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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59541305 No.59541305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.59541629

Because i want to.

>> No.59541665

to own the antis and nothing else

>> No.59541719


>> No.59541738

Why not

>> No.59541758

It's literally change money that doesn't affect me in any way. But I guess for a 3rd worlder it must be a lot huh?

>> No.59541788
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Because they can

>> No.59541823

Same reason people pay for the gym but don't go.
Same reason people pay for 5 streaming services but only watch one.

>> No.59541825

Based Seafags
Cant even pay 5$

>> No.59541887

yeah, it is. fuck you give me your money instead i work hard.

>> No.59542001 [DELETED] 

because 5 bucks in my country's currency is like 2 bucks and I'm rich nigga

>> No.59542107

>One-third of Americans are paying for subscriptions without knowing it
A lot of people do not look at their monthly bills.

>> No.59542274

What part of manipulation don't you understand?
Gura is a manipulative, lying whore who completely lacks all empathy for those who support her.
She's really good at being a predatory snake that makes us want to believe the best in her, even if she has zero intentions to fulfill her promises and commitments. Everyone wants to believe that things will get better and go back to how they were. Gura knows that she has no intentions of ever spending time with her fans again in any meaningful way, but she's too much of conniving piece of shit to admit that and be honest with her fans.
t. chumbud

>> No.59542733

>She's really good at making us want to believe the best in her
How exactly is she good at doing that?

>> No.59542783

I subscribed using my dad's card so it doesn't affect me in the slightest

>> No.59542950

Why do so many people keep making Gura threads?

>> No.59543154
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She lives rent free in people's heads

>> No.59543461

They lack self-respect.

>> No.59543636

the reality is that 99% of the time you'll never hear someone say they no longer give a shit anymore, you gotta come to your own conclusions from your own observations. it's up to everyone individually realize this eventually, cause if you knew anything about gura you'd know she'd never straight up tell you she stopped caring under ANY circumstances

i wasn't there for the whole gura journey but i doubt she ever intended to manipulate people, but just naturally stopped caring. happens.

>> No.59543649
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the world is full of retards OP

>> No.59543671

She's cute.

>> No.59544087 [DELETED] 

They really want to paint Gura to be like those greedy whores who use deception and false pretenses to deceive their simps huh? unfortunately the reality is that Gura never begs for anything through words, she doesn't even want you to like her which will never fit their shitty narrative

>> No.59544341

I don't notice that I'm missing $5 a month.

>> No.59544595 [DELETED] 
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LMAO yeah I agree, Hoomans are the most delusional fanbase given that they simp for this hypocritical ADHD griefer. She's not Gura's equal btw, she's just Nyanners with mental illnesses

>> No.59544689

Still waiting for movie may

>> No.59544789

Are you a cute VTuber?

>> No.59544874

The free money is the reason Gura never has to graduate or why Cover will never force her to. Imagine she only gets $1 for every $5 membership. She's still taking home thousands just from memberships alone.

If chumbuds were smart, they would cancel memberships en masse & put pressure on her to stream, or do SOMETHING for members. But of course that will never happen

>> No.59545399

Chumbuds see their oshi stream so rarely that bait threads are basically all they have so I‘d feel bad if I didn‘t create some

>> No.59545446

How is streaming 3 times in a month supposed to be manipulation? I get why some fans are seething but there has to be more to her story than getting lazy because she clearly is capable of streaming regularly. Gura did 20 hours of streaming in a week during August so there has to be a reason for the "new normal".

>> No.59548433

Because incels are incredibly manipulative and will provide for a woman even if she provides a tiny bit of parasocial interaction.

>> No.59548719

I will pay her simply for existing for as long as she wants to be there. She has brought me countless hours of laughter and enjoyment over the years, and I have plenty of money. A few bucks a month is a small price to pay for happiness, whenever she feels like showing up.

>> No.59549789

Because her most recent members post from 6 weeks ago has no content and is just a single word:
and it has 5.1k likes.
Clearly, she is really good at giving people false hope. Otherwise, there wouldn't be anyone left. Keep in mind, she's only done one members stream in the last 5 months and hasn't said a word as to why. She simply doesn't talk to us at all.

>> No.59549931

3rd worlder here, it costs 2.11$ here which is the price of a liter of ice cream.... is cheap as fuck.

>> No.59550226

Gura has the lowest stream hours in all of Hololive. The one exception might be haachama this year, but even then, up until August, Haachama had more hours just in January and February than Gura has this entire year. Everyone knows that Haachama is sick. But with Gura, she said she had health problems at the end of last year and then she said that she was healthy enough to go to Japan (3 different times, btw).
So it's not some health problem, and even if it was, she should say that. The problem is that it's clearly not health related and so because of her lack of communication and complete apathy towards telling us what's wrong, I can only assume that she no longer cares about Hololive or her fans. Any sane person who's been following her for more than a year would come to the same conclusion.
And besides, we know what she does off-stream and who she does it with. There's no excuse for ignoring everyone who's worried about her and have supported her for these last three years. Gura's just a miserable, lying whore.

>> No.59550294

No anon, we won't watch IdolEN, stop trying.

>> No.59550338

because they like her

>> No.59550455

Because I like blue women

>> No.59550613

I don't give a shit about your no-name whore, stupid faggot. I don't even know who the fuck is in IdolEN, nor would I ever care to find out.
Why do you think I know how many likes her recent members posts have? It's because I am one, you dumb nigger. The latest comment on her most recent member's post was made 24 minutes ago and it's
>wish we had some kinda update

>> No.59550670 [DELETED] 
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No anon, I won't watch Kiara, stop trying. My take on her is still the same: the world would be a better place if Kiara died

Kiara the psychopath
- tried really hard to hide the real reason she got fired from her old company
- pinned blame on her boogeyman (already this part makes her an unethical person)
- even worse than Mori, she joined a vtuber corpo because her chink friends told her to do so
- mentally ill numberfag
- narcissistic menhera
- doxxed Subaru and sold info to the chinks
- never cared for Coco, in fact was caring about only chink gacha games, Genshin and Arknights to name a few
- due to insecurity issues of being a failed idol she felt the need to harass IRyS
- harassing her co-workers on a regular basis
- caused the EN civil war and in the process, made Ame hate Gura
- said the EN civil war was worth it https://youtu.be/W0lICCjnuDs?t=4468
- the insider G who has the patience of an actual saint said Kiara was making her stressed and she hated it
- Orcschizo (Mumei) did a 180 again seeing how insufferable Kiara was after working with her "oh if only you knew" https://files.catbox.moe/a5qake.png
- "Oh they've already got their own 3D lives? I'd better not invite them to my bday streams" https://youtu.be/W0lICCjnuDs?t=2955
- neglectful of due diligence, e.g. traveling and infecting her co-workers with the coof
- untrustworthy and dangerous to her co-workers, e.g. trying to take IRL pictures of the EN girls
- "no compromise" https://youtu.be/niJDkgLMkwk?t=13893
- often uses horrendous hardball tactics with her co-workers, e.g. "I won't let you join Holotori", "I won't let you finish the TTRPG"
- constant name-dropping
- hypocritical "she's been like that since we wouldn't let her play Genshin" https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1592164766617071617
- often throws someone under the bus
- attention-seeking behavior https://youtu.be/Lf4DdORCLN8
- treats Jenma like a slave
- "Nijification good" https://youtu.be/qU5hbJAQE7w?t=24798
- TT collab https://youtu.be/h3ONaq0jhPE
- robbed the Connect the World center position from Gura https://youtu.be/rUJy8BwA6hY?t=11757
- still dwelling on the past after all this time https://youtu.be/rUJy8BwA6hY?t=11570
- uses hololive as a stepping stone
- said all of this is for "my own satisfaction" https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/interviews/2022/8/3/interview-hololives-takanashi-kiara-on-bridging-languages-and-countries-through-vtubing
- plenty of things /vt/ has said about her

Psychopath (noun)
: a person who has no feeling for other people, does not think about the future, and does not feel bad about anything they have done in the past
: a person who is likely to commit violent criminal acts because of a mental illness that causes the person to lack any feelings of guilt

>> No.59551009

Is this some kind of joke?
Also, see >>59550613

>> No.59551299
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Honestly I forgot I had it. Thanks for reminding me anon.

>> No.59552842

The sisters get ignored/laughed out of /ggg/ so they have to resort to the catalog.
The antis keep the gura mindshare strong lmao

>> No.59553398
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It’s 129 pesos like 2 dollar a month. Literally chum change

>> No.59553791

>chumbuds run out of arguments
>immediately start doxxing gura's genmates
maybe she's right to avoid you guys...

>> No.59553858

I’m literally convinced that she signed up to one of those 1800’s villages. She kept talking about that timeline on stream and talking about how she wanted to be a baker and shit. Also the shoveling animal shit would make sense too along with her fascination with Townsend

Janny she literally talked about this stuff on stream, so fuck you if you ban me it’s not dox

>> No.59554062

Ironically people think parasocialism is "I used to watch her but then she did something that pissed me off so I don't watch anymore/I hate her now" when there's a far greater parasocialism of "I'll stay membered to her no matter what, she's a queen and can do no wrong, she can do whatever she wants like get married and I'll still watch her, I'll defend her in twitter arguments no matter what" etc.

>> No.59554287

Cute girls deserve money, simple as

>> No.59554808
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To own the seething Sisters/Nijiniggers/Homobeggers /Troons

>> No.59556430


Rope when?

>> No.59556488

>The problem is that it's clearly not health related and so because of her lack of communication and complete apathy towards telling us what's wrong, I can only assume that she no longer cares about Hololive or her fans.
Cover wants to keep their "good" reputation so fans will keep buying merch. They have every reason to hide fights with management and there are signs the 3 graduations in the EN branch were from contract disputes. Sana's RM was furious with management after her graduation and told people that because it was her personal account she could tell them she was completely healthy. I am skeptical of the radio silent health breaks but due to the Hololive NDAs we only hear Cover's side of the story. My opinion is to be more skeptical of the official explanations since they want fans to blame the vtubers so they won't blame the company.

>> No.59556529

>turkey VPN
dont have a gura mem because she never streams, I do this for others because i am a jew.

>> No.59556616
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Because I'm rich

>> No.59556619

Because I am a paypig. I work my ass off day in and day out, slaving away my life and coming home each night tired and broken. And for one single purpose. To give Gura my money. I exist on this earth to give her money. That's it.
I destroy myself so that a woman who doesn't even know I exist can sit in her pigstye of room without a care in the world. She doesn't have to worry about bills or how she's going to afford her next meal.

>> No.59556691

I can buy 3 liters of ice cream for the cost of a Gura membership in my country.

>> No.59556982

>not gura
>just Nyanners with mental illnesses

only one of these can be true at the same time

>> No.59557746

>can't handle the truth
>can't handle facts about your oshi
how about eating bullets KFPiss

>> No.59558128

what truth? all you've done is piss and shit your pants

>> No.59558426

What does she do and with who? Is this the start of Zen's comeback?

>> No.59558636

I hated this worm since day one, she blatantly stole pekora's laugh. Turned out a poor disgusting imitation with her westoid voice.

Glad to see everyone hates her now. Lmao, EN hololive full of twitter drama, yup, going westoid was a total mistake.

>> No.59558696

That image is fantastic.

>> No.59558816

This entire thread is literally just >>59555895

>> No.59558896

Memes aside...do you even get enough value to justify the $0.57 a month for someone who never streams? Better than throwing $5 into the void, but I keep getting gifted subs that I literally never use and just let expire. I'll go download the vod if I really want to see certain member's content, but I guess maybe the option of seeing it live/removing the DL hassle is worth a few cents.

>> No.59558972

based and true

>> No.59561039

Because i want to.

>> No.59561112


>> No.59561573

I have been non-stop membered to Haachama throughout 2023 too.

>> No.59566103
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>using someobe else's post (that has been reposted a dozen times) to pretend like you're some paying unicorn just so you can participate in some 4chan turboincel culture war
Top kek

>> No.59566502

>I-its change money anyway
>i just do it to own the antis!
>I'm not a parasocial incel, I don't care if she streams or not!
>I'm not a pathetic simp, I just buy all her merch and donate hundreds to her just for her to continue hating my guts
>I give her my money every month despite not receiving any of the perks membership gives you because she's my queen who can do no wrong and who I am eternally in service to!
>If you think she should stream you're just an anti!
>If you see this as sad or pathetic you're just poor!
Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.59566555

Her exclusive content is worth it

>> No.59567876

Why does she hate Biboo? What happened between them in a past life?

>> No.59568200

I was the first one for a long time. sadly I can buy a snack and get more enjoyment out of it with all the enthusiasm she brings to her streams now. the days of her playful reaction to being asked which cheeks will be used for her mousepad are long gone

>> No.59569641
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Seethe more 3dpd whore

>> No.59569817

guarented seethe and (you)'s
if people /here/ had even 2 braincells tied together they wouldn't reply to these threads at all and they would go away, anyone bumping or replying to these threads is are retarded (me included)

>> No.59571138

poopy penis coom

>> No.59571535

do it for her and not in spite of other people

>> No.59573825

Many people always forget recurring payments like this

>> No.59575099

The same argument Nintentoddlers say to justify paying for garbage games.
>Bro why pay for a shit ROM when you can emulate it with custom features, true wide screen, real upscale, optimization

>> No.59576316

honestly these are the same faggots who mock other vtuber fans by calling them cucks when their oshi is some bitch who makes ayame seem like employee of the month. Pathetic

>> No.59577311

>Memes aside...do you even get enough value to justify the $0.57 a month for someone who never streams?
you can use the member emotes to post in VOD comments during the several weeks between merch streams.

>> No.59578413

Sunk cost fallacy

>> No.59578472

You just reminded me to cancel my amazon prime

>> No.59578509

too late, it fucking renewed again

>> No.59581945

Last time I cancelled, they refunded me. Should work if you didn't use it to purchase anything or something.

>> No.59582203

I use a VPN and pay in pesos.

>> No.59584613


>> No.59585273

Chumbuds literally only watch Gura

>> No.59585578

shes cute, i love giving her passive income
im not paying for the service, i just like giving money to cute girls

>> No.59586151

Forget to cancel payment and don't even notice it anyways.

Sometimes, the answer is not that deep.

>> No.59588079
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>> No.59589552

It involves a lot of traveling.

>> No.59594918

It's Great Value. for her

>> No.59595684

i dont know they just dont want to see her stream i guess?
she isnt streaming because she doesnt need to there is no pressure or punishment for her, the chums will keep maintaining her for the rest of their lifes

>> No.59596290

how do you do that?

>> No.59596799

If only it wasn't so.
