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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59917995 No.59917995 [Reply] [Original]

Full translation of that Pekora Unicorn talk clip.
> Pekora is drinking Protein (shakes) recently. Trying to take care of her body for the Sololive.
> She also got a personal Gym trainer and is doing regular serious exercies, so her muscles are also sore occasionally.
> "Ah, you guys can relax, it's a female trainer." - Pekora
> "Unicorn feelings were considered, nice!" - chat
> *laughs* Pekora asks unicorns to raise their hand.
> *chat nervous, don't wanna out themselves* Pekora encourages them.
> "declaring that you're a unicorn is a bit..." - chat
> "Why? It's fine. Then again I guess Pekora wouldn't have many listeners like that." - Pekora
> Pekora thinks it's normal, if she were a fan of herself, she would think like that.
> Pekora has strong feeling of "独占欲" i.e. desire to monopolize someone.
> She used to be a Momochi oshi (irl idol from "Hello! Project Kids", now retired).
> She was completely fine with Momochi collabing with male artists, comedians etc.
> But there was one instance, she appeared in the program "Waratte Iitomo" and had a bit where she had to dance with someone from Johnny's Idol group (Jr)
> That guy met her eyes directly and gave off the vibe that he was "aiming for her".
> She got super angry that once time.
> "There's no reason to look into her eyes right? Just dance properly, asshole!"
> Basically, when there was a vibe of "are they gonna..?" it felt bad for her.
> Reiterates she got angry but not at Momochi, but that guy.
> "This fucker, don't ever interact with Momochi again!" etc.
> More talk going deeper into the topic, discussion Sugita, and how getting him to do the bunnyfication was a big deal.
> "Pros are fine.", "If it's entertaining, anything is fine." - chat
> Pekora ponders the fact that you'll never know if something is "fun" for the audience until it actually happens.
> "If everyone's having fun, there's no need to stress out much over it." - chat
> Pekora goes "is that so" and does a bit where she goes "Unicorn-san, you can oshi Pekora without any issues! Probably..." *laughs*
> She also says there might be times when she might have to interact due to work etc.
> "Do you think we're annoying?" - chat
> "Nah, not really. Like I said earlier, it's something anyone would think, so it's fine." - Pekora
> Asks chat what they felt about the Minecraft VS thingey that she did with some celebs (ft. Chloe and Kanata). What chat thinks of that type of thing?
> *chat says it's fine*
> "I didn't think anything at aaalll~" - chat
> *laughs* "You should think about it a little bit y'know!" - Pekora
> (joking) "Our Pekora might interact with males!" - Pekora
> Pekora says that this type of interactions are pretty normal and getting angry about that level is a bit annoying.
> If you're the team leader, then you will of course have to interact with them, so if you get angry about it then hold it in.
> She's thankful that they let her lead a team, so.
> Discusses about how those guys were SUPER considerate, to the point of it being weird (e.g. not standing too close to them, even in Minecraft).
> At some points she felt like they were being treated like a fragile decoration. They would obviously be aware of how much our fans can flame them if they make a misstep.
> So when they're going that far for accomodating them (Hololive), "our side" getting angry would be quite rude to them.
> Right now she doesn't have any more plans like that, but says doing that type of thing occasionally would be nice.
> Thanks Laplus for taking the lead because she was nervous around the guys.
Last part is some guy going "I fucking hate FPS" and Pekora teasing him about doing a 24x7 "Road to Master" stream along with Aqua.

>> No.59918214

All the people going “it’s fine, it’s fine” annoy me because I don’t think most of them actually believe that, they just say it because it’s the socially correct thing to say.

>> No.59918264

>t-they're all actually unicorns they're just shy about it
unlike EOPs, JOPs know that unicorns are disgusting and embarrassing and something to be mocked

>> No.59918271

Honestly good response

>> No.59918310

Except I didn’t say that, but okay. You’re clearly mentally disturbed so there’s no reason to speak with you.

>> No.59918364
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>"Please unicorn-san oshi me~"
Why can't HoloEN be like that? There's literally 0 EN who said she won't be dating because she is an idol.

>> No.59918386

Most people really don't care about that stuff anon. Don't delude yourself into thinking unicorns are the majority.

>> No.59918418

Some might not think of themselves as unicorns. But they just haven't had that "my idol danced with a dude and he liked it too much" moment

The problem with the retards on this board is that every single male interaction is that moment to them (or they're hoping it becomes that for others)

>> No.59918490

Actual unicorns are just being embarrassed tbf. Like she said being a unicorn is something understandable but also shameful to admit. If she did a poll instead most people would be against male collabs.

>> No.59918575

100/10 response, literally the ideal take on this topic

>> No.59918694

Pekora said being a unicorn is completely normal.

>> No.59918812
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Pekora knows what's up

>> No.59919152


>> No.59919220

She's not talking about homos but literal artist you retard

>> No.59919299

Are japs just that much smarter than western whores or what?

>> No.59919402
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so what does this count as

>> No.59919532

kusa. Do japs really forget about cold chikin already?

>> No.59919565

Note that she also said “getting angry even when guys go out of their way to be respectful and considerate while interacting” is rude and disrespectful

>> No.59919610

Pekora said the opposite homobeggar, you got btfo.

>> No.59919638
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>tfw virtual bunny girl manages to be more intelligent than 99% of streamers

>> No.59919685

Unironically, imo it's just a culture diff. I don't think there's a single EN mem who could relate or sympathize the way Pekora does here. I also think there's a big difference between how JP and EN fans react to these moments, but this is just my head canon

>> No.59919725

> Discusses about how those guys were SUPER considerate, to the point of it being weird (e.g. not standing too close to them, even in Minecraft).
> At some points she felt like they were being treated like a fragile decoration. They would obviously be aware of how much our fans can flame them if they make a misstep.
If only male vtubers outside of Japan had that ability.

>> No.59919752

interesting points

>> No.59919769

These weren't vtubers...

>> No.59919847

Sure, but even so, I wish male vtubers around these parts had that ability. The JP homos do as far as I'm aware.

>> No.59919852

>Pekora said being a unicorn is completely normal.
And her definition of an unicorn is different from dipshits EOP

>> No.59919946

Pekora being based as usual

>> No.59919949

From what I've seen with Western guys collabing with vtubers, If they know the girl has fans who become defensive when people try and flirt with them, the guy will become resentful of her audience and do it even more. I've seen this a couple times with some of the Apex guys Selen has collabed with who got backflash from some of her goslings for trying to flirt, even though Selen always shuts that shit down

>> No.59920043
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I wonder why female vtubers are comfortable pandering to unicorns and gachikoi but male vtubers always backtrack on it and aim for a more general audience.
My pet theory is that women are just used to be lusted over by men whereas men don't know how to handle it when the attention is on them.

>> No.59920165

It's more that the female unicorns are worse in nearly every aspect when compared to male ones and as a fanbase really

>> No.59920230
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>Thanks Laplus for taking the lead because she was nervous around the guys.
Meanwhile retards here shit on Lap for being "Apex whore" when the biggest Holo consider her a vanguard for male collab and that is good.
Every single talking points done by Pekora here is killing English Unicorns and condemning their behavior.

>> No.59920278

>japcucks being too scared to be truthful even when their oshi is giving them a pass
lol cucked society

>> No.59920310

Don't care, still a literal disease-riddled whore. Keep her out of view on Twitch.

>> No.59920315

There are many more male unicorns than female unicorns simply because there are many more lonely men. At least that's the case in the west, not sure how it is in Japan.

>> No.59920429

To add onto this, women who are genuinely lonely, as in they literally cannot get a man because they're just that insane, have even worse behavior than the garden variety lonely man because men are taught to expect loneliness and women aren't.

>> No.59920459

Exactly but JP unicorns are not as forgiving as us, for Pekora a unicorn is someone who will throw a fit if he sees her dating a guy while our unicucks are unironically supporting girls who have a boyfriend just because they don't collab with males.

>> No.59920473

Now she should understand why nobody wants them to constantly collab with holostars. Too bad yagoo will never understand.

>> No.59920475

Loneliness rates and Celibacy are shit ton more close between the genders, compared to most of the West

>> No.59920487

Yeah yeah, and Laplus was a unicorn herself too, nousagis are retarded babies.

>> No.59920590

>There are many more male unicorns than female unicorns simply because there are many more lonely men
Eh, all statistics tell multiple stories. 30% of women say they are single compared to 60% of men, but that also means roughly half of women who say they are in a relationship are actually the sidepiece.

>> No.59920597

Based on Pekora's criteria, among HolostarEN Altare is the best choice to collab with.
Dude always been so accommodating, even him just being there tone down Kobo's kusogaki nature. Plus point is the fact that he's a 100% gay man (he would never, ever flirt with the girls and also never flirts back)

>> No.59920694

I wonder if Americans will ever pick up on the "gay best friend" archetype never actually being gay.

>> No.59920749

>that also means roughly half of women who say they are in a relationship are actually the sidepiece.
Which leads up to the normalization of cheating. It was just copium all the way down.
And people asked how polygamy is way more common than polygyny? This is why. It is not that there are more women than men. Single men always outnumber single women in peacetime.

>> No.59920777

HolostarsJP are all like that, it's so obvious that people who shit on them for collabing with the girls have never watched them

>> No.59920797

Viewership and merch sale numbers show that's not true. There are 3 types of people that say it's fine: women that only watch as long as there's drama, men who claim they don't care until it actually happens and then they lose their enthusiasm, and people with an actual cuckoldry fetish.

>> No.59920820

Kek, she wants more money. She wants to repace Rushia.

>> No.59920839

maybe, but he's annoying and boring

>> No.59920918

*begging intensifies*

>> No.59920941

>Viewership and merch sale numbers show that's not true
There should be actual research for this. At least in the IRL Idol world it's simple
>30% of your audience holds 50% of your income
Which is far better progression compared to Sengoku period of early 2000s as AKB normalizing no-dating rule and shaming culture, the Idol world has began shedding this.

>> No.59921130

>JP unicorns are not as forgiving as us
Every other fucking time I call the "unicorns" of this board cucks with no standards they tell me that 5ch says western "unicorns" are the most extreme and they wear that like a badge of honor

>> No.59921182

>She got super angry that once time
Yup, this is creepy. I skip those collabs cuz idc about men or e-celebs in vtubing, just not my thing.

>> No.59921283

you've never felt that way, even a little? you seem extremely onions to not understand

>> No.59921293 [DELETED] 

kys homobeggar

>> No.59921357
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>Exactly but JP unicorns are not as forgiving
They created this animation for good reason. This is not a banner of war. This is an act of submission.
>5ch says western "unicorns" are the most extreme and they wear that like a badge of honor
5chan Unicorns actually walk the talk. They rather leave their oshi rather than hatewatching her flirting with men. This can be showcased with the recent Mikeneko threesome yab.
4chan absolutely LOVE hatewatching for some reason. Old woman watching soap opera behavior.

>> No.59921377
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Laplus is the leader of the evil secret society determined to take over the world, but not everyone realizes HoloX has good intentions to make the world a better place!
She's a villain for our sake, and she's so cute.

>> No.59921396

JP homos know to do that only with vtubers who've already established that they're non-unicorn friendly or have cucks as their fanbase.

>> No.59921409 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294
Lunar Rabbit Edition

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>> No.59921531
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>> No.59921651

It's a little hobby to me, I care about them like I care about anime or cartoon characters.

>> No.59921684

Hex exists

>> No.59921691

It's probably because most "unicorns" here are just dramafags. I don't know how you could post here and not be blackpilled on the absolute state of modern women. Kind of hard to become a real unicorn in this sort of environment.

>> No.59921762

Women find men attractive if other women find him attractive. This is why when you are single women shun you but as soon as you land a girlfriend/wife women are like succubae.

>> No.59921768

>aa2bro is a /vt/fag
Why am I not surprised
Honestly I want to see what real western unicorn forum looks like. Because lowered ccv is still a real thing, albeit not as severe.

>> No.59922003

>real western unicorn forum
go to the generals

>> No.59922352

i'm not reading all of that
is she good or just a kronii tier whore?

>> No.59922441

Read it and find out

>> No.59922493

What's the definition of whore in this board?

>> No.59922516

Whatever lets you call holos that

>> No.59922515


>> No.59922528

Because idols and their culture is exclusive for japan. Expecting a western to have Japanese standards is beyond retarded. If you watch EN you will get EN: entitled, bitchy and antagonistic twitch e-girls.
You might find a western girl with japanese idol values but you’re aiming for a girl who self-groomed into that to brain rot levels.

>> No.59922530

Since when were JP bros neutered like this? These are the same people that threw a fit when a dude's voice was heard in Towa's apex stream, right?

>> No.59922580
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Yes, thats why nijisanji saiko!!!! I love my male collabs!!!!

>> No.59922676

Nips complain on twitter and 2ch

>> No.59922693

I know you’re shitposting but even then comparing lashit to pekora is worth 10 death penalties.

>> No.59922703

JP men have given up on ever having girlfriends or children. They are just happy to see a strong confident man take care of the women they never could. They would consider it an honor to be able to watch their oshi being impregnated.

>> No.59922741

I can feel how brown your hands are.

>> No.59922785

I see, some anons need to get a life.

>> No.59922863

5ch is not the same as 2ch
2ch is where the crazies at
5ch is normie anon forum which is why its useful for egosearch as well as gauging general audience interest.

>> No.59922878

Damn, did Shu finally get rejected 1 too many times and settle for Elira's friend?

>> No.59922955
File: 141 KB, 900x841, 0C981E63-A222-4316-AD5F-60D00EC4D049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s why she’s the GOAT. Unicorns stay winning

>> No.59922962

anyone with a functioning unicorn horn knows there's zero chance of involvement there

>> No.59922997

sounds like an extremely reasonable conversation. there are talents that I don't care whether they collab with males, and some that I'd find awkward. for example, GFE streamers are building an audience of lonely people that expect a type of content from them, and betraying that expectation warrants a negative reaction from said audience. while others will have a more comedy-focused type of content, or gameplay-focused, or whatever. ultimately I think it's up to the talent herself to understand her audience and act in a respectful (but not slavishly) way towards them
for Pekora specifically, I don't think it'd make sense for her to suddenly start having personal collabs with holostars or whatever, but I wouldn't get upset if she participated in an wider event with males in it, and interacted with them in a friendly manner

>> No.59923033

Why don't you use that same energy to tell your oshi how you really feel instead of acting like a subservient pussyboy?

>> No.59923156

>You might find a western girl with japanese idol values
In fact, we have at least three in HoloEN and two of them share a channel.

>> No.59923179
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Aside from what others already said, I think it has to do with how comfortable with what they have to do to get unicorns. Male unicorns expect their idols to be an ideal of femininity, maybe not in the traditional sense of a submissive wife that doesn't talk but they have to be cute, stylish, a little shy but still sexy, etc. While of course not every woman represent that ideal, I think most woman still wants to be something like that, they want to act cute, they want to be sexy, they want people to pamper them, etc. For men it's different because, what women that watch vtubers, or female weebs in general, well, their ideal man is closer to that ideal of femininity than to what most men want to be like. Just look at NijiEN, at their peak Luxiem was basically five grown men acting like women and pretending to lust for each other, no fucking wonder all of them got burn up so quickly. I'm not saying every female vtuber is a lesbian or anything, but for them it's way more natural to be kinda flirty with their friends and liking girly things like making cookies and dancing, most guys have to force themselves to act like that on stream. So yeah, the difference is that to pander to men female vtubers have to act like something they wish they could be, while for male vtubers, to pander to women they have to pretend to be something they at best tolerate, and at worst they hate and thus they end up disliking streaming or try to rebrand themselves like Vox and Mysta.

>> No.59923201

Even if my oshi loved lawhore that doesn’t change the fact she’s an e-celeb cocksleeve grifter. Just because I love my oshi doesn’t mean she’s the source of truth of this world. Also we stand different grounds: it’s different when you know your coworker cheats on his wife than when the one knowing is his partner.

>> No.59923233

>"Ah, you guys can relax, it's a female trainer." - Pekora
The hugest flag that it is not in fact, a female trainer

>> No.59923555

The general problem is that the average /vt/ poster, and as an extension members of the vtubing community as a whole, think like this guy >>59922352. There is no nuance, every itneraction with a male is equal, talking to a guy is the same as having sex with them. A large part of this is because well, it's 4chan, so things like logic and nuance are often thrown out the window in favor of just pushing whatever you want to believe, often as a tool to shit on another thing you dislike. I genuinely believe most of these extreme unicorn posters here don't actually believe the things they're saying, they just go with the "posting meta" of becoming essentially a parody of the most extreme unicorn possible, because to be anything else would make you comparatively vulnerable to fans of other fanbases that are doing it. Discussing this kind of thing is completely pointless here because nobody is interested in arguing in good faith, and because honestly having the girls not interact with males is seen as a measure of how much that vtuber is willing to pander and as such obey the whims of the people who post here. Combine all of this with the fact that there is no collective memory here, you can make the best argument possible only for the thread to die and everything to reset to the status quo. Hell, even this post is inherently meaningless, the lenght of it combined with unpopular views is a guarantee that it will be mostly ignored and inevitably qucikly forgotten by those who bother reading it. The community itself is the problem, more than the unicorn mentality.

>> No.59924091

I see you anon. But you have to admit drama is also entertaining.

>> No.59924139

explain biboo, gura and fuwadoggos then

>> No.59924236

A westerner attempting to behave japanese means they have actual problems, regardless of whether the act is convincing or not. If you want to watch JP, just watch JP. Don't attempt to substitute with a socially maladjusted autist attempting to imitate someone else's culture.

>> No.59924305

>A westerner attempting to behave japanese means they have actual problems
japs didn't invent idol culture, damn they didn't even invent parasocial relationships

>> No.59924354

It’s not
Good fucking lord, no, it’s not
It’s the most mind-numbing, pointless drivel that is the antithesis of all that is good about humanity and social interaction

>> No.59924512

Pekora said it's fine so I don't give a shit about what (You) or some faggots in nipland think.

>> No.59924544

>0 EN
FuwaMoco. Watch streams. Though to be fair, they never explicitly said it. They simply have an idol/unicorn-friendly history and will never dat/marry until they retire.

>> No.59924612

> don't think there's a single EN mem who could relate or sympathize the way Pekora does here.
see >>59924544 (me)

>> No.59924680

Gura did but she basically gave up on vtubing

>> No.59924829

Pretty much fuwamoco and kiara, yes, but again you’re aiming for a type that’s just an exception within an exception.

>> No.59924929

One of them has a confirmed bf and no, not collabing with males on stream doesn’t make her an idol.

>> No.59925005

>drama is also entertaining.
To watch as observer, not when you got involved because some dipshit talk ignorance about your oshi
(I don't even HAVE an Oshi and I can feel that)

>> No.59925014

What makes you think that, and not that they actually believe it? Most of these people are relatively normal for Japan. Do you ever think you may be the odd one out?

>> No.59925045

no way gura has a bf

>> No.59925072

It's not intelligence, it's the cultural programming. Western women who spend a lot of time on the internet are the tip of the spear of the US progressive movement and they've all been indoctrinated to think anime waifus/"idol culture" = bad evil sexist wrong.

A lot of them intellectually know who their viewers are, but they resent it emotionally. This leads either to crazy outbursts/meltdowns on stream, or to quixotic quests to find a "new audience" (which never works).

>> No.59925093

How the fuck do you behave japanese? Additionally, also tell me how to behave French, Mexican and Kazakhstanian.
I want to impress my date with how cultured I am.

>> No.59925176

Fuwamoco is living in Japan though and they've clearly soaked in the culture to the point they understand who their audience is and who they need to appeal to in order to succeed at vTubing.

>> No.59925283

He's not referring to Gura or FuwaMoco.

>> No.59925335

Based Peko

>> No.59925350

Fair point...

>> No.59925357

>How the fuck do you behave japanese?
Commit suicide
Be an absolute degenerate. You're probably there already.
Google images of cartel decapitations for inspiration
I don't know. Glad I could help.

>> No.59925447

Kek. See you in a year retard

>> No.59925502

I will be the dog's bf. Both of them.

>> No.59925676

That's where you fucked up, defending the dignity of women online is peak simp behavior and you deserve to be milked like the white knight lolcow that you are.

>> No.59925694

pipe it down with the projection cuckbeat

>> No.59925759

I do have an oshi and even though she doesnt get shit talked much I feel bad for others when their oshi does

>> No.59925834

>living in japan
>fuwamoco morning at 12:00am jst
are you retarded?

>> No.59926265

nta, but I am an unrepentant simp being milked for all his money. It's not a bad life.

>> No.59926313


>> No.59926384

>4chan absolutely LOVE hatewatching for some reason
It's not hatewatching. They watch because they thing their whore oshi is somehow not going to betray them this time. Mikeneko and all of EN are the best examples of this.

>> No.59926409

How does it feel to pay shekels to virtual dancing monkeys while f2pchads like myself watch them for free on neighbor's wifi?

>> No.59926453

Based. Pekora being a safe pick for unicorn manchildren is good so we hear less of their insufferable whining overall.

>> No.59926507

Feels pretty good, man.

>> No.59926544

That's sad.

>> No.59926568

>It's not hatewatching. They watch because they thing their whore oshi is somehow not going to betray them this time
The biggest antis are somehow too well informed by stream details, beat to beat. If that's not hatewatching I don't know what is.
The clipfags are a lot less obnoxious since they exist to be spoonfed like retards.
Insult doesn't matter. If they feel accomplished doing that, then nothing else matter. I mean, boomer dads bitched about millenials and zoomers not going to strip club.

>> No.59926693

If it's hatewatching they wouldn't be the first ones to defend the vtuber they're watching.

>> No.59926715

Someone should make an actual EN clip out of this. Regular EN clipper translators are coward and will never put effort on a clip like that. I want to see how much westerner "nousagi" will seethe at her saying she's fine with Unicorns

>> No.59926766

It'll never not be funny seeing EOPs who've clearly never even watched a clip, let alone a stream, of holostars put the JP members on a pedestal

>> No.59927087

That's actually what I think as well. People have often pointed out that around the same time HoloEn debuted males their viewership declined but what people don't point out is that for the past year and a half HoloEn has had members who frequently go on breaks without tweeting or even warning anyone that they're going. COVID lockdowns also ended and several other vtuber groups debuted such as idol and even different waves in nijisanji debuted. There were a million different factors that went into the loss of viewership but it'd be interesting to see which had the largest affect

>> No.59927116

>I want to see how much westerner "nousagi" will seethe at her saying she's fine with Unicorns
They would laud her because she condemned western unicorn behavior beat by beat. Now add the unironic weebs who will praise Jap unicorns for being so orderly. You won't get the seethe you wanted.

>> No.59927166

Plenty of people seething in this thread so I think you're wrong :)

>> No.59927206

I dont feel that sad about it tbdesu.

>> No.59927371

4chan culture represents the more extreme viewpoints and is a lot of shitposting. that skews things. the jp might not want to talk about it in chat--look at how chloe treated that guy pre holozontal. they send marrows. anyway, they have these talks because the unicorns exist and they're an important part of their fanbase. most viewers won't say anything and will just stop watching. and only a small portion of viewers ever participate in chat. they're also much more aware of how to do these talks. i'm guessing they've seen the same talks given by people they are fans of.

>> No.59927416

I definitely think collabs with males are a problem but not the only problem. Lack of streams also hurts them, as does frequent meltdowns and lashing out at fans. I really soured on Amelia and checked out even before her "improve yourself" meltdown, and I finally gave up on Ina about a year ago, both because they had a tendency to get mad at fans a lot.

There's also "degrees" of collabs too. A one-time interview of a celeb? No one cares. Being on a Minecraft server with men on it but limited/no interaction? No one cares. What riles people up is when they collab with a male streamer and even worse, start flirting. This devastated NijiEN.

>> No.59927479

Didn't see it. I only see people praising her or twisting her words into "Pro unicorn speech" and then people who shit on westoid unicorn.
I swear to god Holopro JP always have the most degenerate male collabs even compared to any other corpo or indies. Westoid unicorns refused to learn despite it happened in Rust multiple times, and it will happen with Ark too.
What kind of copium they're on?

>> No.59927601

I’ve watched them plenty and they absolutely have the capacity to be respectful and professional

>> No.59927982

Has looked at a man one time. The standards are very low here.

>> No.59928234

nene is a nice girl

>> No.59928260

>I'm literally seething and crying

>> No.59928320

Japanese idol groups do a thing called "box pushing" where they will basically try to take the least popular runt of the group and try to go to bat for her extra hard and basically, try to force or oblige you to like the entire group equally - even if someone is popularly despised by fans for a yab they will pretend that never happened and try to guilt trip you into overlooking it by setting it up like "you hate X but love Y.. but X is Y'z best friend ever so actually Y would not like you if she knew you hate X. So you need to accept X too."

If the yab is too bad that they cannot realistically paper over what happened and pretend everyone is fine and perfect, that is when sudden graduations and hiatuses happen. There is not usually an in between point where the runt is openly acknowledged and trash talked by the others etc, they are all unity or just kick out someone who would make unity untenable. They are all always going to say they are super best friends if you ask what they think of each other, they all cover for each other even if that is not actually reality. I don't think too many (or any even) Holos actually really hate each other but I would think some of then are way less close buddies than they claim in public. Kinda like you might every once in a while make a real new friend at work but it is not literally-everyone, the others you are just neutral on at best.

>> No.59928749

>Holopro JP always have the most degenerate male collabs
Which is exactly why it's funny when unicorns say they hate Tempus for not behaving like their senpais. The JP side has off collabs and actual flirting while the EN side has
*checks notes*
Kronii laughing.

>> No.59928855

>JP side
>actual flirting
Please point me to the exact moments, anon
I’m dying to hear what you consider “actual flirting”

>> No.59928906

>watch them for free
>on neighbor's wifi?
I hope you step on a brand-new piece of lego

>> No.59928991

>Japanese idol groups do a thing called "box pushing"
You don't understand the terms you're using.

>> No.59929418

Neither do you.

>> No.59929714 [DELETED] 

why are brown "people" like this?

>> No.59929795

>n-no u
Not an argument. Prove that you know what you're talking about.

>> No.59930272

I'm black faggot

>> No.59930630

Real unicorns don’t say this, it’s holostars JP fans falseflagging and throwing the EN ones under the bus to try and save face for the ones they actually like, actual unicorns think that all the homos suck

>> No.59930847

This is why she's one of the most watched vtubers ever.

>> No.59932183
File: 222 KB, 1326x1170, IMG_3520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried at first but then read it and never felt more relieved. Based beyond belief

>> No.59932639

level headed take

>> No.59932740

tl;dr Pekora: You can be a unicorn but do not be an annoying fag and just be normal.

For thread skimmers.

>> No.59932898

We have extreme unicorns that are annoying, and then we have (you). Both kindly please fuck off.

>> No.59933272

pekora's stance is basically the stance of anyone who isn't insane
that being said i would prefer if she didn't go on the VCR server (doubt she will do it anytime soon since she's very considerate for her fanbase and doesn't really do well outside of hololive anyway), one time large scale events with kid friendly youtubers like the MC guys, professionals, radio shows, talk shows are all okay for me

>> No.59933460

>i would prefer if she didn't go on the VCR server
I dont think that's very likely, she's not very comfortable when there's a lot of people even if its just holomembers

>> No.59933633

yeah, i was kinda getting on that too which makes me happy. i think a lot of people on there are generally very considerate but it's an area i would prefer she never touch because there are some bad apples that spoil everything

>> No.59933797

>people are only figuring out pekora is a grifter
>in 2023

>> No.59934286

This is really well thought out and Pekora is very understanding of both sides of the topic. Cant wait for "holostars" clippers to take parts of it out of context and say pekora hates unicorns and wants to collab with stars.

>> No.59934312

all vtubers are grifters by that logic so it's weird to target one vtuber

>> No.59934359

Wrong. You have no idea about Japanese culture and mentality
Google honne vs tatemae
This anon is correct >>59918214

>> No.59934477

Kiara could.

>> No.59934519

Wait how does she have unicorns?
Everyone knows that Pekora is three rabbits on top of each other with an idol model.

>> No.59936253

I thought all her Unicorns left after the Christmas Cold Chicken betrayal.

>> No.59936481

I will never leave

>> No.59936560

>Pekora, the most popular member of Hololive, thinks that western unicorns are a pest
>Gura, a grifter who doesn't stream, loves them

>> No.59936675

He was talking about saying it explicitly you fucking tard.

>> No.59936744

average reading comprehension of a homobeggar

>> No.59936823

JP unicorns don't give a shit about male collabs per se. They don't want the RM to date.

>> No.59936947

> (joking) "Our Pekora might interact with males!" - Pekora
> Pekora says that this type of interactions are pretty normal and getting angry about that level is a bit annoying.
But chumkeks are going to pretend like she didn't call them out. Westerners are turning it into a violent culture war debacle while JP unicorns are much more peaceful.

>> No.59937102

Its probably annoying, but have you seen the dude lmao? Nothing happened

>> No.59937186

>Last part is some guy going "I fucking hate FPS" and Pekora teasing him about doing a 24x7 "Road to Master" stream along with Aqua.

>> No.59937187

To be fair, we don't see that part, where you know they are considerate to the point of weirdness. If unicorns saw that they would probably be at more ease, or not.

>> No.59937312

If most japs are saying the same thing, odds are it is because of pressure. That's just how they are. Not saying you couldn't be right, but that's how it is.

>> No.59937453

>ignores 90% of the text
>laser-focuses on 10%
homobeggar... not like this....

>> No.59937993
File: 230 KB, 1213x619, 1684954905429369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like very few people in this industry are as insightful as Pekora. She knows being a female is part of her appeal as a streamer and doesn't try to lie to herself about it. That level of self-awareness is probably one of the many reasons behind her consistent success.
Reminds me how a few days ago she was giving life advices in Minecraft to make a few diamonds off of it for that whole debt collector arc Okayu started, and everyone immediately flocked to her with actual, non-joke questions. It almost looked like the fucking opening scene of The Godfather part 1.
Whenever she retires, Cover better convince her to stay as some kind of counselor because industry people will probably still be very interested in her opinions.

>> No.59938097

Yeah and those advices were actually good too

>> No.59938157

She won't but things like the Street Fighter 6 tournament (CR Cup) like Korone and Botan did is possibly still on the table because she liked it a lot.

>> No.59938366

I wish I could give Pekora diamonds for some life advice.

>> No.59938370
File: 605 KB, 448x448, 1695865582566984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch this thinking anon was exaggerating
>got genuine and actionable relevant advice
what the fuck

>> No.59938607

I would have no issue with it desu

>> No.59938613

somehow EN refuse to talk about unicorn

>> No.59938738

One word: Tatemae

>> No.59939043

JPbros keep winning, wish I could understand japanese...

>> No.59939172

Have you lived in Japan for any reasonable amount of time, or is your understanding just from YouTube videos, 4chan posts, and reddit comments?

>> No.59939322

It's a much more divisive issue in the west. Whatever you say it's guaranteed you'll get a bunch of antis. Why bother?

>> No.59939556

>with a socially maladjusted autist attempting to imitate someone else's culture
Just like me frfr (but unironically for some anons)

>> No.59939608

>I don’t think most of them actually believe that
Don't worry anon, most JP girls know that it's why regardless of what the chat answers is they always reiterate their stance because the average idolfag will just leave without much fanfare when his oshi crosses the line.

>> No.59939847

The Kanata clip where she explicitly rejects Holostars collabs because they conflict with her vision of being an idol got translated into English.

>> No.59939880

Lol newfag wasn't here for the kronii laughing differently yab from her altare collab. Also he's extremely straight. He does hate women tho

>> No.59939981

unicorns are unicorns

Pekora is Pekora

Same thing as every other day

>> No.59940198

>honne vs tatemae
>on JP internet
Ya dipshit. When Japan want to be rude on the internet, they do not hold back, and they hold grudges like you don't know.
Like they harassed someone for FOUR YEARS just because someone's pet died and he threw the corpse down the drain.

>> No.59940253

What a pathetic servile race.

>> No.59940330

All pf these are just common sense takes

>> No.59940333

yes honne and tatemae is a thing on jp internet too
Your example has nothing to do with Pekora and Nousagis

>> No.59940391

yeah and they do that anonymously just like us, not on youtube account linked to IRL

>> No.59940467

I think Kanata is guy gay and only wants to be around girls.

>> No.59940489

Maybe if you actually watched Pekora you'd know why they say it's fine

>> No.59940625

Longer than you, clearly.

>> No.59940652

>they totally think like me and just lying their asses off to save face!
insecure people seeking validation, lel

>> No.59940747

Well this is uncommon on /vt/ so what do yo gotta do.

>> No.59940832

Worst part is this was common consensus on /vt/

>> No.59940907

>Believing a vtuber is your girlfriend is common sense.

>> No.59940957

Reading comprehension anon...

>> No.59941011

Anon you're dumb

>> No.59941020

You missed the part
>Don't seethe if you're a fucking schizo about your oshi

>> No.59941195
File: 499 KB, 593x608, 1649069877948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshii is a nousagi for a reason.
Or a couple reasons really.

>> No.59941293

But she collabed with males?

>> No.59941434

>But she collabed with males?
and bitch hysterically about it, with actual nervous breakdown.
I don't hate her, if anything, I pity her for being made as icon for a bunch of thirsty men.

>> No.59941483

It's nice and cool, but I don't like the notion of calling people unicorns. It's just a completely human reaction to feel jealous of the idol when they suddenly have a romantic moment with someone else.
Even Pekora admitted to feeling this way about her idol in the past.
Everyone is a unicorn whether they admit it or not. It's natural, instinctive and evolutionary.
Only antis try to deny it and gaslit people into thinking this is something unusual or that unicorns are minority. Hell, you can see it in this very thread:

>> No.59941703

>everyone who disagrees with me is a lying anti
god damn, man, some people just don’t have the same over-the-top attachment to this stuff and just want some fun streams
fucking christ with you

>> No.59941806

You oshi is a lesbian

>> No.59941866

To be honest I'd probably not give a shit about the Holos collabing with the Stars if it didn't feel like the stars were leeching and tanking the Holos numbers/dividing their fanbases for basically zero benefit. The Stars are what, 2 views and 3 views? Roberu only really hovers around 1100 too.

>> No.59941868

t. hates on Mori, Kronii. Ame, etc. because it's the socially correct thing to do

>> No.59941913

calm down
he's right
and you've been gaslit

>> No.59941915

>You oshi is a lesbian
She likes old gentlement, fag.
Unfortunately I don't think typical /vt/ shitposters qualify as gentlemen.

>> No.59942004

I have no idea how some of the seaslurs are jumping mental hoops to twist this into some sort of anti unicorn spiel

>> No.59942070

>some sort of anti unicorn spiel
Anti Western Unicorn, SEA included because they're all ESL
t. SEA

>> No.59942095

EN w*men would never

>> No.59942126

this unicorn discourse is the biggest mind poison to ever touch this board
kindly kill yourselves already, you're jamming my flow

>> No.59942177

no, I haven’t
I’m well aware why I started watching in the first place, why I continued watching, and would appreciate if you didn’t try to drag me into your ideology like it’s basic human instinct to act this way
you can have your feelings, that’s fine, but there are people who enjoy this for other legitimate reasons than yours

>> No.59942338

I do t get it. Did unicorns get owned or did they not?

>> No.59942388

Why does someone deciding to talk and stream with someone less popular than them constitute “leeching” to you

>> No.59942463

wait who are you?

>> No.59942466

>Did unicorns get owned or did they not?
Perkora TLDR:
It's fine being an unicorn and feel jealous, Pekora has been there and feel the same dread. It is not fine if you chimp out about it especially if you went for harassment while the guy is being respectful and polite.

>> No.59942470
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new 'round here?

>> No.59942574

I guess in my heart of hearts I don't really think so, but forcing collabs as some hackneyed effort to push the failing branch just gives off that impression. And of course as mentioned, it's not beneficial since it divides the girl's fanbase (most viewers don't want it)
I've tried watching the stars and most of them are just not entertaining.

>> No.59942621

Raising, killing and eating Jill has taught her a lot about lifes hard questions.

>> No.59942679

Please that such a meme, that is the gayest fucking woman I have seen in my life.

>> No.59942683
File: 11 KB, 189x266, 1648023158778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ then
>yeah, me
>kys schizo

/vt/ now
>I have catalogued every single instance of a vtuber (only blue Dorito) interacting with a male on stream and I will procede to berate you until you agree with me that this is the only thing that has ever mattered

>> No.59942701

To be fair most unicorns don't even directly harass the talent when they "slip up". The vast majority just stop watching (Towa's old viewership for example), or shitpost about it on sukikira or yaraon or BBS boards or whatever

>> No.59942723

Why am I included? Do you lack reading comprehension?

>> No.59942782

What do you mean, /vt/ still like that in addition to > being autistic misandrist

>> No.59942786

I blame Mori

>> No.59942867

Trash taste was the catalyst to all of this

>> No.59943060

>autistic misandrist
that's on sisters
dont lump us with them

>> No.59943174

But why blame them for it
The guys just want to work hard, be amicable to those who wish to get to know them, and enjoy the work they’re given, it’s not like they’re willingly sabotaging anyone
>most of them are just not entertaining
That’s a matter of subjectivity
You’re entitled to think that, sure, but acting like it’s an objective fact and that there aren’t more people who would find them entertaining is a bit disingenuous

>> No.59943251

Male vtubers should simply not exist and just be flesh tubers instead

>> No.59943366

I feel like the problem with western male vtubers is that most of them are just dipshits that think getting a model will help them have sex with women

>> No.59943424

holy based peko

>> No.59943568

Not even an unicorn, but this is a pretty decent response.

>> No.59943760

I’ve been trying to get a somewhat model-like body with gym and other life style choices, and it’s making me sad because my main motivation is getting to smash.

>> No.59943979

Collabing with males is fine! (I don't mean it, I'm just being nice)
I'll definitely watch the collab! (Of course I won't you idiot.)
This is how it usually goes.

>> No.59944644

I'm watching the VCR ark and male participants know how to act around female ones depending on where they're from.
Most are respectful with Fubuki and Aki, only playing along with Aki's mosaic jokes to a light degree and never push it. Only Roberu and Fubuki interaction was somewhat unhinged and that's because they are from the same company and have interacted before.
With girls that generally less tense about that stuff like Hinano or Akari, jokes get a bit more playful and it was good since their fanbase are cool with it.
If only everyone could behave like this.

>> No.59944963

I mean their unpopularity is a bit more objective, that's not just me. especially compared to other successful male vtubers

>> No.59945249

everyone in this thread desperately needs to go outsidr

>> No.59945334

Erm you’re not allowed to watch JPs and actually UNDERSTAND them, what are you a hecking ken-sama? Maybe you should go back to slash jay pee slash you fucking chud, this is the board where people who hate japan invade a japanese hobby!!!!

>> No.59945358
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>> No.59945588

Yes, but believing that quality of content is the sole, or even the majority factor of popularity is naïveté to the extreme.

>> No.59945629

I don't think they'd be happy about the persona flirting or something either. There's clearly some kind of poorly defined line there that permits the presence of men but has an expectation for the players involved to maintain a certain conduct. Pekora's anecdote regarding eye contact for example.

>> No.59946200

Pekora is unicorn-friendly but also begs people to not fall in love with her character.
It's like she actually cares about her fans..?

>> No.59946260

Google "platonic"

>> No.59946501

we evolved into something greater

>> No.59946564

everyone likes old gentlemen

>> No.59946757

Actual retard

>> No.59946791

and do what

>> No.59946806

Are you going to say the same when some ID or ReGloss members collab with someone as big as Pekora?

>> No.59946858

Around half of Holostars are in the top 100 of the tens of thousands of male vtubers out there. Hololive's domination has poisoned everyone's mind on what qualifies as a "successful" streamer. Even on the JP side, the 5view males like Kuzuha are extreme anomalies.

>> No.59946877

>SEA hates males
>SEA are pro male collabs
Which is it? Like for real people here can't even decide if homos are actually gay or straight.

>> No.59946907

>begs people to not fall in love with her character
too late...

>> No.59946906

They are the worst parts of both

>> No.59946978

>fall in love
>with a character
I can't take that seriously kek

>> No.59947000

Regloss members already beat stars and most of vspo, especially in terms of CCVs

>> No.59947014
File: 347 KB, 782x1200, pixiv87991259_pekobutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can translate it, then why don't you upload this as a clip to youtube. Do you have any idea how many views this would get. Do you realize how big of a win this would be for unicorns. It would be the Kanata clip all over again.
As someone who actually leaves this board, I've seen the normie fans grow more in favor of the unicorn side and attitude towards collab beggars get really negative. To the point were the beggars have to hide away in there safe spaces now.
Seriously, upload a clip to youtube.

>> No.59947117

the only thing worse than unicorns?

>> No.59947132

>ugly bastard

>> No.59947142

We're talking about judging people through numbers and how it constitutes as leeching regardless of the person's personality. Regloss subs aren't as high as some Hololmems with 2+ mil subs. Are people going to argue that if they interact with them, it counts as leeching?

>> No.59947165

both are brown
unicorns are indonsian
numberfags are latinx

>> No.59947414

the only thing worse than unicorns and numberfags?
homobeggars and trannies

>> No.59947415

There’s no distinction between the streamer avatar and the person behind it. If you are an unicorn or a gachikoi you don’t want her to date someone. Male collabs are bad as long as you think the dude might take her and that’s why collabs with ojisans are just fine.

>> No.59947427

NTA but it technically still is leeching in my opinion, just that they're in the same box anyway and their viewers won't hate it (because they're not men) so it's a win win and everyone benefits.
You can't really say the same for male collabs that tank the girls while noone will watch the boys afterwards anyway,

>> No.59947461

When did she say that?

>> No.59947519

If only we had flags /here/

>> No.59947562

Should have chase them back to their doxx site anon
Now they're our problem as well

>> No.59947564

Nta but I thought about doing so, the issue is that I don't have a clip channel so it would just get burried under hundredds of other clips and nobody outside of this place would see it

>> No.59947626

the only thing worse than homobeggars and trannies?

>> No.59947657

Half of /#/ will vanish overnight

>> No.59947824


>> No.59947825

The only thing worse than unicorns, numberfags, homobeggars, trannies, and EOPs combined?
My self esteem :(

>> No.59947836

Weird, they go to sleep early or what?

>> No.59947908

All of those have even less of that than you.

>> No.59947932

>Fuwamoco is living in Japan
No they are not you retard

>> No.59947988

>pekora continues to be pro unicorn
>first two posts in the thread ignore reality and pretend she said the opposite
>half the thread joins in with them
This must be some form of mental illness

>> No.59948101
File: 199 KB, 1440x1080, 1683232263019891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male unicorn when betrayed: sad, gets rid of merch, blocks every form of social media from former oshi, the most bold ones send one rude supa
>female unicorn when betrayed: pic related
male vtubers simply don't have a death wish for them or whoever they choose to associate

>> No.59948113


>> No.59948139

Hi, Moot

>> No.59948186
File: 1.67 MB, 2096x3240, 1687638604738253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
>Pekora Bonaparte

>> No.59948199

Who's Moot?

>> No.59948217

Rushia had female unicorns?

>> No.59948223
File: 682 KB, 960x1200, pixiv108178874_pekopekopekopeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised. There are some people who are big hololive fans, but are to dumb to learn Japanese (Like me). I get recommendation for channels with 10's of subscribers. I even took a clippers first sub.
One way the Youtube algorithm works is that it will recommend videos watch by people who watch the same videos as you. A ton of drama comments will also boast it in the algorithm.
Plus even if it only gets 100 views, those 100 people are going to be big whales who will pass on the information. The main part of english speaking Hololive audience stays mostly on youtube, not on twitter, discord, or 4chan.

>> No.59948228

The creator of MySpace or something

>> No.59948250

Fucking newfags I swear to god.

>> No.59948273

the rabbit whore already got touched and creamed by hypno oji on stream

>> No.59948283

yeah that was me

>> No.59948289

That was from ayylmao's female unicorns

>> No.59948312

those were the female unicorns from the guy who sent the discord message to her
he is somewhat famous

>> No.59948329
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>> No.59948333

okay yeah that makes sense, lack of sleep making me more stupid than usual could only think about the talents themselves

>> No.59948369

female unicorns tend to go after whoever their oshi gets involved with, at least a first.
that ends up making them poison since nobody wants to deal with that crap.

>> No.59948390

>"Ah you are a unicorn that's fine I was one too, I understand you, tho I can't help it when it's work related I gotta interact with the guys so that's the extend to it"
>Retard "kEK sHe iS DISavAUing UnICOrNs sO HaRD duuurr"
Yea when she was talking about it's okay to be unicorn with her kek I know you retards are fucking inbreed but at least try to hide it better sub IQ ape.

>> No.59948495

somewhat famous is an understatement. he's way more famous than her.

>> No.59948572

>This must be some form of mental illness
it's called being trans after years of brainwashing

>> No.59948674

Another ayylmao in Pekora's case?

>> No.59948818

kek what a parasocial bitch

>> No.59948846

Men can't even have what they want in the vtuber sphere, the bare minimum: don't interact with other fucking males, don't remind us of our situation, don't remind us you're all friends in Discord even if it's true. Can't even have this one basic nicety. I'm just about done with this hobby and back to watching retro anime.

>> No.59948927

calm down finana
she's griding while you're a 3view
at least respect the hustle

>> No.59949102

There is nothing worse than a numberfag.

>> No.59949491

a lot of people aren't familiar with how unhinged female unicorns and gachikoi are, here's a clip where a streamer reads copypastas about famous posts from mad peeps. (it's formatted as a baseball lineup since his viewerbase are nanJ and nanG-min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r90ERig_sq4
The posts from men are funny, meanwhile the copypasta with posts from women nobody really finds funny, but scary. Shit like wishing for the woman liaison to miscarry or whatever.

>> No.59949622

>forcing collabs as some hackneyed effort to push the failing branch

But this doesn't happen? Holostars, even EN, never initiate contact or invites to Hololive members first, it's ALWAYS the girls who initiate, whether by befriending them through twitter or bringing them up first or inviting them to collab, it's always been the girls.

If you're referring to work-related events where Cover is putting them together, then it's not fair to blame the Stars for it and say they're leeching when they're just doing their job and are always respectful about it, they already get more hate for it than the girls do.

>> No.59949861

It's the management enforced collabs I'm being specific about yeah
the girls aren't really constrained with what they can or can't do with regard to their brand, they're pretty much responsible for it

>> No.59949920

Why isn't there any EN translation of this clip? EN clippers are fucking pussies

>> No.59949979

Based, strike homobeggars right in the heart

>> No.59950082

Utterly obsessed, you've been posting like this for almost a year now. Are you jealous of Pekora or something? Try sending the ojisan a love letter and maybe he'll respond to your feelings, anon. Don't take it out on Pekora.

>> No.59950100

>"pro wrestling" is their slang word for banter
That's interesting

>> No.59950210

Can this rabbit get any more based?

>> No.59950594
File: 539 KB, 691x682, 1692890752444796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Peko
Total Homo Death

>> No.59950623

Isn't the whole root point of a unicorn is about the maiden has to be a virgin? Is the term 'unicorn' in JP also got skewered to 'no male collabs' like here too? They should invent a new word like CGDCT too

>> No.59950631

ironically, because of the tatemae bullshit, the "fine" votes will be much higher. japanese culture is also their own undoing.

>> No.59950887

Wrong. More like they know that unicorns are disgusting but they can acknowledge it's a niche and accept their existence, just like lolicon porn being sold publicly in stores and shit, something westerners cannot wrap their head around

>> No.59950947
File: 267 KB, 1359x963, pekora enslaving villagers hololive vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Pekora is drinking Protein (shakes) recently. Trying to take care of her body for the Sololive.
>> She also got a personal Gym trainer and is doing regular serious exercies, so her muscles are also sore occasionally.
holy shit jacked pekora? christ for people that sit down a lot, vtubers are gains goblins.

>> No.59951021

The "people" on this board still treat the incident as if he was someone irrelevant with nothing to lose.

>> No.59951615
File: 104 KB, 841x1024, 1614539371704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little off topic, but how can someone be sure that the girl in question is a 100% virgin? She can claim she's pure all she want, but it's not enough of proof. She can even show a certificate from gynecologist stating that she has her hymen intact, with photos and everything. And yet it still can easily be faked. And EVEN IF she's technically a virgin, she still could've been practicing anal and blowjobs before, and that's also doesn't make her pure.
