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File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59349332 No.59349332 [Reply] [Original]

Have you bought vtuber merch and whose?

>> No.59349895

Only Dino Gura.

>> No.59350184


>> No.59350254

Gura daki

>> No.59350265

Bought a Mumei mug and plushie which I'm looking forward to receiving in the distant future

>> No.59350291

I bought Mikochi fig ages ago but Japanpost still holding it hostage.

>> No.59350300

No, too poor but I make my own

>> No.59350313

I would if shipping wasn't absolute ass to 3rd world continents like Europe.

>> No.59350320
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the first, only, and last piece of merch I will buy

>> No.59350379

I only buy stuff when they partner with toy companies that release stuff locally for me. I don't want to deal with waiting a year on top of retarded shipping costs for stuff.

I have the good smile popup figures of holo gamers, a korone nendroid and the subaru relax time fig. They're expensive as shit where I live but I like them.

>> No.59350395

Post 'em.

>> No.59350413

Waiting for my HoloFriends Polpol.

>> No.59350438
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these mousepads are great

>> No.59350471

More merch needs to be subtle and practical.

>> No.59350573

bitches love the mio hoodie

>> No.59350585

I have the uhh Marine 2hu box and the 2022 birthday poster, Tokino Soras on stage album, the bigger one and uhh there was something else too, probably like some random IRyS merch

>> No.59350792

I always get 3 copies of holo bday merch 1 for use 1 for display and 1 for collection

>> No.59350802

Indie merch
From korea to EU in 14 days €30 shipping cost

>> No.59350953
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No. Vtubers provide me with free entertainment and I don't spend money on them in any way, shape or form.
>Y-you're a poorfag
I make six figures more than (you).

>> No.59351242

Went to Japan recently and bought roughly $200 worth of Noel merch. Some of it included art books, one of which I accidentally scratched when I got home so I bought a replacement immediately. That opened the door to another $150 dropped on more Noel art books. Shipping is a fucking bitch.

You must be on the older side then because that's old man thinking. If you're still young, single, with no kids, and have money (I'm talking about the portion of cash remaining after you've put some of your income in savings and stocks of course), why not spend money on dumb shit? Live a little anon. Go buy two Gura dakis something: one for keeping and the other for jizzing on.

>> No.59351730
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>> No.59351892

Only the Man I Love Fauna hat.

>> No.59352097

For myself
>Mr. Koro
For my sister

>> No.59352185

I bought Vesper and Magni's keychains on debut. lmfao

>> No.59352232

Is your sister gay because it's funny she only chooses the unironic lesbians.

>> No.59352417
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I think I have most of the dakis holo released. All the pup up figures, and 1/7 of ayame, shion.

>> No.59352432

My Boros 2-way hug pillow arrived recently.

Waiting for the Mori Plushie from her birthday set and the Beeg smol Kronii plushie as well.

If counting outside the main store then add the Pekora figma, the Kronii and Ollie shirts and Mori jacket from Omocat.

As well as Magni's Copium release set..and his sweater from ohmonah

>> No.59352581

smol gurame plushies + ames hat

>> No.59352768
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>> No.59353077

>hololive merch
>pussy repellent

>> No.59353100
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Anon I kneel

>> No.59353107

Comet merch. the COMET hat is great undercover merch and i have the set from Start in the Screen

>> No.59353152

I got a Miori daki because it seemed decent value. I'd never owned one before and was curious.

>> No.59353238
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>> No.59353270
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>> No.59353317

None, Hololive is the only worthshit vtubing to watch but their merch to EU is so fucking retarded

>> No.59353322
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>> No.59353354
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>> No.59353425

Meanwhile in Vegas

>> No.59353831 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 424x372, bibi_peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have three Bibi motif caps + an okay knockoff without the rings.

>> No.59354060
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I miss her

>> No.59354377

do Mori album CDs count?

>> No.59354437

Sorry about your dog bro.

>> No.59354471

As music? No.

>> No.59354492
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>> No.59354493

that dog knows what you are

>> No.59354719
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>> No.59354780
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is she even your oshi if you don't buy her self-insert wish fulfillment doujin?

>> No.59354817
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>> No.59354866

prolly like $800 on councilrys stuff by now.

>> No.59354959

No one because I have no idea how to deliver it in my country

>> No.59356629

I've bought indie and small corpo merch. No Holo merch because Cover hates EU and geekjack sucks

>> No.59356635

I ordered so much when GJ didnt ship for over a year or two and now I regret it because it's a lot of trash and takes up space. Spending a fortune on it is another thing entirely. Fuck VAT and customs fees.And alcohol.

>> No.59356798

yes sir I've got all of IRyS' merch she's put out

>> No.59356847

I have too much Miko stuff to even list.
I rarely get to SC, so i do my best to support her when merch drops.

>> No.59357260

No, she’s middle-aged w no kids of her own so they’re daughter simulators (she started staning Bijou lately)

>> No.59357587

What happens to her self insert?

>> No.59357624

I have Nabi-mamas Amelia artbook and Marines hat.

>> No.59357642

bought all bae's gym gear since its actually cool and useful. thinking about the omocat hoodie if its still available

>> No.59357650

Two Okayu figures and a Suburu one

>> No.59357780

I made a spreadsheet to autistically track my merch and I've spent nearly 1M yen in since I started watching holo in 2020. Got every pop up parade and relax time figure. Aqua, Matsuri, Marine, Towa dakis. I've bought merch from most holos, and basically every piece of towa merch including rurudo and Mr Lime doujin goods.

>> No.59357885

>why not spend money on dumb shit
Because you can save money for investments, retire early, and have plenty of money and time for better stupid shit.

>> No.59357991

I have bought merch, too much merch some might say, luna merch, mio merch, fauna merch, roboco merch, botan merch, and others

>> No.59358042

Miosha... rerun doko.....

>> No.59358064

>oh hey anon I love your hoodie, the cat is so cute!
I hate other women.

>> No.59358108


>> No.59358161

I've bought every Gura merch, including licensed stuff.

>> No.59358256
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Kaela's neckwarmer

>> No.59358270
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First hand auto bundle

>> No.59358295

hope you're a woman

>> No.59358308


>> No.59358362

No. I don't have a good credit score and my credit cards are blocked. Also, the shipping cost are hellaa crazy

>> No.59358391
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>> No.59358484

I managed to not buy or SC anyone before Fuwamoco.
I bought the Fuwamoco magnets.

>> No.59358577

I have some Mori merch, wasn't interested in the slippers or small stuff. Mostly buy her CDs and vinyls.

I have almost all of Reine's merch, I missed her birthday merch last year because it sold out incredibly quickly. I also didn't buy Tatang because I only had enough for that or the daki and I wasn't going to miss the daki.

I have most of Towa's merch since 2021 but nothing before then.

And I have Ame and Gura's dakis. Kind of regret not getting the Kronii daki.

>> No.59358698

bought callis shinigami note as a LP

>> No.59358933

consentual impregnation
presumably followed by eternal loneliness cause she's a ghost and (you) can't save her

>> No.59358949


>> No.59359103
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I bought some AZKi merch.
I also have some Towa and Risu merch but no pics of those.

>> No.59359372
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I love Watame

>> No.59359684

what are those stands from?

>> No.59360088


>> No.59360577
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>> No.59364529

No one buys Niji merch?

>> No.59364646
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I think the merch is usually fine but I wish that the shirts were a bit shorter.
I really should've bought that hoodie, but my Noel one is pretty good. Simple design, comfy, and pretty snug for a one size fits all.

>> No.59364699

Oh shit fellow kishidan, nice. I haven't used that shaker, but the sweater and plushie are nice.

>> No.59364744

Fauna's omocat shirt

>> No.59364810

First one was Coco's Badge, right after she announced graduation. Just wanted something to remember her by after she left...
Second one was Mio's hoodie, because holy fuck how could I POSSIBLY miss out on that insane design!?
Haven't bought anything else.

>> No.59364857

Never. I'm not braindead enough to do it.

>> No.59365412

Omocat stuff is fine. Isn't the Fauna one a long sleeve shirt?

>> No.59365735

bought the shiranui flare plushie, the Fuwa/Moco voice packs and the Sora daki.

won't get the Sora daki for a while but I do not regret buying the plushie and voice packs

>> No.59366003
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>> No.59366033

have you hot glued it?

>> No.59366137

to the base? no

>> No.59366385

have you shot your semen on it?

>> No.59366485

i can't bring myself to ejaculate to koro or nene, skill issue sadly

>> No.59366669
File: 3.89 MB, 1902x2972, wemi daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I squeeze her every night

>> No.59366784

Are there any plans on having a US vendor? I think more people would buy Holo merch if they didn't have to spend an arm on shipping costs.

>> No.59366870

Aqua plushie, was about to get Shion too but then shipping holocaust happened and shipping price went up 4x+

>> No.59367107

Merch is a waste of money, only do it for your rich.

>> No.59367261
File: 831 KB, 1437x2000, 1654485985543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limited Pekora merch set with autograph
Limited Kiara merch set with autograph
Sakura Miko merch set with autograph
HoloEN concert Connect the World merch set
A bunch of random Holo merch like Irys doll, Gura figures, Concert blu-rays, music cds, book, TCG playmat and sleeves, Weiss Schwarz cards, etc...

>> No.59368294

Nope never. I don't buy stuff that eventually ends up in the trash because I can't be assed to pack it up when moving. If they released some useful merch like maybe headphones or PC peripherals I might consider it but otherwise I've learned not to buy figurines or purely decorative items.

>> No.59368444

I wound up getting a Subaru figurine at a con a few weeks ago.
