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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59965464 No.59965464 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday i dreamed i met Pipkin Pippa working as a waitress on a coffe shop, i said "can i have a coffe please" and she just said "no"
I dont remember the rest but i woke up rock hard

>> No.59965560

i read she is a neonazi, is it true?

>> No.59965811

She literally supports trannys and coalburning.

>> No.59966551

I saw Pipkin Pippa at a Walmart yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for feet pics or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cans of Coke in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. She left the Walmart yelling "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH".

>> No.59966675

So do neonazis, your point?

>> No.59969364

Huh? What makes you say that?

>> No.59969820

>he doesn't know

>> No.59969842

I know about the BLM thing. Are you just extrapolating it from that?

>> No.59971457

what BLM thing?

>> No.59972141

she's in joshua moon's friend circle

>> No.59972644

Not that anon but probably about her supporting BLM

>> No.59972665

No, she's just speedrunning Nyanners's character arc.

>> No.59976764

I can't post it, because it is PL-related. All I can say is reps.

>> No.59980408

Sounds about right

>> No.59980517

She supported BLM?
So is she a socialist or just retarded? Maybe she folds to the tiniest bit of social backlash? Regardless, disappointing.

>> No.59980524

Why do people need her political allignment? Just watch funny anime women

>> No.59980617

People value authenticity, even within kayfabe.

>> No.59980737

she literally compared herself to Hitler this week
what do you think?

>> No.59980829

Well I was never convinced she was some "mega based" troon destroyer /pol/tuber, I don't know how anyone got that impression if you actually watch streams.

>> No.59981103

I don't care about troons. I think most of them are just easily influenced morons and a minority among them might have atypical brains (maybe in more ways than one). That is not the issue at all. The issue is that she offers authenticity and not being "afraid to be cringe" as part of her brand, but then to go and support BLM goes directly against that since most people just supported that out of social pressure and not actual analysis of whatever the pertinent situation is. Besides, isn't her fanbase called "capippalists"? Hasn't she said she "loves capitalism"? Why is she supporting people that claim to be "trained marxists"? Hopefully you understand now.

>> No.59981200

That was an opossum anon

>> No.59983957

>Why is she supporting people that claim to be "trained marxists"?
Do you think your average normie BLM supporter can even define what marxism is? Some of their more prominent members are definitely straight up commies, but I don’t think most people are aware of that, or don’t care because they just get behind the bumper sticker slogan of “stop police brutality”.

>> No.59984657

It was some retarded "both sides a point, everyone should just get along and hold hands" woman take. Something about loving both the police and military and black communities.
She did say the phrase "black lives matter", but I think that was just her not understanding the inherent political implications of it.
But no, she is not a socialist. For all her shit takes, she is very pro-capitalism and has always been consistent on that. She named her fans capippalists ffs.

>> No.59984710

"both sides have a point"***

>> No.59985090

>Do you think your average normie BLM supporter can even define what marxism is?
It is not that hard. There are even very complete summaries that are less than 200 pages long.
>Some of their more prominent members are definitely straight up commies
>but I don’t think most people are aware of that
Maybe, but then why would you support something you do not understand? Why can't people say "idk" or "I would have to read on it first"?
> or don’t care because they just get behind the bumper sticker slogan of “stop police brutality”.
Police brutality is a problem, but even an absolute retard would question himself after the BLM riots had a larger financial and death toll than aforementioned police brutality, particularly against black people. Hell, they could even read some of the studies that actually control confounding variables and come out with interesting conclusions such as "police are more likely to use non-lethal violence on black people, but slightly more likely to use lethal violence on white people" all else being equal.

>> No.59985532

>she is very pro-capitalism
This is one of the most important parts for me, specially given the current context. I just do not have the energy or time to pay attention to the rest so I guess that will do.

>> No.59989418

>It is not that hard. There are even very complete summaries that are less than 200 pages long.
Not really the point, its not about a lack of effort, its about a lack of care. Your average person doesn’t benefit much from understanding marxism.
>why would you support something you do not understand
Because they believe they do understand it, its not like BLM has any actual group cohesion anyways. If the founders of BLM believe that their movement represent’s marxism, and another group believes we should just fight police brutality, and another group thinks we should all just sit around and hold hands, then you basically have no cohesive movement. Saying you support BLM doesn’t actually much of anything on its own.
>even an absolute retard would question himself after the BLM riots
Yes, but you are making an argument against riots, not protesting, or being against police violence. The slogan of “Black lives matter” has a meaning behind it that resonates with people regardless of how retarded BLM as a movement behave.
>police are more likely to use non-lethal violence on black people, but slightly more likely to use lethal violence on white people
I have heard this, could be police being more hesitant to deal with black people due to potential public outrage. This is why the protests against police probably shouldn’t have had anything to do with race to begin with, since police brutality effects everyone regardless.

>> No.59992184

Ok, I guess that is fair. On a large scale it still creates the problem of groupthink and all the flaws associated with the NPC meme though.
About the last point regarding race and police brutality, I think that is the main reason too, but there might be other factors too such as the reputation of the neighborhood and its effect on the atittude of the police.
And I completely agree that it should not have been a race based movement, but rather one against police brutality in general, but marxoids and big corpos alike have to divide and create racial tensions for their aims.

>> No.59993312

Shes a white american women, is almost pathological for them to support BLM.

>> No.59993588

I dont think your average commie could define marxism.

Most people do not give a shit about idelogy, you could ask a person in the middle of the soviet revolution and they probably couldn't give an answer because marxism isnt what they care about, they cared about the Czar treating them like shit. Actual idelogues are for annoying college students. You ever tried to read Das Kapital? its boring as shit and horrible written.
