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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58655744 No.58655744 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58655790

At least she's doing well and is relatively happy right now. Source: ****

>> No.58656071
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>> No.58656109

I don't really care much about her, but I'd like to know that Chihiro is doing well.

>> No.58656141


>> No.58656406

Too bad she doesn't miss (You)

>> No.58656537

Talentless hack.
You know someone is a grifter /here/ wanna be hack when her "dream" was to meet Hiro. It's like ewwww imagine a girl coming out and saying that about Moot?

>> No.58656790
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>> No.58657382

Holy newfag.
Chicks were all over moots dick ever since the site went up.
He probably banged lots of chicks at the 4chan convention panels.

>> No.58657963

I wish guys died in real life too

>> No.58658196
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>> No.58658308

>Expecting anything else than a typical 4chan npc reply from retards
My point still stands. If a /here/ vtubere showed up, Moot still owned the site and her entire thing was "OMG I WANNA MEET MOOT HE IS SOOOOOO COOL HE INSPIRED ME!" are you telling me that you would find that "based"? Fuck no,you would drop that grifter whore in a second.

>> No.58658351


>> No.58659186

Retard, gookmoot is a big celebrity in Japan, especially among young people.

>> No.58659732

Celeb woshiping normalfaggot like Bea can never be "based" nor /here/. She was a turbo grifter hack with a few weird kinks. This is apparently good enough for newfaggots like you, to call someone "le based".

>> No.58659797
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>> No.58659863

She was special.

>> No.58659893

Bea abandoned you.

>> No.58659926


>> No.58660064


>> No.58660760

>Talentless hack.
On the contrary, she had talent in abundance, was capable of doing so many things, but lacked the drive to do any of it seriously.

>> No.58661307

Post the dildo.

>> No.58661552

God its like watching and unfiltered Azumanga Daioh character

>> No.58662577
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I hope you've jumped into new projects since she left. Risunas are very talented. If you miss the good days, go out and make your own.

>> No.58662662
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At least you don't have to see your oshi being princess carried by burly men

>> No.58667670

Goslingfag still mad. lmao

>> No.58669109

I wasn't even a gosling. From the moment she showed up I smelled a grifter menhera cunt on her. People that followed her were mostly thirdies in their teens that were overly excited to be a part of 4chins "culture". You could tell by the amount of tired old memes and buzzwords spamming. It was honestly beyond cringe.
Considering how she was "vtubing" aka posting selfies and pics/videos of her body, no fucking wonder.

>> No.58670462
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I will never get how a decently funny chuuba got such an insane fanbase, legit discord dads are worse than both kiwifags and SEA facebook posters combined, and still fuck with other fanbases to this day.
Their thread was very kino though
Are you saying she's in JAV now? Based

>> No.58670779
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>I will never get how a decently funny chuuba got such an insane fanbase, legit discord dads are worse than both kiwifags and SEA facebook posters combined, and still fuck with other fanbases to this day. Their thread was very kino though
Exactly my thoughts. And besides being funny, fuck she was incredibly valuable as a jpnet dweller. Old 4chan and /jp/ would have killed hundreds to have someone like her around. Literal treasure trove of 2000's JP memes, niconico content etc.

>> No.58670894

Holy shit, this, I learned so much obscure JP shit from here, it was amazing, you can't get this from any other existing vtuber.

>> No.58670952
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>find her bandmates' twitter
>pretend to be Bea's old friend from college
>be convincing as you watched every stream and remember rrats created by those informations + leaks from inner circles
>he gives me her actual account and tells me where she works
>her twitter is private
>check out linkedin and create an account pretending to be a random girl from her company
>she accepts
>instantly datamine all her twitter stuff before she notices I'm a schizo and not anyone she knows outside streams
>she cries in her posts that she still can't find a BF
that didn't happened btw

>> No.58671034
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I've done a lot of jp reps in the last year
but now I got no bea to watch

>> No.58671405

>Discord dads
Other than throwing accusations at kiki and /pyon/ years ago they haven't done shit, stop making up lies

>> No.58671521

When I was quitting my job, I thought one of the benefits would be that I could stay up late watching Bea again. I hope she is doing better than me.

>> No.58672986

Based eurotard

>> No.58673091

>she cries in her posts that she still can't find a BF
How is that possible?

>> No.58673157

exactly. I'd watch bea just explain weird jp shit all day long that was so much fun.

>> No.58676083

I hate and love these bea threads. I hate them because I can't stand all the newfags that come here each time (you weren't part of bea's community and never will, latefag) but i also love talking with dads

>> No.58676231

Blue moka I'm waiting for more of your drawings

>> No.58676251
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>you weren't part of bea's community and never will, latefag
ok ok ok but you are MEGA cringe

>> No.58676287

holy shit you sound like a mega faggot

>> No.58676579

>Anon learns that most of the current /vt/ userbase came within the last year at most: Part 1000

>> No.58676599
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Revisionist are hilarious but I highly doubt he was getting pussy while he was admin here, hell you guys completely rewrote the time he got cucked by that feminist bitch so hard he left the site in embarrassment claiming that (i've been here 15 years i-i'm just tired).

As for Bea I'm glad she left too, /vt/ was going to end up being a bad influence on her but thankfully unlike Pippa and Kiki she's Japanese so she knew better to leave.

>> No.58676861

I'm better than (you)

>> No.58679923
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>> No.58680134

Temako literally started out on the same channel as her IRL account.
She separated them herself.
I know this because I literally saw her collabing with someone on Apex weeks before she decided to do that silly 10k debut. Who she collabed with is what I am trying to remember though.

Dude, he had pictures of himself around chicks all the fucking time at the cons. Lurk the fuck moar.
The fact you not only posted Pippa but can only think of a recent thing relating to moot that a certain board shitposted about hardcore tells me all I need to know about you, tourist.

>> No.58681010

this is not a lie

>> No.58681867

Most /vt/ users right now came with the latest holo gen. You can tell by the way they post and try to make this place into a reddit tier hugbox

>> No.58682475

My favorite part of Bea was how unhinged she was. Yeah her wish was to grow (hence the reddit shilling) but then some new guy would come in and ask something in the chat and she would be SHOCKED that he had the audacity to even ask that and tell him to LURK MORE!
LMAO what a retard. She was hilarious.

>> No.58683081

I don't know shit about her. But her avatar is so well made. For me, it wasn't the rigging or complexity but also how the outline of her model fades and blend well into background, like proper anime character.
Most Hololive models opted for higher contrast which made them stood out from a distance, but also look out of place up close.

>> No.58683185

she made her own model, bea is a talented person but the lack of desire and the fact that she gets bored easily affects her work.

>> No.58683528

The audience reflects the streamer, and Beatani was extremely menhera.

>> No.58685285
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>> No.58686404

stop speaking like a nigger

>> No.58686455


>> No.58687833
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>> No.58688104

everyone fart on the count of three

>> No.58689597

I'm still a bit confused by the interest in Temako. She acts like a dumb slut and people go all savior over her so she doubles down on being a slut. I don't think she should stop but why all the attention?

>> No.58689679

even bea thought she's a stupid slut

>> No.58690393

I just miss c3...

>> No.58690581

>she's Japanese so she knew better
I miss when we bullied the fuck out of Japan worshipping faggots like you on this site.

>> No.58690930


>> No.58691102

No but you clearly are if you don't remember how we looked down on gaiafags that worshipped Japan and wished they were Japanese.

>> No.58691320

Meanwhile, Pippa makes like 30k in superchats every month

>> No.58691942

and Coca-Cola makes millions every day, what's your point?

>> No.58692274

Corrupting girls is fun. But then Temako became increasingly NTR-y by:
> getting full body oil massages from males and posting the audio on the channel
> "Acting" incredibly amazed by two random viewers who showed her their cocks, calling them bigger than anything she's seen before (even in porn)
> talking about marriage quite often
> in the meantime, her other account has pictures of her being really touchy with men

So it backfired on us all. But I still miss her even if my heart was hurting from all the NTR.

>> No.58693291

no way

>> No.58693645

As someone who isn't emotionally invested, whatever left in her youtube was amazingly hot.
Legit first non AVTuber I fapped to.

>> No.58697652 [DELETED] 

She will return

>> No.58697943

Did something happen to her? Ive never watched Bea

>> No.58698130

watch enter the void and get back to me

>> No.58698824

Graduated and become a wagie

>> No.58699139

she already was, she did the streams before going to work and she used to tease the dads saying that her coworkers were better looking than them.

>> No.58699144

i hated the updated rigging

>> No.58699411

In the end who did the most damage? I want to say it's A*****

>> No.58699879

The idiot single-handedly brought it all on himself.

>> No.58700408

Not even top ten. Snus carried Burgerland on his back.

>> No.58700515

I completely missed Beatani when she was around. It seems like you dads had fun.

>> No.58701376

Lmao FBI want him, if he easily falls for random pussy he'd be imprisoned in no time

>> No.58701538

This place need more investigator like you

>> No.58701634

Still more sane than most /here/ chubba

>> No.58701748

But her coworker will never love her more than us

>> No.58701774

Despite the declining birthrate and absolute cuckmaxxing of Japanese males, their bushido spirit is still alive. They will absolutely not accept a woman who is not completely subservient and meek and a dead starfish in bed.

>> No.58701904

Real talk: /yah/ and the discord were cesspits of mental illness. It’s better that it’s over. It was a merciful death.

>> No.58701931

You know who I miss? Majou Carol. Wonder if the feds got to her or if her mom finally set her straight

>> No.58701963

Real talk: Mental illness in chuubas is good.

>> No.58702182

i still wonder if she ever read that poem
she probably didnt and it kind of makes me smile

>> No.58702306

If a fan bought her the KU100 ASMR microphone she was legit offering to let them rawdog her (or do whatever they want baring marriage), realistically if any of her fans was filthy rich, even a gaijin, she legit wouldn't mind getting in a relationship with them for the money, with all the sex you might want. Temako was a huge whore, and her price was 10k USD. Having her as my oshi, I never regretted being poor more than I did then. I could've married my fucking oshi. I could've creampied her every night. I hope there's a new game+ to life, cause goddamn.

>> No.58702906

It just occurred to me that Fuwatani is probably in a landfill by now.
The thought warms my heart.

>> No.58703631

Started watching Kiki lately, and apparently those two had beef? What was that all about?

>> No.58703656
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Literally who

>> No.58703760

The old admin was a weeb himself and the new admin is 100% Japanese deal with it, No shit people would prefer Bea over some western whore like Peepants

>> No.58704314

Confirmed never watched her. She was more talented than most Holos. If someone with her talent were in JP it would be over

>> No.58704469

Ask /freak/ or /meat/. They said she has reincarnated as 2 view seiso blonde

>> No.58704535

head like a hole

>> No.58704896

It was all the Discord. I told you about those Discords, it's in the name. Everyone needs to go the Holo route. Her own textboard was a good idea

>> No.58704976

>I could've married
Are you retarded? She would have cheated and eventually left. You can't marry those women.

>> No.58705507

bow down before the bea brush

>> No.58705529

she listed her goals the other day in twitter, number 55 being in big red font. MARRIAGE.

>> No.58705591


>> No.58705657

lol fucking retard, I'm not surprised

>> No.58706023

If she’s happy then I’m happy.

>> No.58706248

Some of these posts tell me why the green whore from Eien was that popular. Vtuber fans are just a bunch of pathetic cucks.

>> No.58706507


>> No.58706715

fauna farts on the downlow

>> No.58707859

what happened to the dads?

>> No.58708045

They all died of bone lengthening surgery

>> No.58708048

>She was more talented than most Holos
this is some massive cope. pretty much everyone in Holo JP has incredible skill in something. your streamer is just some dumb ESL bitch that somehow got the attention of retards here that have never seen a /here/tuber before

>> No.58708072


>> No.58708081

big sniff

>> No.58709971 [DELETED] 

She misses you

>> No.58712196

Weird fetishists have their kinks.
Hell, even I quite like her videos since I'm in to latex, but I don't particularly care for balloon stuff, I care more about shiny clothes.

>> No.58712232

She hated her audience.

>> No.58712233

I hope that's not who I'm thinking you might be talking about because lol lmao that's not her.

>> No.58712505

>feds got to her
Newfag here, for WHAT?
Why is captcha so fire today

>> No.58712573

Dads... it's long past time to let go.

>> No.58713604

>doesn't even specify anything to qualitatively dismiss
Yep, oblivious

>> No.58716804
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>> No.58718110

Hey dads, hope you are ready for Bea to debut in Phase Connect gen3.
There is a confirmed JP speaker there and both Lumi and Pippa have been mentioning her recently.

>> No.58720792
File: 904 KB, 1000x2678, 1688428540107105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realise i'd miss this goofball so much. Its like theres a hole left for a comfortable tragicomedy chuuba that hasn't been filled since.

>> No.58721018

unlikely, tenma hates her

>> No.58721153

she sounds perfect

>> No.58721259

>There is a confirmed JP speaker there
Yes, Morino Peari.

>> No.58721298

