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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 649x444, 2021-07-02_16-57-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5981349 No.5981349 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone makes a cool character with unique name and distinct personality
>kiara names her character tiara which is LITERALLY JUST HER FUCKING NAME
no creativity, no personality, doesn't understand the most basic of concepts, boring to watch, and ears bleed whenever she opens her fucking mouth
The TTRPG streams would be absolutely god-tier if it weren't for this shitstain who will ruin any natural interaction between the characters because of MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME

>> No.5981441

you really typed that shit out?

>> No.5981477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5981507

But Tiara isn't her name

>> No.5981512
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Sounds based to me

>> No.5981587

touch grass

>> No.5981729

You should click that thread. Nice bait and switch.

>> No.5982083
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>> No.5982195


>> No.5982331

Kiara's antis have done a better job at selling me on her than any fan has done for their oishi

>> No.5982424

i do not see the appeal to kiara at all.

>> No.5982438 [DELETED] 

ok but do you see the appeal on this dick?

>> No.5982446

unironically the same, I have through pure spite actually grown more appreciative of her content

>> No.5982667

Look likes it's kfpfags falseflagging hour again folks, see you on the next real Kiara thread in 5 minutes.
Oh wait there is no real Kiara thread.

>> No.5982803 [DELETED] 

what would a real Kiara thread look like then?

>> No.5982815

Everything looks pale compared to Yuul

>> No.5982873

Kiara is based.
Also I still dig the theory that Tiara's name == Ti, ara

>> No.5982926
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the worst thing about kiara is
her antis

>> No.5982964
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>G*rman timezone

>> No.5983225

As much as I dislike Kiara, Watson clearly had the worst session, Gura was the best, Kiara and Ina are in the middle.

>> No.5983338
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>> No.5983500

Literally who fucking cares? TTRPGs are boring as fuck normie-tier shit.

>> No.5983556

>normie shit
Do zoomers really?

>> No.5983607

Yes, it's normie zoomer shit. Every zoomer at my office won't shut up about them. My kid sister is obsessed with them too.

>> No.5983723

kiara is the globohomo trojan horse on vtubing, lmao, you were warned

>> No.5983787

this is a common type of new player who doesn't know enough about fantasy tropes and just plays literally themselves
get over it

>> No.5983792

Anon, I hate to break it to you, but anime, videogames and streamers are normie too.

>> No.5983899

>>kiara names her character tiara which is LITERALLY JUST HER FUCKING NAME
So? Melf is the name of Lucion Gygax not coming up with a name for his character, instead looking at his character sheet and seeing "M" for gender and "Elf" for race and calling him Melf, and Melf is a major legacy character in DnD.

>> No.5983900

Yeah, well at least people don't try to pretend like it's some niche like they do with TTRPGs

>> No.5983943

You know what else is normie-tier shit? Breathing. Stop doing it right this second, you don't want to be a normie, do you?

>> No.5984031

This but with Mori

>> No.5984035

TTRPGs that are not D&D are by definition a niche you chode. Have you seen the industry? Unless your name is D&D 5E you're catering to an audience of tens of thousands at MOST.

>> No.5984059

Yes, but those are all solo activities that can easily be enjoyed in your lonesome. Table tops actually requires friends and socialization so is the definition of faggot-grade normie-tier shit.

>> No.5984091


>> No.5984095

>ew normies who have friends and good relationships with other people
lmao this board sometimes

>> No.5984105

>solo tabletops do not exist
>any multiplayer game is normie
trying too hard. lurk moar.

>> No.5984171
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Does that mean that if I became an anti for my oshi I can get more people to watch her?

>> No.5984357
File: 178 KB, 850x1204, kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara antis get the rope.
Kiara's tutorial was the best second only to Gura's.

>> No.5984427

So it's not the best then?

>> No.5984469


No. It was 2nd.

>> No.5984479

are you capable of calling your oshi mean words?

>> No.5984567

When you make an RPG character you usually make the greatest most interesting person you know, who is that in Kiara's mind? Herself.

>> No.5984593

Unironically cute.

>> No.5984617 [DELETED] 

kek kiara's roommate crossed out in the background

>> No.5984633

Gura was just really good at keeping up with Mori so that the GM didn't have to do all the work. Watoto was just bad, Ina's was fine but awkward but that's understandable given it was her first time. Kiara's was a little awkward as well but she was a bit better.

>> No.5984693

In a room full of autistic spergs Kiara comes off as a gigastacy but I like that about her desu.

>> No.5985242

I may be a bit too Gosling for this.

>> No.5985656

she somehow manages to have both the worst fans and antis who also constantly falseflag as each other. love her tho.

>> No.5985989
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>> No.5986078

it's more common than you think on /tg/
they're forever buttblasted that 5e is what everyone wants to play and has fun with
and forever mad when people table rule out shit they hate to streamline the game to be more fun

>> No.5986485
File: 476 KB, 862x915, 1597712330020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did way better than Ame and Ina

>> No.5986528

>1 player just roleplays themselves
>1 player cockblocks all potential hooks
>1 player just oks all potential hooks and goes with whatever the DM says like an NPC
it's just like a real TTRPG group

>> No.5986535

I'd argue Kiara's was the best in terms of staying on track and showcasing the game, but Gura's the best in being immersive and explaining the flexibility of the DM's creativity

>> No.5986993

Gura somewhat surprisingly knocked it out of the park. I genuinely was laughing at the end there. Mori having her shit together better helped too.

>> No.5987098

ttrpg as a concept is boring from the start so for once i don't blame Kiara

>> No.5987200


>> No.5987269

I don't think Watoto's was too bad. I think she had better agency than Ina. Certainly had room for improvement though.
Maybe she'll see Gura's creative solutions and improve.
Ina might end up being the silent supporter, though she has done better in recent collabs so maybe not.

>> No.5987725

what's the difference? they're both delicious

>> No.5987812

this is what I actually really love about the players. if you've ever run a trpg campaign of any sort with only newbies, you'll have run into people who play like them.

the entire thing is very relateable

>> No.5987998

oshi means "push" as in the girl you push for / root for / preach to others

it does make for nice puns though

>> No.5988233

Unironically the only "problems" with how Kiara made Tiara is that she went first and thought the other girls were going to make the characters closer to themselves, so she did that too. If she went last Tiara would probably be very different

>> No.5988334

Watoto is based

>> No.5988568

I mean, you're basically attracting retards and saviorfags by doing that but I guess if it works, it works.

Just hope they stick enough with her or your oshi will be unironically affected by dead subs and pathetic SCs like "I just turned 30! Here's all the money my mom gave me"

>> No.5988580 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 491x625, 1618312561392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>everyone makes a cool character with unique name and distinct personality
> >kiara names her character tiara which is LITERALLY JUST HER FUCKING NAME
> no creativity, no personality, doesn't understand the most basic of concepts, boring to watch, and ears bleed whenever she opens her fucking mouth
> The TTRPG streams would be absolutely god-tier if it weren't for this shitstain who will ruin any natural interaction between the characters because of MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME

>> No.5988698

WoD Hunter the Vigil has an audience of like. 50 people. I'm not even joking. Go try to find a WoD TTRPG stream where they use hunter and come back and tell us the CCV, if you can even find one.

>> No.5988724

anon he's talking about the player base
anything not 5e you are literally not going to find players unless you play a 5e oneshot with randos or friends then pitch a new system to the ones who are decent

>> No.5988768

>Banjos? Fuck it let's take the Ford
>I reckon I am pa
>Want an egg? Want to see my knife?
>Am I still pantsless? Great
>Do they know something we don't?

She had so many great lines off the cuff and in the moment. She's a Gm's dream and it was only her first session.

>> No.5988801

So am I. Like I literally believe that at any given time about 50 people in the entire world are playing Hunter:the Vigil specifically.

>> No.5988826

Wizards has been pushing their games away from neckbeard dens for a while now.
