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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58601143 No.58601143 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.58601204

is the guy on the left wearing makeup

>> No.58601252

Both sell their idols to go on dates with stakeholders. Promoters and the like.

>> No.58601288

sort your tie out, riku, jfc

>> No.58601320

fuck holo talents vs niji talents. I want to see CEO vs CEO in a fight.

>> No.58601340

Finally the ultimate battle.
Riku vs Yagoo

>> No.58601393

riku looks like an anime villain

>> No.58601480
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, 1693283239301129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a cover shareholder actually asked about that in a public meeting

>> No.58602064

Sorry to break it to you, but that wasn't a shareholder, Shion was just doing regular enkou.

>> No.58602415

It's endlessly funny to me how Riku literally has an anime villain face.

>> No.58602488

I love my oshi, the stocks

>> No.58605067

I feel like Yagoo does too, they're like opposite ends of the same spectrum

>> No.58605218

CEO worship will always be cringe.

>> No.58605256

If I became a shareholder in cover my only contribution to every meeting would be a mangled translation of "fubuki wife?" I would not attempt to learn or understand any other japanese but would sit quietly on every meeting and wait for my chance to ask this question.

>> No.58605418

Yeah. me.
I bought $1 worth of holo stock and got a bj from marine.

>> No.58606823

Skinwalker looking motherfucker

>> No.58606880

>a faggot who only thinks about money
>another faggot who only thinks about dicks
They're made for each other

>> No.58607546


>> No.58607788

If you put it in terms of the Yakuza games: Riku has a face of the guy who is openly antagonistic and trying to kill Kiryu throughout the game; Yagoo looks like the guy who betrays Kiryu after he defeats Riku and it turns out Yagoo was the big bad boss the entire time.

>> No.58607818

You see that "ir" in the url? That means "For Investors" so yeah, the message will be addressed to stockholders, crazy right?

>> No.58607909

>>another faggot who only thinks about dicks
stop thinking dick 24/7 and 12 months anon

>> No.58611689


>> No.58616116


>> No.58616590

tazumi looks like he'd be in the world economic forum
just saying

>> No.58620374

>they think it's a joke
Meanwhile your oshi is servicing japanese wrestler cock mandated by yagoo the pimp

>> No.58625335

Riku like MJ Plastic Face lol

>> No.58625973

Hell yeah Riku vs Tanigo recreating that fateful day of 1998 when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table

>> No.58628515
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im dumb, explain the difference of a shareholder and an investor to me. arent they both just buying a part of something? i really dislike business jargons

>> No.58632593

they wont do it again

>> No.58632775

>source: I'm making it up
>t. eternally assblasted nijikek

>> No.58632984

I was a bluepill holobro too once. The truth shocked me awake

>> No.58633719

And that's why you became a nijicuck where they totally don't do that right? Sure sure

>> No.58633962

shareholders and stakeholders are different you NEET fuckers

>> No.58634588

To be honest Yagoo expression here made me laugh

>> No.58634967

I'd recommend you to read "the great reset" if you really want to know what this jargon is about but for the sake of your sanity maybe it's better if you don't.
That said, an investor lends you money that you have to return with profit. A shareholder buys part of the company and it's traded like stock market. And stakeholder in this context, I assume it refers to the viewers but I'm not sure either.
tl;dr is that niji is full of globohomo speak, while cover is not.

>> No.58637997

>To be honest Yagoo expression here made me laugh
It made me laugh too

>> No.58638590

CEO worship is cringe but only if your side has genuine evil peace of shit CEO.

It's why people loved Iwata who took a paycut when the Wii U under performed and why John Ritticolo cheese is getting "real" death threats for his shit at EA and now Unity.

>> No.58639052

Why is riku's face so round.

>> No.58639245

hes chinese

>> No.58639271

Jesus was the og CEO, it's inevitable.

>> No.58639662

Riku looks like the kind of villain who would piss on your corpse because he genuinely hates you, yagoo looks like the one who'd treat you with respect and simply finds it regrettable that you opposed him

>> No.58640012

anon you know that not every rrat on this board is true right

>> No.58641739

Who is going to win in the longrun?

>> No.58644275

Those two really need competition

>> No.58646433

Honestly I still have some big respect for Yagoo for when he took a big paycut in the Chink drama. May not be the most honest man out there, but that was a move that Riku wouldn't have ever done, and taking the shit on yourself in order to protect your talents is something I can get behind.

>> No.58646541
File: 91 KB, 607x743, 11474-the-mystery-of-the-druids-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize that's why they're forced to go in person to Japan

>> No.58647534

Really they're practically the same statement when you break down what they're actually saying. Big investments + global growth. Though it does show how different the company culture, or at least PR, is. Yagoo's is a lot more clear on both what they've done and where they are going. They've developed a VR project, and are working on a metaverse (social media) project. There's also a clear confidence in their expansion westward working and their talent have as intellectual property. Riku's almost feels like its talking around the point, there's lot of content and business models just wait and see. This isn't to say they are doing nothing, but they aren't selling it as clearly. Leaning more into business buzzwords.

>> No.58647930

So Yagoo respects our intelligence. For the business to work, four groups of people have to work together: fans, talents, investors, and companies they partner with. Sometimes we’ll hate each other and fight, but all four of us are in this together, and all four groups are important. All four won’t all be happy at the company’s decision, but they have to balance it out and they’re admitting that.
Riku is being newly mouthed and pretending as if we’re all naturally friends and something’s wrong with you if you have a problem with things.
Yagoo is acknowledging we’re not the same as the investors or the talents, we’ve got our own agency, just as the talents and investors and partner companies do.
Riku is acting like being a fan of talents means you have to be a fan of the company because it’s all the same…even though it’s not. It’s like he’s a scammer trying to filter anyone with self-respect or something.
The only reason anyone invests in them over Cover is the fucking market cap. Everything else is so fucking dire.

>> No.58652106


>> No.58652429

Yagoo fired Kiryu

>> No.58654701

Smile YAGOO smile!
Don't be like Riku.

>> No.58655054

stakeholder is a very broad term that can apply to everyone from investors, fans, talents, managers, etc.

>> No.58655577

>souless corporate lingo carefully crafted to appease investors
>Thx for the money we're gonna keep turning people in weebs rumao

>> No.58658085

creepy like the fans, KEK

>> No.58660751

it's over
the greatest vtubing age has ended
now there's nothing left but a shell of what once was

>> No.58661043

I want to invest in Cover. What do I need to know if I'm investing for the first time? I was going to try investing through my bank account, but I get a message saying that I have to call someone in order to invest in Cover. And that's kind of embarrassing.

>> No.58661116

In all honesty I don't know that I'd invest in cover right now. Unless unity backtracks, one of the biggest projects cover has been hyping up is going to be delayed inevitably while they attempt to move to unreal.

>> No.58661437

I mostly want to invest because I'm a big fan. But what makes you think Cover isn't just going to pay the Unity fees?

>> No.58661507

lmao this can't be real, but I can actually see it happening.

>> No.58663953

It wasn't as explicit as that, but there was a shareholder that asked if there would be shareholder exclusive events. It depends on if you want to read into it more and determine that they were actually insinuating private orgies.

>> No.58664086

you think you support cute anime girls but in reality its these two who get your simp bucks

>> No.58669974

WTF I want to be an investor now

>> No.58670853

>It wasn't as explicit as that
So you made it up
>It depends on if you want to read into it more
So you made it up

>> No.58671437

Shareholder events are when you party for network and drink wine. No orgy going on anywhere unfortunately, at least not for us >0.1% owners.

>> No.58676315

It wasn't orgy for sure, but IRL Idols sometimes had to serve as hostess/bar girl for the investor parties. And this dumbass asked the same thing about Hololive talents.
Whether they slept with the men or not varies, ranging from deliberate sleep their way up to coercion.

>> No.58677412

Japan kimoi.

>> No.58678909

I find it funny how people mention death threats like they're suppose to be serious, every time there's some sort of drama/controversy, guaranteed "death threats" will be brought up in some way, like how is that suppose to stop anyone? oh nooo~! some faggot online said he wants to cut my throat and rape my dead body cause they hate me! oh noo! 20 more people said they want to turn me into a rotisserie chicken and eat my delicious corpse! seriously, humans today are fucking pathetic.

>> No.58678997

Well you can say goodbye to Council now.

>> No.58679091

It's different when a nigga in his office want to throttle his neck, faggot.

>> No.58679293

if you think some angry office nerd coworker is going to actually kill you, he would have done so and not hid behind anonymous online posts. If you find any sort of death threat scary, you're the real faggot here.

>> No.58680397

Yagoo may be a inspiring person but riku is not gay at least

>> No.58680585

I feel the need to point out that shareholders and stakeholders aren't the same thing. Stakeholders includes employees of a company (the term means quite literally anyone who has a stake in the company, not just investors) so it includes the livers themselves. Pedantic, I know, but it's really been bugging me seeing everyone get this shit wrong.

>> No.58680762

I really doubt wealthy investors are going to be shelling dosh to sleep with these girls the same way they do for actual idols, actresses, etc. Not to get into doxxshit but I think it's fair to say the girls aren't exactly millionaire escort material you know?

>> No.58680872

They're the same, technically investor could also include people who lend money to the company but really it's mostly used to describe people who own stock in a company aka shareholders (they're called shareholders because they hold shares).

>> No.58681024

Hey it's not me who asked. Besides the Idol girls aren't exactly 10/10 without make up.
The novelty matters for people with too much money.
Even for "Shareholders" you gotta split them to internal share owners and public share owners.
Internal shares are owned by people like Yagoo and Riku and not publicly traded but between people of similar standing.
Public shares are accesible to everyone, you included, and those are what you see being traded in the market.

>> No.58681096

It’s just that it’ll be a headache and you’d be better off investing somewhere else in the couple of quarters it’ll take to get things going. Like, just put it in an index fund for now and reconsider in a few months when we see how much this unity shitshow delayed things. Because they’re definitely going to do something about this situation, but that’ll take time. That means you’ll likely have more money to invest in them later if you just invest somewhere else right now.

>> No.58681490

Every share is publicly traded unless the company specifically has a dual stock structure (mostly just means the CEO has super special shares that say that he gets to decide how the company is run) which is rare and a quick search tells me Cover only has one share class.

>> No.58681803

Ah, I though cover had a board. I stand corrected.

>> No.58681881

They have a board surely.

>> No.58688249

Wheres VShojo?
