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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6006137 No.6006137 [Reply] [Original]

>Today's Stream

>I keep seeing these threads pop up, shill her to me

>Booru (yes, she's got an entire booru):


>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Last Thread

>> No.6006160


>> No.6006173

She's gonna get filtered by Kuze so hard

>> No.6006195

I love Beatani!

>> No.6006235

Me too!

>> No.6006241

I don't trust people who don't.

>> No.6006255


>> No.6006260

OK dads, I've decided. I'm doing /noeat/ for Beatani. Due to living situations (living with goncerners) I can't actually eat nothing but I can probably get away with under 500 calories/day. My hunger alone will be sweet if it's for Beatani.

>> No.6006270

Who's ready to be let down by this anticipated stream?

>> No.6006288

If she even gets there

>> No.6006291

wont last more than a week and will be back to eating mc donalds

>> No.6006307


>> No.6006308

I did a 72 hours fast once, it was hard in the first day but very easy after that. It really cleared my mind actually. I think there is a reason like every religion on earth mentions fasting in some way.

>> No.6006340

>let down
I have no expectations in the first place. Unless she ends the stream 15 min after starting I won't be disappointed.

>> No.6006403

>money can't buy love, are you retard?

>> No.6006420

Nothing is much easier than 500
t. experienced faster

>> No.6006427

Eurobro here, I will go to sleep soon and watch the vod later, just wanted to post the ohadayo...

>> No.6006481

You've just woken up, stay up now.

>> No.6006500

Reverse psychology, I see. Thank you dadchama

>> No.6006505

I stayed up...

>> No.6006538


>> No.6006553

bye bug

>> No.6006591

good night eurodad

>> No.6006592

what a weird bear

>> No.6006641

It's all so tiresome

>> No.6006659

I'm impressed by Beatani's use of the word "context" and making an argument with it so fluidly. I would think that requires a solid grasp of English, but maybe that's just me

>> No.6006664

Hey guys how is the neckbeard growing coming? Also when was the last time you saw your penis?

>> No.6006684

How new?

>> No.6006706

Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to make it. This is only 11pm but I'm already falling asleep
Good luck. I go through that about one week a year. It's difficult but also rewarding

>> No.6006726

>Also when was the last time you saw your penis?
Couldn't tell you, it's been in your mom's ass for years.

>> No.6006729

I need to be honest
Her voice is really unappealing I love her but god

>> No.6006731

I am a woman, so I don't grow neckbeards, I did my penis this morning though in the shower

>> No.6006732

her ESL powers are improving to the point where she's falling for obvious baits kek

>> No.6006747

>voice is unappealing
What? Honestly I want to fight you right now.

>> No.6006756

you are a definition of no taste

>> No.6006780

it's just ugly sounding, kind of manly

>> No.6006789

Whoever wrote basmati bucks, I appreciate you

>> No.6006791


>> No.6006806

She sounds like an injured goat

>> No.6006811

>Her voice is really unappealing
on the contrary

>> No.6006814

She has a lot of experience with people who don't understand context, so she gets a lot of practice.

>> No.6006832

Why is she not growing guys?

>> No.6006867

that's why I like her voice

>> No.6006903

I'm excited to watch this stream, but at the same time I was close to finishing something that I can't really work on now. I guess I can just finish it up tomorrow

>> No.6006915

She's 25, anon. She's been fully grown for years

>> No.6006918

>Refresh rate
> 60000 Hz

>> No.6006930

I just can't stand listening to her for more than a couple minutes

>> No.6006965

shes so cute bros

>> No.6006970

I like her voice, it's like heroin for my soul.

>> No.6007004

so, why do you watch her?

>> No.6007013

holy shit

>> No.6007018

Oh yes, this stream's gonna be good.

>> No.6007048

she's just a vile bitch, it's kind of hot

>> No.6007052

Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.6007062

Modder Dad... I KNEEL

>> No.6007069


>> No.6007083

This framerate

>> No.6007085


>> No.6007131

framerate only makes it batter

>> No.6007154
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>> No.6007157
File: 18 KB, 237x272, bea smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flirting with Bea!
Inviting Bea out for dinner!
Getting to know Bea!
Walking Bea home!
Lending Bea my coat to keep her warm!
Comforting Bea from her inferiority issues!
Holding hands with Bea!
Kissing Bea on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Bea!
Walking around the back of Beas house!
Waiting three hours behind Beas house!
Climbing up to Beas window!
Cracking open Beas window and climbing in!
Sneaking up to Beas bedside while she is asleep!
Covering Bea's mouth!
Taping Bea's mouth shut!
Holding down Bea!
Slipping my hand up Bea's nightgown!
Punching Bea to stop her squirming!
Grabbing Bea's ass!
Slipping my hand under Bea's pantsu!
Fingering Bea's cunny!
Pulling up Bea's nightgown!
Kissing and licking Bea's tummy!
Sucking Bea's perky pink nipples!
Licking Bea's armpits!
Ripping off Bea's pantsu!
Pulling Bea's legs apart!
Sliding my cock into Bea!
Fucking Bea in the cunny and then the asshole!
Cumming inside Bea multiple times!
Making Bea my wife!
Rubbing my raw cock on Bea's cute little girl feet!
Wiping away Bea's tears!
Wrapping my hands around Bea's throat!
Strangling Bea until she stops breathing!
Carrying Bea out the window!
Tossing Bea in my car's trunk!
Driving home with Bea!
Putting Bea in my garage!
Noticing Bea is still alive!
Stabbing Bea with my kitchen knife 35 times!
Disemboweling Bea!
Spilling Bea's blood all over the floor!
Cutting Bea's body into various chunks!
Burying chunks of Bea in a shallow ditch!
Helping Cocoa search for Bea a week later!
Comforting Cocoa and assuring her Bea is just fine!
Flirting with Chihiro!

>> No.6007165

This shit is so scuffed I love it

>> No.6007170

>literal slideshow

>> No.6007171


>> No.6007188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6007192

thats how this part is

>> No.6007225

Maybe on your potato

>> No.6007235

No, even the sound is fucked

>> No.6007238
File: 1.13 MB, 982x696, yakuza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good

>> No.6007242

yea its lagging to shit but its still sort of a slide show scene is what i meant

>> No.6007245

so what could she do to improve the frame rate?

cap the frames at 60?

lower the refresh rate?

>> No.6007267

Yeah, no problems at all eh?

>> No.6007273

Even her model is lagging

>> No.6007297
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>> No.6007350

her model lagged before she started the game.

>> No.6007383

what are the specs of her machine?

>> No.6007390

i'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but can the mod be lagging the game?

>> No.6007397

Who is Cocoa?

>> No.6007405

They are pretty high, she has a 3k series gpu

>> No.6007416

maybe the model added by the mod is too high quality with too many pixels?

>> No.6007444

Bea is really enjoying this game.

>> No.6007447

runs totally fine now, probably just whatever weird effects that powerpoint cutscene had going on causing the issues

>> No.6007454

she's got a 3070

>> No.6007471
File: 47 KB, 933x707, 1_w4DxUy0PMoqeq25UXfyL0g@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs totally fine now

>> No.6007475

Doesn't look like it has too many verts

>> No.6007479

3700x and 3070

>> No.6007482

Nah, it's still dropping frames from time to time, it comes in bursts

>> No.6007507

Any cutscene get scuffed, is it because she turned off vsync? This game doesn't run properly on any system.

For instance, lowering the volume doesn't actually lower it, it just muffles it with a filter...

>> No.6007520

>menu at 20fps
>pre-rendered movies at 15 fps
>in-game cutscenes and dialogues at 10 fps
>slideshow custcenes at literal slideshow pace
>normal gameplay at 60fps

>> No.6007528

Just wait for the karaoke part in a few min

>> No.6007552

I'd try fullscreen and redo OBS capture.
The 3d sections have been playing fine, the PC can handle it

>> No.6007562

you're such a faggot holy shit

>> No.6007566

literally who?

>> No.6007578

my daughter

>> No.6007600

corpo viewer AWAY

>> No.6007604

How am I a faggot for not finding a manly voice appealing?

>> No.6007619

Bea, the tutorial...

>> No.6007640
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>> No.6007651

What's with the starving for Bea stuff? Did she ask people to?

>> No.6007658

wait she's playing as herself that's based

seems like a schizo though so I'm gonna bail before a parasocialize and get reverse groomed

>> No.6007663

she sounds like some random jap woman tho

>> No.6007670

This bitch isn't even speaking English. I'n out.

>> No.6007673
File: 584 KB, 607x804, chihirohands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen her hands?

>> No.6007695


>> No.6007702
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>> No.6007710
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>> No.6007738

>bea will never grab you by the collar and slam your face into the dirt like that

>> No.6007739

>Can't even follow a tutorial
Ok, I guess she's only good for clips

>> No.6007740

EOP retardchama

>> No.6007744

She could choke me while riding me.

>> No.6007745

why did multiple anons mention it? Are they trying to make her look bad?

>> No.6007772

Matches her face pics

>> No.6007774

is the game story important? bea doesnt seem to care so i might as well spoil the ending myself

>> No.6007785

This mod just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.6007789

Alright, who did this. Reveal yourself

>> No.6007812
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>> No.6007839

this shit is the stuff of legend

>> No.6007850

How wet would she be if was actually kiryu and nishiki

>> No.6007863

Like you know any Japanese. The whole appeal of this bitch is that she's a Jap who spouts 4chin and kaigai memes.

>> No.6007867
File: 2.31 MB, 1872x1050, introduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6007887
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>> No.6007892

I just want to know what or even if the modder replaced majima

>> No.6007939

You're gonna hear about the Empty Lot and its purpose at least 10 more times so no, nothing important has been said yet.

>> No.6007941

Seeing a random gondola pop up would be neat.

>> No.6007964

Legendary stream in the making.

Beatani can handle sekiro, right? I remember aqua played a mod using her model.

>> No.6007974

If he replaced Nishiki I have to imagine he replaced Majima. Anyone know if the karaoke MVs are pre-rendered or can we get Bea and Chihiro singing Judgement?

>> No.6007990

no, i dont want to watch her play sekiro. dont push it.

>> No.6007991

The only important thing to happen so far for the story is that opening cinematic where she beat someone up

>> No.6007998

God I hope it's a gondola

>> No.6008003

>Like you know any Japanese.
I do know some Japanese.
>The whole appeal of this bitch is that she's a Jap who spouts 4chin and kaigai memes.
That is not what makes her appealing to me.

>> No.6008013
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>> No.6008026

what makes her appealing to you

>> No.6008028

Why a gondola?

>> No.6008030

It's gotta be a frame limiting or vsync issue

>> No.6008039

I wish she tested streaming this beforehand, these frame drops are really taking away from the experience

>> No.6008043
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>trendy youth
Oh yea I know about those

>> No.6008058

I think its the models that fuck shit up

>> No.6008064

The only Beatani lore characters that have publicly available 3d models are chihiro and chisato. So if there is any other character that is replaced then he made that model himself or it's some non-beatani related character.

>> No.6008070

i've mentioned about 50 times for a tech support dad to reach out to her and do test streaming, but apparently nobody here knows anything about how to help her.

>> No.6008073

Bea is in HEAT

>> No.6008076

Buttery smooth 60 FPS gameplay with chunky 12 FPS cutscenes.

>> No.6008083

I look forward to all the screncaps we'll get out of this

>> No.6008099

Man this framerate is fucking brutal. It's giving me a headache

>> No.6008102

I want to see homeless dad as a yakuza boss so bad it hurts

>> No.6008106

>I do know some Japanese
Go ahead and speak some, then.

>> No.6008113

She is relatable and she is a good entertainer.

>> No.6008115

Has she even been asking? A few people know what to do. IT could be several things from vsync to bitrate or even Internet (probably not the latter if she lives in urban Japan)

>> No.6008125

Can one of you Cringe DM Guys send her this link later so we can have a game without lag next time? https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Yakuza_0#Microstutters_ingame

>> No.6008150

fair, i agree.
she has not asked, someone needs to step up and help her. every stream there is an issue. I would do it, but I don't know shit and I'm not going to pretend to.

>> No.6008157

The issue is not with her internet. She has plenty of bandwidth.

>> No.6008186
File: 365 KB, 1109x1435, bea yah weekly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6008189

Out of the things you mentioned it can only be vsync. It's 100% a game setting. As good as it is, this game is scuffed optimization-wise.

>> No.6008191
File: 858 KB, 921x518, Screenshot 2021-07-02 at 22-44-31 Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories 15 Card Mod Randomizer Randomizer week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6008202

Imagine... a private stream with just you and beatani, fixing her stream issues.... haa......

>> No.6008214

tourist chama AWAY

>> No.6008242

It's probably not, these models do not have a high polygon count. It's certainly her not having vsync on in the game. The game is rendering at hundreds of frames a second during close up parts and low-action cutscenes and these hundreds of fps is too much for OBS to handle. Turning on V-sync in the game will fix everything

>> No.6008254

it needs to be done. someone needs to step the fuck up.

>> No.6008270


>> No.6008274

Post something about vsync in her chat. I've done it twice already.

>> No.6008287

This is also supported by the fact that it does not seem to lag for her on her screen, it's only for us it's lagging. She needs to turn on vsync in game.

>> No.6008288


>> No.6008296

If you are so confident, ask her to turn on Vsync in chat.

>> No.6008319

Is the stream supposed to be 0,3 fps or..?

>> No.6008321

already sent that in chat, but im not on the favorite list

>> No.6008326
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>> No.6008331

Atleast 6 people have already done so at different points of the stream...

>> No.6008336
File: 1.43 MB, 1632x1059, bearcock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6008341

Seems like it's looks okay on her end and fps drops are only on the stream output itself. It's 100% vsync.

>> No.6008342


>> No.6008343

>and these hundreds of fps is too much for OBS to handle
That's not how OBS works.

>> No.6008351

The low FPS is really making this like a fever dream.

>> No.6008384


>> No.6008396

OK there you go, thanks. Now let's see if you are correct.>>6008242

>> No.6008400

OBS needs the GPU for hardware video encode. If the GPU is tied up with the game, it will drop frames.

>> No.6008421

imagine giving money to a girl you'll never fuck

>> No.6008440

You don't give money to your mom?

>> No.6008448

that would be too much for the GPU, not too much for OBS

>> No.6008454

moment of truth

>> No.6008468


>> No.6008492

are you implying that is looks fine to her but not to us? sorry if its a stupid question

>> No.6008503

So what's her appeal?

>> No.6008525

she likes to bully her viewers

>> No.6008541

her futa cock

>> No.6008572

She's as weird as we are

>> No.6008580

Not him, but that is what is happening. The frame rate drops are on the stream, not the game itself.

>> No.6008592

shitposting bearsonified

>> No.6008593

I thought the video encoder is done in a separate part of the chip, so gameplay would not effect the performance of it.

>> No.6008601
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>> No.6008664

you sound underage

>> No.6008665

this stream is so perfect

>> No.6008673

I thought so too, but there's a troubleshooting thread on OBS forums that implies otherwise.

>> No.6008705

This FPS is triggering my autism

>> No.6008752

Maybe the problem only shows up when the GPU is running near 100%.

>> No.6008794

What other game do you want to see with Bea mods? Are game companies ok with streams of modded games?

>> No.6008810

Yeah, remember she has all of the following running on her GPU: Live2D, Yakuza, Web Browser, OBS compositing, OBS encode, DWM compositing
Also remember that she has a VRR monitor which adds another layer of fuckery to the mix. And then there's all of the fuckery of Windows 10 with game mode, fullscreen optimizations and possibly hardware GPU scheduling. There's a lot of places where something could go wrong.

>> No.6008830

gamedev rarely care for Indies

>> No.6008866

Dunno but that reminds me the 4CC starts next weekend.

>> No.6008876

Most games are easy enough to mod so if she ever gets into something modding it can't be too hard.

>> No.6008881

>Are game companies ok with streams of modded games?
Only if the mods are cheats in a multiplayer game. Otherwise 99.99% don't care.

>> No.6008900

San Andreas, real cultural exchange.

>> No.6008901

At least it's watchable with vsynth on

>> No.6008920

*they only don't like it if

>> No.6008931

oh my god this would be amazing

>> No.6008957

I can still give my daughter money then

>> No.6008958

this guy has the right idea

>> No.6008972

is 60hz the max?"

>> No.6009009

Imagine gangsta bear swearing like a nigga while shooting with a rocket launcher.

>> No.6009019

she should start with Vice City

>> No.6009029

That would be pretty sick

>> No.6009041

how the fuck is this harder to render than the actual game.

>> No.6009067

She is streaming at 60Hz. It makes sense for the game to also run at 60Hz.

>> No.6009069

shut the fuck up

>> No.6009071


>> No.6009085
File: 1.35 MB, 1274x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6009100

lot of games use higher resolution models for cutscenes

>> No.6009127

Every stream with Beatani is scuffed kino how does she do it?

>> No.6009138

The models are the same though

>> No.6009178

then it's probably some shader or effects issue idk

>> No.6009180

i dont understand it, but thanks for the answer

>> No.6009201

How high res is bea herself?

>> No.6009226

Most japanese games are scuffed on the pc, lets just enjoy what we get and maybe one of the cringe dm guys can help her prepare for the next one.

>> No.6009228

Kazuma's voice appeals to Bea, maybe there is hope for a vanilla life.

>> No.6009262

Maybe this?

>> No.6009287

The original model had 28k polys

>> No.6009326

she has literally has zero aptitude for vtubing but I love her

>> No.6009328

if it was just the game wouldn't her av be fine? seems like the whole thing which suggests OBS. She doesn't seem to notice it.

>> No.6009356

It isn't harder to render. A 1060 can get around 120 FPS running around, and all these in door environment cutscenes and literal slideshow cutscenes aren't going to drop the FPS which is now capped at 60. I don't think its something like cutscenes disabling vsync, so I'm not sure what it is.

>> No.6009360
File: 855 KB, 1103x918, polygons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you wondering about the model. The polygons look like this. It's not such a high polygon count, I would guess the original models that this mod replaced has higher than this

>> No.6009399

Other vtubers streamed this just fine, right?

>> No.6009402

Something is consuming too much resources / creating a bottleneck and is impacting the rest of the system.

>> No.6009405

what about the shaders?

>> No.6009434

>modding your name into the game
come on now

>> No.6009440

It looks like it uses the games own shader

>> No.6009458

us named viewers are all yakuza, aren't we

>> No.6009487

ah I didn't even think about CPU usage. That's also true. But she has a pretty new PC assuming she isn't a total clueless OL she probably knew to buy something beefy.

>> No.6009497

Did you look at the names, she just fought Russian anime, lapan, and raziel. Not just raziel.

>> No.6009503

That's my guess too. We'll have to see though - didn't see the names in time

>> No.6009515

>what about the shaders?
The shaders that model uses are just from blender. The game will use the same shaders as it would for the normal model. I doubt the shaders were changed since it would be harder compared to do compared to adding new models in.

>> No.6009531

god I wish that were me

>> No.6009539

I hope you also changed the bosses names if not models

>> No.6009541

>nuuta, yukari, stray wolf

>> No.6009546

she never played a videogame before? jesus christ

>> No.6009564

Everything can be recorded fine, its just a matter of how much effort.
I found one video showing the FPS. The pretty cutscenes are 30 FPS locked, but the regular text box cutscenes have basically identical framerate. Moral is bear should spend as much time learning OBS as modding game.

>> No.6009575

just for blender

>> No.6009585

watched hana stream it just fine, so yes.

>> No.6009587

I didn't pay attention to names, that's great

>> No.6009594

The shader that comes with the model does not interact with light at all but in the game the you can she that the model has shadows if something is blocking the light. So it is either a combined shader or it's own.

>> No.6009599

Can't even escape attention whore dads in the game.

>> No.6009620
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>> No.6009626

oh shut the fuck up literally everyone in chat has a youtube name.

>> No.6009640


>> No.6009641

maybe not the technical part but she is a natural born entertainer

>> No.6009642

>I'm not in the game, yet at least
thank god

>> No.6009659
File: 49 KB, 320x320, 1623733321683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called me a boring guy

>> No.6009672

Come on, we all know the group that is going to be in the game

>> No.6009694

of course. "im here for the streamer" yada yada

>> No.6009700

so far there seems to be no criteria other than people who interacted with bea in any form. so no, i don't know. stop being a faggot and cope harder. enjoy the stream and relax.

>> No.6009711

How would Bea react if someone talked to her like this IRL

>> No.6009722
File: 194 KB, 832x2181, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to try limiting the FPS in NCP. She's never tried that before to my knowledge. She can use this guide. That way there can be no doubt that the game is actually capped at 60. That is, unless she's playing an older game like Morrowind, in which case Windows 10 says fuck your feelings and runs it uncapped anyway.

>> No.6009740


>> No.6009745

I'm enjoying it and I don't care about it, but don't pretend like she is going to put random people

>> No.6009760

stress eat?

>> No.6009772


>> No.6009775

thank you ****

>> No.6009784

The names probably came with the mod to begin with

>> No.6009845

I'd like to see how her fans cope with this but for now let's enjoy the stream.

>> No.6009870

Yeah, don't pin this cringe on Bea. Whoever did the mod is the one who added his butt buddies in

>> No.6009873

I'm semi fluent. But technical terms I require a mix of deepl and Google TL so I could understand the context and rearrange it so it's grammatically correct. Would you like my assistantance?

>> No.6009877

Possible, but I doubt she touched it, and it probably comes as "use program settings" as default.

>> No.6009881


>> No.6009885

it's honestly a big nothingburger that is triggering the most autistic of anons. this is supposed to be something funny, don't make a big deal of it. they are fucking mob charas bea is stomping on.

>> No.6009906

Imagine caring so much about very minor things that it ruins an otherwise fun stream.

>> No.6009919

Sure? What do you mean?

>> No.6009934

not the most autistic, but the most jealous

>> No.6009938

She actually made fun of the viewer named Yakuza's anyways

>> No.6009966

good i hope she makes fun of me too if and when i come up.

>> No.6009999

did you donate?

>> No.6010005


>> No.6010077
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>> No.6010131
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>> No.6010140
File: 748 KB, 647x629, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6010151

same but unironically

>> No.6010161

she was offended

>> No.6010172
File: 61 KB, 499x321, fd52b8d1c3056bc6abb9611233ddfaf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all make it

>> No.6010174

This, unironically

>> No.6010192
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1622654437971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a pathetic and desperate attention whore that you make a mod just for your name and the names of your twitter fagbuddies were called out on stream.

>> No.6010227

with such numbers how could I not

>> No.6010237

I didn't make the mod, and i don't care. I'm just enjoying the stream. I don't even know who made it.

>> No.6010241

it's always like this
she always surprise us with something amazing but then she torture us
fucking love this cycle.

>> No.6010244

Maybe he can add anonymouse next time

>> No.6010251

t. person who didn't do their dad networking reps

>> No.6010288

You don't care so much that you just can't stop replying.

>> No.6010303

Holy hell, I struck a nerve with the attention whore comment.

>> No.6010306

Holy fuck this is the best shit ever

>> No.6010315

I'm definitely not included but it did make me think. What if a policy of top donators getting special treatment was an upfront thing would people still feel the same way? I've seen it done on twitch at least.

>> No.6010341

holy cope, bea really got you leashed

>> No.6010363


>> No.6010386

I doubt Beatani is involved. It's just twitter dads circlejerking again

>> No.6010409

Honestly whoever made the mod is free to put in whatever they want but the way those fags pretend like it wasn't done with a clear purpose is pretty pathetic

>> No.6010420

like a dog barking

>> No.6010443

where did they indicate it wasn't done with a clear purpose

>> No.6010458

the clear purpose of bea beating up her replyfags for being replyfags?

>> No.6010475

read the thread

>> No.6010480

As long as it's just random npcs that are beat up in a few seconds I don't really care either way

>> No.6010523

I don't think it was her idea, but she definitely gave the OK to the list

>> No.6010529

the purpose of having bea look at their names

>> No.6010542

The clear purpose of getting more attention that they crave so much

>> No.6010544

>fisting artist

>> No.6010554

Im getting sleepy bros.....
Is this how eu dads feel?

>> No.6010557

meds onegai

>> No.6010581


>> No.6010582

The chatbox does a better job at that

>> No.6010583

Not too much different from being an artdad desu

>> No.6010590

I don't think so, she was surprised to see chihiro in the game. I think she just tested the first few seconds of the game and didnt know much more than that.

>> No.6010614

Anon I think you're too mentally healthy for this thread

>> No.6010624
File: 276 KB, 238x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the back

>> No.6010638

It's 7 in the morning here but I'm fine after drinking a cup of instant coffee with 4 times more powder than the recommended instructions on the package.

>> No.6010644


>> No.6010646

Prepare for shower and shirtless scene...

>> No.6010665

then, stay in the chatbox please.

>> No.6010674

>I don't think so, she was surprised to see chihiro in the game

>> No.6010684

It's not like I consented to being a npc, anon

>> No.6010687

No idea what you're talking about, I woke up 2 hours ago and I'm having a lovely morning
t. Yurodad

>> No.6010695
File: 92 KB, 171x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6010706

Probably. I shouldn't complain because it's only 1am, but I'm about ready to pass out.

>> No.6010727

t. eastern burger bro

>> No.6010729

Your jealousy is showing.

>> No.6010769

>Herbie, Chef, Zhnigo
Call them twitter replyguys again.

>> No.6010791

Holy shit, she's going in on the artdad.

>> No.6010795

Oh my god, she literally just said it explicitly.

>> No.6010800

>I am n-not an attention whore! You are just j-jealous!
Whatever you say

>> No.6010808

This only proves that is a very particular list

>> No.6010810

Did she say their names?

>> No.6010826

Fucking kek, F to the blocked cringe kino DM dude.

>> No.6010827

She really is a bit bitchy tashikani.

>> No.6010828

i don't even know who the fuck herbie is

>> No.6010832

i just don't want it to affect the stream.

>> No.6010851

Nice cope boring dad

>> No.6010854

Soem, others she just called "boring guy" or "dm guy"

>> No.6010872

These dads deserve the beatings.

>> No.6010920

woof woof

>> No.6010927

Oh, no! Poor replyguy got called out by an ebil bear!

>> No.6010934


>> No.6010953
File: 99 KB, 249x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6011011

You might want to tune out then because it will be discussed on stream and in chat

>> No.6011058
File: 7 KB, 186x36, meds onegai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based though

>> No.6011060
File: 77 KB, 1614x290, 463634634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6011068

Do we know who the modder is? I thought it was raziel but his latest comments confirms he is not.

>> No.6011093

>Bea's Meds

>> No.6011097

Wasn't it one of that last npc group?

>> No.6011099

>Kiryu Chisato
She's married...

>> No.6011107

She said the name of the modder when her model showed up, forgot who it was

>> No.6011110

You might want to tune down your faggot level.

>> No.6011115
File: 1.03 MB, 1341x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6011117

yeah, i will. maybe i will watch the vod. i hope this doesn't go on for too long in the stream......

>> No.6011121

Agreed. The generic references are great. It's adding actual names that is unironically cringe

>> No.6011127


>> No.6011163

nice asterisks you fucking retard

>> No.6011206


>> No.6011242

take your meds retard

>> No.6011253

Yes, keeping the references to her lore would have been the better choice

>> No.6011334
File: 94 KB, 360x300, 1616323061244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boring dads seething

>> No.6011357

last two stream were comfy and now we're back to this

>> No.6011373

What are you talking about? Are you crazy?
If it were just generic references then attention whores wouldn't get their attention. This is simply unacceptable.

>> No.6011375

>Attention whores trying to shitpost when called out.

>> No.6011376

She's dropped over 30 viewers. Resist the sleep, dads

>> No.6011385

Thank you modder I always wanted to be a japanese hooligan.

>> No.6011389

I wouldn't even have noticed the names at first if people didn't sperg out

>> No.6011397

This mod ruins the immersion of the game

>> No.6011403

woof woof

>> No.6011416

yes but its also hilarious

>> No.6011418

That's not the point when Bea is playing

>> No.6011422

Close the thread. The only uncomfiness here is retards in the thread.

>> No.6011425

>Expecting immersion

>> No.6011434

sleeping dogs > yakuza

>> No.6011449

Get some new material onegai
People came to watch the "yakuza" stream not the "list all the replyguys" stream.

>> No.6011451

>on bea game streams

>> No.6011456

Sleeping dogs was hype. So sad they didn't continue the mainline series.

>> No.6011467


>> No.6011494

You too. Close the thread and never open it again please.

>> No.6011521
File: 21 KB, 400x400, x0UlzA-o_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys--- Do you think I made the list?!

>> No.6011535

The mode would be fine if it weren't for the attentionwhores.

>> No.6011540

You made my list jack.

>> No.6011570


>> No.6011586

Considering the fact that the list consists of the most obnoxious replyguys you would fit right in.

>> No.6011590

I came to watch Beatani. And watching Beatani beat up replyguys is kino, like most things she does.

>> No.6011629

quiet, dog!

>> No.6011631

>watching Beatani
>watching replyguys
shit taste

>> No.6011632

He was unfollowed by bea...

>> No.6011644
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1620180318788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love this mod where Bea beats up viewers.
Best mod ever

>> No.6011658

What is this woof woof and dog stuff?

>> No.6011660


>> No.6011696

>trusting random million yen gacha machine in a random corner in yakuza

>> No.6011707

please understand it's how i was raised.

>> No.6011708

its all me, dont worry about it.

>> No.6011723

Not the viewers. Just the twitter clique.

>> No.6011759

Her fondest childhood memories are going to the racetrack. Poor girl never had a chance

>> No.6011783

Show me a single viewer name lmao
All of them are replyguys from twitter

>> No.6011807

>nuuta is replyguy
>chef is replyguy
>herbie is replyguy
seriously get fucked

>> No.6011814

what if chat autism guy gave modding-chama the full chat name list?

>> No.6011822
File: 392 KB, 861x886, pant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the pantsu look like on the 3d model. As long as modder-chama has not changed it.

>> No.6011857
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1616322982487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uoooh even better

>> No.6011871


>> No.6011876

instantly proven wrong live

>> No.6011884

>1 of those dads confirmed in DMs
It's not just replyguys but the inner circle.

>> No.6011912

Andrew replies like once a week. Replyguy list rrat is destroyed

>> No.6011941

Because it's not a replyguy list, but the innercircle list.

>> No.6011958


>> No.6011959

>spicy grandpa
>inncer circle

>> No.6011976

I hope einaer makes mods that put names of the twitter dads in every game that Bea plays from now on just so the schizos would seethe every stream lol

>> No.6011984

There is nothing wrong with that

>> No.6012013

The enemies are tier listed. Lower enemies get reply guys, higher enemies get favorite dads.

>> No.6012021

Never said I didn't like it. Just pointing it out.

>> No.6012022
File: 24 KB, 644x111, norrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not some DM inner circle list atleast.

>> No.6012051

Just don't pretend it wasn't the goal from the start.
The mod was made by an attention whore for the attention whores to get shouted out.

>> No.6012063


>> No.6012069

Hey dad, I think Jack is Jack from Twitter.

>> No.6012078

It's definitely for the most high profile. It is what it is, though.

>> No.6012090

If I agree, will you shut up

>> No.6012108

Bea is having fun with it, so who cares?

>> No.6012122

You are right but it's no use pointing it out. It's just more ego fuel for them.

>> No.6012134

You will have to agree first

>> No.6012143

ok i agree

>> No.6012169

>52 people watching
>64 IPs in thread

>> No.6012173

>tier listed
almost as if we had some tier based arc before where someone gathered names

>> No.6012177

It's just boring dads feeling left out

>> No.6012188

Agree with what?

>> No.6012197

This is going to make her lose viewers, retard chama...

>> No.6012199

Yes. I love Bea, but I'm pretty damn tired about having to deal with this in every stream

>> No.6012203

idk i just want you to shut the fuck up

>> No.6012206

Blame Susan. The waiting list is always bigger than the watching too.

>> No.6012212

Amog us

>> No.6012252

She peaked ~100

>> No.6012255

Youtube cuts views retardchama. We have discussed that already.

>> No.6012254
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>> No.6012274

47 of those IPs are me

>> No.6012299

im 13 of the remaining

>> No.6012302
File: 612 KB, 500x399, aya has a q.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone in here that would like to keep the wiki up to date? Last time I tried to get people to become active maintainers, but I'm not completely convinced I achieved that goal. I'm still grateful to the couple of anons who did help out a number of times, by the way. I'd like to know if there's any questions you have that are not answered by this quick guide.
The reason I'm asking now is that, after the next 24 hour period starting now, I will not keep up with her streams and /yah/ anymore, let alone keep updating the wiki, so I won't be able to answer your questions.

>> No.6012303

Then I won't. A retard like you is not the boss of me.

>> No.6012306

Pretty sure what made her lose viewers were the frame rate problems

>> No.6012311

I had to go to sleep and now am shitposting fom bed... I have to go to work in 3 hours

>> No.6012314

Once I saw Concern Dad and Spicy Grandpa I figured that's what it was.

>> No.6012329

16 of the other 17? Me.

>> No.6012351


>> No.6012352

>I will not keep up with her streams and /yah/ anymore
wiwki dad why?

>> No.6012366

So long. Thanks for all of your work.

>> No.6012372

You're peacing out? Your work was much appreciated, but out of curiosity would you mind telling me why?

>> No.6012378

Thank you for all the work you did. Mind me asking why you are leaving?

>> No.6012389

Did the cartels finally found you?

>> No.6012403


>> No.6012417
File: 134 KB, 628x467, pain_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6012423

Maternity leave

>> No.6012425


>> No.6012437
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, 1619527797331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6012442
File: 67 KB, 210x441, corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6012451

>Maternity leave
There were female viewers all along...

>> No.6012453

Why is it that you are leaving? thanks for your work

>> No.6012454

I can't believe I'm saying this, but there's too much bear in the corner bear.

>> No.6012455
File: 161 KB, 366x372, BEA LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did well, anon. Thanks for all your hard work.

>> No.6012463


>> No.6012465


>> No.6012471


>> No.6012482


>> No.6012483

woof woof

>> No.6012491

congratulations, new mom

>> No.6012504


>> No.6012505
File: 194 KB, 877x1500, add49d7ac5a09595856b115f01090b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6012514
File: 3.13 MB, 2209x2872, Bea and Gyaru Bea cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raise that child well. Good Luck.

>> No.6012525

Congratulations! :DDDD

>> No.6012532
File: 39 KB, 342x217, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Bea knock you up?

>> No.6012533

Felicidades, gracias por todo.

>> No.6012568
File: 1.77 MB, 3648x2736, flower hat jellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which jellyfish is Beatani?
I think she is the flower hat jellyfish (Olindias formosus). This is a species of jellyfish that is only found in the waters around Japan, Jeju island and Taiwan and it is easily the most beautiful jellyfish I have ever seen in my entire life. But as beautiful and as harmless as it may look with it's very short tentacles, it can cause you very great and intense pain if you handle it incorrectly but it is never life threatening. And just as Beatani is the only japanese person I have seen who acts like she does this jellyfish is also very rare and very little is actually known about it's life cycle. And just as Beatanis way to reproduce is totally unknown the sexual habits of this jellyfish is also totally unknown to science. They also first appear in waters in December which is also the month Beatani debuted her channel. And just as Beatani thrives well in this nest of menhera this jellyfish thrives well in salty waters.

>> No.6012573

>Bea: he is a stalker he doesn't know what a woman in
>this post

>> No.6012590

Beatani still follows him for some reason. I know I got unfollowed. I don't know why but maybe because I haven't really contributed much in terms of sending SC or draw art, tabun.

>> No.6012596


>> No.6012603

Congratulations! what will you name the child?

>> No.6012639

>And just as Beatani thrives well in this nest of menhera this jellyfish thrives well in salty waters.
kek, thats a good one

>> No.6012642

He wasn't even that bad after he got scolded, I don't know why dads sperg out about him.

>> No.6012645

You got demoted to boring dad

>> No.6012646

I want to impregnate this jellyfish!

>> No.6012660

She doesn't follow him

>> No.6012673

I wish we could split /yah/
One for attention whores, reply guys, favorite dads
another for boring dads, shy dads, and cringe dads

>> No.6012674

nest of menhera please andastand

>> No.6012699

/Yah/ has become especially hard to keep up with, between the stealth threads and off-stream threads.
Thank your for your labor of love. Take care and good luck with your actual labor

>> No.6012714

What if I'm both a boring dad and reply guy

>> No.6012718
File: 233 KB, 1024x724, 342e7498dd2c786f20ad007cbbe9dd43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up and now I feel awful, that was supposed to be a joke that wiki anon's going on maternity leave because I had sex with him and got him pregnant. You know, like how everyone jokes about having sex all the time?

>> No.6012724

heheh boring dad.....pfffttt ahahaha!!

>> No.6012733

I'm pretty sure that post was a joke. Maternity leave is something you take from an actual job

>> No.6012740
File: 20 KB, 327x385, 202142320143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucker lol

>> No.6012741


>> No.6012755

>joking about having sex

>> No.6012757

Have mercy Bea, he is already dead

>> No.6012758


>> No.6012760

And here I was thinking that handwriting had an explanation for once.

>> No.6012769

there's discord and twitter for attentionwhore and bea favourites. please go there

>> No.6012780

Ah.. if you had just replied to one it would’ve felt less real

>> No.6012782

fucking autist kek

>> No.6012785

I assumed they were just playing along to have fun.

>> No.6012799
File: 67 KB, 271x377, BeaBit Updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, wiki anon. I was really happy for you. Still, good luck on your break.

>> No.6012800

Doomposter btfo as usual. Never underestimate the bear.

>> No.6012805
File: 108 KB, 500x530, 1624248940535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6012815


>> No.6012830

adios y buen provecho amigo

>> No.6012841

he's right though. she managed to make yakuza boring.

>> No.6012879


>> No.6012884

te me cuidas, te extrañaremos

>> No.6012894
File: 13 KB, 466x84, metric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which animation is this referring to? I really want to know.

>> No.6012901


>> No.6012920


>> No.6012929

1 fps/10

>> No.6012931

It's just a bit hard to reply back to some of the stuff she says on Twitter sometimes. And I do not wish to make a seperate account for replyguying, so I'm keeping my power level as "normie" as possible with my current one. It's okay though. I see this as a sign and motivation to further my drawing reps at least.

>> No.6012932

One of the funniest in a long while. It had a lot of lag but it got much better after she changed her setting so it's no problem

>> No.6012942

The one where she is in the bus

>> No.6012965

Tal vez no todos los chilangos son malos, gracias por todo. Ojala regreses pronto.

>> No.6012977

unexpected twist/10
curious to what else the mod changes

>> No.6012997

But there wasn't any music

>> No.6012999

Legit congrats. I wish you luck for the best!

>> No.6013001

I loved it!
very funny I had a blast

>> No.6013011

It has no music though so it can't be that one?

>> No.6013025

Bea keeps on surprising me/10

>> No.6013030

Fuck off faggot I don't even have a twitter account.

>> No.6013047

Didn't see any other recent animations sorry

>> No.6013067

Fun. But wow cutscene framerate was still not great with just vsync, pain

>> No.6013080


>> No.6013081


>> No.6013084

Between frames, and replyfaggots I loaded up some boomer shooter for a bit instead.

>> No.6013093

It is boring though. Very bland protagonist, long cliched cutscenes, lame combat. She made it better though.

>> No.6013094

Oh wait I was skimming and realized you were saying I wasn't a replyguy. Sorry, my fuck off faggot should have gone to >>6011783

>> No.6013152

based mod/10

>> No.6013174

tak you shitty opinion and go back to >>>/trash/

>> No.6013182

Surprisingly good. The 1fps situations were a bit disappointing, but everything else made up for it. I'm content.

Also, for some dads who missed tanabata wish writing, it's seriously already too late to write one?

>> No.6013235

Superchat it tommorow

>> No.6013237

dm her, she'll understand

>> No.6013249

I sent mine in I think a bit after the deadline but I'm talking like a day or two late after the model reveal happened not this fucking long.

>> No.6013256

deadline was 20th of June
says so on the community post

>> No.6013281

Deadline was the 20th of last month.

>> No.6013306

Considering the deadline was like 2 weeks ago I doubt it. She has probably already chosen and organized which ones she will review.

>> No.6013334

When my wish is read, I'm going to tell everyone in the chat that was my wish.

>> No.6013346

i expected yakuza and bea. the mod is a fun gimmick but got boring fast.

>> No.6013353


>> No.6013356

I feel like I've pissed her off but she still tolerates me because of donations.

>> No.6013369

hope fps can get fixed.
saved before a cutscene to troubleshoot at least?

>> No.6013371

She just said that she hasn't on stream and that she would be doing it now. >>6013237 is probably your best option to make sure your wish at least gets considered.

>> No.6013385

Didn't you get enough attention today with your mod einaer?

>> No.6013386

What did you do, insecute dad?

>> No.6013402

When your wish is read, I'm going to tell everyone in the chat that it was my wish.

>> No.6013419


>> No.6013445

When you tell everyone in chat that it was your wish, I'm going to shit on you in the thread.

>> No.6013469

I already signed mine with my username :^)

>> No.6013471

When his wish is read, I'm going to tell everyone in the chat that it was your wish.

>> No.6013483

I emailed myself a copy of my wish when I sent it.

>> No.6013494
File: 3.00 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20210628_225501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a good honest wholesome wish in. I hope you fuckers didn't submit your sexual fantasies about wanting to put eels up your ass.

>> No.6013496

Well that doesn't tell me much. Good luck.

>> No.6013512

Thank you to the six anons who replied back. I just wrote it openly under her latest tweet. I wish for everyone to continue having a great time together. A chaotic but peaceful collective. Like the hive mind, "The Many"... wait what?

>> No.6013530

You're gonna give me even more attention? Fucking retard, but do it anyway.

>> No.6013538


>> No.6013551

just something about goats

>> No.6013561


>> No.6013591

Absolutely be prepared for 95% of the wishes to be some form of hornyposting and/or tfw no gf shit.

>> No.6013623

Oops sent the wrong image. Well enjoy that picture of a flower I took. Atleast it wasn't something yabai.

>> No.6013673

I also submitted a wholesome wish. I expect her to call it cringe if she reads it at all, but that's ok.

>> No.6013684

Peaceful enough that majority of threads don't turn into doomposting schizo negative threads. That's my definition of "peace". Like within reasonable atmosphere.

>> No.6013704

I love Bea. That is all.

>> No.6013705

I haven't been here in a couple of days, what's with all these tourists being retarded as fuck with their hate towards bea?

>> No.6013715

Knowing anons appreciated the efforts makes me glad. Also, well played >>6012718
tbdesu, I'd rather not elaborate on why I'm leaving. I'll still check in once in a while if there's anything I can do to help. I'll leave it at that for now.

>> No.6013777

I'll miss you wikidad. good luck.

>> No.6013787
File: 48 KB, 820x712, a0e9abec11b20e58ad022c4fce47ffa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish you the best. thanks for helping me out one time

>> No.6013795

I will just say this wikianon: I hope you stick around and watch the streams when you can. You have done more than enough work for the community but it would be sad if we lost you completely just the same.

>> No.6013806

Hope you get a nice room in the asylum.

>> No.6013827

good luck, my pal

>> No.6013831

I feel bad for this dude, he literally got bullied outside the dads circle. I bet he's a deadbeat

>> No.6013833

Hope it isn't anything bad. Matane, bea bea.

>> No.6013864

See you around my nigga.

>> No.6013877

Thank you for your hard work.

>> No.6013881

Don't feel bad for him, he found his next grooming target right away.

>> No.6013944

Thanks again for your hard work. Best of luck.

>> No.6013971

My hand rep tonight will be a tribute for you

>> No.6014082

Fuck I drank so much coffee to stay wake until this stream that I can't sleep even though it is currently 08:39 and I woke up 09:00 yesterday...

>> No.6014187

I checked up the original creator of the model and he has not tweeted anything Beatani related since may and his likes is now all filled with nade tweets... Please come back 3d-chama... Who will update and maintain the models now?

>> No.6014230

All the smart dads have jumped ship.

>> No.6014284

I'm okay, I can tell you that much.

>> No.6014331

can confirm, i'm pretty dumb

>> No.6014335

Thank you for your hard work. See you space bearboy o7

>> No.6014367

oh no, we should save him

>> No.6014390

And groom him

>> No.6014393


>> No.6014410

His DMs are open, I'll ask him if he is still watching. He needs to know at least that his models were used in this yakuza mod.

>> No.6014561

A smart person would not immediately jump to a shady uncertainly of questionable age like her. Bea might be menhera but she is actually pretty predictable in her patterns.

>> No.6014575
File: 382 KB, 2048x1801, beatanisisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to stick my dick between a Kumagai sisters juicy cunny sandwich.

>> No.6014578


>> No.6014661

me too

>> No.6014786

I know you don't give a shit, but I appreciate you leaving messages akasupa cat dad. They are pretty funny too.

>> No.6014813


>> No.6015070
File: 973 KB, 1280x720, RecetteYabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with hard subs!

>> No.6015082

good call on the subs bruv

>> No.6015165

Thank you for your hard work

>> No.6015181

Great work

>> No.6015390

Hello, my name is Kumagai Chisato, please call me Beatani. If you want to fuck my cunny please roll quads.

>> No.6015407

5555 will be a hard get

>> No.6015486

I just noticed their fangs are on the opposite sides.

>> No.6015520

no it won't

>> No.6015565

ok u should get it and then get in her cunny

>> No.6015585

everything is opposite on their design.

>> No.6015607
File: 7 KB, 86x354, RaxB86j2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tattoo will Chihiro have?

>> No.6015647

Please, teach me how to enjoy Beatani's streams without worrying about being ignored by her.

>> No.6015676

Just watch them and enjoy. I've donated hundreds of dollars to her and I get ignored all the time. I still love to watch her because she is so entertaining.

>> No.6015844

Just watch her streams. Treat getting noticed as a cool bonus if/when it happens. Unless you've been spending your time only trying to groom small indies, you should be used to getting ignored by popular vtubers anyway

>> No.6015958

A dragonfish

>> No.6016044

Bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea bea

>> No.6016068

This, but unironically

>> No.6016145

super cool

>> No.6016326


>> No.6016398
File: 83 KB, 416x424, commie bea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zdravstvuite, my name is Chisato Ivanov.

I'm a 25 year old Japanese slavboo (russian fan for you amerikanski tovarishchi). I draw Putin memes on my tablet, and spend my days drinking Vodka and playing superior Russian games. (domestic violence, gambling)

I train with my Avtomat Kalashnikova every day, this superior weapon can Pierce through steel because it is used over fifty years, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my Avtomat license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Russian fluently, both Cyrillic and the Leningrad dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Russian history and their bydlo code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Russian visa, I am moving to Moskva to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I a conscript on ukraine front or a vodka drinker!

I own several tracksuits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Russia, so I can fit in easier. I drink with my elders and seniors and speak Russian as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Russia!

>> No.6016445


>> No.6016464


>> No.6016653
File: 480 KB, 485x574, MwvLNdH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually proud of you guys, these past couple of threads have been pretty calm. I sill think that the nukumolity is pretty much dead, but I guess most of us have the best interests for Bea in mind.

>> No.6017141
File: 104 KB, 302x467, 1623032207277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a hard rule.
