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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58787104 No.58787104 [Reply] [Original]

as Singaporean, everytime you refer an anti holo/shitposters as 'SEA niggers', it hurt me a bit
Though its not 100% wrong, everybody here knows that most of the time, those bait threads always coming from Philippine
There's too many evidences already, from the regions of niji twitter trends, the flag from shitposter who accidentally post on /int instead of here, the language that they use in bait screenshots
so if you want to insult someone, can you at least be specific. The idea of myself getting compared to a filipino is just very dehumanizing
even my old football coach would never say that

>> No.58787167 [DELETED] 

SEA nigger

>> No.58787178

Honestly, understandable

>> No.58787190

you're no singaporean. you have horrible grammar

>> No.58787220

Nice try Indog
Now finish your pagpag rizal

>> No.58787311

agree with the filipino part, i say kill them all
but op is still a massive faggot and not much better than filipino themselves

>> No.58787335

This is why we need flags.

>> No.58787340

Doesn't Singapore have 3/4 chinks population? I am pretty sure /vt/ hate that more
Isn't pagpag a Philippines things?

>> No.58787354

Annoying elites don't post here, they only post in Hardwarezone.

>> No.58787360

this has to be filipino poster , i know for a fact that they have this specific hatred against Indonesians
you including them in your false flag is way too obvious jose lmfao

>> No.58787370

I dont give a shit about their culture, they all monkeys and i hope they all swept by a mega tsunami

>> No.58787388 [DELETED] 

Look! a fucking terrorist
Allahu Akbar!!

>> No.58787402

>As a white male

It’s hilarious seeing all the white dudes on this site deflect from their own toxicity.

You’ll frequently see posts like “come home, white man” or “made for white cock”
Yet all the shitposting somehow comes from brown skinned asians. Grow tf up. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.58787426

You're no singaporean I don't see you using lah at all or any kind of singlish

>> No.58787453

Noone minds chinks from Taiwan or similar places - it's CCP supporters that are the problem.

>> No.58787455

Peenoise and Indog is the vatnig of the Asia

>> No.58787460

You typed like a flip seeking for (you)
Singapore Normies don't browse here, they go sgags or something.

>> No.58787466
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Good thread singabro. You are not like the others. Well at least those of you of malay/chinese/english decent. Too many indians and pagpags there these days. Good race last night too

>> No.58787487

>as a singaporean
Ah yes you mean as a wumao

>> No.58787492

singapore is not a real country
singapore belongs to malaysia

>> No.58787508

>the flag from shitposter who accidentally post on /int instead of here
my fucking sides lmfao

>> No.58787513

Idk anything about Singapore so I am just gonna hope they are not like the mainland Chinese

>> No.58787523

Singapore got kicked by Malaysia tho.

>> No.58787527

damn filipiniggers!

>> No.58787541

CCP and mainland chink is the uneducated bugs
Spores is an educated bugs

>> No.58787567

>Idk anything about Singapore
You mutts literally got Trump and Kim Jong Un to sign a peace treaty in Singapore.

>> No.58787574

STFU You brown faggot

>> No.58787599

Femoid or mutt? Call it.

>> No.58787609

Are they jealous there's no holoPH?

>> No.58787619

>reddit spacing

>> No.58787674

Singapore is an interesting country. I remember seeing it in the beginning of one of the Pirates Of the Caribbean. Good movie. Good scene too, that one in Singapore.

>> No.58787709

How the fuck that help me knowing anything from there?

>> No.58787711
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Flip here and you're right about the bait threads and i hate them too. They are why i stay away from such threads and hole myself up in my oshi's general, just love posting, sharing OCs and engaging civil discussions... If you are a good SEA and don't want to get caught in the crossfire, do your best sifting shit.

>> No.58787716

I 100% believe its the reason
Seeing the flip talents from niji got mogged hard by holoid every single time must be maddening lemaw

>> No.58787729

From my european point of view, the good countries in SEA are Thailand and Singapore. The bad ones are Indonesia and the Philippines. The ones I don't know enough about are Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia. (I've been to Cambodia and the people there were friendly, but it was sad to see so much poverty and landmine victims.)

>> No.58787750

>i know for a fact that they have this specific hatred against Indonesians
Thats literally this entire board. Oh no.

>> No.58787761
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>get it our of your chest

>> No.58787768


>> No.58787777

Most of it are jealousy, they’ve got holoID

>> No.58787798

fuck dude i lost the screen shot, it's actually so hilarious
anybody here can post it again would be so swell

>> No.58787883

>pagpag licking fingers typed this

>> No.58787891

oh sweet monkey on monkey violence

>> No.58787913
File: 655 KB, 1522x3492, rushi flips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58787944

Can't form a good rebuttal, resort to typical tired /vt/ insults kek. Neck yourselves.

>> No.58788022

honestly there should be two separate /vt/s, one for whites and another for non-whites. separate but equal, the things should be. whites should watch western white vtubers, and non-whites should watch non-white vtubers

all will be balanced in the world. you are a race traitor if you watch Kronii, she is not ur girl

>> No.58788033

HAHHAHAHA, fkin hilarious

>> No.58788049

What did they do? Did she just like them without understanding what they said?

>> No.58788073

>two separate /vt/s, one for whites
white people don't watch vtuber, if you check the anime convetion most of them are american chink and american gook
welp they are american but they are not while lols

>> No.58788099

you can't be american if you're not white

>> No.58788116

oh boy kek

>> No.58788174
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>> No.58788261

It's cute when submissive asian boys beg for the white man's approval.

>> No.58788335

Unironically true, even a genuine flip holofan hate them, they can't stop doxxing and slur with each sentence. What an inferiority complex does to it society.

>> No.58788406

>retard expecting people to use a suffix in a mongolian basket weaving site
You a retard, de gozaru.

>> No.58788415
File: 8 KB, 275x255, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wont yts stop colonizing our women in this day and age

>> No.58788438

I want to see it, heck post it on # too for a good public laugh.

>> No.58788663

Is this a new psyop to destabilize ASEAN relations? Who would do something so sinister?

>> No.58789254

Flip here.
First of all, shut up loser faggot.

Second of all, Singapore is a tutorial country city state with the most pretentious people in ASEAN. You are literally nothing except muh GDP which is as pointless as your dicks, you are irrelevant. Your economy, the only thing you can be proud of, is purely based on geographic reasons. You are a lifeless, soulless island with souless, mostly chink people, and nobody in ASEAN likes you.

I'd rather live in this shithole than be born as a S*ngaporean

tl;dr shut up loser

>> No.58789304

you cuck there are niggers all around live with it,
not like the white niggers are any better.

>> No.58789428

Least proudful flip

>> No.58789455

You have shit taste in women and shit taste in chuubas and shit taste purely because you are chink

>> No.58790183

Subhumans like >>58789254 are the main reason why pagpag eaters are the most despised Internet disapora. Their only valid achievement is to be able to migrate out of flipland and never return.
sinkie women are bad, yagoo please don't ever hire sinkie women as vtuber
t. sexpat in singapore

>> No.58791353

Wow, lots of seething pagpag eater i this thread lol

>> No.58792027

retards, flips have been telling everyone a PH branch wouldn't be a very good idea
there's too many dramaniggers in this shithole, if you think this place was bad enough already try throwing normalfags into the mix

>> No.58793722

holy copium lmao

>> No.58794192

anon, the elites post on leddit

>> No.58794305

Sinkie here.

The only things you pinoys can be proud of are Jolibee and cheap foreign maids. No seriously, what else is Philippines known for, absolute fucking clown of a country that only exists as a cheap sex tourism destination for the west.

Nobody in Asean likes us, but every first world country looks down on all of you. Singapore is the sole reason why Asean is even recognised by the world.

We don't want you to be born in Singapore, stay in that shithole of yours and leave our culture untouched by your filthy hands.

>> No.58794415

Do you guys know how to cook or wash your own clothes?

>> No.58794517

>SEAnigger complains about being called a SEAnigger
Nigger, your the Nigger of Asia, only the east asian gets the pass.

>> No.58794551

>SEAnigger calls SEAniggers a SEAnigger.
This thread in a nutshell.

>> No.58794601

That's what your sisters are for flipbro.

>> No.58794649
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you fuckers make good opium though

>> No.58794668

wdym? Singaporeans have horrible grammar

>> No.58794771


>> No.58794831

I am a sensible man that judges people individually rather than throwing entire nations or ethnicities into certain categories, but yes, I do agree that all Pinoy island doxxing monkeys should be executed.

>> No.58794868

I do not understand the racism towards SEA in this board.

>> No.58794969

Singaporeans aren't.brownoids

>> No.58794976

where the fuck is SEAjanny, the one time he would actually be useful and he's letting this typical pajeet behavior go uncontrolled

>> No.58795021

I didnt realize how many SEA people are into anime until I got into vtubers. It feels like 50% of the English speaking community is SEA

>> No.58795099

>reddit spacing
This is not a shitpost, i repeat this is not a shitpost

>> No.58795135
File: 138 KB, 300x300, 1692101327650252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys got to where you are because 1. The brits built your little island up, just like Hong Kong, and 2. lee kuan yew and his cabinet were sucking uncle sam's dick non-stop, especially during the Cold War. While I don't hate all Singaporeans, arrogant cunts like you need a reality check that you're not the ubermensch you think you are.

Sincerely, a non-flip Asean.

>> No.58795161

It's true.

>> No.58795195

>I didnt realize how many SEA people are into anime
Yea, they have better otaku culture than dbz latam and naruto EU

>> No.58795196

>as Singaporean, everytime you refer an anti holo/shitposters as 'SEA niggers', it hurt me a bit
anon I couldn't point you guys out on a map I'm American

>> No.58795268

your fat finger would block the entirety of singapore were you to point it out on a map

>> No.58795338
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>> No.58795444

In racist terms, generally everyone of color likes anime, even chinks. It's really only the whites that hate on it since they like looking down on everyone else. Most burgers that likes anime are either black or latinos.

>> No.58795536

>W-were relevant, I swear!!!!!
Hilarious. Its like Luxembourg or the Vatican or Hong Kong thinking they are in any way relevant
If Singapore and its people disappeared, RIGHT NOW, nobody would even notice. Even my shithole would be noticed if it disappeared and I find that fact hilarious.
Literally ANY PERSON would know who a Filipino is by looking at them, sexpat and pagpag and all. Literally ZERO people know what being Singaporean actually means or know any person from it
Nobody in ASEAN likes you, no country actually thinks of you that you are in any a special snowflake. At this point China should just annex you

>> No.58796067

You sound extremely bitter about a place nobody cares about.

>> No.58796985

holy based

>> No.58797114

People have started saying "Jakartans" and "pagpag" or brought up Indonesian schizophrenia statistics so you shouldn't feel too bad Singaporebro

>> No.58797323

be sinkie, smart leader did everything right, be richer on average then everyone else in your region, must be that Chinese blood, be thai/vietnam having similar East asian blood doing well,
be other shitholes in the region, can't even catch up even with so much resource.
be flip always a colony of someone else, Spain/US/Japan/US again.
white man tells them to jump they jump. =D

>> No.58797392

This. Even if it's not a flag, ID post will be helpful.

>> No.58797435

I'd notice, because I'm a first worlder from the western hemisphere and Singapore is the only city I would ever consider visiting in the entire SEA region. The rest are third worlder mudholes. If I had a layaway in Jakarta or Manila I wouldn't leave the airport.

>> No.58797706

actually if you visit Singapore you probably should stay in the airport too, mainly because it's a top tier attraction in itself.
That and you'd be able to avoid the throng of Filipino maids in the tourist hotspots.

>> No.58797778

thai and vietnam are good places annon, their capitals are great locations
and flipland is good for sex tourism, it's a whiteman's cum dump after all.

>> No.58797866


>> No.58798622

fyi theres only one pagpag poster on vt and hes most definitely a flip troll.

>> No.58798775


>> No.58798840

>I know for a fact that they have this specific hatred against Indonesians
huh? We don't even think about you.

>> No.58798943

Disregarding your comments about filipinos I actually do apologize for saying seaniggers before, and even though it can be banter it's very rude. I wouldn't like being called a snownigger or whatever. Sorry brother

>> No.58799006

>pol post
yeah this one is a flip.

>> No.58799045

sure thing, apolonigger

>> No.58799188

You know what? You asked so nicely that you convinced me. Gonna give you a chance.

>> No.58799346

When I read the thread title I thought it was somewhat of a confessions/being honest thread, we should have more of those

>> No.58799735

Native Americans sweating rn

>> No.58799770

How the fuck this thread is okay and still up while grudge posting is not allowed and get instantly nuked
