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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58900119 No.58900119 [Reply] [Original]

JK Edition

>Current Stream
>Most Recent Stream

>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space 09-14-23
>HoloSummer Shorts
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Packs

/baubau/ sings Lifetime Showtime! Fuwamoco want to hear your voices!
Upload your submission (acapella) to catbox.moe and post the link in the comments in this puzzle.
It will be mixed and then put in Fuwamocos twitter tag so they can view the fruits of our efforts.

https://files.catbox.moe/bfza4y.mp4 - Singalong guide video w/ vocals
https://files.catbox.moe/px2e21.mp4 - Singalong guide video w/o vocals
- Lyrics are intentionally one beat ahead so you can react
- In the videos, there is main and alternative vocal tracks, which have a small lyric change and harmony+overlapping parts separated in case you want to be fancy, but you can mix and match it however you want. The most important part is to have fun participating! The song seems kinda hard as an ESL.

>Thread Template

Previous Thread >>58891663

>> No.58900167

first for fuwawa

>> No.58900168

They love calli.

>> No.58900180
File: 429 KB, 1024x718, 1685757037759955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to kinoplex, how may i help you :)?

>> No.58900181

There were a lot of shit superchats I hope they skip the most cancerous ones

>> No.58900198
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw09by.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58900203
File: 1.98 MB, 2688x1512, 1694822805821580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ojisans who should be in bed by now ONLY

>> No.58900216

wtf ps2 is retro now

>> No.58900227

One Mori collab please (:

>> No.58900232
File: 229 KB, 471x427, 1668783606612069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa Thread

>> No.58900237


>> No.58900243

what did she mean by this?

>> No.58900250

Did they not have a gamecube?
I feel like PS2 gets more love than gamecube

>> No.58900259
File: 720 KB, 726x837, mococo abyssgard and fuwawa abyssgard (hololive and 1 more) drawn by sheryama Danbooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for enjo kousai

>> No.58900268

>PS2's not retro... right?

>> No.58900276

I'll take one Cookie & Cream please

>> No.58900288

Dreading the cringe SC

>> No.58900289

PS series has a fuckload of jp games especially (sfw) date sims and anime tie-ins

>> No.58900296

I actually don't think it is. But oh well.

>> No.58900300

When the PS2 was new the SNES was considered retro and brother, time's arrow has only marched forwards.

>> No.58900304

Hail Fuwawa

>> No.58900309

The word "retro" literally means "from a previous era," which the PS3 is.

>> No.58900355
File: 12 KB, 620x820, Cookie Female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was getting horny during the stream that I started drawing a female version of Cookie

>> No.58900356

Fuwawa said the "D" word...

>> No.58900359

*in a nerd voice*
The word "retro" literally means "from a previous era," which the PS3 is.

>> No.58900363

Even their gamer rage is cute

>> No.58900365

>23 years old
For comparison when the PS2 was new, "23 years ago" was 1977.
You know what released in 1977? The first Atari, and we sure as hell called that "retro" in the year 2000!

>> No.58900368

>dainty hyperfeminine girl calling someone DUDE out of rage

fucking super cute lmaooo

>> No.58900371

ps2 is literally 3 console generations ago. it's 100% retro.

>> No.58900397
File: 494 KB, 1274x1145, __mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hosto__77e681b9636aa36c29fee646cfdfa709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hurry up dude"

>> No.58900399


>> No.58900420

>23 years old
>For comparison when the PS2 was new, "23 years ago" was 1977.
what the fuck

>> No.58900424

my rule is if it has a composite video out, it's retro.

>> No.58900433

Stop cussing in this thread please.

>> No.58900435


>> No.58900455

that name sounded like "I'm horny"

>> No.58900456

fuwawa bridge moment

>> No.58900468


>> No.58900472

Yeah, it's definitely this.

>> No.58900495

fuckin DUDE

>> No.58900518


>> No.58900525

Cookie and Cream actually has some kind of rerelease on the DS

>> No.58900535

Skipped the retarded part of the SC. Nice.

>> No.58900539


>> No.58900542

>calling a fellow Ruffian the D word
what the fuck is wrong with this fag?

>> No.58900546
File: 43 KB, 198x283, Mortal_Kombat_Shaolin_Monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaolin Monks coop WHEN

>> No.58900554

oh this was the SC about their friend dying, they completely ignored that part for a thank you

>> No.58900578

I am now deeply concerned

>> No.58900580

Retards suggesting PS5 demake

>> No.58900582


>> No.58900590

the guy actually died, but yeah it was for the best

>> No.58900594

>No sold that SC

>> No.58900614

The remake isn't how Stockpile Thomas would want it to be.

>> No.58900616

mococos face in disbelief someone so retarded could get praised that hard

>> No.58900621


>> No.58900636

>didn't acknowledge the dead friend part cause it would bring down the mood
>still made special mention telling the guy to take it easy

These girls are just too perfect

>> No.58900637

>no ears
>no tails
>wants to see where your hand is
Tits it is

>> No.58900639

>Swapped in generic banter for the rest of the SC while still being polite
I feel bad for that person but why would you superchat that.... At least FWMC are always professional about it.

>> No.58900659

my condolences. vtuber chats 99% of people are looking to escape reality though so yeah, better to not acknowledge it, them telling him to take it easy was a subtle way to acknowledge it and provide some kindness though which is nice

>> No.58900668

Well we'll just have to see if they play it
I immensely enjoyed DeS over Das due to how it felt like a NES sidescroller, but 3D

>> No.58900672

wait did that guy ask where to pat so fuwawa looks down and give us more cleavage?
holy shit 5head

>> No.58900673

Too many retards with no tact at all. Trying to pass their misery onto Fuwamoco.

>> No.58900677

Yep, they skipped the MY FRIEND DIED LET'S GOOOO SC

>> No.58900729

they kept hammering on the point that they were playing a From game from before Souls, so the fact that there's a Souls game they didn't even know about probably piqued their interest. I would love that, Demon's is incredible, but the remake kills so much of what makes it special, people playing only that version will likely just think it's a worse Dark Souls.

>> No.58900730

Typing of the Dead was a fun juxtaposition between their cuteness and violence, this would be a fun one for a similar effect.

>> No.58900749

That dude?

>> No.58900751

>give more sympathy to the wisdom teeth hort sc
i'd follow my fren to dead to prolly

>> No.58900756

That green dude? Me.

>> No.58900757

>why would you superchat that.
There is an inherent malignancy in idol culture that drives fans to destroy the performers. It's the main reason I hate this business, even while I appreciate the idols themselves.

>> No.58900758

Hopefully this discourages people from attempting this in the future. Gotta learn to read the room.

>> No.58900760
File: 6 KB, 158x179, 1618989519356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa said d*de again

>> No.58900764

his friend died for nothing....

>> No.58900776

It's cute every time how they always say "TheDAWinz" (which I assume is D.A.) as "THEDAWWINS!"

>> No.58900778

I've always felt like DeS-DS2 were closer to a spiritual successor to classic Castlevania than they are to King's Field/Shadow Tower.

>> No.58900785

I just did cold water filtration on the vicodin I got for my wisdom teeth, to get rid of the acetaminophen and chilled out

>> No.58900797


>> No.58900799

>started reading
>realized it's not orange

>> No.58900812

I took too much punishment from cream and cookies today
something light and fluffy like minecraft is good

>> No.58900813

I don't think they can play the remake anyway

>> No.58900815


>> No.58900823

It has nothing to do with idol culture. People superchat this kind of shit to streamers all the time.

>> No.58900829


>> No.58900845

I honestly think they're just clueless and lonely and/or lacking IRL support

>> No.58900847

if that guy got a better friend maybe he'd still be alive

>> No.58900867


>> No.58900874

hes right

>> No.58900894

they said they're not sure if they'll revenge this, was this the last Cookie Cream stream?

>> No.58900898

huh they are like himemori luna. she doesnt read orange below

>> No.58900907

girlies i'm getting in bed
goodnight dudes

>> No.58900914

unfortunate side-effect of having vtubers as emotional support
some just can't help themselves
but if you lose someone you probably aren't going to make good emotional judgments
idk what a solution would be besides them doing what they did and just skip the dark shit

>> No.58900917

remind me, what supas get acknowledegd and red?

i notice $10s get acknowledged with a bau bau but not read
$20+ are read
$5s are skipped over?

>> No.58900919

Whose was it?

>> No.58900921


Not everyone is considerate or could read the air or room. During mococo mario kart a lot of greens asking why mococo is silent

>> No.58900922

yeah, probably timed perms

>> No.58900937

With DeS, it having a hub area, helped make it clear there were "levels" that you go through from start to end.

>> No.58900962

its the colors bro. orange above are read. anthing else is bau baus

>> No.58900964

I think they handled it perfectly

>> No.58900966

>clueless and lonely and/or lacking IRL support
So am I, but the difference is I don't fucking trauma dump onto two cute hags trying to make people smile. I do the masculine thing by holding it all inside until the inevitable day I have a psychotic break, explode, and kill someone or myself.

>> No.58900995

can't be perms, they can always just apply for them again in the future.

>> No.58900998

baused and same

>> No.58901010

I think i only seen them read a yellow 2 times. They also read a green once.

>> No.58901042

they can, but with how many times they said "we're trying, we're really trying" when it comes to permissions to older games they want to play, it's probably more trouble than it's worth for a single stream.

>> No.58901043

>skipped the blue SC for fuwawa but read the pink SC for mococo

>> No.58901053

>I do the masculine thing by holding it all inside until the inevitable day I have a psychotic break, explode, and kill someone or myself.
based and testosterone pilled

>> No.58901054

You're trying too hard to impress people

>> No.58901074

>I do the masculine thing by holding it all inside until the inevitable day I have a psychotic break, explode, and kill someone or myself.
Kek based

>> No.58901078

tis a shame really

>> No.58901082

>not angry
do you really beleeb

>> No.58901090

they just skipped over a green supa just now, bau bau'd at a yellow
i don't think any of the greens have been bau bau'd, looking at hololyzer and recalling my memory

>> No.58901094

Marine only reads red and still takes a while to read them. if they don't want to be doing "superchat reading streams" as their bread and butter, they have to have this kind of limit.
they have said they read all of them, and the fact that they bother hearting every members' post comment makes me think they do, just not on stream.

>> No.58901103

could be, but I can't imagine it's more than just a bit of filling out some forms and submitting them to someone

>> No.58901108

I want Mococo to insult me as Fuwawa reassures me

>> No.58901117

Bros they're too cute

>> No.58901124

>1st time SC
This takes a very special kind of cluelessness in the absence of ulterior motives.

>> No.58901126

bros they are too cute

>> No.58901131

gonna need to make that a soundpost to btfo the autists who take their banter seriously

>> No.58901135

Fuwawa is "watering the cat"

>> No.58901144

Something will come between them. That something is my cock.

>> No.58901153

depends on how autistic the company is. Guilty Gear permissions require you to schedule the specific time you want to stream to get their approval.

>> No.58901155
File: 11 KB, 175x65, 1680744862158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros they're too cute
They really are. We don't deserve them

>> No.58901160
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>> No.58901161

bros... they're too cute...

>> No.58901163

The most important time of the day is over

>> No.58901169

hags cant resist wearing high school uniforms

>> No.58901176
File: 182 KB, 580x548, 1663985910837510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The light leaves us once again...

>> No.58901188

They still read it in their heads, Anon

>> No.58901190

>t. every Ruffian during the ASMR stream

>> No.58901195

Perms for games may require some other things like split revenue, no SC and so on. We don't know for sure what's the requirement for cookies and cream.

>> No.58901198

Damn yeah it really sounds like they'll have to reask for the perms

>> No.58901204

kuyashi with semen squirt

>> No.58901230

Fuwawa not that important
its okay

>> No.58901227
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>> No.58901232
File: 294 KB, 381x387, mopero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy Ruffians? This last part of the game is really difficult to time manage but I'm sure they can do it! They still have a bonus world and VS Mode to play around with if they do somehow beat it fast. Do you think they'll get a chance to revenge it? See you for The Backrooms with Fubuki!

>> No.58901241
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, cwrwcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should coop the entire timesplitters series

>> No.58901242
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>> No.58901244
File: 1.79 MB, 1004x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori collab
>mori raid

>> No.58901246


>> No.58901251


>> No.58901264

Moustachebro, there's two streams before the Fubuki one...

>> No.58901265

Ruffian... You're supposed to carry the light with you when they're gone... Keeping the torch lit to the best of your ability is your responsibility so don't let them down!

>> No.58901269
File: 651 KB, 500x223, fwmc ending rain [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgo25gu.opus].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58901274

I love these cute hags

>> No.58901277
File: 38 KB, 983x130, 1681018563199260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58901281

>for neurodivergent people it can calm them down
uh huh

>> No.58901294

I don't do moustache post for FWMC Morning and Mori collab is on her channel.

>> No.58901295

>Raid into the fat wigger

>> No.58901302

Dont remind me about that collab......

>> No.58901318

Moustachebro isn't going to watch Fuwamoco tomorrow....

>> No.58901324

I just destroyed my sleep schedule to watch them kek

>> No.58901326

>require you to schedule the specific time you want to stream to get their approval.
Unless you mean even what time they will end, it shouldn't be any different with how FuwaMoco schedule streams for the week and put what time they're gonna start.

>> No.58901332

What the fuck I didn't know Mori could draw

>> No.58901333

holy shit, has moris art always been this good? or has she been doing art reps for 3 years

real cute stuff

>> No.58901334
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 16936285513465874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori raid
>she starts explaining what she's doing
>say DIDN'T ASK out loud
>close tab

>> No.58901342

>can you fill this form
>stamp this here, here, and here
>fax it to us on 10AM JST because we can't receive fax outside working hours
>can you re-send the form, the stamp is misaligned by 5mm
>pls re-send it within the hour otherwise we'd process it in the next 5 business days

>> No.58901349

I mean I'm not the biggest fan of Calli but she seems like a kind person

>> No.58901352

She used to be an animator, I think

>> No.58901358

the only tolerable stream mori did is when she used her gfe voice the whole stream.

>> No.58901362

I'd love to watch FWMC Morning live but it's at 10am and I wageslave to support them more!

>> No.58901363

Is this a Japan thing? No chance the rando Twitch streamers and especially speedrunners put up with this crap.

>> No.58901364

You should watch her a little to be mentality prepared for their collab

>> No.58901366

and animate! She's very talented

>> No.58901373

it's always been pretty good

>> No.58901377

>ad stops me from watching mori stream
ads based?

>> No.58901380

i don't hate Mori anymore so it's ogey

>> No.58901388


>> No.58901389

she animated her own MV too

>> No.58901392
File: 79 KB, 1080x175, 1667354680060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58901395

mustachebro skipping mori
clearly an anon huh
the magic has died

>> No.58901393

I wonder how many weeks of schedules they have planned ahead

>> No.58901402

correct, but having to do that every time you want to stream a game is slightly more autistic than the norm. usually you ask for permission, they say "sure", and you play. then there's the slightly more autistic ones that will say "sure, but", and that but can be "no monetization" or "your permission is temporary, to make sure you'll finish it and not drop it so our game doesn't look uninteresting", and then there's "give me the exact date and hour you plan to stream, we'll be watching"

>> No.58901410

It was just as chaotic and enjoyable as the first one, I always love seeing them overcome a difficult stage.

>> No.58901414
File: 106 KB, 1095x1200, 1668142928759414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58901426

If you're corpo in Japan yeah

>> No.58901429
File: 81 KB, 1924x351, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calli's chat

>> No.58901431

>only 2:45pm here
poor mutt

>> No.58901433

she's a better artist than she is a musician

>> No.58901434

a jap got 3 years jail time like a week ago for playing a VN all the way through and streaming it

>> No.58901436 [SPOILER] 

She's the second best artist in EN. She has a 4 year art degree.

>> No.58901438

Final Destination No Items is cringe.
For me, it's Battlefield with Bom-ombs

>> No.58901449

they just arrested some streamer in japan for playing game without perm

>> No.58901453

She is but I'll never be able to tolerate her.

>> No.58901455

honestly her drawing and animation is years ahead of her music attempts

>> No.58901461

google the holocaust

>> No.58901470
File: 183 KB, 562x585, mococo_slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaaah pink woman baaaaaad!
trying way too hard, sisters

>> No.58901476

I'm watching it! Just not going to ritualpost about it

>> No.58901477
File: 1.65 MB, 490x223, fwmc ending rain DOUBLE [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fajpgiz.opus].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58901479

she reminds me of a slimy politician

>> No.58901482
File: 721 KB, 1618x2100, 1658127898169651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58901485

>ruffians witnessing moris art will be what turns them into dogbeats
kek, someone post the image

>> No.58901501

My favorite is stock, all bats
item-throwing chaos
>captcha AN0N W

>> No.58901503

Lol I wageslave too, but I only go into the office Tuesday and Thursday. Be envious

>> No.58901515

I thought Ina was the artist...?

>> No.58901520

Raimi did WHAT

>> No.58901527

I'll give her one thing, she's always been nice to the new girls. This is pretty much why they literally all love her.

>> No.58901535

wait wtf was calli's bgm? i know this song from somewhere....

>> No.58901542

eh? why not? are your ritualposts not going to be in proper chronological order for upcoming streams then?

>> No.58901544

deadbeats kys

>> No.58901551

she's so cool...

>> No.58901552

it's holo remixes from the official channel

>> No.58901564

Ina has the speed, but I honestly prefer Mori's style.

>> No.58901570


>> No.58901571

Are FWMC streaming it? I thought it was only on Mori's channel

>> No.58901572

>See you for The Backrooms with Fubuki!
Skipping their stream with Calli tomorrow?

>> No.58901581

I'm not a (((Calli))) fan myself, but she sure is an incredible person, huh, fellow anonymous posters? We should all reply to ourselves in this unrelated thread about how great she is.

>> No.58901590

right now it's chill remix of that one song by the onion

>> No.58901596

ah okay, that's pretty cool

>> No.58901601

Not that many, or at least they're partially planned. Planetarian got into their schedule as soon as they got the perms.

>> No.58901607

>your permission is temporary, to make sure you'll finish it and not drop it so our game doesn't look uninteresting
That seems counterproductive since if it takes a long time to finish for whatever reason, it'll end up being dropped anyway.
>"give me the exact date and hour you plan to stream, we'll be watching"
Shouldn't be a problem with these two.

>> No.58901612

Even if you're not Japanese and you're streaming to Twitch as some nobody independent streamer, some Japanese companies will DMCA you for streaming their game. I remember it happened with Persona 5 a few years ago.

>> No.58901615

Why do so many of the holoen girls pronounce it like this?

>> No.58901618

I only go in on Wed, get on my level.

>> No.58901632

All I gotta say is I want to see her drawing of FuwaMoco and I'm sure it will be cute

>> No.58901636

yeah i realized the one from before was marine unison

>> No.58901643
File: 67 KB, 728x672, 1691622413455897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canoe part was especially kino. Due to sleep, I dozed off for an hour and came back just in time for SC reading, but while half-sleeping, I heard that there's a plane that's worse than the canoe and Mococo's "I'm SO done!". I'll have to rewatch that part.
Also, at the canoe part Fuwawa's "I'm so sorry!" when she played badly sounded very genuine and tugged my heartstrings and made me want to hug her.
Unfortunate if can't continue due to perms, but I hope they can get back to it to finish it.

>> No.58901650

i suppose thats true if you want to be exclusive about streams only on their channel, but you're missing the FWMC morning in that case

>> No.58901651

I mean, FWMC did redirect us to her and posted in her chat. I usually stick around to wherever I get redirected to for a bit regardless of who it is.

>> No.58901662

I legit don't know or care enough about any chuubas to hate them. At most, there's Nerissa but I think she does it on purpose.

>> No.58901685

Hey, mine lines up with FWMC Morning, so I'm happy

>> No.58901696

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is an outsider
post membauship

>> No.58901707

shes fine without the cussing

>> No.58901709
File: 51 KB, 520x512, gura_puzzled_nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think someone that's already dead can kts, though?

>> No.58901715

>I legit don't know or care enough about any chuubas to hate them.

>> No.58901721

You're right... I have to VOD wed FWMC. I can listen to it live, but I want to see the video too...

>> No.58901734

She even taught people to pronounce it correctly on debut, but they don't watch streams.

>> No.58901741

>"your permission is temporary, to make sure you'll finish it and not drop it so our game doesn't look uninteresting"
If that's the reason, this result is counter-productive so it should be easy for them to get an extension so they can actually finish it.

>> No.58901758


>> No.58901775

i watched the first baldurs gate stream and mori was the most annoying shit in that collab

>> No.58901781 [DELETED] 

Anti posters all come from one of three places,
1. Jealous sisters
2. Former fans
3. Schizophrenic SEAfags
That's it.

>> No.58901787

Well Mori also pronounces Gura's name as Gurruh

>> No.58901792
File: 221 KB, 462x671, FUWAMOCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58901811

Bless Ame for this crystallized kino of a stream

>> No.58901814

I think it's because Coco is a normal name to say, and there you stress the first syllable. They end up pronouncing it like the "mo" is an afterthought.

>> No.58901859
File: 36 KB, 408x489, 63364697364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting that Fuwamoco are the only Advent members who are top heavy with just US SC and JP SC (rare stream for yen not being in the top 2).
I guess 3rd worlders got filtered by Fuwamoco?

>> No.58901862

Mori and Biiboo were both equally bad in that one. Neither one wanted to play it slow and steady with Kiara/Nerissa.

>> No.58901909

>I guess 3rd worlders got filtered by Fuwamoco?
Remember all the posts saying they "can't understand their accent"? All nonJP ESLs.

>> No.58901911

>Former fans
That's the one I don't get. Was it a hard break? Who the fuck cares that much?

>> No.58901922

>I guess 3rd worlders got filtered by Fuwamoco?
I cant SC. They'd lose money.

>> No.58901932

do they get the most amount of SCs out of Advent?

>> No.58901941
File: 21 KB, 739x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you later, virgins

>> No.58901949

I would kneel so hard if they play the original demons souls, but streaming it is a pain

>> No.58901963


>> No.58901976

a lot of the problems in that first steam would've been solved if Kiara/Rissa at least familiarized themselves with the controls before the collab
imho things went too far the other direction, instead just playing enough solo to grow familiar, they played so much they're removed a lot of surprise from the encounters and discoveries and it kinda cheapened out the experience

>> No.58901984

and gura calls her calliope

>> No.58901990

Hi, Anan Onel

>> No.58901991

whenever I don't like a chuuber, I just stop paying any attention to them

>> No.58901993

yes by about 25% of shiori and 40% of rissa

>> No.58902006

i've gotten my post liked before too, my heart was beating.... this is so embarrassing

>> No.58902012
File: 22 KB, 1145x166, 2546376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of right now Fuwamoco have the most total revenue with Shiori in 2nd with $84,355.

>> No.58902053

>Also, at the canoe part Fuwawa's "I'm so sorry!" when she played badly sounded very genuine and tugged my heartstrings and made me want to hug her.
Honestly, fuwawa has some patience there. Like even though she is bad at games, and panics alot, she rarely loses her temper.

>> No.58902062
File: 123 KB, 853x480, 1685710116967205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trauma center has coop
i want fuwawa to operate me and spill spaghetti all over my insides once she sees my penor

>> No.58902088

My jaws hurt from laughing. The hitboxes for the boss is stupid though. Game is rigged.

>> No.58902097

Do we know anything about the deal of 2 people sharing channel though? I wonder what the details are here.

>> No.58902107

>Shiori in 2nd with $84,355.
>all the antiposting resulted in her audience becoming more devoted
I was trying to warn everyone about this. Antiposting that hard only does the opposite of what you intend.

>> No.58902110

I remember playing the Wii version with my brother, lots of fun.

>> No.58902121

>Schizophrenic SEAfags
As if there can't be Schizophrenic Mutts or Euros...

>> No.58902123

4 Cuckbeats

>> No.58902142

My anti-posting is usually when some vtuber is directly interfering with the ones that I like to watch or indirectly affecting them by negatively impacting the image of the company.

>> No.58902143

How does the co op work?

>> No.58902145
File: 39 KB, 362x370, 1692121427914798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numberfags here instead of staying in his containment
>posts numbers with euro and brazilbuck in the same range as yen
>doesn't mention leafbuck that's double those two
>"they only get dollar and yen scs"

>> No.58902146

what the hell is Bijou doing? I thought she had the second highest stream ccv out of Advent.

>> No.58902147

She's a sweet girl. Those threads have a culture all their own, trying to make sense of her ramblings and time loop tangents.

>> No.58902152

>he thought the ESL filter was a meme

>> No.58902163

shioris interaction with her prechat definitely is a contributing factor to her SC revenue

>> No.58902175

>negatively impacting the image of the company
Who are you to judge whether the image of the company is being negatively impacted or not?
Also, just don't anti post. There's no reason to.

>> No.58902180

>ccv matters
zoomers dont have money
ojitans however.....

>> No.58902186

youtube gets 30
cover gets 30
fuwawa gets 40

>> No.58902190

>Do we know anything about the deal of 2 people sharing channel though?
No, why would we? They're sisters, so they probably have a joint business account or something. Or maybe Fuwawa controls all the money and gives Mococo an allowance. I have no idea how Canada's tax system works, so I can't begin to figure it out.

>> No.58902217


>> No.58902219
File: 2.73 MB, 498x498, 1677754524078532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks mococo gets anything

>> No.58902230

zoomers have no money

>> No.58902247

Can you guys not discuss revenue here and making it Holo vs Holo as if it matters who's higher than who?

>> No.58902265

Mococo controls the credit card, Fuwawa does the cooking.

>> No.58902274

It hasn't devolved into shitflinging yet, so it seems fine so far.

>> No.58902283

call your daddy janny

>> No.58902288

I was more referring to the deal they have with cover. Since Cover normally debuts 5 per gen, having only 4 talents could mean different contracts.

>> No.58902311

Now this I can understand. Hence why I think Nerissa does it on purpose. Classical heel work... except I'm not sure how they turn heel work into a payday apart from sympathy SCs.

>> No.58902322

>I was trying to warn everyone about this. Antiposting that hard only does the opposite of what you intend.
Isnt the same as us ruffians? We get shit tons of antiposting too. Hell, we even get raids for no good reason.

>> No.58902323

Fuwawa controls the credit card. Mococo pays the credit card bill.

>> No.58902334

but they are 5 though? fuwawa is still a separate entity with a shared channel
same shit with fubuki on 2 groups

>> No.58902353
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1692745562169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mococo gets nothing
>Fuwawa steals Mococo's credit card anyway

>> No.58902360

Is the Calli Smash an offcollab

>> No.58902372


>> No.58902384

nothing like that was said

>> No.58902385

I miss them already

>> No.58902396

>fuwawa is still a separate entity
I like what you're implying here....

>> No.58902404

Bijou plays fromsoft games and unfortunately as part of the permissions for fromsoft games (aside from cookies and cream) you are not allowed to enable SC for them. So on those streams Bijou can't get any SC

I think she'd be the lowest anyway though cause she is really focused on being the meme zoomer gamer and doesn't really encourage people to be parasocial or anything.

>> No.58902410

No, a genuine question

>> No.58902414

>Isnt the same as us ruffians? We get shit tons of antiposting too. Hell, we even get raids for no good reason.
Yeah it is, and it only makes me more attached to FuwaMoco.

>> No.58902423

ah, that's a good point she's been playing tons of fromsoft

>> No.58902424

i'm reminded that Advent was put together specifically to cater to every type of viewer demographic and i'm glad i ended up with FuwaMoco. t.ojisan

>> No.58902436

Assuming you're actually being genuine, Calli lives in Japan and FWMC live in Canada.

>> No.58902439

It's all about what kind of audience you can pull. The older the audience with jobs are more likely to superchat.

>> No.58902450

Yeah, Calli's gonna hop on a plan from Japan to Canada in a few hours.

>> No.58902456

shit would make more sense if Hololive worked like a sports season where all the talents compete for a period of X months to see who's the top vtuber in Hololive. Then it resets after the season is over.
So then you can have heels and faces and storylines for the season.

>> No.58902466

I thought Fuwawa said she has no money herself and she uses Mococo's money? Fuwawa handles spending Mococo handles saving

>> No.58902473

For example, bringing politics into the company. It's pretty easy to see how the vtubers can drag the image of a company into the toilet if you see what happened with NijiEN.

>> No.58902478

We have absolutely no idea how their specific contract works and probably never will.
Presumably Fuwawa and Mococo share their portion of the revenue from the channel but for their individual merch they get theri respective share just for themselves.

>> No.58902480

Same. Im waiting for some stream where we get to talk with them a bit more.

>> No.58902498
File: 747 KB, 400x284, 1671763787037261.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they have successfully moved to japan. would they want to naturalize? i wonder if they dont like being canadian lmao

>> No.58902501

>unfortunately as part of the permissions for fromsoft games (aside from cookies and cream) you are not allowed to enable SC for them.
What the fuck, why?

>> No.58902503

All of the Hololive chuubas get paid according to their contracts, plus bonuses on a per-stream basis for select streams (major collabs, concerts).
Individual contributions to revenue (SCs, memberships) are only considered during renegotiations.

>> No.58902512

>and FWMC live in Canada
But do they

>> No.58902519

The answer is simple, boomers have more money than zoomers.

>> No.58902524
File: 818 KB, 2902x2480, 1694920973730704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Findom Fuwawa....

>> No.58902533

That's just how fromsoft wants to do it. It's their decision to be super autistic and jewish

>> No.58902544

info reps

>> No.58902546

>But do they
t. their husband

>> No.58902551

What do you think "Northwest Passage" is a euphemism for?

>> No.58902559

60% of the streams she does can't even be monetized dude. She's doing pretty good despite that.

>> No.58902561
File: 203 KB, 1360x1952, 1673454163787973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the japs adopted bau bauing retarded antis

>> No.58902574

>that webm

>> No.58902583

Wait until they realize how soul crushing it is to live in Japan

>> No.58902586

The Terror

>> No.58902595

But >We stopped doing it...

>> No.58902614

Time to hear the twitter space again, hoping i have a FuwaMoco dream

>> No.58902621

Fuwamoco were getting superchats for cookie and cream. I think it's only newer releases

>> No.58902631

>60% of the streams she does can't even be monetized
this is a common misconception. people who want to superchat will just dump all of it in the next stream

>> No.58902633

Yeah, I think a lot of people overlook this and just complain about how every member doesn't cater to them. The point is to cover every demographic, not to have every member cover the same demographic 4-5 times over.

>> No.58902637

>I thought Fuwawa said she has no money herself and she uses Mococo's money?
No, she said Mococo sometimes give her the credit card to hold, and she will put the tab on that card.

>> No.58902640

>moco-chan's better at japanese (debuff)
this will never not be funny

>> No.58902660

They don't realize to stop and just get (You)s, and if it's a shitpost thread, it gets pulled to the top

>> No.58902669
File: 3.98 MB, 3176x3692, 1694211586383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to polygamy laws, you can only marry ONE of them. The other is relegated to girlfriend-status.

>> No.58902670


>> No.58902681

i'd rather report and ignore

>> No.58902682
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>> No.58902684

I suppose so, but I felt like Council mostly appealed to the same audience (except Sana who's gone anyway)

>> No.58902696
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>> No.58902697

Oh yeah, today Shiori mentioned being flabbergasted at how Mococo thought of her before sleeping. I hope her and FWMC can have their own collab soon.
Next week's Advent collab is Minecraft again, on Friday.

>> No.58902702


>> No.58902714

Isn't it because cookie and cream has a different publisher or something?

>> No.58902721
File: 2.92 MB, 540x498, 1685679315590605.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i increased the volume to max because its a koyori stream

>> No.58902738

Fuwawa of course.

>> No.58902744

Did they skip any SCs after cookie & cream? Just wondering cause I had a thunderstorm destroy my power

>> No.58902750

>majority of ruffians are ex-Kronies and ex-saplings
were those two popular with ojisans too?

>> No.58902752

>Mori doesn't like the whowawa meme

>> No.58902755


>> No.58902762

Mori just confirmed in chat that she doesn't like the whowawa shit btw.

>> No.58902763

Just sage your reply. It’s better than trying to own them with facts and logic.

>> No.58902764
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too easy

>> No.58902771

>Mori asking people not to say the "fuwawa doesn't exist" meme in her chat
>also asked not to say it "anywhere"
>Said it was mean
Dogs def said something when they were chatting

>> No.58902791

>majority of ruffians are ex-Kronies and ex-saplings

>> No.58902809

His ass

>> No.58902822

Mori will protect our girls. She learned her lesson with Kronii. Plus Lui is watching from the wings

>> No.58902829
File: 320 KB, 800x800, 1664258136676592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-But you guys told me to hate Mori...aren't I supposed to take a position opposite of hers?!

>> No.58902837

it's a shit meme but their genmates started so there's nothing to do

>> No.58902838

She probably wants to avoid another “bottom left” situation. People can run these early memes into the ground.

>> No.58902863


>> No.58902869

Good, Nerissa definitely told mori about it so good on them.

>> No.58902873

That would explain the Goslingposters though.

>> No.58902874

They lived and worked in Japan for 5 years ruffian...

>> No.58902875

It is actually mean and can get out of hand. Fortunately Ruffians don't use it too much compared to adventrix

>> No.58902883
File: 259 KB, 387x431, 1691956344648301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even JP Ruffians can't help themselves replying to bait. Kek.

>> No.58902887

That's not what he said at all.

>> No.58902889

Council were more of an attempt to flesh out EN with girls who would fit in well with Myth while covering some of the bases that HoloEN didn't have at the time like how Fauna is the ASMR girl. Bae and Kronii also did voice acting and roleplay stuff which was unique for HoloEN back then

It's just over time a lot of them naturally just kinda fell in to being primarily streamers and enjoying that the most

>> No.58902892
File: 414 KB, 322x620, fuwamoco_ahhhh_ruffians[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff5r9bq.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly never believe a single post saying "I used to be an X" or "I'm an ex-X" since its usually just the person trying desperately to complain about whoever the girl is. Feels like some super lazy attempt to anti, plus I don't care.

>> No.58902903
File: 380 KB, 800x600, 1694980699779161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those laws are invalid, this is a blasphemous post, repent now

>> No.58902906

I never told anyone to hate mori. I was there for her debut. stopped watching but nothing more than that.

>> No.58902907


>> No.58902915

>but their genmates started so there's nothing to do
I highly doubt they realized just how badly the joke would get run into the ground.

>> No.58902927
File: 57 KB, 1159x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They skipped it but still gave a coded message of support.
luv me dogs

>> No.58902934

Fauna said once that her largest demographic is the late 20s-early-30s demo but it's only slightly bigger than her mid 20s demo

>> No.58902936

I must be a shitposter because I legitimately cannot tell who is anti'ing, japs are such herbivores

>> No.58902940

>I don't like that meme
>I don't like that
>don't say that meme in my chat please
>please don't
>I like fuwawa very much
>please don't say that here or anywhere
yeah, wasn't watching but rewinded... pretty based

>> No.58902946


>> No.58902966

>plus I don't care
then why post about it, woman

>> No.58902972
File: 38 KB, 1000x1000, 1693409772013442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm no Huwawa I'm Mococoa

>> No.58902985

This must be the joke Nerissa was talking to Mori about earlier that got picked up on mic by accident. Like it's a funny joke to make once or twice, but I can see how Fuwawa wouldn't want to turn it into some meme for their channel.

>> No.58902988

I could have sworn I heard the joke before it blew up with that advent collab

>> No.58902992

>B-But you guys told me to hate Mori...aren't I supposed to take a position opposite of hers?!
Mori has always defended her friends.

>> No.58902993

Yeah fuck all of you retarded piece of shits that thinks Fuwawa liked that shit fucking meme

>> No.58902994
File: 363 KB, 720x764, FuwaMoco Help me![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdywtbr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, we have ojisans...

Do HAGS like FuwaMoco?

>> No.58903002

I've been in Japan for extended periods of time and living there isn't an issue at all. I look and sound Japanese.
Working there though? Absolutely not.

>> No.58903003

Mogogo :DDDD

>> No.58903004

>That would explain the Goslingposters though.
Goslingposters come from everywhere, anon.
Ame used to be the queen of the goslings, and Gura(when she streams) has just as many if not MORE than ame.

>> No.58903011

I have never posted it and it turned into reddit tier bullshit after the first week

>> No.58903019
File: 53 KB, 800x800, 1632889190482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of ruffians are ex-Kronies
I'm still hurt over what Kronii did..... I went all in on Kronii to only get laughed at by her for not having female friends.

>> No.58903036

what joke do you want to stick anons
>war criminal pekora XD XD
>cold chicken XD XD
btw this is 2-3 years ago

>> No.58903037

Mori would much prefer if you called fuwawa something funny like shrekwawa or Adam Sandlerwawa

>> No.58903038

I hate Mori, but I DONT hate everything she does.

>> No.58903062


>> No.58903064

she's right
it is rude from any perspective, and it's not funny as anything other than a quick impersonal joke

as a character meem, it is a 0/10, maybe even -10 out of 10

>> No.58903074

/ggg/ is full of goslings but Gura's tend to just stick to her split. That's how it works for most girls though i think

>> No.58903092

>Fortunately Ruffians don't use it too much compared to adventrix
True. I think most ruffians started to realize that it was getting really out of hand and becoming pretty mean.

>> No.58903105

I mean you already know the reason why it worked out for you then, right?

>> No.58903108

"Woman" gets thrown around online like an insult. I put it in the same tier as lolcow, milkbreather, and tranny, as indicators to stop giving a fuck about that Anon.
I do a similar shtick with using zoomer speak to piss people off. Ayo no cap frfr

>> No.58903109

>not having emotional contingency plans for every single applicable action you take

>> No.58903124

>Kobo told people to fuck off with that Whowawa meme
>Mori told people to fuck off with that Whowawa meme
How long will it takes for reddit to realize they should stop?

>> No.58903126


>> No.58903130
File: 423 KB, 720x764, FuwaMoco You are guilty[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fowhsao.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, no. FWMC likely has the smallest female fanbase in all of advent, maybe top 3 smallest in all of HoloEN.

>> No.58903137

True. It was a good learning experience.

>> No.58903142

It seemed to me like she thought it was funny the first time with the funny reaction she gave to it. But it's not something she wanted to become a recurring joke. Usually if they put the joke on the misunderstanding corner, it means they want to end the joke there. They did the same with the Mococo's time running out thing.

>> No.58903168

I like that torso tilt fuwawa it looks so silly

>> No.58903175

im honestly impressed faunatards have not infested this general yet. they invade in almost every fucking thread in /vt/

>> No.58903178

Well yeah, its pretty hard to become a gosling for more than one girl. These are two though.

>> No.58903179

never because they don't watch streams and clips of those won't get viral

>> No.58903210

most of them are in shiori's thread because she actually does stuff like blow kisses at the end of the stream

>> No.58903211

What are your emotional contingency plans for FWMC yabs?

>> No.58903216
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>> No.58903222
File: 371 KB, 340x740, Mococo Why is everybody bullying me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frnrkrm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Holomem is constantly attempting to crack some kind of cheesy joke, over 100 per stream, it's genuinely a crapshoot to "predict" which one will go viral, or even go ultra reddit mode. Best just to tell people to calm down when it gets out of hand.

>> No.58903227


>> No.58903236

Why is there not a Fuwawa version of this yet?

>> No.58903242

They just had their fills with her 3D so I'll give it sometime before they run loose again

>> No.58903257

Fuwawa doesn't have tear ducts

>> No.58903258

But I've been here the whole time

>> No.58903265
File: 135 KB, 298x389, 1685525439755568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa isn't the crybaby here.

>> No.58903282

She got a laugh out of it, Mococo looked a bit more uncomfortable. Should've ended in less than a week but I guess they played into it for a bit longer because of fan pressure.

>> No.58903309

>FWMC yabs?
nta, but there will be no FWMC yabs. I refuse to have a contingency plan for these girls. That's how much I trust them.

>> No.58903328

>Smallest Myth female fanbase: Ame
>Smallest council female fanbase: IRyS
>Smallest advent female fanbase: FWMC
Interesting, all 3 are QUITE different

>> No.58903353


>> No.58903355

Before shit posting learn math and reading comprehension

>> No.58903366

>Mococo looked a bit more uncomfortable
There was an SC earlier saying MocoMoco Ch Hololive EN. Mococo's reaction wasnt pleased at all. At the end of the day, the two of them are fiercely loyal to each other.

>> No.58903370

I've told myself not to get emotionally invested with any chuuba. Though it's really hard not to with FuwaMoco.

>> No.58903375
File: 1.98 MB, 680x764, Fuwawa Moco-chan, I can't do this. My hands are sweaty.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F60rnzg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58903405

>At the end of the day, the two of them are fiercely loyal to each other.
very VERY cute

>> No.58903422

(and me)

>> No.58903435

I don't care about Reddit

>> No.58903438
File: 358 KB, 674x484, 1694923916913998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuffian the stream is over, it's time for your JP reps

>> No.58903463





>> No.58903466

Fuwawa is a bit more tolerant when it comes to these things but Mococo cant handle them at all. This isnt the first time we see that kind of response, generally Fuwawa defuses the situation.

>> No.58903480

Oh, there will be FWMC yabs. They may be large or small, and they may be tomorrow or years from now, but they will happen. I just want you to be prepared.

>> No.58903518
File: 733 KB, 969x709, 【DRAWING】Doodling Advent Art and Chatting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on i want to see her finish Fuwawa

>> No.58903522

Have FWMC ever mentioned anything about mahjong?

>> No.58903540

My plan is to completely blindly believe in them without question and if a yab ever happens to have a complete utter meltdown. Hope this helps!

>> No.58903543

It's time for my sleep reps. Yours too, Fuwawa. FWMC Morning's only a few hours away.

>> No.58903583

Seaschizo probably raided /baubau/ because FuwaMoco interacted with Kobo?
Kobo was recently doxxed, and anyone who interacts with her is attacked by association.

>> No.58903603

>FWMC yabs
they speak Japanese right?

>> No.58903626

do any of you stay during mori raids?

>> No.58903629

I don't see the point of doxxing HoloIDs. They're already SEA, so I don't see what else could be worse.

>> No.58903661

Yeah, going to bed now.

>> No.58903665
File: 42 KB, 200x204, 1693250921451315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sad fool, you can't escape /jp/ or 2hus

>> No.58903682

I think I might just shell out the $30 for remastered ghost trick and play it with a script. Pokemon is fucking pointless it's 100% kana and too mind taxing on me

>> No.58903684

>Oh, there will be FWMC yabs.
There won't be. In an alternate reality where you're correct and they DO have a massive YAB, my plan would be to either
1. have a complete psychotic breakdown
2. continue to watch them, leave all chuuba spaces, and live in a constant state of cope/denial.

>> No.58903685

they could be jannies

>> No.58903695

I think I groomed Fuwawa a bit. Every time she singed with the BGM I emoted fuwawa
+music notes, and it seemed to encourage her to do it more.

>> No.58903726

Nah IRyS has said she was surprised at how large her female viewrship size is (keep in mind "large" still means her audience is 90% men lol). Music holos always get a bit of a buff because music is universally enjoyable.
Smallest female % for council is probably Mumei or Fauna

>> No.58903744

I usually don't, but because of the collab I wanted to give Mori another chance. Her voice doesn't filter me anymore, even if she's still cringe at times

>> No.58903749

Doing God's work, Anon. Every single time Fuwawa does that, it melts my heart.

>> No.58903770
File: 128 KB, 352x497, 1695153278442508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith

>> No.58903778

I honestly refuse to believe that FWMC have fewer female viewers than Biboo

>> No.58903779
File: 3.46 MB, 496x654, 1680980460809533.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58903794

She does respond to a lot of things even if she doesnt read them out loud.

>> No.58903799

i will be that fuwamoco yab

>> No.58903855

Footage of a dog with no thoughts in its head.

>> No.58903874

The FuwaMoco yab will be the reveal that they both share the same boyfriend(me)

>> No.58903908

i'm only watching it for the Fuwawa drawing. I see a lot of familiar names from FWMC streams who are apparently Deadbeats for 1 or more years, kinda surprising.

>> No.58903925


>> No.58903955

Seeing how ruffians have behaved here for the past few days, it does not surprise me that there is overlap

>> No.58903984

I think it was because she didn't realize what the SC was referring to. It was relevant to that specific part of the stream but Mococo already forgot that section when it came to the SC reading so her mind just jumped to thinking it might be another reference to that stupid whowawa meme.

>> No.58903987

they will never need a boyfriend because they have each other

>> No.58903993

If only we could kill the retards obsessed with name dropping

>> No.58903999
File: 128 KB, 437x500, 1694137777118988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still active at least 10 minutes ago
Fuwawa, go to sleep. You have to stream in the morning

>> No.58904027

I don't care about them being in relationships with other people, I don't care about them collabing with males, and I don't care about them moving to Japan and speaking nip 99% of the time. The only thing that would hurt me would be if their love for their fans is all a facade and that they only care about us for the money and nothing more. But even then, my paypig mentality is just "insert cash, get entertainment", so if that goes away, then at least I'll have had fun.

>> No.58904048

Fuwawa is so bouncy

>> No.58904056

Why did we hate Mori again? Was it because she isn't idol-like? I never liked her personality in particular but she seems pretty alright as a human being based on stories I've heard, also I saw someone say she has gotten better.

>> No.58904111


Stop that retard, advent has a fuck ton of new watchers. Pink woman antis aren't relevant they just like to show up sometimes.

>> No.58904113

if deadbeats who have been paying members for more than a whole year prefer watch Fuwamoco more than Mori, what does that say about Mori as an entertainer?

>> No.58904145
File: 139 KB, 915x798, 1629360045925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's slowly redeeming herself again. The question is will she fuck it up like with the lean yab and the homo collabs. We will see.

>> No.58904156

people announcing superchats doesn't help

>> No.58904163

Active where?

>> No.58904164

yeah, they said they don't know how to play it

>> No.58904199

Does this even happen?

>> No.58904207

it means those deadbeats are whores who want to latch on to a new toy

>> No.58904240

last thread

>> No.58904248


>> No.58904260 [DELETED] 

Hi Rudy

>> No.58904382

I never understood why the word "whore" is used here instead of "slut"

>> No.58904383

They're just like her in that regard

>> No.58904408

twitter likes

>> No.58904423

actual clip watchers or just dumb bait, but I can't blame the japs because the don't know english that well and their voices can be a bit hard to understand for ESLs

>> No.58904430


>> No.58904456

it's personal preference you slut

>> No.58904473

I never hated Mori. I just don't like how she picks fights with people. Like when she plays Jump King and some comment says "just jump already" and she says she wont jump specifically because of that one comment and ends up standing still for a few minutes. This sort of thing happened many times in various streams so I just gave up on her.

>> No.58904484

8 hours 'till the stream btw

>> No.58904494

retard, did you even reference that image?

>> No.58904547

They'll go to sleep in about an hour.

>> No.58904557

she has the exact type of personality that rubs the average person watching vtubers the exact wrong way, at least in context of people here

>> No.58904575

ahhh hachama collab is a possibility

>> No.58904577

i wish they would play needy streamer overload or at least collab'd on it, it's basically a VN

>> No.58904590
File: 879 KB, 297x277, 1617474116073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepeloni is back on the menu!

>> No.58904602

You mean like this? https://vndb.org/v1509
The funny thing is they probably know more about this game than they do the actual mahjong.

>> No.58904605

>need to wake up 3 hours before FWMC morning

>> No.58904682

She didn't give a timeline though. She should take care of herself and not force herself to come back before she's ready.

>> No.58904688
File: 1004 KB, 850x1133, 1691939927728006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my retard oshi is back
later faggots

>> No.58904741

for sure, but I was expecting a graduation announcement, so this is amazing news

>> No.58904785

They wouldn't be able to fall asleep with all the adrenaline after the stream they just did.

>> No.58904852

timestamp? Interested in seeing chat during it.

>> No.58904895

Please no it hurts enough missing streams as it is

>> No.58904991

The stream is still going

>> No.58905074

The stream is still ongoing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6yBKNEF8L0
It should be a few minutes after the 3 hour mark once the archive is up.

>> No.58905104


>> No.58905151

Didn't know anything about Hololive
Tried to change the status quo
Trash Taste
Male collabs
Collabs with shitty outsiders
Was terrible in many of the earlier myth collabs. Didn't prepare or read supers during them.
Airbnb fiasco
The cuck comic event

To name a few. Maybe she improved by now, I don't really care much. There's no reason to give her a chance again, there are so many other holos I'd watch first instead of her anyway.

>> No.58905289

>Tried to change the status quo
I agree with the rest, but this bit is just catalog shit
Mori sticks to management line hard as fuck, despite whining about it something, meanwhile Kiara/Ame outright did shit on the basis of "better ask for forgiveness than permission"

>> No.58905318

next bread

>> No.58905477


>> No.58905986

Baused, if you have to go, look for politicians, they made you the way you are
