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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59635496 No.59635496 [Reply] [Original]

It's now been 2 months of Advent.
How would you rate them?

>> No.59635535


>> No.59635600


>> No.59635658

Take out Shiori and Nerissa,and it would be 10/10

>> No.59635823


>> No.59635908
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>> No.59635954

Kinda crazy how gura sabotaged bijout by going back to stream

>> No.59635986

Biboo>Dogs for me. Don't watch the other two despite enjoying Shiori's tangents during debut week.

>> No.59635999

Shiori 4/10
Nerissa 7/10
Bijou 5/10
FWMC 9/10

>> No.59636083

Honestly, pretty boring. Don't think they work well together. I think they work better in collabs outside their genmates most times.

>> No.59636104

biboo cute/10

>> No.59636108

Biboo > FWMC > Nerissa > Shiori

>> No.59636115

I only watch Shiori, I don't care about the others

>> No.59636241

>dollarstore vesper
>chinese knockoff loli magni
>off-the-shelf american kiara with kronii voice and model
>artificial sweetener
A gen of all years.

>> No.59636263

FWMC 8/10 - Watch a lot
Biboo 6/10 - Falling off, cute but the streams are so long
Nerissa 3/10 - Ok in collabs, don't watch her solo
Shioro 0/10 - Will not watch

>> No.59636471

>but the streams are so long
what is it, can't handle back to back 12 hour streams?

>> No.59636719

diamond dogs good, not sure about the other 2 yet

>> No.59636844

FWMC are the best of advent by far. They genuinely have care about vtuber culture, about HoloEN, and about their fans. They are an incredibly refreshing addition to Hololive who should have been admitted fucking years ago. The mere fact that Hololive failed to bring them on board until now is a massive waste. That aside, Fuwawa and Mococo are incredibly driven and motivated to perform. I see a great future for them.
Bijou is very cute, fun to watch, and all around really good. Unfortunately, she really debuffs herself with a lot of her game choices. She also tends to collab a lot and ends up playing the sidekick. She's still really new and trying to get into her "groove" so to speak. I'm pretty confident she'll become more successful going forward.
Shiori is an enigma. Her previous incarnation was arguably the first English vtuber, yet she somehow isn't well versed in Hololive at all. Her streams are fun and her educational lectures are unironically kino. Some of the things she used to do as an indie leave a sour taste in my mouth, but as long as she stays prefessional in HoloEN, there's no problem.
Nerissa is the only one that i simply do not care for. I initially loved the model and was very excited, but whenever I watch her, I begin to think of Mori and then I turn the stream off. She relies too heavily on crass humor and it doesn't work. I dunno. Wish her the best.

>> No.59636892


10/10 Biboo I always watch her plus rewatch clips
10/10 Bau Bau Mococo is pure fuzzy
8/10 Nerissa growing to like her but only when she collabs

I avoid Shiori since I can't survive GFE

>> No.59637206

Shiori is the worst think to happen to hololive since tempiss who the fuck hired such a talentless whore?

>> No.59637231

Only Shiori and Biboo were good hires right off the bat. Perhaps Nerissa can become better but I have a hard time seeing FWMC becoming better in the future

>> No.59637304

I agree about FWMC. It's hard to get better when you're already the best

>> No.59637308

FWMC 11/10 - The first EN that I watch every single day I will not make the same mistake again.
Biboo 7/10 - I've only watched her in collabs but she seems okay
Nerissa 7/10 - She's great in collabs but kind of whatever solo
Shiori 2/10 - Pretty unwatchable. I don't even hate her, she's just boring and I do not trust her GFE at all.

>> No.59637332

>I have a hard time seeing FWMC becoming better in the future
I agree anon. How can you improve something that's already perfect?

>> No.59637619

they are great. I watch Advent everyday.

>> No.59637771

This thread smell like Baubarians.
Shame on you faggots

>> No.59637866

>Shitori 1/10
horrible voice, boring, too focused on being a "unique chuuba you've never seen before", gets a point for actually liking her fans
>Neshitssa -3/10
decent voice, I don't give two shits that you "lyricfy" someone else's translations to songs, can't sing live, boring content, negative points for interacting with the chicken bitch
>Shitjou -2/10
no one cares about how many hours you can sit and play overrated /v/ slop, awful fake voice, minus points for being from SEA
>FWMC 3.5/10
you will NEVER be Japanese, probably the fakest and most artificial personalities in hololive
>Fuwawa 6/10
nice tits, cute voice, too insecure
>Mocopoop 1/10
unfunny side character, shit voice

>> No.59638032

Bijou 10/10
Twins 10/10
Shiori 8/10
Nerissa -1/10
I can't believe she thought a Smiths only karaoke was a good idea

>> No.59638125

Biboo 9/10
FWMC 8/10
Shiori 6/10
Nerissa 5/10

>> No.59638179
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10/10, one of the best pickups Cover has ever made. Fully committed to their kayfabe, fully committed to their fans. One of the very few vtubers that I can confidently say does not hate their fanbase.
10/10 too honestly. We got ourselves a real gamer here who provides huge marathon streams. She's a cute little zoomer.
6 or 7/10, I'm undecided but she's decent. I want her to do more music content.
0/10. Don't like her voice, don't like her slimey NTR nature, don't like her content in general and I don't like her model (and I can't understand why the model itself gets overrated so hard by other anons) and I certainly don't like her cuck fanbase.

All in all Advent are based minus Shitori.

>> No.59638231

Biboo 9/10 true to the name shining gem of EN
Fuwamoco 10/10 BAU BAU
Nerissa 6/10 needs work, not too late
Shiori 3/10 not the worst thing ever, actually kinda charming in Advent collabs

Advent overall average pretty strong, pleasantly surprised

>> No.59638261

Fuwamoco and Biboo are great. The other two failed to pique my interest.

>> No.59638281

>rock girl
your typical pedobait because apparently every gen needs to have one of those
>dog twins
literally unironic copy of dora the explorer and her monkey, but good for cover to invest in the YouTubeKids branch i guess
>wannabe "crazy" girl
literally unwatchable because of her retarded voice, only second to kiara
nice model and pleasant voice to listen to made irrelevant by only being able to yuribait without providing any actual content worth watching
sad we waited so long and then just getting smth like this

>> No.59638295

Biboo 7/10 - plays good games and streams often. A really solid hire.

FWMC 8/10 - these girls are true idols, they’re only debuffing themselves with these forces collabs and some trash old school shit games

Nerissa 4/10 good voice, that’s all. Annoying personality. Hiring basic white women is a mistake. Jailbirds are unironic weebs too.

Shiori 1/10. She loves her community which I believe is genuine but other than that she offers nothing exciting or new. If you’re a loser cuck then you can find see some value in her though.

Overall 3/5 , shiori and nerissa are legit twitch whore level

>> No.59638338

biboo 9/10 cute and funny
fuwamoco 9/10 funny and cute
shiori annoying voice for my 33 year old ears but has said funny shit in colabs 6/10

>> No.59638353

This, honestly doesn't seem like they have much in common or get along well with each other, probably one of the lowest synergy I've seen for a corpo gen

>> No.59638400

I only like Fuwamoco.
Bijou streams a lot but she's generally not that entertaining.
Nerissa is Kiara's sidekick and I never managed to stomach Shiori's voice and content choice

>> No.59638423

They're great, I thought the gimmick would get old fast but they're really making it work. Good energy, work ethic and good stream variety. Plus they're the JP bridge of this gen.

I love her and it's good HoloEN finally got a grinder gamer. However, despite having generally good gamr choices I feel like her zatsu isn't strong so the games she plays will be the biggest factor in watching her.

Despite getting all this board's hate, I do like her and enjoy her unique content that reminds me a lot of Ame. Sex model and a fitting voice, her zatsu game is good but her game choices not so much.

Oh boy how did she go so wrong. My biggest disappointment in this gen, I had high hopes for her as the singer only to be let down, I prefer karaokes over covers and FWMC is providing more in that aspect. Also she collabs a lot, it reeks a bit of incompetence about streaming solo.

>> No.59638455

bijou - plays games i enjoy
fwmc - plays some games i enjoy, but i find watching their streams really tiring. also, i'm frustrated they don't have the same gamer spirit as bijou
rissa - i can't get past her personality
shiori - she doesn't really stream anything i want to watch

>> No.59638517

/Vt/ is proof people are just born with bad taste

>> No.59638538

They're all ok except demon of sound
I can't stand her and her singing is average at best

>> No.59638545

rockunny good
dogs good
oreo tolerable in collabs, otherwise don't care
raven shit

>> No.59638635

I liked Nerissa as the excited Hololive fangirl at first, but she just went deeper into the fake coomerbait persona over weeks and that really made me dislike her despite the initial potential. The same with her singing, she is a choir and theater kid who can't sing live, makes no fucking sense.

>> No.59638651

Fuwamoco 10/10
Biboo 8/10
Rissa 6/10
Shiorin 6/10

>> No.59638682

i take it you're prove for that too?

>> No.59638687

you got me, bijou and fuwawa and mococo (3)/5

>> No.59638741

Processing and multiple takes for covers doing a lot of the carrying it seems

>> No.59639106

FWMC - 5/5
I like these doggos, and I like their attitude towards being in hololive. Their karaokes are fun, and you can tell they're passionate about vtubing.

Shiori - 3/5
Originally, I really liked Shiori and watched every stream until she went on break. I have no clue why, but ever since she came back, I feel like I've been disillusioned.

Nerissa - 1/5
Nerissa has very similar taste to me in fav video games and anime, not only that... Kiara is my oshi, so I should love her, right?? Sadly, she's become unbearable for me... she leans on being horny a lot, and something rubs me the wrong way with how she treats the other advent members. I also don't like how often she is in Kiara's streams, trying to get her attention spouting how much she loves her... it tends to derail the stream, and I find myself rolling my eyes anytime she shows up now. I hope eventually she tones all these things down once she's been around longer.

Bijou - 4/5
While I have watched the least of her, mainly due to stream lengths and the games she chooses... everything I've seen of her has been good. There's not much to say about her, I feel like she has a lot of potential.

>> No.59639128

Biboo 9/10 - I like her love of gaming and the long streams. She’s very cute.
FWMC 10/10 - Adore them with all my heart. They genuinely love their fans and do great karaoke’s!
Shiori 4.5/10 - Her stream topic are interesting and niche but not my cup of tea. Not to much of a “role-play experience” fan so I avoid solo streams, but her collab streams make her out to be very sweet.
Nerissa 8.5/10 - I like her a lot but hate most of her game choices. She’s nervous during karaoke but it’s cute and she’s getting better with it. Makes me happy to have some constant cover releases and I’ve loved them all so far.

>> No.59639152

Tell me a vtuber that you like that isn't a Moeblob or cunny

>> No.59639273

Which was your rating?

>> No.59639504

Not giving them attention until it's been a year at least. That should give then time to finish abandoning their debut selves so I don't have to hate them for dropping any and all things that'd make me watch them.
I'm sick of liking 'chuubas at debut only to have them turn into different people in a year. Imma skip past that part so they can have a fair shot.
The one with horn is probably still gonna be doomed by sounding like brapper and clock, though.

>> No.59639977

Utterly adorable while also being subtly unnerving. Compared to Small Corpo/Indie Vtubers her flavor of Menhera is an artform. Makes Unitards seethe without actually collabing with males. 10/10
Sweet White American (As in real America, not NY or LA) Lady. A lot of people find her flirtatiousness annoying, but I think it's endearing. She's like that one Walmart Cashier that's prettier than models in the form of a Vtuber. 10/10
Adorable personality. Becomes the baby of the family wherever she is. Actually enjoys vidya. 10/10
Potential to be the GOAT. Excellent banter with each other. You don't bau for them, you bau with them. 10/10

>> No.59640089 [DELETED] 

I like all of them to some extent desu

>> No.59640155

I like all of them to some extent

>> No.59640225

I like their clips and karaoke but I can't watch one of their streams for more than 10 minutes without losing brain cells. I would watch Mococo solo streams though.
Cute but I ain't watching those long ass streams. I will watch her in group collabs.
I like her speaking voice. I will watch her in group collabs.
She has that personality that a lot of sheltered nerd girls have where they think they're 100x more weird and interesting than they actually are. Reminds me too much of real life. Filters me.
No standouts, but I already have my oshi and lots of other girls I really like. I doubt I'll watch many of their solo streams, but all I wanted from this gen was warm bodies so EN could start having fun events on their own. Pretty happy with it.

>> No.59640282
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>> No.59640283

voice filtered
respect the gaming skills but also voice filtered
hag energy and also voice filtered
too much roleplay but otherwise the best of the gen by far


I'd rather watch JP idols than them

>> No.59640286

shit group, good talents

>> No.59640363

Fred nooooo

>> No.59640394
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Very enjoyable, by themselves, but not great at collabs. Her constant tech issues anger makes me concernfag a lot, which is not too pleasant. But it's a "me" problem.

Legitimately talented and a natural VTuber. Her collabs are always great, and she's making friends everywhere fast. A little too proud and competitive, should tone that down a bit. Should also consider toning down the "souls"-like game streams.

Was initially completely "meh" about her, but she really grew on me. She's great at dealing with all the other girls, and has the ability to make them feel at ease. Which is very needed, given most of them are shy / nervous / introverts. Would make for a great manager. Great at collabs, not so much alone

Cutest model of them all but holy shit she's annoying. Also really not a team player. Most uninteresting stream content as well.

>> No.59640729


>fwmc is my EN pick hands down, almost perfect in my personal opinion
>bijou is like a little granny to me and she's been doing a good job but I never feel compelled to watch her streams
>nerissa has impressive covers but her stream content is not for me at all, and the model filters me a bit
>shiori has interesting stream ideas, reminds me of haachama, but too much of a fujo for me to be the intended audience
altogether I like this gen, and I'm glad cover handled the debuts better than council

>> No.59640835

>>59640729 (me)
lmao I tried to do star ratings and got unicode nope'd
bijou 3/5
fwmc 4/5
nerissa 2/5
shiori 2.5/5

>> No.59641177

The twins were too perfect, so fate had to nerf them and give them OCD. So they may go slightly menhera sometimes (i.e attempting to break their switch because phogs didn't work) but it just shows how much they care.

>> No.59641227

I appreciate how 4/5 seem to care a lot about vtubing culture and show lots of respect for it instead of being Kronii/Ame tier whores. Shiori is still questionable though but she seems to slowly be getting the hang of it.

>> No.59641514

>Makes Unitards seethe without actually collabing with males.
Honestly I don't understand why this is a good thing for shiori.

>> No.59641782

Shiori>fake whores in advent

>> No.59641805


>> No.59641883

Fuwamoco and biboo are great, nerissa is fine and shiori is a whore

>> No.59641969
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Fuwamoco are the standouts of this generation. If all ENs were like them, there would be no complaints.

Bijou is an actual fucking gamer, which EN sorely needed. Like an actual gamer not Fauna or Amer. She does long fucking streams, doesn't get discouraged, and is amazing to watch. Her Armored Core 6 streams were a treat.

Nerissa is probably the most wobbly of all the girls but she has potential. She needs to lean into the teasing aspect and not listen to prude faggots or Jakartan Muslims whining about how she's "too sexual." She also needs to do more karaoke and fewer covers. She's clearly new to streaming, does well in collabs but needs to develop a bit more in solo content.

Shiori I will not watch.

Overall still better than Myth and Council, although they've lowered that bar so much, it's isn't saying a lot.

>> No.59642007

As a group, they're weak. CouncilRyS set the bar too high. 6/10

>> No.59642009

Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that unicorns are complete hypocritical retards who shouldn't be listened to is the best thing to happen to vtubing in years. It doesn't matter what a vtuber does at all, unicucks will make their decision within 15 minutes of your debut and force whatever narrative they have to, so why bother pandering to them?

>> No.59642243

but this isn't even what happened, the "misunderstanding" counter narrative caught on with unicorns within a day and a half
it didn't quell all the worry but it did get unicorns to heel for the most part...until recently

>> No.59642598

Bijou is terminally boring and can't carry a conversation.
Nerissa is terminally boring and can't carry a conversation.
Shiori hangs out alone, so that's cool for her and Novelites.
FWMC is decent.

>> No.59642729

well i mean... we were clearly correct in our assumption about her... unless you were a retard, you could have seen the writing on the wall

>> No.59642762

FWMC- Good if you're in pre-school, can't see why any adult would watch this
Bijou - Actually plays games but her commentary isn't great which is a huge shame. If the game isn't interesting to the viewer she has nothing to offer
Shiori - Probably has zero appeal to bring in new viewers. 99% of her audience probably likes her because they don't know what "goth" means and just think she's hot. Weird topics that are hard to get in to
Nerissa - lol

>> No.59642877
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Biboo is great! She's so good she got me back into Hololive. The others are ok I guess

>> No.59642954

Doggos and Biboo. Rest is trash.

>> No.59643107

Bijou and Fuwamoco are great, solid and much needed content creators for a starving brand, 9/10 at the very least with the only gripe being their game choices, which is a thing that is impossible to make everyone happy really.

Nerissa was supposed to be the singer of the gen yet after a single scuffed karaoke she hasn't sang shit and she relies a bit too much into coomer gimmick in collabs, but outside that she's getting more comfortable and finding her style, I'd give her a 5/10, being the karaoke stuff the big issue. Regarding Shiori she is not worth watching, she made that clear in her debut, so no score or 0/10 if you wish.

>> No.59643147

Link to her stars collab?

>> No.59643274

Cuter than I expected after her initial streams and impressions came across as a bit bitchy
Faded into the background the fastest, only ASMR can save her now
Babble a bit but the only actually funny additions thanks to their slapfights and stole Rissa's music focus by singing fun shit instead of unarchived fagmo music
Everything I wanted out of a holo member ruined by the worst sense of humor and dumb baby voice. Biggest disappointment
>Screeching OW whenever she gets hit
>Replacing G with J was never funny but became a mainstay "joke"
>Pads conversations with memes, is the embodiment of The cake is a lie gamer gurl

>> No.59643424

FWMC - literally perfect. They will never find an act like these two ever again.

Bijou - Also very good. The people who are saying she is boring have not watched her. Also yab-proof as proven yesterday, saying all those troll things on stream with a smile on her face while her manager was probably in tears, genuinely not knowing any better since she's ESL was adorable.

Nerissa - Nerissa left a bad taste in my mouth the first I watched her (some shitty moaning bit), but I gave her a second chance and I like her. It's obvious Cover hired he for her voice but she is learning the rest quite fast. I look forward to seeing her grow. It is part of the experience after all. She will do well as long as she doesn't shit on her fans. Her main problem (to me) right now is everyone knows there are people into weebdom and there are people INTO weebdom, and Nerissa comes off as the former. That's fine and all, she will connect with a different set of the audience easily, but it's going to be harder to connect to those who like Biboo and FWMC and it's fairly clear based on FWMCs numbers where the big watches of chuubas are.

Shirori - .............The problem with the bait being slung around is not the bait itself or even her reaction... it's the vibe her fans are giving me. I still need to truly give her a dedicated chance but I am fairly certain she is not for me thanks.

>> No.59643798

Shiori - Unwatchable, shitty voice
Bijou - Unwatchable, shitty streams of shitty long ass game #9
Fuwamoco - Unwatchable, all time shitty game time
Nerissa - Unwatchable, shitty shit

>> No.59643942

3/10 what a waste of a slot
5/10 I see potential but I don't see it used
7/10 cute girls fun streams, they're good background noise but I rarely watch them on fullscreen
8/10 cute girl and a real gamer with a fun personality

>Advent as a whole
6/10 lackluster and not worth the long wait

>> No.59644166 [DELETED] 

10/10. excellent scouting.
>the rest
whores/10. do a little background check ffs.

>> No.59644238

0/10 they're not male. I don't watch female vtubers

>> No.59644249

I did background checks and this comment makes even less sense now.

>> No.59644328

Biboo is Kaela's little sister and you have to love how she will absolutely roll with the joke and do a marathon stream. 12 hour stream/10

Fuwamoco are a memetic goldmine, and they have a passion and dedication for the art not seen since Kiara, the only flaw is that they are a bit on the child-friendly side. Fuwamoco Morning at 8AM/10

Nerissa joined hololive to interact with her idols, and that's where she shines. She might develop into someone that stands on her own, but for not it's still only 5 Holotori members/10

Immediately after it became a public secret who she was previously, I lost all interest in Shiori. 0 streams watched/10.

>> No.59644329

>Also really not a team player
? ? ?
Have you watched her collabs you nigger, she is the one that is most invested in keeping the collab running smoothly

>> No.59644424

Hairiest pubes
Fuwawa - moist pungent forest
Shiori - trimmed
Biboo and Mococo - hairless

>> No.59644592

FWMC 9, Professional, at this point my bio-clock is waking me up for FWMC Morning.
Biboo 8, Gamer, I always play something while watching/listening to her stream
Nerissa 5, For some reason she didn't hook me despite being the gen singer, pls karaoke more
Shiori 1, I'm not her target audience

>> No.59645071

My expectations
>Shiori 9/10
>Nerissa 9/10
>Fuwamoco 5/10
>Bijou 4/10
>Bijou 9/10
>Fuwamoco 7/10
>Shiori 4/10
>Nerissa 3/10
They're a mixed bag. Still have to give them a few more months to mature, but it's clear to me now that I was completely off the mark with my predictions. I don't find lolis appealing, but Bijou is great. Nerissa is very awkward. Shiori is boring. While I can't understand what the dogs are saying most of the time, I'm still entertained by them.

Agreed. Bijou has been pretty great with collabs outside of her gen. Nerissa is too much of a Kiara cocksleeve to bear. Shiori never collabs with anyone or dips out after 10 minutes. Fuwamoco hasn't collabed with many people in EN yet outside of their gen.

>> No.59645476

>She has that personality that a lot of sheltered nerd girls have where they think they're 100x more weird and interesting than they actually are
So true. There's so much mundane shit being presented as strange or unique. I think Shiori seems like a very sweet girl, but she bores me to tears. Honestly reminds me of a couple of girls I've dated.

>> No.59645502

He doesn't care about her at all, he just wants other people to be annoyed. That's his lot in life.

>> No.59645543
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bau bau

>> No.59645574

>Bijou - Actually plays games but her commentary isn't great which is a huge shame. If the game isn't interesting to the viewer she has nothing to offer
Harsh but fair. Though I think this is something that can be improved in time. She should collab more with Fauna to learn the ropes from the master. (And conversely, Fauna might pick up some common sense and sense of direction in games from Bijou.)

>> No.59645620
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Awesome, always have a smile on my face when watching and listening to them. They've only had a few streams I didn't feel like tuning into, but most of their streams and game choices are solid. They're abysmal at video games, but at least they're trying and putting an effort in to play games the classic way.
Pretty fun, a very dedicated endurance streamer (so far), and seems to be the kind of person who plays video games outside of streaming. I've wanted someone like this in EN for a long time. She's cute as shit but her humor is very meme focused which might get exhausting after a while. You can kind of tell that she's relying on certain words or phrases to fill dead air at times. She'll get better as she goes, hopefully.
But overall, she's great.
I don't think she's for me at all. She's a little funny, but her content is not something I'm into. She's incredibly fucking autistic and there's obviously an audience for that. I almost never tune into her.
Exact fucking same as Shiori. She's just not for me, but I can admit she can also be funny time to time. She's also unfiltered, which I think is a good thing in most cases, but outside of that she's unappealing.

>> No.59645717

Bijou seems real. The dogs are fake as fuck though. No idea how anyone can believe their act. It’s so fucking obvious that once the stream goes offline they revert to being bitches who cringe at their own cutesy act but are ok with it cause dumbfucks give them money.

>> No.59645956

So Advent is the best HoloEN gen, because it has three members who are not under 5/10, while you would have to be a Hooman or Sapling to say that Council has two members that pass the 5/10 bar (Yes I do not count IRyS, but if you do there could be three members but only on a technicality), but hey at least they are not as bad as Myth, where the best is like a 6/10 at best

>> No.59645993

Shiori is pretty cool, but desu I don't think she fits GFE. She should just just stick to the games and educational streams instead of catering to gachikois, specially when she'll probably collab with the guys in the future.
Biboo is cute but GOD I just can't take the baby voice. It fits the character but hearing someone unironically use uwu voice makes me wanna rip my ears out.
Nerissa... as much as I love her singing, I really don't think she's fit for a streamer. She's a nice girl and very talented, she really is, but I just can't watch most of her streams.
And I have nothing to complain about FuwaMoco. They're amazing, love them to death. I still think they would fit more as JP, but they are a really nice addition to EN and are what saved Advent to many people.
Advent is a pretty solid unit, but I can't help but feel they went more for experience (see Shiori's and Nerissa's past lives) than entertainment abilities. Still, they're not even six months old yet, so they'll have time to grow and show what they're capable of even more.

>> No.59646038

Didn’t ironmouse start before her?
All sources say shiori started in 2018

>> No.59646086

>Fauna 9/10
>Mumei 8/10
>Kronii 2/10
>Bae 2/10
>IRyS 4/10
>Sana 0/10
Also, Advent only has 3 members over 5/10 because of Fuwamoco being two people. If you count them as one channel, then Advent is at 2, just like Council.

>> No.59646135

I don't think they cringe to it, I think they like acting that way on camera they probably have fun. Plenty of actors enjoy characters they play. These girls are definitely the same. They play a solid character.

>> No.59646327

FuwaMoco are shinning proof that EN was a mistake. They are exactly what vtubing is all about, and they showed that none of the EN girls 'get it' quite like them. Fucking love the dogs.
Biboo is cute and energetic. I wish her the best but I can't oshi someone who streams for 12 hours, my job doesn't allow me to do such things quite like when I was a neet.
Nerissa is a bitch. Like Kiara, if Kiara was a hack.
I refuse to watch Shiori, partly because of PL, and because I avoid GFE like the plague. It never ends well on the viewer side.
Also because that one you go black clip joke immediately made me hate her. Fucking americans can't stop thinking about black cocks.

>> No.59646358

FWMC, first time crying watching a debut
Nerissa good
Biboo surprisingly good
Shiori is too suspicious to be liked
>1 month in
Biboo the best
Still love FWMC
Shiori surprisingly sweet, probably talking to her senpais and genmates changed her initial mindset, gave her a chance
Nerissa boring
>2 months in
Biboo still the best
Still love FWMC
Shiori cringe
Nerissa less boring, but still boring

>> No.59646373

I said "arguably" because the Natsumi Moe character was well established in Eileen's videos before Ironmouse. Although it was a TTS voice back then. I remember watching back in 2017ish

>> No.59646701

I can only tolerate in small doses. Awful moe blob voice, meh game choices but when they games good for them they nail it. Very hard working, love streaming.
Baby voice, hard filtered. Somehow more of a zoomer than Ollie, filtered. Arguably the worst zatsu game in EN. However, loves streaming and fills a ton of dead time which is a major positive.
Sadly just boring and has terrible game choices. I don’t care about music or karaoke so her strongest points are useless for me.
Great zatsu, seemingly interesting does some weird streams which is nice change of pace.

Second best gen right now(Council right now is miles ahead). I don’t have any interest in any of them but I’m glad we got a gen that have people who seem to love streaming.

>> No.59646793

10/10, actual gamer and actual engagement
1/10 unless you like zatsu only
I don't watch her
1/10 unless you have the mind of a 10 year old

>> No.59647009

Shiori - Not my cup of tea but I see the appeal and people trying to deny it because of numbers are not ever going to watch her anyway and just want to talk shit.

Nerissa - Okay for me but not by much as well but there's no denying she's one of the best singers in Holo.

FWMC - Great at their niche but not for me again. That said they will be the ones to really push Advent higher than Myth and Council as long as they don't become lazy in streaming.

Bijou - Great just because she is someone who goes through my niche which is gaming. Saying anything more is just going to be my bias talking.

Overall I think Advent are great addition and a great booster shot for HoloEN. It is just disgusting though how people are trying to belittle them over some things they don't like.

>> No.59647062

Nope. I barely have time for a regular holoEN 2 hour stream

>> No.59647233

i'm surprised that Shiori did entertain me while i found the dogs super anoying
is that okay actually?
love Biboo and neutral about Nerissa btw

>> No.59647293

>(Council right now is miles ahead)
The funny thing is that half of Council is fucking trash or dead, and yet this is still true. And I know you'll agree with me because kronies don't give a fuck about Council other than Kronii.

>> No.59647959


>> No.59648051

>who the fuck hired such a talentless whore?
Who is Amelia Watson?

>> No.59648423

I don't watch hololive anymore

>> No.59648502

Luv Kronii
Luv Fauna
Luv Bae
In a like/Luv relationship with Mumei
Luv IRyS.
Kronii is my favorite council member but I think Fauna is the best streamer in HoloEN

>> No.59648838

Alright, touche.

>> No.59649135

Shiori is strange and I'm not sure what's going on. Unpredictable is how I would describe her.
FuwaMoco are fun to watch but I could do with slightly less kayfabe. I love their karaoke streams.
Bijou is love 10/10 thank fuck they finally found another gamer. She can take a joke and manage the chat very well, plus she just clearly likes being here which makes a huge difference.
Nerissa is pretty cute and I like her songs but she seems to be less experienced as a streamer maybe? Which is ok she will grow into it but for now the chat can derail her pretty hard.

>> No.59649155


>> No.59649627

FWMC 9/10 good planning, early to start, streams for both sides of the world, engages willfully. Past an hour into most streams they settle down a notch and its a really nice time.
Biboo 8/10 has a comfy vibe while endurance streams dont get too tiring. Too eager to softly fib about things to stay engaged in the conversation (mainly in collabs)
Nerissa 4/10 streams in a style that makes you aware she talks to an empty room while the audience is just kinda there. Also speaks like my ex.
Shiori ?/10 hard filtered by voice styles and odd cadence that just makes me feel kinda slimy. Probably works for her viewers, and im sure its better if you dont mind it.

Why did the only EN hag-adjacent addition have to be in the same region as my hometown gdi

>> No.59650926

I will say Advent cover all niches, and each one of them have their own dedicated fanbase. My guess is going forward, bijou will be able to draw in the most tourists because of her game choices, and nerissa will see the most improvement since she is relatively inexperienced.

>> No.59651065

Worse than council, better than myth

>> No.59651350

FWMC 10/10
Biboo 9/10
Shiori NTR/10
Nerissa 3/10

>> No.59651402

>Nerissa 4/10 streams in a style that makes you aware she talks to an empty room while the audience is just kinda there. Also speaks like my ex.
Did you just label yourself as an "empty room" in your previous relationship kek?

>> No.59651475
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I adore Biboo, but she really needs variety in her games - 9/10
The dogs are simply great, but they are painfully abysmal in vidya - 8/10
I liked Nerissa at first, but, well, what everyone already said, honestly; plus, her songs choices have been so goddamn bad, man - 3/10
I will never like Shiori, though she does throw good jokes during collabs - 2/10

>> No.59651743

>I would watch Mococo solo streams though.
You should watch the Fuwawa solo stream. It was unironically incredible

>> No.59651812

I just watch Fuwamoco. No I am not an anti of any of them I just have a busier life.

>> No.59652088

10/10, it's easy to see why they're the fan favorites; i won't watch them but i don't hate them
???/10, she's playing the dangerous game between being overly attached to her fans and nearing homocollaber, no firm verdict to form just yet
7/10, her J/G jokes aren't clicking with me, but she's got the heart when it comes to vidya, especially with the other girls
7/10, she's like kiara with all of her good points and none of the bad, would be better if she detaches herself as kiara's lapdog sooner

>> No.59652340
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>FWMC 10/10
Amazing. They really feel like the HoloJP experience brought to EN. Their streams are always a fun time and you can see their are passionate about the gig. Couldn't ask for anything better really.
>Bijou 9/10
Solid streamer and a perfect fit for HoloEN. Just a nice girl who goes along with everyone, loves videogames and is serious about streaming.
>Shiori 8/10
She's a complete dork and her passionate rants about her autistic hobbies are genuinely endearing. Does a great job at interacting with her audience and including them in her content. Hope she's smart enough to keep out of trouble tho.
>Nerissa 6/10
Great voice, loved her covers and I appreciate the fact that she's a genuine Hololive fangirl. That said she still feels inexperienced, both when it comes to entertaining an audience and on the tech side of things. Her first first karaoke and that Bae collab were pretty fucking bad.

>> No.59652354

>I know you'll agree with me because kronies don't give a fuck about Council other than Kronii
Fucking lmao, Kronies aren't chumbuds as much as you wish they were, they love Council collabs.

>> No.59652601
File: 247 KB, 431x358, 1684776641349059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up cuckie.

>> No.59653241

Don't be like this everyone. Strive to have good taste and standards that matter. Just like in life not all chuubas are built the same, so too are fans all built different. This one is built like a used condom factory. Don't pity this faggot. They're beyond salvation.

>> No.59653315

I have standards which is exactly why I don't get my opinions from third world SEA subhumans.
The day she collabs with homos I'm dropping her ass. Until then she's cool.

>> No.59653392

>Fuwamoco 10/10
>Bijou 9/10
>Shiori 0/10 fuck grifters
>Nerissa 7/10 should be fine once she gets more experience

>> No.59654274

>Nerissa: 9.5/10
My favorite of the bunch. Love her voice, her attitude, her personality. Her collabs have been a lot of fun, and I think she’s becoming better as a solo streamer. I just want her to get a better set up for karaoke and maybe tone down the Kiara fangirling a touch but I love my Minnesotan demon.
>Bijou: 8/10
Endurance gamer of the bunch. Very cute. Her interactions with Council are great.
>Shiori: 7/10
I personally don’t get invested in GFE nor do I care what she did or didn’t do prior to joining Hololive. She’s cute, and I like the goth aesthetic; some of her game choices filter me but I’d still watch.
Not rating FWMC because I haven’t watched a stream of theirs in full yet. Overall, I like this gen.

>> No.59654811

Biboo - The best one, has a fun banter with her chat a lot of memorable moments.
FWMC - Honestly can't say, haven't watched her streams and don't want to, but holy shit they make me lose braincells in collabs.
Nerissa - I don't mind much all of that coomerbait but also don't like it either. Her covers are good though.
Shiori - Decent Zatsu of a autistic girl who talks about what she likes. But needs more collabs outside her gen

>> No.59655638

>shiori is NTR
>biboo isn't
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.59655822

All whores with boyfriends.

>> No.59655885

They are better than Kiara that is the lowest common denominator, so all is good.

>> No.59656162

Saving holoEN’s legacy/10

>> No.59656194
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I'll rate them in terms of mentally stability, which I have come to greatly value over anything else about a streamer:

Shiori: healthy. Was a little bit worried with her week long break while on a family vaction on a cruise, but I'm glad she planned ahead and had daily uploads to placate her audience. She does not seem to be a numberfag, so I'm very happy she's the "runt" of the group, and thus the perpetual target of /#/fags. Better her than someone more potentially sensitive in the group.

Bijou: healthy, seems to be the healthiest of the group, so I'm very happy for her. I hope these long endurance streams won't hurt her in the long run

Nerissa: got a little bit upset in her first RE Village stream because of that bullshit tutorial level and a few people in chat making fun of her, but after that, she has been doing just fine, if not great. healthy.

FWMC: seems to be a little bit upset about the FW/MC jokes, but it's also just hard to tell since they also promote plenty of sibling banter for entertainment. healthy.

>> No.59656319 [DELETED] 

Theres a reason shes an ex, anon.

>> No.59656327

shiori : great variety stream, one of the kind who fully maxing potential of her model, tangents get too much sometimes no substantial course of topic 7,5/10
FWMC : great hire, twins niche, still cant a grasps on what they are saying (english my third language), overall cute 8.5/10
biboo : streaming monster nothing of value to speak of, most normie one i supposed 7/10
nerissa : utahime advent, weird funny girl who surprise you eventually like fauna downside: too much yuribaiting 8/10

>> No.59656945

>Fuwamoco 8/10 not my niche
>Bijou 9/10 EN Kaela
>Shiori 0/10 Grifter, just join to boost RM just like Magni, Laplus and Coco. >Nerissa 7/10 Bad game choices, need to learn to balance yuribatting X fanbase flirt.

>> No.59657728

>FWMC 10/10 on their own, saviors of holoEN, but terrible in unstructured collabs (see Minecraft)It was kind of cute watching them be in their own world though
>Bijou 8/10, zoomer but with great endurance and gamer dedication. Should rein herself in during collabs though, see Baldur's Gate and Minecraft.
>Shiori 8/10 ignoring her past. She seems pretty focused on cultivating her fanbase and actually seems pretty stable for now.
>Nerissa 2/10, doesn't work sorry. She sticks out like a sore thumb with her coomer/yuribaiting and the way she carries herself just feels out of place in holoEN. Feels like I'm watching a Twitch indie guesting in holoEN collabs.

>> No.59657852

Shiori - not into the GFE but she's at least interesting and I like her in collabs
FWMC - not my thing but I understand the appeal
Nerissa - she can sing I guess?
Bijou - bibased

>> No.59657945

Biboo: 9/10. Hardworking, decent gamer, funny, cute. Loves hololive culture (tons of collabs, raids and supporting others). Really good at collabs (love her with Kaela, Mumei and Fauna) because she adapts to anyone's sense of humor and energy really well. Only light criticisms is she doesn't sing/karaoke and sometimes she repeats herself a bit too much (elp, elp, elp, elp, elp). Anyways, I actually was a sub of her PL so I'm happy she's doing well.

FWMC: 9/10 Hilarious duo, completely unique, knows their audience and what they want, hardworking, great singers, embraces hololive idol culture. Have to say their Karaoke is the most entertaining in all of hololive, for me. Not only are their harmonies always on point but I love how they do their own little edits on songs and do hilarious weird stuff like that unhinged Crazy Frog. Only criticisms is the screaming is too loud sometimes (neighbors/family members probably wondering wtf???) and the game choices are kind of a debuff. Also can't listen to them reading superchats. The Bau Bau is cute in moderation, not when it's yelled every 10 seconds. Overall they're awesome though and a huge asset to Hololive. They're going to be amazing, and wildly popular, at concerts/3D stuff. I can feel it already.

Nerissa: 5/10 I go back and forth with her. I hate when she does her "rizza" stuff and hits on all the girls with seductive valley girl voice. It clearly makes some of them uncomfortable and can be really awkward. On the other hand sometimes she's suddenly just super normal and chill and a great conversationalist. Like her zatsu collab with Mumei was surprisingly good. Also appreciate her releasing a lot of covers.

Shiori: 4/10 Kind of a bummer for me because her model owns and she can be pretty funny and charming at times and she's actually pretty good at games. However I just hate GFE and how focused she seems to be on farming superchats only. Irks me when she leaves almost every collab early to go farm superchats for hours instead. She seems to encourage trauma dumping from fans even, which is cringe to listen to. Also kinda feels like she's biding her time for now but eventually might do the whole "change hololive culture" thing by just bringing in her old untalented friends and random dudes in for collabs. Hope not because we don't need more of that drama, regardless on your stance on that sorta thing, the drama serves no good and just results in graduations or collateral damage that causes other holomems to stream less. Also the game choices are a bit too weird sometimes.

>> No.59658300

>Also kinda feels like she's biding her time for now but eventually might do the whole "change hololive culture" thing by just bringing in her old untalented friends and random dudes in for collabs.
Unless she gets into a position of management, that will never happen.

>> No.59658404

As a group they lack chemistry

>> No.59658533

>She seems to encourage trauma dumping from fans even, which is cringe to listen to.
This is what turned me off from her. I was willing to get past the GFE, but this just fucking kills my joy in every way.

>> No.59658582

It should have been you, queen

>> No.59658741

I like Biboo. They lack group chemistry, besides FuwaMoco obviously.

>> No.59658829


Biboo - 10/10

Dogs - 9/10

Shiori - 7/10

Nerissa - 6/10

>> No.59658889

Still many times better than Myth or Council chemistry.

>> No.59659123

>Biboo: 8/10, cute, hardworking, bratty and a decent gamer. Closest thing we have to EN Luna.
>FWMC:6/10, same old formula in collabs and every stream. Fine if you're just as autistic as them but overrated as entertainers and singers once you're over the kayfabe.
>Shiori:4/10, should be in Nijisanji. I don't watch her anymore nor does she impress me in their weekly collabs.
>Nerissa:5/10, turbo lesbian weeb white girl. I don't mind the flirting but that's all she has going for her during streams or collabs. She's a decent live singer but she's not on the same level as IRyS, Mooms, or even Gura during karaoke.

Very mid gen and a far cry from all the golden gen talk from newfags.

>> No.59659508

Personal rating
Fuwamoco > Shiori > Bibou > Nerissa

Fuwamoco is not someone I would have expected to watch but here we are. They're so different yet so good. Also, as a sibling myself, those rare moments where they tear into each other the way only siblings can is comedy gold. ALSO POLKA, COLLAB WITH THEM. THEY ARE RIGHT THERE. I don't they'll change much later down the line but I think Ruffians will be broken if they have to lighten up their schedules when the workload gets heavier but at least having 2 girls on one channel will probably result in more solo streams.
Shiori is the other Advent member I try to consistently watch. I enjoy Zatsu streams and Shiori can absolutely go on and on. She's like the one other Holomem I actually stick around for SC readings. Shame she ended up being this gen's lightning rod for /vt/'s hate. I wonder how she'll fare in non-Advent collabs but I would not be surprised in the least if later down the line she's one of those Holomems who is very helpful and beloved behind the scenes. I pray she never goes full Rushia.
I don't watch Bibou much but I respect her being here to game. Seems fun to be around and she had a fun collab with my oshi. Speaking of collabs, I'm glad she's being so proactive with those. I'll feel bad for pebbles if she has to start streaming less due to doing more background stuff.
Nerissa is the other Advent Member I don't watch much. Just not a fan of how horny she is. I think she has the most growth potential in the future when she starts mellowing out on Kiara.

>> No.59661074

Shiori: 8/10. Fuck does she have me by the balls. I've done my reps about her and all it did was make me an even bigger saviorfag. I just love how weird she is even if she's limiting herself because she's in a corpo. Her humor appeals to me the most. And she genuinely wants the best for her fans, she wants to see us happy. Shiori reminds me a lot about pre 2022 Ame. Also I want to throatfuck her mouth pussy until her mascara starts running.

Biboo: 6/10. She just not for me. I don't know what /vt/ sees in her, maybe she's just too zoomer for me and I'm too old. However I do commend her ability to stream for 12 hours, she's a genuine fan of Hololive and wants to collab with her senpais, and she loves streaming in general. Also her cunny model is sexy.

Nerissa: 7/10. She has the sexiest voice in Advent for sure. I find it very cute that she looks like a dominant type but she's actually a softy and a crybaby. My favorite stream of hers was when she introduced her family to us, I like it when chuubas get more personal to their fans. I do hope she fixes her technical issues, I felt bad for her when she was having scuff during her karaoke stream, that she was silently crying.

FuwaMoco: 9/10. My God do these twins have excellent synergy. They're so hilarious when they're bantering with each other. I love it when Fuwawa teases her little sister, and Mococo always has these perfect one liners. And it's great to see that they have a strong work ethic, they really don't want to disappoint their fans. They're taking their roles as idols seriously. When they showed that pledge to protect our smiles during debut and shared their goals, that's when I knew I'm going to member them day 1. Cover did a fantastic job hiring these two, I couldn't imagine a timeline where only 1 of them got into Holo. I'm looking forward to the future with the twins, I really want to see how they'll grow during their idol journey. Overall I think cover did a good job for this gen. I can't wait to see them all on the stage in 3D.

>> No.59663151

