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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59220010 No.59220010 [Reply] [Original]

>fighting games are fun

>> No.59220061

what about it?

>> No.59220102

holos just aren't build for the world of e-sports and somehow cover wants them to be more involved in it when even nerves of steel Botan had a moment like this

>> No.59220220

>No esports player has ever cried before

>> No.59220310

Find me a member of the FGC thats just blatantly bawled like that who isn't cryin Bryan. I'll wait, this is the fgc not "esports"

>> No.59220361

That's what being forced to play a fighting game does to a person

>> No.59220362

Not when they are just starting, they tend to break after years and years of lost opportunities

>> No.59220436

You don't cry over something unless you're really passionate about it.

>> No.59220443

But Botan accepted the invite? Retard.

>> No.59220468

Or you're a woman, shes still playing on modern controls

>> No.59220511

>moving the goalpost
Be specific from the start then dumbass

>> No.59220521

Unironically know a menhera guy who flipped out at his entire friend group and left because he lost in a fighting game after insisting hes been playing for years

>> No.59220539

Instead of crying they just sperg out in other ways that's even more pathetic than a girl crying.
I've been playing fighting games my whole life and this hardcore rep they tell themselves they have has always been funny.

>> No.59220546

modern marisa is actually a pro tier pic with the jab cancel into super

>> No.59220557
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But why was she crying.

>> No.59220566

kek women are a joke

>> No.59220606
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>> No.59220607

lol will fgc community despise Hololive now? Like if their shitter of a player can participate in "big" tournament like this CR cup, dirtied the prestige of fgc tournament with that shameful display of play

>> No.59220615

Street Fighter 6

>> No.59220618


>> No.59220631

>prestige of fgc tournament
what prestige lol

>> No.59220643


>> No.59220644

An adult taking the game too seriously is cringe desu, no one above 13 should be doing that

>> No.59220674
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>> No.59220688

Post more crying Holos

>> No.59220695

I wanted to say hot, but it's actually just cute.
Some girls crying are annoying and you just want to get out asap, some girls crying are hot, Botan is just cute, maybe a bit hot.

>> No.59220742

i think its probably because the model is stuck on a :D face

>> No.59220786

I didn't even look at the model anon, like after her crying I heard Korone cry and I just wanted to click off immediately.

>> No.59220789


>> No.59220824

Her normal joyful energy, voice and personality makes her crying cute. If she was a bitch then i don't think you would feel the same way.

>> No.59220877

When you're in a position where others are relying on you to some degree, and you fail to deliver, feeling emotional in a circumstance like that is entirely acceptable.
Men may not cry as much as women do in these circumstances but the pain felt should resonate with anyone who's not autistic.

>> No.59220904

>botan crying = cute
>selen crying = lol wtf is this whore doing

>> No.59220953

I think the main reason she cried was because she lost both her matches on both days of the tournament. Hell, the first match was up against a cosplayer even. Botan might not openly take pride in being a gamer but that must've stung her ego quite a bit and her being first up on the second day while jobbing under pressure was the catalyst.

>> No.59220985

This board is made up of at least 50% severe autists and 45% emotionally stunted manchildren anon, these cunts have no idea how emotions work at all

>> No.59221037

Kens amirite

>> No.59221136

yeah i think anyone would be upset if they showed up for a tournament and got blasted in every match they took part in

>> No.59221172

Well what's worse is she almost won her second set of matches

>> No.59221205

Phil Burnell

>> No.59221211


>> No.59221317


>> No.59221589

and the other 5%?

>> No.59221627

I'd feel sorry for her if she didn't have a mute button right next to her.

>> No.59221630


>> No.59221862


>> No.59221899


>> No.59221975

god damn you niggas are slow

>> No.59221990

The whole point of watching idols is seeing them train and do their best on any stage, even if they come up short in the end. So what's the problem?
Also, Botan picked an honest character unlike that JP spammer in Hololive I won't mention, so Botan she has my respect.

>> No.59222033

you sound like faggot

>> No.59222081


Congrats you actually triggered me

>> No.59222112

Hajime on her karaoke after singing SSS

>> No.59222117

I don't want my chuubas to mute. I like seeing them showing their emotions.

>> No.59222185

She’s joke-crying right? This can’t be real

>> No.59222330

You aren't a woman. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.59222402

Punk after getting his ass beat by Tokido 6-0 at SFV Grand Finals

>> No.59222401

Their nerves of steel breaking down from a loss like this...


>> No.59222418

Astel is

>> No.59222426

Stop using weeb speak, just call them mental and get it over with.

>> No.59222519
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lol kys

>> No.59222541

Yeah if youre already good at the game

>> No.59222615

Punk almost getting pieced up irl was comedy

>> No.59222713

Not fond of that Xitter clip. The lead-up to her breaking point is what really gets me.

>> No.59222960

>nerves of steel

>> No.59223277
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aww she really cared about that tourney didnt she. 1v1's are a different animal, i can understand the emotions.

>> No.59223440

This is why nobody really plays fighting games that aren't simple button smashers because they can't get their ego fix.

>> No.59223549

>nice girls get treated nicely
I think you're onto something there detective.

>> No.59223751

that's an understandable reason to cry. getting bodied like that in a small tournament is bad enough without all the people watching

>> No.59223785 [DELETED] 

All me.

>> No.59223815

That would just make me turned on anon.

>> No.59223818
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>> No.59223867

Usually when you go 0-2 in a tournament, its no biggie. You are usually not on the stage or on stream, just quietly lose both games and get out. Being actually new player and having this kind of pressure is kinda insane.

>> No.59223935

Fighting game general assemble!

>> No.59223973

when did Selen cry?

>> No.59223990

Being bodied is one thing, but both matches were down to the wire and she failed to execute the stuffs she learnt during training, so it's an extra layer of what-ifs.

>> No.59223993

kek i remember this

>> No.59224001

Hearing guys laughing while the hag lion is crying fills me with anger

>> No.59224003

Is there a SINGLE real woman that doesn't suck at video games?

>> No.59224031

leave tourist

>> No.59224032

A woman I played with from US was a strong FPS player funnily enough.

>> No.59224042

They probably thought she was laughing. Guess they forgot for a second they were dealing with a female.

>> No.59224064

Only seen mentahera being used recently, summerfag.

>> No.59224091

Are they laughing at her? I figured she muted herself

>> No.59224123

kek you really are a tourist. Menhera has been used since before this board was made, faggot.

>> No.59224129

They warned us all along but we refused to listen

>> No.59224154
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Botan. She's absolutely fantastic at games. The only ones she sucks at are fighting games and Mario Kart.

>> No.59224176

She's shit at FPS too.

>> No.59224261
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>> No.59224331

You gonna cry too?

>> No.59224364
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>> No.59224373

Is she?

>> No.59224379

well she's been retired for quite a while now. those skills degrade quickly when you spend most of your time goofing around in non fps games

>> No.59224391

Last time she cried was when she did her last collab with Coco before the latter's graduation

>> No.59224413

>cryin Bryan
He WAS a real nigga!

>> No.59224428

way to expose yourself, dumbass

>> No.59224460

>a girl crying
OLD HAG crying which is extremely hot

>> No.59224471
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shes not streaming today huh?

>> No.59224550

an entertainer known to grind her stream to a halt for 15+ minutes calling out someone who gave her $100 is emotionally fragile? who could have predicted this?

>> No.59224573

it doesn't help that games like SF6 are super input-specific
someone said that she was in burnout when she froze up, which would explain it; she was trying to do something you can't in burnout
but because of how fighting games are, your first thought is probably going to be 'i'm getting the input right why isn't it working' not 'oh i'm out of meter' but by that point it's too late

>> No.59224587

Should have invited Rikka instead.

>> No.59224616

>who could have predicted this?
If you're trying to say people could've ever guessed that fucking Botan of all people would ugly cry like this you're delusional.

>> No.59224688

it wasn't a long post, how did you skip over so much of it?
do you dress yourself?

>> No.59224793

i've been out of the fgc since sf5 and all the tournament organizers turned into little bitches
on a scale of like, arcana heart to kof, how tight are the input windows in sf6? lots of 1fls?

>> No.59224800

Because what you said had nothing to do with anything.

>> No.59224887

Gauge economy is super important in this game and it's hard to replicate those situations in training, especially for newbies. She should have grind rank or lobby against equal skill players to expose herself to specific stuffs like that, but I guess time-constraint is a thing since this tourney was right after her 3D stuffs.

Input in SF6 is on the more lenient side with input buffers, so no tight 1 frame or 2 frame links like SF4. She's playing Modern too so it isn't that hard. But with the SF6 drive gauge system, there are certain moves that you can't do once in you've spent all your gauges (aka burnt out where you can receive chip damage). Beginners like Botan tend to overspend their meters, which exacerbate the problem. Managing your meters is a pretty big deal, similar to SF4 meters where you choose between EX move or save it for FADC.

>> No.59225136

there's an actual woman who plays tekken professionally
she's japanese and has a kid if i remember right
she also said manlets were subhuman or something, very keyed

>> No.59225195

Why would she call someone out for 100 bucks?

>> No.59225237

Male throws 2 rounds on purpose
Botan still loses 3-2
"pro gamer" botan btw.

>> No.59225256

didn't watch, how did he throw?

>> No.59225257

it was some unicorn retard complaining about her playing in a tournament with men by calling it blind dating or something like that
she flew off the handle and stopped playing to talk about how she was banning him, not to make the tournament look bad etc. there's clips of it.

>> No.59225258

you're thinking of yuyu. tanukana is the one that roasted manlets

>> No.59225308

I've heard it suggested that this was more the final straw that broke the camels back and that she's going through some IRL shit rn. Normally this isn't the kind of thing that bothers her that much and it seems to be more the weight of everything else around her.

>> No.59225315

tanukana was also on a pro team for tekken, so i do think he meant tanukana, although i have no idea what she's doing these days since she jumped the shark

>> No.59225345

Didn't she also give the $100 back? It's been really long since I last saw that clip.

>> No.59225369

She beat Balteaus in Armored Core in two tries having gone in completely blind lol. Botan is amazing at vidya.

>> No.59225404

She recently had a gravure photoshoot. She also doubled down on "toxic" persona and has a membership stream where she has a decent following.

>> No.59225424

Yuyu is married?

>> No.59225437

Scarlet from starcraft

>> No.59225448

You never said Hololive, and don't use my sheepwife to shitpost.

>> No.59225459

actually based. she's an unlikable bitch and ghosting the internet like a coward when she got fired from her team at the time is a huge L but coming back and owning the person she really is was a good recovery
i'm happy for her, earnestly

>> No.59225470

She's 40 something, dude.

>> No.59225473

then why she sucks at any competitve game she plays?

>> No.59225484

>Picked low tier character
>Not even bother to do chain combos against botan
>Still mogged her

>> No.59225502

she.. doesn't? like where do you intend to hinge this kind of antiing on when the thing she's most known about is the opposite? i'm an anti because she's a fragile bitch when her chat gets on her case and even i'm calling you a retard for this one.

>> No.59225521

She said you don't deserve human rights if you're below 5'7''. She's in the right. You're not a manlet...are you?

>> No.59225559

i said she's not likable, not she's not entitled to her opinion.
your apologism would have more weight if she didn't get fired, and then vanish

>> No.59225573
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Holy fuck how new are you??? Holo is always refer to Hololive girls, those homos always referred as Stars. Unless your a fucking newfaggot that started watching (by watching I mean just updotting homo shit on leddit and comment based unhinged on twitter)after tempusfaggots debuted.

>> No.59225595

?Whats her achievements as botan?Rank in some shitty gundam game nobody cares about?Can you atleast use some arguments...

>> No.59225604


>> No.59225621 [DELETED] 


>> No.59225634

Has she ever even participated in any after joining hololive where she wasn't just fucking around?

>> No.59225662

there's a running joke that the people at red bull are manlets so they let her go

>> No.59225707

>she doesnt care angle

>> No.59225835

Scarlet is a man, bro.

>> No.59225953

i think this is the first moment where i feel like i've aged into uncle territory
i am old enough to remember watching scarlet in the infancy of esports on a garbage korean media player when her being a him was just a known of no significance
and now because of the culture war making any discussion about traps and trans taboo, there are ACTUALLY people who don't know it's a guy
i must go now, there's a ship bound for the west waiting to take me away

>> No.59226213

uhhhhhhhhhhhh hbox

>> No.59227617

>>>>>>>>>>>>>fighting games are fun

>> No.59228510

uyu says she's 31. Not sure if it's been updated or not.

>> No.59228521

Don’t play street fighter then?

2d fighting games aren’t real fighting games. Tekken and Dead or Alive only ones worth playing, even fucking naruto arena battle more of a real fighting game than street fighter

>> No.59228623

Better than smashing controllers or headsets lol

>> No.59228633

She cried when Coco was leaving too, she's really just a crybaby woman when you push her out of her comfort zone. she seems particularly upset by lost opportunities like most hags

>> No.59228714

how long did she have to practice? most new players I've seen learn to manage their bars fairly quickly

>> No.59228757

Punk? Menard? Leffen?
Those guys when they immediately go to Twitter and cry about how they lost because the game was angry at them. Then proceed to shit on those that defeated them.

>> No.59228830

OH NONONO >>59220310 ANON??

>> No.59228866

western FGC is garbage these days
they were just seething yesterday because someone mentioned how huge the CR Cup was and suggested maybe the West should do more fun and engaging things for the community instead of only worrying about their own personal clout

>> No.59228881

Punk is fucking retarded, but we always knew that

>> No.59228905

1 week. It's not going to be the same compared to Korone who plays SF regularly.

>> No.59228958

Most western FGC people have fuck huge egos. It's why the western side is so stagnant and we're watching the same 10 people compete every single time.

>> No.59229030

That is true. I just think the cope about SF being in japan was stupid as shit however, AT&T annihilator cup is similar to a CR event and is always well received, so the people saying it wouldn't work in the west are retarded.

>> No.59229031

>FGC be about the community
It's never happening, that ship sailed and sank to the bottom of the ocean years ago. All we can do/hope for is try to keep that attitude from spreading outside of western countries.

>> No.59229050

Why do the female characters look like that?

>> No.59229179

Egos is secondary. What they want is if you want to get them to do something it should net them monetarily.
I get it, but it has come to the point where everything just revolves around that now in the West.
They keep on crying about how the community is so fragmented and it's impossible to do something like what CR Cup is doing. Problem is that there are a lot of orgs and people much much more capable than Crazy Racoon in the west. So I don't get the complaint about it.
That's what we should be making fun of. Not someone who's actually interested in playing FGs and cried because of losing.

This is what the CR Cup was able to do with just two showings.
>Street Fighter 6 is the number 1 top-selling game on Steam in Japan, obviously because of the hype around CR Cup event.
>Events like CR Cup and Reject Fight Night have gotten so popular that a new problem has arisen- organizers can’t find streamers to fill the “New Player” role on the teams. These events motivated so many people to pick up SF6 that there are no more true Beginners left.

>> No.59229198

Capcom's engine mixed with Street Fighters whacky and exaggerated designs makes for some weird looking faces

>> No.59229223
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>> No.59229268

She cried when Coco was leaving because people hated on her how she didn't cry about Aloe. The on air crying she does is always fake crying for comedic or shock value. She is frail and both Lamy and Watame said they got calls of Botan crying but she won't do that on air.

>> No.59229316

>I get it, but it has come to the point where everything just revolves around that now in the West.
Which is funny because esports orgs are blowing up because of classic greed, maybe it's a good thing though

>> No.59229345

>try to watch big FG tournament
>breaks between every set that last upwards to 30 minutes where they either shill some product or force the commentators to make small talk
Shit is unwatchable. I legit think there might be more time spent on ads than actual matches. Are JP events more bearable?

>> No.59229346

Honestly it's way too soon. If I was cover I would have made her enter these for maybe a year or so before having to do it under big heavily publicized pressure. I've been playing in these things for like 15 years or so and while I don't go 0-2 anymore pretty much everyone has to go through a learning phase of getting bodied at which point you either get filtered out and give up or you stick around long enough to get good. No one plays for a few months and consistently survives tournament brackets, it just doesn't work like that. That takes time and effort. Being on stream etc is even worse.

>> No.59229373

>Are JP events more bearable?
Unfortunately no, KR and JP events have this problem aswell

>> No.59229445

As someone who has ran these, it isn't even for cynical marketing reasons (mostly), it's because timing matches is so hard and you want to get the 'good' matches on stream but Ryan Hart has fucked off to the other side of the venue again and hasn't told anyone or Tokido had a melty and you don't want him on next or the other game you lined up started playing offstream even though you told them to wait etc etc.

It's pretty hard to keep a consistent stream of games going because they take an unpredictable amount of time and herding players is a nightmare.

>> No.59229631

The cope was that "the big numbers was from vtuber fans" well no shit. That's what it means to grow your audience.

>> No.59229716

They went back to SF2's goofy semi realistic designs.

>> No.59229862
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>Events like CR Cup and Reject Fight Night have gotten so popular that a new problem has arisen- organizers can’t find streamers to fill the “New Player” role on the teams. These events motivated so many people to pick up SF6 that there are no more true Beginners left.
SF6 over there is not just a fun fighting game, but a fun game in general that anyone can enjoy. Events like these help spread the word and hope someday we too can get something like this.

Pekora should be the next candidate for the CR Cup. She's the only other hololive member that got experience with the game aside from Korone.

>> No.59230013

The thing is that Botan was going up against others like her, ie: streamers that mainly play shooters. It's one thing if she was joining a tournament with veteran and/or pro players only but aside from the team captains, everyone was a fightan amateur (except maybe Karubi- she plays casually with daigo now).

>> No.59230942

Botan's opponents played a bit more than she did. Crunch timing the training into a single week hasn't drilled in the game's fundamentals into her. So it's to be expected. She put up a decent fight but the nerves got to her (she was trying to parry with an empty gauge instead of just blocking).

>> No.59231312

>but a fun game in general that anyone can enjoy
I'd say that most fighting games are on the "anyone can enjoy" side, the execution requirements and stuff like that really went down in the last years. I guess the big next fighting game like this will be Tekken 8.

>> No.59231392

>fighting games are fun
Fighting games are shit tier games for mindless button smashers and no amount of coping from Faggot Gamer Community will change that.

>> No.59231437

cope faggot, your oshi will play sf6

>> No.59231523

Seethe, button smashing retard. She definitely won't.

>> No.59231554

It's very weird that the very simple formula of
>pairing up experienced fighting game pros with relative beginner e-celebs
seems so difficult to do in the West. Is it really a problem with the pros or is it an issue with not having enough interested streamers?

>> No.59231661

It's finding streamers that are actually gonna put effort into learning the game. Not only that but both pros and streamers usually have a huge fucking ego problem

>> No.59231763

You guys don't understand. It's perfectly doable. In fact it has been done. But the pros want to get paid a lot. Like Punk said, he's cool doing it, just make sure he gets paid he said and make sure there are money matches available.

>> No.59231981

That's too bad that it's hard to find suitable participants. Watching the camaraderie, the sheer joy and despair of the teams in CR cup despite 4/5 of them being amateurs was extremely compelling, it had all the excitement of a good sports match and I think that's something that's universal.
That's tough. Watching players like Daigo and Dogura talk about their CR Cup participation, they just seem grateful for fighting games to get more exposure and popularity. Maybe it's because they're Japanese and don't want to talk publicly about the money, while Western pros are more outspoken.

>> No.59232104

nervous laughing, and a little pitying.
guys cope with losses by stepping back and intellectualizing or when emotions are uncontainable, redirecting everything to rage. girls don't do those things as often. and botan had a vulnerable moment that overloads her with emotions. (probably touched an emotional scar from her upbringing too)
and the guys are reflexively responding with what they know is works for guys, but Botan isn't a guy so it didn't work and they became dumbfounded all while needing to tune in to whatever's happening in the event
the closest thing about Botan compared to guys seems to be a fear and avoidance towards feeling and showing bad emotions, which might have resulted in her finding ways to never deal with it. but not dealing with it makes her unable to control it, so she became helpless and cried like a kid instead of a muted cry which leads to the guys pitying her just a bit

>> No.59232370

Eh, Botan was back to laughing near the end. Seeing her team captain save their team only to absolutely job right after lifted her mood considerably.

>> No.59233743

>Maybe it's because they're Japanese and don't want to talk publicly about the money, while Western pros are more outspoken.
Nah. Daigo actually is not participating in the SFL (Street Fighter League), the one with the $1M prize pool because he said he wants to concentrate on his first year of playing SF6 to do lots of tourneys for lots of different levels of people to get them interested in playing SF6. That's the mindset in JP especially for older players like him.

The West is definitely not the same.

>> No.59233758

>I guess the big next fighting game like this will be Tekken 8.
That's if they fix the online anon.

>> No.59233857
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Dogura had ONE job and it wasn't supposed to be jobbing.

>> No.59233871

Dogura is a very cool guy.

>> No.59234000

Bro Dogura is the KING of jobbing

>> No.59234949

I didn't even have to click the link to know its when he folded to Galileo

>> No.59237583

>"I need more tissues!"

>> No.59237645

When she chokes on Apex.

>> No.59239044

Yeah, crying Botan is cute

>> No.59239298


>> No.59239904

Surely Bamco won't fuck it up again

>> No.59240254

aegyo shibal I came botan chan

>> No.59240610

feed me, I want to hear her cry instead of laughing all the time.

>> No.59240724

what a dramafag retard

>> No.59240899

I don't know any that cried, but look up "salty moments in smash" those are way funnier

>> No.59240966

>great voice
>nice and simple model
>was groomed by Rindou
>impresses your hag
Well, Kuzuha IS pretty cool, not gonna lie

>> No.59241501

Just go back to the children's block game where no one can kick your ass and make you cry like a baby

>> No.59241696

God, hearing her cry really makes me wanna give her a hug.

>> No.59243492

Can someone explain to me why this is a controversy? Are chinks confused at seeing human emotions?

>> No.59243628

holofag double standard where holofans rag on anyone else showing emotion but when holos do it they get treat them like toddlers

>> No.59243735

Is this a AI generated post? It makes 0 sense

>> No.59243815

holoseethe? you get the post you deserve

>> No.59244573

It isn't, but it's just funny seeing how many emotionally stunted anons there are here that aren't able to sympathize.

>> No.59244658

bitch lost for the second time, who cares? Her fanbase deserves it anyway for being obnoxious twats

>> No.59244814

News to me.

>> No.59244966

all the threads about this incident is about breaking down the FGC vets and how they're failures while ignoring how botan is simply unskilled

>> No.59245264
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If you say so.

>> No.59245321

Look kid I don't know who traumatized you shitting on your nobody 2 view but if it makes you feel any better it was deserved and you deserve to be alive.

>> No.59245884

Poor Boton. I hang out in the Fighting game community and no people dont cry at tournaments. The reason being is because regulars learn that defeats only mean you havent peaked yet and at worse you just didnt win a big prize this tournament. Disapinting if money is involved but a sign you can improve otherwise. Defeat means you get another moutnain to climb and thats great.

Boton is not a regular fighting game player so defeat looks like the absolute end of the journy to her. Thats why shes taking it so much more seriously and being a woman shes more emotional than the men and demi-men that play fighting games

>> No.59246259
File: 175 KB, 512x512, 1690736656243155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's like full on ugly crying
Dont cry Botan, have a flower, you'll get em next time.

>> No.59246346

I'd take crying over getting beat up or stabbed at the local arcade.

>> No.59246915

IT'S 3!!!!!!

>> No.59247229

I can't tell if the concept camaraderie is lost on /vt/ or if nobody here has ever experienced working hard for something with people sacrificing their time for you only for you to fall short at the final step.

Losing sucks, but it hurts more to think that you're disappointing your team (even if they aren't) or being the weakest link. It's just human nature.

>> No.59247382

Take a good look at >>59244658 and try and tell me with a straight face that /vt/ has well-adjusted adults posting in it.

>> No.59247449

>Instead of crying they just sperg out in other ways that's even more pathetic than a girl crying.
Very true

>> No.59247553

yeah tell us about how she slaved away at sf6 and how she would've won bro. These fighting game vets with multiple tourney appearances and streamers with more hours that her are all failures. Crybaby ass fanbase

>> No.59247773

Why did cover choose fighting games of all possible esports games anyway.
Imagine the kino of a hag CSGO team that grinds matchmaking together before competing in some small comfy invitationals.

>> No.59247917
File: 132 KB, 372x340, 1690275737944662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Cover didn't organize this.

>> No.59248189

Superchat that to her.

>> No.59248259

Never said they did.

>> No.59248339

Jesus Christ, when I heard that she started crying after the match, I assumed it was like, sniffles and a shaky voice that made it obvious she was crying, not having a full on menhera toddler meltdown. Her cool girl image is unsalvageable.

>> No.59248360

I don't believe you, the fgc are some of the biggest babies I've seen

>> No.59248844

Because the new FGC is filled with autistic trannies and fragile fags with huge egos. I hope you dont mean smash though, how are so many people here casually bringing up smash in a fighting game thread

>> No.59248896

So valorant?

>> No.59249030
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x720, EVO 2015 tekken grand finals.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59249074

Yeah but in good.

>> No.59249310
File: 2.18 MB, 920x570, superakouma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some players are just emotional

>> No.59250326
File: 32 KB, 640x632, 1685034953112557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stoic kuudere literally bawling her eyes out like a baby girl

>> No.59250473

Bitch, are you forgetting James Chen? Literally crying in front of thousands at Evo?

>> No.59250584

She won big tournaments pre Holo. She's just not taking things 100% seriously anymore.

>> No.59250789

Happened a fuckton of times. And many did way worse than crying.

For some reason FGs turn people into complete autists.

>> No.59251339

soooooo true anon!
she would have wiped the competition if she removed her weights like rock lee!
i respect her for hiding her power level!

>> No.59251539

you either don't know what a kuudere is or you haven't watched her streams

>> No.59251564

i hope it was worth it you bitch

>> No.59251635


>> No.59251942

It's good for people who are competing in a competition to be emotionally invested it. Crying is a perfectly healthy way of expressing that emotion.

>> No.59251990

that's not like botan at all though
botan was literally wailing like a baby that is hungry
grown ass woman

>> No.59252035

I would cry too if I had to play that garbage autistic genre competitively.

>> No.59252063

She's basically a happy-go-lucky kuudere. Not sure which other archetype to use to describe her.

>> No.59252430

Competitive FPS are full of cheaters tho
Fucking Shroud blatantly tripped and exposed himself, but viewers are coping and organizers do nothing because they would lose money

>> No.59252467
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I get that esports are known for tense moments, and that she's a vtuber, but seeing a woman old enough to be my mom crying like a child over losing completely kills the immersion.
I mean jesus lady have some self respect, anyone who wasn't a vtuber would be clowned for this clip for the rest of their career.

>> No.59252472

It's worse because she knows she could have won too. She knew what to do, but she just couldn't do it because of nerves, execution, etc.. And when you know you're the "worst" player on your team, in your head you just want to contribute. One basket, one point, one block, anything to feel like you made your mark.

>> No.59252635

James Chen is probably gay so he's not a good example.

>> No.59252741

what a pussy

>> No.59252801

Who was playing who?

>> No.59253007

She's a lioness. So it's pretty much technically the truth.

>> No.59253094

>Older women aren't allowed to cry
Gee anon, I know you want to act tough because you're a boy on 4chan. But this sounds like a huge projection lol

>> No.59253141

>She never cry before
Found the tourist

>> No.59253455

Clipfag here. Did she cry because she lost or because her team mate won? Clippers are being dishonest as usual.

>> No.59257361

>a girl cries
woah shit, this is a first one since Big Bang
some holomems cried about losing in fucking Hololive Mario Kart tourneys, this is nothing new

>> No.59258514

The video loops really well.

>> No.59260538

They are tho

>> No.59261061

>marisa player block the first hit then the second one is wasted
the fuck you on retard?

>> No.59261707

dumb hoe coulda played E Honda wit modern controls rumao

>> No.59265452
File: 332 KB, 1280x720, girls_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more of a Pekora thing

>> No.59265502


>> No.59265787

>gave an anti 15+ minutes of direct interaction instead of ignoring it or deleting it
Yea this whore crying over nonsense makes a lot more sense now

>> No.59270970

that's gay

>> No.59272636
File: 346 KB, 571x639, 1693470714976840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expresses her feelings
>people make fun of it

>> No.59273863

wow so she was so invested in it?
the game must be amazing then

>> No.59277921

>the irony of using a watame image for that post

>> No.59279856

Doesn't she have the Keala pressure from the holo fandom in that because she does really well in one thing people assume she's some god player and focus her into this narrow role and expect her to curb stomp every time and now she herself expects higher results?

>> No.59280258
File: 6 KB, 249x202, 4f087a9e7feb959311a89d1434799d5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cried not because she lost both matches, she cried because she has no kids who will cheer her up at home
hagbros just go fly to japan already and give her 4 wonderful babies

>> No.59280905

What was the best part of the tournament outside of Botan crying

>> No.59281254

>yah yah shounen come her and let me massage your prostate

>> No.59281316

I could kick your ass.

>> No.59281626

This thread seems like a dumpster fire
man i can't stand to see poor botan crying

>> No.59281647

Maybe if it were an FPS game but realistically no one expected Botan to be some sort of prodigy at fighters too. And if you would have tuned in to even one of her practice streams leading up to the tournament, you would see why.
Seeing Dogura beat Fuudo in a tense match only for the former to get obliterated in the challenge match against Sasatikk after.

>> No.59281960

How about we don't give unicorns a platform in the first place; instead of giving them free reign because they're incels?

>> No.59282012

sounds great. unless you didn't intend to agree with both people you're replying to, in which case what are you talking about

>> No.59283520

I firmly believe that Botan is just the softest baby around apart from her onscreen persona.

>> No.59283727

That's a verifiable fact thanks to Subaru.

>> No.59283846

Crying is actually the cheapest and safest option rather than the typical sperg out
>Venting out at everyone around you
>Punching random shit
>Throwing controller
>Destroying the screen

>> No.59283861

At the end of the day, this is just another reason why holizontal or whatever it’s called is a terrible fucking idea. They should have just left that to shit like crazy raccoon or Vspo instead of trying to have their cake and eat it too
It’s a crazy amount of pressure to put on the girls, even the ones that so happen to have experience like botan.
If any members want to compete in esports, than they should just help those girls achieve their goals instead of focusing resources like this

>> No.59283906

Botan barely participated in any competitive event and even when she did, she was usually part of the group that carries instead of the reverse.The weight of being the worst player on the team is no joke. It really gets to you and you feel like you're to blame if the team loses.

tl;dr she's experiencing how it feels to be a noob again after so many years

>> No.59283941

This is such a faggot mongoloid take. You should kill yourself for actually typing this out.

>> No.59283958

>When you're in a position where others are relying on you to some degree, and you fail to deliver
>Implying people rely on most anons here
They would never understand the feeling

>> No.59284014

1st time was because she locked up and choked during her match causing her to lose.

2nd was when her team members' revenge matches end up with them winning with their captain beating the enemy captain..

>> No.59284028

You sound like a giga faggot. End yourself.

>> No.59284124

>Try to prove you're a special vtuber that doesn't need to respect her fanbase
>Lose to a gravure whore
It's pathetic, sympathy is reserved for girls that deserve it.
Quite frankly, she did a good job making Hololive and the members less appealing to newcomers.
Stick to being cute and either solo or with girls, that's what this stupid cunt exists for and she should just fuck off if she thinks otherwise, doesn't matter how nice her laugh is she is replaceable.
Especially as a fan that started learning Japanese because of Hololive, as if some bitch doing male collabs and failing and making a scene is the type of thing that inspired me to start.
I'm not even going to pretend this is some unpopular opinion either. Regloss has literally 100% of the dedicated audience already subscribed.
Who's not subscribing? The tourist and casual audience.
Why are they not subscribing? Because Cover gave the perception the branch exists to boost Holostars and expose the audience to male collabs more often generally.
Before you go coping with subculls, Regloss has the lowest actual number of subs culled in any gen that had it happen.
The CR cup itself, Korone's watch along had more people watching than Botans stream.
Casual fans don't want to see the holomems be whores.
All that ultimately matters is, what has Botan done for ME lately? Even at their concerts and shit, their self improvement etc is for me ultimately. For my enjoyment.
Want empathy for losing in a videogame and crying? Then don't hang around actual loser men, "professional" video game players in public, be a bottom of the barrel digging pathetic woman in your private life instead.
People with a lack of experience with women might not understand this but she's been a complete cunt, with that intention.
No doubt part of the reason she cried is that she believed she was actually above her and holos fanbase rather than being held up.
End of.

>> No.59284162

That's what you get for making fun of me when I do the same.

>> No.59284195

Mucho texto.

>> No.59284226

so true sister
let's go back and tweet about it

>> No.59284361

What are you even trying to say? He was able to send her that message because he paid for a supachat on it. Is your advice to remove text from supachat platform so that it is not abused by a few antis? Im honestly confused.

>> No.59284377
File: 104 KB, 543x717, 1416530723948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys remember the guy who lost in this tournament and then he proceeded to lie down on the floor like he just fucking died, and then was helped up before giving a defeated hug to the guy who beat him? Yeah, I understood that guy a lot more than Botan and the other girl who lost.

>> No.59284393

TLDR is her jelly legged gamer e-celebs friends can give her sympathy

>> No.59284484

>cryin Bryan

>> No.59284490

definitely one of my favorite fgc pros
i will never forget the demon moment live

>> No.59284660

i love how a lot of the jp oldheads have shit that help out the scene/other players and that has been going on for such a long time on top of that

also very based to have fgc thread on here

>> No.59284851

I'd cry if I was playing Street fighter too.

>> No.59284869

>grown ass woman wailing like a literal infant
Where is the cool and stoic onesan?
Biggest character assasination since Gojo lmao what a bitch

>> No.59284919
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>> No.59285058

>making a thread about it days later
>twitter clip

>> No.59285116
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, 1663180255602808m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryin' lion obese hag

>> No.59285135

All the youtube clips probably have more men around and are therefore not as appealing to the mainstream

>> No.59285163

>why you cryin
>that's not real hag shit
>I'm not a real hag

>> No.59285739


>> No.59285835

she would hate me for being a unicorn so I don't really feel any empathy towards her over this, sorry
I won't go out of my way to antagonize her or whatever but neither will I give her something she wouldn't afford me

>> No.59286341
File: 24 KB, 300x346, P76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that ultimately matters is, what has Botan done for ME lately?
You are a broken man, woman, or something.

>> No.59286381

You most likely are, I am fine.

>> No.59286533

It's pretty touching that she puts up a strong front all the time due to her kayfabe but is in reality a foldable loli at heart. Pure gap.

>> No.59286628

>basically a happy-go-lucky kuudere

>> No.59287015
File: 151 KB, 555x555, 1681655141258970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a loser

>> No.59288568

She's a kind soul and a big softy. I love her for it ever since I first heard her cry during Coco's farewell Ark stream.

>> No.59288604

Yeah yeah thats old shit.
Her content is garbage now.

>> No.59289099


>> No.59289102

This but unironically

>> No.59289185

>chinks don't understand human emotions
Not very surprising

>> No.59289213

I missed pre hlzntl botan... she would play anything she wanted, playing those kusoge on weekends, nowadays? Shill shill shill eceleb

>> No.59289224

>literally entered SEA hours

>> No.59289285

botan crying = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl7LYHxukLs
selen crying = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOdZT4mHsv4

>> No.59289614


>> No.59289757
File: 344 KB, 986x987, 1654186032361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the clip of selen crying? I need to see it.

>> No.59291209

Old Botan never gonna come back.

>> No.59291648


>> No.59292512

never being nice to an old woman again

>> No.59295159

Yeah, "e-sports" are an extremely cringe marketing tactic aimed at retards and as such, also quite successful because due to their nature retards are attracted to anything that offers a modicum of respect or seriousness, aspects which they crave, in a way the same phenom as"rgb light gamer effects" but on a bigger scale, truly embarrassing.

>> No.59295298

It's like one of those doujins where a female warrior looks badass and talks a big game but then immediately loses and gets raped by the nasty monsters.

>> No.59295331

lol, cute newfag

>> No.59295419
File: 45 KB, 276x341, 1409091559908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happy-go-lucky kuudere
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.59295604

Botan has been collabing with males for years now, your rant only makes sense if you are a newfag.

>> No.59295726

She debuted August 2020.
The first was the Battlefield tourney which she said was only to promote the game. That was over a year after she joined, 1 year and 4 months of being invested into her content later. She stopped for so long after that, only doing it again this year.
You're the newfag

>> No.59295810

>for years
>only collab with other vtuber/streamer before CR cup was the battlefield one
>promotional event like the no more heroes one don't count

Meds schizo, her becoming open to male collab is recent.

>> No.59296923

It's wrong to manipulate people for your own gain.
All the best girls make sacrifices.
