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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59931769 No.59931769 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.59933847
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>> No.59939966
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>> No.59941207

Remember she's not your girlfriend. You are delusional.

>> No.59943990

That goes without saying, it's a horse with a horn. Get some help.

>> No.59946230

sorry i'm late uniGODS

>> No.59948414

the fuck

>> No.59949773

she IS my girlfriend. YOU are delusional.

>> No.59949793

A vtuber whose success is thanks to unicorns is obligated to be deeply grateful and loyal to their unicorns for their entire career

>> No.59949801

Get out, this the unicorn global, we hate people like you. SHE IS MY WIFE MY GIRLFRIEND, MY PEOPLE SPEAK TO ME

>> No.59949804 [DELETED] 
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uniCHADS are uniGODS.

>> No.59949895

i'm delusional and happy, are you happy?

>> No.59949937
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We need a definitive list of Vtubers that are confirmed unicorn friendly, so we can stop being hurt.

>> No.59950043

How are these girls hurting you anon. Did they beat you up? Did they take your lunch money? Are you oggey?

>> No.59950071

being cheated on hurts. It's not that hard, they just have to not be whores. It's not complicated.

>> No.59950276

You were cheated on? I hope you signed a prenup

>> No.59950754
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>> No.59950840

They crushed my innocence, I don't want to watch another whore

>> No.59950885

Start fucking them. It's gonna relieve that pent up frustration

>> No.59950984

>oh man, that new barista at Starbucks is totally into me, she gives me the bedroom eyes and flashes a dirty smile every time I tip her
>I've started tipping her a lot more than other customers, she's so happy every time I do, she says "thank you so much anon" really loudly letting everyone else know she's my girlfriend
>I saw her chatting with a male coworker and it made me feel really angry and hurt, she never chats to me like that. It must be because of work, she wouldn't talk to a normie loser like that normally
>It's over, I found her Instagram and it was full of pictures with that loser coworker. How could she betray me like this, she knew I had eyes for her I was going to propose and make her happy. That whore! stringing me along like that. Fuck her. I still need my coffee though but she'll get never get another tip from me EVER

>> No.59951045

The difference is the Starbucks barista doesn't make promises of not interacting with other men, doesn't tell you that she loves you or that she is your girlfriend

>> No.59951067

How are these kinds of fags not extinct yet is beyond me

>> No.59951092
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>> No.59951218
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>> No.59951403

If a chuuba does all that then I can understand, even if I think pursuing it is a bad idea. But most of the chuubas I see unicorns gushing for haven't made such statements, at best they simply don't talk about men and that is taken as unspoken gospel that they're "my unironic faithful wife who loves me completely"

>> No.59951415

I hope you don't listen to the starbucks girl talking for 6 hours a day, you're spending a lot of time in that starbucks anon

>> No.59951438

So no difference

>> No.59951474

She (he?) probably will be, once it actually happens. Your delusions don't count.

>> No.59951538

Because a vtuber acts wishy-washy or afraid of schizos that gives them a sense of power and ownership. Best thing to do in that situation is to completely ignore them and yet many don't, Kronii being the worst example.

>> No.59951559

These people don't even know what they want. And even if they did they'll never be satisfied.

>> No.59951660

I meant the actual fags you see in shops that take a normal interaction of "I can't be rude to the customers" as "I love this particulate customer". What gets them to act like that? I had a cashier coworker when I was 17 that had one of those retards keep bringing her roses for no reason and she got scared everytime so much so that she never accepted shifts that would make her leave after sunset

>> No.59951732

I am happy and you are cucked

>> No.59951756

>vtuber-tier parasocialism towards normal people working their jobs
That's kinda scary.

>> No.59951876

people who never learn how to socialize or learn all that stuff from the internet/anime will end up with unrealistic expectations. schools unironically need to start teaching kids how not to be retarded because whatever's going on currently clearly isn't working

>> No.59951919

Another retarded catalog thread, please kill yourselves you pathetic "unicorns" and do the world a favor

>> No.59951981

Why don't you guys just have sex and stop being parasocial?
What makes it so hard? Is it autism?

>> No.59952041

I think this one is more a parent kind of job

>> No.59952049

See, you are not supposed to believe women when they say they love you. Literally everyone everywhere tell people that

>> No.59952107

I know this is bait, but it's really not that easy to just get into a loving relationship, and for some people, sex isn't worth it otherwise. Being a gachi isn't necessarily bad in and of itself so long as you can control it, still enjoy real life if you can, and not let it get to a point where you're anti-ing literally everything that isn't your oshi.

>> No.59952131

true, but then you get parents who enable that sort of behaviour so it's good for society to have a back up plan

>> No.59952166

Unicorns have such high standards about women on the internet, imagine how they feel about real women.

>> No.59952207

There's people out there that enable it? Why? I would feel I've failed as a parent if my son ended up like that.

>> No.59952304

>I know this is bait
It is not.
>it's really not that easy to just get into a loving relationship
I'm talking about sex, little baby boy.
>sex isn't worth it otherwise.
Sure but if you masturbate and are a man then you are being a hypocrite.
>Being a gachi isn't necessarily bad in and of itself so long as you can control it
Why do you need to exude control over your entertainment on the internet, don't you have something more important in your life than Vtubers and drama? That's women shit you know?
>anti-ing literally everything that isn't your oshi.
And why is this even a thing, as far as I know internet beef between indie vtubers is the equivalent of highschool gossiping and the top ones are blatantly against hating each other publicly.
I ask you again, is it autism?

>> No.59952342

>There's people out there that enable it? Why? I would feel I've failed as a parent if my son ended up like that.
I'm not sure why but usually they don't care about their kids or focus on the "good" one in case they have siblings. Also in a lot of cases the parents themselves are crazy also.
Modern life allows actual retards to have high life expectancy and even surpass you financially!

>> No.59952370

Unicorns are miserable and want to drag their chuubas, who they're supposed to support, down with them

>> No.59952416

there's lots of roads to the same destination:
>some parents don't care and let their child be raised by the internet
>some love their precious little boy so much they spoilt them rotten
>some have ideas that are straight up incompatible with modern society - give her flowers everyday, that how you court a girl
probably more reasons but the point is, is that raising a functional adult can be hard and many aren't equipped for such a task

>> No.59952453

If they don't care about the kids can you really call it enabling? Probably yes. Still I'm probably lucky enough to have never met a parent that is ok with shit like this

>> No.59952469
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>> No.59952472

>Unicorns are miserable and want to drag their chuubas, who they're supposed to support, down with them
I know but I wanna know why they choose to be that way. Maybe i'm the autismo all along but you see it too right? They are the authors of their own misery. A better question in my opinion would be why they choose to be that way instead of a better/healthier way.

>> No.59952482


>> No.59952496

The thread is about unicorns. Pedantic nerd faggot.

>> No.59952557

>A better question in my opinion would be why they choose to be that way instead of a better/healthier way.
That takes effort

>> No.59952562

>Sure but if you masturbate and are a man then you are being a hypocrite.
That's retarded, possibly one of the most retarded things ever posted on 4chan.

>> No.59952577

it'll be 404'd eventually, for now just enjoy

>> No.59952617


>> No.59952663
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Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
Take advantage of others to get what they want
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Be envious of others and believe others envy them
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office

At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation

It's basically a word for word definition of a unicorn.
So you guys unironically need pills and therapy damn. I'm sorry. Now I understand, I was a normalfag all along.

>> No.59952691

Based thread

>> No.59952701

Because sex and masturbation are different things.

Even if you add porn to the equation, watching porn and having sex are not the same thing.

>> No.59952723
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How would YOU know? I know, do you?

>> No.59952770

What’s the criteria for unicorn friendly?

>> No.59952817

Live and let live.
Unicorns should leave the chuubas who collab with the other gender, have a partner or whatever alone. Don't push your beliefs and feelings on people who are neither not into nor interested in it.
And the same goes for the collab beggars, anti-unicorns, normalfags or whatever you want to call them, leave the chuubas who pander to unicorns or are as parasocial as their unicorns alone. Albeit you think their happiness will lead nowhere or is abnormal doesn't matter. It's none of your damn business.
It really is that simple.

>> No.59952866

>no b*yfriend
>no m*le collabs
>no interaction with m*les
>no interaction with girls who have interacted with m*les
>no interaction with girls who have even entertained the idea of interacting with m*les
>no interaction with indie vtubers of any type

>> No.59952882

Socially retarded people upset me when they are in my vicinity. Segregation NOW

>> No.59952925

It's as simple as this, there's a chuuba for every flavour and stick to the ones who pander to you

>> No.59953077

No, you need to watch a whore and she needs to be financially supported, and you're a neo-nazi if you don't respect her collab choices
Don't leave and don't find someone better

>> No.59953149

So...they don't exist

>> No.59953180
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Finally a thread I can frolic in

>> No.59953290

What are you doing on the vtuber board if you don't watch any vtubers?

>> No.59953291

It really isn't. There are chuubas that haven't made their stance clear from the start and still get unicorns because they can't help but fall for them. And the second they male collab they feel all betrayed. Unicorns should stick to GFE and that's it, because at least those chuubas are the ones that do tell their fans they're in love with them.
t. has had his oshi in the crossfire because of this unicorn/homobeggar console war

>> No.59953330

just like unicorns, it's poetic

>> No.59953418

There are some small corpos who are unicorn friendly. If you know you know, but I'm not telling anyone who they are lest there be normies lurking.

>> No.59953527

Said noone ever

>> No.59953562
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>> No.59953611

Sorry but Kawaii is disqualified because all their members interacted with Miori, which violates
>no m*le collabs
>no interaction with m*les
Actually Mio disqualify every single small corpo and micro corpo even ever existed by your standards.
Sorry, your perfect vtuber does not exist

>> No.59953668
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>> No.59954316

you could start a new corpo, hire only literal prostitutes and as long as they had no boyfriend and swore off male collabs at debut they'd fulfil your criteria

>> No.59956724

whats the point of this shit

>> No.59957171

... No way? Really? A spark of intelligence amidst this shithole called /vt/?
Anon leave and never come back, you don't deserve to be in this aberrant place. Godspeed.

>> No.59957198

>no interaction with males
I understand not wanting no male collabs but getting upset over responding to a male in chat like 99.99% of her audience is so fucking stupid dude. Just watch K-on.

>> No.59958189

>It's basically a word for word definition of a unicorn.
>Now I understand, I was a normalfag all along
Wow what brand of projector you're using? Not all Unicorn has NPD. I, as a unicorn, doesnt have any problem regulating my emotions. I just want to love someone because that feeling is very blissful. It gives a mood boost towards my productivity and makes me view society more positively. Having a good Idol Vtuber is like a glimmer of hope in finding a person like her in the physical realm. If the vtubers are in relationship, its just felt like the hope is trampled on and ridiculed. That is why graduation is an important ceremony, which is to depart Idol from viewers in good terms and everyone can move on happily. Now the term has become stupid dead-reincarnation that doesnt mean anything except to pull money from viewers.

>> No.59959229

So, anyone worked out the list?

>> No.59959833

See >>59952866 no such vtuber exists, let alone enough for there to be a list

>> No.59959894

she IS my girlfriend. i AM delusional.

>> No.59960097

Go back to watching anime, vtubers aren't anime, they're real women. You've been tricked and deceived.

>> No.59960748
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I still love the AI unicorns 5ch made when Pekora played Apex.

>> No.59961694

This list of criteria is outright delusional, I'm talking about a list of chuubas who simply don't interact with males on-stream.

>> No.59964039

Unicorns have their days numbered anyway. Once AI is perfected these "people" will fuck off to a dark world of delusions and only true vtubing fans will remain.

>> No.59964139


>> No.59964924

But unironically. Look at neuro and vedal.

>> No.59964994

I'm ok with that so long as she's no one else's girlfriend

>> No.59965057
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>> No.59965234
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good thread

>> No.59965942
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>> No.59966249

Where are our homobeggar thread, HOMOKEK WW@

>> No.59966486

>equate having sex and mastubate to porn as the same thing
>t. actual virgin.
Holy fuck.

>> No.59967198

The order is wrong, mococo on the right side please

>> No.59968815

This is it. Unicorns and homobeggars are one and the same.

>> No.59970118

Only when they are unwanted >>59952817

>> No.59970647

There really aren't any chuubas for unicorns though, unfortunately. Not a single one. Apparently not being a whore or impure in one way or another is too tall of an order.

>> No.59970738


>> No.59970767

I've yet to find a truly unicorn-friendly chuuba, but here's a list of who to avoid:

>> No.59970833
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So uh, what do you guys do in these threads? I've seen a couple of them posted now.

>> No.59970906

Mostly post shitty AI art from what I've seen

>> No.59970954

I never said that, I said how could he know having sex and masturbation are different if he never had sex before.

>> No.59970990

Not me. "Unicorn-friendly" AI VTubers would be meaningless, because they were just programmed to be that way. They didn't have the free will to choose to be a moral and virtuous woman.

>> No.59971244

AI girls will save us Unicorn bros

>> No.59971308

>AI says they love their creator as a man and has stated multiple times to have romantic and sexual feelings towards him
One can only imagine what Unicorns went through.
>I just want to love someone because that feeling is very blissful
And you choose a PNG with a nice voice instead of a real physical woman to fall in love with.
>Having a good Idol Vtuber is like a glimmer of hope in finding a person like her in the physical realm
This is a fallacy because most Vtubers are playing a character anyway so falling in love with one is akin to having a waifu and being gachi to her, I know it happens but it's always someone severely neurodivergent.
>ts just felt like the hope is trampled on and ridiculed
But why, lmao
>Now the term has become stupid dead-reincarnation
My little newfag, everything on the internet eventually gets corrupted but I digress.

The point of this reply chain was about why unicorns just have sex and stop being parasocial yet all the answers I've gotten so far have been strawmen and cope.
I'm pretty sure you guys have autism but it probably goes beyond that. I just wanna know to see how I can help, I don't like my fellow retards being self harm idiots with no aspirations and letting women dictate their happiness.

I mean have you seen the Barbie movie? You guys are like Ken but more lame.

>> No.59971530
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>have sex
Because 3dpd western whores are evil.

>> No.59971539
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>Unicorn General
Don't you fuckers have a suicide bombing to plan?
