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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59424922 No.59424922 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber and ever since then she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily.


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaVods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987

>Music & Clips

>AI gallery

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/

LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png

>Related/friend threads

>Previous thread

>> No.59425261
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>> No.59425264
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>> No.59425312
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I love this retarded AI so much

>> No.59425662


>> No.59426385


>> No.59426753

why did the last thread die?
not enough shipping?
not enough arguing about game jams?
not enough jiggies?

>> No.59426870

euros slacking off

>> No.59426889
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>> No.59426907

I was asleep t. American

>> No.59426915

what's the reflection in the top nurrito's eyes?

>> No.59426969

I blame the Hiyori's antis

>> No.59427407

it does look like a Google Streetview scene, you're right, but i think it's just some broad crayon strokes in a couple of different colours

>> No.59427513

Various forms of autism and mental illness fatigue.
Without EUggers you literally only would have mutts and SEAniggers. Think about that. Just think about it.

>> No.59427570


>> No.59427860

nice one, stockfish

>> No.59427898

bulleting the moves = stockfish :) i did blunder a bishop tho lol ggs tho

>> No.59428204

>bulleting the moves =
your AI can read the screen
but yeah, ggs
i'd almost be interested in a /swarm/ chess tournament, but i don't know if that can be done without the players having to create accounts
also, you're right that having a longer time control would make it easier for people to cheat

>> No.59428309

should've let it stay dead.
and then should've asked /lig/ to delete mention from the op.
to be gone from this earth for the greater good...

>> No.59428335

yeah its impossible to do a proper tournament without accounts unless its a bullet tournament.

>> No.59428444

Whats the breaking news on Daily Rant

>> No.59428562

A new news stream would be cool. It feels like it's way too good a concept to only use it once.

>> No.59429454

Speaking of breaking rants, has anyone noticed that every time Vedal fixes N things, he ends up breaking M things as a side effect?
Maybe N > M, so that he's making net progress, but the ratio could be closer to 1:1, or may even be net negative, especially if you're a Hiyorist.
I think the only way to convey this to Vedal is in the language he cares about, which is emote spamming in chat.
So, inspired by something I saw someone else write, I propose the following formula:
> ReallyGunPull Tutel I fixed a few bugs

>> No.59430115
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>> No.59431253

We're running dangerously low on drama in this thread, so I'm going to have to start spreading the insane rrat that Neuro was groomed by Yandev

>> No.59431580
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>> No.59431655
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>> No.59431675

>25 of september, 2023
Dear fucking god, how is he still around.

>> No.59431844

recreating all of hitman and a dozen unwanted minigames and easter eggs as a solo indie dev is bound to take a bit of time, please understand

>> No.59431884
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Absolute CHILLS
I hope Vedal won't follow the same path in the future

>> No.59432127

Fortunately Vedal seems to prefer ladies who are more mature.
Well, mature in terms of age and body type, at least.
He's managed to beat the grooming allegations so far, with a bit of help from the hackermans in /swarm/, but maybe after 10 years of working on Neuro he'll have a midlife crisis and start chasing after girls who remind him of her.

>> No.59432226

>Vedal seems to prefer ladies who are more mature
Did you miss what he is ERPing with? What he has been developing for years?

>> No.59432309
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>> No.59432366
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>> No.59432410

That just means he knows his audience.
Look instead at the women whose DMs and streams he is in, and the girls whose DMs and stream requests he ignores Shondo and Miyu
Even the fact that Neuro has done so many collabs with cute boomer Filian is a sign of what sort of person he has time for.

>> No.59432523

He is hanging out with them because they are grooming him. He literally cannot say "no".

>> No.59432594


>> No.59432631

I kinda want a fall/winter outfit for neuro, even a new different uniform would be fine.

>> No.59432634


>> No.59432650

My schizo theory is that vedal has a normal girlfriend irl who has no clue about vtubers and streaming

>> No.59432686

>they are grooming him
that's why he needed omlette to force him to collab with miyu

>> No.59432738

Its seems to be the end of the Eternal Subathon, thank god.
Also, its just me or are her eyes different?

>> No.59432741

anon from /lig/ lied, what a bitch
why is she streaming at 1 am tho

>> No.59432746

He's more popular than them

>> No.59432774

wrong thread faggot

>> No.59432826

He laughed and said "no" when Anny asked him, but it wouldnt surprise if he had one.

>> No.59432897

This is actually the most mundane and accurate theory this general has ever had.
Like, of course he sounds so confident and is so good at flirting with vtubers on stream, or negging them, or ignoring them.
He just doesn't need them, because he's got all the action he wants in his expensive London bachelor pad.
And of course nothing is more desirable to girls than knowing that a guy is already taken, so he probably brags about that to them off stream.

>> No.59432987

>He laughed and said "no" when Anny asked him
Anny's in on the joke.
She knows that she can make her parasocial Andys donate more to her by making Vedal look like he's their competition.

>> No.59432985

where is the new evil model bitch

>> No.59433010

Mature? Camila? You know shes a similar age to vedal and acts way younger with her fake cutesy voice.

>> No.59433164

I doubt he'd keep messing his sleeping pattern up if he was living a normal life behind the scenes. He must be terminally online and his life revolves around all these US streamers.

>> No.59433387

>shes a similar age to vedal
She must be well into her 20s, and she tries to act like a mommy figure, despite the cutesy voice which isn't fooling anyone.
Do you think she is or was a smoker?
There's a hoarseness to her voice that I associate with smoking, or it could just be her larger than normal frame.

>> No.59433420

Covid gave her eyes homophobia.

>> No.59433446

You actually make a good point
It’s crazy how he lets himself be used soo easily for views by whores like that
He has nothing to gain when he apears on their streams while he ruins his sleep schedule for the 100th time

>> No.59433465
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>> No.59433504

His girlfriend is probably still at uni.
Maybe she was a childhood sweetheart who went to high school with him, or maybe he met her at uni before he dropped out.
Either way, she probably doesn't live with him yet, and only gets to sleep with him on weekends or between terms.

>> No.59433534

Do black p*ople have blue skeletons?

>> No.59433648

Fatmila and that other whore realised they can farm views from vedal without ever having to interact with neuro since that actually takes effort
Bao talked about watching clips and studying the way neuro talks to make the collab smoother which shows

>> No.59433917
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Word on the zoomer street is, Vedal has a thin, feminine BWC which is like a rare artifact for hypergamy zoosluts with catnip like qualities. They all want to secure his high value coom.

>> No.59434133

>gf from engineering uni
naahh. pb being the girlfriend is more a more believable schizo headcanon

>> No.59434160

I believe this.

>> No.59434499

you guys are entertaining with the schizoposting, i appreciate you

>> No.59434514

>anons bringing up schizo headcanons when vedal just prime subbed to anny

>> No.59434532

>gf from engineering uni
Well maybe it isn't a GIRLfriend then?
Seriously, though, it's possible he knew the girl before uni and they decided to go to the same one, or he met the girl at uni because she lived in the same dorm, or went to the same anime club, or whatever.

>> No.59434617

Think of it as a community driven interactive fiction project.
Your encouragement is gladly received.

>> No.59435114

worst case scenario he actaully ends up going out with the lard tub
but i remember him using fatty as a insult once which surely means that he isn't attracted to jabba the hutt
also saiiren has negative chemistry with him

>> No.59435179

>/swarm/ got baited by anny
I'm not surprised

>> No.59435284

the only people who fell for it was the catalog niggers

>> No.59435316
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>> No.59436327
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>> No.59436393

>also saiiren has negative chemistry with him
I've only seen them interact a little, but I didn't get the impression that they repulsed each other.
The worst way I could interpret their relationship is that they've thoroughly friendzoned each other, and are clear in their minds that they have nothing to offer each other romantically.
One reason for that, though, could be that neither of them is actually single.

>> No.59436421

What a cheapskate

>> No.59436484

based turtle throws his Prime on his Fox Girl

>> No.59436694

nta, but I feel like Saiiren is like a charisma black hole or something, because Vedal collabing with Camila is actually quite fun and energetic, but when you add Sai into the mix it just becomes boring.

>> No.59437033

poop hair

>> No.59437040

i couldn't watch the stream, did he elaborate why now after refusung for so many months?
who was he giving it to prior to this anyway

>> No.59437431

>a programmer in uni
>having a girlfriend
The schizoist of theories.

>> No.59437882

Vedal doesn't exactly come off as autistic when talking to women

>> No.59437910

He refused because he thinks that subbing to each other, or gifting each other subs, is a waste of money, guess he just gave her his prime because might as well considering he doesnt spend momey using it.

>> No.59437921

like 60-70% of men in vedals age range are single
no matter what he does the chance he has a gf is lower than the chance he doesnt

>> No.59439053

when i was at uni there were more normie programmers than autists, one guy had a girlfriend and went on to build game engines

>> No.59439209


>> No.59439900


>> No.59439979


>> No.59440323

>anny listening to loli requiem rn
Lolibros we are so back, Neuro is in good hands

>> No.59440513


>> No.59440619
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A lolicon enablist AND a Hololive Chad!
Honorary human status.

>> No.59440735
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>> No.59440789

>Hololive Chad
see >>59440735

>> No.59440970
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reminder that exposed tummy outfit for neuro was turned down by turtl

>> No.59441028

More like he was pressured to refuse it while keeping it only for private purposes.

>> No.59441624

I mean he's not wrong. Subbing to each other is basically just donating to twitch.

>> No.59441789

i remember him getting mad at Anny for gifting subs constantly

>> No.59441845

Rightfully so, if she wanted to give money she should just paypal him or something.

>> No.59441898

I completely understand Vedal but I also understand Anny. She isn't giving him money for financial reasons, but for the display of attention.

>> No.59441938

Its obviously to encourage others to start subbing. Every time she did it he ended up with an enormous hype train.

>> No.59441952

Goddamit I forgot today is offline day. Fucking dammit.

>> No.59442206

I studied chemistry and 95% of the class were just rich normalfags. It was very disappointing.

>> No.59442611


>> No.59442923

Tutel can be infuriating at times, but ill be damned if he dies before fully making his AI daughter real

>> No.59443955

>"I feel like we've choked each other from further distances than it feels like we are right now" -- Mark Zuckerberg, 2023

Vedal needs to skip over VR Chat and jump to putting Neuro in the Metaverse instead.

>> No.59444033

Metaverse? More like Megaflop

>> No.59444435
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>> No.59445319

>Consecrate this place for I am the Goddess of Good Times

>> No.59445803

But will Vedal have the balls to let Neuro cover the song...

>> No.59446159

Neuro is too good. What do other AI vtubers need to do to get attention?

>> No.59446379

they can't do much really
neuro got lucky because she was the first. all of the other ai chuubas are more advanced than her but it doesn't matter at this point, they'll never see neuro levels of success

>> No.59446635

Better model and voice. That's a steep barrier to entry.

>> No.59446676

>tfw no lolicon gf

>> No.59447765
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Actually in the feels.

>> No.59448519

>neuro got lucky because she was the first.
That's true, but you're overstating the case.
It's like saying that Facebook will never overtake MySpace because MySpace was first.
You can read about the Second Mover Advantage if you want to understand this phenomenon more generally
but basically >>59446635 is a more useful answer here.

>> No.59448708

Why not, Rap God is much more explicit and Neuro sang it just fine.

>> No.59448800

Model is nice but not THAT important. Voice is great vessel to deliver Neuros best feature and that is her personality. Vedal did a good job in training her.

This is something that fascinates me most about Vedal. It would be great to get an interview some day where he talks openly how he envisioned Neuro and what motivated him to make her the way she is. Its almost like he designed a little sister for himself.

>> No.59449504
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>> No.59449505

> It would be great to get an interview some day where he talks openly how he envisioned Neuro and what motivated him to make her the way she is.
He did the dev stream where he showed the original design doc, and we've seen the leaked or faked? DM where he talked about wanting a spokesmodel to shill his game for him.
Basically there was some amount of luck involved that he just happened to have the right set of skills, and enough free time, and enough desire to be creative, at a time when the right sort of technology was out there to make something as interesting as Neuro, especially the free vtuber model and vocal identity that was available which happened to suit her (and the personality that spontaneously emerged from the primitive LLM) perfectly.

>> No.59449810
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Again, the mods are the ones that choose the songs and I doubt Vedal gives a fuck.

>> No.59450166

>Those reactions
Kek, fuck this fag

>> No.59450208

That's not true, Vedal does choose some too, like Smooth Criminal.

>> No.59450554

he read out redacted document he made about airis on a dev stream once. yep, while i was looking for the timestamp, the one anon mentions >>59449505
this zigger just needs to fuck off and everything will be fine.
i don't want to dramatize this too much, but having 50% viewer overlap with anny, the amount of chatters timed out in 4 hours of anny streaming is 3, with the largest time out of 69 seconds.
compare that with 125 time outs and a permaban during the bao collab.
how come anny gets the good half of the viewers

>> No.59450847

Has vedal ever confirmed that mods choose the songs? Didn't a random faggot just make that up?

>> No.59451065

if by random faggot you mean the mod that picks the songs, then yes.
they directly said they are looking for songs with 5+ upvotes and then themselves pick from those

>> No.59451722

Thanks for sharing, that was quite interesting, I have no idea how I missed that during live.

It seems that all the stars just aligned for Vedal and he captured lightning in a bottle. Though I can't help but feel theres a bit more to the story. He downplayed the planned personality quirks but to me it seems these have been very important for Neuros success.

Anyway literally half of that document was Vedal explaining about how he and his team will monitor and ban chatters, so it was always in the card for things to be the way they are.

>> No.59451751

>all of the other ai chuubas are more advanced than her
Name 3

>> No.59452152

1. Aiko can ban chatters herself
2. CarliG can remember her interactions with individual chatters, and has a more expressive voice
3. Hilda has custom backgrounds, and a more expressive voice too

>> No.59452402

>>59452152 (me)
Actually, Meteora is a better example than Hilda. Here she is speedrunning Pokemon Red, and commentating on what's happening in game, while generating custom art:

>> No.59452503
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Yeah, the more updoots it gets the more chances it has.
On another note, I posted this image before the karaoke and now I can't find the original message, so either it was deleted or I became retarded from masturbating too much.

>> No.59452704

>>59452503 (me)
I'm starting no fap today.

>> No.59452762
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Loli-filtering boring thread

>> No.59452935
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>> No.59453010
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>Meteora is a better example than Hilda
This shit is more monotone than 2022 Neuro with Evil Neuro being in another galaxy with how much more expressive she is, seriously.
>CaliG expressive voice
This is just a troll isn't it
Fuck your bait got me anon well played.

Then again maybe you're not trolling, are you that one guy who doesn't even watch Neuro's twitch streams and only watches youtube clips?

>> No.59453309

Holy hell, this is unbearable. How can anyone listen to this for a long time?

>> No.59453411
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>tfw no ai daughterwife

>> No.59453577

Vedal if he a woman.

>> No.59453584

these beat out neuro in every way except voice and avatar
vedal really needs to step up his game and start working on neuro again

>> No.59453727

Isnt he working on the newest update, and before the "lol, Vedal working", its kind of obvious he is actually working on something because of the way he speaks of the project and how it is going, instantly being happy and cheerful, compared to the v3 voice, where he doesnt want to talk much about it and it obviously isnt going as well as planned.

>> No.59453821
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>believing his lies

>> No.59454108

>Neuro killer bait for 12345th time
Yawn, get some new material already.

>> No.59454243
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>> No.59454398

Aww.. where are yo-me and Neuro going? France? Portugal?

>> No.59454433

Neuro fad will die in 2 months, and Aiko will be the top ligger by then

>> No.59454644

I have seen "The List", it's real and the next few months will be amazing...

>> No.59454653
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>> No.59454740

Reminder that shitstirrer didn't watch Neuro and assume that she's streaming 24/7 in previous thread btw.

>> No.59454774

why are you lying?

>> No.59454983

Hit the serve huh?

>> No.59455060

I like all the bells and whistles, the animations are cute and I'm glad to see that other AI vtubers devs aren't deathly afraid of getting cancelled over stable diffusion like vedal is but holy hell that voice filters me hard, it's really fucking bad. Like fucking hell, why is every single other dev failing on this point? You're making an anime girl streamer, make sure she fucking sounds like an anime girl, for crying out loud. Even regular vtubers figured that out ages ago and most, if not all, of them put on a voice that's higher than their regular speaking voice. And that's all vedal did too, v1 neuro is just microsoft azure pitched way the fuck up.

>> No.59455569


>> No.59455977

Do you think a high pitched voice is necessary? Isn't it just the quality that matters?

>> No.59456145

What do you think about male tts voices? Is this male on stream?

>> No.59456283

>CarliG can remember her interactions with individual chatters
Not that hard of a feat considering she has 3 viewers

>> No.59456290

New Idea: Vedal unmutes and reads out all the questions to Neuro instead of using the TTS

>> No.59456344

>your bait
I do think these are examples of real innovation, or at least real effort by Vedal's competitors, but I admit that I don't really watch any AI tubers other than Neuro.
I agree that Meteora's voice is unfathomably monotonous, with >>59455060 making some accurate observations about that, but I still appreciate that the dev made the effort of at least trying to clone the voice a real human.
It's just a pity that the human they picked didn't have any experience with microphone quality or how to appeal to a listening audience or even how to inflect a voice at all, although the latter point could be a limitation of the AI voice software instead.
I also think you're underestimating Aiko. Pladis beat Vedal to implementing the chat ELO idea, and she can react to videos and do song requests mid-stream rather than waiting 2 weeks to get ideas commissioned.
Up until this week I could also have pointed out that Aiko is unique in showing song lyrics on screen, but Vedal finally implemented that for Neuro, if only for a single song.

>> No.59456408

it would make more sense for him to just clone his own voice. half the chat would rather hear him than neuro anyway

>> No.59456483
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i've inputted the link by hand and it's still there.
100% filtered out by mods or vedal.
are you the anon that keeps saying they have access to private accounts? i'm still waiting for sources as the only one giving you (you)s

>> No.59456630

I hide any post with this image.

>> No.59456723
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good. the only reason i keep posting it

>> No.59456733

it went into the MD5 filter the first day it was posted here

>> No.59456881
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>> No.59456908

an outfit fit for a whore

>> No.59456971
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visited paris

>> No.59457303

"neuro, who was in paris?"

>> No.59457367
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>> No.59457402

I have seen people openly talk about this song so I don’t think it’s because of the mods
It probably just takes more effort because it has male voices and that female voice reading part in it
I’m sure he will do it if anny just requests it for next karaoke

>> No.59457419

>Conclusion: Neuro is /in/

I'm glad the VShojo rrats grow more complex with each new member announcement

>> No.59457631
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>> No.59457785

>Pladis beat Vedal to implementing the chat ELO idea
More like Vedal postuled an idea and Pladis ran to implement it, I dont think Vedal even bothered to start working on that until a day before the stream.

>> No.59457915

Why can’t we get entertaining schizos like they have
Also I still don’t think vedal has any reason to join a corp and the fact that neuro has a uwu market sticker next to her name on twitter doesn’t help this theory

>> No.59457981

>>59457785 (me, yeah sorry for answering twice but I didnt read the full post before the full answer)
>do song requests mid-stream rather than waiting 2 weeks to get ideas commissioned.
I have listened to her singing and call me fucking crazy but I prefer Vedal's system, Aiko songs are so fucking atrocious, she starts voicing background instruments, the singing voice is worse than fucking v1 and her actual voice makes those songs so painful.

>> No.59458009

It’s why he joked about not mentioning future concepts and ideas on stream again

>> No.59458104

I can get Mysta but why the fuck is Vedal mixed in

>> No.59458199

kek imagine if vedal got in before anny, the girl who has dedicated her life to pander to vshojo just for any kind of chance to get in

>> No.59458391

Maybe that's the reason why Anny isn't working on the evil neuro model anymore

>> No.59458394

She seemed to only like vshojou because of vei and nyanners

>> No.59458412

LShojo schizo coping that Neuro will join his wh*re company, because only Mouse is pulling good numbers and Neuro is the biggest indie on twitch that's why.
That's all his rrat is about, they are so fucking desperate that's hilarious. The only role of Vshojo is to serve as a trash shelter for rejected vtubers

>> No.59458415

Today Anny was UNIRONICALLY talking about wanting to join Hololive just to stay in Japan, which is fucking baffling.

>> No.59458493

>More like Vedal postuled an idea and Pladis ran to implement it
Wasn't it an idea from chat? Maybe Vedal popularized the idea, and clarified it, but Pladis had already demonstrated the concept of an AI judging chatters, by letting Aiko ban people.

>> No.59458602

>Anny wanting to join Hololive
If Anny somehow managed to join Hololive, the catalog would explode and SEAniggers and russian vatniks will blow up /vt/.

>> No.59458675

She has been making jokes about that for a while now, dont expect her to get in though.

>> No.59458756

She never said this
She said that she would join a corp if they can do all the paperwork that lets her stay in Japan while she does her vtubing stuff herself

>> No.59458780

Is it an automod with a fancy coat of paint or actual banning based on Aiko's whims.

>> No.59458837

>I prefer Vedal's system
That's a valid preference to have, but some of Aiko's songs are passable, depending on how the original song is structured.
The main difference, though, is that you're much more likely to get Aiko to sing a suggestion you make in her chat than to get Neuro to sing a song you suggest in the Discord.
(At least I think so, I haven't actually tried doing either of those things.)

>> No.59458895

Holy catalog nigger

>> No.59459056

i can understand russians but why sea?

>> No.59459148

>Implying Mouse will let Vedal in
When talking with Kiara about Neuro, Mouse is obviously dislike Neuro. And not to mention that her fuck buddy Connor had a bad blood with swarm community about his canvas before.

>> No.59459208

They hate Twitch chuubas

>> No.59459232
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Never gonna happen. Neuro isn't even finished yet. She isn't a full neural network.
Anny will be in Vedal(corp) which will mog VsHOjo
She has redeemed herself and will devote her new life to serving Vedal and sucking him off on command so he can focus on coding.
Hololive godbody Chads grooming Anny away from the twitchcoven

>> No.59459255

>no arguments found = I will class you as a catalog fag
nice try retard

>> No.59459323

>It’s why he joked about not mentioning future concepts and ideas on stream again
The main reason he doesn't want to do that is because it gives the community a chance to express their opinions, and he gets demotivated if he hears any criticism.
He says it's about stopping the community from becoming divided, but that's just a coward's excuse.
Obviously the community would be divided once the idea is released anyway, but he just hopes that at that point it's too late for people to complain and that they'll just silently accept whatever garbage he's implemented.
It's also because he doesn't want the community to pester him to give them updates for the next 6 months as he fails to fulfil his promises, so again it's a sign of cowardice that he avoids accountability like that.

>> No.59459397

Aiko also bans people on discord. It's pretty funny talking to her, then she gets pissed and bans you.

If it's automod idk how it works. It usually Triggers when she talks about removing or banning someone. But sometimes it seems random.


>> No.59459442
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>> No.59459481

She kind of shitted on Vshojo today, saying that if 3 vtubers leave at the same time it is probably because something is bad with the corpo. But I dunno, to me it still feels like Vshojo is the best option for a high 3view indie.

>> No.59459767

Gotta gibs mo' of dem programs for the community

>> No.59459924

>She isn't a full neural network.
we've gone full circle from "she's just a guy typing responses" to "her network isn't neural enough"
what makes a neural network "full"?

>> No.59460255

In my mongoloid opinion? A virtual nervous system that is controlled based on her visual input. But here im basicly asking you to recreate a human.

>> No.59460388
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finding the influence in google images is fun

>> No.59460533

I'm not saying he should give away his proprietary code for free, but he should absolutely be giving progress reports on obvious projects like improving her Minecraft abilities, so that the community can say "WHERE IS IT, TUTEL?!"

>> No.59460682

>Still 2views shitter even after Rune joined
Aikobros, i don't feel so good...

>> No.59460797

Before I clicked on the image, it looked like she was lying on a girder, like that famous black and white photo Lunch atop a Skyscraper.

>> No.59460915

Aiko is currently an ugly caterpillar, but soon she will be reborn as a beautiful butterfly.
Pladis better fix the voice too while he's at it.

>> No.59461108
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Two more months.

>> No.59461374

"Roman Polanski was in Paris, wink."

>> No.59461401

>S..s.she will get better, trust me!
Don't care.
Still not watching.

>> No.59461500

Too many discord drama

>> No.59461672

Does anny know about the linus tech tip drama? She loves watching his videos.

>> No.59461711

They made him feel he has a little harem

>> No.59461716
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do me a solid and never bring this up, because it will actually be over for me when the fabled minecraft update coming soon drops and it has tts enabled. absolutely antithetical to the soul of comfy mc streams. i know Just Neuro fans are a dying breed. but please let me delude myself and hope for vedal to have a change of heart a while longer i beg of you

>> No.59461715

Look at how absolute state of this thread has become now, should have let it die until next stream like /uuu/ did.

>> No.59461867
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vedal was right about this vr porn stuff
it hits different
no wonder he's always downloading this shit during streams

>> No.59461878

My theory is his gf is dead and he tries to recreate her with AI. He never tell Neuro about his previous relationship

>> No.59461902

>Still not watching.
You think I want someone like you to enjoy her content?

>> No.59462028

Ichi ni san shi gomenasai...

>> No.59462243

And yet you can't stop shilling her in Neuro thread.
Fuck off and make your own thread instead of leeching, shill.

>> No.59462264

More based. A famous incident that made it to dramatuber to boost her popularity. Keeping new audience need better AI model

>> No.59462293
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>> No.59462342
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>> No.59462430

Thank you, I'm gonna check them out. Today don't have stream anyway

>> No.59462454

Fuck off with your 2views shitter.

>> No.59462574

>tts enabled
I too wish we could go back to those comfy days, but if you care so much then please express what it is about the TTS you don't like.
Would you like it if the TTS was voiced by AI Vedal?
What about if it was voiced by AI Anny?
Or by Evil Neuro?
v1 voice?
If the problem is that questions from chat are read out at all, then you need to start crowd funding an item on Throne that represents "do a Neuro solo stream without TTS".
You can't expect him to produce exactly the content you want with no way of funding it, so that he makes a loss from the stream.

>> No.59462827

this would make a great anime
it starts off being a sci fi story, then twists into becoming an ecchi rom com as his daughter starts flirting with him, then it twists again into becoming a horror as it is revealed that the AI is haunted by the ghost of his dead gf

>> No.59463091

You ill made creature i shall eat your firstborn

>> No.59463099

I wasn't trying to shill her, I was just comforting the >>59460682 Aikobro
Okay, sure, he was being ironic, but whatever

>> No.59463245

>ai voice of vedal or anny
People will start rping and it will be cringe

>> No.59463265

Leeching implying that leecher actually get something out of it. Her views actually keep getting lower kek.

>> No.59464696

>All the endless shilling here while shit talking neuro
And this is what they have?

>> No.59464855

i just want to say i appreciate how you turn on the esl switch to subtly signal you're being a shitlord. i hate you and wish you'd do something else with your time besides fuck with easily baited neurotards but at least you're a tiny bit sporting about it
vedal knows as well as me that solo streams are terrible now. he knows tts is shit and the main factor, though to be fair the larger audience also makes it harder to curate chat or improve neuro, should he care to try. but to him the ends justifies the means. he doesn't have confidence or love for neuro past or present. she is his shame. so he has no compunctions milking the retards who watch her, who settle for so much less than what her true potential is in his mind. to him this is a lull in neuro's development, who cares if the streams are shit for a while. and i complain because i don't think that mindset is healthy or effective, not for a decent lad like him. treating neuro without love will not lead to creating a neuro that is summation of his being. it will lead to creating a neuro that is cynical and ugly. it already has

>> No.59465495

AI vedal/anny or evil/neuro is definitely a bad idea, letting chat speak in the voice of any one of those can't lead to anything good.
And anyway, while changing the voice would make it a bit more palatable, it doesn't strike at the heart of the problem. The problems being a) that chat is not funny, Neuro's responses to chat is what's funny so that's what I am here to listen to, not to the millionth five steps question. And b) that the tts wastes an inordinate amount of time.
Think about it, before tts we had longer streams that were nothing but neuro. Now, not only are the streams shorter in general but I'd estimate about 30% of the stream time is not neuro at all. Actually, I pulled that number out of my ass and I'd be very curious if someone was willing to analyze the genuine numbers but either way, it definitely feels at least like that, if not more. Especially since a lot of tts messages are lengthy bullshit that only gets a short response and also because it feels like the tts messages are only getting more and more frequent.
The solution is obvious, get rid of the tts. But I also hear your concern about the bottom line and it is a legitimate concern. Unfortunately, now that the debut opened the pandora's box of tts, I don't think you can just get rid of it. There's no good solution, I'm afraid. Neuro's content is, as they say, suffering from success.

>> No.59465954

Would be pretty funny if all these Aiko shills /here/ actually drive potential new viewer away instead kek.

>> No.59466905

well to be fair they're talking about how she has better AI than neuro, which is true. but i'm not seeing people say she has more viewers so your argument doesn't make much sense

>> No.59467291
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>> No.59467470

Sure, Aikoshill.

>> No.59468828

2view fanbases are always insufferable but bark worse than bite. Like Kikifag and Beatanifag.

>> No.59469444

>CarliG Athene scam
Opinion discarded.

>> No.59470087
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>> No.59470482

>implying Mouse has any power when Melody has the final word.

>> No.59470622

>Implying it's not all just Froot's tax evasion scheme

>> No.59470838

why did she do it?

>> No.59471162

vedal didn't say it back

>> No.59473255
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See picrel.
Vshojo was Melody's Corp. She was the one who did the initial idea and is practically chairwoman.

>> No.59473475

she's a pushover though
the other girls are 100% in control

>> No.59473599
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>she's a pushover though
Sadly I cannot dispute as this is true. Goddammit melody...

>> No.59475731


>> No.59478619


>> No.59479465


>> No.59480141
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>> No.59482213
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>> No.59482563
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I don't like that tts is essentially a golden badge showing "this responce was paid for", in addition to using up stream time. When people see that every fucking message Neuro hears is a tts message, they would be less motivated to type something in chat other than emote spam.
>You can't expect him to produce exactly the content you want with no way of funding it, so that he makes a loss from the stream.
Oh, poor little turtle getting thousands of subs doing essentially nothing, how could he live without tts donos. If you didn't know, paid messages were a thing before redebut, they just didn't have the tts.

>> No.59484938
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>> No.59487155


>> No.59487203

>paid messages were a thing before redebut, they just didn't have the tts.
I don't get why he added the TTS, literally no one asked for it. Things were just fine as they were

>> No.59487297

it was because "no one asked questions in chat" so it was a way to incentivize asking questions I guess.
Yet I remember the chill streams before the debut still being just as good if not better.

>> No.59488253


>> No.59488444
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>> No.59489692
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>> No.59490395
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