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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59435299 No.59435299 [Reply] [Original]

For each branch. Not only respected by his co-workers but also in the ""industry"".

>> No.59435406

Gura for making money without streaming

>> No.59435430

Suisei, pekora, miko, korone, fubuki, Sora

>> No.59435567

Suisei, Subaru, Haachama
and maybe Fauna

>> No.59436408

Gura, the point of being a literal idol is people worship you for just being there, like some rocks in some shrine that they worship for whatever reason.

>> No.59436543


>> No.59436562


>> No.59436613

Marine, Suisei.

>> No.59437075
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Probably either of the foxes. Both have been around for quite a while, are well known for helping others behind the scenes, and I can't say I've seen either of them have a bad interaction with anyone.

>> No.59437491

From JP it's either Suisei or Sora for obvious reasons, from En it was Gura before her extended periods of inactivity, nowadays maybe Bae or Fauna and from ID gotta be Kaela, her grind mindset probably causes admiration and earns respect.

PD: the Advent girls are "new" as their current personas, so it's a wait and see how they fare

>> No.59437583

Probably Calli since she is perfect for a black company with her work ethic. Songs are like YT shorts with their wide reach, and she's shackled to Columbia Pictures or whatever it was.

>> No.59437614
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most respected by vtubers
most disrespected by viewers and suits

>> No.59437889

Hard one. I suspect it being between Sora, Fubuki or Suisei
I can't think of any of them being in such position. None of them give anything to gain respect.
Again same problem. But this time it's problem with stuff that happened, because in past it was clearly Mori. Gura has a problem with being to isolationist, so she can't gain a real respect

>> No.59438436
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Now kiss.

>> No.59441842

Mostly Marine, a huge number of chuubas consider her their oshi and role model as a creator

>> No.59442030

Fubuki carried the company for a long time happily stepped aside so others could get more popular cheering them the whole way and will leave the company if she disagrees with their ethics. Fubuking is the best

>> No.59446182

Probably Ina based on forbidden knowledge her art skills

>> No.59446515


>> No.59449428

Women are jealous and have no genuine respect for each other in a professional environment.

>> No.59451396

People really forgot about Aqua huh
In 2020 and before that, she was the one who carried hololive and vtuber industry in general.
Before Coco, the one who had the most SC in youtube, and like 2nd in bilibili as well.
The first wave of overseas fans that joining the rabbit hole were mostly from the Azur Lane collab, which thanks to her bilibili fans who asked for it and her Minecraft Shenanigan (For people who didnt know, the collab was about her Minecraft's Hololive Resistence arc)

During that time, a lot of vtubers really respect Aqua. Norio-sensei also mentioned that, and that was the reason they became close friends. Gura fell into the vtuber rabbit hole was also thanks to Aqua

>> No.59452058

Most of what you are talking about relates to popularity, not so much respect. Obviously they overlap some, but while Aqua was, and still is to an extent, very popular, she was never exactly one known for doing a lot for people and "vtubing" as a whole behind the scenes, which is what OP asked. I'd say the same about Peko and Suisei, who have also been mentioned a few times; both are very popular for their respective focuses (streaming and singing), and that comes with a level of respect, but it doesn't really spread to behind the scenes stuff. Peko, for instance, has admitted to ghosting people if she doesn't know how to continue a conversation.

>> No.59455174

Marine, Suisei, Aqua, Pekora.

>> No.59455341

Outside of the meymey of daisempai Soda? Probably bétween Marine, Suisei, Pekora or Fubuki

>> No.59455744

Sora, Aqua and Fubuki are the most obvious ones.
I would also imagine Marine, Mio and Subaru are greatly respected (well the latter two only in Hololive rather than the whole industry).

>> No.59455816


>> No.59455893
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>> No.59455961
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Probably a lot of more than you would expect in ways we don't really see on the public facing side.

>> No.59456005

Yagoo in all fields.

>> No.59456112

Respected by whom?
Whoever is the most IDOL idol
Probably can't name a single talent
>Other talent
Idk? Mori for EN?

>> No.59456269

Sora Fubuki Marine Polka due to their reach outside holo
Internally all of the above plus choco and aki since theres stories of how they acted as staff behind the scenes when holo was still small

>> No.59456310

>she was never exactly one known for doing a lot for people and "vtubing" as a whole behind the scenes
Kanata, Subaru, Shion and Suisei would vehemently disagree with that.

>> No.59456440

Bae and Kiara seem to do a lot of work behind the scenes. At least with their JP senpais.

>> No.59456967

Good chunk of the newer talents have marine as their oshi so probably her.
Other honorable mentions would be:
Sora - legacy character
Koyori - seen chuubas gush about her for these infinite streams
Mori - she kept getting away with it, jp's love her work ethic and karioppe kakkoii
Coco - Took the full brunt of the china shitshow so that others wouldn't have to
Fubuki - Same reasons and also always been a pillar of hororaibu
Maybe Korone sometimes but that's more from the EN side actually

Gura is the most adored but not among the most respected. Seen also Polka being mentioned in high regard by chuubas but I know too little of her to judge the how and why.

>> No.59456986


>> No.59457156

Suisei yes
Subaru maybe
Chamma no
Fauna hell no

>> No.59457574

Probably someone like Marine who is charismatic, a good leader, and can keep the ball moving for various projects, as well as get good results.

>> No.59457687

Gura, Sora and Suisei

>> No.59457979

For myth its Ame. Le creatividad all you want but she made 3d happen for myth when Cover couldnt deliver.

>> No.59458352

Suisei is probably difficult to work with because she wants the spotlight.

>> No.59458643

hags are truly superior

>> No.59459254

>Seen also Polka being mentioned in high regard by chuubas but I know too little of her to judge the how and why.
Polka would be my choice, because she cares a lot about vtubing as a whole, so frequently goes out of her way to help other vtubers. Just off the top of my head
>Helped a small chuba reach 10k subs during an endurance stream to 4k, just because they shared the same name
>Took Nene to the doctor when she noticed her signs of depression
>Dropped all her plans to help produce Luna's birthday live last year
>Used her own birthday live last year to promote her friends
>Made a habit of reaching out to Pekora regularly after finding out about her issues handling casual conversations.
>Did twitcast watchalong's of AsaKoyo to boost Koyori's viewership in the early days when JP's where shitting on her for her voice.
>Spent a lot of time with Kronii to help her get used to Hololive and speaking Japanese
>Helped Fubuki get her head on straight about what she wanted to be as a vtuber
I'm sure you could find plenty more examples, but you get the idea. She's also interacted with chubas from just about every other company, as well as plenty of independents, through Polden, Twitter, etc. And that's not even touching on her PL stuff, which also included plenty of examples of supporting vtubers like being the one of the first to call out Brave for the mistreatment of the Gembu members

>> No.59466829


>> No.59466995


>> No.59468428

sora, akirose and fubuki. they are like staff and help a lot.

>> No.59468641

Marine or Towa.

>> No.59469103


>> No.59469226

Jp-foob/marin, en-watson, id-mooner

>> No.59469256

Gura, Mori, Ina, Kiara, Bae for EN.

>> No.59469729

The only EN who deserves to be respected is Amelia.

>> No.59469928

Sora Fubuki Miko

>> No.59470127


>> No.59470254

Sora for obvious reasons but probably Suisei
Ame or Mori

>> No.59470279

Watson stays in her loner bubble not forming friendships with anybody.

>> No.59470379

Here comes the cuckmates

>> No.59470531

To be honest I don't think Sora is respected, at least not to the level of many other holos. And even less nowadays, maybe only with the old holos.

And speaking of the public, much less, literally no one cares. Outside of the "daisenpai" title she is currently nothing.

>> No.59470636

I don't see the ENs but the only one I have seen contribute something to hololive or its branch is her.
To be respected is not to be friends with everyone.

>> No.59470659

That's embarrassing

>> No.59470859
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Unknown to most of you she actually acts as a cover talent scout.
You can play the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game cept with meru.
>6° of Mel
Every JP hire, and at least 1 EN hire, has been connected to her in some fashion from 2nd gen onwards. A good word from Meru can decide whether a girl is chosen over another applicant all things being equal.

You meme that's she's retarded but actually all holos love and respect Meru.

>> No.59471188

Brought exposure and the most popular song in Hololive
Makes music that is popular in Japan
Knows japanese, has a bunch of JP friends and is naturally a good collab partner.
Natural conversationalist, idol, organizes the most events.

She uuuh... made a bunch of shitty 3D projects that were always scuffed and none of the talents wanted to participate. Dropped all projects she had due to being lazy.

>> No.59471291

I guarantee if she was in that holo slut mv and saw it she'd grab yagoo by the balls and force him to remove it (and he'd say yes)

>> No.59472245

Ignoring your intentional ignorance for what you listed for ame None of those things really bring "respect" besides what you listed for Kiara.

>> No.59472587

She was a true leader of both en1 & 2 before homo appear

>> No.59474648

>Brought exposure and the most popular song in Hololive
>the most popular song in Hololive

>> No.59475707


>> No.59475946

How so? Please tell me how being a great singer doesn't bring you respect.
No such thing.

>> No.59476106

100% certain its
EN: Cali
ID: Moona
JP: Sora

Runner Ups:
EN: Kiara
ID: Risu/Reine
JP: Fubuki/Suisei

>> No.59476107

Probably Suisei or Marine because they’re the true “idols” as in people actually want to be them. They have good work ethic, make amazing content (not just streams), and know how to not act like retards like a certain grim reaper

>> No.59476320

i dont like Cali either but its clear she has the most respect of the EN, because most of them dont command any respect

>> No.59476653

Unironically Mori.

>> No.59476693

>Coco - Took the full brunt of the china shitshow so that others wouldn't have to

Doubt. Everyone suffered for her arrogance in choosing to follow up on haachama. Aqua lost her spot at lol worlds, fbk was humiliated by having her sponsor pull out hours before her stream, everyone lost money.
The Coco fans like to make her as some tragic heroine. But she messed up and everyone else paid the price. They'd praise her on stream but behind the scenes its a different story.

>> No.59476765

You're asking the slightly wrong question.
"Who is most hated behind the scenes".
A holo will not publicly criticise another holo but you know that some are absolute hated bitches for sure.

>> No.59476825

Yes but we're not trying to be gossipy faggots anon, we're not women (right?)

>> No.59476946

Judging by avoidance and lack of friendship i would say the most hated behind the scenes are:
Ame > Gura > Ina

>> No.59477038

Nobody likes Lapus

>> No.59477105

Can you judge them for that?

>> No.59477114

The surprise answer here is Towa considering how she’s responsible for pushing Nene’s 3D debut out sooner, organizing a wide variety of events, being a highly respected singer and dancer, and generally being a super caring individual to everyone.

>> No.59479136



>Maybe Reine

>> No.59479204

Gura because she makes the most money for the least amount of effort

>> No.59479403

JP: Suisei
ID: Moona
EN: Calli

>> No.59479959

People have already mentioned this trio for JP, but it’s complete facts.
>Sora, Fubuki, Suisei
If I had to pick one it would be Sora.
For EN it’s Mori. Not sure for ID, don’t watch them enough.

>> No.59481867

sora on the top, marine and pekomiko
moona, risu and reine
mori and kiara

>> No.59482032

I wouldn't be watching vtubers without Gura... as well as millions of others.
I admire her ability to avoid drama. The worst is 4chan flooding the catalog counting her days off from only looking at her home page.


>> No.59482206

Obviously Marine. She's absurdly popular in Japan, and a favorite among other vtubers and even regular celebrities. I'll give a special mentionm to Roberu, he's not exactly popular but everyone in the industry seems to like the guy.

>> No.59482309

The 3 M's of course

>> No.59482411

Spbp. The only people I would add is watame, botan, and luna

>> No.59483828

Great answer.

>> No.59484176

Polka is respected by many because she is actually very professional. She rarely has yabs and she acts like an idol, professionally. She also did Uiro uri (tongue twister about herbs salesman that most of professional jp VAs do as practice) in around 4 minutes. 4 MINUTES.

>> No.59485330

gura, she has 4.4m subs

>> No.59485547

I literally forget she's even a member sometimes anon. Aqua's just kinda boring.

>> No.59485658

Isn't she a massive introvert that's quite literally allergic to people? Suisei is respected across the entire vtuber sphere, known worldwide in several countries, and seen as one of Hololives golden girls. Aqua is... I mean she's there, doing her thing as always.

>> No.59485781

>the most popular song in Hololive
Kek, what the fuck are talking about.

>> No.59486606

Definitely Reine for ID, especially this year. She kept going with making content and working on various Hololive projects without a whole week of break for 2 years 3/4 now, and for a good part of the projects she took part in, she's among the organizers (Holoro's first VRchat collab where she made the models according to Ollie, sports festival...). And before Kaela arrived, she was the HoloID reference for endurance streams as well.
She may call herself lazy sometimes, some others say that of her too, but she's probably the hardest worker of all of HoloID.

>> No.59488126

Hard to say just one name, just pick whoever between Sora, Fubuki, Aqua and Marine
No clue, stopped watching them a long time ago.

>> No.59489809

Pekora and Suisei easily

>> No.59490136
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>> No.59492131

Towa, for all branches

>> No.59492721

PekoMari Fubuki and Sora

Number queens / ace of the company, pillar and dai senpai.

>> No.59493388

Sora, FBK, Subaru, Miko, Mio, Marine.


>> No.59494466


>> No.59494692

Marine for JP - she is every vtuber's oshi for a reason
M*ri for EN - cringe but true
I don't watch ID or homos
