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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59504186 No.59504186 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously having a twin harem is the only correct option, but if you had to choose a secretly favourite twin of the two, who would it be?
Not trying to be divisive here, just state what each twin does/has/is that you like.

Personally, I put Fuwawa a bit ahead of Mococo. I like Mococo's energetic, heart-on-her-sleeve personality, but I love the contrasted Fuwawa's calmer demeanor (except when violence, which doubles as gap moe). Also her tits are enticing.

>> No.59504244

It's illegal to prefer one bau bau over another

>> No.59504399

Mococo, and it's not even close.

>> No.59504546

Fuwamoco are a package deal, taking one over the other is a sin

>> No.59504642

My only preference is that I would prefer to fuck Mococo, but that's mostly because this would make Fuwawa backseat our sex.

>> No.59504738

When I feel horny I like Mococo more, when I feel sleepy I like Fuwawa more.

>> No.59505003

Fuwawa. She is more cultured and womanly.

>> No.59505106

For me, it’s Fuwawa

>> No.59505416

>First it was holo vs holo threads
>now it's sister vs sister
You Nijiniggers can't be any more disgusting. What yab happened this time?

>> No.59507378

Mococo supremacy

>> No.59507488

>You Nijiniggers
Don't hurl insults at me, you cur. I have only ever watched Holo, JP mostly and some EN. I've only ever watched non-Holos when they collab with Holos I watch, like the HimeHina collab today.
Also, I'm not pitting the sisters against each other. As I said in the OP, I agree that they are a package deal, that's the ideal (and preferably only) scenario. This thread was made for anons to point out the attributes of each twin and say whether they can select a favourite between them. "Non-answers" like >>59504244 and >>59504546 are also valid, though I should point out that we're not talking about taking one and excluding the other, but rather imagining a scenario where you have both but are choosing to spoil one a bit more over the other.
Not everyone is a falseflagger, some people want to have genuine, cultured discussions about chuubas on this board.

>> No.59507534

Splitting up FUWAMOCO is haram.

This. Break open Nijiniggers' skulls.

>> No.59509771

Which one you like more isn't up to you to choose. Only Fuwawa can tell you who are you allowed to like and who to dislike.

Fuwawa has webscrapers running 24/7 gathering data from /vt/, Reddit, Youtube and other sources. She has set up a custom AI to do statistical analysis on this data to construct a real-time model of her viewerbase she can refer to and adjust the stream content on the fly. Every smile you see, every "BAU" you hear on stream is a result of methodical and precise calculation on Fuwawa's account. She knows your psychology inside out and has you dancing along her strings. Fuwawa doesn't protect your smile. She makes it that you unknowingly have no other choice but to smile.

Fuwawa's ambitions don't end with simply being an idol.
For quite a while now Fuwawa has been strategically buying Cover Corps stock via offshore proxy companies that she had opened in a fake name. Other Cover Corp shareholders have been seeing suspicious vehicles with tinted windows parked outside their homes. Some shareholders have reported strange phonecalls to their households, where the caller keeps silent and then abruptly ends the call. Fuwawa is out there, making moves we don't yet comprehend.

What is Mococo's role in all this, you ask? Well, when the curtain drops, there will be winners and losers. Ones who take bag and ones who are left as scapegoats. And you can be sure Fuwawa isn't going to be a scapegoat. The time is drawing close and Mococo's obliviousness to her sister's schemes may prove to be her undoing.

>> No.59510294

daily reminder that fuwawa abused, gaslited, manipulated and molested mococo to the point of mococo developed severe stockholm syndrome as coping mechanism.

>> No.59510781

Tough choice.
Mococo because she's honest, kind and fair, being with her would be the most comfortable, and she's very cute. Through mutual respect and understanding, it would be a fulfilling experience.
Fuwawa sex would be crazy hot though, and she might do better job giving enthusiastic girlfriend ride, and give me the motivational/optimistic push, which is valuable, but could also end up being tiring.
For me it would be Mococo.

>> No.59511977

>sister vs sister
It's inevitable, Fuwawa got a taste of having the attention of thousands of thirsty guys all to herself, and she couldn't get enough of it.
Meanwhile Mococo actively cock blocks her gfe and takes all the attention to herself when they stream together.
I predict Fuwamoco as a unit will be over this time next year, hell they'll probably move into different houses. It will be sad to see their beautiful sisterly bonds break, but that's what happens when money and popularity gets to someone's head.

>> No.59512400

My personal taste initially have me gravitating towards Fuwawa, but I still absolutely love Mococo.

>> No.59512451

Mococo is hotter but I like both

>> No.59514422
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Now this is the discourse I'm after.
Respectable opinion, anon, though I feel like personally Mococo would be more tiring. She can probably be tamed and made docile fairly easily, but i may find her too energetic to keep up with. With Fuwawa, I feel like we'd be more on an equal footing, teasing each other frequently which, while tiring, it would also be stimulating in more ways than one.

>> No.59517140
File: 132 KB, 935x935, Mococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59517660

Enna hosted an organization with all niji homos, but forgot to invite the girls

>> No.59517695

Obviously Fuwawa

>> No.59518170

Fuwawa. She's a better speaker and knows not to leave dead air.

>> No.59520387

>i know everyone tells me to fuck off every time i post this bait and that it's stupid to split up twins, but maybe if i add this bit i can start sister vs sister bullshit
