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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59838763 No.59838763 [Reply] [Original]

>english clipnig leaves out important context to imply homocollabs, homobeggars in comments run with it
>delete negative comments to push the homobegging frame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJBXFb-lWHA (embed)

>JP clip keeps the context of Raden wanting to collab with irl art experts or art youtubers, or noh mask makers, rakugoka, curators, etc.
>comment section is civil and everyone is supportive, nobody even thinks of the failure branch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yNtsmBy3pI (embed)

I hate how it's become like an agenda for people who consider themselves fans of hololive but somehow hate the tradition it was built on to push for collabs with people they don't even watch just so they can virtue signal.
I really don't get why these people aren't just watching VSPO or Nijisanji instead and insist on changing Hololive for the worse.

>> No.59838882

Raden should collab with homos

>> No.59839208

You sound like a schizo OP, please get medicated and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.59839309

Found the dirty homoshitters
What he posted is 100% correct, the retard is deleting comment adding context while giving heart to fags mentioning stars
Mass graduation can't come soon enough

>> No.59839327

clippers are a plague and they have long overstayed their welcome

>> No.59839438

Like I said, schizo all the way down. Keep weaving those straws, you look like a fool.

>> No.59839497

Clipniggers deserve the rope. Taking shit out of context, making clickbait titles and thumbnails etc. Actual faggot behaviour.

>> No.59839681

>muh schizo
lol, faggot

>> No.59840225

not reading that childish post
yesterday i was going to grill some hamburgers but my neighbor decided to sit on his back porch and i don't want to talk to him, i think i need to buy some kind of screen or curtain to hang between us

>> No.59840337

english clippers are a cancer but i'm with them on this one

>> No.59840488

>Male collabs are le bad
Grow up

>> No.59840542

>Male collabs are le good
Grow up

>> No.59840680

misleading or misinformation

>> No.59840717

have gay sex together

>> No.59840789

you guys should rig a couple of models together and suck each other's dicks on stream

>> No.59840803

You think those are homobeggars? Nah, those are unicorns. Actual "homobeggars" don't even project their insecure fantasies onto fans.

>> No.59840921

>male collabs
learn English

>> No.59841099

It's more like it doesn't fit for certain models of business. VSPO and Niji do just fine doing it but Holo enjoys its success by emulating some faactors of irl idol groups, and as such the viewers don't want collabs with males. Not like Cover explicitly bans it, and you still have some four or five male collabs per year with people like FBK or Matsuri or whatever, but you'll notice that most of the girls voluntarily refrain from it since they're responsible for their own branding and they know their fanbase won't like it. That doesn't mean you don't get girls like Aki or Towa playing on the Ark SutoSaba at this very moment though. Most unicorns are even fine with idols interacting with males in "non-intimate" or "professional" settings like gameshows or talk shows or whatever, just like irl idols do. I wonder if there's a better way to articulate that, but that's about as nuanced as I can put it.

This clip for example has Pekora directly address unicorns where she says fine with them and even gives an anecdote of hers about when she sympathized with the unicorn mindset or something like that.
The celeb/idol she brings up, Momochi from Berryz Kobo, felt fine for her when she was in a pro setting talking to men or geinin or show hosts but did not like it when she danced with a Johnny's Idol

>> No.59841723

Is this the same person that brought a male masseuse to a 3d stream?

>> No.59841846

Sounds like a (You) problem. Plain and simple.

>> No.59841934

What’s with all the “le evil homobeggar” spam today when it hasn’t been relevant in months? Is it like one guy who’s really upset or something?

>> No.59842087

>english clipnig leaves out important context to imply homocollabs
Isn't this violated hololive tos? Knowingly took out context to misrepresent the words of it talents?

>> No.59842104

Hating Stars is the only thing in his life. Please don't take it away from him.

>> No.59842168
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>t. Homobeggar

>> No.59842178

Are you retarded

>> No.59842210
File: 192 KB, 750x655, 1696409157539191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I wouldn't even think about them if people didn't keep bringing them up and homobegging. It's real weird how they have an outsized discussion footprint while they remain 2-3views in reality and noone actually watches them. Just uses them to shitpost or push their views.
People can't even let me forget about them.

>> No.59842248

i'll post a random reddit thread that i was browsing to somehow justify my schizo ramblings, surely somebody will read it and validate my existence

>> No.59842346

I am guessing stalkers and obsessed people run on different parameters than people with actual shit to do.

OP sounds pretty schizo

>> No.59842434

Tldr: op pretty based, he not on the level like anykara with doxxing and stalking their house just shitpost and make homobeggar lash out to him
>tldr lol

>> No.59843061

yeah. These clipfags are pretty repulsive, these retards dont get that they would get their way if they atleast bothered to support these faggots

>> No.59843203

Touch grass. Being terminally online couldn't be healthy.

>> No.59843250

You're on /vt/ brother, glass houses and all that

>> No.59843276

>false equivalency
I'm sorry anon, I'm too busy watching the girls' streams and not having cock on my mind 24/7. You on the other hand love projecting your cuck fantasies onto other viewers to "blow off steam."

>> No.59843379

pretty sure they don't have an "outsized footprint" when each of them has at least 100 viewers average and you seem to have to explicitly search for beggars on reddit and point out individual clipfags on youtube
It's not as much of a plague as you think it is, you're just addicted to outrage because it's easier than improving yourself or finding a hobby

>> No.59843443

What a sad life you live. I hope you don't channel your misery onto the girls.

>> No.59846549

>I really don't get why these people aren't just watching VSPO or Nijisanji instead and insist on changing Hololive for the worse.
Us Unitychads watch everything, retard.

>> No.59847126

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJBXFb-lWHA (embed)
Is that Otakmori alt acc ? The fonts in the previews are similar.

>> No.59848400

What important context you idiot?

"She can't collab with males or else it's all over"

it's your motto isn't it? Pippa regurgitated it to us not so long ago.

So you fail. No amount of context can save you from being a schizo in the eyes of company funders themself.

>> No.59848458

Report the misleading one to cover and if enough do it they'll strike the clipnig's channel.

>> No.59850377

Qrd on Pippa? I thought she was a unicorn.

>> No.59850463

A unicorn who get's railed by her boyfriend, which is rather ironic really.

>> No.59851788

No I don't want her to collab with a failure branch like Holostars, mostly due to the fact that people don't actually want it (so it will hurt her performance) and the vocal minority that say they do don't even watch Holostars OR her, it's just some dumb moral grandstanding/virtue signalling on their part (also a manifestation of ironic weebery).
I don't even get this whole mindbroken situation in /vt/ where people keep screaming about Homocollabs, either pushing them or ragebaiting about them. I'm an actual 3d idolfag and unicorn and it's never been unacceptable for idols to talk to or work with men in professional entertainment settings like talkshows or gameshows and the like, it's always just been boyfriends and relationships that aren't allowed.
Somehow vtbuta have turned this on its head where they tacitly accept the fact that the virtual idol could have a boyfriend but it's fine if you don't know about it just that male collabs aren't allowed, though I think I can kind of understand why. Anonymity on the part of the virtual idol is a huge factor but another is the fact that idol vtuber companies played into the CGCDT appeal and the building of the "box" and relationships between talents so that you'd be a fan of the box as a whole and not just one or two streamers. Adding males into the box means having the same relationship building you already have but with them instead, which isn't something you want from idols, like shoving a guy in the middle of Yuru Yuri or K-On or something like that. Or playing a romance VN where you just watch the heroine have fun with another guy for large parts of it.

>> No.59855049

who cares

>> No.59857639


>> No.59857836
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fran fubuki

>> No.59857914
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and frandle

>> No.59863167


>> No.59863834

My oshi

>> No.59864654

Imagine getting this worked up about some people who don’t know you exist interacting politely with other strangers for YouTube content

>> No.59870212


>> No.59873005

Wanting girls to collab with males so bad is the most terminally online thing imaginable

>> No.59873200

But that's what you want, right? Or at the very least, the mindbroken unicorn crowd wants that, right?

>> No.59873311

What you collab beggers never seem to fucking get is that you act that same way as unicorns

>> No.59873408

>watching clips
There's your problem. Stop being a faggot and watch streams instead.

>> No.59874714

who tf cares? whore's been sucking homococks since day 1

>> No.59874778

Looking at yourself in a mirror aren't you

>> No.59879787


>> No.59884255
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>> No.59888290

Raden wasn't talking about homos

>> No.59888569

Stoped reading there. Watch streams.

>> No.59890567

>Most unicorns are even fine with idols interacting with males in "non-intimate" or "professional" settings like gameshows or talk shows or whatever, just like irl idols do.
Where is the line for this though? What stops you from seeing these collabs just as gameshows and talk shows, where the vtubers goal is to entertain us?
I don't have a problem with any holo member going on Bar Robel and getting interviewed.
I don't have a problem with trying to get bodies for an event to actually start, instead of being discarded because girls can't show up for some real/imagined reason.
This forced unicorn/homobeggar dichotomy is peak mental retardation.

>> No.59890689

>I really don't get why these people aren't just watching VSPO or Nijisanji instead and insist on changing Hololive for the worse.
because that doesn't get clicks and views. once they're established they'll start throwing in other corpo clips and hope the algorithm and fans pick up on them.

>> No.59890737

>I don't have a problem with trying to get bodies for an event to actually start, instead of being discarded because girls can't show up for some real/imagined reason.
A. Not every girl is comfortable with this and forcing it upon them is disgusting of you.
B. Because these are entirely different branches retard, and not in the way ReGloss is sorta Gen 7 and sorta not eithert before you bring that up. You wouldn't expect them to suddnely call up a HoloJP member to fill a HoloEN collab spot would you? They MIGHT call up a HoloID member since they aren't considered a real branch anyway and exist to fill spots.

>> No.59890917

Wait, anon...that sounds like EN is a mistake

>> No.59891414

I don't like the unicorn tendency to badmouth girls that don't meet their strict requirements, but the fact that the beggars have literally sided with dishonest SEA clippers in this thread just to "own le incels" and really are hellbent on pressuring the girls to collab even if they don't want to is what tells me they are currently the worse evil in vtubing right now.

>> No.59893527


>> No.59894739


>> No.59896361

Damn clippers

>> No.59896940


>> No.59898435

Who cares ReGloss isn't Hololive.

>> No.59900402

i like unicorn because they help to gatekeep vtubers

>> No.59901346
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Doesn't Hololive have a page on their site for reporting clipniggers taking things out of context? Should utilize it more.

>> No.59902916


>> No.59905219
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, can't read2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> masseuse

>> No.59907298

