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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5990863 No.5990863 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5990883
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>> No.5991130
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>> No.5991191
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>> No.5994154

What is he talking about?

>> No.5994186

It's about Ame playing the new Nier.

>> No.5994200

Ame breaking her promises AGAIN

>> No.5994216

This one actually rules.

>> No.5994282

lmao where tis from?

>> No.5994328

Pekora doesn't support Israel? Based!

>> No.5995306


>> No.5999914


>> No.6000070

You see a schizo, I see a visionary.

>> No.6000157
File: 79 KB, 596x1383, E5OPUSDUUAE1ag3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based trash

>> No.6000329

absolutely fuckin basado

>> No.6000527

This is actual mental illness.

>> No.6000551

Mom I’m scared

>> No.6000646

But she still supports sandniggers, so unbased

>> No.6000977
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1621740166610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.6001033

I suppose you're the guy in the image?

>> No.6001067

Is he the reason she doesnt turn on SC anymore

>> No.6001187

not schizo
Not schizo but pretty cringe

>> No.6001325

>Ame promised to play nier agin
>Plays it again after like 4 month delay
>Doesn't like it
>Its obvious but she refuses to admit it out right
>Says she won't stream it anymore because she feels its not a great fit for her streaming (but will totally play it off-stream)
>People get mad she won't finish it like Ina/Kiara did
So basically just another "Ame does what she wants, is a bitch, teacucks get mad then get over it a week later" timeloop

>> No.6003267

Stop posting Joseph

>> No.6004258

>the anime girl doesnt like my anime robot girl game
>what a fucking bitch
To see inside the mind of an incel is truly something special

>> No.6004325

jjust ban people like this. KY supreme

>> No.6004391 [DELETED] 

Back to twitter with you tranny, this is a Nat Soc board.

>> No.6004416

Based parasocial relationship

>> No.6005598 [DELETED] 

---->> /pol/
Go back

>> No.6005683

I swear this whole website is now filled with edgy tourists trying too hard to "fit in".

>> No.6005760

Incels are pathetic regardless of political alignment.

>> No.6005862
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The amejew fears the /v/tard

>> No.6005886 [DELETED] 

zhang didn't confusious ever tell you you cant serve two masters?

>> No.6006077 [DELETED] 

Do you even understand why people use "zhang"?
Doesn't even make sense in this context
Just go back

>> No.6006147 [DELETED] 

yes it does, I'm sorry you're an IQlet and can't understand why jews would pay keyboard warriors to shill double time here

>> No.6006162 [DELETED] 

Back to twitter fags

>> No.6013015
File: 47 KB, 476x339, Eu1aMCXVkAEocb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is actually pretty fucking cool

>> No.6013250

All Ame did wrong here was not stating outright that she doesn't enjoy the game. Teamates can handle it, the ones who can't are the ones she likes filtering anyway. In the long run it also saves autists like the poor unityfag in the cap above from sitting outside in the rain for months taking her lies at face value and expecting her to pick up their favorite game again.

>> No.6013357
File: 46 KB, 230x327, 1624821308267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, your inclusivity reps.

>> No.6013792

It's Mizuryu Kei asking Marine for permission to make a rape doujin of her

>> No.6013963

Idk she told in another unrelated stream like 2 week later that playing nier was giving her idea's for her aquarium.
So maybe she's really playing it offstream

>> No.6014511
File: 85 KB, 1917x810, Tragedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rapefag asking for permission?

>> No.6014568


>> No.6014615

this guy will 100% an her when his oshi will graduate

>> No.6014732

top zozzle

>> No.6014814

good shit

>> No.6015090

>asking permission

With payment upfront, no less

>> No.6015132

Shame he had a meltdown over Alternative.

>> No.6015561


>> No.6015873

Didn't he BTFO himself stomping off in a twitter chimp out after it turned demanding MORE money for HoloAlternative manga.
Since his contract was made before everything exploded into HUGE NUMBERS so he smelled money and well you know how those type of people are

>> No.6016710

>asking permission to make a rape doujin of the person you are asking

No normal human being would be able to take this request seriously, much less a woman. Are Japs normally this batshit insane? Not just the artist, but sex-deprived Marine as well.

>> No.6018181

Touch grass, incel

>> No.6018355

The problem was him going on a shit flinging tantrum publicly.
Probably could have renegotiated for more money if he had been cool headed.
And would have kept the door open for more work with them down the line.
And would have remained on good terms with Marine.
Fucking idiot. His old stuff was better anyway.

>> No.6018405

>draws women getting raped for a living
>normal human being

>> No.6018484

His touhou stuff was godawful though. Guy's composition for an orgy scene was just a clusterfuck. And his attempt to go /pol/ was just like Why? it did nothing to advance his plot outside letting him dickwave to the nationalists?
Still one of the more interesting cases of public career suicide around.
The day I showed those people who didn't know what he was THAT PAGE was just a day of watching people's head explode

>> No.6020617
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He also went full chink
Never go full chink

>> No.6020784

I forgot that after his twitter rant he went there to rile up the Chinese antis to try and get them to attack Cover. I'm pretty sure they laughed at him

>> No.6020814

Mentally ill man believes voice actress pretending to be an anime girl is actually his friend.

>> No.6021372
File: 507 KB, 745x600, 1624160950003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a Coco stream, it's her top superchatter. Often uses several accounts to go over the superchat limit, all called something with "Trash". Owns a company, so has money to spend. If I remember right it might be a she

>> No.6022329

unlimited shitposting money. must be nice

>> No.6022365

kek. was that your sc?

>> No.6022726
File: 751 KB, 861x1152, 1603741858014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph having his "YOU ARENT SORRY" injustice supervillain moment was easily the best ameschizo moment in 2021 so far.

>> No.6023848
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>> No.6024954

You do realize Marine has literally asked people draw more no-con stuff with her right? This isn't some random woman we're talking about.

Mizuryu's still a retard though.

>> No.6026145
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>> No.6026864

wasn't it his manager or some retard connected to him who did that? not saying that because i try to defend him for even considering streaming on a chinksite whilst working for Cover

>> No.6026939
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>> No.6027022

>>Cremating his grandma
>>Doesn't even make Phoenix/Kiara reference

>> No.6027046

Yes it was his "Manager" just like all those people who make really stupid tweets got "Hacked"

>> No.6029384


>> No.6033053

Based Watson shitting on Nier.

>> No.6033277

wtf anons

>> No.6033489
File: 175 KB, 378x310, Screenshot_20210211-220218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.6033542

>posting pics of his naked grandma

>> No.6033770
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 1497719441716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this dude didn't find vtubers to distract his mentally ill mind he'd definitely have some dismembered bodies in his basement. christ, someone should contact the mental health department, this dude is not right.

>> No.6034233

I don't understand well. I just see he sent proof that his grandma died. Did I misunderstand something or why is everyone so reactive to this?

>> No.6034304
File: 1.57 MB, 1348x1773, 1611340505679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I wish I took a screen cap of a tweet going ass over chimp because Gura didn't appear in the HoloEN segment of Coco's interviews. Saying how he's unsubscribing her and how she's such a lazy fucking bitch.

>> No.6038516
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>> No.6043361

link timestamp otherwise fake and gay

>> No.6045546

>it might be a she
time for me to lust over superchatters now

>> No.6045763

HOLY FUCKING KEK. Took me a while to see it

>> No.6046405 [DELETED] 

How is the last guy both a schizo and not a schizo

>> No.6046464


>> No.6046993

I can't tell if this is serious or they were trying to make a jab at her.

>> No.6047186
File: 356 KB, 2048x1302, 09d578b12f9e5a496066b5311d16ec08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of AMEWAY do you not understand?

>> No.6048003

Anon just dont go take a photo of you grandfa dust, post it on a board to prove something and call it a day, take your meds.

>> No.6048812
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1623700720326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koreans can be batshit insane

>> No.6050002

This guy legit needs to kill himself

>> No.6051877

>People got mad
One schizo in /hlgg/ isnt people

>> No.6056768

If there ever was a Hololive chat to lust over SCs in, it was Coco's...Too late now, though. I don't know anyone else within Hololive who brings in viewership from women in the same way

>> No.6057939

Gatekeeping psychiatric globalist.

>> No.6058280

Has anyone posted the 30-ish part poem that one autist wrote?
If not i'm disappointed in you /vt/ and also in myself for never saving it

>> No.6058600

What happened to UNITYchad Joseph?

>> No.6066347
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>> No.6068035


>> No.6068171

is that the same balding guy that i keep seeing replying to every single ame tweet

>> No.6068250

I mean he is right about the lazy bitch part

>> No.6068289

This cant be real lol

>> No.6068347


>Post ends in 92
>related to rape
>Hope it doesnt have niggers

>> No.6068411

Ding dong diddly BASED

>> No.6068491

all of them
free entertainment

>> No.6068573


>> No.6068704

majority of this board are nip nong ling long and they think dust is holy or some shit idk

>> No.6068721

This, he didn't even show his shiny ghost pokemon.

>> No.6068887


>> No.6069136

There's this dude named Zoobi on Reine's chat. Motherfucker is obsessed with making her do a backflip.

>> No.6069186
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>> No.6069192
File: 708 KB, 869x699, 2020-10-31 21_29_45-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be him soon, right?

>> No.6069198


>> No.6069270

>calling calli a lowkey transwoman

>> No.6069374

How do superchat readings work?
I sent a supacha to Gura during the Usaken summer festival, so does that mean she just won't have read it, or she will have read it in her next supacha session, whenever that was?

>> No.6069390

>reading superchats

>> No.6069393


>> No.6069408

Yeah, I know about her reputation, but she's reading supachas in her DBD stream

>> No.6069428

Rest in pepeloni

>> No.6069436

50 character limit on all Superchats. End this faggotry for good.

>> No.6069439

died doing what he loved most, being a paypig

>> No.6069462

And they say romance is dead.

>> No.6069549

I wonder if he achieved his goal

>> No.6069629

Most people in the East and West would think it's pretty disrespectful to handle a loved one's remains in such a manner.

>> No.6069761

if this is a real superchat did mori read this out loud?

>> No.6069908


>> No.6070979

Unironically this, Nier is absolute garbage gameplay wise

>> No.6071416


>> No.6071544

>gets called tranny by her own fanbase
Do Deadbraps really?
