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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 158 KB, 1080x795, post in 2 months from 07-25-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59119587 No.59119587 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.59119663

Smells like bullshit.

>> No.59119768

>80/20 cut

complete bullshit

>> No.59120054

She just got new costume, and seems to plan a lot of stuff, it doesn't look like a person who wants to graduate in two months.
Wasn't the last prediction about how Shu should graduate right after Nina? Rrats have been very quiet about that one.

>> No.59120083


>> No.59120182

There was one genuine leaker about Nina and then "another big one after" Mysta and suddenly this board becomes /v/ when it's Smash season or /vp/ when it's time for a new generation of Pokemon. Literally none of it is even close to verifiable since the original leaker only made those 2 statements and anyone after is probably bullshitting, the OP included

>> No.59120250

Yeah that's way too high of a cut for the talent.

>> No.59120728

>this board becomes /v/ when its Smash season

Maybe that is the key to drum up interest in NijiEN. Advertise the graduations like they do the debuts. Have management say "In the next Season Pass there will be five graduations" that will cause people to tune in to see if they can "pick up clues" and figure out who is leaving. It will be like one of those "Death Game" stories that are so popular. Then we can ACCELERATE more to fill up the roster again.

t. totally not NijiEN management

>> No.59120811 [SPOILER] 
File: 867 KB, 554x1199, Otogibara .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She just got new costume

>> No.59122203

>She just got new costume
that hasn't stopped graduations before

>> No.59122392
File: 2.75 MB, 2500x1982, lulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The date in the end really was bullshit, but its still not hard to picture Selen leaving, even more so given the time that post was made. Selen more so than Nina or Mysta seems to have more reasons to not renew her contract around summer 2024, since they didn't give her any cool mouse/keyboard merch compared to Fulgur or Maria, she isn't allowed to organize and host multi-branch collabs anymore, and she had to shell out 5k USD for contest winners because Anycolor's original Terms and Conditions were godawful and peak black company. And there's probably other reasons I'm forgetting. Plus getting a new outfit isn't a guarantee that she's going to stay, Lulu got a new outfit and graduated not long after the fact.
Maybe I'm wrong and maybe management has really changed some things for the better due to Nina or Mysta leaving and all the bad PR it brought for the branch. But outside of Selen staying to troll /vt/ and their rrats, or staying to not lose esports connections and not start back at square 1, she doesn't seem to have much reason to stick around. The branch is basically a sinking ship in terms of CCV.

>> No.59122468

Someone is leaving according to the shareholder information. Don't know who though.

>> No.59122478

>Someone is leaving according to the shareholder information

>> No.59122848

I do believe it

>> No.59122934

Oh, I expected Lulu.

>> No.59123005

>new costume
>new design
Means nothing.

>> No.59123018
File: 22 KB, 716x516, 1695481143849727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59123548

Wording feels like a /here/ anon desperate for some attention. Fake af

>> No.59123724

A certain homo got a complete redesign before his graduation like a month later.

>> No.59123836

if I got a costume like that I'd graduate too

>> No.59123945

No one would even be there if it was 80/20 with 2% on merch. Laying it on a little thick there. We already know everything for Niji anyway: 35% SC/memberships, 50% streamlabs, 2-4% merch. Sponsorships are variable.

>> No.59124077

>phase has a former niji manager
It's over for phase

>> No.59124091

The number of people they have projected in Q4 in one less than are currently in the branch. In Q1 2024 they have +2 over current which is...odd. Probably looking at 2 more people leaving and a 4 person wave after that.

>> No.59124456

From a liver's viewpoint this is messed up.
From an entertainment viewpoint, I'd pay to see this it'd be hilarious

>> No.59124689

Peak kino

>> No.59124742

I think entire threads for 4chan posts should warrant a 8 week ban

>> No.59124924

Same goes for Twitter posts as ops

>> No.59126542

Phase also has Muumi who seems to hold everything together somehow

>> No.59128237

she lost her chance to join vspo, she must have graduated 2 or 3 months ago, its kinda pointless to do it right now.

>> No.59128416
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1665994750719926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen, come home.

>> No.59132345

No, go to hell

>> No.59132414

Coco got a new costume AFTER announcing her graduation.

>> No.59132676

Yeah this is retarded because no Japanese company runs on this % cut.

>> No.59136311

You made me remeber that we were jsut a couple of misunderstandings from having selen voicing moomei and vice versa

>> No.59136724

op, your thread is trash and you are a faggot
you trimmed the date and post number from your screenshot, so everyone is assuming that you're posting a new rrat

fyi to the other anons here, op attempted to grudgepost about >>54181271 which was from a different faggot anon who posted this rrat two months ago

>> No.59137751

I know right? Jewsanji is more like 95/5 cut

>> No.59138067

She graduated from tolerating me in chat to banning me every time

>> No.59141177

False snitcher I mean prophet.

>> No.59143837
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1678446671402720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just two more months.

>> No.59146261

Clearly, her graduation got delayed because her capstone niji interbranch event got shafted and she still wants to leave on a high note.

>> No.59147917

During Nina's graduation stream there was an awkward moment where it seemed like she hinted that Selen was going to be leaving soon and Selen typed an emote in the chat. But maybe that was a dream

>> No.59154451

I believe this rrat because it's the only conceivable reason for Obsydia not getting 3D models yet. If you are going to graduate do it sooner you cunt.

>> No.59155633

If it was going to happen, Selen changed her mind or got convinced, somehow, to stay. She started doing JP collabs again, started doing her Nijikills campeign thing and did a whole stream to outline new goals up to the end of 2024/early 2025

>> No.59155879

Nah. She wouldn't fit in at all. No amount of nepo will get her in.

>> No.59156249

Saying a niji will graduate in two months makes you as much of a niji insider as looking at a cloudy sky and saying "It will rain tomorrow" makes you a weatherman

>> No.59156539

If you want to make this believable you're going to have to add that pomu is leaving with her.

>> No.59158846

yeah, its too high

>> No.59159027

Pikamee spent $10,000 on a new skin while ostensibly deciding whether or not to move on from VOMS.

>> No.59159123 [DELETED] 

Why do nijiniggers hate SEA so much?

>> No.59159137

>Mumei's 3D fails to beat nippleman
>cue a hundred deflection and virtue signalling threads
top kek

>> No.59159254 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers can't tell how time works

>> No.59159349 [DELETED] 

If they were intelligent they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.59159440

>he isn't racist
Go back to plebbit

>> No.59159475

They failed to make it in that market while Hololive suceeded so now they try everything to make it seem like they didn't lose

>> No.59159495

More like 98/2, amirite?

>> No.59159512
File: 205 KB, 527x445, 1611926658952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell a numbertranny made a thread because they always end up circlejerking each other kek

>> No.59159525

Everyone hates SEA.
Even SEA hates SEA.

>> No.59159600

>It seethes

>> No.59159702
File: 74 KB, 600x609, 1695043585130469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59159742

The nijinigger shrieks in fear upon being found out

>> No.59159814

Skin bleaching will not help

>> No.59161481


>> No.59163329

98/2 is more realistic

>> No.59163628

why the hell would people care about numberfagging with male vtuber stream numbers? I've very rarely seen it on /vt/ this is oddly specific and says a lot about you instead of the supposed boogieman of yours

>> No.59163746

Too bad we didn't get as much porn of this one as I had wished, the whole one leg part works wonders as just sliding to the side for easy insertion.

>> No.59163797

I like Selen and although don't watch her every time she streams I'm kinda surprised she hasn't earlier, she has been getting shat on by staff pretty hard the past few months.

>> No.59163875
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, 1691424892247330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59164044

Shu was the speculation, but it turned out to be Mysta.
But Shu is basically doing the same thing Mysta started early in the year when he finalized his graduation - putting out very little stream content and just chilling with the occasional collab.

>> No.59164048

Numbertrannies are cum eating cuckolds that watch whores from Hololive EN and JP that have orgies with Holostars. Have boyfriends husbands and kids too. Seanigggers poorfaggoots normalfaggots seamonkeys schizophrenia people from Indonesia

>> No.59164632

It's even funnier when nipple man's 3D beat the shit out of holo summer event with all of the top tier holo lmao, numbernigs are probadly mad

>> No.59167342

>She wouldn't fit in at all
Yeah, Cover can't afford to rebuild all door frames to let her in.

>> No.59168270

Selen should just go to VSPO EN

>> No.59168472

And start from scratch? Ain't no way. She, like the rest of Lazusydia, will sink with the EN branch.

>> No.59170152

VSPO_EN transfer was make-believe after all

>> No.59170362

nijiEN is growing stronger than ever. why would she quit?

>> No.59170878

How much of a faggot are you?

>> No.59170951

Enna claims she barely has enough to cover her rent despite being the highest-viewed girl (by far) in the branch


>> No.59170985
File: 392 KB, 369x554, nijisanji english.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep repeating it, over and over again

>> No.59172174


>> No.59173906

The saddest thing is that it has a non zero chance to not be a stupid rrat.
