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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58980006 No.58980006 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58980046

I can fix her

>> No.58980156


>> No.58980521

The average university student is a bad influence

>> No.58980534

I can be her friend...

>> No.58980603

vegans are annoying to go out with

>> No.58980624

Hi, Mumei.

>> No.58980900


>> No.58980948

>has people that want to be friends with her
>tells them off
she had it coming

>> No.58981203

Someone tell him

>> No.58981249

How the turn tables...

>> No.58981411

>and I should NOT have friends

>> No.58982260

Too bad. I had many friends in school and uni cause I was that one weird chuuni guy with a trench coat. Even the school bullies thought I was cool which was kind of hilarious.

>> No.58982438
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>> No.58983154

>Le sea Boogeyman

>> No.58983298
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>> No.58983301 [DELETED] 
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>le proven doxx
get fucked trash kek

>> No.58983364
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>> No.58983407

Yeah I believe it

>> No.58983479


>> No.58983544

This, you always need to check whether the place you are going had a vegan option

>> No.58983773

Oh no SEAsisters...we got caught. What's our next cope? Shall we talk about friends again even though it outs us every time?

>> No.58983804

>Sea is bad because... it just is, ok.

>> No.58983835

So that's how Fauna looks like, always knew something was up with the voice

>> No.58983906

heh projection

>> No.58983932
File: 14 KB, 589x126, Jakartaschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I was struggling for my next angle, that's a good one. Let's move from "le SEA boogeyman" to "there's nothing wrong with SEA"
What if they counter us then with picrel? Do we have a response?

>> No.58984070

KEK no fucking way, ISRAEL
explains this board perfectly

>> No.58984237

This is something that I couldn't understand.
Like do you want to be alone and lonely
Or are you longing for companionship?

Like which is it?

>> No.58984269

it's over

>> No.58984702
File: 489 KB, 847x696, 2439375 - Aladdin Beauty_and_the_Beast Belle Captain_Hook Cinderella Cinderella_(character) Jasmine Peter_Pan Princess_Aurora Sleeping_Beauty VictorZulu Wendy_Darling crossover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>population of Indonesia is over 270 million
What the fuck.
>Indonesia has the 4th highest population in the world

>> No.58986484

Indochad we cannot stop winning.
t. Indochad with Schizoid, schizotypal, Antisocial, Borderline personality disorder (sadly not a schizophrenic TT )

>> No.58986547

I am not your friend.

>> No.58986564


>> No.58986638

>Atractive young woman has no friends

>> No.58986810

Take your own advice

>> No.58986824


>> No.58986855

We could have saved you fauna. You just had to let us

>> No.58986863
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>friendship with vegans

literally impossible

>> No.58986998 [DELETED] 

That's a straight up lie, do your research and you will see

>> No.58987094

>friends with a vegan
woah who's the desperate faggot

>> No.58987201


>> No.58987248
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>> No.58987329
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>> No.58987344

You don't know what the word "friend" means

>> No.58987413

there are no real unicorns. there are only ironic unicorns. nobody actually cares about males. it is all an inside joke.

>> No.58987443


>> No.58987448

how pitifully naive

>> No.58987484

Mumei isn't wrong, vegans have a tendency to be self-righteous whenever their veganness comes up in a way vegetarians usually aren't.

>> No.58987516

What does any of this have to do with unicorns? I couldn't care less about males collabs. I just wanted my favorite streamer to be my friend. Even Mori, Bae, Kronii will be my friends. The fact she thinks less of me than them is so messed up.

>> No.58987544

>We can never be and should never be friends
>Why don't I have any friends?

>> No.58987560

Nta but Indonesia has been so irrelevant to the west for most of its history unless you're Dutch or into the spice trade that there's no reason to know anything about them as a country today.

>> No.58987595

wrong thread?

>> No.58987614

To be honest it's kind of fucked up how Fauna treated Mumei and Bae in Japan. It's no wonder they drifted away from her. Although Mumei also deserves some blame for being kind of reactionary/conservative about it and maybe overreacting a little.

>> No.58987762

She doesn't think less of you. Wtf? She was just stating a fact. You can't get angry at someone for saying the truth

>> No.58987805


>> No.58987819

>t. cuck

>> No.58987900

What QRD, have you never met vegans?

>> No.58987906

I'll assume that thumbnail is from a SEA creature and it should say "I HAD no friends". The important thing to take away is that she's lying and had friends.

>> No.58987911

Except we all ready knew that. Nobody wants to have their emmersion broken like that. But her vegan lecture brain took over and she stomped all over our hearts. I just wanted a friend. It wasn't even a deluduon about girl friend or any thing. And she couldn't even let us have that.

>> No.58987949

What did Mumei do?>>58987614

And no, they are not common in my country (I respect them though)

>> No.58987995

Dude, if you care so much maybe it is better for you to have the immersion broken.

>> No.58988067

The last intersection that Fauna and Mumei had was before the Japan trip. They havent interacted since. After the Japan trip during Mumei's member stream she went on a whole rant about how much of a pain "picky eaters" are and specifically gave examples of going for food in Japan. She didn't directly say Fauna but it's obvious who she meant.

>> No.58988116

They have a tendency to be self-righteous and lecture people on how bad it is to eat meat. Vegetarians do this too, but the fact that they'll eat eggs and dairy means they don't have anywhere near as much of a stick up their ass about it since you know, they'd be massive hypocrites to go full lecture mode on how bad animal products are when they do it too, they just don't like animals being slaughtered.
They also make it an absolute bitch to go out to eat anywhere unless you live like in India or something where there's lots of vegetarian meals for religious reasons.

>> No.58988177

You're right. Maybe I should just unmember, unsubscribe, stop superchatting every stream, and move on to a chuubas who cares about the emmersion like FWMC.

>> No.58988282

>I have no friends

>> No.58988320

I think it's funny because mumei hates veganism but is pro-bug eating unironically.

>> No.58988324

>They havent interacted since.
omg so true beckyyyy! they totally hate each other!

>> No.58988418

to be fair, internet friends aren't what I'd call real friends. If you've never met up irl then you're good acquaintances at best

>> No.58988481

Mumei is an hippocryte. What else is new. Fauna and Mumei are the two worst hires Hololive have ever made. American women are bad enough, but white women on top of that... just... too much

>> No.58988563

It's actually disgusting because it's literally an industrial diet of fake food. Like most american food is fake or lacking in nutrients but no one eating potato chips is claiming they're saving animals or being healthy. Vegans are self-righteous about being unhealthy. Veganism isn't tied to any traditional diet either, it's some weird shit americans from californian cities invented in the 1980s to be obnoxious decultured subhumans, pretending they're actually cool europeans with culture while shitting all over actual gastronomy.

>> No.58988619

>if I can't mooch cigs and food from you and live on your couch, can I really call you a friend?
Fuck off, dave.

>> No.58988628

If you need a friend so badly, maybe try making a real one.
Why are so many butthurt people going to Fuwamoco?

>> No.58988676

There are actual normal healthy ways to be vegetarian at least, I brought up India specifically because the ban on eating meat for centuries for religious reasons meant they had to come up with an entire culture's worth of dishes that don't contain meat. But that's not vegan, most of their meals use milk in some way. Veganism is hilariously restrictive in what you can do with it.

>> No.58988725

Because they actually care about emmersion unlike the vegan pseud and will never say we can't be friends.

>> No.58988960


>> No.58988987

Thank you

>> No.58989016

I have arrived in the thread to make it slightly less brown

>> No.58989047

No. You can't. Don't even try.

>> No.58989108

To be honest Fauna was always mediocre trash and the only reason people thought they liked her was because she pretended to be our friend. I'm glad more people are waking up to the fact that she's not funny and has no talents. Her only skill was manipulating gullible retards and just like everything else in life she threw it away to dunk on the parasocial incels who just wanted to be her friends.

>> No.58989126

>t. coping sapcuck

>> No.58989156

I'm not gonna lie I actually completely made that up.

>> No.58989183
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Grim thread. He's been arguing with himself for 4 hours again.
Anyone posting after me is Jakartan.

>> No.58989186

India has a lot of vegetarians, not vegans. Honestly outside of L.A and New York you won't find a variety of vegan places.

>> No.58989238

So Mumei didn't say anything about Fauna's veganism?

>> No.58989257

cringe samefag retard

>> No.58989300

I have no idea I don't watch Mumei I just thought it would make the discussion more interesting

>> No.58989310

>45 IPs in an 84 post thread
It's damn near impossible for that level of samefagging to occur. 2 of them are mine though.

>> No.58989381

>vegan lecture brain
God you anti vegan fags are the worst. WTF does that even mean? Just say that you hate her because she's vegan. You pseud fuck.

>> No.58989391

average holo anti

>> No.58989427

Wrong, airplane mode exists. It's super easy, you newfag retard.

>> No.58989432

yes actually i'm just racist i think this board would be better without SEA

>> No.58989435

>what is phoneposting

>> No.58989438

>Everyone I don't like is related
Vegans don't pretend to be European. That's a very strange notion. European food is famous for using butter, cheese, stock, etc.

>> No.58989456

Are people here really pathetic enough to do that?

>> No.58989498

No, I hate her for her posturing and pseudointellectualism and acting like she's morally superior and can lecture me and everyone who pays for her job about things like friendship when she's never had to struggle with friends in her life. Which is exactly how vegans act.

>> No.58989589

It means vegans like Fauna are prone to lecturing for no good reason, and you'd glean that from that post if you weren't dead set on protecting your brain from Fauna criticism. And you only called him a pseud because people are calling Fauna that and you're trying to deflect it back at them. Pathetic.

>> No.58989685

Holy shit, get over yourself.

>> No.58989726

anon you're talking to a phasecuck, they've been upset about being cucked by a balding woman

>> No.58989993

>As "Fauna" and "saplings", we cannot be friends, or, we should not be friends
>I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know. But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun
>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.

>> No.58990095

is the phasecuck ogey?

>> No.58990245

They hate him because he spoke the truth, I bet these same saplings are also the ones who suddenly care about immersion and start shitting on the male-collabing holos

>> No.58990293

How did it feel to be cucked by a balding woman, by a man that lives in his grandmothers house?

>> No.58990352

How does it feel to seethe over vtubers who you decided you don't like because your immersion is only convenient and real when it matters to you?

>> No.58990379

Are you ogey cuck

>> No.58990417

I'm done with this retarded pokemon

>> No.58990423

>posturing and pseudointellectualism and acting like she's morally superior
When did she do that ?? You schizos live in another dimension

>> No.58990428

>we can't be friends incels!!!!

>> No.58990512

are you ogey cuck, why did you start watching a bald woman anyway?

>> No.58990536

Burgerfaggots learning demographics is amazing to witness

>> No.58990570

>we'll only keep /uuu/ up during streams and that'll stop it being a convenient target for antis and reduce shitposting!
>/uuu/ archives
>spend literally the entire intervening time responding and bumping to every single catalog bait thread until the next /uuu/
Good job retards

>> No.58990626

/#/ is the seething sapling and hooman hideout these days
It's also where the redditcucks come to complain about r/hololive
A terribly grim sight

>> No.58990657

When the balding woman cucked you, were you on numbers thread at the time? Must have been a terrible experience for you

>> No.58990707

This is why I can never take the "CDCGT"fags seriously. They're just spineless hypocrites who will put up with actual contempt from a streamer just because they throw them the tiniest of bones. For their own sakes, they need a wakeup call. They will happily put up with anything except male collabs and delude themselves out if it. I wish all these CDCGT grifters would just collab with males so that all these deluded self-loathing males can wake up and realize how shitty these grifters are, but obviously it won't happen since they're all misandrists. Fauna, Gura, Mumei, etc. are all terrible.

>> No.58990731

phasecuck stop seething and watch streams

>> No.58990928

Ikr? If only they just ignore and hide the bait thread and only post on the good thread like this one >>58983854

>> No.58990946

While I agree, I don't think Mumei deserves the same label as the other two and has never shown contempt for fans. Fauna had this holier-than-thou speech and Gura straight up doesn't care, Mumei tries her best to communicate even when sick or having problems.

>> No.58991095

Jakartan here, it's almost 2AM here and if it's really the same Jakartaschizo then I am honestly just amazed by his dedication

>> No.58991217

Mumei's actually the worst of the batch and openly displays contempt and abuse for her fans. She even bans viewers who get too parasocial. The irony with these CDCGTfags and anti males is that Mumei literally have done a Holostars collab and all her cucks shit on BAE for it. Unicorns are hypocrites.

>> No.58991412

I've heard like 5 holos say the same thing lately
