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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 618 KB, 1178x1280, retractedApology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59483019 No.59483019 [Reply] [Original]

I'll never trust Shiori nor any girl like her ever again.

>> No.59483128


>> No.59483133
File: 380 KB, 562x585, 1695654186109081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the red crashed his faggot plane against the GFE north tower in attempt to deflect from the mysta shitfest?
male vtubers everyone

>> No.59483392

Cry, Cry me a river Anon

>> No.59483502

She warned you in her debut; your fault for getting suckered in.

>> No.59483575

holy esl

>> No.59483692

AI post?

>> No.59483707

> Shiori said she'd collad "with friends" and asked people to "respect her choices".
> Potential fans had a meltdown as they assumed that meant males.
> Fans assured them she is innocent and won't collab with males, the "two more weeks" meme is born to mock people thinking Shiori will yab.
> Shiori and FlayonDeezNuts interact on Xitter.
> Everyone who gave her a second chance, and those who believed from the beginning are in shambles.
You are here.

>> No.59483910
File: 109 KB, 590x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me this is the whole fucking basis of the drama...

>> No.59483945

It's over

>> No.59483982


>> No.59483983

*i know nothing about any male vtuber, i am uninformed

>> No.59484003

Idc about her or the homos but if you’re a GFEtuber it shouldn’t be that hard to understand that your fans don’t want you to interact with males at all

>> No.59484100


>> No.59484101

>don’t want you to interact with males at all
>girlfriend interacts with a male cashier

god these people are pathetic

>> No.59484102

yes. now comes the homobegging and the tempus collabs

>> No.59484161

False equivalency

>> No.59484170

>ignored fans
>interacted with a known sexpest
>"what's the issue?"
not everyone is a cuck like you anon

>> No.59484199
File: 659 KB, 697x778, 5768787232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will be a very fun next few days

>> No.59484236

What about the males that send supa?

>> No.59484250
File: 9 KB, 469x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing i dont give a shit about shiori

>image related

>> No.59484280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59484406

Even if a homo donated to her she should thank them or else that would just be straight up rude

>> No.59484431
File: 718 KB, 852x780, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.59484482

Cuckchads we won. Who powercuck here?

>> No.59484540

Some of us did warn you about the reliability of western GFE. The homo's don't give a shit about the fanbase of the girls they try to get the attention of.

WESTERN GFEtubers are too fucking retarded to not understand such a simple concept.

Shut your bitch ass up unwanted cunt.

>> No.59484592 [DELETED] 

That guy is a sexpest, perfect recipe for SEAfaggots and Spicfaggots to spam this board with their cuck and shipping dreams.

>> No.59484594

Anon she's literally having sex with him right now (I am watching them from the closet)

>> No.59484599

simp cucks ahahahaha

>> No.59484622


>> No.59484667

Rangeban SEA

>> No.59484671

doing gods work with the containment threads keep it up <3

>> No.59484673

You were warned like 50 times, dumb fuck

>> No.59484714

Yes, "thanks" would’ve not been cucking but not only did she say "thank you", she even added the enamoring "~"
Owari da

>> No.59484775

I don't believe this is a genuine reaction. She came with the biggest red flag right on debut. Anyone that actually fell for her is straight up non human, fictional, bigfoot tier does not exist

>> No.59484835

a thumbs up emoji would have been more acceptable than this.

>> No.59484842

Yep, can't accuse her of betraying anyone when she made herself clear on day one.

>> No.59484867

Betting about 5% genuine goslings feeling betrayed, 95% dramafags looking to stir shit as usual

>> No.59484909

I've been using other boards for the first time in a while and they're filled with actually human beings who have discussions instead of do this weird endless posturing to further some retarded narrative. Too much time on this board, scrolling through /hlgg/ is literally melting some of our minds

>> No.59484920
File: 252 KB, 1702x2048, shiori 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic, isn't it? A bunch of jealous, insecure, possessive manchildren throwing a hissy-fit, all because some random woman on the internet said "thank you" to someone...

You know what? I'm gonna start using "thank you" as a way to mock these retards from now on. Thank you, Shiori.

>> No.59484919

> Everyone who gave her a second chance, and those who believed from the beginning are in shambles.
Not me. Not until she collab with a guy, work-related collabs / activities not included.
I'm not going to throw a fit out of a polite "Thank you~" reply when the guy initiated the conversation first (in good will, too)

>> No.59484948

Cringe. Bettel and shiori ntr lovemaking sex.

>> No.59484957

you wouldn't believe how many of them said "she's talking about collabs with her female senpai's! She's shy and don't want people to rush her into them!".

>> No.59484981

go send her a tweet thanking her for the twitter interaction sister

>> No.59484988

>novelcucks are having SEAs rent free in their heads
>in reality SEAs like Shiori and her "own the le bad unicorn" behavior and wish all advent do the same as her

>> No.59484991

>now this is trying too hard

>> No.59485016

Considering her pl was into kek humour..

>> No.59485024

If anything the "~" is staying in character on twitter.
If someone disagrees, I really would like to know why.

>> No.59485054
File: 342 KB, 925x709, 1691831019743509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59485055

i fell for her because she gave me a kiss after every stream
the gfe was incredible

>> No.59485078

Which would hurt her fandom the most, talking to Connor, talking to Vox or Luca, or talking to the Holostars

>> No.59485082

why'd you cum on the form, anon?

>> No.59485100

>mindbroken by some SEA overblown drama
God you're pathetic

>> No.59485123

Lol. A certain 2view is really mad and angry at Shiori.

>> No.59485180

>Mindbroken from a thank you.
New holofag low.

>> No.59485220

I wouldn't be surprised if SEAs are defending her right now while self-hating SEAs at the same time ngl

>> No.59485228

>the guy initiated the conversation first
This is the fucking problem. Homos should only speak when spoken to.

>> No.59485229

This is a new low, anon.

>> No.59485232
File: 258 KB, 1198x1697, shiori 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? I'm mocking you retards for blowing this nothingburger completely out of proportion. You're the pathetic ones.

>> No.59485236

This little twink faggot does it on purpose just like Niji males are doing it on purpose and then laughing among themselves saying how they "cucked" other fans.
If you think that fans are pathetic you would be surprised how some talents can be much worse.

>> No.59485268

Kek, can’t say you’re wrong

>> No.59485282

>Girl had a PL video up talking about her FOUR past relationships
>Saying "thank you" on twitter ruined her for the fans


>> No.59485305

The fact that she’s a "random woman" to you already tells me you’re the fakest fan imaginable.

>> No.59485329

2 more weeks

>> No.59485350
File: 95 KB, 540x677, gol-d-kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you~

>> No.59485358

Don’t you mean 13?

>> No.59485387

I honestly never saw bigger homobeggars than Pinoys and Indonesians. Pinoys especially because they love drama that those collabs would bring.
Indonesians on the other hand like to show themselves as being not backwards so they don't support the separation of sexes.

>> No.59485394

There's a reason unicorns changed their mantra from "no males ever" to "no males during stream please"

>> No.59485397

Why are you talking than, faggot? Show a good example.

>> No.59485441
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, 1672320760425535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so weak willed that you for a known NTR queen despite countless anons telling you this is her nature
>Imagine posting "2 more weeks!" as a deflection/cope tactic anytime somebody posts about your favorite vtubers love of NTR.
>Imagine going full cope mode saying it doesn't matter when those posters just keep getting vindicated time and time again as her true nature can't help but show

And that's the funniest part about all of this. I said from the beginning that this would be a slow burn, all converging the final and ultimate cuck card that she's still waiting to play.
Her family are freemasons, and just like freemasons she loves to give signs so you only have yourself to blame for not seeing all the red flags. This is yet another example of that, this is small in the grand scheme of things, she's giving you room to cope about it not being the case and she's doing it purposefully and consciously.

She'll let shit die down for a bit, let people think it was a fluke, then she'll up the ante another notch.

There will be no cucking the likes of the one Shiori will bring ever again, it will literally be the final and ultimate cuck, after she's finished the process of grooming her gozzlings into complete dependency on her, then she'll give them just a small teaser taste of despair as she interacts with other males. She'll repeat this process over and over, letting it build until she finally gets her cathartic release.

>> No.59485467
File: 84 KB, 885x719, 1695956393672401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is flaygon fanbase btw

>> No.59485470

rule of three:
4 * 3 = 12

>> No.59485485
File: 206 KB, 360x336, E5FF80F8-E14D-4A5A-A162-3694DFE219F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori bros… did 4 guys really cum inside her… this cant be happening

>> No.59485505

>Shiori and FlayonDeezNuts interact on Xitter
That's it? Fuck's sake, every single time witg those drama niggers....

>> No.59485536

I'll try this too

>> No.59485551

stop using my wife to chatgpt post

>> No.59485555 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 662x577, 1683080122151338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fans are retards that cope by blotting out her past.
She loves to cuck her fans, absolutely adores it even. Nothing gives her more pleasure than her spineless limp dicked cuckies.

>> No.59485563

Yeah that's why they are the biggest self-insert supporters in the world, always ruined GirlxGirl ships everywhere in the internet.

>> No.59485574

Will the great cuckening be the elusive final yab?

>> No.59485604
File: 925 KB, 1284x1397, 1695965674854006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flygon X The Cucker

>> No.59485607

Now THIS is a classic case of paranoia. Incredible.

>> No.59485633

You have some weird fetishes bro

>> No.59485648

Get a new hobby, Niji sister.

>> No.59485678

Yeah, they're fucking for sure. I feel bad for her fans.

>> No.59485684
File: 83 KB, 660x712, 1692277567431670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fans assured them she is innocent and won't collab with males
God, I know Unicorns are retarded, I don't know you're also goldfishes with frequent memory problems.

>> No.59485686

>>59482941 (You)
God bless someone finally calling out her ACTUAL yabs rather than this absolute travesty of a nothingburger. If only /vt/ wasn't a leddit tier hugbox, maybe we can have some actual discussion of real reasons why anon's oshi is shit, rather than freaking out over a single tweet with tempiss. No one likes homobeggars and males in Holo, but the extreme overreaction here by menhera gachis is excessive. Then again, I suppose I'll take anything to rightfully knock Shiori down a peg I suppose.

>> No.59485691


>> No.59485698
File: 2.18 MB, 3887x3237, 1663844522828103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Nijifaggots again.

>> No.59485704

Majority of western fanbases just don't care.
Fish vtuber caught in an hotel room with 5 guys? No one cared, even got popularity boost from it lol
Miori off collab alone with 2 men? No one care, all cool and shit still called "GFE vtuber" by her fanbase.
Shiorin interacting with TEMPUS sex predators? SLAY QUEEEN

Westerners WANTS TO BE KEKED and when their chuuba isn't cucking them they actually start SC about "are you sure you are happy with not cucking us :(?"

>> No.59485711
File: 258 KB, 740x1272, 1695956024033306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't tell me this is the whole fucking basis of the drama...
>sub 3k stream after the yab
>schizos containment breaking already

>> No.59485712

Where's the Apology Form anon?

>> No.59485727

Honestly this.
I doubt buy for a second that she has a single fucking unicorn in her entire fanbase.
I dropped her and unsubbed after the debut when she did her collab warning.
Her renaming fans either don't care or are into this shit people pretending to be upset or pretending she is pure in any way shape or form are larping

>> No.59485731

idk why are you acting so smug, froot an zentreya are gonna cuck you day 1.

>> No.59485740

Thank god, I thought it was something serious.
Fuck this brown-infested board lmao

>> No.59485752

She expertly trained her fans to deny every increase in temperature. Those frogs aren't going to be boiled, they'll be deep fried into carbon by end of this.

>> No.59485763

You've be trying to play both sides for hours, sister.

>> No.59485782

>I used to be called the cucker
There is no way this fag actually said this right?

>> No.59485785

Yeah, because that explain Fuwamoco having 4.6k viewers too. Today CCV is shit for all of Hololive, by the way.
Numberfags are unfiltered subhumans

>> No.59485803

Not me, I know the real enemy are brazilians and chilean last samurai.

>> No.59485822

He said that and other shit, he is racing Axel for the crown of TEMPUS King of Sex Offender

>> No.59485847

>Today CCV is shit for all of Hololive, by the way.
Not for Koyori, or Okayu.
Trying too hard to downplay novelcuck

>> No.59485848

What are Axel's misconducts?

>> No.59485849

Retard. She has been doing full gfe streams for the past month. Novellites have been coping about that respect my collab choices as a comment referring to not doing collabs with outsiders, not about doing collabs with homos

>> No.59485854

No one cared who she was until she put on the Blue Dorito....any "fans" she has at this point are Holo tribalists who will eat ze bugs if that's what their Big Corpo overlords tell them to. Shiori is the bottom of the bucket twitch thot leftover 2view that is being forced down the throats of Hololive, and simps will gladly guzzle this slop in order to "own" the last few Nijisisters who are already an endangered species.

>> No.59485858

>Numberfags are unfiltered subhumans
They prefer to be called "Hololive EN fans"

>> No.59485871

Two out of many are exception not the rule, retard. Can you numberfags into real math at all?

>> No.59485882

>this would be a slow burn
People who thought she'd instantly collab with males are fucking retarded. NTR lovers like her would gain no satisfaction from that. Slowly building up trust and then delivering a deathblow is what gets them off.

>> No.59485905

All of Hololive or only the EN side? I don't know which JP's streamed today, but all of them usually are high no matter what?

>> No.59485904

sex with Zeta

>> No.59485924

Always brags about being a dense MC protagonist getting confessed by every girl he met

>> No.59485929

What guy would unironically call someone who talks with HIS gf the cucker? Seems like made up story desu. I've talked to white a few girls in HS and few bfs almost come at me swinging for that.

>> No.59485933

i told you so

>> No.59485945

>Two out of many are exception not the rule, retard. Can you numberfags into real math at all?
Ririka was also doing much better than her average today. Astoundingly so.

>> No.59485950

that faggot just uses KFP to try and funnel fans over to his Tempiss shitters has ID in his bio but never posts shit about ID

>> No.59485953

I wish I could throw a brick and some of you dumb motherfuckers

>> No.59485958

>unwanted person
says the person who shits their pants at a mere tweet when they've probably been sucking and fucking regularly for a decade

>> No.59485963

>Fish vtuber caught in an hotel room with 5 guys? No one cared, even got popularity boost from it lol
You have to be completely retarded if you think that actually happened.

>> No.59485981

>for all of Hololive
See you again in JST hours, ENshit

>> No.59485987

The cake stream with her manager was still so fucking insane and nothing came out from it solely because YAGOO himself is a fucking homobeggar

>> No.59486009

This thread is full of Holostars fans btw. You can tell by the way they post. Literally the exact same reddit tier style posting defending their precious boys.

>> No.59486025

>Novellites have been coping
I don't believe you.
This isn't a case of red flags, it's literally all out in the open for anybody to see since the debut.
Anybody pretending to be outraged by this is a larper just like anybody pretending to "defend her honor".
Her actual fans give literally no fucks about this

>> No.59486031

Lmao. This is the last chance to jump ship, idiots. If you’re into GFE, you got no one to blame if you decide to hang around.

>> No.59486043

that's not how it works, Pele

>> No.59486057

I still need to see a clip before I believe it, sounds almost as unbelievable as the bluefag talking about fighting antis one on one but that turned out to be real so who knows.

>> No.59486060
File: 786 KB, 2480x3508, shiori 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk why are you acting so smug
Because I'm not a mentally ill unicorn... I'm a normal person who understands that there's nothing wrong with two people having a normal, polite interaction with each other... Get over it.

>> No.59486065

The warning flags were there anon, you just didn't listen.
The next step is that the defense wave will arrive telling you it's just a simple interaction, nothing to worry about, then some time later she will do male collabs and they will continue defending her with some other stupid argument.

>> No.59486076

I'd hate for this to happen, but at the same time it would be so glorious.
Some of her manipulative tendencies are already showing on her streams btw. If there are Novelite here, they can attest to that

>> No.59486085
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, 1695146023546271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it lmao. A thread died for this nothing burger because jealous 2views, nijifags, and SEAniggers wanted to stir up schizo drama

>> No.59486091
File: 104 KB, 519x236, 1667817406753243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco having 4.6k viewers too

>> No.59486109

>not a mentally ill unicorn
Ruro rumao

>> No.59486130

>Established this treachery on day 1
>All her fandom just pretending it didn't happen
You have no one to blame but yourselves

>> No.59486152

He said “cunt”, whore.

>> No.59486160

sex with Ame

>> No.59486172

>shiori knows NOTHING about hololive that whore
>shiori is up to date about other holos and knows about this KNOWN sexpest

>> No.59486178
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 1692180564535911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59486184

real high quality thread you guys got going on

>> No.59486183

Western women are unloyal whores, what did you expect?

>> No.59486186


>> No.59486187

Is she really a schizo that gets off on cucking her fans?
What the fuck

>> No.59486192

Like clockwork

>> No.59486201

The entire thread are wild. And some of you clearly have talent at making NTR doujin

>> No.59486231
File: 3.35 MB, 2894x4093, shiori 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really not understand what my position is? I'm saying I'm perfectly fine with Shiori interacting with males, because I'm nothing like you morons. In other words, I'm the complete opposite of a unicorn. Are you retarded or can you just not read?

>> No.59486239

Mythfags councilfags IDfags memoryholed this by a mile.

>> No.59486249

She literally did an NTR rp video in the past.

>> No.59486262

>I'm a normal person, I'm not mentally ill like those darn unicorns
Posting in a catalog thread on /vt/ about a twitter interaction >>59484920 clearly so invested in the culture war you are signalling your intent to find more of these threads to shitpost in.
Nah you are fucked in the head like everybody else.

>> No.59486297
File: 367 KB, 500x354, TEMPUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your homos are next

>> No.59486301

Ok if these "actual yabs" are so much more disastrous then post them

>> No.59486310

She won't do it... this was just not wanting to be rude to a co-worker, right?
This is all I have in my life, the only vtuber I've ever loved, I don't want to give up on her over a small blip like this.

>> No.59486338
File: 45 KB, 544x484, 1620123496746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire thread are wild. And some of you clearly have talent at making NTR doujin
Most of it's not even fans and antis talking, just multiple retards pretending they're passionate about the whole subject. One side pretending they believe Shiori is purepure innocent and another side smugly proclaim she's the spawn of satan and knew all along.
The truth is always in between. And the real loser are people who DO believe Shiori will never, ever talk with a male. Since she immediately went to homo twitter literally around debut.
I refuse to believe they're the majority. This is way too retarded.

>> No.59486345

>I'm the complete opposite of a unicorn.
So you want your girl to interact with males but not females? Are you angry about tomorrow Advent collab? Or are you just an ESL who doesn't know what "complete opposite" means?
NTA by the way

>> No.59486346

whatever you say sister. you're worse than a unicorn you're a Tempiss fan

>> No.59486351

>vacation baiting
Do your own homework. Start here >>59486249

>> No.59486387

I went from ironically using vt buzzwords to incorporating them in my vocabulary
my brain is rotten to the core

>> No.59486388

Waiting for "After much consideration..." tweet from her

>> No.59486424

You underestimate /vt/s sheer retardation.

>> No.59486427
File: 1.09 MB, 2900x4096, shiori 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the ones having a meltdown over absolutely nothing. I'm the one being normal and making fun of you retards for even having a meltdown over nothing in the first place. Stop being crybabies over nothing. It's pathetic.

>> No.59486429

You clearly don't know who she was before she was shiori

>> No.59486430
File: 139 KB, 340x304, 1678441838269364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good having an oshi that will never betray me, you should try it Novelcucks!

>> No.59486439

mental illness thread

>> No.59486448

found it and listened to it myself, from his tone you can tell he wasn't happy about it
you can do your reps and find it yourself if you actually care

>> No.59486467

I hate you all

>> No.59486471

This has to be satire

>> No.59486472

They will forever backpedal and move goalposts until you either give up, or the girl becomes enemy #1 and hating her is the new go-to

>> No.59486475

>Holo ENna
imagine being her fan HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.59486518

Keep downplaying until her merch stops selling.

>> No.59486523

I can confirm
I was the 5th
/5guys/ rise up!

>> No.59486522

Why get mad at her and not the red homo? She’s just being polite

>> No.59486536

But she talks to people in her chat all the time. You are mentally ill and need help.

>> No.59486541

You cant convince me that rangebanning all countries that posted in /#/ and permabanning any ip that posted there wouldn't improve the quality of the board a hundred fold

>> No.59486545

where's the collab though

>> No.59486555
File: 132 KB, 330x327, 1695609946525032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being /here fighting with random anon's
>not ignoring these bait threads
>constantly replying but not having a meltdown

>> No.59486566

Nijisanji tier humor

>> No.59486567


>> No.59486570

The Zeta/Axel streams where he called her a bitch and a brat were a low point for hololive as far as I'm concerned but hey she seemed to be into it at the time and that just put her into never watch territory for me.

>> No.59486572
File: 944 KB, 1301x727, 1691236866925710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home to my girlfriend, white man

>> No.59486576

go back to /pcg/

>> No.59486605
File: 78 KB, 600x600, shiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59486630

This. And once most of the original fans have left and no one is left to complain the homobeggar defense squad will get bored and leave, leaving her with ruins of a community.
Interesting seeing this all play out again as an ex-teamate

>> No.59486632

it's because it's such a nothing burger he feels he needs to do a tour of all the shiori catalog threads to tell us it's a nothing burger
completely normal behavior

>> No.59486635
File: 89 KB, 634x1200, shiori 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or are you just an ESL who doesn't know what "complete opposite" means?
Anon, please don't be one of those autists who take everything too literally. You know full well that I was saying that I couldn't care less who a female vtuber interacts with. Just stop it. Oh no, how dare I word something kind of "poorly", but in a way that 99.9999999% of people will still understand. Moron.

No, I'm just a normal person. You're all a bunch of mentally ill schizos blowing something insignificant completely out of proportion, like you always do. Stop being like this. It isn't healthy.

>> No.59486636

I don't know what would be more hilariously sad her cucking her viewers after building up the trust or her graduation unable to fight pressure that is put on her.

>> No.59486643

Now try posting it without crying

>> No.59486645

saving this with 2 more weeks quote on quote

>> No.59486656

I fucked my ex after she got married so I'm naturally drawn to Azki.

>> No.59486659

why are you posting your shit here?

>> No.59486679
File: 27 KB, 600x610, 1695970532976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you~

>> No.59486681

The red one is flayon not bettel…

>> No.59486689

But that's based, manager offers her pussy so he doesn't jump other holomems. Respect.

>> No.59486695

2 more weeks until the collab sister
Maybe if you spam the catalog for 2 more months it will happen

>> No.59486696

My schizo coping mind is telling me that's she's only testing the water for a male interaction, will her community accept and encouraging more of this? will they hate it?

>> No.59486699


>> No.59486711
File: 111 KB, 850x601, 1688112628784506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drop Shiori as soon as I saw her countless PL male interactions
>Spend my days enjoying my real oshi while laughing at novelkeks having to cope post and defend shitori daily as she NTR's them in real time
Sheer delight. You'll never know the pleasure of having an oshi that will never ever interact with a male and I have TWO (2)

>> No.59486717

this is just weird

>> No.59486720

She said someone brought a switch to her highschool prom. That means she's 23-24, and that means she made that video when was around 18 years of age.
Kinda crazy if you ask me

>> No.59486728

Cool, why does that matter to my post tho?
I honestly fucking hope none of them are serious

>> No.59486729

>You know full well that I was saying
No I don't.
You went out of your way to say you are the "complete opposite" of an unicorn.
So you're either an ESL, larping for attention, or an actual butthurt novelite here trying to run interference on a bait thread.
Just take the day off and go do something else. You're making it obvious to everybody reading your shit how much you're annoyed by this

>> No.59486732

Normal people don’t feel the need to aggressively white knight vtubers on 4chan.

>> No.59486736

laying the ground work for their quitter faggot reincarnation lol

>> No.59486752

I can't fucking read this

>> No.59486759

this board should just be deleted honestly

>> No.59486766
File: 65 KB, 625x425, aaa9053346fd4b42154e88e29c55ad1b14c0fbf5420d3bdac530d41a1fc24a32-1814147644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignored fans

Literally (You)

>> No.59486767

There would be no one left to post except maybe some guy from Antarctica, so of course the quality would improve.

>> No.59486769

I said this shit a long time ago.
Only two good girls on Advent and they share a channel

>> No.59486781

Only cucks look at this and see nothing wrong.
It's the equivalent of a guy waving to your girl and she waving back while you are next to her.

>> No.59486793

but enough about your family, cuck

>> No.59486796 [DELETED] 

All of you shitposters. Go here >>59484943 and put your money where your mouth is. Don’t be afraid of a little ban, go attack her actual fans on here general. Quit being pussies.

>> No.59486800

>holo vs h…
Screw this, you’re right.

>> No.59486824

Based dogwives.
They're the only girls I know for certain will never do this.

>> No.59486850

simply eric

>> No.59486875

h-he is only her friend ok? Gay black one at that, nothing suspicious

>> No.59486921

she might as well have told flayon to fertilize her eggs, fucking whore.

>> No.59486924
File: 254 KB, 1755x2048, 93844862_149962016518405_6675851024621633536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's hard into NTR and talked about her men
HAHAHAHA ENcucks are amazing

>> No.59486928

An entire thread of people seething that she hasn't collabed with a dude yet because they want to be right.
Two more weeks right bros

>> No.59486970

Is that why they spammed catalog with deflections after the flop of the NijiEN minecraft event?
Is that why you are spamming this bullshit threads to day and tomorrow to deflect from mysterio being a faggot in vshojo now?

>> No.59486975

inb4 inevitably nothing happened since then

>> No.59486982

>new oshi
He doesn’t know….

>> No.59486988

Why don't VTubers just openly admit they have had boyfriends in the past and are dating now. By hiding it like some top secret information they are just encouraging more drama. They literally bring their family members on stream and take photos of their pets and the insides of their houses so you can't pretend it's about privacy. Unicorns would have no reason to be upset with it if they were upfront from the beginning.

>> No.59487008

you're not a new ip
if it's really such a nothingburger why are you still here defending her?

>> No.59487060

go on novelite
let's see what you have on fuwamoco then

>> No.59487071

Because being open about it is a death sentence to 1 or 2view at best
Hiding it? you can start farming and tame cucks that won't ever rebel because they will think to be "superior" for not sperging out like monkeys and keep donating

>> No.59487074

I'm impressed that you haven't figured out that this attitude itself drastically raises the chances of a girl cheating on you

>> No.59487094

women like money

>> No.59487102

>Why don't VTubers just openly admit they have had boyfriends in the past and are dating now.
bad for business

>> No.59487106

Ironic unicorns or vice versa are just as toxic. Just let people enjoy what they like. Do you faggots even watch or enjoy vtubers anymore?

>> No.59487120

Nijien does that

>> No.59487125
File: 61 KB, 1150x250, Screenshot_20230929-030526_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think why these people can't do anything but post about how other people have NTR fetishes all day

>> No.59487129

Not surprised, the girl leaned into ntr jokes before

>> No.59487135

>"Hey guys, imma shoot this gun"

>She won't shoot, she understood the consequences
>You guys misunderstood her words
>Two more weeks


This whole thing feels like a comedy

>> No.59487175

She absolutely does have genuine GFE fans who just cope and ignore these red flags

>> No.59487181

nta but this huge cuck deflection
a decent person will simply not cheat on their partner no matter what
if they are unhappy they will leave
if this behavior accelerates cheating than whoever got cheated just dodged a bullet from getting involved further with a cheating whore in the first place

>> No.59487187

I saw it in the thread and came here to make fun of you guys then fuck off after a couple of replies. Also not sure why it didn't log my ip but no biggie.
Literally some ultra possessive dude just had his wife just leave him after complaining about him for years. No idea what the fuck took her so long.

>> No.59487216

It's kind of funny how I see posts people praising Zeta, that she is true gfe of en/I'd etc, but no one ever brings up shit like this.

>> No.59487217

She's literally the Enna of Hololive...we tried to warn the gachis, but they wouldn't listen. Anything for a tiny crumb of attention from a Walmart brand knock-off GFE.

>> No.59487226

ok, my bad
>raises the chances of a girl cheating on you or just dumping you
fixed it

>> No.59487242

>Also not sure why it didn't log my ip but no biggie.
because you're not a new ip, that wasn't your first post in the thread and you're still here
practice what you preach, report and hide the thread
it's a nothing burger after all isn't it?

>> No.59487277

>some dude
??? What is this argument?

>> No.59487278
File: 175 KB, 720x558, 1000001439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyo kfp, don't look

>> No.59487314

The hololive fandom on this board is sometimes absolute cancerous.

>> No.59487316

i'll end tempiss, sexpests after my idols

>> No.59487317

Why would I? If I don't like someone I won't go into the thread dedicated to them, that's dumb as fuck. That's like going into some bookclub idk and start bragging about how you hate reading, anyway, kys dumb nigger

>> No.59487320

who the fuck is the pink one next to bae

>> No.59487325

I would have put the tweet acknowledging a compliment on about the same level as Kiara replying to Magni and Vesper when they wished her well after her sickness. That is to say a nothingburger unless an actual collab follows.
But that
Is too far, the flirty tone should be reserved for her fans, she is a leaning into GFE more than anyone else in holoEN what the fuck is she doing? A period or a thumbs up, fine. Blame Flayon for being a linestepper. He showed up in Ina's chat unprompted too after all.

The ~ puts her on probation effective immediately though. This is the most reasonable take ITT.

>> No.59487327

Kekson is right, you weebs are getting too toxic labeling and attacking anyone instead of enjoying things.

>> No.59487344

By retard metric, twitter greeting is apparently a collab.
>a decent person will simply not cheat on their partner no matter what
A decent person don't behave like raging corns. The fuck are you preaching moral while being a possessive retard?
>Why don't VTubers just openly admit they have had boyfriends
But Shiori... did?
I believe Shiori will male collabs, eventually, just from PL as well as her own content. If by her admission that she need to know them well, twitter greeting is not it.

>> No.59487350

Not the case, but if 4chanX can give you the backpat you need have at it anon

>> No.59487357
File: 328 KB, 1853x2000, veiGosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't VTubers just openly admit they have had boyfriends in the past and are dating now

>> No.59487356

Novelkeks on this board knew from day 1. Don't tarnish the name of unicorns

>> No.59487368


>> No.59487378

Bruh he's a fucking huge redflag wtf

>> No.59487382

>I don't believe you
Where have you been for the past month? Almost every single stream of hers has been gfe. She is the one that chats the most and calls them by their names. She has the most goslings out of all the advent members. Anyone who brought up her debut comment about collabs were met with strong opposition saying she wasn't talking about the homos. And look at them now

>> No.59487405

Vei is a disgusting slag though, who cares about her?

>> No.59487419

Uhhhh raiderbros? What is this? Turns out she uses ~ every 2 tweets

>> No.59487435

I only watched her collab with Lui and thought she had potential. Her voice is great. What a disgrace

>> No.59487441

>Throws her friends under the bus because it's impossible for her to hide her eceleb boyfriend anymore.
Not based, just opportunism.

>> No.59487443
File: 13 KB, 352x76, lemao3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thus the two more weeks meme was born
some of you queers really do just sit on this board all day and don't go anywhere else on the internet huh

>> No.59487458

did lumi and shylily mindbreak her to the point her voice sounds disgusting now

>> No.59487481

The other way around. Those 2 were forced to change their voice because they couldn't stand being called Vei 2.0 every stream for hours

>> No.59487487

I agree to a degree, you just have to act like a normal guy and not sperg out on her like people here, but they can't act like normal guys, because they aren't there in person and they won't be heard dumbfuck, gfe vtuber=/=real in flesh girlfriend dumbass.
Obviously I won't fucking scream at my gf for talking to a dude, but this isn't real gf, it's a business and she knows it, while I do think it's overreaction, her PL is still something else.

>> No.59487499

And it denotes a flirty tone in every tweet she uses it in, addressing her fans. Why did she use it when responding to the homo? Rookie mistake.

>> No.59487504

I already know what kiara is like though.
With her Dirndly dress outfit she even specifically made sure to clarify that it was a mistake that the goddamn ribbon was on the wrong side indicating that she is married and not single, to which she then added that she is married to kfp. A detail that literally no one would’ve noticed.
She obviously cares about not betraying her fans

>> No.59487523

>sister threda
>"why isn't their rage directed against the inciter?"
you tell me

>> No.59487530

the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.59487534

>What is this?
Damage control

>> No.59487543 [DELETED] 

https://twitter.com/aard666 This you?

>> No.59487544

>A decent person don't behave like raging corns. The fuck are you preaching moral while being a possessive retard?
Do you not know what 'nta' means?
Regardless my point remains the same.
If your morality depends on the morality of the person you're interacting with you just have no morals in the first place.
If you're unhappy in a relationship you leave you don't cheat. A person who cheats for literally any reason is a piece of shit and will do it again if they get the chance.

>> No.59487557

>he called her a bitch and a brat were a low point for hololive
Meanwhile at ID.
I'm not familiar with Lumi but Lily hasn't sounded like Vei for months

>> No.59487594

>If you're unhappy in a relationship you leave you don't cheat. A person who cheats for literally any reason is a piece of shit and will do it again if they get the chance.
We are in absolute agreement in that case.

>> No.59487600

You pl schizos are just a different breed of schizos on a moral crusade. How about you let people enjoy things they like and decide for themselves?

>> No.59487640

>he said her song was good
>she said thanks
Holy fucking shit if I were a novelite I think I would just kill myself on the spot. He basically creampied her in front of every single person on X and then made her slurp the pussy juice off his dick....

>> No.59487648
File: 162 KB, 386x409, 1695920691964444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they need to validate all their unfounded seethe from her debut
2 more weeks I guess

>> No.59487667

>How about you let people enjoy things they like and decide for themselves?
On 4chan? Never. grandstanding as a retard on another perceived retard is their only source of serotonin.
Bastards didn't even enjoy stream anymore.

>> No.59487678

I feel like for me, if I was actually into it, the fact that it's someone I'm not actually dating in real life would lower my expectations of her, not raise them

>> No.59487691

>if I were a novelite
you're not fooling anybody
if you weren't a novelite you wouldn't even have opened this thread

>> No.59487700

I'm letting you enjoy it though? I don't go to her threads to shit it up, I just shitpost in catalog, I don't even bring up stuff like 400 boyfriends or whatever. Don't be so defensive anon, just look away and enjoy Shiori like a good novellite, capisce?
I'm rooting for her, but I don't trust her one bit.

>> No.59487707

She seems to have dropped him at this point but those streams were the shitposters idea of what holo/homo collabs could end up like but actually real. Worse than anything even the other ID's get up to.
She is ID??

>> No.59487725

>if you weren't a novelite you wouldn't even have opened this thread
>falseflaggers and drive by trolls don't exists

>> No.59487728

You don't get it anon!! She used a tilde!!! A TILDE!!!!

>> No.59487749

For me it's the tilde.

>> No.59487764

Irys got a link to play megaman from flyon> shiori is good friends with irys> both in japan at the same time

>> No.59487775

>falseflaggers and drive by trolls don't exists
fair enough my post was incomplete
if he wasn't a novelite he wouldn't have clicked the thread and proceed to defend her

>> No.59487781

mad they BTFO your ass from there?
deadbeat jannies working, anon?

>> No.59487791

idk man if I were a novelite I'll be constantly making fun of /vt/ shitters for losing all the time

>> No.59487793

her manager is the one who copy pasted the wrong link... also:

>> No.59487802

>i-i-its okay when kiara does it

>> No.59487807

Not sure what you mean. Obviously girls will interact with men irl, but when you are vtuber you have choice not to do it online, anyway, saying thank you is whatever, who cares.
The thing is, if it's someone in person, I can atleast discern their emotions by looking at them. When Shiori does or types something, I can only think, is she oblivious and innocent when doing this, or she knows what it can bring and does anyway, or she is straight up malicious. I think this one is innocent honestly.

>> No.59487835

Damn, this really is the worst board in this shithole of a website.

>> No.59487840

Cope in full swing

>> No.59487846

yes, because it's such a nothing burger and it makes no sense to be here talking about it
and yet here you are

>> No.59487873

Yeah two more weeks, do you need an extension?

>> No.59487889

I don't even watch her kek. I just hate people who are on a mission to ruin the thing people enjoy. This is not exclusive to vtubers only. Ironic weebs, ironic unicorns and vice versa all the same shit.

>> No.59487895

>She is ID??
Zeta is HoloID
The whole Holo ID is calling each other bitches on regular basis when they're pissed (Kobo especially). But Axel doing it while being treated like an actual pet dog is somehow
>low point in Hololive

>> No.59487920

Mid bait

>> No.59487926

nah mate this is a big cope

>> No.59487936

I'm just doing my part in making this shitty place much worse in the hope that hiromoot finally deletes this mistake of a board

>> No.59487947

Yes. Seethe and mald tranny. Kiara is in a position where she earned the right to do this. At the very least since she blew homobeggars the fuck out after they asked why she doesn’t collab with males and she pulled up the yagoo interview. I kneel for eternity

>> No.59487950

>heh I don't even watch her
>I'm just here 300 posts in a discussion about some girl I don't even care at all okay?

>> No.59487971

So I guess all the monkeys are too pussy to take it into a general.
>i want to shitpost a chuuba but nooo I don’t want to get banned. Let me fling my shit in a random catalog post.

Cant even troll properly, there’s no use for this board. Disappointing.

>> No.59487972

feels good being a fan of a corpo with no male vtubers

>> No.59487976

thos boyfriends?

>> No.59487979 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 983x652, 1693767541560745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59488011

>I'm just here 300 posts in a discussion about some girl I don't even care at all okay?
That's just 4chan shitposting culture in general
Catalog shitters are called that for good reason. Boneless chimps.

>> No.59488012 [DELETED] 

But you are vshofaggots self insert in in fucking Nyanners boyfriend Aethel. Why mental ilness. Even faggots self insert in that Soda faggot. So you tell me. Blacked ntr cum eating cuckolds. Exist here. Kind stranger. Thank you for the gold >>59487781
Redditors. No redeem sir.>>59487889 Are you ok trannie jannie. Seanigggers seamonkeys.

>> No.59488020

Stupid cope, this isn’t her general, it obviously is allowed here. Stop pretending like you’re less invested in this than you are novelite

>> No.59488050

you already got banned for trying to brigade people to go start trouble on their general
why are you evading?

>> No.59488060
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1668274239808645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59488072

They hated Vei because she told them the truth.

>> No.59488073
File: 941 KB, 2588x3806, F2AGGxQaYAA6SFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGDCTfag here, Shiori stated openly that she would do collabs on debut, so anyone reeling from this deserves what they get.

>> No.59488083

Yes, I am not invested in her. I am invested in hating faggots like you who ruined any hobby from anime to vtubers.

>> No.59488105

Go to sleep, tomas

>> No.59488118

>Fix your bot Holobronies.

>> No.59488142

>boohoo containment threads bad

>> No.59488143


>> No.59488154

my exact point much earlier on
This thread is filled with people larping as if they are offended by this "sudden change" and people larping as defenders of her "purity"
none of her fans give any fucks one way or the other

>> No.59488162

It's not even that deep. The girl's just fucking nervous and thinks everyone that works for cover is her coworker so she feels like she needs to reply to them. You can really tell by how she acts on collabs even with Advent that she's still trying to figure out how to properly address everyone else and the only one she's really comfortable with is Nerissa. So then comes this faggot, says something to her and she thinks "hey that's another vtuber from my agency, I should reply something", and now we have this "drama".

>> No.59488174

This. I don’t know why the hate is directed at he when HE LITERALLY RAPED HER

>> No.59488191

Thank you~

>> No.59488202

see >>59486796
he already even got banned trying to bring this shit into their split

>> No.59488216

>go out of your way to visit a turkmenistanian rug weaving forum
>willingly go into threads shitting on her
>"I can’t believe they would just ruin the fun for everyone else >:("

>> No.59488248


>> No.59488255 [DELETED] 

Ban SEAniggers for fuck sake. Ban me too, for all you want, for shitting on them. I don't care. But SEA are fucking sewer rats who actively infect everything they come into contact with.

>> No.59488258

Is this board full of women or trannies.:^)

>> No.59488263

Everyone and their mother knows the collab will eventually come, unicorn novellites only have themselves to blame

>> No.59488266 [DELETED] 

She replied with thank you~ after got raped

>> No.59488286

That’s the point. I wanted to see people actually seethe. Seems like there’s an unspoken rule that you can shitpost but not in a general. Half-assed approach, literally no point to that. Whatever, that was my only excuse to even be on this board. Took me long enough to figure out how shit works here. Have fun parasocials.

>> No.59488295


>> No.59488301

Maybe it's the way you say, maybe it isn't. I'm more inclined to have same opinion like you, but there is this thing in the back of my mind "maybe not..."

>> No.59488319

To blame for what? They cant blame something out of their control.

>> No.59488340


>> No.59488345

>Kiara is in a position where she earned the right to do this
why are kfp fullnof retards. no wonder your whore is declining

>> No.59488352

>Respect my collab choice
There has never been a more powerful sentence utter by a chuuba, except Coco's Taiwan.

At first it was
>She will collab with her indie male friends from PL!
And then it was
>Actually she meant to say she will not collab with anyone at all!
Now it is
>She will collab with Homostar!
So which is it /vt/

>> No.59488378

Trying to compare hologirls bantering with each other to a homo collab with him teasing your oshi, calling her brat, bitch for an entire stream is massive cope. You try using that kind of language with a girl who isn't into you and you are going to get called a creep, because it's sexually charged. That stream was a hetshippers wet dream, it got so bad after that she seems to have memoryholed ever interacting with him. NijiEN tier stream, bad even for that standard, if you want hololive to ever go in that direction you should kys.

>> No.59488392

She's gonna off collab with me in bed

>> No.59488394

it seems the second one was the right one

>> No.59488450

we'll see when she collabs with flayfag

>> No.59488458

Ok So anybody watch the streams.

>> No.59488470


>> No.59488482

wtf when did she stop doing a voice
i'm scared

>> No.59488524

waiting for the legendary grudgeposting

>> No.59488529

Learn 2 english

>> No.59488559

In 2 more weeks she will collab with holostars. I know its been 2 months now but it was real in my head

>> No.59488565


>> No.59488569

I don't care about the interaction but I hate the hololive fanbase and that subreddit full of normies with a cuck fetish that will spam it everywhere. They're the main audience now and the reason I stopped watching hololive more than the male collabs themselves.

>> No.59488573

Thank you for the upvote Reddit we did it!!!!!!!!

>> No.59488621

They are coomers why do you expect.?????O_o

>> No.59488642

Unironically yes,. She literally did that on her RM. Cucking her fans was literally one of the things her channel revolved around

>> No.59488655

Not to brag but sometimes I have full blown conversations with my mates wives/girlfriends while they're in the same room, by your standards I'm clearly some kind super cucking sex god

>> No.59488670

only this shithole and the monkeys that browse it care about twitter shit

>> No.59488687

Broken record. See >>59483707

>> No.59488696

>not a vshitshow deflection thread btw

>> No.59488729

>lovemaking sex
There's only one person getting fucked in that relationship.

>> No.59488740


>> No.59488745

>lol no u retard lololol
You literally said nothing, I accept your concession then
Also rangeban SEA

>> No.59488757

You need to learn to identify red flags anon. She was a Tempus sympathizer since debut and gave that warning multiple times.

>> No.59488781


>> No.59488817


>> No.59488831

that's not the main audience if it was more people would be watching tempiss

>> No.59488840

I think he's crying

>> No.59488903

what was his intention? there's absolutely no reason for him to be there

>> No.59488908

Everyone who has an oshi is a cuck anon.

>> No.59488915

I want your written by hand apology if the male collab happens.

>> No.59488938

sure I'll mail it to you 2 weeks from now

>> No.59488955

Shiori drama has been reduced to this

>> No.59489098

Four is double what Ame had, she is a girl boss. I unironically love when roasties have multiple boyfriends, they think they are on the top of the world dating a lot of men but little do they know it's the most degrading think they can do as a woman.

>> No.59489109
File: 18 KB, 365x315, 1638801153361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was your fault for denying the red flags, enjoy!
it hasn't been too many months and you're not a fandead, get a new oshi

>> No.59489135

Drama on this fucking board has been reduced to this.
It started with things that were mildly dramatic at best and then trickled down further and further, as people made more and more mundane things into "BIG YABS" until we reached here where retards flip their shit at the drop of a pin.
It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.59489141

It can't even be called pathetic at this point. It's just pure mental illness.

>> No.59489157

ok but where's the collab

>> No.59489179

>Zeta's boyfriend
>Flirting with Ame
>Desperate to collab with women

>> No.59489229

That was her RM thing

>> No.59489244

She's going to collab with a black man and they will talk about husbandos in two weeks. Her debut has already warned us about this

>> No.59489294

Shiori "drama" was never a real thing

>> No.59489310

I want every 2 weeks tranny to post a naked dogeza with timestamp once she does male collabs

>> No.59489353

More people need to watch this

>> No.59489377

christ you're mentally ill

>> No.59489388

its the same novelcuck in every shiori thread having a meltdown and defending her.

>> No.59489453
File: 21 KB, 194x254, pego-embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atta girl, Warden. We missed you.

>> No.59489468

my oshi DSP would NEVER

>> No.59489500
File: 490 KB, 220x220, lun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are re you people like this? I really struggle to imagine how you people even function outside the internet.

>> No.59489530

>random woman

>> No.59489590

it's over

>> No.59489679

No, because she doesn't have enough viewers or fans to cause a 7th trumpet event.
Nobody but her cucks would care and they are few.

>> No.59489721

I'll do it 2 weeks after she does a collab in 2 weeks

>> No.59489819
File: 614 KB, 2368x4096, shiori 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, her being known doesn't somehow make her no longer "a random woman". A famous person such as The Rock is still just "a random person" at the end of the day. Their popularity is irrelevant. If (you) became the most well-known and famous person in the world, you would still just be "a random person". That's actually just how it works. Nothing I said was incorrect. Stop being retarded.

Also, to reiterate, you morons are sperging out all because a RANDOM woman said the words "thank you" to someone... How do none of you see nothing wrong with your behaviour?

>> No.59489852

unicucks are fucking retarded, god damn

>> No.59489957

Some people just don't enjoy ntr

>> No.59489986
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>> No.59490044

This is all just pre-emptive "sperging" because some anons (and dramafags) are expecting the homo collab to follow. And by the way, if she thinks she can go as hard as she has been doing with GFE and then drop the homocollabs in her audiences laps then she deserves the backlash she will get. Until that point though this is a very forced drama.

>> No.59490067

You can remove my posts for racism, or you can do your fucking jobs jannies.

>> No.59490075

Thanks for confirming what I thought, you see them as nothing more than a random entertainer. Except that streamers form a much closer bond with their chat, streaming constantly from their private home, talking about their daily innocuous experiences, and not reading off a script. It is in no way comparable to a Hollywood actir and the fact that you believe this already tells me everything I need to know about you, fake fan. Go back to twitter and reddit

>> No.59490107

I'd ask how saying thank you on twitter is ntr but all I'd get is either schizophrenic incoherence or no reply at all because your trolling

>> No.59490113

Your definition of NTR is "the anime streamer (that I have somehow convinced myself that I'm in an active relationship with) said 'thank you' to a male coworker".

>> No.59490139

Nta but if you really believe this is where it stops then think again

>> No.59490162

You can only be a cuck when you're protagonist in love with the girl.
That's the whole problem isn't it? Being a Gachikoi is mental illness. Being an Unicorn is even worse, since your love caused untold amount of anger to otherwise mundane situation.
Somehow this is something to be proud of because...?

>> No.59490170

>you see them as nothing more than a random entertainer.
And you see them as nothing more than an excuse to start drama and cry about le ebil homos who are totally going to try to destroy hololive any day now.

>> No.59490252

Hololive has objectively gotten worse since tempiss debuted and would be better without them

>> No.59490256

damn, this board really is THAT starved for drama huh.

>> No.59490384
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>Hololive has objectively gotten worse since tempiss debuted
Hololive has objectively gotten worse since Cover push for "Real Idol" angle, giving the girls shitty wagie responsibilities and pulling them away from streaming in favor of shitty events and showcases.
I won't get mad about male collab. I am legitimately PISSED when Bijou said she would stream less because of Cover plan for her. And I won't blame her for it.
Tempiss is nothing more than a speck of afterthought in this whole shitshow. In fact, I began to think you faggots used male drama as cope and distraction from the real issue.

>> No.59490407

It’s funny because the actual half that are mad have a solution in front of them.
Learn to code your ai waifu, she can’t “cuck” you but instead you guys just stay mad thinking there’s a vtuber out there that’s the “one”. Sorry but unless you act like a sane human being and actually charm her, you’ll forever be a wall flower or disgusting atm to her.

>> No.59490470

If you're getting this worked up over coworkers interacting on twitter then you need to take a break from anime girls, this mindset isn't healthy because you're just going to end up obsessing over possibilities and jumping at shadows

>> No.59490510
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Homobeggars raid

>> No.59490516


>> No.59490532

What coworkers??

>> No.59490563

this is every holostarsEN's fanbase. it's nothing but homos, yume's and fujos. Just look at /mans/ or /orc/.

>> No.59490572

Go back to real anime girl
Not this one, the real one
At least you known when you would get cucked by the protagonist. And you always have the option to pick an anime where males aren't relevant or exists.
I suggest Bang Dream since the fandom and Unicorns have the exact same mindset and behavior.

>> No.59490578

Trying too hard with the bait

>> No.59490580


>> No.59490604

>unironic no u response
Kek, just take the L for god’s sake

>> No.59490625

You know what bait is? Gloating and shitting yourself over about some fag congratulating some girl for new content and had her replied on it with a simple thanks.

>> No.59490629

This doesn’t make sense, that’s implying that vtubers have no other option but to interact with males, but plenty manage to do that. Of course this could never enter your homobeggar peabrain but it’s true regardless

>> No.59490663

You know what bait is? Complaining about idols in an idol company while allegedly being a fan of talents from said idol company.
Fuck off beggar

>> No.59490675
File: 105 KB, 1014x792, 13c53717a5a11cd249ee735acfaa3005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here I thought these retards can't go any lower, now they get mad over politeness.

>> No.59490707

Had unicorns put even a smidge of effort into doing their reps on Shiori they would've already made their decision on her before this shit happened.

>> No.59490733

>ignoring fans
spotted the fucking catalognigger

>> No.59490752

The only ones who follow her are either delusional or actual cucks, and it’s just funny to laugh at them sinking in quicksand

>> No.59490776

Holo fans and even the girls like the projects and idol shit it's only an issue with someone like Gura who disappears and doesn't say shit. tempiss has done nothing but bring in nijien retards and fujos it was a bad decision by cover trying to chase after luxiems garbage fanbase and now look at luxiem and holo is stuck with tempiss shitters and their retarded fanbase that just use them to shitpost

>> No.59490795

>This doesn’t make sense, that’s implying that vtubers have no other option but to interact with males, but plenty manage to do that.
Yes, and picking Ms. "Respect my collab choice" and formerly Ms. "Cucks and male collab" to do that is the height of tomfoolery.
I know these facts and you don't see me seething.
>Complaining about idols in an Idol company
Real idols do male collab
>a fan of talents from said idol company.
Guess who else is part of Hololive Production
If I'm a beggar I won't be in this shithole, I'll be in Twitter cheering for her and then go to leddit to celebrate it.

>> No.59490860

I dont watch her and I'm waiting for the yab. This isnt the yab and I'm tired of you premature ejaculator dramabaiters. Youre like fucking buzzfeed, trying to be the ones to get the story out first without caring whether there is an actual story yet.
