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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59269583 No.59269583 [Reply] [Original]

>Gets the dream job streaming in HOLOLIVE
>Uses her stream time to apply for new jobs and wastes her golden ticket opportunity.

Pebbles will try and defend this?

>> No.59269659


>> No.59269775

She should just train directly under Kaela and transcend construction companies altogether

>> No.59270684

This place really is for cowards who are afraid of the dislike buttons from other sites.

>> No.59271367

Your attempts at humor have failed harder than your mother trying to abort you

>> No.59271558

do you think downvotes are more cutting than incisive comments like these?

>> No.59271873
File: 218 KB, 485x450, 1690629014169416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't making a mountain from a molehill, this is making a mountain from a peak of dust holy shit

>> No.59271988
File: 686 KB, 1085x852, migothumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we get it, she's adorable.

>> No.59272009

Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.59272842
File: 82 KB, 741x723, 1692930071967612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of (you) mylsef included are retarded. Your all seriously angry at this obvious shit post.

>> No.59273836

She's in EN and looking a thing to fallback to when it implodes
She knows what's up

>> No.59274352

>Gets the dream job streaming in HOLOLIVE
what the fuck

>> No.59277504

>muh dislikes
Holy retard

>> No.59277681

cataloguefags can't read

>> No.59277882

Go back faggot.

>> No.59278301

op can you at least put in some more effort next time

>> No.59284345

Well yeah no shit anon
Are you that brain rotted?

>> No.59285316

its ok anon i thought it was funny. the absolute state of this board

>> No.59285331

maid holo when

>> No.59285588
File: 122 KB, 842x815, 1640789443903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawd, I only open this thread to ensure this thread die because the topic is so shit. But OP keep bumping this shit from page 10 like a schizo with separation anxiety. Let this thread fucking die you pathetic OP.

>> No.59285856
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1497124620908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this board are genuinely fucking retarded in such an incredible way that it's embarrassing. They didn't watch Bijou's stream earlier and they didn't even bother to open the OP image. It's truly astounding, one of the least serious threads I've seen all day and anons still took it this fucking seriously.

>> No.59286020
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>> No.59286136

Its not people, its just the average hololive defender. As much as I love some of the girls their fanbases are universally subhuman.

>> No.59286164

>Is Cute
>will wear anything
I'd hire her in a heartbeat.

>> No.59286430

>tfw no tiny maid
Why even live?

>> No.59287288

like clockwork

>> No.59288499

I know that's Lui's house on the background, is she the one making the zoo?

>> No.59288578

>Will wear anything
Wow what a slut.

>> No.59290174
File: 33 KB, 380x534, 16346112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but hear me out, how does picrel make you feel?

>> No.59290368

How many signs is too many signs?

>> No.59292818

>>Pebbles will try and defend this?
You should defend it for the pebbles honor

>> No.59293408

I'm pretty sure that with enough lube I can cum by rubbing my penis on that.

>> No.59293737

Anon, lube doesn't make the spikes go away. Don't do it

>> No.59293756

Your post made me laugh anon, thank you. I forget how many normalfags post here nowadays.

>> No.59294250

Inexcusable behavior!
CORRECTION! >< >< ><

>> No.59294334

>lube doesn't make the spikes go away.
my rock hard cock is going to wear them down until they're smooth

>> No.59296459

Are you, perhaps, retarded?
Niggas here absolutely loathe minecraft to begin with.

>> No.59297779

But I like Minecraft

>> No.59298597

I'd try it.

>> No.59298981

...Anon, are you socially retarted?

>> No.59299119

Me too
but majority hates it
The slavery arc is lit

>> No.59300559

No, it's for people who aren't afraid of actually interacting with people outside of a hugbox circlejerk where different opinions might exist. The downvote only serves to bury something that doesn't fit your view

>> No.59301604

>will wear anything
But will she wear nothing?

>> No.59302599

She ended up doing construction for Fauna lol

>> No.59302871

Slavery arc?
Do you mean the current scripted Kaiji parody where JP members get in "debt" on purpose for numbers?
I like Minecraft, but only for spontaneous collabs and the open chat

>> No.59302929

Why doesnt my company get job applications like this
95% of women who apply here put their activism on their application, which I then put in the trash

>> No.59303029

At least half of those don't even believe the bullshit. Good luck waiting for the 5%.

>> No.59303044

I hate this image so much

>> No.59305173
File: 68 KB, 498x482, Anon-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59306545
File: 928 KB, 1024x1024, 1684341647365403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of the EN arc no an orange woman bad post by the way it is just funny in a cosmic sense.
>Kiara begs on her knees for Advent to play on the Dead EN server and maybe become KFP
>Nerissa says she will...
>Advent does the server tour and sees the new world
>Advent all go to Global Server
>Immediately join Kirin Co.

>> No.59309419

OP doesn't even have to put effort and gives all the context you need and retards still fall for it. At this point it's on them.

>> No.59312748

As much as I find kiara's journey from zero do idoru the best in hololive(seriously she's the one working for a dream here), it's funny how she will always be the cuck of EN
>tries to be the myhth leader but gura/ame overshadow her
>tries to be kali's lesbo gf but gets cucked by homos
>tries to recuit nerissa as her sex slave but she's already getting spitroasted by advent + faumei
>pushes for a bird unit that only gets fowarded because of a suba meme
some people just ain't meant to win I guess

>> No.59313162

>advent + faumei
She's barely interracted with fauna or mumei in comparison, even combined it's not equal to a tenth of her Kiara interractions.
I'm guessing you don't watch much of either of them though

>> No.59313267

>wastes her golden ticket opportunity
You misunderstand. Working with Fauna and many others. That IS the golden ticket.

>> No.59313392

outstanding thread

>> No.59313522
File: 742 KB, 739x787, 1690907212600054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hotdog down a hallway
No thanks I prefer this.

>> No.59313636

looks like you've only got a cocktail sausage

>> No.59313727

it's why ur hiding behind le anonymity huh
