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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59026685 No.59026685 [Reply] [Original]

"How do you tell when a painting is done?"
"You never really can," he says with a small grimace. "You just... at some point, you just have to stop."

Previous Page: >>59014152

>> No.59026709
File: 629 KB, 2559x4096, F6k89yzbcAAIlaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HJGBZ8OxzA

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ_WaZLlPp0
Latest Short: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/drAvIF_RL7U

I Cannot Stand This【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HapAxpaFnSY&t=10033s
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella


Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/t9zuc
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv

>> No.59026795
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Pagely reminder that Shiori~n is the cutest.

>> No.59026817

You're goddamn right she is.

>> No.59026831
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>> No.59026871
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i think i have a crush on Shiori Novella. nothing huge, just a tiny tiny crush.

>> No.59026887
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shiori is cool and i'm watching last night's vod

>> No.59026919
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>> No.59026947
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Can't wait for my goth wife to beat the dragonforce frog

>> No.59026985
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>> No.59027008

>no membership post today
she hates us

>> No.59027137
File: 3.80 MB, 862x700, Dirty number lover[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7e3ex4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon as the last page, but here's an alternative with just Shiori's face.

>> No.59027180
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Have to go out to a dinner with friends tonight so writefaggotry will be somewhat short. Only covering the start and end of the experience.
>Shiori and you, her professor, had set up plans to see a movie together
>It was supposed to be an educational trip
>So why are you dressed so nicely? You aren't expecting anything of it are you?
>You look at the time and notice you're actually running late
>You paid too much attention to your appearance
>Shiori was there, in her usual gothic attire and jacket
>"Professor! I thought you were standing me up! You're late!"
>She pouts at you, but you're used to her antics by now, you know she's not being serious.
>You apologize profusely to her anyway, knowing that's what she wants from you
>She smiles cheekily then tugs onto your arm.
>"I'll forgive you this one time professor Anon, let's head inside!"
>Inside the movie theatre, it seems it's only you and her for this, no one else is coming by
>"A private date?" You thought to yourself, shaking the idea out of your head, it's not appropriate for thoughts like that, she's still your student
>"Maybe in a few years" you think to yourself, restraining yourself from further indecent thoughts.
>But Shiori doesn't make it easy for you
>"Hey professor, it's pretty warm in here huh?"
>Before you get the chance to respond, she takes off her jacket in front of you, you see her bare shoulders now
>You blush a little, but she isn't giving you a moment to collect your thoughts
>She instantly sits on your lap after her jacket is off, then she casually tosses it on the seat she used to occupy
>"Professor, since it's just the two of us, lemme set on your lap, it'll be fine right?"
>This girl is truly a handful right now, you can't do anything but allow it to happen
>It's so tempting, you don't even know where to rest your hands
>She notices this and playfully inches closer towards you, taking your right hand and placing it on her leg, your left hand placed just on her waist
>You try to move your right hand just a little but she quickly notices and her hand snaps onto yours
>"You can't do that professor, not for a few more years anyway."
>Both of you are aware of this, but she's still teasing you anyway, she's in a position to be able to
>She shifts her body towards yours, her bottom dangerously close to your crotch
>You attempt to move but you're already as far back on your seat as you could be
>She slowly moves along your leg, back and forth, as if trying to stimulate you a little, however you both know that if you inch closer towards her, she'll get off of you, you also know that if you initiate anything, she'll leave
>You sigh a little, realizing the frustrating situation isn't going to get any better, and you resign yourself to your fate of being teased.
>Throughout the movie, Shiori is rather engrossed in the film, at some point there's even a kissing scene
>For that scene, she gets close to your ears and a soft "mwah" comes out of her lips, you know that kiss was intended for you, but she plays it off saying "Hehe that was just for the film professor."
>Once the movie ends, she gently gets off of your lap and puts her jacket back on
>"Thanks for watching with me Professor, oh, how about this?"
>She hugs you tightly, nuzzling her head against your chest
>You feel warmth from her, and you put your arms around her for a little
>She lets go after a little while then whispers: "In a few years professor, maybe that mwah will be for you?"
>Before you can respond, she walks off, waving cheekily
>You turn around and prepare to head home then she yells
>"Oh! Professor! Tomorrow you're helping me disect frogs!"
>A smile appears on your face, "Guess tomorrow will be eventful as well huh?" you muse to yourself.

>> No.59027225

Why did Shiori start doing a professor and his student roleplay? I really like it

>> No.59027315

Part of the skit from the Minecraft stream

>> No.59027329

Chat was supposed to take her on a Minecraft holoserver tour and tell her all about it because she is clueless.

>> No.59027373

>im an archiver
>actually im goth
>actually im a yakuza leader
>actually im a princess
>actually im a little sister
>actually im a student
anon shiori gets bored and picks a new theme every week

>> No.59027405
File: 941 KB, 736x1181, NakedNovelite[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxw8k9m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I WILL NOT stop loving Shiori even if this is a one-sided parasocial relationship!
>I WILL NOT stop mentally breeding her with lovey-dovey hand-holding missionary sex with the intent of having enough children for my dork goth wife to start a book club with!
>I WILL ALWAYS give my dork goth wife an ear for her to talk to when she goes into her endless tangents!
>I WILL ALWAYS love her voice unconditionally!
>She will ALWAYS be worth going through Hell for!

>> No.59027417

and again...

>> No.59027486

What will be the theme next week?

>> No.59027533

she owns a big house and im her buff poolboy

>> No.59027606

She's really pushing the limits of teasing, it's fun.

>> No.59027618
File: 55 KB, 524x680, akshually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you realize that's all tied in with her Archiver lore right?
Any book she chooses to read she can experience. Goth book? She's now a goth. Book about a princess? Yep that's me now.
Little sister and student? I'm experiencing this now baby!

>> No.59027644

Are we finally due for an onee-chan arc?

>> No.59027667

It's always something new with her, bet her sex roleplay is just as diverse.

>> No.59027688 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 1311x2048, 1693685269277846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shiori Novella. Not just a tiny crush, but a full-on, consume my thoughts and actions type of love.

>> No.59027711

she said she'll try it at least once but i fully expect her to fail at it, whine and give up before 5 minutes pass

>> No.59027723

Priest and a sinner.

>> No.59027731

God please Shiori I beg you.

>> No.59027760
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How was the movie?
Didn't watch live, I'm in vod territory now with like 3 streams of catchup
Starting to slightly feel a lil left out whenever Shiocracy comes up in vods even though I know I really have no impact even when live

>> No.59027794

Nearly stopped my heart.
But Shiori was wonderful and she's such a good girl and I enjoyed the movie.

>> No.59027829

Her movie got struck midway even though it's public domain so she had to swap from watching with us to watchalong.
Pretty cutesex today.

>> No.59027858

More fun than the first watchalong

>> No.59027901

Don't worry Novelite, even if you're not caught up, you're here with us.

>> No.59027926

Is the vod fine?
Is there a public video she used for the movie or do I gotta download, and did she set it up so everyone was well in sync after that?

>> No.59027951

Vod's still up so I think it's fine, just the movie on YT is fine too but it's about 20-25 seconds ahead.

>> No.59027980

The movie is on the youtubes.

>> No.59028095
File: 218 KB, 512x512, UjoBZZzyL6SQ_9EP--ut8As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i saw it stop halfway through for 50 seconds due to policy breachment i got so scared i never want to see that screen again

>> No.59028121

Well, got a good ending.
Everyone lived, got with Myka, no war, southland healing, everyone mostly happy. a satisfying way to end my night

>> No.59028141

Nice. Congrats.

>> No.59028330

That's based tho

>> No.59028374

She's going to burn herself out...

>> No.59028748

i want to fuck her

>> No.59028762

>playing Stay
>have my happy ending with Myka
>still greedily wondering if I can prevent the war from ever happening
Do I settle for my happy life with Shiorin or keep going...

>> No.59028788

Keep going.

>> No.59028816
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 1692326389780641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to pass out and then wake up early to finish packing for my move tomorrow, goodnight Novelites.

>> No.59028821
File: 146 KB, 1000x1083, 1691404384780535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how easy it is to pick out the /vt/ bros posting well articulated, thoughtful and constructive comments in the comment section from the horde of subhumans. Shigger love!

>> No.59028882

Rest well and good luck for tomorrow!

>> No.59028979
File: 92 KB, 579x441, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I achieved the first ending, but I had to sacrifice the city and become an exile with Myka.
worth it I guess, since She's the best girl.

>> No.59029064

Goodnight and good luck anon. .

>> No.59029119

For the love of Shiori, don't identify anons.
Nothing good can come from being cognizant of who you're posting in the thread with.

>> No.59029504
File: 338 KB, 1200x815, Akatsuki.no.Yona.full.1901074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pages? Bjorn Andresen in death in venice
Bookwyrm? handsome dragon boys from shoujo
Novelknights? Yorick with a bucket helmet

>> No.59029515
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1674914716237642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many Mykafags here...

>> No.59029530

I wonder if she made that sandwich.

>> No.59029618

Ganbatte anon, keep looping once you learn about the ghost and the word in archaic language in the lake you do not need to flood the city

>> No.59029665

She feels cute and dorky. I am an Ossani boy, by the way, but it's hard to get her ending.

>> No.59029702

Don't tell me you're a Suzettefag...

>> No.59029716

I keep looping... I can't figure it out... I'm going insane....

>> No.59029734
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>> No.59029737
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If Shiori ever watches this, you just know she's going to fall for the pretty bad boy Suwon

>> No.59029742

Myka is LITERALLY Shiorin.

>> No.59029747 [SPOILER] 

anon I already learn about it but I still need to sacrifice the city...
maybe I need another loop

>> No.59029764

Just pick different options dummy

>> No.59029779
File: 295 KB, 1668x1668, 1546500930639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor Shiggerman, doctor of dirty number lovin studies, here. I am now contemplating a rentry on numberfagging for absolute crayon eaters because I'm bored out of my mind at work. You did this.

>> No.59029815


>> No.59029830

I didn't have a crush on a e-celeb like this for a looooooooooong time. This girl is amazing.

>> No.59029836

I do but I'm not sure how to heal the South without stealing artifacts and exiling myself. I even did Suzette where she said "Oh yeah I have a ton of artifacts" but didn't get to use those to heal the South.

>> No.59029857


>> No.59029885

What do you need to sacrifice the city for?
If it's the war you can save the city by telling the general that the snow will melt
If it's because you want Myka to see Fiore, then yeah

>> No.59029887

talk to Jo more

>> No.59029924

Talk with Jo more, you will learn more about the gem and it will not be necessary to steal it from Suzette anymore

>> No.59029974

I think that anon is referring to relics in the Archive, not the phoenix egg gem

>> No.59030057

Please do

>> No.59030116

now you finally understand how Okabe Rintarou or Natsuki Subaru feels.

>> No.59030141

Nothing changes... I can never save those I care about... no matter what I do...

>> No.59030144

I think you only need to blow up the dam to learn PROTECT. The Veris fight can happen just by going to the lake.

>> No.59030205

I will put this into my notes

>> No.59030251
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>> No.59030326
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I let Myka die in the war.

>> No.59030368

How? Isn't that only possible in one of the really bad early loops?

>> No.59030393

It definitely can. You need to learn what Veris wants, then you can go to the dam and just summon it.
If you go combat route you can do it as soon as you meet Ossani. In the other routes, I forgot when you can visit the dam.

>> No.59030407

this is my bad take
actually zusette are not that bad, just basic.
she's just have "asian parent" issue, and actualy a very sweet girl.
And I don't want he to suffer much like everyone else.
That's why I pick Emiya Shirou route.

>> No.59030421

Not him, but I unironically do. Though I still think only Madoka got time looping drama right.

>> No.59030422

Yeah, I think it's before you can even warn the generals. It only happened in one loop for me.

>> No.59030450

I wish it were more like Hoshino Kazuki though.

>> No.59030452

I still want a loop where I can go insane and kill everyone by my own hand.

>> No.59030494

Ah, yes, I almost forgot about Akemi Homura, the girl who finally had a meltdown and became an evil entity. I'm honestly surprised that there's another sequel to the Madoka Magica movie.

>> No.59030511

There should've been a loop where you convince them to invade the south.

>> No.59030619

poor those southerner, they live near the old cursed city.

>> No.59030635


>> No.59030699


>> No.59030746 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 815x1021, Gemma End.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59030884

I think this is the best end, thought maybe the ending where you show Myka the meteor is better since it ties the end and the beginning

Don't take the gem from Suzette during the war. Instead, find where the gem is in the city, and grab that

>> No.59030928

My brother I am way past that, I'm trying to stop the war without getting exiled for stealing artifacts.

>> No.59031016

Just don't steal them artifacts and let the world burn? War is the only hygiene of the world.

>> No.59031108

I have to stop the war... I need my perfect life...

>> No.59031147

You don't have to
You don't need it
Wallow in mediocrity and barely good enough

>> No.59031148
File: 290 KB, 1000x1000, 1692324788531599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding onto this, you need to learn how to phonetically sound out archaic words otherwise you won't know how to pronounce PROTECT - you can learn this by going the magic route

>> No.59031190

No... this can't be happening.. it can't

>> No.59031219

Shiori, if you are here, I want to thank you for this make your choice book. It has been a lot of fun.

>> No.59031288

For those who have played/are playing the novel;
Realistically, do you think you'd maintain your sanity long enough to reach a happy ending, or would it break you?

>> No.59031358

There would definitely be loops upon loops of just staying in bed.

>> No.59031383

I would spend like 50 loops researching magic and doing whatever I want. I don't think there is a time constraint involved.

>> No.59031408

I'd probably go crazy, unless I managed to find the stone in the city. If I achieve that, I'd probably be mentally strong enough to loop until I get a good enough ending.

>> No.59031441

I still don't get why is Jo a "they"

>> No.59031460

So, Jo decides to Stay in the first loop and transfer responsibility to us. Jo lives the rest of their life peacefully in that world, comet having been averted, but presumably without us existing. I assume this because we can decide to Stay in the universe we choose.

>> No.59031475

I let the war happen because that's how I fell in love with Gemma in the first place, how does the story change?

>> No.59031507

Accidentally posted this without finishing my thought. The thought is; Does every loop we do exist as its own multiverse? Every time you fail to stop the comet, or refuse to, do you doom an entire world of your friends to a painful death? I've been stopping the comet every loop I can, even if I just plan to reset it, so as to minimize the suffering of those I leave behind.

>> No.59031512

to give freedom for the player.
How you see them, and what kind of relationship did you want....

>> No.59031541

The teasing is truly the most memorable part in a relationship
My dick and heart are both satisfied by your work
Thank you

>> No.59031549

They made Jo a They to keep gender ambiguous
but unfortunately they also made Jo BLACK

>> No.59031647

Now you making me think Jo is a slime pet I am keeping since I going magic route and all

>> No.59031771

>Shiori went for Jo
Once you go...

>> No.59031808

>Having a comfy star gazing with Suzette
>Then suddenly "Prepare for war"
Wtf is this game

>> No.59031818

Based Suzette enjoyer.

>> No.59031852

Yorick, aka me aka you, is literally a (admittedly chunky) drop of ink. Can't go blacker than that.

>> No.59031931

>Shieet, I ain't gun have non dat responsibility
*presses stone into your hand without explaining anything, dooming you to multiple painful loops of suffering and many more to get things right*

>> No.59031937
File: 342 KB, 1080x1920, 1691492407505689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna... im gonna COOOOOOMMMM

>> No.59031967


>> No.59032036

I have katawa dick now.
I need to mull over Stay for a while.

>> No.59032054

oh my...oh my GOODNESS

>> No.59032069
File: 260 KB, 1543x1950, 1687344340379458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop cooming

>> No.59032082

uhhh....you got dick prosthetic or a half burned dick ?

>> No.59032122

nah it's oldfag shit I don't expect anyone here to remember that reference.

>> No.59032123

His dick has no hands.

>> No.59032148

Maybe I don't need kisses. Maybe I just want hugs. Her hugs are always a lot more affectionate and warm than the quick peck kisses.

>> No.59032163

My dude there's needs and then there's wants. Are you entirely sure you're putting your chosen action under the correct heading?

>> No.59032185

I NEED to breed Shiorin

>> No.59032228

haha maybe I just want a crumb of female affection haha bro wouldn't that be crazy...

>> No.59032272

I remember and I think Shiori's hitting me with it too

>> No.59032356

Wtf I getting emotionally attached to this text based game...

>> No.59032384

Yeah that's what stories are supposed to do
If you don't get attached it failed, and boy don't a lot of them fail

>> No.59032471

lost in the fantasy of Shiori sitting in my lap watching a movie

>> No.59032510


>> No.59032578

I really want to bitch slap Suzette mother.

>> No.59032636


>> No.59032689

Do you think Suzette's mother will accept my marriage with Suzette if I am a Magic shop attendees?

>> No.59032735

Wait, how does YouTube copy strike a fucking public domain Hitchcock movie? Bet her manager (an her) were PISSED

>> No.59032745

nope materialistic full of pride asian mother like her, will not allow you to getting closer with her "lifetime investment".

>> No.59032792

But the nation is at war, coup and stuff happened because harvest failed

>> No.59032912

I've turned down Suzette quite a few times.

>> No.59033014

I don't want to be horny anymore.
I just want to be happy.

>> No.59033028

This is Shiori's latest follow on twitter

>> No.59033048

Objective waifu review
Suzette - saviourfag bait, the one know-it-all overachiever we all knew in highschool. 6/10
Jo - Le Childhood Friend (well, college roommate). Shy, thoughtful, sweet, and smart. 7/10
Genma - The Patricians choice for tomboy enjoyers. 9/10
Myla - manic fairy pixie dream girl. 10/10

They're all pretty much generic stereotypes but I thought they were executed well and have good chemistry with the protag.

>> No.59033059

How is she so girly?
She's like peak feminine.

>> No.59033101

Today's hug was so good because she hugged us, nuzzled, stepped back a bit and nuzzled again. Yes Shiori, this is the GFE I want.

>> No.59033103

peak GF material

>> No.59033269

I don't smoke but Shiori might get me to pick it up

>> No.59033289

Shiori doesn't smoke or drink

>> No.59033305

shiori doesnt know what sex is

>> No.59033312

Guys who smoke are cool and broody.

>> No.59033353

This is why Esteban is the true ending.

>> No.59033377

He was a bro for sure but I ain't gay or a girl shigga. I got him back into painting at least

>> No.59033388
File: 673 KB, 2731x4096, 1668635949875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only Jofag in this thread? I wish she had a bit more character in the story, but that's still my preferred archetype.

>> No.59033398

I remember Shiorin talking about choice of games in a past stream, is this a plot from her to get us to play those eventually?

>> No.59033401
File: 1.47 MB, 400x446, 1685815017859632.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I WANT for you to succeed in doing so.

>> No.59033422

I mean, I'm not gay, but I still did an ending or two with Esteban.

>> No.59033431

If you want to check them out, you should. But I think she's going to mainly stick to free to play stuff.

>> No.59033434

Jo has a dick.

>> No.59033458
File: 29 KB, 153x138, 1626947787751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretend I do not see.

>> No.59033464

I wish Shiorin would consider a membership watchalong of The Addams Family (1991).

>> No.59033473

I want to sing A Whole New World with Shiori.

>> No.59033487

this is how I imagine about Jo, but he was a femboy.

>> No.59033516

Shiori, you can still post daily life stuff in the members tab y'know... I want to see your cooking, show me the P&B sandwich you made...

>> No.59033518


>> No.59033528

It's okay, I'm the only Suzettefag in this thread.

>> No.59033539

I do not forgive her for killing me.
It may be an underwater bridge for you, but I do not forget and I do not forgive.

>> No.59033545

What a weird way to come out of the closet. Good for you anon.

>> No.59033571

When does she kill you?

>> No.59033577

Jo has the least physical description of everyone (they're short) and uses neutral pronouns. It's quite clear they're supposed to be whatever you want

>> No.59033606

I guess maybe it's never happened to you if you've been a Suzettefag from the start, but she'll butcher you at the ball if you're not.
Happened to me on my first combat path run when I tried to use magic like a bitch (although I'm sure you still get run through if you ready your sword and charge)

>> No.59033611

>Just a crumb of attention milady
Kys, she already does way more engagement than she needs to

>> No.59033626

Wow. Rude.

>> No.59033640

I remember the game describing Jo having a buzz cut. Can't remember when though.

>> No.59033643

When she went schizo at the ball early on for me, Mister Pent killed her.

>> No.59033706

she's not instagram/tiktok attention whore.

>> No.59033747

I think in the first run when if go down the combat path, but they're a soldier that path, of course they buzz it short

>> No.59033748

One day she'll do a cooking stream. But she needs to actually eat regularly to do that...

>> No.59034426

writefag anon explored the concept of constant looping in writefag yesterday
the idea of looping too much that you just tired and want to finally rest. >>58961214

>> No.59034662

I'm built different, I could endure thousands of loops

>> No.59034663
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1600072915181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, no deep analytical rentry because this thread is mentally ill and needy enough. Maybe at some point in the future when people mellow out more and won't go all schizo for a crumb.

Preface for neurotic anons
>AIIIIIEEEEEEEE NOOMBERS, my oshi is a stone cold killa and wouldn't mind it if she had 1 viewer (me)
Delusions about average vtuber’s mental stability aside, the point of this is not to get big numbers and then go “my oshi mogs, everybody else sucks.” It is to try to give your oshi and the fan community the best possible experience throughout the journey. Having more fans means a more secure position, more opportunities, more fan content, and just more people watching in general. She wouldn’t be a streamer if she didn’t want people to watch her.
Being a vtuber is a Red Queen’s race. Every day viewers move on due to age, circumstances, schizo meltdowns, changing tastes, or just looking for new toys. The chuuba has to attract new people all the time just to maintain status quo. Her having to worry less about it is better for everybody.
>I don’t even know what a digit is, when I see # on my keyboard I have to smash it
Cool. Do you feel good about psyopping yourself into not helping your oshi for no fucking reason?
>I want my oshi to have 20 viewers and interact personally with ME ME ME
Ogey. We both know this isn’t happening in Hololive though. If you decided to watch a chuuba from the big number company you might as well do right by her.
>b-but I am just one tiny speck of anonymous viewer dust, what could I possibly affect?
It’s good to think about these things in terms of probabilities. Entertainer’s career lives and dies by chance. One day they are nobody and the next day the world decides to play a prank and give them a clip with millions of views. No talent or effort increment separates the two points. Most of the time these changes are small but happen often. All the chuuba can do is load the dice in her favor by trying her best every day. And you, as a fan, can help your oshi with that a little bit.
Also consider that the average HoloEN VOD has about 100 comments.
>I am too shy to engage with my oshi’s content in a visible way/I think the community is cringe and don’t want to participate
It’s fine. Do your best.

Baby shit
This is the tl;dr section. The bare minimum you can do to give more visibility for 10 seconds of your time per stream/video/community post. Most of you reading this watch streams for more than 10 hours a week and then shitpost on /vt/ about her for another 10, so just do it.
>If you are not subscribed for some reason, do it through the most watched video on the channel after watching it.
>Leave likes. On everything. Videos, shorts, streams, community posts. Don’t forget old ones if you are going to watch them. There are metrics for channel overall. Do not spam likes on videos you didn’t watch a second of.
>Leave comments. See above. Say something nice. You have a couple of sentences to say about your oshi, right?
>Watch videos and streams. Actually watch them. Embeds on other sites do not count for YT’s system, tabbed out streams do not count, muted streams do not count. What youtube can’t check is if your browser is the active window (it can tell if it’s minimized) and if your system volume is turned down. Rule of thumb: if you can see and hear a non-embedded stream on one monitor while posting “this girl sure is cute today” in a separate browser window on another one then it probably counts; if you can’t then it probably doesn’t. Having another window over the youtube window is fine.
>Prioritize watch time per view. Try not to click your oshi’s videos just to bail a few seconds later if it’s not a short. If you want to rewatch some moment, try to watch for at least 6-7 minutes. Works for raids too, btw. If you are not going to watch the stream, leave before you get redirected.
>Participate in community polls.
That’s it, you are good. Don’t be the guy who sends a supa every stream but never gives engagement.

At this moment I was hit by a strong wave of déjà vu and decided to spare you further schizophrenia. Maybe next time we will have a deeper dive into youtube algo, the concepts of box and YT's semantic network, why viewfarming bad, learn how to be a better clipfag, how to skeb, and ponder what are organic growth, mind share, and signal boosting.

>> No.59034675

Uhm ok

>> No.59034752

I don't get why shiori still hasn't fixed her chat box on screen, all she has to do is ask any of her EN senpai for help if she doesn't know how to. It's that easy

>> No.59034757

I need that one audio where Shiorin says "jee relax it's just a number"

>> No.59034760

I would literally tear everything down for Shiori.

>> No.59034777

Talking with people you don't know is incredibly hard

>> No.59034786


>> No.59034788

Please refer to the "preface for neurotic anons" section.

>> No.59034790

I don't like to like videos, because Youtube curates a Liked Videos playlist automatically and I used it to bookmark stuff I genuinely liked. It's mostly full of music and I'd rather not have a dozen Shiori streams clogging it up.

>> No.59034822
File: 20 KB, 1366x60, lurkingokay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint. Fuck off.

>> No.59034844 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 1080x600, 171651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the first and only ending i got because I don't want to play/read anymore

>> No.59034850

I love her so much bros

>> No.59034871

Please refer to the "preface for neurotic anons" section.

>> No.59034872


>> No.59034884

Unironically this kind of shit belongs on reddit or twitter.

>> No.59034896
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>> No.59034901

I don't use either so I will post it here.

>> No.59034924
File: 8 KB, 917x45, 1603374144284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to go back to lurking instead of giving me all those (you)s.

>> No.59034995

>It's a long life, it's a good life, and it's yours
They really should've had this change depending on how good the ending is.
True/Great ending? That spiel.
Mediocre ending? Ending acknowledges your life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.
Awful ending like that? It states you must have been too tired to continue on despite how terrible the future you have is.

>> No.59035005

Yeah good luck with that
If (You) REALLY want this number to work you should engage with a bigger fan base like twiXer or Reddit
Your effort here have next to zero impact to the algorithm

>> No.59035011

Oh my fucking god kys attention whore, nobody is reading all that word salad

>> No.59035064

Well no one here is going to take you seriously because this website has been owned and operated by lifelong NEETS for 20 years.
You are anonymous, and this website shares a space with people who think that anything resembling fun is a Jewish plot to destroy the planet. How do we know that you're not trying to sabotage Shiori out of spite? I really like Shiori, but astroturfing is just going to end up hurting her.

>> No.59035131

People who will interact with Shiori will continue to interact with Shiori. People who want to view Shiori from afar will view Shiori from afar. I'm going to assume you only mean the best, but forcing engagement isn't how to do it. I believe that Shiori will eventually draw more and more people to her side, and maybe those who only wish to observe will become involved. There's no need to rush these things either. She's in a good position either way.

>> No.59035164

Does anyone else ENJOY feeling depressed and empty inside?
That heavy emotional feeling you get after a prolonged period of thought and introspection. There has to be a proper word for it, I'm just not sure what it is.

>> No.59035183


>> No.59035185

Why did that numberfag post get so many (you)s, i just ignored that shit

>> No.59035195

Suicidal temptation?

>> No.59035206

Good morning, baka.

>> No.59035216

Nah I'm not suicidal right now.
Just brooding and contemplative.

>> No.59035218

Not right now. Ask me again during streamless days.

>> No.59035231

We're streamless right now.

>> No.59035235

Shut up, Raskolnikov. Suffering for suffering's sake isn't worth anything.

>> No.59035268

Suffering is addictive. You begin to crave the feeling of empty, cold pain.

>> No.59035317

So masochist is the word you’re looking for

>> No.59035328

I got my dose of Shiorium. It will last for another 6 hours. I will then go into a phase where I'm excited for the next stream. When there isn't a stream to look forward to I get a bit sad.

>> No.59035344

Do we have a SINGLE sane Novelite?

>> No.59035354

Sanity is overrated

>> No.59035373

Does being a writefag inherently make me insane for some of the situations I can come up with from a simple prompt?

>> No.59035375

Trying to decide if I want to endure pain for pleasure (take a shower)

>> No.59035396


>> No.59035398

Name five normal authors.

>> No.59035399

Define “Sane”
Also you’re trying to find someone sane on 4chan

>> No.59035425

Where is the pain?

>> No.59035436

We idolize a woman who will refuse to watch media if she can't self insert. There's no sanity to find here.

>> No.59035437
File: 363 KB, 724x670, 1690959886330100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only began writefagging because Shiori inspired me to, half of my shit that gets posted in this general is made up on the spot, I took no inspiration from other writers.

>> No.59035463
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>> No.59035500

I have to strip my clothes from my flesh. I have to enter the prison chamber that comprises my shower. I must endure the water, which will take a short while to reach an ideal temperature. I must clean my defiled corps. Then I must dry myself and redress. Afterwards I will go on a long journey on foot in search of mortal pleasures whose location is unknown.

>> No.59035554

maybe this is the true ending ?
The land in the south are healing, the north win the war and peace treaty were signed, then banished the comet.
Nobody dies in this loop, although the story only focuses on Suzette, Esteban, and Ossani. The game stops mentioning Jo and Myka after I graduate from the academy

>> No.59035578

Shiori threads are a combination of the most depraved, the most depressing, and the most existentially poignant conversations.
To say these threads explore more, in greater depth, than the average Homer epic is no exaggeration.
And yet, I must pose; why are we like this?

>> No.59035594

It's not true ending unless you learn about Gemma, Suzette's girlfriend, and Esteban's painting

>> No.59035598

just like stand users autists attract each other

>> No.59035635

>that second one

>> No.59035643

That’s what happened when you’re oshi attracts the both ends of the bell curve

>> No.59035646
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>> No.59035664

Fuck my typing

>> No.59035690

Minor spelling mistake.
To the dungeon with you, Novelite.

>> No.59035708

Shiori Saṃsāra stream when?

>> No.59035711
File: 476 KB, 990x1607, 1690960072630198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does the writefaggotry fit in this?

>> No.59035713

The most sane you could find in here are the type of Novelknights who
>it's okay for not getting a heart and rarely bitching about it
>they accept shiorin advice for self improvement
>They dislike homo collabs, and they would never watch the collab or would leave her right away, but they don't spread hate on her persona.
>actual faggot who start reading and writing because they have genuine interest to do that.

>> No.59035731

All three, of course.

>> No.59035769

really tempted to write something super fucking depressing

>> No.59035772

Sounds like me for all 4. Guess I'm good.
I'll still stay and try to redirect her course as long as she doesn't pull a Kronii stick it to her fans moment but I genuinely believe Shiori wants what her majority audience wants best, so unless Shiocracy is a bunch of retarded faggots that approve, I think redirecting course is possible.

>> No.59035782

Go ahead. Unzip your darkness. Do your worst.

>> No.59035783

C.S. Lewis
Herman Melville
Sun Tzu
Jackie Chan

>> No.59035785

To the dungeon and have your carrot circumcised,

>> No.59035801
File: 86 KB, 750x920, A30010C2-12D0-47C0-8A00-6590FC1753E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s me you’re talking about

>> No.59035810
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>> No.59035893

I shudder to imagine what Shiori would think if she could see our conversations.

>> No.59035899
File: 399 KB, 340x284, 1668137156198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me.
I am clinically insane

>> No.59035911

It's just a regular Saturday night for her.

>> No.59035975

She's so cute, mwah~

>> No.59036003

Dealt with worse in her previous archives www

>> No.59036004
File: 228 KB, 1020x1447, 20230814_100142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of my lawfully wedded wife, Shiori Novella-Anonymous

>> No.59036015

Honeslty, I would probably be morbidly curious about what a bunch of schizos even like about me enough to stick around a radioactive autism black hole.

>> No.59036048

Shiorin please play Trails in the Sky yes there's romance but you play as a girl MC you can just self insert as Estelle.

>> No.59036058

Look at that fat face!

>> No.59036065
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 665c110b19ab41f8b8d3f218af0ae5704d669bf980d0593d43709582ef33e2d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shisus Novella you are all retarded.

>> No.59036075

Praise be to Shisus

>> No.59036081

STFU hideaki anno
get some help

>> No.59036090

I love you Shirio....

>> No.59036105

Who the fuck is Shirio?

>> No.59036118


>> No.59036139

ahhh fuck !!

>> No.59036147


>> No.59036199

I question how you all function in everyday life.

>> No.59036226
File: 246 KB, 2048x2048, 16327163729101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my good golly

>> No.59036227

You can avoid the war.
You can save everyone.
And you can be happy.
Epilogue should mention everyone.

Also this.

>> No.59036291

>im an archiver
>actually im goth
>actually im a yakuza leader
>actually im a princess
>actually im a little sister
>actually im a student
Why does she keep trying to push her fetishes onto the stream?

>> No.59036323

She just wants to be pampered and doted on

>> No.59036324
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 1563835512807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really good at hiding my power level from people who aren't worthy of my true self.

>> No.59036328


>> No.59036332

I kinda don't?

>> No.59036333

this song are my average life.

>> No.59036362

I actually masquerade as a totally normal, boring person in everyday life.

>> No.59036374

I can't sleep. I need some Shiorium.

>> No.59036381

This song is mine.

>> No.59036401

>everyday life
RUMAO even

>> No.59036409

next are big sister
there's no mommy fetish, don't give saplings ammunition for sperg.

>> No.59036413

Patrick Bateman

>> No.59036431
File: 3.55 MB, 300x170, MotivationalHug[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyoibq0.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59036470

>be me
>eat well
>exercise well
>write down random fanfiction based on anon prompts (or Shiori's if she posts one.)
>watch Shiori streams
>move on with life after, doing my work or playing vidya.
Dunno, think I function pretty well.

>> No.59036476

>something you don't normally get
>from me
You didn't need to specify that last part Shiorin, I don't normally get that from anyone.

>> No.59036478

ha..halo grandpa

>> No.59036496

the road is already paved anon

>> No.59036524

I require Shiomonkey to be posted.

>> No.59036543
File: 377 KB, 480x480, shiorimonkey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fowa1ro.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59036604

>I hope you have a good meal
>Never have a good fucking one
why my oshi are fucking stupid.

>> No.59036610

Post the one where Shiori calls us stinky and tells us to shower.

>> No.59036687
File: 419 KB, 645x676, 2023-09-21 21_23_17-【初配信】今からデスゲームを始めます#一条莉々華初配信 #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me.>>59035713

>> No.59036694
File: 1.00 MB, 1323x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she pandering to /#/ tho
also hi shiori I know you're /here/ now

>> No.59036754

Do I wanna know
If this feeling flows both ways?
Sad to see you go
Was sort of hoping that you'd stay.

>> No.59036805

Old 2view, never took off.

>> No.59036826

I dont

>> No.59036828

What is Shiorin doing now?

>> No.59036843


>> No.59036853
File: 145 KB, 526x477, 1600699404655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Shiori 'never been bullied' Novella just doesn't have any idea what she is doing and it was supposed to be an own?

>> No.59036873

What if she was just being stupid.

>> No.59036896

Her intrusive /here/ thoughts almost won.

>> No.59036898
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>> No.59036972

She was very /here/ this stream. Either that or cosmic interference had her on the same wavelength as the thread. It was wild.

>> No.59037039
File: 171 KB, 1905x2560, 1693064376127733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear no one knows how to contextualize things and what words mean anymore. Just throwing sentences together because they HAVE to say something.

>> No.59037114

If I stop posting I'll die

>> No.59037190

Bros, I think I fell in love. You don't know her, so don't even try to guess.

>> No.59037214

Is it... Is it ______Myla___?

>> No.59037313

I'm really tempted to try to write my own version Stay now.
Probably a totally different setting but same time loop theme.

>> No.59037461

Just finished watching the VOD, that was a great movie! I'd never even heard of this movie before so I'm glad Shiori introduced it to me

>> No.59037462
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>> No.59037466

That's ambitious. Do you write at all?

>> No.59037752

One question
Who is Myka?

>> No.59037861
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1664846484439430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better, what is Myka?

>> No.59037925

Where is Myka?

>> No.59037943

My bed.

>> No.59038011

How long is the text adventure? I haven't started it yet.

>> No.59038012

Oh yeah? Well, I had sex with your wife.

>> No.59038041
File: 50 KB, 898x278, 1688499290825055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she speaking Fr*nch...?

>> No.59038045

2 hours at most if you want the best ending.

>> No.59038111

what will Mykafags do when Shiori says that she hates Myka's route the most

>> No.59038127

I'll do you one better, why is Myka?

>> No.59038133


>> No.59038139
File: 943 KB, 2048x2048, 1667573289620545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about Shiori? She's an IDIOT.

>> No.59038191

Nice bait shiori

>> No.59038199

She ignored Myka on her first playthrough because she was gunning for Jo.

>> No.59038208

Shut the fuck up Iroihs

>> No.59038215

I will show (You) kindness, dear tourist.
go to her channel, and check on community tab, then find a post about the book club text adventure game.

>> No.59038225

Yes and also no.
I was a prolific writer a DECADE or so ago in high school and generally got very good grades/reviews of my written work assignments (incl a short story)
I've done on and off (E)RP in videogame settings and would say I have decent prose.
Really the difficulty I foresee is motivation and time, I feel confident I can write a compelling story but the amount of time it would take to brainstorm and write said novella could take months or even years.

>> No.59038279

it's okay according to her wisdom.
I will accept but, doesn't mean I will not judge.

>> No.59038301

>bump limit
I think it would be cool if we did something for her birthday. Some kind of a gift or something. Her birthday is may, 2nd and I think I'll start discussing this at the beginning of December because we take really long to settle on things, plus executing and delivering. Thoughts? Something without names or name dropping /shig/. I just want to beat discordfags.

>> No.59038312

She just like me.

>> No.59038319

There's not really much to hate but I can see her disliking Myka's route because she's too similar to Shiori.

Might as well get started now then. A lot of good writing projects take fucking ages so get a hang of the INK system or whatever Stay uses and start writing.

>> No.59038331

Community VN project

>> No.59038341

sending another happy tea

>> No.59038368

Can support this, not sure how it would be done in practice, though.

>> No.59038385
File: 2.76 MB, 1500x2000, 1670078330089761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Jo.

>> No.59038398


>> No.59038400

I'm fine with this.

>> No.59038428

Like this one, would need to disperse autism pills to make a good community VN tho

>> No.59038474

We still have enough time to study her likes and interests for something that would leave a long lasting memory of us. I was just stating that I'd love to do that in the future and was wondering if other shiggers are on board.

>> No.59038524

Jo is brown. They were very careful to provide almost no details, but they do let slip that Jo has a brown cheek.

>> No.59038536

Jo mama

>> No.59038558

It's Bijover

>> No.59038592

She was just shoving her face in cinnamon powder before that description

>> No.59038597

We have the writers for this. Only question is: what genre?

>> No.59038601

My headcanon > author

>> No.59038606

it's quite hard anon, this place are an open anonymous forum.
we even don't know who the real shiggerman or just a fucking tourist that want to shit on /here/.
>then make a temporary discord server ?
lol you inviting a bunch of doxxnigger.
/shig/ will always stay in the dark.

>> No.59038679

Romance driven fantasy thriller where anon has to go through multiple time loops, each more fucked than the last, until he reaches shiori;gate

>> No.59038794

It could be impossible, but I thought /who/ did something similar. Am I mistaken?

>> No.59038804

projects can be done using throwaway accounts. No discord involved, but there has to be one anon who is comfortable in giving updates under such an account.

>> No.59038845

I could agree with this

>> No.59038915

What's up with the huge amount of ESLs here

>> No.59038932

ESLick deez nuts

>> No.59038945

esl wife = esl shiggers

>> No.59038954

Streamer reflects the audience, duh.

>> No.59038958

It's early morning in North America.

>> No.59038965

It's SEAhours

>> No.59038974
File: 3.21 MB, 1500x2000, rkgk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Jo

>> No.59038976

Look at the clock, inbred angloid.

>> No.59039000

I love dogs

>> No.59039002

Still would...

>> No.59039024

Will the clock talk to me and answer my question if i look at it?

>> No.59039027

In Three Houses the MC is a Professor, though I'm not sure how she feels about Male Byleth specifically

>> No.59039074
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>> No.59039084

>Brown skin
>Nice thighs
She's perfect

>> No.59039100

It's all lore, larping is literally part of her backstory lol

>> No.59039107

I'm gonna go for a Jo ending :D

>> No.59039121

I'm watching the Flare anni stream right now, is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.59039130

Shiggerman...where the baked cookie at...

>> No.59039159

It’s a cool idea but I highly doubt tho
Smaller the group higher the chance to complete

>> No.59039160

She wants Male Byleth to do unspeakable things to her.

>> No.59039174

FUCK, I forgot that I'm a manlet in this game. What would I do if Jo suddenly decided to go for my ass?

>> No.59039175

i think she legitimately has multiple personality disorder

>> No.59039227

E.S.L are a new type of meds.
Encapsulate Shiori Love.
pure extract, crystallize Shiorium.
don't forget with your daily ESL intake.

>> No.59039232

I don't usually bake but if i do I'm going to choose a silly quote for the op

>> No.59039249

Goodnight. I'm going to dream of Shiori.

>> No.59039285


>> No.59039403

Dr Seuss please

>> No.59039419

She did say she had four voices...

>> No.59039443

Be careful, concentrated shiorium is known to cause Novelight syndrome

>> No.59039446

Can we discuss how Shioiri is lesbian-coded next thread?

>> No.59039462


>> No.59039469

As long as the girl looks like a cool guy.

>> No.59039482

Why am I seeing Shiori in flare...

>> No.59039512

have hot steamy sex with Rissa

>> No.59039520
File: 993 KB, 2014x1875, 1595871836188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody pays attention to the beholder plant thing... I feel kinda bad a this point.

>> No.59039687

It's a Flowers of Evil reference I believe

>> No.59039700

Shiori LOVE

>> No.59039932

I mean, maybe, but she inserted it into her twitter header, room design, the farm skit, membership badges, knights design poll. It feels like it's supposed to be a bigger thing but she never elaborates.

>> No.59040002

It’s the hidden lore she wants us to explore without restrictions

>> No.59040013

Stop noticing. Don't think.

>> No.59040144

she's the real boss villain in advent.
It's going to be interesting if, in the future, Yagoo decides, "Alright folks, let's release the custodian who put advent in jail as the fourth EN."

>> No.59040180

Next page


>> No.59040438
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My wife btw
