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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 60 KB, 556x326, advent_unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58942534 No.58942534 [Reply] [Original]

advent unity edition

Previous Thread >>58920789

>Upcoming Stream
>Most Recent Stream

>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space 09-14-23
>HoloSummer Shorts
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Packs

/baubau/ sings Lifetime Showtime! Fuwamoco want to hear your voices!
Upload your submission (acapella) to catbox.moe and post the link in the comments in this puzzle.
It will be mixed and then put in Fuwamocos twitter tag so they can view the fruits of our efforts.

https://files.catbox.moe/bfza4y.mp4 - Singalong guide video w/ vocals
https://files.catbox.moe/px2e21.mp4 - Singalong guide video w/o vocals
- Lyrics are intentionally one beat ahead so you can react
- In the videos, there is main and alternative vocal tracks, which have a small lyric change and harmony+overlapping parts separated in case you want to be fancy, but you can mix and match it however you want. The most important part is to have fun participating! The song seems kinda hard as an ESL.

>Thread Template

>> No.58942699
File: 1.81 MB, 2022x3133, 110762423_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabu mococo

>> No.58942714

Remember to be positive and nice, Ruffians. It's what the dogs would want :)

>> No.58942768
File: 1.41 MB, 3508x2480, F492ODBbYAEsBVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58942793

I will never give that fat sack of shit a view so I'll just wait for clippers to badly clip "the best parts" and just watch that.

>> No.58942835

this sounds exactly like an MLM scam

>> No.58942859

Why do you dislike Pero so much

>> No.58942865
File: 208 KB, 901x1400, 1679261794513699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wives Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.58942898

Fuwawa is for standing full nelson

>> No.58942945
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>> No.58943024
File: 794 KB, 993x1033, 1689754716070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like Mococo’s odd personality quirks overshadow any sexy she might have
This is funny because I've always felt that Fuwawa's inherent sex appeal overshadows her extremely cute personality.

>> No.58943027

Has anyone noticed that Fuwawa speaks like a retard and pronounces her "R" like "W". Is her name actually Furara?

>> No.58943044
File: 185 KB, 370x416, 1695223515304522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuffians, it's that time again.

>> No.58943100
File: 1.30 MB, 4096x2759, IMG_20230903_204446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58943142

>hating Mori so much, you'll unironically become a clipnigger
Grim. Be sure to spam the live thread about how much you hate mori.

>> No.58943144

I love Mococo's determination and drive, it is very inspiring and sexy

>> No.58943167


>> No.58943195

Speech impediment. Very common in younger siblings

>> No.58943221

>Wuffians! today we're playing Wesident Eviw.

>> No.58943246

That shit is cute.

>> No.58943282


>> No.58943288

Furara is the older sibling though.

>> No.58943311
File: 105 KB, 800x800, F5ROBrQaYAEFnz9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is her name actually Furara?

>> No.58943335
File: 365 KB, 933x526, Bau Me[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6e2asr.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians, I dreamt of them vividly last night. It's the first time I ever had such a dream. We went for a walk on the town and ate at a cafe. I helped them move giant stuffed animals at their place for some reason. Pretty sure Pero was one of them. I felt incredibly happy and loved, like we had been close friends for a while at the very least, and then I woke up with those feelings still lingering as the dream faded. It hurts. I think I'm in too deep at this point.

>> No.58943339
File: 1.46 MB, 360x360, man throws dog out of plane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa is the big angry dog that bites while mococo is the coward who barks but hides behind the owner while doing so

>> No.58943355
File: 234 KB, 486x514, 20230903_224356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes more cute than sexy though. People should pay more attention to her instead of the model.

>> No.58943365

I wish the chat timer was faster. I get that it's good so the chat isn't so spammy, but it's way too slow when they're rapid firing questions.

>> No.58943389
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1693710173139200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carried Mococo on her back through the cart level and beat it. Twice.
>Dominated apex, soloing dozens of high-level elite player squads. hard carried Biboo and Nerissa.
>Perfect reaction time. Was able to censor swear words and indecency with a 100% success rate
>Expert advice and near perfect moment-to-moment analytical skills, which mococo can barely keep up with.
>Completely yabless. rrats bounce right off her giant chest.
>Merciful and kind.
>Every single misunderstanding was Mococo's fault
>Mere presence improves Mococo's mediocre gaming skills
>Can effortlessly transition from soft spoken to banshee screeches without effort
>Mastered scream asmr
>Great with money. Has expertise in handling both rental property and real estate. Mococo even entrusts her with her cards
>Selfless and caring. Always thanks the ruffians even when we've done absolutely nothing at all
>Supreme Intelligence. Able to solve every puzzle in It Takes Two
>Superior Gamer. Beats mococo in minigames
>Large breasts

>> No.58943450

Is probably YouTube being nuhhy. Some chats were appearing on their screen ahead of YouTube chat.

>> No.58943469
File: 768 KB, 1042x1207, 1655811748154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a couple of dreams of them, but even in my dreams, we were still separated by a screen.

>> No.58943478

Yeah but Mococo has a female penis and is Fuzzy. And Fuzzy always wins.

>> No.58943495

I mean the timer before you can post again

>> No.58943508

happy for you buddy

>> No.58943614

You need a membership to get around that.

>> No.58943686
File: 71 KB, 560x559, 1694734193638166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop dreaming about Fuwawa.

>> No.58943836

Sucks that theres no stream tonight. What are you other ruffians gonna do instead?

>> No.58943867

obsessed with fuwawa

>> No.58943912

They're actually both fully trained as guard dogs.

>> No.58943914

>she’s more cute than sexy
What’s sexy is her confidence, even if it’s unwarranted. Actually, especially if it’s unwarranted. There’s a reason people imagine her stealing Mococo’s boyfriends, it’s because she behaves so confidently that you could imagine her trying it without hesitating.
>and sexy
See, that’s what I mean. Sexy how? I don’t get it.

>> No.58943928
File: 849 KB, 849x1200, 111892249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58943945

All I ask is for Mori to not use her middle school teacher voice with the girls.

>> No.58943966

Is it just me or is the timer way lower for members? I haven't had any issue with it since they opened memberships and it used to get in my way for cheering during karaoke.

>> No.58943993
File: 304 KB, 667x404, 1676136801314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've unironically had a couple dreams of them. All of them were happy though, and they made me smile afterward.
Even in my dreams they're protecting my smile...

>> No.58944009


>> No.58944014

Members don't have a timer

>> No.58944036

Listen to the karaoke streams.

>> No.58944046

bijou bau bauing on stream, diamond dogs love

>> No.58944053

>missing out on Smash Bros kịno
couldn't be me

>> No.58944065
File: 245 KB, 320x180, dog talk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgd8jug.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bauver...
she will also not joke around while playing and get overconfident or salty about it

>> No.58944084

two qualities I like in my women and which arouse me sexually

>> No.58944090

>Perfect reaction time. Was able to censor swear words and indecency with a 100% success rate
Keyword: Was.
Things haven't been the same since the D word incident.

>> No.58944125

Theyre infecting holos with the bau bau byo.

>> No.58944146

I should watch her more, love that little bitch.

>> No.58944156

fuwawa has a dirty mouth and needs cleaning with my tongue

>> No.58944165

i wish the girls could play games like these. i don't really mind that they don't since i play them myself but i'd love to see their builds or how figure out bosses

>> No.58944340
File: 327 KB, 1620x1620, 1693054663478675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a sad day. Things will never be the same.

>> No.58944459

>fuwamoco elden ring or ds3
>they take turns with the controller during boss fights, when mococo dies fuwawa takes over & vice versa
cinema, i can see it, but low chance it ever happens..

>> No.58944480

I-… y’know what, fair.

>> No.58944509

I think a DeS stream would be fun, but I imagine atlus is annoying with perms for it
What I really want though is king's field but I think they would get too scared.

>> No.58944577

Demon's Souls would suit them better, I think. Less focused on reaction times, more problem solving. Bring magic or pierce weapons to Stonefang Tunnel and you're the winner.

>> No.58944602
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>> No.58944710
File: 2.35 MB, 1273x1057, 1671262313099213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't dream about them at all
>just sleep and wake up with nothing in between
such a shame cause i really wanted to...

>> No.58944819

I'm gray ga ba gi ga ba gay

>> No.58944863

rap god

>> No.58944889

I don’t hate Mori, but I have to turn off streams when she does that. I doubt it’ll happen with the dogs, though.

>> No.58944896
File: 173 KB, 999x1264, 1680092851526567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure kinomatography. my all time favorite souls type is bloodborne so i'd love to see their reactions to some the bosses
JPs have perms for demon souls but they may not transfer to EN as well

>> No.58944898

It's cute that they left this message at the time that they usually open pre-chat so that they could greet all the Ruffians who showed up at the usual time.

>> No.58944939

I hope you all aren't disappointing my wives by not watching their collab with mori

>> No.58944956


>> No.58945094
File: 18 KB, 618x379, 1681376178078308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
DAY 42: Today I've done my anki and grammar reps. For anki I've done 5 new cards today cause I did really poorly yesterday. I think I'll stick to the 10 new cards a day for near future (won't increase to 15), it seems fitting for my current learning ability. Maybe if I'm really feeling good and had amazing day before, I could increase to 15 for one day, but I don't think I can do it always. For grammar I've read lesson 22: Let's Do It!.
Cookie & Cream was kino overload, especially the first part with canoe. Mori collab soon, I wonder if they're gonna make her start the loading screen 5 minutes early?

>> No.58945136
File: 819 KB, 1019x1181, schlop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have nightmares these days, even had one featuring the voices of FuwaMoco but it was just me attempting not to drown because my body felt like sludge and hearing them behind me and when I finally got something to hold on to I woke up just as I put all my strength into looking behind, never got to see them.
I wonder if it has any meaning.

>> No.58945164


>> No.58945254

Goddamn, It's day 43... a made the same mistake of not editing the day 3 times in the last 10 days I think.

>> No.58945281

new schedule just dropped, Casshern Sins watchalong on saturday

>> No.58945473
File: 574 KB, 2620x1732, 1695254426216443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58945481
File: 262 KB, 330x464, strong nuclear force.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've always loved their models but the gartic phone collab really made me realize how insane they actually are. that where fuwawa is looking down to the side is doing things to me and i don't know why

>> No.58945505


>> No.58945542


>> No.58945586


>> No.58945600

Are they not streaming from their POV tonight?
I don't want to watch pink haired woman's stream...

>> No.58945604
File: 28 KB, 600x561, 1683772399951391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58945610

Ok this destroyed my dick

>> No.58945623


>> No.58945626
File: 998 KB, 500x281, 1444303881896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58945637

It feels weird bau bauing in mori's channel. Doesnt feel right...

>> No.58945678

The higher percentage of Ruffians BAU BAUing in Calli's chat, the closer it is to being FWMC's chat.

>> No.58945703

Single pov.

>> No.58945736
File: 947 KB, 2647x1352, 1695186861821634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58945737

This is their first scheduled stream not on the FWMC channel.

>> No.58945761

can you stop trying to make me horny before stream

>> No.58945790


>> No.58945793

fuck off

>> No.58945801
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, fuwawa gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advent unity
No, this is the FuwaMoco thread, not the advent thread. I don’t care about EN whores

>> No.58945842

incorrect, holotalk was

>> No.58945851


>> No.58945861

source??? how we got all these anons appreciating this but no one asking for sauce

>> No.58945868
File: 131 KB, 430x598, kneel department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58945876

Ah, true.

>> No.58945900


>> No.58945907

dear god... sauce please

>> No.58945934
File: 171 KB, 680x797, japanchad 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baused, keep it up

>> No.58945999
File: 66 KB, 946x1019, erect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please…I’ve just masturbated…

>> No.58946031

View it as laying conquest to enemy territory.

>> No.58946048

It doesn't matter what channel it's on.

>> No.58946049
File: 1.09 MB, 2720x3556, mococo_puptalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it, keep on keeping on, dude.

>> No.58946074

I am only positive in these threads, so >>58945801
can’t be me. FUCK YOU BAU BAU

>> No.58946105
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1676023684904292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna do it

>> No.58946106
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a traveler, have been supporting the girls longer than you have. Go back

>> No.58946145

Is it okay if I'm not a member on mori channel?

>> No.58946149


>> No.58946166
File: 6 KB, 602x387, dogs chase fake fans away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58946176

Didn’t ask, and the dogs would want you to support their genmates. stay mad BAU BAU

>> No.58946178

The problem would be if you were a member on mori channel.

>> No.58946236

>fauna sang the ABCs and some itsy bitsy spider
I unironically want a FWMC children’s songs karaoke…

>> No.58946262

The only reason they collab with genmates is because of management
>stay mad
He says, whilst seething www

>> No.58946281

>The only reason they collab with genmates is because of management

>> No.58946283

>some of FWMC's top SC'ers are 2 year deadbeats
wonder if they're going to use alts for the stream to hide their shame.

>> No.58946315

Why's everyone freaking out over this image? Fuwawas just trying to help Mococo eat her natto.

>> No.58946331
File: 121 KB, 312x312, 1674179986991719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over for my cock ruffians

>> No.58946364

New members post

>> No.58946369

important member post

>> No.58946375


>> No.58946395

>Fuwawa solo JOI streams

>> No.58946401

HOLY SHIT the members post

>> No.58946409


>> No.58946410

Next week is gonna be for the Fluffy-bros

>> No.58946435

mococo's going to be with me all day

>> No.58946450

wait what the fuck this is massive
what ideas you guys thinking of

>> No.58946485


>> No.58946519

FuwawaGODS won

>> No.58946549

Where is Mococo going...

>> No.58946555


>> No.58946634

5 mins and instant 200 replies lol.

>> No.58946744
File: 182 KB, 1327x345, 1674719704671382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.58946768


>> No.58946769

FUCK Mococo!

>> No.58946786
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1692049318290167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58946788
File: 3.63 MB, 720x720, 1685128319733740.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58946794

kill yourself

>> No.58946817

Only one correct answer here. The sims

>> No.58946831

Holy fuck.

>> No.58946833

You're just gonna leak the extra special Ruffian posts like that?

>> No.58946844
File: 119 KB, 335x335, kiarashock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58946845

I'm a third-world gray, is Fuwawa going solo for a week or it's an one-off thing?

>> No.58946846

mocobros... it's over....

>> No.58946847

>leaking members content

>> No.58946877
File: 599 KB, 631x869, notchihuahua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa world

>> No.58946884

After yesterday, did you expect things to get better? Ruffians here have bben doing it since the start of their members posts

>> No.58946897

damn, great idea. wish I thought about this.

>> No.58946898
File: 303 KB, 1235x1079, 1693885645863238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giftfags deserve the rope

>> No.58946900

Something cozy like Harvest Moon or Stardew tbhfamalam.
The Sims 4 would be fucking great though.

>> No.58946908

I seen some pretty good suggestions

>> No.58946947
File: 325 KB, 1052x768, 1665859738623740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moco-chads ... we lost

>> No.58946956

saw someone suggest a visual novel history stream, i think thatd be great

>> No.58946968

blame the soijak guy for donating hundreds of memberships with ARS

>> No.58946979

She's only going to stream for about an hour, don't suggest long games retards

>> No.58946981

Fuwawa chads we are winning

>> No.58947034

Fuck that's way better than my suggestion

>> No.58947036
File: 2.39 MB, 1273x1057, literally me 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got a message on my phone saying “Hi Ruffians! This is Fuwawa~”

>> No.58947050

Anyone suggesting something other than Minecraft literally is sabotaging them

>> No.58947051
File: 424 KB, 711x519, 24649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa my love

>> No.58947053
File: 28 KB, 766x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see some pretty retarded ones

>> No.58947067

this just means my daughter Mococo will want to do a solo stream too someday
I want a choose you own adventure date stream using youtube polls
Mococo I know you are reading this

>> No.58947076
File: 119 KB, 698x1200, 1691920111134004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58947079
File: 258 KB, 252x357, Cookiecreamps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaks up your dogs

>> No.58947080

what about Fuwawa Evening then

>> No.58947094

You bitch.

>> No.58947119

Jesus fucking christ, why did the notification of the members post came 7 minutes late for me ?, i hate this shit

>> No.58947122
File: 251 KB, 1920x1079, 1691611384760980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58947131


>> No.58947135

cooking stream?

>> No.58947146

I would like them to play it and learn a bit more, but I'd like both of the them to play it just on their own rather than one getting too far ahead in learning. Keeping things simple for the first solo might be ideal

>> No.58947175

Anyone asking for fuwawa to play a game isn't a true fuwawa appreciator

>> No.58947181

Just one stream.

>> No.58947184

I just saw it posted in global and shared it here. I can’t find a source through any reverse image searches so far…

>> No.58947188

>7 minutes late
ngmi, may as well give up now

>> No.58947197

>chill stream where Fuwawa welcomes us after a long day of exhausting work and asks us about our day.
not bad honestly

>> No.58947204

I just want to see her debut in Minecraft

>> No.58947224

I wouldn't be surprised if there would be a Mococo only stream at some point. Fuwawa is probably less scared to do it than she is and is trying it out first. Big sister stuff.

>> No.58947235


>> No.58947246

>fuwawa solo stream
> https://twitter.com/pakosun/status/1704474239670325274

>> No.58947273

>7 mins late
>almost 400 comments
Jesus. I felt a little bad being 2 mins late.

>> No.58947285

Man this is good! Like cooking for mococo before she gets home kind of stream.

>> No.58947313

The paco curse is real...

>> No.58947324

Not going to type anything, it will make me feel dirty to give a suggestion that doesn't involve Mococo

>> No.58947326
File: 50 KB, 736x734, literally me 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa asked me personally for my advice, no I will not take my meds

>> No.58947329

No no Fuwawa has to play Dark Souls or a horror game solo lmao

>> No.58947344

The debut of fluffyFuwawa...

>> No.58947364

my only problem is, can fuwawa reliably setup a hand camera for cooking? if she is able to i would absolutely love to see a cooking stream...

>> No.58947372

Honestly this is a great way to really dump on that "Fuwawa isn't real" shit, whether that's the intention or not

>> No.58947386

This man is just too powerful. Can we employ watamage to counter this guy?

>> No.58947404

That'a why I suggested things that Fuwawa hasn't been able to play like Minecraft

>> No.58947413
File: 461 KB, 717x1192, 111456249_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mocochan
pass from me

>> No.58947415

>Fuwawa: Too much Mococo solo fanart, activating emergency button
>Fuwawa: I'll convert as many ruffians as possible...

>> No.58947419

can they do handcam streams?

>> No.58947425

it's just going to be mococo doing a voice like the pero fwmc morning

>> No.58947429

That's what I want. Zatsu while she cooks dinner for me stream

>> No.58947446

>thinking ironic weeaboo redditors will ever drop shit memes

>> No.58947460


>> No.58947462

Fuwawa is obviously doing this because she's tired of the "Fuwawa isn't real" memes.

>> No.58947515

so true bestie

>> No.58947530

>people editing their hearts away
damn get fucked

>> No.58947542

i've edited my comment like 5 times because i keep getting more ideas.... can they see edit history.... i feel like a schizo

>> No.58947562
File: 2.53 MB, 3000x2518, 1681163098732431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58947568

Why would Mococo agree to this? I don't give a shit about Fuwawa.

>> No.58947601

I hope you enjoy losing another stream while Mori ruins your entertainment and ill sit here and laugh

>> No.58947602

I hope Mococo schedules a solo stream on the same day, Fuwawa is asking for a war

>> No.58947615

uh... Anon... You might wanna stop

>> No.58947616


>> No.58947625

Now here's a "meme" that has been run into the fucking ground a dozen times over.

>> No.58947634

Even without a handcam would be nice. Just audio and pictures of before/after preps would be nice.

>> No.58947652

Mococo already had a solo stream when she pretended to be Pero.

>> No.58947665

This is supposed to be between Fuwawa and the doggy pack you piece of shit.

>> No.58947670
File: 535 KB, 1241x497, mori handcam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, even without protection

>> No.58947675


>> No.58947683

yes if you edit after you get a heart it goes away, because it could make it look like they hearted something fucked up

>> No.58947687


>> No.58947700

>pako draws moco
>solo stream
the curse is real...

>> No.58947705

Anon, just drop more comments, no need to keep editing.

>> No.58947714

I memoryholed it

>> No.58947719

>Fuwawa learning minecraft stream so she can backseat Mococo more
now that would be baused

>> No.58947754

Just like Mori's Maripa curse am i rite

>> No.58947755


>> No.58947768

>get notification saying someone liked my comment
>click it
>no like
I see how it is

>> No.58947796

i think im safe. i checked what time she stopped hearting comments, my comment was not in the window of hearting comments so she hasnt seen mine yet. im safe.

is posting more comments fine..? what if i get multiple hearts isnt tha cheating

>> No.58947802

so why IS fuwawa doing a solo stream?

>> No.58947811

but muh immersion

>> No.58947864
File: 572 KB, 1151x694, 1694902768775983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to show mococo thats not a scary thing to do
so fuwawa can enjoy solo mococo JOI stream next time

>> No.58947865

mococo has morning sickness. mine.

>> No.58947866

>what if i get multiple hearts isnt tha cheating
they heart people replying to their own comments so you do you

>> No.58947872

She feels Mococo gets all the attention. It's jealousy.

>> No.58947883

Mococo will be having sex with me, sorry ruffian

>> No.58947889

They're mad at each other and need space

>> No.58947894

she's noticed a not insignificant portion of fanart, superchats, and interactions are directed at mococo only

>> No.58947896
File: 3.26 MB, 400x400, fuwamoco 30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let’s get this pink woman crap out of the way. At least we’ll get the Fubuki collab tomorrow

>> No.58947912

they double clicked accidentally or on purpose

>> No.58947914

>fuwawa learning

>> No.58947917
File: 386 KB, 2560x2560, F6G5RzyW0AAQzS0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe shes realized mococo carries her hard

>> No.58947941

Where's the starting screen?

>> No.58947948

All this while that "Whowawa" meme is hot right now.
Maybe she's starting to feel like the sidekick.

>> No.58947950

They mentioned before their hesitancy about doing solo streams, because one of them might miss out on funny new in-jokes. If Fuwawa encounters senpai in Minecraft, Mococo will feel left out

>> No.58947961


>> No.58947980

My moustache is so full of donut

>> No.58947990

>is posting more comments fine..? what if i get multiple hearts isnt tha cheating

If you do, you post it here so we can seethe at you, you fat fuck.

>> No.58947998

Mori’s channel, not up to the dogs.

>> No.58948001

will Mori start 5 minutes early?

>> No.58948010
File: 328 KB, 302x467, 1681494771146501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay I can hear it in my head

>> No.58948018

that was pretty mean to fuwawa ngl especially with her being the less popular sister

>> No.58948064

>ruffians are conditioned to a 5min early start
>mori does not do the 5min early start so ruffians are reminded how good they have it
its over...

>> No.58948065

Will Mori start 5 minutes late?

>> No.58948066

She noticed how much the chat only says "Mococo" when they battle for affection

>> No.58948082

I pray this solo stream is members only as well

>> No.58948086


>> No.58948105

its over...

>> No.58948133

I will be happy if she isnt late...

>> No.58948142
File: 12 KB, 375x99, 1677639481359256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this faggot. same guy that was talking about sc'ing about unaliving other ruffians because he gets jealous and saying they better not forget his name

>> No.58948147

i find it especially sad because when i first heard it i knew it wouldnt be a meme thats really fun for fuwawa...

>> No.58948152

>not starting early
Mori is already making me hate her as a Collab partner

>> No.58948154

I feel like I'm gonna miss the stream if it's not 5 minutes early

>> No.58948156

anything before 15-minutes-past is considered early for non-advent

>> No.58948175

Oh man I'm so excited. With that comment, that means the thing I've really been waiting for is right around the corner. I love these girls.

>> No.58948178

AHAHAHA good one!

>> No.58948191

Where's the FuwaMoco side of the stream?

>> No.58948213

>not wanting to see fuwawa go in blind
>not wanting to see fuwawa breeze through the early stages and get cocky
>not wanting to see fuwawa get stuck on a hard segment and go "ruffians help me"
>not wanting to see fuwawa struggle and get frustrated
>not wanting to see fuwawa eventually clear it and go "look ruffians, I did it! I did it! Are you proud of me?"

>> No.58948215

I miss the starting music bros

>> No.58948216

what could you possibly be waiting for

>> No.58948218
File: 173 KB, 1216x1244, F3FG2fiasAAcjiS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you but also
Genuinely surprised that they're splitting up streams 2 months in. I guess their insistence about being a duo is going the same route as not doing many JP streams

>> No.58948228

It’s only on Mori’s channel

>> No.58948233

in our hearts

>> No.58948240

If only they posted a schedule

>> No.58948245

Mori's channel.

>> No.58948250

there's none

>> No.58948259

Single pov.

>> No.58948263

for the lazy people

>> No.58948278

sad to see, but we all knew this day would come

>> No.58948292

>actually late
not "they",

>> No.58948302

Because Dogs give their strongest Ruffians the hardest battles.
I'm watching Mori.

>> No.58948314

unironically next week

>> No.58948318


>> No.58948327
File: 143 KB, 243x281, 1689257500226403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone liked my comment and then unliked it

>> No.58948337

please..... please start already...

>> No.58948343

I actually forgot for a moment that "Waiting for..." was a thing.

>> No.58948347
File: 34 KB, 663x261, 1681264241289221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's time to hide chat for this one

>> No.58948354

we are...

>> No.58948358

>I guess their insistence about being a duo
Do your reps, newfag-chama. They've always done occasional solo streams.
>not doing many JP streams
But they haven't done many. Literally two.

>> No.58948359


>> No.58948368

BAU BAU Moco-chan my beloved NOOOOOO

>> No.58948369

wait i need to go on moris page to view the collab?
what the fuck

>> No.58948372
File: 36 KB, 457x333, 2023-09-20 220033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over

captcha GGN04

>> No.58948382

So this is what it’s like watching a vtuber that hates idol culture

>> No.58948385

Open that stream mori.

>> No.58948387

Our dogs have spoiled me

>> No.58948395


>> No.58948400

No Mori I'm not going to listen to your album

>> No.58948403

So far they haven't done many JP streams. 2 out of 80, faggot

>> No.58948435
File: 205 KB, 600x500, 1690825048321484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as a bad suggestion rufferans. RememBAU that. They'll love you anyways

>> No.58948447


>> No.58948466

>only once not been on time for a stream
>when they were a minute early
>stream ONCE with Mori
This is the end

>> No.58948469

Have gun guys! I refuse to watch calli so I'll be missing this one

>> No.58948470

I hate membership gift

>> No.58948497

At least I don't have to care about typing in chat. Going to drink while I watch this.

>> No.58948500


>> No.58948514

>giving your suggestion in the initial burst of suggestions
>not waiting until later so your suggestion gets more attention
It also gives you more time to come up with a good suggestion.

>> No.58948516
File: 270 KB, 1466x1200, F5kPf1NWgAAPzqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sucks im not even subscribed to mori

>> No.58948530

God damn, now I really appreciate them for always being on time.

>> No.58948545

I’ll be deleting the stream from my watch history as soon as it’s done

>> No.58948549

>can hear the smash audio, her setting up right now instead of in advance

ah.... right this is what normal streams are like

>> No.58948559

how can they be on time mori is the one streaming

>> No.58948562

go in and support them, faggots

>> No.58948564

>not being a dead sub for every holomen

>> No.58948580

Do you think the dogs are seething right now? they like being on time

>> No.58948587

>Not loving FUWAMOCO more than you hate Mori

>> No.58948608
File: 102 KB, 300x300, 1634130795622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58948613

I'm quoting them as Fuwamoco and 2 is a lot considering how short they've been streaming.

>> No.58948617

Of course Mori ruins their streak of starting on time

>> No.58948621

hot mic

>> No.58948628

are they good at this, groomerchaama?

>> No.58948631

>not prepared

>> No.58948636

>mococo hogs as much love and attention from the ruffians as she can on stream
>fuwawa only looks on in envy
>eventually snaps and starts a solo stream to get the ruffians to look at her
It's like the greentexts got an anime adaptation

>> No.58948638

nice stream

>> No.58948642

Doesnt really matter though. They read them all.

>> No.58948644

No, this is what EN streams are like

>> No.58948652

Don't forget to turn off the ability to accept gifts

>> No.58948665

not seething but im sure they have their thoughts about it, but they actually really respect/look up to mori so i don't think they would ever say anything about it

>> No.58948668
File: 48 KB, 263x531, Screenshot 2023-09-20 210416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58948677

Nah. They're probably a little relieved that they don't have to stress over it.

>> No.58948678

Yeah, this isn't a FuwaMoco stream. I'd have been smiling for 5minutes already if it was

>> No.58948679

I'm not subbing to pink woman

>> No.58948680

I’m watching the stream so that i can give their collab partners the impression that the dogs are good collab partners numbers wise. Sorry this will be my last numberfagging post on the thread

>> No.58948699

>t. hasn't watched ID or JP outside of clips and made up personalities for them in his head

>> No.58948702
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1694310148525980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub only mode
Whew I can safely hide chat since I can't talk anyways

>> No.58948705

I only subscribe to the holomen I want to watch since I actually use the youtube subscription tab

>> No.58948704

weak bait.
you can at least pretend to watch streams

>> No.58948708

The fuck is happening with menu sounds and no intro music
Man... FuwaMoco really did spoil me
Jesus christ

>> No.58948715

>starts stream
>mori is retarded
every time

>> No.58948717

So how many cheats is Mori activating rn

>> No.58948722

really did this when the twins openly talked about punctuality, okay

>> No.58948724

Fuwawa writes the greentexts

>> No.58948732

I'm watching the vod later because that way is a lot easier to skip ahead.

>> No.58948735

>I'm quoting them as Fuwamoco and 2 is a lot considering how short they've been streaming.
They streamed for 54 days alr idiot. Thats like once every 27 days???

>> No.58948737

It's a Mori stream featuring Fuwamoco
Their record is intact

>> No.58948748

>They read them all
That's exactly my point. You don't have to be early to be read, so why rush in? And you're more likely to be lost in the crowd if you're early.

>> No.58948746

they're not streaming their POV because they knew this would happen and don't want a late stream on their channel

>> No.58948750

Reminder that she took the phone and refused to let it go during the twitter space. I like her needy side

>> No.58948752

I never understood why so many EN girls do this.

>> No.58948757
File: 73 KB, 766x766, pink woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink woman won

>> No.58948760

mori is explaining to the dogs the importance of being late to the stream
it builds suspense

>> No.58948762

>2 out of 80 is a lot
Lmao fuck off

>> No.58948780

What about when Mococo forgot us in the towels?

>> No.58948787

Baused, weak willed faggots will attack you for not watching even though fuwamoco is there but you are completely in your right, voting with your view is the best way instead of complaining and watching anyway

>> No.58948797

to stretch watch time

>> No.58948810

Nice projection, faggot

>> No.58948820

"on time"

>> No.58948822
File: 76 KB, 586x680, 110882252_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muted already
i cant take it

>> No.58948823

>we started on time
>fuwawa shaking her head


>> No.58948825


>> No.58948826

>on time

>> No.58948829

>on time
fucking standards

>> No.58948831

Mori saying she started on time to test fuwawa

>> No.58948832

>we started on time

>> No.58948834


>> No.58948836

>we started on time
No you didn't...

>> No.58948839

>on time

>> No.58948841

Sorry you got called out

>> No.58948851

>We started on time
I can't tell if that was a joke or not.

>> No.58948857

>immediately joking about starting on time
lovely snark to dismiss any complaints

>> No.58948859

can two people play on the same console online in smash?

>> No.58948865

>We started on time
>FWMC refuse to humor her

>> No.58948872

>*Mori speaks*
Yeah that's a sip

>> No.58948876

She's careless. I forgive her.

>> No.58948881

Lads I keep muting the stream.

>> No.58948884


>> No.58948892

They don’t respect idol culture

>> No.58948894

It was, 'tismo.

>> No.58948896
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>> No.58948897

did they really pick the fucking ice climbers? oh my god

>> No.58948913

>on time
>6 minutes late
calli... you know nothing about the ruffians gourmet palate, we riot if they start the stream more than 10 seconds late

>> No.58948917
File: 3.91 MB, 520x640, 1693101289302274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was late but regardless,
Simply Kino.

>> No.58948922

>ice climbers
kek based

>> No.58948940


>> No.58948938

>Ice Climbers main
>Single character
Based dedication to the gimmick

>> No.58948959

>FWMC's icon is the Ice Climbers

>> No.58948964


>> No.58948972


>> No.58948973

the cringe is starting

>> No.58948975

Kinda cute

>> No.58948981

Not an argument

>> No.58948998

>indulging in the kayfabe, fuwamocalli
alright grim repaer, i'll forgive you for the 8 year delay for that

>> No.58949011
File: 16 KB, 380x274, 1667180609798947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cringe and the kino. Home.

>> No.58949013
File: 68 KB, 244x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiragana fuwamoco

>> No.58949015
File: 367 KB, 811x877, F5v5_y3X0AAHIw0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58949019


>> No.58949032

That perfect synergy when they said goosebumps...

>> No.58949061

They had a fight...

>> No.58949066

just for today, i will treat mori like my wife's friend. i still don't like her, but I will behave in order not to make them look bad.

>> No.58949089


>> No.58949097

I was told by the japanese maids at a maid cafe that hiragana is cuter than katakana

>> No.58949112

Why does Mori talk like that?

>> No.58949120
File: 1.80 MB, 2292x3168, kirby 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based KirbyCHADS

>> No.58949122

teasing moririn's nipples!

>> No.58949124

of course lmao

>> No.58949139

Neither was your post

>> No.58949141

is it really going to be 2 hours of this

>> No.58949140

Prepare for comments like
>calli is alright now
And things like that, hell fucking no
Fuck off to your general

>> No.58949149


>> No.58949163

If the stream has a 5-minute delay, then they were on time

>> No.58949179

Because it was literally invented for women

>> No.58949181

Mococo's bratty laugh...

>> No.58949183
File: 40 KB, 152x153, 1630814052962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>items on

>> No.58949184


>> No.58949188

One move spam. Hahaha

>> No.58949198


>> No.58949200

Fuwawa's strategy is literally exactly what I expected

>> No.58949210

>Fuwawa just spams one move over and over

>> No.58949215

>she only knows down b
>mococo laughing like a maniac even though she's not playing

>> No.58949216
File: 58 KB, 204x214, 1690853703364770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays Kirby, Isabelle, Toon link, or Yoshi

>> No.58949218

fuwawa is fucking cracked. what a skilled demon dog BAU BAU

>> No.58949222
File: 2.28 MB, 450x334, 1670118012862043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a different kind of kino, kek
i feel like mori is on a different wavelength

>> No.58949223

how new?

>> No.58949229

>Fuwawa picks Kirby and spams down B
lol we could've predicted this, she's playing like everybody's female cousin

>> No.58949233

>fuwawa hates kingdom hearts

>> No.58949240

This. They said she's much nicer than they thought she'd be, so I'll humor them today. If Mori pulls her usual shit then I'm going postal.

>> No.58949243

>down b spam
Just like how I remember playing Melee back in the day, how nostalgic.

>> No.58949245

Had a friend who did this Kirby strat

>> No.58949262

Three, and the latest two are on consecutive weeks. That's not what you would call a "rare" thing which is what they said jp streams were supposed to be

>> No.58949270
File: 135 KB, 314x425, 1664312652662073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veritable moving images await us from this point onward, scholars.

>> No.58949282

If they stick with Kirby they will rec Mori.

Kirby is very good if booth players don't know what theyre doing. Multiple jumps will prevent you from dying and that down B rock move recks newbs.

>> No.58949284

F-Fuwawa you have other moves

>> No.58949288


>> No.58949294

>Mococo played KH
>Fuwawa hasn’t
There’s our solo stream series starting next week, bros.

>> No.58949295


>everybody had THAT friend

>> No.58949296

>timed stock

>> No.58949305

this is like watching the scenes in yosuga no sora with MC getting close to another girl near his sister, it feels wrong.

>> No.58949310

Wow I used to use this Kirby strat back in middle school.

>> No.58949317


>> No.58949319


>> No.58949321
File: 39 KB, 720x731, 1692235012041098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58949322


>> No.58949325

Wait, what's going on? Why are they talking like they can't hear each other?

>> No.58949329

holy fuck the way fuwawa plays is lame

>> No.58949331


>> No.58949332


>> No.58949333

yeah... "strat"

>> No.58949349

Words can't describe how much I dislike mori calliope

>> No.58949348


>> No.58949350

About what?

>> No.58949351


>> No.58949366

>That's not what you would call a "rare"
That is rare. Kill yourself and go back to global.

>> No.58949367
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1693969032031145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58949373

did you forget about RCG?

>> No.58949386


>> No.58949387

mococo very bratty today

>> No.58949389

I suppose there is some move to counter it, but Mori just don't know it/ can't time it?
t. have no idea about this game

>> No.58949395

They're talking past each other so much, it's as if they're not streaming together sometimes.

>> No.58949396


>> No.58949400

that roster...

>> No.58949402
File: 1.95 MB, 640x636, on-top-looking-down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no characters unlocked

>> No.58949414

>just full on retard spamming down-B only on the first match

>> No.58949427

Its what children and people don't know how to play the game do. Its a strategy for them.

>> No.58949431

block, dodge, disjointed hitbox. it's a bad strategy.

>> No.58949434

Mori's playing down to be nice, right?

>> No.58949438

a man can dream

>> No.58949446

i used to play lots of fighting games with friends, and if one of us occasionally spammed, we would group up on them lmao. this is bringing back memories

>> No.58949448

>mococo actually playing despite going in blind

>> No.58949470

this is what i was thinking, they're on a separate wavelength entirely
its ... interesting but i think its fun...

>> No.58949479

this is a disaster

>> No.58949481


>> No.58949487

Moco-chan is actually just smashing buttons kek

>> No.58949489
File: 70 KB, 254x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo wanted to smash

>> No.58949490

That's what I thought too. Fuwamoco are kind of not giving Mori any openings to speak.

>> No.58949494

my wife is being so cute

>> No.58949501
File: 281 KB, 501x443, korosmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching other girls? None of them is Ayame? No good can come from this.

>> No.58949502
File: 32 KB, 361x382, gigachad 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58949510

hope they can convert deadbeats into proper people

>> No.58949520


>> No.58949525

Something that happens every week isn't rare. NTA by the way

>> No.58949529

Is Mori going easy or is she actually worse than them at this?

>> No.58949530

bros... they can't actually do this for an hour right?

>> No.58949531

it feels like I have two separate streams open

>> No.58949542

Would it be funny if one of them backseats mori instead of the other?

>> No.58949550

Fuwamoco came to smash

>> No.58949551

It's as if Mori and FWMC are in two different streams. Wtf.

>> No.58949556
File: 169 KB, 322x326, 1693102507745544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58949569

is mococo a deadbeat?

>> No.58949574

I love it when mococo screams

>> No.58949576

>Mori is bad
>Moco-chan is bad
>Fuwawa is bad but good at spamming
Kek this stream is gonna be so kino

>> No.58949587

There's no fucking way Calli's WORSE at a game than FuwaMoco. She literally had to be holding back.

>> No.58949596
File: 341 KB, 1740x1284, bauedinthewrongneighbauhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new here?

>> No.58949603


>> No.58949607

I just wanted to type this, it really does feel that way.

>> No.58949604

This whole thing is like watching 2 streams from different days spliced together

>> No.58949610

Quick reminder that no matter what the dogs do they will always live in Moris shadow and will never come close to her success. Hope this helps while they continue getting 87 views on a rm stream too LMAO

>> No.58949615


>> No.58949627

damn theyre good

>> No.58949629

There's no much interaction in this collab

>> No.58949628


>> No.58949631


>> No.58949634

true, cant even tell if they're playing the same game

>> No.58949636


>> No.58949638

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.58949643

Fuwawa chads we can't stop winning

>> No.58949647

okay but mori sucks at smash

>> No.58949668

Deadbeats...why are you like this?

>> No.58949675
File: 323 KB, 1451x2048, F5a7wdlawAANxn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interaction doko

>> No.58949687

Yeah this collab feels like theyre both solo streaming barely acknowledging eachother

>> No.58949690

are fuwamoco the best gamers in EN?

>> No.58949700

that's just mean, this crosses the line. why are takos like this?

>> No.58949715

They have NO chemistry each other.

>> No.58949736

mama puppy is too pure.

>> No.58949737

these dogs are so innocent

>> No.58949739

>don't smash your brothers
But I guess smashing your sister is okay then

>> No.58949743

mamapuppy cute!

>> No.58949744

Wtf sheltered dogs
I played it with my brother and we lived

>> No.58949749

Maybe in 2021

>> No.58949761

Mori doesn't have chemistry with anybody.

>> No.58949776

this is UNIRONICALLY like watching children play, the way theyre just talking about whatever unrelated to eachother + the gameplay

>> No.58949777

Theyre both really bad. However because they picked Kirby it gives them a big advantage. Kirby is very newb friendly.

>> No.58949784

>Mamapuppy didn't like the idea of smashing your brothers
I think that implies that the twins have a brother

>> No.58949791

I think they may actually be virgins...

>> No.58949800
File: 2.01 MB, 1271x2195, F6f_mfta4AA8R_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I don't have this game. I thought the gimmick was that everyone is here.

>> No.58949806

I can't watch this, my hate for calliope is too strong and I watch the dogs to have fun, I just can't

>> No.58949822

Fuwawa is just going to use the down smash all stream isn't she

>> No.58949833

Not true, she had chemistry with Magni...

>> No.58949835

yeah, me.

>> No.58949838
File: 1.42 MB, 400x405, 1569119851672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine didn't

>> No.58949850

yeah, he died

>> No.58949854

Fuwawa is made for breeding

>> No.58949855

Fuwamoco chemistry tier Is already
Mumei > Mori

>> No.58949861

this is so weird
can they hear each other when they play?
wtf is going on

>> No.58949873

You have to unlock them by playing

>> No.58949874

they're eachother's brother from the same mother

>> No.58949875

yes but you have to unlock the characters in release order. you start with the original 8. it's fairly easy to unlock characters

>> No.58949882

They aren't communicating at all whatsoever

>> No.58949884

everyone is here
*after you unlock them and buy the character passes

>> No.58949897
File: 31 KB, 204x102, mococo smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is an STD riddled whore that only sees you as a paypig. Seethe

>> No.58949912

I hope you enjoyed her in jump mag last week while the dogs are still doing pathetic patreon streams like cowards

>> No.58949913

>weekly isn't rare
retard. I can already smell a polka collab next week

>> No.58949920

fuwawa's going to tilt mori with this lol

>> No.58949921

I've played with actual children before, they're only marginally better, it's great.

>> No.58949922

Haven't watched Mori since like 2020... why does she talk in such a reserved way?

>> No.58949929
File: 148 KB, 350x368, 1692506170064771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when is mori and fuwamoco actually going to interact with each other

>> No.58949935

this is kino in the weirdest sense possible, i am enjoying it but its so jarring that it's like 2 solo streams at once

>> No.58949938

It's actually nostalgic for me, like letting your relatives play when they come over for thanksgiving

>> No.58949956

why the fuck did she stop shooting her

>> No.58949975
File: 104 KB, 309x440, 1687963980264834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw autistic with no friends
>just played melee, brawl and 4 alone
>sometimes made my own storylines

>> No.58949976

>pls pls help me get my idol career off the ground
She says infront of less than 100 people.
Grim. While Mori gets sold out concerts

>> No.58949992

That's how Mori always talks

>> No.58949994


>> No.58950013

they never said that

>> No.58950045

Bros....we can't be there for her...

>> No.58950047


>> No.58950054

Stop fucking samefagging. Its not fucking weekly, its never been weekly. There have been TWO(2) JP streams separated by WEEKS.
Go back and kill yourselves.

>> No.58950053

anon... atleast subspace emissary was fun

>> No.58950059 [DELETED] 

FuwaMoco have been successful idols for over a decade
>Mori gets sold out concerts
Yeah it’s almost as if there’s a lot of redditors with low standards

>> No.58950069

mori is weird

>> No.58950070
File: 393 KB, 1702x1795, 1693447221793894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just notice Mori hasn't swore yet. She's -REALLY- trying to hold back in the dogs presence, kinda funny

>> No.58950074

>they never said that
Oh you sweet summer child
Stay mad that neither there holo or rm career will ever come close to her success

>> No.58950091

For once I agree with you Pero

>> No.58950105

You're just like Shiori anon. kek

>> No.58950108
File: 599 KB, 800x800, F5beNiQaEAA1iTQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby is a fat bastard.

>> No.58950112


>> No.58950115
File: 90 KB, 445x480, 1691894024134788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dogwives are laughing a lot and having fun, that is all i need to smile.

>> No.58950120

I was lucky and played with friends on 64 and captain falcon unlocked

>> No.58950127


>> No.58950130


>> No.58950142


>> No.58950139


>> No.58950143

Yes suck it up

>> No.58950145


>> No.58950149

quality > quantity

>> No.58950150

This collab feels a bit weird but they're having fun so I'm happy

>> No.58950151
File: 257 KB, 560x670, Fuwawa Let's suck it up[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3m8gms.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58950159

Why does Mori sound so depressed?

>> No.58950171
File: 178 KB, 851x636, 1608051261583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58950172

Imagine getting out done by Mori in less than half the time. Bahhahahaha better yet imagine having yo apply as a holo multiple times too. I couldn't imagine how jealous those 2 are of her career.

>> No.58950197
File: 329 KB, 864x1152, kinoite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.58950198

Imagine losing to fucking Fuwawa of all people

>> No.58950212

Mori always sounds like this in collabs

>> No.58950214

Success breeds depression

>> No.58950219
File: 26 KB, 594x211, 1667254811180615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58950223

This is such a weird interaction. Mori say an entire sentence but it'd be overlapped with FWMC making noises.

>> No.58950234

I managed to filter the voice of mori thanks to the way that she is talking and this is great now

>> No.58950237

Stop responding to the anon pretending to be a Deadbeat.
Why the fuck would a Deadbeat watch their private patreon stream?

>> No.58950235
File: 32 KB, 463x454, 1692413694153902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots are pathetic. They're having fun playing, Calli clearly wanting to accomodate the doggos. Meanwhile you're all chimping out and being menhera. Kill yourselves. All of you. Closing this tab now.

>> No.58950245

>accidentally picking a proper counter to ground pound strat

>> No.58950260

shiori cute. i would've preffered this collab with her and the girls

>> No.58950261

Go back

>> No.58950267

she's just like me

>> No.58950269

I respect Shiori.

>> No.58950270

dont come back pekofaggot

>> No.58950273

I would always let Fuwawa win, just to see her smile

>> No.58950298

I feel like people always have trouble collabing with the doggos, Biboo is the rare exception though

>> No.58950300


>> No.58950301

mori has been having some happy-sounding laughter, i think shes genuinely enjoying the dogs just being little autists in their own world

>> No.58950321
File: 72 KB, 1080x399, Screenshot_20230920-222434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a JP stream last week, there was the jpn lesson the week before that and there is Collab with fbk which will be jpn this week

>> No.58950328

I love watching pathetic individuals underneath Mori I love laughing at failures

>> No.58950337

yeah its odd, it feels like shes third wheeling fuwamoco, reminds me of the time mori collabed with coco
theyll get over it with time tho

>> No.58950354

A bit sorry i didn’t like you at start shiori

>> No.58950374

why does mori talk like a shounen protag's inner monologue

>> No.58950377

I like it when Mori screams NOOO

>> No.58950382

she should join in so we can have 2v2s

>> No.58950390

That's Mori in a lot of collabs, she starts to talk like people around her are retarded

>> No.58950394
File: 2.29 MB, 3000x4000, F6f_6WlaoAA8mPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58950403

>Mori using /live/
Guess she's not /here/ after all.

>> No.58950408


>> No.58950409

This is just random noise

>> No.58950414

>we've been playing zelda on our N64!
>mori is like so focused on the game she slightly nods but says nothing

>> No.58950416


>> No.58950426

>Mococo tries to engage Mori talking about Zelda
>absolutely fucking ignored

>> No.58950433

that's what I though
this feels like a bad dub

>> No.58950440

She's still sad about the two graduations

>> No.58950441 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 245x226, akira is unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori pretending she had an N64

>> No.58950458


>> No.58950466

Reminder Shiori tends to lurk on most FWMC streams. She's a sweet girl.

>> No.58950471
File: 217 KB, 2050x1754, F5GGgvqbYAA3D3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just defeated death.

>> No.58950475

Back in my day, stages would only go as far as blowing you with a little wind
There was never this stage warping crap

>> No.58950478

Calli just sounds like she doesn't be there lol

>> No.58950480
File: 903 KB, 909x623, moc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58950508

I think less chaotic games are good for new collabs

>> No.58950516
File: 577 KB, 900x900, 110289845_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that girl is kind of cute

>> No.58950526

wasn't really the time to bring it up kek

>> No.58950528

yeah i said earlier that's one of the reasons i can't watch her >>58920558

>> No.58950531

I want to them try out the other characters. They might find someone they like better than Kirby.

>> No.58950544

they're barely talking to each other lol mori is an autist

>> No.58950565


>> No.58950574

No chemistry.

>> No.58950575

i remember playing a lot of N64 smash on a shitty laptop back in college

>> No.58950591

But nobody is cuter than Kirby

>> No.58950598

this is a serious inquiry
does mori have autism

>> No.58950603

man, this makes me really want a stream with them playing against wuffians. could be this, mario kart or fall guys, anything works

>> No.58950634

Mori's been doing this streaming thing for years and she still can't carry a conversation with her collab partners. She's being too reserved. Fuwamoco are basically newbies at this so Mori really needs to lead the conversations better. Especially since it's being streamed to her channel so it's kind of her responsibility to guide the content.

>> No.58950644

Why are you guys like this?

>> No.58950664

mori collab experience

>> No.58950678

Like 3/4 of the Metroid map would melt, d-word

>> No.58950681

My favorite thing about /baubau/ is how it occasionally makes me feel a lot less old

>> No.58950693

not my cup of tea but she seems alright as a person

>> No.58950705

this is ruff, the fuwamoco sounds are nice though

>> No.58950706

Yeah, and the next one is tomorrow, how long ago was the last one?
and if their interactions with polka is any indication, there's already plans for a another one not long after
I have no problem with the jp streams themselves, but it's fucking weird for EN streamers to even make it a regular occurence. I don't even care if they can't keep it rare anymore but it should just be an occasional thing

>> No.58950709

i find it funny you guys keep saying this about mori, when Fuwawa and Moco-chan are doing the same thing...this collab is actually perfect. lots of cute noises and violence on the screen

>> No.58950718

Chat reflects the streamer.

>> No.58950724

>no one has complained about high ping in this "across the globe" connection

>> No.58950725

bros I'm loving this collab

>> No.58950727

Oh, it's that time of the night I guess. Good night /baubau/.

>> No.58950728

Someone should unironically make a doujin crossover with these sisters.

>> No.58950733
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1633181138751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said they wanted to play melty a while ago

>> No.58950738

I haven't watched much Mori except for the full Myth collabs, maybe she's just shy.

>> No.58950741

We will see if the problem is with Fuwamoco or if the problem is with all the other EN members tomorrow when they collab with Fubuki.

>> No.58950743

They haven't unlocked the roster. They only have the basic cast and DLC characters. Yesterday, they assumed that collabing on Mori's channel would mean the whole roster is unlocked for them, but it only works that way on local hosting.

>> No.58950750

The future is now old man. Catch up or be left in the dust.

>> No.58950772


>> No.58950787

a true villain...

>> No.58950788

>writes extremely shitty nerd rap
>lived in japan for years but doesn't speak Japanese
>speaks like an ancillary character from a 1996 dub of dbz
If she isn't then she's doing a hell of a job pretending she is.

>> No.58950801


>> No.58950803


>> No.58950814


>> No.58950818

anon shes playing smash bros, not disarming a nuke, she should be able to spare enough brainpower to hold a conversation

>> No.58950830

She overthinks everything so much that nothing comes out.
Sometimes less is more.

>> No.58950832

>does mori have autism
i only casually watch her and she is fucking weird(also she was a teacher and slips that condescending teacher accent) it wouldnt surprise me at all if she had some kind of autism lmao

>> No.58950842

>press down B until you win

>> No.58950870

They're somehow 5-0 and I wouldn't want fwmc gameplay any other way.

>> No.58950884

You can tell it's total shit but i think they're all so bad they barely even notice

>> No.58950890

imagine mori and fuwawa smothering mocochan with their tits

>> No.58950907

d...does this count as the "get good at fighting games" goal...?

>> No.58950920

I don't think Mori has any characters unlocked either.

>> No.58950929


>> No.58950936

Im not even sure if these girls are even aware of what ping is or does

>> No.58950939

Ah that's too bad, then

>> No.58950944

yep, I'm crossing the "get good at a fighting game" goal from their list. Fuwawa is a GOD.

>> No.58950949

Digimon Rumble Arena 2 (smash clone) in the GC/PS2 had a Stage that constantly changed for like 8 minutes, it was my group of friends' favorite since it was so dynamic and flexible.

>> No.58950952

I hate her yeaaah
How one woman manages to piss me off that much for me to be schizo about it is amazing

>> No.58950979
File: 185 KB, 1000x999, 1684158389869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is unironically a God Gamer. She's been absolutely dominating with her god-tier strategy. We're literally witnessing her conquer DEATH ITSELF.

>> No.58950994


>> No.58951012

>fighting game

>> No.58951014

Smash will never be a fighting game

>> No.58951031

>chance, chance!
It's actually weird how naturally anime phrases seem to come to them

>> No.58951039

oh oh ...

>> No.58951049
File: 229 KB, 2048x1496, F6gAOlxasAAk49G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as them getting good at a fighting game?
Is this a fighting game?

>> No.58951053 [DELETED] 

Does it make it even worse that she'll always be more successful than the dogs on both her rm and as a holo? Does it make you seethe

>> No.58951099

moco-chan is adorable

>> No.58951114

Mococo likes Fuwamocalli, BASED

>> No.58951119

Beating Calli in Smash is whatever. I wanna see them go toe-to-toe with Korone and Botan in SF6.

>> No.58951121


>> No.58951124
File: 309 KB, 2048x1497, F6gBppxaMAAOwda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58951126
File: 136 KB, 306x306, 1691356364590003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope not
i really want them to try their hand at an actual fighting game, even if they have to be mashing on modern in sf6

>> No.58951137

Good god, Ultimate starts out with basically no characters unlocked.

>> No.58951143

>amerimutt Mario

>> No.58951145

you will never be a deadbeat

>> No.58951152

You're neither a Deadbeat nor a Ruffian. You are a schizophrenic SEAfag.

>> No.58951163

>oh wait, so this Mario must.
she was gonna make a racist joke and caught herself...

>> No.58951168
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an american?

>> No.58951174

Didn't think of this until now but wasn't their screen name FUWAMOCO in the MK collab? Why is it ふわもこ now? I thought it was the name of your Switch account, did they switch it to another?

>> No.58951186

it's almost like they're weebs

>> No.58951188

MoCali reference. Jesus, they are hardcore. Even Kiara would kneel.

>> No.58951190

they will play Gran Blue Fantasy Versus Rising when it comes out in November, and they will get good at that while experiencing the anime and VN story segments

>> No.58951208

This is the first time I have watched mori, why does she say so little or speak like she's talking to herself. What is this

>> No.58951209


>> No.58951212

>moco-chan trying to start a conversation
>Mori doesn't keep it up by asking about it
Jesus Christ Mori quit being so fucking autistic

>> No.58951226

no she was gonna make a sakura wars reference but realized mori wouldnt get it

>> No.58951249

maybe one game uses your online account handle and the other just grabs your console profile name.

>> No.58951250

size checks out

>> No.58951251

cute mococo laugh

>> No.58951258

I look like this

>> No.58951267


>> No.58951271

You can have multiple accounts on one switch

>> No.58951273


>> No.58951275

>mario, what was that shitty form?
>they instantly go silent for a second
they're too precious

>> No.58951286
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, F6RsPs3WoAAI686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58951298
File: 123 KB, 1000x673, Mocalirecent[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moso Calibration fan, they're more /jp/ than most of /jp/

>> No.58951307

Americans aren’t a race

>> No.58951310

Gonna draw some Fuwamoco x Calli lewds, any suggestions?

>> No.58951311

i wonder how many japs know mario is a jap ip

>> No.58951314

God, this song is amazing.

>> No.58951324

>Mori quit being so fucking autistic
We are on the 3rd season of that one.

>> No.58951346


>> No.58951372

it's nintendo

>> No.58951374

Both of them pissing on her fat tits

>> No.58951377

>those feet

>> No.58951395
File: 502 KB, 850x1200, death to america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58951396

Is Kiara the only non autistic one in Myth?

>> No.58951417
File: 117 KB, 450x294, amrica+fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58951428

Reminder that Mococo actually, unironically hates America

>> No.58951432

Smash lets you use profile names with different control schemes for each. You can swap from 'Player' to 'Anon2' or 'Jimmy' at any time. Not sure if that's the same for online mode though, I don't play online.

>> No.58951447

where is fuwawas stream?

>> No.58951450
File: 183 KB, 191x404, 1665061893366599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this part.

>> No.58951456

Do one where Fuwawa and Mococo are enjoying each other and Mori is in a different room (not pictured)

>> No.58951481

me on the left

>> No.58951487

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.58951497

mococo took up inspiration from her

>> No.58951518

Fuwawa and Calli on opposite sides of Mococo, tits shoved in her face

>> No.58951539
File: 1.22 MB, 2621x3930, 1692111234726183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're big now

>> No.58951537

Good job ditto.

>> No.58951553


>> No.58951559

double paizuri on the mococock

>> No.58951569

And /jp/ hates them as if they kill their dog or something

>> No.58951586
File: 380 KB, 562x585, phonecoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look, sound, smell, and sexually identify as this

>> No.58951606


>> No.58951611

layered cake while playing smash

>> No.58951618
File: 419 KB, 918x1014, fuwawa bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.58951621

i mean, the shirt looks somewhat similar too

>> No.58951631

>flat chest
>exposed tummy
> same hair
>an idol group she watches

mococo rly took inspiration from her kek

>> No.58951639

>somehow still lost

>> No.58951641

It's really cute that they use the same character but as pink and blue. I use yellow Kirby(Keeby) because of Kirby's Dream Course

>> No.58951642


>> No.58951650

imagine losing to fuwawa

>> No.58951681


>> No.58951691

her name?

>> No.58951698


>> No.58951707

I don't know. /jp/ hates everyone

>> No.58951716


>> No.58951717

Everyone hates everything if you go the right thread.

Death Rabbit was the best, then Bellring

>> No.58951722
File: 254 KB, 752x1066, 1676074375665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost again

>> No.58951745

fuwawa is a pro gamer as proven by mario kart and this

>> No.58951747

Is Mori from America?

>> No.58951751

>And /jp/ hates them
Wait, really? Any particular reason? Cause they're more Japanese than any of /jp/ anons will ever be?

>> No.58951759

that's every board

>> No.58951773

>fwmc make sakura wars v reference
>completely lost on mori

>> No.58951806

any bakers on standby or am i the baker

>> No.58951805


>> No.58951819

what do you think

>> No.58951842

No, not really. Stop believing every bullshit post you read.

>> No.58951860

To be fair it would be lost by literally anyone else

>> No.58951867

The most stereotyped american woman
she will never be japanese...

>> No.58951869

>Mococo actually got Mori to reply and have a short exchange
Godspeed dogs

>> No.58951872

/jp/ is mentally ill and makes this board and most other boards seem tame by comparison.

>> No.58951888


>> No.58951909

No sir, she's from Texas

>> No.58951913

A Starfox Fuwamoco stream would be fun actually

>> No.58951919

They hate all EN there and don't even watch EN streams.

>> No.58951928

i love mococo's noises

>> No.58951942

She's from Hell.

>> No.58951958

Probably because they actually went to Japan, actually speak Japanese.
Anon go search jp archives about them if you want.

>> No.58951962

this is true
t. from /jp/ (/jp/, not hlg)

>> No.58951966

At times it feels like they're doing two solo streams instead of a collab.

>> No.58951979


>> No.58952005


>> No.58952015
File: 136 KB, 1440x1080, F6JUXRWaUAAKusm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread

>> No.58952019

She's kinda passive-agressive in the Sakura Wars 5 stream, you could say it's just a joke but if you're studying japanese so hard and you want to live there, then I think it's fair to assume she has an inclination to prefer Japan.
