that they were compelled to and wouldn't have done so otherwise.

>> No.60110976

It said he was going home, not coming home.
Rest is clearly more revisionist drivel only a faggot would read it

>> No.60110986

Why did she need to talk to korekore in 2022?

>> No.60111036


>> No.60111039

Doesn't matter, it could have been the BBC it doesn't make a difference.
What was "leaked" was minor information, email address of an office employee in a different company.

>> No.60111120

It does matter because she was instructed to not talk to him in the past and she continued to do so. Firing her was completely justified since you can't come up with any kind of reason to talk to him

>> No.60111231

>should be fired for talking to someone
No one cares about that shit at all.
The whole thing you nijikeks use as the weapon is "leaking information" which is just nonsense.
Cover protected big corporations, putting opportunities for their own wealth before the wellbeing of the girls.
She did not leak anything regarding holomems. It was not doxx. It was not important, secret information.
It was minor, a large corpos officedrones email address.

>> No.60111348

He's just not a simple "someone". Talking to him has obvious implications.
She said that if she "disappears" he should tell everyone avout what she had told him about her job.
Go on and play dumb again. Pretend like you have no fucking idea what that means.

>> No.60111396

What are you even saying you stupid brown faggot?
She was fired for breach of contract? Justified? No. End of.

>> No.60111423

Lol she lost 2 out of those 3 cases

>> No.60111446

It was justified. She wanted to destroy the company.

>> No.60111490

>nijisister thinks its logic is the same as holochad
Who cares about le company, it's about Hololive.

>> No.60111552

So you were just a falseflagging retard all along. Should have known.

>> No.60111569

Once upon a time a man named Jeremy Clarkson punched some producer in the face for not being able to get him a steak. Was it a dick move? yes. Was he a dick? also yes. However, Clarkson ran one of the few tv shows that kept people watching the BBC. I begged them, for the sake of the country, do not fire Clarkson. However, justice must be done and he was fired. This was fair but the BBC were the ones who lost out in the end - now trust in our well regulated public broadcaster is at an all time low.

What happened to Rushia was fair and just. It was not rash - it was what anybody would have done if her name was not on the cards. However, nobody benefited from it. The question is not "what will benefit the company most" it is "is it ok for us to stray from our morality" and cover have made that choice well before. It had to happen but I would petition them to forgive her and allow her back into hololive fantasy on accounts that the punishment has been done and that Rushia be kept a closer eye on during her breaks.

>> No.60111596
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>> No.60111660

Rushia did nothing wrong

>> No.60111697
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I still dont really understand what she did but everyone seems to be fine with it, her co-workers included.

>> No.60111769

They were terrified, it's sad as hell. Too afraid too even turn down management with projects they know will damage their careers long term like Homozontal

>> No.60111782

Why didn't gen 3 threaten to graduate together with her?

>> No.60111835
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>> No.60111838


>> No.60111854

She violated contract in a way that was predetermined to be met with termination.

Cover frankly didn't have much choice.

>> No.60111852

Rushia needs Hololive a hell of a lot more than Hololive needs Rushia.

>> No.60111912

A-chan literally said they had a choice and if they were a smaller company they would have chosen to keep her but the pressures from other corporations was the reason they were forced to let her go.
Newfag, can't even watch clips

>> No.60111951

Why do NPCs romanticize criminals and manipulative sociopaths?

>> No.60111970

>they were forced to let her go
So I'm right anyway

>> No.60111985

>not a new IP
You tell us sis

>> No.60112035

Everyone benefitted from not having her shit talk them behind their backs. If she had not been fired it would have been only a matter of time until she says something korekore decides is actually major enough to cover on his stream.

>> No.60112042

Don't have an ESL moment newfag

>> No.60112092

She said literally nothing about other corporations, schizo. That's you projecting your commie fantasy.

>> No.60112160

>not new IP
Can you read the thread?
There was no information about holos leaked. No doxx. Nothing private. Nothing secret about events, anything happening in the future with Hololive.
It was the email address of a Sponsored company office worker that was the leak.

>> No.60112223

You don't know any of that. You don't have access to her chat logs.

>> No.60112246

If it was the first time, maybe, but the incident was already the straw that broke the camel's back. She already had several incidents of taking to her dramatuber friends and was already warned about talking to korekore specifically.

The funniest part of the incident was when korekore got a mafumafu fan on call and she was blubbering and crying and being a wreck, afterwards she asked a fandead who was also on the line what he thought and he was pretty chill and said that the girl sounded kinda hot.

>> No.60112255

you lost

>> No.60112337

You're the one who lost. Your whore was rightfully fired and has struggled every day since then.
You can't even justify the actions she took that lead to her firing.

>> No.60112378

>Makes up a bunch of shit
>"You can't prove it wasn't made up"
You're a tranny

>> No.60112420

none of this would have happened if she kept quiet, but she was so desperate and afraid of losing her paypigs she tried to get dramatubers to save her.

>> No.60112466

lmao retard. Cover stock isn't public, they literally were under no pressure besides necrotard ruining her own public perception. She fucked up. She did everything wrong. They literally released a statement saying "whatever she does in her own private life is her business" it was after that she leaked private info and got her dumbass fired. You're the revisionist, but all nekofami retards are.

>> No.60112472

useless cover employees taking a vacation is important too!

>> No.60112548

What have I made up? Your whore is fired and irrelevant now.

>> No.60112562

>Only Coco has a chance
the twitter drama bitch? no way, you should have known the character Coco died as soon as kson joined vshojo

>> No.60112574

>Your whore
>not ours
We get it, you're a tranny

>> No.60112577
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It was a massive baffling mistake. Only diehard Cover cock throat gaggers would say otherwise.
Her channel made 3 fucking million dollars before this vtubershit blew up and even with over a year of advantage none of the rest the shitters have catch up to her.
Kicking Rushia will go down as one of the most retarded decisions not only in vtubing but in business general.

>> No.60112632

that's a lot of condoms for mafu

>> No.60112637

>none of this would have happened if she kept quiet
It still would have happened because korekore was going to stream even if she had not talked to him that day.
He was always going to go over how she had been in contact with him for a while.

>> No.60112651

>"What have I made up"
>responds to "There was no information about holos leaked. No doxx. Nothing private. Nothing secret about events, anything happening in the future with Hololive.
It was the email address of a Sponsored company office worker that was the leak." with literally
>"You don't know that I didn't make it up"

>> No.60112707

>rushia leaked stuff
>"name one thing she leaked"

>> No.60112733

She was told to sit tight and let it blow over while they got an official statement out, but she was so insecure that she immediately ran to her favorite dramatuber that she was specifically told not to talk to to try and explain herself.

>> No.60112762

It would still be her word against kore's though. I'm sure her gachis would have listened to her.

>> No.60112796

She's not a holo so she is not "ours".

>responds with literally
>>"You don't know that I didn't make it up"
Why are you lying? I literally said
>You don't know any of that. You don't have access to her chat logs.
And that's all true. You have no idea what she might have leaked. Just because it isn't public doesn't mean it wasn't leaked.

>> No.60112841

This brown tranny is so retarded it doesn't know it's admitting to making shit up

>> No.60112904

They're not kore's words when he literally showed his past chats with her. It's proof that she talked with him for months and that would have made Cover check what she had told him, just like they ended up doing.

>> No.60112995

>nijizhang detected.
How about appreciating your talents more, faggot?

>> No.60113063

Are you talking about yourself? I'm not a brown tranny like you and I didn't make up anything like you.

>> No.60113108

One guy is claiming the only thing she leaked was a harmless email. The other guy said there's no way you can know that.

What you have here is one guy claiming what the actual leaked contents were. He has no way of knowing without an inside source, and since he's defending the cat so hard his source is likely said cat in some deleted twitcast. Which is not reliable by any means.

And ultimately it doesn't matter what she leaked, the problem was that she leaked at all and broke her contract.
I have no idea what the spam about employees on vacation is, she would have done this shit with an employee standing at her front door.

>> No.60113121

>like you like you
you sound like a little jessie, seething about a cute little vtuber

>> No.60113137
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>> No.60113172

>just sit there and let this guy ruin your career, we will tell everyone that we don't care if you are in a relationship on monday, that will make everything better

>> No.60113229

by the way this is not a joke, they literally did that. that was how they chose to defend their talent.

>> No.60113251

It's the opposite, the leaked email is literally from public streams that korekore posted; the entire reason for the termination isn't from invading their privacies it's from information we have.
The little troon(OP) has been shitting up the thread with "She was doxxing and shit talking the girls" as if that is what is shown, or the grounds for termination.
It's likely your little discord sister, you troons need to get your manipulation up to a higher level if you want to compete with women.

>> No.60113305

None of that hurts her marketability. She's only poison to chinese companies and Cover are in equal position.

>> No.60113491

It's the correct way to defend them, idiot. Do you want them to say that they will fire anyone who's found to be in a relationship?
They have no way to confirm if she's in one and it's not their business to find out.

>> No.60113525

Yes, it would have worked since the fandead got over their initial reaction pretty fast with her top paypigs taking her side and it was the mafumafu fangirls that were going insane.

>> No.60113562

Shoutouts to Haachama's typo making her twitter post backing Rushia making it sound like she supported Russia.

>> No.60113610

because she successfully proved to kore that they were not living together so he defended her. he was initially going to expose them as dating and cohabitating.

>> No.60113641

>it's from information we have
No it's not. The termination notice had more reasons than that.
She was objectively shit talking hololive staff and members. Both korekore and narukami said she claimed to have issues with another member. korekore might have even showed the message where she said that but I'm not going to go through the archive for a liar cuck like you, quixkhevanthanks.

>> No.60113653

Because all that was happening at that moment was people saying "go get that dick girl if you want it" or "please my wife tell me it isn't true" about her and mafumafu because of her leaked discord chat. She was freaking out because she knew her unicorn whales would vanish with a lot of them leaking their DMs with her at that point. Things which were also against the rules.

Literally all Cover could have said at the time was 1. Nothing, 2. she can do what she wants, or 3. try to lie. She is the one that panicked even harder after that and made it worse to cause herself to get terminated.

He had her Discord login information. She gave him free reign, korekore just showed some small things to prove that he had more. Which are all things her dumbass should not have done. I have no idea what discord you're talking about and I'm not in the group claiming she did things to the other talents, I just stick to the facts of what happened at the time. The actual facts, not the super shitposter "she fucked everybody" nor the nekofami "she did nothing wrong at all ever" hyperbole.

>> No.60113655
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Think of all the content that could have been made

>> No.60113733

>proved they weren't living together


>> No.60113736

>he was initially going to expose them as dating and cohabitating.
But he wasn't. He went over what had happened and then talked about what he knew of the state of their relationship.
Even he himself did not believe that they were dating based on what he knew.
He even said he doesn't need proof of her living alone but she sent it to him anyways.

>> No.60113780

nice try zhangsters, be less like women and maybe people will take you seriously

>> No.60113825

>He had her Discord login information. She gave him free reign,
This did not happen. He only had information that she gave to him.

>> No.60113831

Are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.60113912

He already knew that and was going to say so. Rushia was actively pestering him to help her get together with mafu.

>> No.60113935
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>> No.60114050

he didn't say that on instagram when he announced the stream. she was dreading that he would say something false so she reached out before the it to prove her innocence. meanwhile cover told her to fuck off because it's the weekend.

>> No.60114150

What was cover supposed to say?

>> No.60114272

they could have sent kore a sternly worded letter asking him to not do that stream. unironically. japan slander laws are retarded so you can do that.

>> No.60114275

If only she had actually fucked off she would still be in hololive and wouldn't have actually lost any paypigs

>> No.60114290

It was tiktok live, not instagram. He didn't say anything more than "Oh they're dating? I guess that happens among people in the same industry." He never made any definitive statements about their relationship status.
Her talking to him on that day still wouldn't have mattered. He would have gone over how they've been in contact for months and Cover would have investigated her.

>> No.60114369

But he didn't slander her. He was just going over what she has told him.
He makes sure to not put himself into a position where he can be threatened because if he didn't he would have been put out of business a long time ago.

>> No.60114380

The laws are retarded, but he would have to do the stream first to give them a reason to send a letter at all.

>> No.60114513

>He was just going over what she has told him.
she would have told him nothing if they sent a letter. she told him things because cover did nothing and she felt she had to defend herself. that is the whole issue here.

>> No.60114800

>she would have told him nothing if they sent a letter.
She had been talking to him for months, anon. Why do you insist on talking about this topic when you have no idea what happened?

>> No.60114888

And nothing would have happened if she kept quiet for the moment like they told her to.

>> No.60114909
File: 65 KB, 569x205, IMG_1362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s not going to fuck you, bro. She’s too budy chasing twink dick.

Holy shit this perfect capcha

>> No.60114983

i'm sure you have some proof of that
he would have said they were dating on a video with millions of views
i don't even watch her

>> No.60115069

Maybe she should have thought about that before trying to date him.

>> No.60115199

>i'm sure you have some proof of that
So you're denying it? Seriously? I ask you again, why the fuck are you talking about this when you have no idea what happened? The korekore streams are fully translated yet you haven't watched even a minute of either of them.
>he would have said they were dating on a video with millions of views
No he wouldn't have. You seem to be aware of the streams. Are you just lying about everything including not watching her?

>> No.60115285

>by cover
she kicked herself out. cover literally tried protecting her. all she had to do was shut up and let the drama die down but did something really retarded instead

>> No.60115466

if you're trying to justify her firing by saying it's ok because cover doesn't like her friend then that doesn't make them look very good, just so you know.

>> No.60115513

i like it when rutards get called out they immediately deflect to nijinugers

>> No.60115514

Did she deserve all the suffering? Probably not.
Was her suffering the direct consequence of her own actions? Absolutely.

>> No.60115581

Why are you playing dumb? She was slandering the company through her friend.
Actually you're right, she should be able to do that. fuck cover and fuck hololive.

>> No.60115885

yea she vented to her friend about her shitty manager so they fire their top earner instead of the shitty manager who is probably a rapist given cover's history of bad managers. was probably yagoo's nephew or something.

>> No.60115942

It's not venting when she tells him to "tell everyone" if she ever "disappears". She was talking to him for a very specific reason.

>> No.60116051

>vented to her friend
>friend is a very well known drama reporting public entity

Gee I wonder what she thought would happen.

>> No.60116125

You're a fucking retard, anon.

>> No.60116196

that means her manager was really fucking bad. i heard about something similar in an unsolved mysteries case before.
i was informed that cover does not interfere with their talents' personal lives, that should include their friends.

>> No.60116285

no proof russia doxxed anyone

>> No.60116348

Correct, cover was not going to interfere with her friend revealing all.

>> No.60116362

You're moving the goalpost now so you're admitting that she was wrong all along.
Pretending like korekore was "just a friend" when she had not talked to him for over 2 years and last time she did she threatened to sue him is absolutely retarded,
The whore will not fuck you, quix.

>> No.60116444


>> No.60116691

slander is when you make things up. i don't care about the nonsense japanese definition. i have seen no evidence that her manager was actually a really nice person. and given that i've seen her complain about her manager, towa complain about her manager, coco complain about her manager, pekora complain about management, mel get raped by her manager, marine complain, (i can go on), she probably was not making anything up. hololive just has shit managers. telling people that hololive has shit managers is not grounds for firing, it's reality. cover should step up and hire managers that are good then instead of engaging in a coverup. cover fucked up hard and they are bad. also who is that

>> No.60116871

Slander has a very different legal definition in Japan than in the west. Here something has to be intentionally false or misleading to be considered slander. In Japan what you say can be 100% factually, provably true, but if it harms the other entity's public reputation it's still considered slander.
Yes it's retarded, but that's the law over there. What anyone here thinks about it doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.60116879

I have seen no evidence that her manager was actually a bad person while there's plenty of evidence that she herself is a bad person.
Telling a dramatuber that you will kill youself over managers and a fellow hololive member is slander and worth firing her over.

>> No.60116942

>Cover protected big corporations, putting opportunities for their own wealth before the wellbeing of the girls.
Keeping sponsors happy goes hand in hand with the well being of the girls. You know, the girls that follow the rules.

>> No.60116958

Her statements were described as untrue and not slander. I'm calling them slander for the impact.

>> No.60117017

They would be much happier about keeping their dear friend. They don't care about sponsors, only the suits do.

>> No.60117033
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Aim at the queen you best not miss

>> No.60117089

The contract doesn't care what you think or feel.
Remember Cover's investers complained that Cover pay their talents too much, while Yagoo defend it as fair compensation.

>> No.60117090

yes, her life from now on is finding a good alien boy prospect to fertilize her, and continue to use viewers for pampers and baby toys funding. her idol days are long gone. enjoy the ride

>> No.60117160

>dear friend
what dreamland you live in? lol

>> No.60117232
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>> No.60117292

where you find these?

>> No.60117316

>Her thigh is the same length as her whole torso
The more I look at it, the weirder it gets

>> No.60117400

Micheal cats pc

>> No.60117412

if cover wants americans to be their fans then they should abide by our customs of not axing talent over free speech. otherwise i will say that they're shit, and they earned that.
that makes it worse, the same investors wanted her around because she made money and yagoo was like "no fuck her lol"

>> No.60117662

seem like you are just a retard that want to keep being a contrarian. go kys retard.

>> No.60117724


>> No.60117757

guaranteed replies

>> No.60117762

it may seem that way to you because you don't speak english, but that's not how it is.

>> No.60117805

Getting fired for disparaging your employer and coworkers is not a free speech issue.

>> No.60117860

yea it is

>> No.60117909

No it's not.

>> No.60118367

Rushia went to get cola and died on stream.
There's nothing Cover can do.

>> No.60120808

