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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 994 KB, 1059x755, 1696418612455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59832549 No.59832549 [Reply] [Original]

Hags pretending to be lolis will inherit the Earth.

>> No.59832668


>> No.59832731


>> No.59832754


>> No.59832781

>only one example
please spoonfeed me, ui showed me the light

>> No.59832987

she seems adorable and somewhat hilarious

>> No.59833057

Pedophiles and pedo enablers get the rope.

>> No.59834244

no, kanye west will

>> No.59837612 [DELETED] 

she support pedophilia

>> No.59837780

The dance animation is smooth AF.

>> No.59839009

go back to twitter retard

>> No.59839149

Lil' Shig

>> No.59839229


>> No.59839288
File: 413 KB, 1280x720, Ci ToT[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F318k20.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59839305

This song eradicated all pedo in denial

>> No.59839495

nah, it will be AI vtubers

>> No.59839511

How? I'm still fine...

>> No.59839904

I dunno about that. Why share an AI vtuber when you have have a local AI on your phone that speaks only to you? On-demand and personalized attention, something any large vtuber cannot provide.
Don't get me wrong, there will probably be AI vtubers too, some successful. But they will compete with other mediums.

>> No.59846770


>> No.59846857
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, skip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could a 20+ year old move like THIS??

>> No.59846946


>> No.59846994

can't believe ui became the anti-pedo hero for tiktok zoomers

>> No.59847169

>20+ year old

>> No.59847185

Millennial era internet white knight sexual predators getting replaced with zoomer versions at record numbers except they're all lolicons.

>> No.59850705

My shigga

>> No.59851315

A lithe, spindly Asian, perhaps, yes.

>> No.59852579


>> No.59852930

the play button makes her look like hitler

>> No.59855320


>> No.59855420


>> No.59856294

The mv is amazing but I don't like the song. It's not bad but it's not something I'll be listening more than 3 times.

>> No.59856944

I fucking hate Tik Tok. Back when Genshin was newer and there were a lot of videos on Genshin people got uptight at the Traveler and even Venti getting sexualized. Like the literal gof that drinks alcohol all day people got upset when you jerked off to him.

>> No.59857397

How many threads of this will you keep creating schizoshit?
The fakest and gayest shilling campaign ever.

>> No.59857492


>> No.59857569
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Stop, dont make my imagine it

>> No.59858650

age not on the clock = hag, sorry just how it is

>> No.59858820

You are no longer in denial.

>> No.59863412


>> No.59865077

There's a Ui thread every day at this point, can you guys just make a Ui general already? Call it /rape/ or something

>> No.59865248

Uh, basically every lolituber

>> No.59865520

>western hag pretending to be a little girl
>eastern hag pretending to be a little girl

>> No.59865662

Yeah I think so too, the ichi ni san shi gomennasai part is catchy though, have caught myself humming that a lot recently

>> No.59865731

Is this meant to be attack against her or words of support?

>> No.59865765

Uh, Gura?

>> No.59866171

Our cultures will get over it

>> No.59869747


>> No.59871286

>zoomers think it's anti-loli
Are they really this fucking dense? You'd think them growing o nthe internet would be able to tell if it's serious or not. Also this weird pedo scare, zoomers all think there's pedos after them constantly like some bizarre narcissism.

>> No.59871615

>western hag pretending to be a little girl
I'm gonna need a list. Many with loli models scream up and down they are not.

>> No.59871690

Based Ui.

>> No.59871841

Zoomers grew up with tranny teachers trying to get them to cut off their dicks and tits. Their fear is founded, but often misdirected.

>> No.59871865

They grew up in little echo chambers of tik-tok where they only see the opinions of a tiny handful of content creators so they are completely oblivious to things at large and have no desire to actually go out and research/investigate the source of things.

It's basically like NPCs who only watch mainstream news and take it at face value, except this is even worse because they're being taught by other retarded 12-year-old kids making up stuff like them. End result is all of them are fucking retarded non-functional human beings with no critical thinking skills.

>> No.59871943

I thought the argument was that they're the pedos? I can't keep up anymore.

>> No.59872049

They grew up with a different internet tailored for easy access to mass market websites and idiot friendly navigation. The iPhone is over 16 years old.

>> No.59872513

It's not about being idiot friendly, it's about algorithms made over the past 10-15 years that actively suppress things that aren't "safe" unless you specifically go out looking for them.

In the late 90s and all of the 2000s and slightly into the 2010s algorithms hardly existed. You had basic manual content filters and stuff but stuff like shadowbans and whatnot didn't exist. So people naturally were more exposed to the entire culture rather than being confined into little moderated boxes. It resulted in people being generally more aware and educated back then instead of being today's drones who freak out in some kind of culture shock on the rare occasion something outside their comfort zone manages to go viral.

>> No.59872707

They litter both sides. Like the jews.

>> No.59872882

Zoomers are screaming pedo so much the word is going to lose all meaning at this point if it already hasn't.

>> No.59874057
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>> No.59874136

and who are they? I need names

>> No.59877190


>> No.59881823

What? It's just a dumb song

>> No.59883527

there are no true loli hags, closest is watame but she's not flat
en side there's jelly hoshiumi who grew up with brick phones and walkmans
and of course shiina

>> No.59883828
File: 1.53 MB, 1148x1370, fa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blackpill but many of small western ones get canceled by twitter trannies through constant harassment

>> No.59886095

Tell that to zoomers that think it's unironically hating on lolicons.

>> No.59886185

Someone post the Ui beam lewd onegai

>> No.59886242

>muh zoomer
Well what do you think is the right course of action for your schizophrenia? Commit school shooting?

>> No.59886323

You should stab or shoot the nearest of them you see. You can end the problem yourself. They deserve to be killed and you know it.

>> No.59886332

Okay, it's late millenials too.

>> No.59886364

If you find them, it's not too hard to make their death look like a suicide. Then you can go back to enjoying stuff again.

>> No.59890289

I'm actually dying of cringe reading all the normies in the comments of the video, i wouldn't be surprised if my brain started bleeding at some point it's so fucking disgusting, there are so many fucking kids, so many idiots discussing social justice shit, and these motherfuckers who think they are so smart and funny because they "know the context" and how the lyrics are "so dark" are these the motherfuckers who just subbed to my precious rape girl? i don't want them around her AAAAAAA

>> No.59890667

Hime is a 0 year old hag if you are interested

>> No.59890713


>> No.59890719

>Fags didn't like the part when lil Shig dissed the listeners

>> No.59890756

The one who made this kind of thread aren't part of the gomi most of the time

>> No.59890897

God I wish I had a loli baba smoker gf.

>> No.59891192

>just like lolis because they're cute
>I don't want to fuck them, kidnap them, or whatever fantasy people think I have
>I just find them cute
>now completely associated with the actual rap*st
And the original lines of the song were much more harsher but got rejected.
Why is she so fixated on abusing her chat and specifically the Ps?

>> No.59891268

>I just like them because they are cute, I am totally not like those other lolicons

>> No.59892395

It is exactly because they grew up on the internet, that they can't tell the difference. For over a decade almost all internet culture has been bathe in all sorts of irony and clownworld posting so they can't even tell difference between a factual statement and something written as a joke

>> No.59892471

Please kill yourself for the good of all.

>> No.59892718

Cunt they were masochistic her fans are self-proclaimed Gomi and she earns a lot of money from doing that kind of play

>> No.59893427

She's drawn this shit for more than a decade. be real.

>> No.59893472

please go back

>> No.59893608
File: 18 KB, 1201x124, pedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is now real pedos have found out about our loli song, which is even worse than normies finding it.

>> No.59893680

Yeah, mine

>> No.59893762

>who grew up with brock phones and walkmans
I'm not old, am I?

>> No.59893789

using cunny outside of anonymous forum is honestly so cringe to me

>> No.59893792

If you grew up with a walkman sorry anon but you are old.

>> No.59893808

I really really want to walk up to one of these "muh lolicon is bad and shouldn't exist" type of people irl and tell them that there's a significant number of actual pedos who watch lolicon as a form of harm reduction to satisfy their sick urges instead of abusing actual children and taking it away from them will only lead to more child abuse and see how they react.

>> No.59893876

Gura's not a hag. She's a fucking zoomer

>> No.59893929

It's either that or they backpedal on it and pretend they're not lolis, never been lolis to begin with, and eventually get a generic coomerbait model

>> No.59894000
File: 395 KB, 748x1747, 1692186217313976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.59894169

More and more do I see that my generation is fucking retarded. The song is teasing and her fans love it. A loli teasing you in cute and finny song and dance is the perfect fanservice that only someone who loves their fans could provide.
>Why is she so fixated on abusing her chat and specifically the Ps?
Its almost as if they like it, Lolidom is a thing people are into. You realize her fans bought her album, the one that contained this song? You realize Ui had a 3d loli model made specifically for her fans right?

>> No.59894353

>you will never be teased and abused by bratty mesugakis irl
>you will never be woken up by them suddenly jumping onto your chest with both feet
>you will never be scolded by them for wasting company time by jerking to lolis
it hurts

>> No.59894391

That argument is fucking ancient, they claim its actually enabling pedophiles and easing them into actual sexual abuse over time.
Its literally the "video games make you a serial killer" argument.

>> No.59894408
File: 39 KB, 545x544, 1696502197574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had one of these myself

>> No.59894535

Using cunny should be avoided in general. Newfags don't know and think it's an anime thing but the term came into use on /tv/ first, referring to child actors. It was only later that the term was appropriated by /a/ and spread from there.

>> No.59894802

Holy Based

>> No.59894859

Telling people they're absolute thrash that need to kill themselves is not what I'd call teasing.
Otherwise by that logic /vt/ is just full of anons """teasing""" each others.

>> No.59895205

now you get it

>> No.59895323

A woman posted this

>> No.59895485

How exactly do you retarded normalfags even find this place and why do you refuse to lurk?

>> No.59895584

/vt/ is the only place where you can discuss vtubers critically and not immediately get dog piled by simps. That alone gives it an important enough niche to draw in non-traditional users.
Also women love gossip and this is the shitty gossip hub of the community.

>> No.59895873

>Video with over 20 million views
>Needing any shilling on /vt/

>> No.59897431


>> No.59897489

How new

>> No.59897513

hired skipper

>> No.59897693
File: 83 KB, 720x566, Cunnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to read between the lines. Just like the war on drugs and terrorism, it's just a power move.

>> No.59897701

>End result is all of them are fucking retarded non-functional human beings with no critical thinking skills.
Somebody has been breeding and grooming rape fodder at scale. Naruhodo.

>> No.59897783

Wait, her fans are called ゴミ?
I will watch your chuuba now

>> No.59897875

It's almost as if they did it on purpose so that nobody will put up any criticism or opposition when our generation dies and they finally institute a world government.

>> No.59897985

no one who use cunny these days have a clue it came from /tv/

>> No.59897990

>Telling people they're absolute thrash that need to kill themselves

>> No.59898026

Would be perfect if they all have upset or disgusted faces personally. Still good though.

>> No.59898233

This. Either that, or whoever uses "goon" anywhere, that shit is like a fucking code.
t. ATF member

>> No.59898267

Someone shop the Iyapan faces there, pls.

>> No.59898618

I used goon 20 years ago, does that place still exist?

>> No.59899300

Yeah, but they're on an IRC-Discord like thing, Element. If you ever go, it glows hard, so stick to what you know (though /djt/ also exists).

>> No.59899555
File: 56 KB, 243x194, 1696511303172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59899719

Has this dethroned pomf as the lolicon anthem?

>> No.59899724

A 16 year old hag isn't a loli.

>> No.59899760

This is the lolidom anthem, Nyanners. Pomf will forever be the lolicon one.

>> No.59899850

military time right?

>> No.59900300

Has Ui always had lots of loli art or did this MV really make her explode?

>> No.59900366

Lots? Not so much. The loli was a SSR drop, like Comet-chan.

>> No.59900433

>become famous purely by piggybacking off the blue dorito
