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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 314 KB, 512x320, unnamed (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58923755 No.58923755 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>58892740

>> No.58923936

Camui is not funny

>> No.58923952

Camui is funny

>> No.58923976

>1 IP

>> No.58923987


>> No.58924003
File: 464 KB, 400x298, 1693116419969180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that constructive criticism is not crabbing unless it's done with malicious intent.
Calling everything and everyone a crab will make you look like an schizo.

>> No.58924270

please stream more... all my favorite /asp/ies barely stream...

>> No.58924317

I love Camui.

>> No.58924368

reminder that regardless of how you feel about camui the new electric six album is called turquoise and worth seeking out on your local streaming platform

>> No.58924378

Who are they? I'm sure they'd love to be named

>> No.58924429
File: 101 KB, 1024x745, EvrxOWqXcAI3_Gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to aspcord plox

>> No.58924478

I'm GOING to yank Haru's tail.

>> No.58924491
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.58924510

If Camui doesn't wanna listen it's fine.
Either he grows or he doesn't.

>> No.58924663

I have the exact same thoughts, if what he wants is a small group of friends that will watch him then he doesn't need to change and if he wants to change that would be up to him to chose listen or not.

>> No.58924864

Kill yourself

>> No.58924938

I just want aspies to have fun and do what they love. There's always someone who will watch.

>> No.58924943

love yourself

>> No.58924955

I just want Keitaro to come back

>> No.58924970

lava, kuromaru, olga, han, cats, mary, gumpai, momo, and probably more that im forgetting about

>> No.58925030

yes please, keitaro-sama please com back and take your rightful place as the king of gen 5 so you can guide these people and show them how to get big

>> No.58925050


>> No.58925131

half of those stream often tho

>> No.58925232

2-3 times per week is not often

>> No.58925252
File: 916 KB, 1280x720, 1581552475143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58925347

>2-3 times per week is not often
more often than lava lol

>> No.58925376


>> No.58925406

I’m not even too menhera to stream. It’s just depression.

>> No.58925497


unfortunately I am limited by my work to fridays... I try to stream consistently, but I am too restricted most of the time, which kind of suck...


on an unrelated note, does anyone here have some "criticism" or anything of that sort? If there are any wishes or recommendations in what I should change/do better I am willing to listen for a bit!!

>> No.58925545

so tell me anon, what are you working on today?
not the usual fag who makes this kind of posts, just curious

>> No.58925646

Bring back the idiot of the day board. I saw it for one stream and I didn’t see it again. It was funny.

>> No.58925708

Taking a break

>> No.58925777

It's set up don't worry, I just have not seen anyone say or do anything absolutely idiotic yet uu

oh, maybe I can add a redeem to have a couple of names and democratically choose the next one : P that sounds like a good idea for a stream finisher!

>> No.58925891
File: 60 KB, 700x400, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an aspie but working on another pixel animation barely even started sketching each frame
I forgot how fun is to make pixel art even if I'm terrible at it

>> No.58925907
File: 62 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1695230201888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58925916

I miss Keitaro uuuuuuuuuu

>> No.58925947
File: 226 KB, 800x601, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58925954

This is so cool and cute!

>> No.58926011

I wanna catch that tail!!!

>> No.58926065

please don't yank it

>> No.58926076

I'm GOING to yank this tail

>> No.58926117

Can I pet it and hug it?

>> No.58926158
File: 95 KB, 700x700, Haru headpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pet da dog

>> No.58926425

I work 6 days a week, I don't even know what I'm trying to save up for but when I was a NEET, I would wake up, work out, then I'd typically stream 4-12 hours, usually drawing/just chatting/handcam. I'm trying to get back to that while balancing a job, I just know I can. I'm working towards a healthy routine and eventually I can stream more often. It's nice to catch different timezones and watch my chat evolve into someone else live time. I recently got my focus back and life started becoming more vivid so I know I'm on the right track!

>> No.58926446

This was cringe when you posted it on discord too

>> No.58926551
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>> No.58926567

I don't even use discord nigga

>> No.58926601

kuromaru love

>> No.58926616

the man has finally started working out

>> No.58926630

lips made for sucking dick

>> No.58926687

did anyone catch the meme i just posted on discord about the camui schizo haha

>> No.58926860

when u lie u should make it believable this is sad

>> No.58926892

bitch no one is going to open up discord to read about another schizo

>> No.58926893

Legit have no clue what discord you're talking about so someone must have reposted
Name and shame or fuck off

>> No.58926960

Looking good my dude

>> No.58927003

idk either but saying u dont use discord as a vtuber is retarded and an obvious lie

>> No.58927082

I'm not a vtuber just like watching 0views for the variety, now name and shame or stop implying it's me

>> No.58927107

Damn, what a pretty artwork!

>> No.58927120
File: 513 KB, 2048x2048, blush closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Anon... what does "ERP" mean? What does "pegging" mean...?

>> No.58927168


>> No.58927188

Not sure if I would really call that kind of stuff pixel art. Its sort of more just like lower resolution regular lineart/drawing. I have heard people call it oekaki before.

Not that there is anything wrong with it. Its cool stuff. I just don't see many techniques commonly associated with pixel art in them you know?

>> No.58927274
File: 57 KB, 350x350, El Cleffo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's going to be more pixelated when it's finished but I get your point, I actually wan to start making pixel art at lower resolutions but I want to get better first

>> No.58927293

Sometimes your accent is a bit too thick for me to understand. Your zatsu game is good, tho.
Maybe try to be more positive during frustrating moments? Feedback is hard because "just be yourself" is essentially the only way you'll be able to stream for years and remain sane.

>> No.58927377

>If there are any wishes or recommendations
yes, I recommend that you marry me and become my wife momomo

>> No.58927381

Everything is pixels at the end of the day, and art style isn't something binary, so I say your art has strong elements of pixel art but isn't 100%

>> No.58927446
File: 1.83 MB, 640x476, zyzz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got this anon! WAGMI

>> No.58927509
File: 610 KB, 1270x1270, e4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never post my going live link here so... go nuts


>> No.58927579
File: 535 KB, 791x625, momomo_nyoron_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you earn in a year?

yeah, I am trying to speak more clearly, but I can get fairly excited at times. I can also get very whiney too, which is both nice and annoying me thinks... Usually if I act frustrated, I am not too pissed off, I just get repetetive a lot. I can try to change that tho

also my Zatsu is good.. r-really? I feel like it's still pretty lackluster myself, but this is kind of a morality boost truth be told... I wana try and improve even more in that aspect too!

>> No.58927600

My wife made this post

>> No.58927637

yes I call it pixelated art since it's more similar to normal digital art just confined to pixels, I find sad that there are not many streamers that make pixel art beyond small sprites for games/mods where I could learn by watching and ever more sad that the only aspie I can watch for pixel art is Free and he streams so late that I only can watch him sometimes.
Still improving every time so I can't feel too bad, the first few loops I made were so bad that I'm ashamed of them and every time Haru shows them I cringe inside thankfully he doesn't show them anymore because they crash his stream

>> No.58927656

strange, I didn't make that post

>> No.58927712

>how much do you earn in a year?
Not much but I can pay a dowry of 10 goats and 2 sheeps to your family, also my chickens are cute

>> No.58927754

eraxs detected

>> No.58927767

She's in college and ill so I don't give her too much shit for it

>> No.58927806

I wasn't trying to give her shit for it, without her late night streams I feel like shit...

>> No.58927819

I wanna get on my knees, open my mouth and just let you do what you want with me.

>> No.58927860

he would just slap the homosexuality our of you

>> No.58927878


>> No.58927903

She has talked about having to wake up at 6 am some days so I'm sure that's what holding her back, I feel the same as you

>> No.58927907

I dont know why it only just occurred to me I can make stream transitions with the same program I use to make shorts and clips

>> No.58927927

he is not the only farmer here, also I'm sure I live in a different continent

>> No.58928004
File: 311 KB, 3109x2190, 1693983165143747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I pray he makes another masterpiece about you

>> No.58928058

Footfags need to be stopped

>> No.58928062

thats hot
calling me a fag makes me harder

>> No.58928110

/asp/ies need more porn and sexy art.

>> No.58928125

Sun should give male feet some love too

>> No.58928133

>thread full of feet and fans
Must be euro hours

>> No.58928339

This is code for "my CCV today is shit and I'm desperately crawling back here for views".

>> No.58928393

cats can crawl all over me if you catch my drift *wink* *wink*

>> No.58928432

Strange post

>> No.58928440

mukuro back?

>> No.58928459
File: 65 KB, 728x409, killthecrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58928558

I bet Sun has the best smelling hair but I'm not sure

>> No.58928583

I'm happy for the link to find someone I haven't seen before!
And no, I will not go looking in the sexpest/schizo-filled hellhole that is /wvt/

>> No.58928582

snibbedy snab :- DDD

>> No.58928621

new day, new things to test, jump in to watch me perform.

>> No.58928681

*bakes u*

>> No.58928704

The potato is back

>> No.58928729

I would challenge Hector himself to a duel for a lock of it

>> No.58928915
File: 522 KB, 2261x2057, 1694703852293576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about his feet?

>> No.58928919

This already looks so nice... Thank you so much, I appreciate it every time, you don't know how much it means to me to see you doing this still and continuing to improve. Hearing that my streams were the encouragement that made you start drawing again is one of my most important milestones so far and it's very important to me.
Your earlier stuff is very good too and I wish I could have it on stream all the time... I think it was some combo of the bouncing brb/starting soon wolf and the gifs constantly on screen that caused the bitrate troubles. I might try adding those both back in piecemeal slowly over the course of like two weeks to try to see what the issue is, cuz I do like both.

>> No.58928936

Olga and Cats streaming right now gogogo!

>> No.58929020
File: 545 KB, 2048x2048, gifmaker_me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making even more of these, so the PNG experience is as fun as it can be!

Also my headset comes in TOMORROW so I think I can absolutely assure a stream (or more than one) next week

>> No.58929019

from which latam country is the potato?

>> No.58929155

Why is denpa trying to groom the potato?

>> No.58929199
File: 403 KB, 1080x1080, potatokun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58929376

he's a denpal.

>> No.58929469

oh so he already got groomed? my condolences potato-kun

>> No.58929480

denpa is trying to force a meme and leech off it.
its as pathetic as her usual shilling attempts in other threads from this board

>> No.58929549

she finds it funny that a chatter she banned is streaming and she likes the weird soulfulness

>> No.58929603

Anyone from gen 5 getting groomed by gumpai yet?

>> No.58929643

thanks for the words of encouragement doggy, you are an inspiration for me

>> No.58929721

should I hit stream if I want to get groomed?

>> No.58929815

UPDATED List of people that fell off:
Never really started:

BONUS: People that fell off and bounced back:

>> No.58929861

You inspire me back, it's not a one way street! and I'm not a dog...

>> No.58929938

I wish I was groomed by Gumpai...

>> No.58929957

they're just stream links anon.

>> No.58929993

wiz strem!

>> No.58930001

I hope this gets you as many (You)s as last time

>> No.58930033

i'm wheezing

>> No.58930136
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 20230811_003127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to start doing finger push-up

>> No.58930229

I came so hard to this

>> No.58930312

I'm thinking... maybe Monday? Wednesday? I can't do Tuesday. But do expect that stream!

I won't tell you the game I'll be playing to keep the surprise >:3

>> No.58930320

I haven't had time to groom people. Because of >>58926425
I think if I stopped being annoying I'll eventually stablize into some normie vtuber and from then on I will rise to the top again

>> No.58930607

Nowhere to go but up /asp/ies! You're GMI!

>> No.58930719
File: 3 KB, 232x77, Screenshot 2023-09-19 12.02.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stream!!!

>> No.58930783

I love my analog oshi...

>> No.58930829
File: 846 KB, 1500x1200, DigbyHeadPatBig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meowdy y'all!
Sorry Digby is late startin but he's here now playing some multiplayer games for funsies starting with a classic of the channel: Breakers


>> No.58931272

I’m gonna guerilla stream so fucking hard today that the Americans will be hearing my voice from the trees.

>> No.58931637

Can this link be added to the pastebin? Vocalremover is 404 right now and I've been able to use this other remover nonstop, though that might have to do with all the blockers I'm using

>> No.58932076

Laine was the biggest fall from grace.
She had people literally cumming on her face, now those have moved on to Gumpai, Lavandel or Rura.

>> No.58932350

Not sorry that nobody wanted your sad watery tributes

>> No.58932460

/asp/ I need your strongest rrats as to why Layla is having a menhera episode on Twitter

>> No.58932498

Menhera gonna menhera, it's not that deep

>> No.58932612

My guess is she ruined Camui's stream with nonstop prodding him about his sexuality and he got criticized in the threads over it

>> No.58932868

unlikely when all the other men where also doing the same but maybe she is the type of person that would blame herself for everything

>> No.58933030

Nah not saying he's squeaky clean or nothing but he only started making more raunchy comments when she was harassing him calling him gay and saying he wants to fuck Hyde. He even said stop and kept saying he didn't want to talk about what he's into sexually. Same shit happened on another stream she was in. Any stream she's not a part of the dirtiest it gets is the Yoda and Luigi shit. She's already responsive to the hornyposters here, she's a sexpest and groomer and he needs to ban her from chat.

>> No.58933109

>she was harassing him calling him gay

>> No.58933139
File: 256 KB, 607x600, 1690792763258316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58933161

It wasn't even as an anti, she's just a fucking weirdo

>> No.58933196
File: 42 KB, 190x201, 1694344148791720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merlie got a Hanabi!

>> No.58933293

all the /asp/ies should learn aoe2 along with rura and play matches against each other

>> No.58933313

did you just notice that she is the only actually autistic person of that group? I been supportive of her all this time because I can recognize an autistic person very easily and she clearly is outside of her element when she decided to promote herself and then to respond to every crab in existence

>> No.58933706

She is a woman. That aside, she's such an attention-seeking drama queen.
The anon who keeps calling her underage might be on to something.

>> No.58933798

Being autistic isn’t an excuse for nonstop pushing someone who’s obviously uncomfortable to talk about sex. She was saying weird gay shit to Rura in his chat too and she threw an hour long pity party in the middle of the stream and he was sighing in exasperation. That’s not autism it’s something worse. This is why people have mods. He should absolutely ban her and autism is not an excuse.

>> No.58933804

>Menhera episode
I don't see it...

>> No.58933880

Is Layla the retard version of Gumpai?

>> No.58933882

>camuicord blaming lyla for his antics

>> No.58933933

there's a camuicord?

>> No.58933969

No, gumpai is plenty retarded

>> No.58934166

Dino hands wrote this post

>> No.58934238

I will become a vtuber just so you have a fren to play with

>> No.58934247

koreanhands wrote this

>> No.58934387

what is "VWTMHS"?

>> No.58934426

Camui's stream, Cam said that even if he is greatfull for all the chatters, he subconsiously feels like that kindness is malicious (he still is very gratefull for it and feels appreciates), so she maybe felt it was targeted to her specifically when in reality it's what most people expirience.Still bizzare since he tried to reach out to Layla when she was working and not watching the stream so he doesn't hold any grudges.
Or maybe work related. Or even more personal idk.
(is it only me or are captcha janky today?)

>> No.58934430

probably the captcha

>> No.58934705

>>58934426 (me)
Yeesh, all those spelling mistakes.. If anyone want's to correct me feel free to. I don't even know how to write grateful.

>> No.58934727

Looks like /asp/ is still gay and retarded thanks to the retarded containment breaking attention whores.
See you when the next batch of /asp/ies start coming out.

>> No.58934872
File: 526 KB, 1000x1000, 1695241800729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru sees your

>> No.58934878

I might be retarded but don't call me gay! >:(

>> No.58934905

why aren't you streaming right now?

>> No.58934941

I have mental illness

>> No.58934979

I'm working on my job that pays me 6 figures

>> No.58935086

That's probably it. They seem to like each other somewhat and if she's autistic she might be expressing some kind of sexual desire with him by making weird as fuck comments in his chat? I did notice aside from a couple one liner jokes most of the outright sexual stuff was in response to chat egging it on. Near the end he got roped into talking about fetishes again and I remember him explicitly saying "stop making me talk about this, can I play the game"
Layla wasn't alone in that whole thing but she definitely kicked it off and kept it going just like before.

>> No.58935098

I always knew haru was a size queen....

>> No.58935136

no gf

>> No.58935212

i'm a viewer

>> No.58935233

he's probably way too nice to say no :/

>> No.58935294

I'm at work, but once I get home and eat, its streaming time

>> No.58935462

>neither gumpai nor layla want to sex pest me
I'll never make it, bros

>> No.58935496

I think we kind of can blame everyone in here. Camui has a hard time to put boundaries.
(that's why everyone me included were weird in his chat).
And Layla has a hard time to understand internet ethics and/or appeals too much to the leftist tumblr-esque style of humour (which is just grooming someone they are gay). That's why some anons say she might be a child.

>> No.58935525

you also need to consider that camui was the first newcomer streamer that came out to defend her and he was also attacked at the same time, because of that people started shipping them together and camui played into that so she might have misunderstood that as camui liking her in a romantic way, it also didn't help the fact that many people in the thread treated her as a child so she might have over reacted by trying to be as sexual as possible.
Still I think this shouldn't be discussed here and she should instead be trying to fix whatever problem she has in private (if this is actually what is happening)

>> No.58935532

It's no Jignxcord.

>> No.58935624

>its another 300 posts about some zero and an autist on twitter

>> No.58935791

i hate dramathreads so much

>> No.58935798

Camui is actually a nice guy offstream but he plays it up so much onstream that I can't watch him. To actually be sexpested by Layla of all people is such a twist I never expected.

>> No.58935811

i love dramathread so much

>> No.58935916

I hope the superhot stream tomorrow will be just a normal gaming stream and not another sex joke zatsu. I feel like part of the reason for this drama is because trials of mana is such a boring trash game and chat is desperate for content.

>> No.58935920

i adore dramathreads so much

>> No.58936155

One day a cute girl will sexpest me. Oh who am I kidding

>> No.58936185

we can only dream brother

>> No.58936246

Camui and Layla are nice people. Probably more similar than they realize. A resonant kinship. Neither likely wants to hurt the other, so they devolve into a whirlpool when feeding off of one another’s actions. That maelstrom of unrestrained autism just leads right into the gutter, though.

>> No.58936309

One day a cute femboy will sexpest me. Oh who am I kidding

>> No.58936368

Holy fuck Layla is based and Camui is a retard.
Just admit you're straight Camui, no one cares.

>> No.58936387

One day someone will sexpest me. Oh who am I kidding.

>> No.58936445

>has a hard time putting up boundaries
I can believe this. Early on in the stream he talked about wanting to be more clean, wanting to do batsus if he said unseiso things and said he’d even practiced idol dances. Doubtful he wants listing his fetishes to be his legacy, but he’s too eager to make everyone happy and plays it safe when it comes to setting rules.

>> No.58936456

Sorry, Haru and Beryl are already in my DMs.

>> No.58936489
File: 1.94 MB, 720x420, I made this post.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58936609

There's like 5 people in his chat in total, so sort that shit out among yourselves.

>> No.58936633

tf are you talking about, femboys are extremely socials, if you don't have femboys DMs then something is wrong with you

>> No.58936663

teach me how senpai

>> No.58936843

Cool fanfic sis

>> No.58936883

are the new randoms in his chat from /here/?

>> No.58936910

>herechuuba aoe2 collab
this is not a timeloop i expected to see make a comeback

>> No.58936915

Thats the funniest part though.

>> No.58936926


>> No.58936997

Amazing. They singlehanded made him unwatchable in one stream.

>> No.58937060

You can sometimes add all the images/gifs into a single video with a transparency to reduce the amount of workload OBS has when it is running.

>> No.58937682
File: 682 KB, 768x768, IMG_1760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn’t expect autists on a Mongolian beef-skewering forum to actually be able to talk to others before judging them. Please continue the dance of the bucket people, anon. Also, (you).

>> No.58937921

>wakes up
>realizes I cant and will never shoot my ropes all over Haru's balls
>day ruined

>> No.58937982

Who do we have for the next aspies?

>> No.58938182 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 2064x1548, Project (20230920024513).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep hitting roadblocks with the other design I was working on so I'm playing around with different ideas. The skull hat is kinda funny but I don't think that would work in the context of a vtuber model. It would be massive and take up way too much space.

>> No.58938194

Potato is top tier content. Still waiting for the cat and jet pc anon to complete the scuff trio.
Doll joint cuteboy is on the way.
Leotard sexo is being hyped up.
Arg aspie is very out there.
Loli vampire is cute.
Scatman teasing his debut as always.
Anyone I missed?

>> No.58938224
File: 5 KB, 240x275, 20230912_134936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, I'm back to my usual schedule

>> No.58938488

Have you tried chatting him up? I'm making progress with my /asp/oshi. We viewers have to aspire too.

>> No.58938577

Based viewer-chad, I strive to be as ballsy as you

>> No.58939446

This is so true. I swear it's femboy mating season or something because so many are acting unusually horny

>> No.58939862
File: 400 KB, 735x642, 161234788060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's ever DM'd me. The only time I send a DM was when I needed help with something and the convo was over quick. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.58939908

Who are you? I'll say hi.

>> No.58939946

You forgot to actually have a conversation.

>> No.58940184

Olga needs to post her schedule and links

>> No.58940263

You anons never get DM'd ? Every week I have a graphic designer in mine. Hope luck will be on your side just like me.

>> No.58940451

If you don't have at least one gfx bot trying to slide into your DMs, you haven't truly made it.

>> No.58940590

honestly i love the skull hat
i think you should try to figure out a way to include a silly dino hat in a practical way

>> No.58940663

I was chatting to people about advertising just before my stream, so decided to go for it here for once. Not been focused on individual stream numbers because I'm growing overall. Plus I got a bunch of follows which is always nice
This isn't me, but I don't have time to browser both threads anyway

>> No.58940726

Man... Why would you do this to me anon.

>> No.58940880
File: 2.16 MB, 4096x4096, bun cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New bunkumm
Oh no, he's hot!

>> No.58940979

I wish I had gone with the same artist. I imagine he commed after he debuted. My artist has been silent for over a month and was more expensive AND doesn't including rigging. Feels bad.

>> No.58941024
File: 1.02 MB, 772x944, bun cum 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slyly steals your heart

>> No.58941151

>/asp/ oshi actually DMed me
Don’t give up anons you can make it!

>> No.58941160
File: 74 KB, 1024x1148, 1695249606574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna beat Paper Mario well before the TTYD remake comes out...! I guess when we do we'll have to wait for that to launch before we jump in.

We'll be starting in 10 minutes, come say hi to the awoomfies!


>> No.58941292

How do I get Beryl into my DMs?

>> No.58941304
File: 1.38 MB, 1318x1073, bun cumm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, vermin is a treasure, and I'm also felling jelly. We got lucky she decided to lurk here.

>> No.58941332

>silent for over a month
>more expensive
>doesn't including rigging
My man you got scammed hard. Western artist?

>> No.58941471

Threaten with a chargeback.

>> No.58941495

Yep, Western artist. They're the only one I could find that wasn't insanely expensive that I liked the style of. It's just a placeholder model anyway until the artist I really wanna drop money on opens at least...

>> No.58941536

One day, I'll be GMI enough that I'll have fans that want to DM me. One day.

>> No.58941662

Its another
>didn't get it in writing

>> No.58942047

The thing a lot of vtubers don't understand is that sometimes you need a chatter to be disruptive, and rock the boat enough to spill some water out the tub, so new viewers can trickle in.

>> No.58942115

Where can I hire those?

>> No.58942179

no i wont remove your ban, shut up already.

>> No.58942709

Rip off Gura and cartoonify the dino skull, make it a toggle.

>> No.58942716

I'm retired from chatting. Now I just watch my oshis VODs. Just passing out advice in a thread for giving advice to vtubers.

>> No.58942805

Please retire from giving advice too

>> No.58942880

You're replying to r*bel.
Jesas, the new batch of /asp/ies speedran his introduction to the point that most of them reply to his insane ramblings without realizing it.

>> No.58943081

Will be streaming sometime tonight. Anywhere from midnight EST to about 5 AM. Is anyone else streaming that I should try to work around?

>> No.58943116

Yeah, me.

>> No.58943148


>> No.58943210

Why do you think I said "hire" retard

>> No.58943284

Those are usually dead hours for aspies. Except maybe Beryl since he streams late.

>> No.58943315
File: 27 KB, 462x447, tiny wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny vermin (come to my son's stream later!!)

>> No.58943386

Tiny is chuuba? Huge

>> No.58943626

Thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.58943735

Can I get opinions on this short WIP?
Obviously subs need to be added, especially for the "1-800-[etc]" bit.
Thinking of getting rid of the second "I have a condition" to shorten it a bit more as well.

>> No.58943828

My opinion is include a image with your post next time. I'm not clicking on a link that has no embed.

>> No.58944159

Ya got a quick chuckle from me. I'd say keep everything as is and just add the subs.

>> No.58944215

Tiny is SEX

>> No.58944450

We'll be continuing our storytime with the next reading of The Trojan War!

>> No.58944563

Yeah. It’s too long to be optimal. Those fucking zoomers have a 15 second attention span. But YouTube doesn’t like pushing content that short. 20-30 seconds is about optimal as far as I’ve seen. The less context you give, perhaps the better. Also, a bit more activity on the screen seems to go a long way.

>> No.58944848

>But YouTube doesn’t like pushing content that short. 20-30 seconds is about optimal as far as I’ve seen.
That would explain why my 17 sec short was lost on the algo. I wasn't aware of that, thanks.

>> No.58945057
File: 112 KB, 765x629, IMG_1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, Ace. Just stick to the 3-step program, and you will be fine.

>> No.58945518

Layla's having another melty.

>> No.58945820

>Dramacrab bringing irrelevant shit into this thread.
No (you) for you.

>> No.58946391

Rundown/links to each please

>> No.58946752

Man seeing all these conversations and posts about DMs or whatever makes me worry... am I retarded for not dming people? I'm more of a group chat kinda guy, I rarely dm someone to hold a conversation... am I missing out? Or are all these posts about DMs I'm seeing hugely inflated?

>> No.58946827

It's biased information. The type of people who DM others are the very social people and they're also the type of people who would speak about themselves DMing other.

Whereas nobody who doesn't DM people is going to speak about not DMing people.

>> No.58947104
File: 50 KB, 884x466, 8f05430c750cec91793ea84544a7cc8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Bunkum is gone and new Bunkum has arrived

>> No.58947144

I think some of you guys forget that vtubing is about entertaining your viewers

>> No.58947388

I think you forgot that your purpose is to suck dick and shut up, whore.

>> No.58947490

what you want out of being a vtuber may not be the same as what other people want. it's not for you to say.

>> No.58947541

Most of them are Rebel who has been waiting for a chuuba to groom herself thanks to his amazing advice for how to drive your channel into the ground and become his wife

>> No.58947582

You're not my viewers.

>> No.58947662

I will never forget this.

>> No.58948195

What's the name of that website that everyone uses to turn a vod into shorts?

>> No.58948416

i'm pretty sure it's called sony vegas

>> No.58948578

Adobe Premiere Pro.

>> No.58948645

Not him but there are online tools popping up that can churn out shorts from stream vods. Hoping another anon actually remembers the link(s).

>> No.58948803

I'm gonna kick you both in the balls it was Streamladder it was in the wrong folder in my bookmarks.

>> No.58948816

>captcha janky today
finally someone understands the captcha is rigged

>> No.58949466

Layla just told us she is dropping it, the tweets were an indirect.

>> No.58949742


>> No.58949801

tell her to stream

>> No.58949959

You will never be my wife. Stop projecting your fantasies.

>> No.58950316

Recording your OBS preview with camtasia and edit it on the trial version of premiere Pro then record the preview with the trial version of screen o matic. Then post on youtube.

>> No.58950359

The fuck is with all these dramafags? Who the fuck cares about Twitter? I just want potato to stream again. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.58950389

>he doesn't use capcut

>> No.58950473

Fuck capcut that would require to actually take a video on your phone of your preview.

>> No.58950487

i sant to bang my heaf ig ro a brick wslsl.,,

>> No.58950491

How far would a laptop's 1650ti take me if I were to stream with it...?

>> No.58950509

stop being lazy anon

>> No.58950641

>tfw just costed my workplace half a million with one click of a button
I'm going to be a fulltime chuuba soon bros

>> No.58950697

click one more time to round it up

>> No.58950812

Just blame it on the guy that doesn't speak English

>> No.58950857

I wonder, if you tried to scream in your loli voice would it give as much power as the original ? Otherwise you have a good singing voice but you should try something less high pitched.

>> No.58951571

i don't know how

>> No.58951592

Never sing again.

>> No.58951728
File: 30 KB, 1724x1002, 1689833816103267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happened to her

>> No.58951754

She cute...

>> No.58951817

No idea i'm not a singer. I'm a listener.

>> No.58952173

her design was so cute... and hot

>> No.58953131

who the heck is this

>> No.58953274
File: 4 KB, 298x90, Screenshot 2023-09-20 9.05.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if your viewer is me. I need something to entertain me while I Just Stream!!!

>> No.58953342

Back to school, probably, like all the kiddies

>> No.58953773
File: 52 KB, 977x571, Daiya Tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live! And gonna show his leashed art!

>> No.58953801 [SPOILER] 
File: 849 KB, 1920x1017, vts-2023-09-16_13h53_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a huge project with an Original cover song and two big art pieces and I'm so excited ;3

>> No.58953933

I'm happy for you, Pafu!

>> No.58954154

there is never too much testing, join to endure this new test stream with the potatotuber.

>> No.58954159
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1200, 1680748728411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you stream on twitch don't forget to pay your mods.

But anonymous how do I pay my mods?
Answer: tax viewers

Every 15 minutes demand chatters to redeem 5 channel points on a prediction that's rigged to pay the mod, or face expulsion in the form of a ban.

>> No.58954230


>> No.58954301

I'm watching my oshi right now. This better be a good distraction.

>> No.58954617


>> No.58954667

nini vtubing frns! >^,,^< zzzz
(。- ω -)


>> No.58954922
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-09-20-19h22m34s902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going live with Holocure! Time for some mindless grinding!

>> No.58955001

The OG song is from the 70s and it's an boogie synth dance-type song that's like 7 minutes so I paid someone to re-create the song from the ground up and the last few minutes of it will be original music / improve with my character

>> No.58955083


>> No.58955300

No but this is a great song as well.

Sorry, I looked it up and my song is from 83.

>> No.58955336
File: 107 KB, 937x860, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cut my hair how does it look, also how do i get 1 billion views

>> No.58955384


>> No.58955403
File: 1.47 MB, 498x498, Chocola 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58955435

take it up the ass

>> No.58955576

I don't want to watch holocure can you play Master of Magic instead

>> No.58956088

Can you link your YouTube again? I'll give one of your VODs another watch if you do! Hopefully my system won't crash after the first hour this time!!!

>> No.58956485

okay, i'm basically ready to stream now :D it's just too early and my walls are so thin that i've heard every single adult family member i live with have sex at some point ;-; they'd hear me, i'd wake them up and then they'd complain for the next 4 days.
also i have no idea what to stream... i'm thinking acnh so i'm motivated to stream daily for a while, and by the time i get bored i'll be into streaming on a daily basis. i feel like acnh is boring to watch though.
what in the actual sweet fucking hell are these captchas, by the way?

>> No.58956888

i love this design aaaaa

>> No.58956922

Some advice:

Pre-record your gameplay in silence

Go to a park, or bar, or McDonald's to record you voice comments, and be as loud as you want (within reason if recording in public is legal where you are)

Layer your voice over the video footage, and stream the video live while participating with chat as a text only streamer.
By using these methods you can stream at virtually any time available to you. Try having a chat bot help explain your situation, and chatters might be more understanding. Might want the chatbot to have !pre-record as a redeem.
Good luck!

>> No.58956965

I want to play with Han Buns long floppy bunny ears!

>> No.58957339

I want to play with his floppy cock.

>> No.58958149

I like this trend of prefacing the nonsense with "some advice".

Makes filtering the posts easier.

>> No.58958187
File: 89 KB, 669x884, cringe1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58958294

he's unironically mentally disabled. you /asp/ies will learn his handful of tells sooner or later. I just wish he'd go back to using a name like he was for a while. made it a hell of a lot easier to ignore.

>> No.58958396

about time to bake...

>> No.58958409

how about me? I haven't made it and there's lots of them ??? I didn't even follow them they're still there ??? hmph

>> No.58958472

You keep making these posts like you're revealing hidden knowledge. I know Rebel better than you do. Sit down
