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59774278 No.59774278 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of voice were you expecting from her pre-debut? Genuinely curious

cus I don't really have an issue with her voice but maybe I just got used to it after a few streams

>> No.59774357

To be honest I was hoping for a deeper voice, but her voice has really grown on me

>> No.59774403

It's not about what I was expecting, it's just her voice is fucking awful. No matter what I was expecting, that voice is a disappointment, it has all the worst qualities of Asian girl vocal fry combined with fucking sandpaper.

>> No.59774501

Okay sister, no need to be so overdramatic. It's honestly not that bad. She giggles and makes cute noises all the time so I'm happy, and the octave drop she does is incredibly dorky and sweet.

>> No.59774705

I didn't have any expectations because I wasn't following their debuts. The couple of times I've tuned in I just didn't like her voice. I even got used to fuwamoco's baby talk easier than her voice.
And I don't really care to give her a chance to let it grow on me because of how much her fanbase reminds me of Kronii's early fanbase.

>> No.59774706

I was expecting nothing since I don't like her design yet even I got disappointed, imagine those who are expecting something

>> No.59774741

can you stop calling everyone "sister" novelcuck?

>> No.59774882

Pre debut I was expecting a kronii like voice but sensual and maybe a bit sadistic.
But kudos to that anon who blue balled everyone with his one post. It lowered my expectations and kinda accepted this cute adorkable shiori who could throw some innuendos here and there.

>> No.59775153

>Some innuendos
Her streams are horny as fuck, it's great.

>> No.59775231

Zoomers(aka most of this board) believe that "goth gfs" are "dommy mommies" with voices closer to something like Nerissa or Kronii. Porn and hentai has rotted their brains.

But in reality, goth girls are much closer to Shiori, and Fauna to some degree. Aka nerdy dorks with creepy interests. The weird girl at school if you will. So Shiori ended up being a massive win for those of us who had a crush on the alt girl in school.

>> No.59775237

Remember PLAP PLAP? To be fair, it set expectations way unrealistically high, but you could see the rampant doomposting as soon as there were hints that she was Moe. In contrast, look at all the hype once twins were confirmed for GGN to see the difference in overall reaction. Everyone knew Shiori had mostly garbage content in her PL, was a seething 2view who ironically hated GFE/ASMR and even tried throwing away her much larger dead sub channel to rebrand to /lit/ content which eventually flopped with like 10-20k subs.

I really wanted to like Shiori, and a few instances of her PL held promise (there was significant hopium regarding her "Beating ASMR" which was actually entertaining and the fact she made a video rating all the endings to Sadistic Blood, i.e. hardcore guro yuri hentai). After her travesty of a debut, her 2nd stream almost offered additional hope where she stopped focusing on the microscope and started povertybaiting saviorfags like how she couldn't afford a shower as a kid and had to use a bucket (i.e. why she takes tons of showers now), made a TON of piss references to bait /ringo/, and otherwise entertaining unhinged stories that restored faith.

However, while some of her current content can almost be considered unique or watchable, she's still unfortunately just a massive disappointment compared to how great her model is and how high expectations were. How many of the novelites do you see actually watching her PL archives? It's literally the EXACT SAME content, but no one cares about who she is until she put on the yandere goth model and blue dorito logo. The saddest part is that people have the audacity to call her "GFE" when her GFE levels are bottom of the barrel and barely scraping by. Honestly I'd respect her more if she just goes full Rushia in terms of baiting saviorfags, gachis, and paypigs with wedding ring merch, yandere ASMR, and full on GFE roleplays, but based on PL, she hates that content and wants to "be herself" as seen from her unusual content assortment.

>> No.59775296

I wonder how many zoomers on this board know who Abby is. Perfect representation of a goth girl back in the 2000's, which fits her age.
Pretty sure this is just the whole respect who she is now, not who she was., which is the opposite side of the spectrum for antis who constantly bring up her previous shit.

>> No.59775315

The worst part is that she actually DOES have a nice "real voice" which is an octave lower. You can hear her occasionally drop the kayfabe and resort to that voice in some of her Moe videos, and honestly it would be a huge improvement. Saddest part is that she decided she wants to keep this trained voice that honestly sounds awful, but she's sticking to her guns.

>> No.59775323

I didn't need her to have a sexy voice I just wanted her to sound white because I've never met a white woman in my life and I have a fetish

>> No.59775341

I've come to appreciate her more but she has the unsexiest voice possible and that model is the most sex one ever

>> No.59775351

>I wasn't following their debuts
most involved with vtubing /vt/ user

>> No.59775364

I didn't really have any expectations. I don't love how mumbly it is, or how she pronounces certain words, but it's hardly a dealbreaker.

>> No.59775365

I only care about my oshi. Everyone else is just background noise.

>> No.59775388

So...you want Nerissa 2.0? You already have your basic white girl option there. I'm convinced someone on Cover's team is monitoring /here/, since you could see the negative feedback to Shiori being a HUGE disappointment and Nerissa being basic and boring since they completely flipped in their 2nd stream. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was a crisis since Nerissa instantly starts horny baiting to replace her lack of a personality and Shiori had a few almost interesting streams...before killing momentum by going on a cruise.

>> No.59775422

Honestly anything that doesn't sound like her early stages of throat cancer. But her voice is one of her "lesser" issues. Hope for her graduation this year.

>> No.59775426

Less about her voice itself, more about what she says with it. I’m sorry I just am not interested in hearing a Holo girl talk about how much they love black dick.

>> No.59775439

The NCIS character?

>> No.59775454

Exactly....I was promised EN Rushia, and I want EN Rushia with that goth yandere GFE model. Sadly we have another awful case of miscast, somehow worse than Bae (consider her PL was a blonde prim ojou-sama vs chaotic rrat, and she does really high quality soothing voice roleplays for holidays, which could have been the normal standard.)

>> No.59775473


>> No.59775532

I mean, I completely agree with you that Shiori's personality is awful and what she says is the issue, but I think people /here/ way overvalue the tiniest yabs. Her one-off BBC joke, PL NTR joke, and Flayon tweets are complete nothingburgers compared to her video featuring her 4 prior abusive exes, but that's off limits for discussion. It's literally Mooms 2.0 where people end up hating tiny issues as substitutes for the real reasons why they are despised.

>> No.59775608

But I love me a good goth Fauna...sadly Shiori can't even do that (note Emo hours stream ended up being Nerissa/Mumei, when Shiori and Fauna should have been easy shoe-ins for a 2.0 stream). Honestly baffled that Moe got the Shiori model and didn't swap with Nerissa, since her PL was literally "Raven Manor" and we could have Nerissa coombaiting with the Shiori sex model. Then again, Nerissa backstory is singing, which is a complete no-go for Shiori, but I'm sure they could've worked something out instead of what we have now.

>> No.59775616

She's a perky goth though. Most people's stereotypes about goths are a lot more morbid and stoic, aren't they? Like Daria or Wednesday Addams

>> No.59775632

Not as bad as people make it out. I personally think its hot as fuck when she talks about creepy stuff like cannibalism.

>> No.59775633

it's human nature to hate on people you already decided you dislike. It's like "look at the way this faggot eats his eggs" but you don't notice your best friend eats his eggs the same way.

>> No.59775666

>Nerissa 2.0
yeah her voice is perfect honestly when myth was announced that's what I expected all of holo en to sound like

>> No.59775696

Even holos like gura or ame?

>> No.59775778


>> No.59775791

>note Emo hours stream ended up being Nerissa/Mumei, when Shiori and Fauna should have been easy shoe-ins for a 2.0 stream
Maybe two more months (after October at least), Shiori won't be doing a collab outside of Advent anytime soon.

>Honestly baffled that Moe got the Shiori model and didn't swap with Nerissa, since her PL was literally "Raven Manor" and we could have Nerissa coombaiting with the Shiori sex model
Because she was involved in designing the model. 'Rissa' could've never been 'Shiori'

>> No.59775799

My only problem with Shiori's voice is that she's ESL and has a strong asian accent. It's very common since asian-americans tend to speak their native language at home instead of english. Otherwise there's no issue.

>> No.59775837

My phrasing was bad. Gura, Ame, and Mori sound like what I expected them to. What I meant was back then I didn't forsee 40% of the branch being Asians.

>> No.59775880

Average deadbeat

>> No.59775893

I watched her last night and she isn't as bad as half the board make her out to be, I was expecting something more akin to shrieking goblin voice but nah, not my cup of tea but not bad enough to filter me. As for her PL content the yabs are something else. The kind of stuff someone desperate to make it out of 2view hell would do, which makes it harder to judge her, after all this is the dammed internet who really knows what was acted, what was true and what was a lie

>> No.59775912

i can't imagine an existence more cursed than a "man" who does not love shiori giggles. your brain is broken and unfixable. sorry pal!

>> No.59775938


>> No.59775955

Wasn't there some rrat a while back that Advent got some design choices on their models? Doesn't that imply that Shiori got to make the choices on being a goth?

>> No.59775962

She's not a cow, please don't try to milk her

>> No.59776157

The pedos on this board are just mad that she doesn't have a loli voice, and the coomers are mad that she doesn't have a mommy voice. Both of their opinions should not matter.

>> No.59776310

>seething over an opinion

>> No.59776461

>How many of the novelites do you see actually watching her PL archives? It's literally the EXACT SAME content, but no one cares about who she is until she put on the yandere goth model and blue dorito logo
I am one of the many people who followed her and then stopped following her in her PL. Shiori is completely different than the last few years of her PL. Its not the 'magic blue dorito' as much as it is that the change of situation has done wonders to reinvigorate her interest and excitement, and it reflects in her streams, I smile watching her again because I can hear her smile.

>> No.59776535

Oh I completely agree, and as an anti who was once most optimistic about her pre-debut, I certainly relish in whichever situations cause the board to turn against her and recognize all of her numerous issues. That said, I think it ends up being rather disingenuous when literal nothingburgers like the Flayon tweet end up being considered a "big yab" when most of myth/council have also done the same. I still believe we need to dig deeper to find legitimate yabs and reasons to hate her so we don't sound like completely hypocritical schizos (then again, its /vt/....why bother with logical arguments when we can just shitpost instead).

>> No.59776652

Man, it's sorta depressing how people leave when you're miserable and return only when you're happy. It's usually when you're miserable that you need the support after all.
I get it though, people come to streams to be entertained, not cure a streamer's depression.

>> No.59776728

Maybe it's not a fair comparison, but "reinvigorated interest and excitement" would suggest more commitment to the job than what she's shown. No clue what she's doing behind the scenes with breaks on "archiving duties" or leaving for vacation immediately after debut (again, if this was a regular IRL job, you don't get a pass for taking a weeklong vacation immediately after scoring your dream job, even if you might lose a few grand for a pre-booked family cruise). Obviously we can't really expect everyone to be Biboo or FWMC tier in terms of stream count/hours, but she certainly feels like the least committed/least effort out of a group, which I suppose does factor into her runt status.

Ultimately, she just ended up being not my cup of tea...I want GFE, and what she provides is but a mere shell compared to what is available at small corpos and 2-3view indies. If anything, I'm just more disappointed at the fanbase for eating up subpar slop and calling it a 5* meal when there are far better options out there. I was one of the more vocal hype raisers in early novelite threads pre/during debut, but it's sad to see what the threads have now become. I suppose it might also be a Kronie/deadbeat situation where most former fans have already left, so the only ones remaining are the most rabid hugbox enjoyers who will accept her no matter what.

>> No.59777061

you are so disingenuous, calling her out for taking breaks early in her career but then also call it a "Kronii/deadbeat" situation where the fan already left, two months into her debut? Name one thing she did that deserve to be in Kroni/Mori tier yab.
The long vacation was planned ahead way before she even debuted, she talked about it here if you actually care to give it a watch. If anything, it's Hololive being lenient and allowing in her to take the family vacation.

>> No.59777176

Sounded like shit on her previous incarnation, sounds like shit now. It just feels so fake. But at times, she does sound good. Especially when singing.

>> No.59777656

>what kind of voice were you expecting
The kind of voice that often comes with a horny sax riff playing in the background

>> No.59777913
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regardless of if shiori is good or bad or the expectation was:
nerissa is everything /vt/ wanted shiori to be

>> No.59777947

Even if a long vacation is planned months or years in advance, there is something to be said about having priorities, especially during the biggest breakout hit of her life. If you asked any other 2view if they would cancel such a vacation to get into Holo, most would certainly do it in a heartbeat. Compared to all the shit that some Holos have gone through (Kiara's years of suffering in JP comes to mind), you'd expect some personal sacrifices to lock down your golden ticket to lifelong fame and fortune. I'm not saying she needs to go full wagecuck corporate drone mode, but there's something to be said about taking a once-in-a-lifetime chance for granted and valuing a personal trip more than a gig that will literally make her set for life. Feels very much like a "wants her cake and eat it too" situation. As much as you want to defend the decision, it's not a professional move and anyone can see that it has certainly hurt her early momentum/career (effectively saving maybe 10k-20k in trip costs in exchange for lowering her career earnings by hundreds of thousands or even a million in the long run. Just look at Bae, one bad debut and it took her two years to slowly climb back up despite being the most dedicated idol and Hololive fan with the most projects). Again, this wouldn't fly in any other in-person job, and especially not for any IRL idol/actress/singer to cancel a tour since their parents came visiting. Even if an employer allows it, it's still not exactly a smart move to immediate kneecap yourself just so her parents won't be sad about missing a vacation.

In reference to Mori/Kronii, sure she hasn't done anything career-ending (yet...TWO MORE WEEKS), and I'll even give a free pass to the Flayon nothingburger since that's utterly ridiculous. However, it's undeniable that she was arguably the most hyped member of advent pre-release (heck, this board was literally 50% or more Shiori threads at that point), and now she has ended up as the runt of the litter. There was definitely a much larger potential fanbase that she failed to capture, and any threads outside of her own general seem to have a general negative view of her compared to her genmates (sure, maybe it's all falseflagging, but you can go ask /#/ to see the outcome). At this stage, she's mainly being propped up by a small subset of paypigs who somehow eat up her low-quality bait GFE. As a GFE enjoyer, it's sad to see people have such shit taste, but honestly they probably deserve to lose their money to garbage quality. A fool and his money are soon parted indeed. She's clearly not failing due to guaranteed success from the Blue Dorito, but she had immense wasted potential to be far more successful than she is now.

>> No.59778063

.....I really hate how much that's true. Goddammit Cover, why didn't you just give her the Shiori model instead. I guess it's close enough and also works.

Basic white girl? Check.
Goth emo hours with Mumei? Check.
Horny coomer bait? Check (still questionably genuine since it definitely felt forced at first to compensate for her lack of personality in debut).
Deep sultry mommy voice? Check (now if only she could karaoke properly)
Shit taste in guys so even chubby Asian weebs have a chance? Check
Now she just needs to do some yandere GFE ASMR, and we're all in.

>> No.59778082

While I agree it could have been a simple holiday, and it does feel like it, you have to give her the benefit of the doubt because we really don't know shit (at least I don't, I don't think she ever really commented on it).

It could have been anything, really. A necessary surgery, a death in the family... There are tons of things that could have happened and were impossible to skip. But yeah, if it was a simple vacation, that sure wasn't a smart move.

>> No.59778381

Her voice is amazing in streams, but she was in presenter mode on debut and was too well-spoken so it felt more disingenuous at the time, that combined with the husbandos slide and respect my collabs thing I got the impression she was going to force some counter culture shit. Now it's been a bit and she sounds more natural and shaky during streams it's the perfect fit.
It's still going to be hard to shake the collabs thing though, acting defensive on debut puts a bad taste in my mouth like she already has a low opinion of people, I want to see that she actually likes being in Cover and the fans before I can commit. Unicorn hate, but more hate to the people who give them a platform on stage.

>> No.59778686

The stream immediately after her return (while sick) was literally talking about being on a ship, eating at buffets, and hugging a pet monkey that was part of one of the shows. It's clearly a family vacation cruise and thus an optional vacation. Sure, maybe she committed a lot of money on that ticket, maybe it's for her mom or grandma's birthday or something, who knows. However, at the end of the day, sometimes sacrifices need to be made for the literally biggest point in her career. She can retire in a few years as a multi millionaire and make up for the one cruise she missed while grinding it out. For anything short of Haachama tier health issues or death in the family, taking a vacation the week after debut is not the move.

Honestly, it's a minor gripe, but something that intrinsically bothers me when people are so shortsighted that they waste incredible opportunities in their lives. Similar case feeling some kids who are a month out from college apps or job hunt interviews and instead decide to go on vacation rather than focus on work. Makes it feel like any of the effort other people put into them is wasted due to their own bad decisions, but at the end of the day, it's their life. It's just more annoying when they come back and complain about how much they lost out on, even though we know it's completely self inflicted.

>> No.59778803

Why is there always so much discourse about Shiori. Be normal and watch what you like, and let people watch what they like.

>> No.59778815

not sounding like mel

>> No.59778865

>Be normal
Where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.59779005

Sorry, my bad.

>> No.59779047

Wasted potential, wasted model, waste of a slot for the incredibly hyped promised Gen 3 that would save EN vtubing. Instead we get a seething 2view vshojo orbiter that somehow becomes the new most insufferable fanbase on this board. Now that Nijisisters are extinct, the only comparisons are Holo v Holo, so of course the runt of the gen takes the heat for being a mediocre hire compared to her genmates.

>> No.59779099
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>waaaah, why doesn't she have a dommy goth mommy voice like in all my coomer maymays?
That's it, that was the entire issue. I don't even know why it's a problem when Nerissa debuted on the same day and gave you what you wanted. Let Shiori have her cute dorky high school goth niche and Nerissa fill the oneesan/mommy role.

>> No.59779236
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>using the word seething to describe anyone but yourself after this post

>> No.59779456
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>that somehow becomes the new most insufferable fanbase
I hate novelites more than shiori. And they're probably not falseflaggers either considering the state of their generals.

>> No.59779540

You seethe, I seethe, Shiori seethes, we are all seething subhumans who are /here/.

And yes, her fanbase (i.e. those who either have the patience of a saint...or are simple paypig cucks) in her general are indeed insufferable. Between Kronies, Deadbeats, Chumbuds and Novelites, who is the worst?

>> No.59779776

She reminds me of the times when I used to watch NijiEN (Lazusydia), Selen in particular.
Last time I told people she sounded like Selen, I got diagnosed as a retard. But it's fine, I can live with that.

>> No.59779881

You linked a video where Selen is purposefully speaking softly and not how she usually talks, very disingenuous.

>> No.59779978
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I don't really know, the only prominent goth girls I knew from media that stayed in my memories were Morticia and Wednesday Addams and pic rel, so I low key thought she was gonna have a middle ground voice between Bae and Kronii I guess.

As for now, yesterday was the first stream I fully watched of her, not counting debut, damn she is a gem, I can see why the Novellites are so adamant. Hope her path in hololive stays calm.

>> No.59780188

All I care about is getting the point across.
She reminded me of Selen, when I used to watch them.
And you talk as if Shiori's using her natural voice, so that makes two us.

>> No.59781377

I adjusted to FWMC and biboo. The voice isn't the issue. I'm not a fan of all the awkward GFE. She's not good at it. At least she's not Nerissa though.

>> No.59782847

At first cause of her model it make me feel like her voice would be deeper but I already fall in love the moment I heard her dorky voice so there that

>> No.59784183

I also think she talks like Selen. Its the weird asian accent but the tone is different. I cant stand their voices.

>> No.59784220

Her voice is fine. It's just the #keepitquirky look at my I'm so XD random is what gets me.
It's like 2009 with this chick.

>> No.59784814

let me guess

>> No.59785194

Kronio lasted less than two years with her "trained voice"
I think the shift is likely

>> No.59786318

>Family vacation
Clearly you don't have asian parents. Moreover if this was scheduled a year in advance (as a lot of family vacations are) it's likely she had tickets, hotels, and other accomodations bought before even being hired, and cleared it with her manager when she was onboarded. It's honestly not a big issue, just unfortunate timing that debut was schedules so close to it

>> No.59787744

Guess my chink parents are different since there was no such thing as vacations, only work/study trips for academic/sport competitions and the like. Again, we know she probably would have to take a significant cash loss to cancel all those bookings, but considering she could easily earn it back in a single stream worth of supas, it's the smart career choice to push back a leisure trip for the biggest job of her life. Even if parents get pissed, she's already a (not so) responsible working adult and needs to have the guts to decide her own life. For a career making debut that will literally make her set for life financially, sometimes sacrifices need to be made. Sure it's cleared with management, but its hugely detrimental on both sides, both for her channel growth and therefore cover's profits. Just because something is "officially" approved doesn't necessarily mean the company (or the fans) are happy about it, and it all eventually comes back to bite her as additional fuel for antis (like me) on her not taking the job seriously enough.

>> No.59789342

>Just cancel your prearranged vacation to appease your capitalist overlords

>> No.59789423

a mix between gilbert gottfried and a squeaky wheel

I got what I wanted

>> No.59789487

I wasn't expecting her to have a lisp and sound autistic. If you took that away, I'd say I like her voice. As it is, I don't really like it.

>> No.59789659

i was only surprised that i recognized her voice, i thought it would be longer before she reincarnated.
honestly if you didn't then you don't belong here.

>> No.59790492

The rrat is that FWMC and Shiori were either straight up scouted or picked as soon as they applied. Fwmc design clearly shows parallels with their PL designs with the colours. Shiori's design as well has some evident similarities with her first identity, together with the book theme.
So either they had enough power to influence the design or there was enough time (or both).
Meanwhile Nerissa and Bijou don't show signs of such an influence, so they were decided on much later, when the characters were already made. (It also possible that they influenced the design, there is just no proof of it).

My suspicion, for what is worth, is that FWMC and Shiori were picked to make precise content, and that later on they rounded up the unit with a singer (with a bird theme for holotori potential) and a gamer/long streamer/uuoh.

>> No.59792090

no one mentions shiori when the rest of them met. anyone can add a book to a preexisting model. it's likely the same people that produced raiden, not unique.
fwmc were hired to test more JP style content. shiori was to test more vshojo style content. it was safer to try both ends of the vtuber market.

>> No.59792767

It's not just the book on the model, but I don't want to get bonked.

>> No.59792774

It took me longer to get used to fuwamoco voices than Shiori's. Ironically I was really into Shiori before watching her and now I can't even be bothered to check her clips, but mostly due to her personality

>> No.59793038
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I'm a day 1 Novelite and had to end up leaving the general once the constant rping and princessposting started happening. It was fun when people were being quirky and creative, talking about art, books, music, etc. Around the time she came back from her trip though, everyone started going hypergosling and going absolute rage mode on anyone that didn't worship every little thing she did. At one point I said I wasn't a fan of nearly 40% of a stream being a tangent about Dimitri from FE3H and I got mass reported until I was 3 day'd. Stopped visiting the split after that and it honestly started to ruin the streamer for me because most of the fanbase is like that now that they've scared away the actual sane people.

>> No.59793234

Kind of the same, but for slightly different reasons. I'm fine with her interests and all that, but it got really annoying when a majority of every stream was focusing on the chat instead of just playing a game or doing whatever else. There's a reason that an average stream for others is 2-3 hours with 30-60 minutes of supa/chat reading at the end. I don't know how it's been in the past couple weeks, but it got tiresome hearing her just talk to the same 3 chatters for 2 hours and then ending the stream after half playing a game.

>> No.59793250

Obviously we expected a goth voice, not whatever her voice is. Also the personality is completely unfit as well.

>> No.59793346

I don't like Shiori at all, but her voice and personality are pretty on point for a Hot Topic girl from that era. Most goth girls are nerds and not the dommy mommy's that hentai portray them to be.

>> No.59793437

She tries a little too hard with the manipulation which is made even worse because she's a bad actor.

>> No.59793472

Where are you from?

>> No.59793922

There's no way you got mass reported just for saying you don't like Dimitri. You're hiding something.

>> No.59794095
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It sounds ridiculous because it was. I'd post a screenshot if I knew it was going to end up like that and had taken one. All I can say is that it happened at around 11pm EST, so Aussie/SEA peak hours and there have been other anons who have posted about the same sort of thing happening. It was less about Dimitri and more about saying I didn't like that specific stream because of that tangent taking up a huge portion of it.

>> No.59794158

I just want blue girl back.
Her current role of overly vulgar goth whore is not my kind of stuff.

>> No.59794379

>overly vulgar
What streams are you watching? She literally censors minor curse words with things like "golly" and "good gravy"

>> No.59794954

Meh, the goslings have seem to all left except during her streams.
Princessposting has basically evolved into "Whatever the fuck she larps as on that stream is the new thing."
I'm doing iofi's holoctober but instead of drawing, I'm writing a fic every day instead.
The split's been more chill lately though we basically timeloop (maybe because of falseflaggers) constantly between heart schizoing, GFE being dead or whatever the fuck else. It's pretty annoying sometimes.

>> No.59795113

Heart schizoing and general attentionfagging was a huge part of me and some others I've talked to leaving as well, honestly. It got too annoying seeing people make fun of chat while they constantly camped prechat, sent prechat supas, spammed chat during streams, and posted their liked/retweeted posts every single thread.

>> No.59795205

Understandable, at times it makes me want to leave too at least until anons calm the fuck down, but I enjoy writing / being creative in there and reading other anons writings.
You can probably guess who tf I am just based off of that, if you've read even one of my crap. Thank you.

>> No.59795352

I have a decent idea, but it's been a while since I've been in there. Regardless of that, if you're providing creative content and being a good poster, then you're one of the good Novelite. I'm aware it'll eventually pass as time goes on, probably normalizing around the 1 year mark, maybe later since she has the GFE aspect. I just hope that the fanbase chills and enjoys the content instead of being schizos even outside of 4chan.

>> No.59795549

I remember there being an era a few weeks back where some people in her split were trying to dox posters as well. Making threats and trying to info dump while meidos conveniently left their posts up. Shit like that just made me get out before they went even more schizo.

>> No.59796237

>But at times, she does sound good. Especially when singing.
You can't be serious

>> No.59796610

I thought she filtered herself even less while blue. Am I wrong?

>> No.59796614

something not squeaky nor a whore

>> No.59796669

She was considerably more vulgar and did way edgier stuff that would get her shitposted even more relentlessly in here if she tried it now. That anon has probably never seen anything outside of the GFE ASMR clips.

>> No.59796703

Something that doesn't sound like it's spoken through a kazoo.

>> No.59796894

>For those of you who don't like...

>> No.59798241
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1695258606019270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest anon

>> No.59801432

People really forgot how awful Suisei's talking voice used to be before she goes easy and used her actual voice several years in

>> No.59804235

Probably more sex but I like how much of a fucking dork she sounds like

>> No.59806136

She sounds goth enough to me

>> No.59809862

