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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 200 KB, 1080x769, nyanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58658774 No.58658774 [Reply] [Original]

I respect her

>> No.58659284

I'm glad Nyanners exists because her being in VShojo immediately told me I should never watch VShojo.

>> No.58659421
File: 143 KB, 492x428, 1689121548324498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all female 4channelers such shitty people in general?

>> No.58659704

all 4channelers are shitty people you just see more problems with something you know from third point of view

>> No.58660104

they took from this place

>> No.58660158

i would love to know turkey tom's take on the meaning of life, truly a marvel of sophism

>> No.58660188

press F5

>> No.58660198

Guess it had to be someone other than yourself

>> No.58660323

That's just females all around, now turn that up to 11 and you have 4channel females

>> No.58660918

no people here, only channers

>> No.58661035

>escape from 4chan
But she loved this place? Like Pomu and others.

>> No.58661053

literally everyone here is an autistic dumbfuck who is objectively a shit person

>> No.58661097

Right up until she wanted to get into professional voice acting and had to disown her past to look good

>> No.58661195

>Turkey Tom
>The guy that accused MysteriousMrEnter for being a pedophile for no reason
>Turkey "Loses to Digibro in an arguement" Tom
I am not clicking that shit just like I don't watch Hassan

>> No.58661237

Because it takes a special breed of mental illness, attention whoring personality and autism for a female to end up in 4chan. The safety net for females in Western society is so strong that you have to be completely fucked up to not get caught in it and be normal instead

>> No.58661361

Because they've got women's faults turned up to ten which is why they attention whore on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.58661373
File: 55 KB, 339x600, Pomfers_Gonna_Pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't.

>> No.58661565

>denounced pedophilia
>"why is she a shit person"
chumbud hands typed this

>> No.58663249

good for her

>> No.58663432

Let me guess, another video that feeds into the lie that 4chan "groomed" her?

>> No.58663549

don't. she'll betray you later.
t. former gachi

>> No.58663714

Western chuuba grift recipe
>Be a literal who
>Pretend to be based for "le incels"
>Pander with 4chan memery
>Grow big enough not to depend on that kind of audience
>Denounce them and say that you were harassed so twittertard throw you a pity part

>> No.58663755

4chan has always been an explicitly male space where people said "tits or gtfo". The women who come here do so specifically because they want attention for being The Girl. They are what japanese people call "otahime", they come into male spaces specifically to fuck them up and grift.

Basically they are soulless, mentally ill grifters trying to parasite off of hobbies they don't really care about, to get attention from nerds.

It probably speaks to how worthless they are, that most nerds ignore or hate them. They are basically the most undesirable females.

>be woman
>force your way into a place you're not wanted
>men bully you for it
>years later "I WAS GROOMED"
I wonder why people hate nerd women.

>> No.58664001

you take the average 4chan(nel)er then add the woman factor into it
and bam

>> No.58664354

Put a woman in front of a camera and she'll whore herself out
Take away her accountability and she will burn everything
Exceptions are few and far between

>> No.58667444
File: 2.16 MB, 2874x3102, KOOPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they only come here to be attention whores

>> No.58669204

How do you escape? I've been stuck here for 11 years

>> No.58669252

>why are all 4channelers such shitty people in general

>> No.58670191

Oh look, the video that created a ton of "oldfags" who were "here" back "in the day" all of a sudden.

>> No.58670305

How the fuck do you end up here as a woman when you have friends and family setting up dates for you, making you fit into SOCIETY and women in general being treated with kiddie oven mitts when it comes to autism unlike males.
You gotta be irredeemable.

>> No.58671311

Nyanner grew up here. Her fucking nudes from when she was 14 are still floating around the internet because of it.
People raised on the internet grow up with problems, moreso on this cesspool. Nyanners did the right thing severing ties with this place.

>> No.58671580

4chan is a site made for and run mostly by dorky dudes. Sure there are girls here but I mean it's always been massively majority male. The kind of girl who hangs around spots where clearly like 90+ of the population are males mingling with each other and openly looking for attention from them is gonna be an attention whore, pickme whatever you wanna call it. These are inherently red flag girls generally.

>> No.58671858


I'm sorry, her fucking what? Hopefully those have been lost.

>> No.58672509

others have done it better

>> No.58672684

Women have always existed on 4chan, since the beginning in 2003
anons forget all the camgirls and attentionwhores who would plague /b/, /a/, and other threads for years. Nyanners is only different because she had a decently successful youtube channel early on, along with being part of the 4chan IRC clique.

>> No.58672904

I don't. Ugly cunt.

>> No.58673023

This guy has thrown and stuck with so many false accusations at random youtubers that i'm legitimately surprised he hasn't been sued for Libel and slander already. Fuckers like these are why dramachannels are the cesspool of youtube
fun fact, he also admits to being a regular /pcg/ user, funny enough

>> No.58673561

nyanners is the blueprint of every western vtuber.

>> No.58673650

No-one would ever cancel someone for randomly accusing people of being pedos, that's zoomers' favorite pastime

>> No.58673861

why isn't anyone else funny then

>> No.58673897

They arent, but women have to be built very different to make a career out of pandering to 4chan dudes, for better or worse.

>> No.58673906

i thought he hated vtubers

>> No.58674096

You don't know how to read or what? Some anon pulled them out of his ass during a sticky thread.

The shit with nyanners didn't stop at doxxing, anyone who thinks she abandoned this place because of mere hypocrisy is a parroting faggot or a sociopath.

>> No.58674530

she still comes here to check on /vsj/ from time to time afaik

>> No.58674743

because nyanners is a one of a kind and every copy of her just doesn't get it... and yes i truly believe this. Nyanners is (for me) peak comedy. Shiddin&fardin will never not be funny.

>> No.58675124

2020/2021 pee-poo nyanners was the worst arc though, she knows how to be actually funny. wish I could still watch her without feeling like shit.

>> No.58675146

He's featured both pippa and random pcg screenshots in some videos, and had the thread open during a livestream.

>> No.58675272

Nyanners was explicitly posting audio and cosplays of herself on /a/ through her own volition. From the archives I've seen, she was posting shit unprompted. Maybe it was different in the IRC but since I'm not a faggot attentionwhore, I will never know what kinds of shit she posted in front of IRC niggers. Is this the fate of all 4channeller egirls? Backstabbing their audience when the monetary and fame incentives aren't worth anymore? Is the "troll's remorse" syndrome inevitable for these cocksuckers? She did finally found someone who can tolerate her two-faced nature so good for her. I do hope Pippa and Shiori won't fall from the same fate as her but I've been growing cynical with all of the e-celebs trying to bury their past associations with this website.
>don't make 4chin your identity retard hurr
fuck off. Normalfags must die

>> No.58675560

>4chan is full of le evil sociopaths that are a threat to society!
You need to go back. I'm not a sociopath for not having sympathy for someone who did everything here of her own volition. And for the last fucking time, she wasn't underage when she was here. This is yet another lie perpetuated to make 4chan seem like the sinister evil that corrupted her or something.

>> No.58675641

i'm curious, what do you mean?

>> No.58675700

its like why "gamer girls" are seen as piece of shit grifters like pokimane. the audience is a bunch of lonely dweeb men, and the few women that ARE a part of it decide to make the most of it by manipulating the weak minded ones.

>> No.58675799

You shit eating, mouth breaking niggers need to understand, just because you personally dislike nyanners, DOESN'T mean what happened to her is okay.
>She wasn't underage!
And you're telling me to go back
Lurk for a thousand years and then kill yourself.

>> No.58675958

>happened to her
>her own actions

>> No.58675998

I agree on the corrupted part being bullshit, but anon she had schizos record themselves pissing on a dead family member's grave, if that's "deserved" for being a vocaroo whore than its time to shut down 4chan

Also while 16 is debatable to some, it still is technically underage for this website.

>> No.58676074

boyfriend. mocked her gachis

>> No.58676103

Pomu also has underageb& noods from here as well but she never made stink about it. Meanwhile, Ny*nners did a lot of more for attention like posting on infinitychan, joining the whole goymergay activism, and a whole bunch of shit before tumblr knew her existence and lovebombed the fuck out of her into dissociating from this heckin unwholesome chungus of a website.

>> No.58676119

Sit the fuck back down child. I was THERE in those /a/ threads. Not once was it ever brought it up that she was underage. And 4chan DID make note of whenever some underage bitch tried to come here for attention, we didn't give them the time of day, we wanted them to fuck off. Also whatever shit you're talking about with nudes was not even a thing back then, if that happened later then I don't even know about it because I stopped thinking about her after she fucked off from here. It has nothing to do with the initial reason why she broke off from here so stop acting like it does.

>> No.58676160

Oh, weird. I remember him seeing a pippa short one time, getting mad and then shouting into his mic in rage. He's actually a pcg lurker? What was that about then

>> No.58676373

Then you're a fool.

>> No.58676674

I respect her because she's one of the very few streamers I find entertaining enough to actually watch for an extended period of time. Most aren't really worth watching beyond the clips.
And she's a great singer, hopefully she makes more music with Aethelstan now that she's banging him.

I don't care if she's a hypocritical 2faced bitch, if that was something that'd keep me from watching her I wouldn't be watching TV shows/movies and listening to music made by people way more fucked up than her in the entertainment industry.

>> No.58676716

i avoid those streams as well. And to be frank i was really pissed bc of her IRL steams and him appearing on stream. Nevertheless i do not feel like her streams of her just being Nyan have changed at all. I somehow have to give her props for not going full fleshie. I feel like her bf is trying to push her into that direction. But despite her recent streams i still can't bring myself to hate her.

>> No.58676944

it takes a special type of attention whore to decide to come to an anonymous image board to make a name for yourself.

>> No.58676970

imagine if the average attention-starved, no-love-from-parents shitposter /here/ could make a living from just existing and making a few 4chan references here and there. well you dont have to imagine because 4chan grifters are what you get.

>> No.58677499
File: 905 KB, 4096x3277, 1694887463161200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the website in general?
Because its an easy way to get attention from an "edgy crowd". Basically the same type of women who join social discords and start saying weird shit to get people to join them in VC

For /vt/?
Because it's one of, if not the most active vtuber discussion forums in the west, so having some connection with your audience /here/ makes sense.

As for /here/tubers, it ranges from being the same as the previous point to wanting an audience that their niche caters, like the tactical tubers.
Alot of anons like to use Pippa as the biggest example of a /here/tuber, but her success honestly had little to nothing to do with her connection to /vt/

>> No.58684270

>Nevertheless i do not feel like her streams of her just being Nyan have changed at all
sorry, it's different. i don't know if you know about the Mr. Brightside insident but she straight up did everything she could to send me into a mental breakdown, I don't want myself to watch her and sympathize with her again after that.

>> No.58686226

I really want to see the media you reject if you think nyanners is hotshit compared to it.

>> No.58686380

>Alot of anons like to use Pippa as the biggest example of a /here/tuber, but her success honestly had little to nothing to do with her connection to /vt/
Yeah she was just spammed on both TCR and Jim's death streams by fags from here not here itself. It's unrelated.

>> No.58687315

>Mr. Brightside insident
You mean the time she saw this edit (that a nyan gosling made) in the vshojo thread: https://files.catbox.moe/wdl50x.mp4 and then did a karaoke of mr brightside the next day? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4bTpyFkZyE
>she straight up did everything she could to send me into a mental breakdown
Thats just the mental illness speaking. Nyan didnt change, you just stoppped being in love with her or being a gosling to put it into /vt/ terms which changed your perception of her. Her content is still the same.

>> No.58687342

Nyan did what she did of her own volition. This site is 18+, she chose to ignore that rule. Not my problem. Now she has ghosts that haunt her to this day. We have rules for a reason. Discussion over. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.58687412

>why are...4chan...such shitty people in general?
You know why. Also I want to stab anyone that says "4channelers" stop that.

>> No.58688080


>> No.58688307

I like that only about half the people replying noted that it's a red flag when a girl comes to a mostly male space to solicit attention, while the other half are just "heh what if racist /pol/turd but GIRL?". Truly, 50% of this board is reddit.
