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5868209 No.5868209 [Reply] [Original]

Lulu graduates due to stalkers and death threats.

>> No.5868368

Ultimately, they can't do much if the police don't act.

>> No.5868499

Sasuga black company

>> No.5868582

wait WTF?!

>> No.5868589

Is this karma after all the shitposting the nijikeks did when Coco anounced her graduation?

>> No.5868594

How could ANYCOLOR allow this?I thought they are better than Cover?

>> No.5868657


>> No.5868712

All she had to do was talk more to Fuwa to scare off the unhinged unicorns.

>> No.5868751

Why are jap vtuber companies so shit at dealing with stalkers, harassment and doxxing.

>> No.5868801

because of this >>5868368
the police in japan will only act if you get actually harmed first

>> No.5868919

Didn't she say it was dealt with but the possibility of future incidents is what made her quit?

>> No.5868927

poor aloe.. have to deal with same harrasment after telling the truth.

>> No.5868983

Black Company.
Once has been, always will be.

>> No.5868997
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goes back further than Coco

>> No.5869004

Doesn't this shit happen all the time over there?
How come nobody pushes for change?
Is it because of lazy jap boomers?

>> No.5869038

They dealt with it but it kept happening from different people and she decided instead of having it continue and keep worrying her fans she'd graduate.

>> No.5869064

Yeah but that doesn't matter in this thread or the next thread(s) like this over the next couple of weeks.

>> No.5869099
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A reminder yes I know this isn't about hololive but it still applies to this situation regardless

>> No.5869100

Yes, people are repeating shit without watching the stream. The person who sent one back then causing her to take a break was arrested, but since then multiple people have sent more.

>> No.5869109

Jesus Christ you people are idiots


>> No.5869125

They did arrested the freaks, but you can only fight this shit after they act, unless you hide your talents and filter everything addressed to her there's not much to prevent it, and not even that wouldn't protect them from everything
Lulu quit because it became too tiring for her, even if the police arrested every new creep

>> No.5869157

Sex... NijiJP schizos has taken you away from us as well. Poor Lulu too

>> No.5869174

How tf is this shit so common for NIji ?

>> No.5869178

It's like that in the US too a lot of the time

>> No.5869223

I only half buy it.

Harassment isn't new. And real idols face even worse. It just seems like the most socially acceptable scapegoat. The real reason could be something else entirely. But I won't lose any sleep over trying to know why.

>> No.5869236

Anon, look up what HoloJP schizos have to say about Aloe. This isn't just a Niji or Holo thing, this is a JP problem. JP HATE.

>> No.5869241

Only Mito was able to stand her ground...

>> No.5869278

More mainstream exposure among nips, far wider than even Holo.

>> No.5869279

But anon, our chuubas are JP...

>> No.5869298

Lulu was a real idol before, so...

>> No.5869303
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>this is a JP problem
no its a global problem.

>> No.5869371

It's pretty common for a lot of online entertainers. The thing is, once they realize sending a threat can actually do something, like cause the receiver to take a break, more and more people start to pile on. Lulu probably got the short end of it honestly, compared to a few other high profile idol incidents, or even Mito.

Forever going to be a rrat, but obviously 5ch is also calling it a scapegoat, and she's actually married and giving birth.

>> No.5869392

Never was and never will be, chitose signed a contract with dustcell. the harassment incident took place way before she joined nijisanji.
nothing will change the fact that dedechi was parroting rrats from 5ch.

>> No.5869401

Aloe is a bitch. I don't understand why anyone would take her side.

>> No.5869417

A lot of shit never gets changed because no one wants to change the current way of doing things as that would imply that they have a big issue with the current management. They will never do this since they'll do anything to respect company hierarchy. Then when something DOES happen as a consequence of bad protocol/rules etc they'll just make a "investigative commission" that will see if there was any wrongdoing, and all of those investigations end up never really blaming anyone or changing anything. Just look at the scandals in sumo when it comes to rikishi injuries, they do a short investigation, don't change anything and just maintain the status quo while making an appearance of putting in efforts.

Its the same for every scandal, find 3 monkeys from the company to bow and apologise in a press conference, shove blame if you can and NEVER EVER make any changes.

>> No.5869439

That dodoshit is usless, the difference between global and jp schizos is that JP are closer in proximity to their idols and their police keep everything undee the rug all the time till something bad actually happens.

>> No.5869451

That's why everyone has guns there though. Japan has strict anti-gun policies so only criminals have guns.

>> No.5869457

>Everyone knows Coco's RL appearance
>Everyone knows Lulu's RL appearance

JP schizos stalker is inevitable

>> No.5869463


90% chance its cuz of internal issues, again. Niji taking out Niji is a fucking trend at this point.

>> No.5869475

If you were aware of everything she was dealing with prior and after she was Aloe you'd understand. The niji antis were probably the least of her worries.

>> No.5869476

You hate her because she was right now you've lost Lulu

>> No.5869512

Different people deal with stuff in different ways, if she wanted to quit for whatever other reason she could just drop the generic "moving onto other things", it's not like she's forbidden to graduate unless her reason is good enough

>> No.5869528

You don't realize how fragile women's mental health is.

>> No.5869610

>Dear S
this is either yab or YAB

>> No.5869648

It's much easier to ignore that stuff when it's not at your doorstep.

>> No.5869687

There's also a difference between an obsessive fan writing a bunch of fanfiction in their head and someone getting ready to cause them harm. There is ALWAYS someone like that with every famous person, they just aren't always dumb enough to put it all out in public for everyone else to see.

>> No.5869739

>the difference between global and jp schizos is that JP are closer in proximity to their idols and their police keep everything undee the rug all the time till something bad actually happens.
No wonder there are so many ENVtuber startups that are are owned by Japanese entrepreneurs

>> No.5869816

What else other than Prism? IIRC Phase-Connect is a leaf company

>> No.5869821

Unfortunately based and dubs checked, but it'll happen again and again and again. Been around long enough to realize things won't change.

>> No.5869846

She's pregnant with my child and needs to graduate to become a full-time mother

>> No.5869936

dude doesnt even have gura as a profile pic baka

>> No.5870151
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I said I half buy it, because it's probably a given that the harassment is real and has been annoying her for a long time. So when she quits it is as good a time as any to complain about that (not like there will any other chance to complain about it), and she won't be burning any bridges, so "moving on to other things" euphemisms aren't really needed.
What I don't buy is that this is the whole story. There could be a silent dig at people whose job is to protect talents like her, or disastifaction she can't say in public that would make her hate her workplace enough to quit. Or there could be some very personal reasons, like entering a new stage of life and not wanting to be bothered with all this idol crap nonsense and stalkers anymore. They all technically do not invalidate what she's said in public.

>> No.5870220

Good rrat, for you thinking of it and for the girls since they're safer

>> No.5870325

Lulu already publicly talked about these problems months and months back when it first started happening. It's not as if she couldn't do it before and had to wait until now.

>> No.5870598

Those people who break into celebrity houses are probably a closer analogue in the west, thankfully it hasn't gotten that bad yet.

>> No.5870972
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Has a fan ever killed an idol in Japan?

>> No.5871027

that guy is deleted off twitter.

>> No.5871116

Some alt-idol was badly stabbed and mutilated by a '''fan''' a couple years back, although that one survived

>> No.5871122

Kek, Idols getting seriously injured or killed by a schizo is a yearly occurrence and every time it's in the jap news for weeks and causes their government to pass reactionary laws that don't actually change anything.

>> No.5871163

Although I gotta say, it's kinda of a blessing in disguise that travel abroad is super tight nowadays.

Imagine a stalker from overseas going to Japan just to try and look for the vtuber, I can see someone crazy enough to do that

>> No.5871241

Mind posting a few examples from the past couple of years? Googling it I only found one stabbing but she survived.

>> No.5871277

Someone brought a chainsaw out to an AKB event iirc. An idol has probably been killed but maybe not so high profiled?

>> No.5871316

Kawaii Production CEO is Japanese

>> No.5871319
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>lol why doesn't hololive do anything about the antis
>*lulu graduates because of antis*
>w-w-well its obviously that its not their fault because the cops cant act unless something actually happens
way to go champs

>> No.5871343

Absolute stacy.

>> No.5871562

lulu's stalkers were clearly holofags

>> No.5871568

>because the cops cant act unless something actually happens
Well yeah, it's the same reason that American ganster wasn't arrested for a long time despite every fucking body knowing they were a criminal.
Stupid American legal system. Letting 10 guilty men go if it means 1 innocent is spared is, literally statistically, irresponsible.

>> No.5871626

>Nijisanji exposed
>Nijiniggers seethe
>Based stalkers doing God’s work

>> No.5871689

Nijifags are schizo stalkers. Also, water is wet.

>> No.5871731

Except the problem was her stepfather, you rrat-huffing moron. KUSODAD HATE

>> No.5871751


Definitely gave it his best shot

>> No.5871909

It's like that in most countries. Otherwise you would go to jail by yelling at the person that stole your parking spot. Still a shit situation and I hope the stalkers get aids

>> No.5871927


>> No.5871960

It's obvious japanese holobronies who send her death threats

>> No.5871971

Better kill them all and let god sort it out right.

>> No.5871972

Yup just a publicity stunt, all anycolor did was tell Lulu "Just go to the police lol" "Oh they don't do anything that sucks".

>> No.5872052

You are a fucking retard. Imagine you go to jail for a few years when you did nothing wrong. You are a cruel bastard fucker. These stalkers did do things, they are harrasing and threatening her, sure not jail time, but fines and restraining orders are justified

>> No.5872092

Maybe he's just a zhang.

>> No.5872107

I mean on Coco's case was it not only online antis? So having mods in the chat would fix it. That's what people said. In Lulu's it was IRL stalkers, and IRL threat mail. It's not the same

>> No.5872135 [DELETED] 

'The existence of the state is the presence of God upon the earth'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

'For because sentence is not speedily pronounced against the evil, the children of men commit evils without any fear'.
- Ecclesiastes 8:11

Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms'.
- Robert A. Heinlein

>> No.5872163

but that guy was based. Millionare communist wife beater Lennon was a scumbag

>> No.5872181

>Imagine you go to jail for a few years when you did nothing wrong.
If it means 10 criminals get justice, that is statistically a good sacrifice.

'Morals — all correct moral laws — derive from the instinct to survive. Moral behavior is survival behavior above the individual level'.
- Robert A. Heinlein

>> No.5872184

With how schizo that letter is im sure that wacko doesn't mean HER but rather the actual roomate.

>> No.5872191

Why are nijiniggers like this?

>> No.5872209

Well Coco being an american just bought a taser when she felt unsafe. Probably would have bought a gun instead if japs allowed it.

>> No.5872269

How about not creating people that do fuck up shit in the first place ? There are reasons why this shit is so much worse in Japan.

>> No.5872297

Wasn't there an incident a while back with Roosterteeth where some looney stalker traveled all the way to Gavin Free and Meg Turney's home to try and kill them? It was a miracle that they got out of it alive since he was *this* close to finding them before the cops showed up.

>> No.5872361

What is inside the headspace of the stalker who kills an idol that takes their interests? I know it's schizo shit but what is usually their rationale for it?

>> No.5872392

For the love of god, why can't people read the thread before commenting. They did contact the police, the police already arrested MULTIPLE stalkers. But the police can't instantly find out who sent what and immediately arrest them over and over, while Lulu is on break, which is why she's graduating, to prevent future incidents that will inevitably happen again.

>> No.5872434

>There are reasons why this shit is so much worse in Japan.
It's not though.
It seems like that because Japan is usually much more peaceful so any disburbance to that peace is more noticable.
America probably has more stalkers per capita but it goes unnoticed because there are bigger issues, id est people getting shot, that take the forefront of the masses mind's.

>How about not creating people that do fuck up shit in the first place
Gee, why don't we just not have natural disasters either.
You can't control nature but you can fight it.

>> No.5872436

That's literally what the announcement said they will do. Go to the police station with them.

>> No.5872455

>In 2017, animation director Yutaka Yamamoto condemned Iwazaki on his blog, but he also believed Tomita was at fault for rejecting his gifts and should have been prepared to fight back.[26] After receiving backlash for his comments, Yamamoto responded to the criticism by mentioning there was a double standard in the public, where they would care more about a "cute idol" than a "dirty middle-aged man."[27]
kek Yamakan is such a fucking retard.

>> No.5872491

There was an incident in one of the mainline AKB subgroups where some of the members were whoring themselves out to a shady group and said shady group gave the apartment number of a girl who wasn't whoring herself out to a interested fan, the guy tried to force his way into her apartment and she screamed and ran away. The girl was under gag order, the police did nothing and the company forced her to publicly apologize for complaining about being assaulted and having management blind to whoring. It became a huge scandal the whole group was dissolved and AKB in general has reclined into the gutter.

>> No.5872539

Spoonfeed me on Japanese criminal proceedings. Can't you file something like a restraining order on these stalking idiots and call the cops if they're within the legal boundaries?

>> No.5872637

schizo here
You will forever be a part of their life. The biggest part of their life. You altered the course of their history. You changed their life. You ended it. You matter. The stories of you and her are now forever intertwined. No one else can have her. Only you.

>> No.5872696

>it's the same reason that American ganster wasn't arrested for a long time despite every fucking body knowing they were a criminal.
You're gonna have to be more specific anon. America has a lot of those people.

>> No.5872745

>Expecting people here of all places to fucking read
You're gonna have better conversations with a wall, all people here is to stir shit

>> No.5872750

I may like gore and blood but... 'That's' very fucked up.

>> No.5872758

Mate, it's illegal to show somebody in handcuffs when they're being arrested, hence they're always covered by a towel or blurred, because that 'suggests guilt'.

This is what happens when you force American legal system.

>> No.5872766

He's probably talking about Al Capone

>> No.5872799 [DELETED] 

Dang never thought about it like this, I think I wanna be a stalker now. How do I find ~the one~ that's worth stalking though?

>> No.5872902
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>> No.5872922

That is very fucking disturbing.

>> No.5872926

>thinking a mere corporeal human is worthy of such worship
baka desu senpai.

>> No.5872972


>> No.5873167

Anon, I beg you. Please don’t kill anyone

>> No.5873168
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I was invisioning more Roman.
Guess that far back in time is hard for an American to understand.

>> No.5873267

just pointing out that nijifags were shitting on cover for not doing anything and now that the exact same thing is happening to nijisanji there suddenly is a logical explenation

>> No.5873359

Obsessed nijifags are the one doing the stalking. They have to justify their actions

>> No.5873365

so this is how schizos try to cope? pretty cringe desu

>> No.5873383

There is a lot of inertia in Japanese companies and organizations. Fax is still widely used to transfer documents.

>> No.5873411

Lulu did confirm about the stalkers having been dealt with legally. (But she's concerned about getting more)
No one's quite sure about what's happening legally to Mel's manager or Aloe's harassers.
At any case both companies are obviously ill suited for this kind of thing.

>> No.5873506

How would they even deal with it though? The only way to prevent doxxing is to have watertight opsec from day 1 and to always stream from soundproof rooms and even then if the chuuba had a past life some autist will figure out who they are.

>> No.5873598

Aloe's harassers were taken to court and dealt with, that much was confirmed by her roommate later.

>> No.5873621

Oh man Nijicucks really do be finding out how it feels now, the cope is insane.
Both are companies, it's a horseshoe but Niji is even worse because they just keep throwing in ""talents"".

>> No.5873627

"Try" to cope? There is no try. They fully believe every word of it.


>Sato himself also spoke at the hearing, saying “My actions in this incident have damaged [the victim’s] idol activities, of course, and also her daily way of life. I would like to do everything I can for the victim.”

Realize he literally already assaulted and groped her. But right there, standing in court, he still fully believes that he has sincere, well-meaning intentions that he can carry out personally to help the victim - and more so, that these intentions would be received favorably by the object of his affection.

>> No.5873710

You weren't even watching vtubers when the latest Nijisanji JP group debuted.

>> No.5873762

Cope more redditor, we are all in the same boat and it's sinking really fast.

>> No.5873817
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This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.5873834

What does it have to do with your claiming that Nijisanji "keep throwing in ""talents"?"

>> No.5873867

More fans in Japan=More schizos

>> No.5873895

That Nijisanji cares even less about their talents, they just want as many numbers as they can and let them fight off for viewers.

>> No.5873926


>> No.5873938

They’re more popular in Japan. Their content is made for Japanese audiences.

>> No.5873952

The best way to deal with stalker is have communist government, you will hate stalker and don't want to be one when you're being stalked

>> No.5874010

Such a thing as quantity over quality.

If you've watched Coco's interview with Yagoo, it makes a good sense from management perspective.

>> No.5874035

The Holofag projection...

>> No.5874271
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How is that projection, holo has 52 talents against the fucking 178 niji has

>> No.5874459

what's this argument? not even worth a (you)

>> No.5874480

It was the right thing to do if she really wanted to be free. these schizos are probably obsessed with her 2D persona so there was no other way. you can blame niji and the jp cops for being incompetent but in the end, even if the problem was temporally solved, these autists will find her again. she also didn't want to take more breaks because of this, she thinks it's not good to stream like this and it's not respectful for her viewers. these are just a few reasons, she said there are more but didn't want to go further into it.

>> No.5874570

Niji has 137 talents

>> No.5874606

and of those 137 there are 10 that haven't posted anything in more than half a year. So we should think of it more like 127 talents

>> No.5874635

I'll be real I just searched for the first wiki that gave a number, that's still pretty crazy though.

>> No.5874800

W-was pajeet right?? should we eliminate anonimity on the internet so randos who act like faggots can be held accountable for their shit and go to prison or be massively raped? I don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.5874837

This is fucking terrifying.

>> No.5875017

That is the most retarded shit ever

>> No.5875116
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after all, Anycolor and Cover aren't really different from each other

>> No.5875225

127 still isn't a small number to be fair.

>> No.5875379

Ive said this several times but this is the first time I actually mean it:
Please, PLEASE kill yourself.

>> No.5875454

I'm just giving accurate numbers

>> No.5875674
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Jesus christ

>> No.5875846

>How would they even deal with stalkers and schizos
Implementing a mandatory cleansing of all their talents previous online presence. Wiping previous social media accounts. Wiping previous content from old accounts on youtube/wherever. Watertight and methodical clearing of any possible presence before joining Cover. Even then, it'll only work so well. Doxxfaggots are relentless and will sperg over the the entire damn internet to find a spec of roommate shit.

>> No.5875875

Everyone was shitting on cover for not doing anything because Cover suspended Delta for 2 weeks even though she was the one being harassed, and then it was assumed Cover was the one who graduated her after the apology, therefore she brought the harassers to court herself.

Here, Ichikara is actively contacting the police, and they're actually making arrests in comparison while Lulu is still active. The difference is that it doesn't help when another schizo pops up every time you shoot one down until you graduate.

>> No.5876037

Anon, more than half of doxes happen because the chuuba themselves doesn't opsec on stream. How are you going to fix that? Put a huge delay so they can instantly close the stream when something goes wrong? Lulu herself self-doxxed just recently because she put in the wrong name for Gnosia.

Also if they completely delete their previous online presence, and they weren't some small nobody, this would just make it even easier to dox since that rarely happens for large entertainers.

>> No.5876095

Honestly, Lulu case is closer to Coco rather than Mel and Aloe.
The difference here is that Lulu attacked IRL while Coco is Online.

>> No.5876143

Nigga not even you would have her because she'd be fucking dead.
You must be a fucking faggot because you'd rather jerk off to being known as the retard that killed an idol instead of trying to fuck her and actually making her yours.
Take your meds.

>> No.5876386

Mandatory training on how to opsec and avoid yabs would be a good start. Scrubbing the internet of their previous existence works if they are smaller time, but if they are bigger, it might be best to just try and quietly scrub any roommate shit that existed. To be honest there's really just a limit to what's possible. If a doxxfaggot is determined enough, he'll find something.

>> No.5876427

I aporogaizu *bows* *bows* greato dishonor *bows* *bows*

>> No.5876481

Not Japan but I am reminded of when Christina Grimmie was killed by a fan. This shit can happen anywhere.

>> No.5876538

>Coco accidentally put up asacoco overlay on her roommate's channel
>Noel fucked up and called herself Danchou on her roommate's channel
>Moona taunted siri so much siri just said fuck it and said Moona's first name on stream
Maybe cover should force their talents to quit their roommate's old channels when they join. A huge number of fuck ups come from that.

>> No.5876562

Removing anonymity isn't going to solve the problem, as our West Taiwan friends have shown.

>> No.5876671

I hope youre not a fucking killer, my fellow schizo.

>> No.5876988
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>Lulu Graduates because her contract was up
>This now happens
Which is the rrat and which is the truth.

>> No.5877003

Yeah I don't think instating 1984 hell on earth is worth it just to protect some female entertainers.

>> No.5877254

maybe watch her graduation stream you fag

>> No.5877601

People are the real monsters.

>> No.5878178

The State controlling your every move is good anon. Didn't you know? Can't wait to get fined for telling some guy to go fuck himself on the internet

>> No.5879035

ok, but then why not save her in the end lmao

>> No.5879114

She was getting tired of vtubing because of the schizo stalkers so instead of renewing her contract she decided it's best to stop.

>> No.5879181

Nijiniggers truly are the cancer of this industry

>> No.5879265

That's bug logic

>> No.5879296

Considering the issues surrounding idols this board really fucking needs IDs of some kind.

>> No.5879364

you can learn self defense and how to use a gun, thats the only real way to ensure your safety

>> No.5879395

who the hell harasses a vtuber outside of hololive?

>> No.5879431

he's still around, he posted an "apology" in one of her video comments section

>> No.5879452


The narrative is that Mel's harasser was taken to court after the leak and she lawyered up. It's only a narrative, but its out there.

>> No.5879460

I hope you're mauled to death by a large animal.

>> No.5879482

Why are japs more prone to be schizos? If i had to guess it would be the taboo sex shit mixed with the otaku/wagecuck cycle.

>> No.5879492

Shh, you're not allowed to let people be autonomous anymore.

>> No.5879521

Kinda based kinda cringe overall take your meds and neck yourself.

>> No.5879548

>stalker joins the government so he can abuse
>100000x worse nightmare then before

>> No.5879560

>being delusional obsessive idolfag
You people are something else

>> No.5879587

jp schizos put /vt/ to shame

>> No.5879646
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Compound that with the respect japs have for the elderly. If an old man working for the government was a schizo, you would need nothing short of a video of him committing the crime to take him to court.

>> No.5879712

>muh guns
you fatties only use your guns to commit school massacres

>> No.5879741


>> No.5879827

>t. burgerino

>> No.5879846
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>still trying to claim Coco's graduation as a win

>> No.5879929

because the girls are some how even more scrawny and also completely un armmed

>> No.5879950

Is carrying knives around illegal in japan?

>> No.5879997

>Lulu graduates due to stalkers and death threats.
man thats disgraceful, i never watched her yet this hit close home in holo as well, for some reason mentally ill faggots get fixated on harassing anime girls

>> No.5880097
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Not person related but. There was the guy who thought kyoani stole his story. Took a red wagon full of gas containers to their studio. Lit himself and the studio on fire killing around a 34 people.

>> No.5880140

I know this is /vt/ but you guys can't blame Anycolor in this. This initiative they did clearly was to protect their vtubers more, which seems they did.

Lulu brought up the issues to management who took legal actions and the police to it. Lulu wasn't ignored, she had her issues, those were taken by anycolor, legal actions and police were involved. Lulu decided for her graduation to not have to worry her fans and so on.

>> No.5880544

Imagine if a stalker managed to pinpoint a time where all Hololive members are in one location in the studio and manages to burn them all alive at the same time

The All Oshi Death Project

>> No.5880591

Knives are a shit defense weapon. If you aren't trained properly, as in multiple years to form muscle memory like any form of martial arts, all you'll end up doing is cut yourself and piss off your attacker even more.

>> No.5880672

Not that difficult.
You just need to know the location of the studio, and the approximate time of the collab.

>> No.5880709

This is the truth but no one wants to believe it because muh company good other company bad. There is literally nothing else Anycolor can do to stop this. This board is so deluded there was a genuine conversation as to why Lulu couldn't get bodyguards assigned to her.
In any case, she left because being unable to give her 100% in Vtubing isn't worth it to her. She could take breaks to escape most of the heat but she was sick of doing that.

>> No.5880768

death grip + underhand swings always. It's almost impossible in a 1 on 1 situation to defend against underhand stabbing motions.

>> No.5880786

I gotta disagree. I've seen a lot of knife attacks on video and reports in the news and the assailant is never some eskrima martial arts master. It's just some random dude who stabs someone 20 times before they can react and the victim inevitably runs away and bleeds out. You'd have to be a total fumble handed retard to do more damage to yourself.

Knives are a shit self defense weapon because you are 99% of the time going to jail if you use one. Its a pretty aggressive weapon in the eyes of the law and has very little legitimate self defense usage.

>> No.5880856

Chink/Spic/Kraut/ozzie/malpa Polskie is correct, but still kys.

>> No.5880901

>nothing a company can do
They can literally hire a PMC with enough money they have, retardchama. That's what they do in Hollywood.

>> No.5880962

Fuck Cover. This happened because Cover was so incompetent.

>> No.5880973

People say exactly the same shit about Hololive
"the company should have protected them"
There's nothing the company can do

>> No.5880994

And ruin her life by having guards on her 24/7 just so she can stream? She isn't an A list celebrity.

>> No.5881009

But at least it's something instead of doing nothing.

>> No.5881059

>make her even more stressed
>relieve stress by leaving
Which seems better? Also
>doing nothing
She literally said Anycolor helped her with contacting the police.

>> No.5881076

She only said that so she wouldn't get hounded by management, retard. Same with Coco.

>> No.5881143

So you're deluded on top of being out of touch, okay

>> No.5881150

Again it's better than doing nothing.

>> No.5881217

Right. But expecting a 5 foot 2, 98 pound woman who spends 80% of her free time lounging around to accomplish any kind of defense against an attacker with a knife is ludicrous.

>> No.5881310

You want her life to be worse just so you can say "At least Anycolor did something!"? I can't understand this mentality.

>> No.5881330

It shows other people that they're willing to protect their talents instead of shitting themselves.

>> No.5881450

I mean I don't think it's a good idea but she could easily kill someone with a knife lol. Physical attributes have very little to do with it. Its a knife! It's an equalizer. It's the weapon of choice for wives who kill their husbands.

>> No.5881470

So saving face for the company is more worth it to you than the health of the vtuber? I didn't realize people care more about the company than the chuubas.

>> No.5881521

It is better than nothing.

>> No.5881885

>Physical attributes have very little to do with it.
Tell that to her when she meets the guy who'll have 100lbs, a whole foot height, and 6 inch longer arms than her.
>It's an equalizer.
It's not.
>It's the weapon of choice for wives who kill their husbands.
The husbands who don't see it coming.

Now lets assume she actually got a cut or stab on a guy. The guy now is hopped up on more adrenaline than ever. He is now even more scary looking with the blood. And since he's the attacker, he's now going to be more aggressive than ever because a bitch just stabbed him. This is also the reason .22 make for shit self defense too. It doesn't have the stopping power.

>> No.5882117

A knife is more so something you would carry around for mental support, obviously if a man attacks a woman who has a knife theres still a high chance that the woman is not getting out good. But if a Japanese idol obsessed loser who is most likely 5’5-5’9 and out of shape himself comes after a girl and doesnt expect a knife coming for his chest, im putting money on the girl. Lulu streamed ring fit for 10 hours straight, if anyone is winning that fight its her or korone. Coco bought a stun gun so she could probably stand her ground pretty well too

>> No.5882143

I think these are self defense instructor memes desu. Weapons universally allow a smaller, weaker person to kill a bigger one. And adrenaline isn't always going to turn you into a rage zombie. The effect they more often have, way more often, is dissuading the attacker. That shot of adrenaline will send you running. Any idiot can stab someone in the chest, unarmed disarms are krav maga memes. My money is 100% on the tiny japanese lady with a weapon vs her larger, unarmed assailant.

>> No.5882162

Pepper spray and run is the way to go.

>> No.5882169


>> No.5882188

I'd put my money on the 180lb fat otaku over an idol with a knife. Outside of korone. Assuming she is actually training boxing and what not.

>> No.5882246

What is the fat Otaku gonna do? How do you see him getting past stabbing range and isolating that knife before he goes into shock? That's a tall order for a green beret or Olympic wrestler. Much less a horny computer man. It takes so little effort to cause a mortal wound with a knife.

>> No.5882260

Keep in mind the crazy otaku will also almost always have the initiative in the attack because they're the one who's going out of their way to attack, and could do so at any time anywhere if they give little of enough of a fuck about the consequences.

>> No.5882319

It literally happened to Mel.

>> No.5882335

Well there's not really any weapon thats gonna help if we assume the Otaku stalker gets within grappling distance before you know he's there. Maybe an explosive vest, or those weird spined vagina rape sheaths.

>> No.5882338

I think you guys underestimate how much damage and shock a single stab wound can put a motherfucker in, especially if you arent expecting it

>> No.5882400

Try being in a fight. You'd be surprised not only what can happen when fighting someone taller and heavier than you can do to you but how long 20 seconds actually is.
No the girl is going to panic. Stab his fat stomach because it's the largest target. Do essentially 0 damage to the guy and then get tackled, have her arms held down, or her face beat in.

>> No.5882402

Aloe is a better example for Holo, Mel is still here so clearly she got protection

>> No.5882454

>essential zero damage to the target
I dont care how much of a fat fuck you are, if you get stabbed in the stomach once your in shock

>> No.5882544

But they did do something unlike when Mel had to go to the police herself and do everything herself here they actually did get the stalker arrested. The “gotcha moment” doesn’t work if you’re retarded.

>> No.5882566

I've done Judo and BJJ for a few years now. I've fought against guys who are bigger and stronger than me. I also know what it's like to completely overpower someone who is much smaller. I would never, ever try to grab someone who had a knife. That makes my every move radically more dangerous. I am very far from an expert. Maybe Ben Askren would risk it, but if you aren't on that level get the fuck out of here.

>stab his fat stomach
>do zero damage
M8 what the fuck. The stomach is a devastating target. Computer man is going to be gushing blood. You watch too many movies.

>> No.5882638

but mel isnt graduating?
im talking about coco and the spam she got

>> No.5882692

Can y’all shut the fuck up about Korone boxing ITS NOT GONNA DO SHIT. she’s still a small Japanese woman no amount of training is doing anything.

>> No.5882693

you said the exact same thing is happening in nijisanji. did anycolor mod antis on lulu's channel?

>> No.5882722

>help me please give me (you) i'm retarded
look at this and then come back

>> No.5882763


>> No.5882795

>grab her arm
it's immediately over

>> No.5882806

I've seen footage of Brazilian female mma fighters dominating men on the street so if Lulu trains with Shinya Aoki and Yuki Nakai for 10 years I am confident in her success. Also gains 20 lbs of muscle.

>> No.5882815

why would graduation matter? She was stalked it happened it was talked about. Difference is it wasn’t a constant thing.

>> No.5882877

No Japanese female Vtuber is gonna train for 20 years in a marital art.

>> No.5882898

If we assume he immediately manages to disarm her, yes. I suppose. I put very low chance in that happening without him getting his wrists/hands/face cut to shit first. Worst case scenario he gets stabbed in the torso, which is game over.

>> No.5882904

A little 6in folder with a 3in blade pocket knife isn't doing any damage at all. Unless you're suggesting the tiny asian girls walk around with a 12in fixed with an 8in blade. In that case just buy a stun gun as it's the better defense option.

>> No.5882939

yeah I was shitposting

>> No.5882963
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>he doesn't know

>> No.5882989
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How different would this situation be if the chuuba had a gun?
How different would it be in a lawless third world country?
I hope we get answers to these questions soon enough

>> No.5883033

I think this is a bit of a strawman. Self defense knives are not pocket knives. A woman is not going to pack something you use to open letters in her purse if she's feeling unsafe at night.

Totally agreed on just getting pepper spray or a taser. I just think earlier in the thread the lethality of a knife was being way undersold.

>> No.5883055

Zhangs also commit mass killings, but with knives and mostly in schools and kindergartens.

>> No.5883130

My speculation is that korone goes to a boxercise gym rather than a proper boxing gym. This has been the case with every woman I've worked with who "boxes" as a hobby. If you've got a title boxing gym in your city don't be fooled, its basically a billy blanks class.

>> No.5883197

Makes you wonder how many of these stalkers have the decency to commit die after the object of their affection quits what they were doing because of them.

>> No.5883224

Oh, so now it's the authorities, not the shitty company? Ok, alright.

>> No.5883237

As they say, the loser of a knife fight dies on scene, the winner of a knife fight dies 3 hours later in the hospital.

>> No.5883273

no guns in japan anon,
at best you can get an O/U for sporting but it's virtually impossible

>> No.5883274

I still remember ichikara posting that announcement just after aloe incident, thinking to myself what a scummy way using other company's incident for pr reasons, truly cement ichikara as a scummy company to me. Their livers are ok. [/spoilers]

>> No.5883276

It would likely be worse since the stalker would have access to a gun too and the chuuba wouldn't be able to get to theirs before the stalker who already had it on them unless the chuuba was the most paranoid person on the planet and always had it on them.

>> No.5883308

>How different would this situation be if the chuuba had a gun?
Not at all different. Stalker messages come through mail and even if the stalker came to her personally, most of normal, civilized people would not shoot another person.
>How different would it be in a lawless third world country?
In USA? She'd get raped and shot and have to pay $5000 for an ambulance.

>> No.5883404

>Totally agreed on just getting pepper spray
A shame it's illegal to carry anything on you for self defense including pepper spray unless it's found right after you were attacked and there was clear evidence you were using it to defend yourself.

Preparing for self defense illegal, but self defense itself isn't. Hilarious.

>> No.5883463

Behold the true face of man.

>> No.5883478

I think these kinda guys feel smug satisfaction. Stalkers and obsessive antis are generally impotent and get a sense of control over terrorizing someone else. The fact that their efforts made them quit is only going to make them feel bad in regards to their favorite toy now being broken.

More dangerous are the genuinely crazy stalkers who do it because they feel unhealthy attachment to the target. If their target goes underground they're probably to try to find them.

>> No.5883482

>In USA?
No, I meant in an actual third world country.
I was thinking of cases like the SEA niggers that tried to dox Reine. Also recently I read about a chuuba that panders to spics that only needed a tweet to get one of her covers into a national radio station in Mexico.

>> No.5883489

Self defense knives aren't a thing because you shouldn't be using knives for self defense. Anyone trying to sell you a knife as one is being deceitful. They do a lot of things but defending yourself with one is not one.

And when I look up self defense knives, the results are 3-3.5in folders or krambits. Essentially useless for person to person conflicts.

>> No.5883668

Are you assuming she has the knife in the hand while walking?

>> No.5883697

As a marketing term that night be bunk, yeah. When I said that I was just thinking of like your everyday combat or hunting knife. I've got one on my nightstand that has a 6 inch blade and could easily be stashed in a purse. As far as I know these are totally legal and are available at any store that sells hunting goods.

But in general I agree. Knives are aggressive. They're best used on someone who doesn't see you coming. I would imagine japan is like the usa in that the best knives for killing, switch blades and the like, are totally illegal.

>> No.5883794

I think as far as analyzing any weapon for self defense goes. We need to assume you have the situational awareness to have a very brief window to draw your weapon. If you want to talk about what you should do if someone grabs you without warning then weapons become less relevant. That's a grappling discussion.

>> No.5883801
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Another smile failed to be protected...

>> No.5883862

This discussion is stupid, for her to defend herself against an attacker she'd have to be on vigilant guard 24/7, if no male on this board can do that then how do you expect a frail idol to do it?

>> No.5883950

NGL, I would stalk Lulu and make her talk with her wonderful voice right into my ear if I could.

>> No.5884061

these anons have never interacted with a woman before

>> No.5884126

If you're getting death threats and/or schizo, stalker, kidnapping threats. And you believe them to be serious, because let's face it 99% of the shit you get online isn't serious, wouldn't your safety become a concern? These kind of scares are often what change people into 2a advocacy people in burgerstan. Especially when dudes are showing up to your house.

>> No.5884177

You mean like Aloe??

>> No.5884189

becoming paranoid and owning a gun is not a great solution anon

>> No.5884220

Ichika- excuse me, now its ANYCOLOR, can do no wrong

>> No.5884274


>> No.5884277

Owning a gun is a great solution, not in japan though where doing so is very difficult.

>> No.5884300

I bet you think people who have a few weeks of food and water are crazy preppers too.

>> No.5884352

owning a gun by itself is fine
owning a gun and being a nervous wreck, paranoid schizo is no good
> a few weeks of food and water
do you not have running water in burgerland?

>> No.5884448

Yeah, if you're trying to survive a situation where supply lines are cutoff you need way more than a few weeks.

>> No.5884523

>nervous wreck
Owning the gun gives you peace of mind. Quite the opposite of being paranoid. Also how's your first aid kit?

>> No.5884572

So the obvious solution is to walk around with weapons every time you pop into the conbini for a sandwich right? You are so out of touch with reality it hurts to read.

>> No.5884584

Ideally, owning the gun would give them the piece of mind not to be a nervous wreck. But I guess if even with it you are still jumping at shadows maybe not. At that point nothing would really help though.

>> No.5884598

>Owning the gun gives you peace of mind
if you haven't been around guns your whole life, e.g. you live in a reasonable country
then seeing a gun in person will freak you the fuck out

>> No.5884827

>in a thread about japanese girls, in japan, being threatened with death, by japanese men

>> No.5884874

haha river gee

>> No.5884946

Dumbass I'm refuting the anons who say Lulu should just arm the fuck up, take my (You) out of your filthy hands

>> No.5884981

Fucking based.

>> No.5885011

One of the major issues with actual schizophrenics is that they are physically incapable of introspection and are also incapable of differing reality from fiction, every single what if or intrusive thought inside a schizo's head is 100% reality they are also because of said inability to do introspection are also unable to doubt or question themselves, it's also why treating it is a pain in the ass because no matter what you tell them they will never believe there's anything wrong with themselves.
However this is specifically schizophrenia and describing schizophrenia in very broad terms cause it's more of a briad category of many different types of mental illness, also not every crazy stalker is schizophrenic and everyone will have their own specific reasons

>> No.5885093

She uses boxing hand wraps and I'm not sure if they use those with boxercise.

>> No.5885175

I want Korone to punch the shit pit of me.

>> No.5885522

I still remember you are retarded. If not even Cover cares about that shit, why would you care?

>> No.5885959
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>> No.5886163

Why do I have an erection?

>> No.5887086

god i wish that were me

>> No.5887827


>> No.5887978

>and how to use a gun
how restrictive are the gun's law in japan?
I mean I know that you need to be in a hunter's club but not what more else

>> No.5888043 [SPOILER] 
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OP has forgotten Nijisanji's real problems are inside Nijsanji

>> No.5888640

She's coming back bros I can feel it. August.

>> No.5890969

Indonesia's MAHA5 are owned by a Jap

>> No.5891386
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Crazy fans are not limited to idols.

>> No.5891410

Unironically Vtubers need to form a union and organize a collective bargaining agreement to demand better support from the shitty tech corporates who do whatever they want for profit and only apologize when truly insane shit happens to their employees.
This is not a matter of Niji or Holo but class warfare.

>> No.5891455

I remember one incident where a fan stalked an idol and stabbed her or something

>> No.5891776

Well, I guess that means blue oni isn't safe.

>> No.5891863

Not much different, honestly. Maybe if Reine live in close knit neighborhood she could ask her neighbor to catch/beat the stalker, but as far as actual lawsuit and police involvement goes Indonesia isn't that different.

>> No.5891919

Kuzuha fujos who gave up on disliking her videos is a situation incomparable to Lulu or Coco.

>> No.5892360

Isn't this the guy that was assassinated on stream by a pair of clothing?

>> No.5893785

dangerously based. ignore the seething simps in the replies.

>> No.5894203

was it confirmed that it was because of stalkers? i think i missed something

>> No.5894205

>owning a gun is not a great solution anon
pathetic simp, kill yourself

>> No.5894219

>nervous wreck
dont project your mental illness on others who can handle a gun

>> No.5894660

You underestimate the power of jp schizos, even a single one of them puts the most rabid indogs to shame.

>> No.5895074

2ch and 5ch with JP schizos

>> No.5895077

Are you actually retarded? Angry fujos mass disliking her videos are in no way comparable to the situation with Lulu.

>> No.5895140

you are not asking to be spoonfed but breastfed at this point.

>> No.5895595
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I'm not stalking, addresses are public information.

>> No.5896331


>> No.5897292

I could never get over another An hero by my oshi, maybe this is for the best, but i will still miss her

>> No.5897765

>How could ANYCOLOR allow this?I thought they are better than Cover?
I guess VShojo is the right formula.

And funny, they're the closest to us, Anons.

>> No.5897868
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>Aloe is a bitch. I don't understand why anyone would take her side.
Lurk more.

>> No.5898103


>> No.5898270

This is not going to make my mourn Lulu

>> No.5898331

It's not a narattive and she did manage to have a the case closed in neatly. The rrats has going too far but the case has nothing to do with cover in the first place. The harrasser was someone close to Mel and it was something personal between them. Mel was mostly shock when she found out who the one behind the harrassment was. Well in the end Mel's roomate said something along the way that it got resolve peacefully so we assume the harrasser apoligize, paid a fine or smtng, and that's it.

>> No.5898346

impressive holobrony 5-second-long attention span

>> No.5899031

Someone should write a story based on this plot. Hearing a streamer suddenly go quiet, hear a gun cocking sound followed by a rapid bang bang bang is cool in a fictional setting

>> No.5899842

Alot of Indonesian lives in a housing complex, guarded by the security guard the company that owns the housing complex hired, and they're also close to their neighbour so if someone looks like in trouble, some guy beside your house will absolutely help you. And Indonesian don't generally go to places by walking, they like to use motorcycle/car so it kinda makes them harder to stalk. And there's not many stalking cases in indonesia, but of course it will still happen.

t. Indog who lives in one of the most modern city in Indonesia

>> No.5900035

>chinks take down cover
>japs take down niji
wtf is wrong with bugmen. western vtuber are the future

>> No.5900647

How can this little demon get so angry at her kouhai?

>> No.5900721

Hope he gets the rope

>> No.5901371

>It is better than nothing.
what do we pay taxes for and make legislation for then? if the service is nothing.

>> No.5901763
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I remember many cases in here Finland, where you get only suspended sentences for the guy for repeated punching violence against a woman because we have a culture of reducing the number of inmates in prisons.

but if a woman uses a knife on her attacker even for self-defense, she gets years for "trying to manslaughter" and fired from her job looking after kids because now she has a heavy criminal record, kek. the justice system treats them equally, that 40kg women should be able to just wrestle out 120kg grown men.

and they can't buy guns, tazers, nothing, its all illegal. neighbors don't help ya, they refuse to open doors. cops arrive slowly and just slap a fine in the end.

even recording neighbors fighting cannot be used as evidence in court because it violates their home privacy and you get set for fines.

so it's pretty based to live as a stalker and domestic battery guy in equal feminist finland. USA with their guns and self-protection gunlaws and 20-year sentences are far worse place.

>> No.5901976

So that's why Kimi Raikkönen fucked off to Switzerland

>> No.5902048

This but unironically
