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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59043964 No.59043964 [Reply] [Original]

>mother owns multiple horses
>also owns exotic birds including peacocks
>also just bought a brand new car a few weeks ago
>also plays golf often
How goddamn rich are they? The model is closer to real life than I thought

>> No.59044035

oh, that's why she's a creepy asexual. she's never had to put out.

>> No.59044047

fucking idiot. Can't she see she's disuading possible paypigs?

>> No.59044055

I want Rin to colonize me like her people did on mine for hundreds of years.

>> No.59044071

Rich people need to fabricate their own made up struggles because they've never had any.

>> No.59044076

>How goddamn rich are they?
That's about average for Norman descendants.

>> No.59044077

>mother owns multiple horses
you just know.

>> No.59044167


>> No.59044184

stop perpetuating that "we wuzz" tier meme. How many recent PM have been of norman descent?

>> No.59044713

Bruh you can tell just by listening to her fucking voice she went to public school.
For you filthy yanks: In Britain a public school is a private school attended by rich people. Normal schools are called state schools. Don't question it, it would take too long to explain.

So yeah. Rin went to posh twat school and probably has a lord or lady somewhere in her family.

>> No.59044759

There's a reason why she likes Mori so much and claims she's asexual

>> No.59044945

I want to marry her for her money.

>> No.59045049

The story's not that complicated. They're called public schools because when they were first founded, they were the only schools in Britain that were open to the public, albeit for a price.

>> No.59045081

>Bully by her mother

>> No.59045321

I can save her.
And her money can save me.

>> No.59045471

Can you guess which Shire she's from according to her accent?

>> No.59045512

Israel is a bourgeoisie settlers colonial state.

>> No.59045603

There are only three kinds of "asexuals" in the world.
Girls who used to be e-sluts, and want to divorce from that persona.
Ugly girls who want special attention.
Child molestation survivors.

Long time Splatoon fans know know that Rin is the first.

>> No.59045804

cool fanfiction anon, but you posted on 4chan, not your blog

>> No.59046005

>Lacks the critical information
>Acts like a fag
Many such cases.

>> No.59046086

>tfw no posh british autistic private school gf who can still be saved

>> No.59046237

Can you STILL tell someone's class from accent? In 2023?

>> No.59046933

Yes nigger

>> No.59047090

Vtubing and anime don't seem like posh hobbies.
>Cheap, liked by poor people and third worlders
>Repetitive predictive plots
>shallow themes, no philosophy or history, shallow psychology and characters
>Escapism for manchildren
>vulgar fanservice
>parasocial escapism for manchildren, lots of shameless pandering
>Trashy fanservice
>Vtubers avoid any serious topics like politics, history, feminism, even sexuality
>Cheap, liked by third worlds(unless you are a whale)
>Shameless merch shilling
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both. But I acknowledge they are the fast food of entertainment. I never imagined that posh people would enjoy them. What does she sees in it? Can British anons weight in? Wouldn't her friends and family make fun of her?

>> No.59047122

>shallow themes, no philosophy or history, shallow psychology and characters

>> No.59047251

>ends working as a vtuber
How bad did she fucked up in life?

>> No.59047269

Autism is one hell of a disability.

>> No.59047288

>In Britain a public school is a private school
... what?

>> No.59047316

Gender reveal party must've cost a fortune

>> No.59047393

>How bad did she fucked up in life?
She's a NEET who can't function.

>> No.59047411

>multiple horses
Going to need Rin x Horse voiced AI

>> No.59047450

My uncle owns peacocks, and that nigga broke as hell.

>> No.59047451
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>He doesn't know
Where do you think the idol-corp funding comes from? Her mom literally paid them to hire Rin, so she stops being a useless slob.

>> No.59047582

I'm sorry but it's true. Compared with classic literature, auteur cinema, or even modern literature. Anime is rather shallow.
There will certainly never be K-on scholars like there are for Dante, Shakespeare, Wagner, etc.

>> No.59047607

people like what they like and everyone's friends and family makes fun of them

>> No.59047760

Does he also live in a mansion?

>> No.59047948

They used to be the only schools open to the public, before the state ended up having its own schools.
"Private school" refers to the school's owner.

>> No.59048006

Classism is alive and well.

>> No.59048022

She's literally the opposite. Think Crazy Rich Asians but weeb.

>> No.59048043

thank god almighty

>> No.59048065

>being rich means you don't have to put out

>> No.59048066

Where do I apply to work as her mom's boytoy?

>> No.59048077

Nevermind, I thought that was Shiori.

>> No.59048092

nobody is this stupid, right?

>> No.59048148

If porn has taught me anything, apply to be her pool boy.

>> No.59048158

Girls tend to enjoy sex, SEAchama.

>> No.59048166

Yeah, you

>> No.59048173

Yeah there's a lot of it in this thread.

>> No.59048360

good, good. the rich should live in fear they'll have it all taken away at any given time.

>> No.59048430

Not when they develop AI killer drones they won't.

>> No.59048440
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lmao I thought holo-X was already shareholder kids, they're doing even more shareholder kids? fuck off then, took me forever to like Laplus and I only do because I view her as a victim of her own circumstances, she's terrible at being rich and causes problems for other rich people. other than that I refuse to consume content not starring people from my own class, if the rich can't maintain the illusion that the product is about the consumer they should just be shot I guess. what good are they then? these rich people are broken and we need new ones, historically speaking that's not even a joke, it turns out the the son of the son of the son of the son of a good leader isn't a very good leader, especially when your their taste in women is just actual trash. society was always pairing you off with the Megan Fox to reward the hot dumb girl, not you, because your kids will be unremarkable, it's a deliberate mollification of a would be warlord: give em the hoe.

lol fucking rich people and their below even a midwit Prince Harry children.

>> No.59048500

>not rich enough to buy her way into hololive

>> No.59048588

why would lui be a shareholder kid when she has to double dip? if she can get nepohired she can pay the bills without having to patron service.

>> No.59048616

Kind of how like British say “sucking off a fag” rather than “smoking a cigarette”. They all grew up on a tiny inbred island. It’s best not to put too much thought into their quirks.

>> No.59048642

Women are nature's capitalists.

>> No.59048869 [DELETED] 
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also buy an ad nigger

>> No.59048893
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>also owns exotic birds including peacocks
You mean you don't own a peacock?

>> No.59048991

you’d be surprised how many rich people are mentally I’ll. there was literally a millionaire oilbaron schizo in /wvt/ that had no self awareness of how retarded he sounded everytime he opened his mouth. escapism and being horny gets you into this hobby

>> No.59049039

on the contrary it’s because she’s rich that she can even afford to be one

>> No.59049148

Friend owns a pair of peacocks. Their natural bird calls sounds eerily like a human crying out "Help me!" Very uncanny.

>> No.59050514

There are rich people who get into shit like this.

>> No.59051221

There is a difference between capitalists and aristocrats. That kind of behavior is relatively normal among capitalists, but Rin's background seems to be aristocratic.

>> No.59051493

NTA but I know there used to be a Splatoon YT account. what was it, if you don't mind spoonfeeding

>> No.59052133

shes from east anglia and they dont have shires (apart from cambridge, which is a city and its county was named into a shire)

>> No.59052283

Your meyers briggs type does not care about your background.

>> No.59054021

To buy yourself a way onto hololive, you need to be at least an Indonesian princess

>> No.59054116

I mean, her mother literally confirmed they have two kitchens as well. Which normal household has that?

>> No.59054172

When you put it that way, yeah, I guess that makes sense.

>> No.59054238

You know, if they are filthy rich, it explains a lot.
Like, why Rin never washed dishes or cleans her room.
She probably never had to do anything in her life.

>> No.59054258

>OP thinks the prince part was just kayfabe

>> No.59054340


>> No.59054375

I'd fuck her still

>> No.59054427

>Family pays someone to hire you

That's sad, if something like that happened to me I'd just end it.

>> No.59054761

I seem to recall Rin bought like 2 new PCs and a Laptop despite claiming she doesn't make that much.

>> No.59055563

>doesnt make much
>doesnt matter because she was already rich
ayy lmao

>> No.59055567

Thats normal for the upper classes and wealthy
Your first few jobs are basically paid for by the family in cash or favours

>> No.59055697

She’s related to the king

>> No.59055778

Eat the rich

>> No.59056025

I'd eat Rin out in a heartbeat too anon

>> No.59056350

Her behaviour makes a lot of sense if you consider her as a spoiled rich girl who never had to work for anything or worry about a thing.

>> No.59056405

Kinda based. Needs correction by balding poorfags

>> No.59057193

Buy (somehow even) more ads.

>> No.59058446

He's right. I like anime, but most of it IS just shallow trash.

>> No.59058643

Well, not anymore I don't...

>> No.59059473

needs correction from at least three ugly bastard vtubers

>> No.59059739

You might enjoy life more if you stopped being invested in shit like this that doesn’t matter

>> No.59060181

Rin is Royal how many times do you need to be told that

>> No.59060244

Don't forget Autism and you should be thankful she was allowed to be known unlike what the English Royals do

>> No.59060789

>ywn be her ugly bastard butler

>> No.59060983

I dun give a single shit what any of you all are discussing
I just want to rape the shit outta her, and you all anons i would also invite to rape revenge night, in a line or in a bunch. but i call first dibs

>> No.59061146

peacocks aren't that exotic.

>> No.59061209

put out doesn't mean that you retarded ape monkeys

>> No.59061244

Rin is a disgusting human being. I feel sad for her orbiters.

>> No.59061272

I see, it's the old "hiding in plain sight" strategy. Nobody would expect a member of the actual British aristocracy to become an entertainer so the silly too-clever-for-herself thing to do would be to make her character a member of the nobility too. So wacky and relatable!

>> No.59061291

Why does she only care about stuffed animals from a cheap furniture store and old Nintendo games if she's rich?

>> No.59061316

shouldn't it be turned around?
how can a retard ever make bussines?

>> No.59061331

>Child molestation survivors.
>Rin is rich and an heir to a seat on the House of Lords
>Prince Andrew exists

Yep, it checks out

>> No.59061893

because its quirky and funny among the type of people that should get ran over by a Dodge pickup

>> No.59062699

What would you care about if you were rich?

>> No.59062746

Most authentic vtuber

>> No.59062848

I don't care about your 2 view faggot

>> No.59063037
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She is not just a sexual vtuber but THE sexual vtuber.

>> No.59063446

She doesn't come from a family with that kind of peerage.
There's 750 hereditary peers. Just being one of those doesn't net you a seat in the lords though. It simply means you get to vote on which among that 750 gets one of the 90 seats in the lords set aside for hereditary peers. When each seat comes up for a vote (when it is vacated)

>> No.59063455

Because autism and ADHD hyperfocus. The autism also explains the body dissociation and asexuality/aromanticism. If you watch the coming out video from JaidenAnimations it explains a lot.

>> No.59064471
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goyim pays

>> No.59064577


The big combo to becoming a weeb and falling entering the vtubing rabbit hole

If she's like any other normal daughters of the royalty, she would be working in a boutique private equity firm that her family owns in London or something fancy like that. Because of the disability, she's parading as an anime girl on the internet instead.

>> No.59064849

so shes the reine of idol? also explains why she was pushing for a faggot branch. it doesnt matter whether she stops getting supas when she probably has more money than her entire viewerbase combined.

>> No.59064949

>she was pushing for a faggot branch
[citation needed]

>> No.59064957

some saudi prince bought the first first issue of superman or something for a million or more dollars. dont underestimate autism.

>> No.59064975

Did you think all those $500 Akasupas were sent by dole bludgers?

>> No.59065039

if we consider anitubers as modern anime scholars theres more than you can count kek

>> No.59065167

watch streams

>> No.59065286

Why would she give a fuck about paypigs when she's rich?

>> No.59065293

yeah she really is a spoiled rich brat thats her appeal and it is so hot

>> No.59065294

I get her heart you can take her pussy, anon

>> No.59065345

tldr the reason juna collab with males was because rin pressured her to do so

>> No.59065429

by faggot branch, do you mean homos or actual faggots?

>> No.59066114


>> No.59066283

It's either hyperfocus on dumb shit or give in to the ennui that comes from having enough money to not have any issues in your life

>> No.59066543

I wouldn't be playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii when you can get the exact same version on Steam.

>> No.59066549

no, there are some weird people who just don't like it. (some of them are men.)

>> No.59066959

It's not the retards who build the business. They inherit it and then go wild because their entire life revolves around money.

>> No.59067047

Well she's anonymous so this kind of hobby can't hurt her family's reputation.

>> No.59067386

>zoomers are too lazy to focus so they all think they have adhd

>> No.59067653

It's extremely easy to do in the UK. If you are working class it doesn't matter how rich you get people will always be able to tell you are working class within 5 seconds of speaking to you. It's something Americans struggle to understand as they just have one homogenous culture.

It's why UK middle class parents will spend huge amounts of money and make huge sacrifices to get their kids into a private school because it basically ensures they'll have middle class peers/mannerisms. (Also middle class includes rich people in the UK, upper class is people who have titles like the queen etc who basically don't interact with the larger population at all)

>> No.59067659

You just know her mom paid Aviel for the job. She probably paid for the botted views/subs as well thinking about it.

>> No.59067903

Far as I know they live in a actual castle and Rin has been to a party before where either the queen or the prime minister (not sure but it was a high up politician of that stature) was present. So if you want to know how rich they are the answer is basically yes

>> No.59068207

My aunt used to own one peacock back when she still raised turkeys. Apparently they just hang around with the other birds but the smell of them keeps foxes and coyotes away.

>> No.59068361

Dude I hate to break it to you, but your friend may be a sea-witch turning lost greek mariners into livestock.

>> No.59068430

i want to be rin's paid man slave

>> No.59068502
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>It's something Americans struggle to understand as they just have one homogenous culture.

>> No.59068770

I mean in terms of class. It isn't a thing in the same way.

>> No.59068808

thats an aristocrat then

>> No.59068993

where can I find that /wvt/ schizo

>> No.59069078

>There will certainly never be K-on scholars
But that's what I am.

>> No.59069191

it fits

>> No.59070392

Until one of her peers looks up vtubers and finds a clip of her and starts to blackmail her or some shit. It's not like she's a 2view

>> No.59070878


>> No.59071182

No I want to see this jewish funded old money bitch kill herself

>> No.59074845

Blackmail her over what? VTubing is not a scandal.

>> No.59077765


>> No.59077770


>> No.59077997

She's genuinely autistic and being rich just means she never had to get treated.

>> No.59080184
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>K-on scholars

>> No.59080989

>donating to super rich people
That sucks.

>> No.59081621
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>donating to any streamer or ethot at all

>> No.59082871

>Romeo and Juliet is not shallow compared to anime amd manga
Anon... are you retarded?

>> No.59083308

Are you?

>> No.59084293

Makes me want to kidnap and rape her more

>> No.59084789

Her mother basically chases rich people then divorced them, she's pretty well off after doing this with a few guys but the most recent ex was the jackpot basically landing her entire family with a mansion, Brits are insane

>> No.59089995


>> No.59090056

Rin's mom is living the life Choco desires omg

>> No.59091058

More like Rin SEXRose

>> No.59093649

She should create her own vtuber company

>> No.59094647

its not the leaves that blow in the wind its the wind that blows in the leaves

>> No.59095494

Very common in flipland. They have a main kitchen and a dirty kitchen to cook food with charcoal or wood fire.

>> No.59096435

Well for the posh Bri'ish upper echelon it surely is

>> No.59098825

that's just kayfabe, iykyk

>> No.59099550

I tried watching a few of her streams. Both of them had her rambling aimlessly and being smarmy enough to be low key irritating. The ones with her mom roasting her were more digestible. This is after watching dozens of her shorts, which ironically I enjoyed quite a lot.

>> No.59099582

but enough about Reine :^)

>> No.59099619

>Public school
>Is private
Do britoids really?

>> No.59099624

Too bad being rich doesn’t make you entertaining

>> No.59099825

Bins cool he/she plays the splatoon and don’t afraid of anything
