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59288344 No.59288344 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out holoantis are literal toddlers.

>> No.59288387

>suing children
How is this allowed?

>> No.59288427

It's not that's why they settled for an apology and some repayment for damages

>> No.59289272

The company that made the cola went after those insulting the cola because it insulted their fragile wapanese honour, Pekora and hololive don't have anything to do with it.

>> No.59289401

how hard would it be to get some pecola?

>> No.59289470

i retract every post i've ever made
i renounce every shitpost

>> No.59289522

no need, japan is just backwards as fuck, you can be sued for slander even if what you said is completely true. If someone dislikes what you said, they can sue you for it. Mikeneko also said she was gonna sue everyone on this board who defamed her and look at how that turned out

>> No.59289568 [DELETED] 

t. chinky woke cretin in favor of chinky woke commie censorship

>> No.59289660

Slander means whoever the person was basically lied about the product meaning probably never bought it or made fake negative comments/reviews.

>> No.59289806

not in japan it doesn't

>> No.59290018

They are releasing a batch every month so difficult as fuck plus it's a glass bottle so you will have to risk it to get it shipped.

>> No.59290063


its not a slander. its very malicious attempt to damage their business
some fucker in the disguise of the official staff told another fake customer it contains illegal drug and tried to spread it.

so its sued if a normal company sees it bc it obviously damages their business and benefit

>> No.59290192

>very malicious attempt to damage their business
It's a joke you fucking bootlicker

>> No.59290228

the offenders said its cocaine. can you read japanese, you eopnigger

>> No.59290263

Haven't bought any myself since I assume they only ship to jp and cba to use a proxy. But if you're willing to do that and the risk of shipping of glass bottles you only need patience. Next available batch is in March next year.


>> No.59290395

Yes, that's what makes it funny. The joke is that coca cola used to contain cocaine, and at that price this should too

>> No.59290411

why not?

>> No.59290413

coca cola was originally medicine, containing cocaine, but yeah Japan view of drugs is on another level so yeah dunno what the were thinking

still a over reach desu

>> No.59290481

what copium is that. you are just a fucking dumb chinky eopnigger

>> No.59290500

Ah, now it's time this board change their opinion "they're fighting for honor and justice to own the antis, sue them all" instead of "she's being obssesed and a baby who can't deal with a tiny bit of criticism for le based anonymous boys. antis live rent free in her head" because it's the numbers rabbit.
It's a "yeah, me" shitpost hahaha. If we had to sue every single person claiming to be an insider here lmao.

>> No.59290536

retarded parents who raise retarded children must pay for their retardation

>> No.59290560

are you retarded? i literally said japan is backwards because of their censorship, do you have brain damage?

>> No.59290581

Icrea CEO here. We don't tolerate this kind of language in our company, you're fired.

>> No.59290603 [DELETED] 

>" instead of "she's being obssesed and a baby who can't deal with a tiny bit of criticism for le based anonymous boys
>t. Nijinig
This retard thinking it was pekora who sue him, kek can you be more retarded.

>> No.59290627

a bug is already starting to seethe

>> No.59290680
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>> No.59290735

>exercising legal rights to protect themselves = censorship

>> No.59290774

protect themselves from what? mean words on the internet from a child? it's fucking pathetic

>> No.59290804
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Keep it up valiant freedom fighter. The Chinese will kneel to your country and your lack of ability to read

>> No.59290805

ok so you do have brain damage, thanks for clarifying, I hope you are getting the help you need

>> No.59290826

It is, but if things weren't like that black companies wouldn't be able to thrive

>> No.59290886
File: 73 KB, 470x652, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not suing this too

>> No.59290888

>it's always hololive's fault somehow
well this one's easy

>> No.59290930

Sorry, my country doesn't allow me to import illegal drugs or products containing illegal drugs.

>> No.59290991

What? Chatgpt San is that you?

>> No.59291009

Why burger always sperg out whenever something involving gun or lawsuit. You retard can't even regulate and define your law without getting fuck in your ass by some slimey suit using technicality law loophole.

>> No.59291015

read >>59290607 you stupid fuck

>> No.59291167

>their fragile wapanese honour
They're run by a white person that wants to be culturally Japanese?

>> No.59291286 [DELETED] 

amerimutts hate lawsuit because muh freedom

>> No.59291322

Based Peko

>> No.59291330 [DELETED] 

nobody is reading your eopnigger trash

>> No.59291416

but that's not me, retard

>> No.59291522

What a pathetic bootlicking insect

>> No.59291854
File: 28 KB, 161x131, 1695562196770648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order Pekocola because rrat told me it contains real Pekopiss
>company sues, says it's not true and their product contains 0% Pekopiss within the margin for error
>cancel my preorder for Pekocola and begin stalking her sewage system again

>> No.59291917

That makes it worse. Just because I can say niggers in my place and no one bats an eye, doesn't mean I will free of consequences if I say it in America

>> No.59292913

>retarded brats need correction
Here's your chance, ojii-sans

>> No.59293021

holy chink what a post

>> No.59294220

the strongest potion

>> No.59294465

>joking about drugs
>In Japan

>> No.59294726

Based. Try doping her next milk shipment with water pills

>> No.59294974

If someone makes a negative review of a game in Japan they can get sued?

>> No.59294983

Imagine having to pay some internet millionaire money because your 12 year old shitposted about them on the internet

>> No.59295101

Is this Pecola something pekora helped define the flavour?

Or did they just slap Pekora on some random product she is not even aware of?

>> No.59295196
File: 99 KB, 444x603, 1692461698901582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The responsibility to teach 12 year old lies to their parents.
Now, you have to use your brain for once.
What kind of household's upbringing that lead to such young kid to jokes about cocaine in a country like japan.
Should've sent the kid to juvenile prison to educate that little piece of shit.

>> No.59295546

Coca cola like totally contains cocaine lol.
Am I gonna get sued now?

>> No.59295680

Just recently that Jonny & Associates had to suffer for his barbaric pederasty (after his death, bastard). Pedo nigger literally raped boy idols during his entire tenure and this is a well known fact, but few dare to publish it in fear of lawsuit.
Japan penal code is never not retarded.

>> No.59296259

>no need, japan is just backwards as fuck, you can be sued for slander even if what you said is completely true.
This, and there are many countries where people can sue for slander even if the statements are true. They only legal requirement is proving the statements damaged their reputation.

>> No.59296537

Japanese slander laws willl fuck you even if it's the truth.

>> No.59297253

>Pekora Usada agency
>U(sada) Products LLC
No fucking way
It's too funny to be real

>> No.59297335

Besides dictatorships, is Japan the country with the most fucked up defamation laws?

>> No.59297411

So has anyone tried pekora cola? Is it good?

>> No.59297488
File: 239 KB, 463x454, actually ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illegal banter
what a crock of dystopian shit

>> No.59297623

>so its sued if a normal company sees it bc it obviously damages their business and benefit
Do you really believe Japanese people are so retarded that they would think a soda company is openly selling soda with cocaine in it, instead of taking it as a joke?

>> No.59297624

And it's retarded that America would punish you for that too, what's your point? They're both retarded cases

>> No.59297872

taste like virgin cola but less sweet

>> No.59298324

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.59299640

Japan treats drugs seriously. Try joking about the holocaust being fake in germany and be dumb enough to dox yourself

>> No.59299832

Wait until you learn that you can literally sue a person for insulting you almost everywhere

>> No.59299951

>you can be sued for slander even if what you said is completely true
yeah and you can go to jail for denying the holocaust in europe
same thing

>> No.59300151

That story is pretty old now, it just blew up once again and they couldn't bury it this time.
It has nothing to do with anti-slander laws, they even tried to use it on a guy and lost. The issue is that Johnny's have their pawns all over the entertainment industry and no network would want to sabotage themselves by attacking them. The only reason they couldn't bury it this time is because of the internet.
