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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 50 KB, 415x356, 2023-09-20 105240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58917987 No.58917987 [Reply] [Original]

Bilibili holo channels started uploading videos after 3 years.

>> No.58918172

yeah, that's freaking weird, are there any Chinese Employees stealing from Youtube now?

>> No.58918401
File: 71 KB, 622x780, learn-how-ligth-works_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nothing new, it's not run by cover anymore. Just some CCP faggot reuploading form youtube. Was talked to death in catalog weeks ago

>> No.58918438

how did you retards gaslight yourselves into believing that shit? cover owns all the accounts.

>> No.58918627

>foreign companies owning anything

>> No.58918675 [DELETED] 

how did you newfags not do your reps about how all Cover accounts maintained by Bilibili mods. Fubuki's own Bilibili mods sperged out during the Coco drama.
Cover does not have any control over them.

>> No.58918699
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Is this really the conclusion /vt/ retards came to? Fucking embarrassing, those are all verified Cover accounts

>> No.58918714

The last thread just died and it's has a poor performance, let's see how this one perform

>> No.58918908

nijisisters the accounts were always owned by Bilibili mods.

>> No.58918966

mmyes it's well-known that that all bilibili channels are under the sole control of the creator. Bugmen would never upload content from other sites to theirs to generate revenue for themselves. They are globally renowned for their strong IP laws, which are upheld at all times, and especially in dealings with non-bugs.

Would be more believable from a new IP

>> No.58918974

i actually knew something, but never bothered to talk about it because it thought it wasn't important. but lemme tell you anyway: did you know that Rushia's bilibili account got deleted a day after her youtube channel got purged?

>> No.58919008
File: 457 KB, 939x536, 1609455598575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the holo accounts have their bilibili sub status removed from the descriptions yesterday. That means they are no longer a proxy and Cover is in control. Fucking clueless newfags.

>> No.58919342


>> No.58919403
File: 10 KB, 683x135, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give you newfags a history lesson. The bilibili accounts were jointly operated by fan translators AND Cover management. Some were originally just fan channels, but they became "official" and then Cover gained access. During the spergout, for a few weeks, some of the accounts were hijacked by those random translators, but all of them were eventually turned over to Cover. ALL of them. And most were never even lost in the first place.

Here is a statement by Fubuki's old translators where he describes the events from his perspective, he explicitly says Cover took over the channel so he couldn't fuck with it.

If you speak china there's also like a 3 hour podcast with all of the translator groups who say the same shit, I didn't bookmark it though you have to dig.

>> No.58919520

>owning something
-1000000 social credit, capitalist scum

>> No.58919552

>not including the fansub crossdressing fest afterwards

>> No.58919561

we're talking about a social media account not a fucking business you idiot

>> No.58919644

Cover doesn't own shit and even if they did how are they gonna fucking sue
>bilibili is violating our copyright Xi, please tell them to stop!
>Lol no

>> No.58919649
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Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.58919760

Holokeks will have you konw that the angry communist translators who ran this channel deleted it out of respect for the girl they hate

>> No.58919845

Why would they sue? What are you talking about? It's theirs, they're uploading the videos. There's no problem.

>> No.58919960

Please stop bringing this to /jp/ btw, OP. Nobody wants you there.

>> No.58920092

Did /jp/ gaslight themselves too? Haven't been over there in years.

>> No.58921620

Are you a chink bot?

>> No.58921653

Also, take take back the freaking greenturd out of our threads, please

>> No.58921795
File: 1.23 MB, 1205x1890, 1624707543850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a funny guy.

>> No.58921841

Go back.

>> No.58921873

Anon you can't be this dumb..

>> No.58921960

Yeah, Cover(HoloCN(bilibili)).

>> No.58924732

Doesn't Bili require you to submit your legal name and ID to get a channel? Does this mean there's folder on some CCP bureaucrats PC full of doxx documents?

>> No.58924848

Where did you think all these doxes come from?

>> No.58925144

>Hololive superstar (at the time) mentions the no-no naughty place on stream
>chinese bugs frothing at the mouth, can't believe what they've just heard
>goodwill built up over Hololive's lifetime burned overnight
>ultimatums made, it's them or her
>Cover says sayonara to the bugmen
>"heh, you'll be crawling back to us in no time"
>fast forward, Hololive is the fastest-growing Japanese media entity
>becoming a national staple and amassing a substantial international following
>"h-heh, I guess you guys have had enough punishment, we'll let you back in now"
>"any minute now"
>"please come back"
Never forgive the chinese

>> No.58925177

you can just get a fake ID number on chinese google, literally every kid in the country does it to get around video game blocks

>> No.58925521

Do you really think Cover would fake that? I know corporations commit fraud all the time but I have doubts this is something they'll bother with.

>> No.58925569

Kek. I thought this rrat already died when someone greentext get published by the chinks news media

>> No.58930233

Cover used some manager's info like they do on youtube

>> No.58931495

Do Wolf Warriors really?

>> No.58931545

So much this, China can become a financial and cultural backwater. Fuck tyrants who think they get to edit the fun.

>> No.58931687

As expected Towa is a traitor, but why Kanata? How???

>> No.58931907

You gotta be yellow, have a social score over 1000000, and subbed to Aqua since 2019 to know and understand this

>> No.58932040

I'm pretty sure they hate Aqua's guts over there.
You know, her "betrayal" and all.

>> No.58932072

All I know about this is that China steals everything, Taiwan is an independent country, the tiennemen square massacre happened in 1989, and that OP is a faggot.

>> No.58932290

yeah, and then the same translators held a crossdressing cosplay contest

>> No.58932309

Good, fuck that dumb dragon bitch.

>> No.58932441

Hey, if Gura gets to play Muse Dash again

>> No.58933521

gura doesnt stream.

>> No.58934631

But she might if she can stream Muse Dash! Or even get a song in.

>> No.58936896

>chinese learned necromancy

>> No.58937711

I still don't believe cover is the one doing this, not saying it's impossible just unlikely, I have heard from what anons posted here that biribiri offers a worse deal than when hololive was still there, if cover is ready to return to china then what kind of deal did they reach? Because cover has the advantage in the negotiations, of course they would ask for better treatment than when they were there but what would that exactly mean?

>> No.58937782

or just watched hololive in 2020

>> No.58937788

Kek retard

>> No.58937912

Cover got fucked over by fans, not business partners. They fix their problem by putting out content and getting new fans.

>> No.58938350

Bilibili is the one who incited the fans. To this day they go out of their way to censor any incidental mention of Hololive on any content that appears on their platform. This includes literally editing out Holos from vtuber programs and dubbing over Holo voices in other media.

>> No.58938419

About that, does anyone have that image of B2 censoring Aqua out of Mea's concert?

>> No.58938550

The fans incited the fans. Cover royally fucked up by not addressing the situation properly so instead chinamen looking up the situation found some schizo video explaining it instead. That's not bilibili's fault.

>> No.58938821
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>> No.58939002

you mean Mea censoring Aqua

>> No.58939186

we did this thread 12 hours ago. clever recycling.

>> No.58939288

What is "addressing the situation properly"?

>> No.58939295

need to collect the most replies possible for the ultimate grudgepost after yagoo says he's uploading them at the next shareholder meeting

>> No.58939504

Instead of suspending two talents for a made-up reason and giving the vaguest possible apology they could have explained that instead of a grand anti-china conspiracy, two talents just happened to mention their google stats on stream and neither they nor their talents are responsible for what google presents to them. And then continued on as normal. But they didn't do that, so instead the narrative was written by chinese osama bin laden in a schizo grudge video.

>> No.58939666

Wouldn't have made any different, Chinese wanted Coco fired from day 1. They know what happened, anyone who watched the clip would know, but they don't care, it's just an excuse to go after Hololive and run them out of the market and steal their stuff.

>> No.58939844

No they were actually just mad because of a conspiracy theory.

>> No.58939905

Thanks for exposing your weakness
congratulations you played yourself

>> No.58940059

It didn't help that one of the cn talents was helping push the conspiracy either

>> No.58940110

Oh nyoooo, he's gonna post on /jp/
oh nyoooo

>> No.58940120
File: 2.88 MB, 500x600, baeyBitch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwifcka.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama rises from the grave to give a status update
>suddenly, there's a bunch of threads about Hololive in Bugland

>> No.58940174

no they started uploading on bilibili again like a month ago

>> No.58943628

>Cover has the advantage in negotiations
Are you literally retarded? B2 holds every card here.

>> No.58943761
File: 64 KB, 655x661, 1686531438004380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mihoyo perms soon.

>> No.58947290

I won't stop

>> No.58950662

>ownership meaning shit

>> No.58950770

>hurr chinese people just log into whatever social media account they want because theyre communists

>> No.58950862

Cocobros we fucking lost?

>> No.58951804

How new?

>> No.58952133

jan 2020

>> No.58954281

She plays the fun games for herself off stream

>> No.58954500

Daily reminder that Cover's never coming back to china and there's nothing zhangs can do but seethe about and upload videos to their shitty streaming service in a pathetic attempt to get Yagoo's attention

>> No.58955011

Someone is definitely testing waters with the uploads to see what viewers' sentiments would be. Imo it's probably B2 operating the accounts but maybe they do have permission from Cover.

I am under the impression that JP and otaku culture is getting more shunned in China recently, so not much would be coming out of it, at least not in a short time. So does this actually matter?

>> No.58957088

>I am under the impression that JP and otaku culture is getting more shunned in China recently
The question is by who? Which part of the demography, and which faggot in charge politically supporting it?
Remember, information from China is so scarce that knowing the truth is difficult. What we know is the youth literally just gave up trying because the Party is full of self-serving cucks.

>> No.58957522

They do and so do every other kind of people.

>> No.58961215

Would anyone object to HoloTW
I can't imagine it
but the seethe would be worse than the best chimpouts the americas have on record
Its not like they can remove gura's muse dash permissions twice after all

>> No.58961365

TW, CN, same difference, they're the worst kind of people and act the exact same way.

>> No.58963059

>china needs permission from cover to upload their shit
What is cover going to do if they steal their shit? Sue them?

>> No.58963150

>Someone that is literally banned by the CCP to operate in china suing any chinese company

Good joke mate

>> No.58963383

cover is not banned by the ccp you retard

>> No.58963992
File: 13 KB, 224x248, bugsquasher champ 2019-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are
Are the chinese trying to rewrite history again?

>> No.58964069

do you know what ban means? you would not be able to watch hololive videos on chinese websites if they were banned.

>> No.58964209

COVER is banned by the CCP you retarded brainlet. Stop fucking posting already and go back to your firewall

>> No.58964239

if cover was banned you would not have hololive merch produced in china you retard

>> No.58964500
File: 1.06 MB, 1824x1198, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Hololive compared to something that's actually banned by the CCP (the tiananmen massacre) if you were curious

>> No.58964576

whos the first genshin holo

>> No.58964902

go on taobao and search last of us part 2 if you want too see what's like for something that really got banned then search hololive.
also kys for making me defend china

>> No.58964977


>> No.58969411

...but why? For what purpose? What did they think would come out of this? Am I too European to understand this?

>> No.58969538

You are aware that billibilli is dying right? Cover has no need for them whatsoever - they are doing plenty fine on their own, therefore having the advantage in every negotiation that could occur between the 2 parties.

>> No.58969977

>Am I too European to understand this?
Unironically yes, you should expect crossdressing whenever Chinese and weeb culture intersects
t. chink

>> No.58970177
File: 179 KB, 900x900, also-orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I think the retard >>58963992 is trying to say is: Cover Corperation is banned from doing business in west Taiwa, and not that the word Hololive/Cover Corp is banned from using like human rights or Tiananmen square massacre is.

>> No.58970309

The bugmen issuing that ultimatum when HoloEN just debuted to great success and were projected to grow even more is the best part ngl
They seriously thought they are that significant to Cover, when HoloEN's first gen was bringing amazing numbers in their first months.

>> No.58970359

erm did you use a VPN for that? the CCP might go after you for even typing those forbidden words.

>> No.58970561
File: 21 KB, 735x178, hololeddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open /vt/
>subhuman bug is still trying to astroturfing
i can`t believe these chinks is still trying so hard after getting btfo by holo ledditor mods

>> No.58970654

thx anon

>> No.58970787

What do the CCP drones achieve by spreading lies like this? Do they think that people will drop hololive or something?

>> No.58970804

I don't get it, how did China mind broke /vt/ harder than Jews mind broke /pol/.

>> No.58970889
File: 2.79 MB, 592x592, DO YOUR REPS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8xv7el.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) must be very new /here/

>> No.58970969

Not sure if this had to do with their recent Taiwan localization recruitment. I know that some taiwanese (probably a small number of people) uses bilibili.

>> No.58971040

That's just one incident.

>> No.58971115
File: 1.03 MB, 1454x1706, 1692606979107776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are desperate, because vtuber industry is pretty much dead in china, also bilibili is bleeding cash
with that china great firewall isolation, they can pretty much do anything they want like OP pic, piracy plus puppeteering the girls dead B2 account, probably trying to bait cover to come back, mainland chinks is known for being extremely shameless underhanded backstabber, the jews of asia
they should continue eating and enjoy shit inside their firewall, because they deserved it after what happened

>> No.58971407

>country kills most of their girls because of 1 child policy
>men greatly outnumber eligible single women
>many men go without gf
>many men become the gf
simple as

>> No.58971433

It's simply not Cover.

>> No.58971486

a prolonged incident that affected many talents of hololive mentally. Coco took the blunt of it, but many other girls also got harassed.

>> No.58971716

Did Coco not get along with the other girls? Why did Cover fire her and leave China at the same time? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.58971777

thanks for the very funny joke

>> No.58971819

no coco was liked by the others, and she choose to leave. Cover did not terminate her. Cover left the chines market more then a month before she announced her graduation.

>> No.58971872

blocked holo from every chink related stuff but still selling holo related products, truly bunch of shameless subhumans

>> No.58972002

and bilibili could have taken that video down anytime, but they didn't.
they waited until NOW to take it down.
nice "business partner" kek

>> No.58972104

No official statement by Cover, that means It's nothing at all. Just stop trying zhangs, there won't be a return of Hololive unless you beg them on your knees.

>> No.58972465

As >>58971486 said, the chinese spam continued against Fubuki, even in 2021 and 2022, even after Coco graduated

How badly is bilibili doing? I know they've added features to more aggressively try to get people to create an account, like instagram does. I can't anonymously view or sort their commments anymore.
There were also rumours about bilibili being shareholders of nijisanji in 2020, and now they sold their stake to buy cover shares, but i'm too financially illiterate to confirm

I'll never forgive those bugmen using Aqua's League of Legends song as a rallying cry against Cover, and Genshit censoring the word Coco.

>> No.58972963

Why did she leave? Everybody supported her more than ever before.

>> No.58973533

Unsure if she ever gave a official explanation of why she left. But there is no open resentment from her about holo,

>> No.58973768

Life finds a way

>> No.58974984

If they can make Azur Lane collabs happen then they will care

>> No.58975731

The only thing that I'd have to ask the people who really doubt it being Cover in control of the account is why would they wait until now, and what the hell would some chinese dudes gain by going onto the account and posting like normal. It's quite literally just doing work for them for free while probably benefiting Cover as well since some retarded chinese companies might assume that Cover is fair game to trust with permissions for chinese gacha shit. I would get it if it was a prank, like they got access to the channel and uploaded a silly haha china numba wan video, but some dude just uploading like normal with translations for FREE has to be the most boring way to show someone has access to the account.

>> No.58975878

SEA don't understand logic.

>> No.58976133

There is a list of demands, one of which is the termination of Hachama
You are clueless

>> No.58976206

Nowhere outside of some schizo on this board's headcanon is any of this shit anywhere, all there is is just someone uploading official videos onto the official channel with translations, presumably for free.

>> No.58976273

lmao, B2 manage to gaslit bunch of retarded chinks buy B2 membership on girls dead channels, and cover gets nothing out of it because they are completely cut off from china

>> No.58976318

Anyone assuming that bilibili needs hololive that badly is genuinely deluded, hololive wasn't even close to being the biggest vtubers let alone channels on bilibili at the height of their popularity there. so to think that bilibili would put all their eggs on a possible hololive return like this is just pure holofan delusion, thinking hololive is the biggest thing in the world.

>> No.58976429

are you operating under the dumbass assumption that this is somehow bilibili themselves trying to pull something?

>> No.58977485

>My evidence that Cover runs those accounts is what a random bugman said
Nice evidence Zhang

>> No.58977653

>holofags still coping
Kneel before your great leader Xi Jinping

>> No.58978624
File: 74 KB, 876x348, 986238347422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when they tried to steal hololive summer description straight from YT and forgot that long links are shortened with '...'?

>> No.58978931
File: 1.21 MB, 2664x2778, 12_47_26_imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-EZupxIaMPp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, nobody actually show actual proof that cover might have access to the accounts. Ip address: japan. It might be someone using a vpn to pretend to be cover staff to clean up multiple holo's b2 accounts if you wanna cope.

>> No.58979395

How does this affect me in any way? What does it matter if it's Cover or someone else reuploading videos from youtube?
Call me when holos start doing exclusive stuff on bilibili.

>> No.58979498

Isn't that just the indication of from where the account was created? Just like how youtube does it.

>> No.58979608

China has strict anti fake news policy. If a rumour is allowed to spread then it is not considered fake news

>> No.58981513

>Location is set as Japan that means the person running the channel is in Japan
Retard Myth members have their location set as Japan never post again bugman

>> No.58981636

CCP defines what is fake news so it is absolutely a policy against the truth

>> No.58982808
File: 196 KB, 580x1289, c652fbc7a7efce1baa49d3f9e951f3deb58f65e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the proof you love so much bugmen, dumb astroturfing chink forgot his VPN for a moment there, IP is shanghai

>> No.58982914


>> No.58983089

I can't fucking read chinese. Try better baits, chink.

>> No.58984845

Trusting bugmen, big mistake. I learned that the hard way as I lost almost 220k in coals. They'll try everything they can to swindle even just a cent out of your pocket.
Since it's profitable for them to say that 'Hololive is back to Bilibili' they'll say it, even if it's a straight-out lie.

>> No.58986403

This is the guy who ran Fubuki's translation group for years. He is raging because he wasn't able to delete all her videos and fuck up her channel, which is what he wanted to be because he was mad. What reason does he have to lie? And this is not just one guy making a one-off comment. There were more than 100 active fan translators who all said the same thing. They said Cover was operating their channels back when they first went official years earlier. Cover said they were operating those channels. Hololive talent said Cover was operating those channels. Now all of them are liars? Is that actually what you think? Are you actually that stupid? You're basically saying that the chinamen planned a 5-year long con.... to start uploading translated Hologra episodes and trick people into thinking someone else is uploading them. What. How does that make any fucking sense? If you're gonna make up a conspiracy at least make it make sense.

>> No.58986745


>> No.58986834

>He thinks zhang seethe disapears
>He doesn't know about the numerous organizations that all attacked Hololive

Maybe do some fucking research you dumbass

>> No.58987115

>it's a conspiracy bro
>they're trying to make hololive look bad by uploading subbed hologra episodes on a dormant channel they had access to this whole time but never did anything with until 3 years later when the hate finally died down
oh my god sister those bastards are gonna bring down all of hololive with that genius plan

>> No.58987261

Why is this retarded thread still alive is beyond me.
You guys should really learn to ignore baits.

>> No.58987297

>official cover operations are "bait"

>> No.58991351

It makes 0 sense from any standpoint to return to China, unless they were given massive incentives to. Even then, they know Chinese money is volatile and bugs are worse knee jerk reactionaries than Westerners. I don't know why you Changs keep trying to push this, but you had your chance and destroyed it.

>> No.58995157

I really like how you use my own screenshot against me kek. Also i guess you are a chang just like me. Both cover and bilibili are all working together in this shit, bilibili for deleting one of top 10 bilibili's uploaders videos about taiwan yab and cover's staff for cleaning multiple holo's account. Anyone who thinks bilibili is uploading holo's videos without cover's permission is pure cope. It might be believable when it is a rogue staff rebel uploading shit but not when the whole bili site is helping cover and deleting anti cover videos.

>> No.58995345

Bugs are taking shifts bumping the thread. "Foreign site talk of Cover returning to bilibili" give more credibility to the domestic narrative.

>> No.58996524

shareholders want it, plus it's been 3 years, trying to stay away from them over something that happened 3 years ago where the main person that caused the problem is gone and outright competing against them now would just be silly at this point. If a coworker of yours lost a client you had then left the company and joined a competing company, would you spend the rest of your time at that company just ignoring that client forever, or would you eventually see if you could get that client back?

>> No.58997407

Why would they want a client back that harassed their talents back for months on end, have hair trigger tempers, conspired to steal their models along with some of the HoloCN members, and make the rest of their viewerbase angry? Any potential gains there might be in China would be eclipsed by numerous other fans leaving, especially now since China's market is going into the dumpster.

>> No.58997441


>> No.58997569

>conspired to steal their models along with some of the HoloCN members
literally just a theory, years later Doris herself did a whole stream explaining the whole situation. Basically saying it was the members coming to conclusions themselves because management stopped talking to them after a certain point while never telling them if they still had a job or not, so they assumed that something must've happened that allowed them to continue as themselves since all they got to see was management cutting off all contact with them and official channels closing. It wasn't some weird conspiracy power grab, it was just women being dumb.

>> No.59000031


>> No.59002632

Have they updated it yet?
